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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brain control of reproductive aging : GnRH neuroterminal, glia and portal capillary interactions

Yin, Weiling 05 May 2015 (has links)
Reproductive function is essential to the survival of all species. In mammals and other vertebrates, the control of reproduction relies on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, with the primary driving force provided by hypothalamic GnRH neurons. In the median eminence, the decapeptide GnRH are released in a unique pattern from GnRH neuroterminals into the portal capillary system as part of reproductive cycle. During aging, the biological rhythms of GnRH release are altered in a species-specific manner, with a reduction of GnRH pulsatility and surge in aging female rats resulting in reproductive senescence, which happens much earlier than gonadal failure in rats. Relatively few studies have focused on regulation of GnRH release at the neuroterminal level in the median eminence during reproductive aging. Therefore, the aims of this dissertation are to 1) Study the regulation of GnRH secretion at the neuroterminal level, focusing on glutamate transmission; 2) Ascertain the interaction between GnRH neuroterminals and their surrounding microenvironment focused on glial cells and the portal capillary system in the median eminence; and 3) Analyze age and hormone effects on GnRH neuroterminals and their microenvironment. An aging ovariectomized female rat model was used to study the effects of age and hormones on GnRH neuroterminal system. Fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used in conjunction with several imaging analysis tools. I mastered the use of cryo-embedding multi-probe immunogold labeling electron microscopy, which was essential to visualize and quantify the ultrastructral changes in GnRH neuroterminals. I combined the serial electron microscopy with cryo-embedding immunogold electron microscopy preparation and developed a new technique to examine biological markers with a three-dimensional perspective at the cellular level. Results from a series of four research projects showed: 1) There is a novel glutermatergic pathway in GnRH neuroterminals, which may regulate GnRH secretion; 2) There are dramatic age related morphological changes in the GnRH neuroterminal /glia/ portal capillary system of the median eminence that may be involved in reproductive senescence and other neuroendocrine system impairments with age; 3) Serial electron microscopy combined with immunogold labeling technique is a useful method to study the regulation of neuronal signaling pathway. Although my studies were performed on a rat model, it seems reasonable to predict that some of these changes in the median eminence with age may apply to other species, including humans, relevant to some of the menopausal symptoms in women. / text
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Identificação e caracterização de substância amiloide em oócitos murinos e humanos e embriões de camundongos / Amyloid like substance in mice and human oocytes and embryos

Pimentel, Ricardo Novato 31 May 2019 (has links)
Introdução: Estudos prévios com leveduras evidenciaram um importante papel de substâncias amiloide (SA) na regulação da gametogênese, questionando seu potencial como marcador da qualidade gamética. Contudo, até o presente momento, nenhum estudo avaliou a presença de SA em óocitos e embriões de mamíferos. Objetivos: Descrever a presença, caracterizar o padrão de distribuição e comparar os níveis das SA em óocitos maduros e embriões pré-implantação, utilizando modelo murino. Identificar, caracterizar o padrão de distribuição e quantificar SA em oócitos humanos em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (VG- vesícula germinativa, MI- metáfase I e MII- metáfase II) e estabelecer a correlação entre os níveis de SA nos oócitos e as características clínicas de pacientes submetidas a estimulação ovariana controlada (EOC) para fertilização in vitro (FIV). Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo piloto experimental, prospectivo, utilizando 20 oócitos maduros e 200 embriões pré-implantação de camundongos (1 célula, 2 células, 4 células, 8 células e blastocistos) e 46 oócitos humanos imaturos e in vitro maturados, doados por 11 pacientes submetidas à EOC para FIV. Oócitos em MII e embriões pré-implantação de camundongos congelados, imediatamente após o descongelamento, foram fixados para imunocoloração para visualização de SA por microscopia confocal e por microscopia imunoeletrônica de transmissão. Oócitos humanos imaturos (VG e MI) e maturados in vitro (VG Parado, MI, MI Parado e MII) também foram fixados e imunocorados para avaliação de SA, utilizando o mesmo anticorpo, por microscopia confocal. Para quantificar a imunocoloração de SA, nos oócitos e ao longo do desenvolvimento embrionário inicial, foi utilizado o programa ImageJ. Resultados: Em todas as amostras (camundongos e humanos), a imunocoloração para SA aparece por toda a zona pelúcida, bem como no citoplasma e no núcleo de oócitos, corpúsculos polares e embriões pré- implantação. Em camundongos, o estágio embrionário de 2 células apresentou níveis mais elevados de SA (69000187,4 DP 6733098,1 a.u.), quando comparado aos outros estágios de desenvolvimento (p <0,0001). A microscopia imunoeletrônica confirmou a presença de SA em oócitos e embriões pré- implantação. Em humanos, oócitos no estágio de VG, frescos, apresentaram níveis mais elevados de substância amiloide (4164.7 DP 1573.5 a.u.), quando comparados a oócitos em MI e MII (p = 0,008). Foi encontrada uma associação negativa entre níveis de SA e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) (-0,54; p = 0,0007), o número de dias de estimulação ovariana (-0,44; p = 0,002), a dose de hMG (-0,44; p = 0,002), o tempo entre a captação dos oócitos e a fixação das amostras (-0,33; p = 0,02) e o tempo decorrido após o trigger (-0,33; p = 0,02). Níveis elevados de SA foram encontrados em oócitos de pacientes que apresentaram valores de hormônio anti-mülleriano (AMH) entre 1 e 3 ng/ml, quando comparados a <1 ng/ml (4592,7 DP 2126,3 a.u vs. 737,3 DP 14,7 a.u.; p = 0,0002) e > 3 ng/ml (4592,7 DP 2126,2 a.u. vs. 3197,3 DP 895,0 a.u ; p = 0,006).16 Conclusões: Nós demonstramos pela primeira vez que as SA estão presentes no citoplasma e núcleo de oócitos murinos e humanos e embriões pré- implantação de camundongos. Também mostramos que as SA se distribuem de forma heterogênea ao longo do processo de maturação de oócitos humanos e do desenvolvimento pré-implantacional de embriões de camundongos. Embriões murinos no estágio de 2 células e oócitos humanos no estágio de VG apresentaram os maiores níveis de SA. Evidenciamos também uma correlação entre os níveis de SA nos oócitos humanos e características clínicas de bom prognóstico em pacientes submetidas a FIV, como por exemplo, baixo IMC e valores normais de AMH. Levando em conta que as SA estão envolvidas em mecanismos fundamentais relacionados a alterações celulares patológicas, bem como no processo de divisão celular, estudos futuros devem investigar o seu possível papel como biomarcador do envelhecimento e/ou da qualidade oocitária / Introduction: Previous studies with budding yeasts evidenced an important role of amyloid substances (AS) in the regulation of gametogenesis, questioning its potential as a marker of gametic quality. However, to date, no study has evaluated the presence of AS in mammalian oocytes and embryos. Objectives: To describe the presence, to characterize the distribution pattern and to compare AS levels in mature oocytes and preimplantation embryos using murine model. Identify, characterize the distribution pattern and quantify AS in human oocytes at different stages of development (GV- germinal vesicle, MImetaphase I and MII-metaphase II) and establish the correlation between oocytes AS levels and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing control ovarian stimulation (COE) for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Methods: An experimental prospective pilot study was carried out using 20 mature oocytes and 200 preimplantation mouse embryos (1-cell, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8- cell and blastocysts) and 46 immature and in vitro mature human oocytes donated from 11 consenting patients submitted to COE for IVF. Frozen MII oocytes and mouse preimplantation embryos, immediately after thawing, were fixed for immunostaining for visualization of AS by confocal microscopy and by transmission electron microscopy. Immature (GV and MI) and in vitro mature (GV Arrested, MI, MI Arrested and MII) human oocytes were also fixed and immunostained for AS evaluation, using the same antibody, by confocal microscopy. Fluorescence intensity from immunofluorescent staining and data from confocal microscopy were quantified using ImageJ program. Results: In all samples (mice and humans), immunostaining for AS appears throughout the zona pellucida, as well as in the cytoplasm and nucleus of oocytes, polar bodies, and preimplantation embryos. In mouse, 2-cell embryos exhibited higher levels of AS (69000187,4 SD 6733098,1 a.u.) when compared to the other stages of development (p <0.0001). Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of AS in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. In humans, fresh GV stage oocytes exhibited higher levels of AS (4164.7 SD 1573.5 a.u.) when compared to MI and MII oocytes (p = 0.008). A negative association was found between levels of AS and patient body mass index (BMI) (-0.54; p = 0.0007), number of days of control ovarian stimulation (-0.44; p = 0.002); (-0.34, p = 0.002), dose of gonadotropin used, time between oocyte retrieval and fixation (-0.33; p = 0.02) and time after the hCG trigger (-0.33; p = 0.02). Significantly higher levels of AS were found in patients with AMH between 1 and 3 ng/ml, compared to <1 ng/ml (4592.7 SD 2126.3 a.u. vs. 737, 3 SD 14.7 a.u.; p = 0.0002) and > 3 ng/ml (4592.7 SD 2126.2 a.u. vs. 3197.3 SD 895.0 a.u.; p = 0.006). Conclusions: We demonstrate for the first time the presence, distribution, and change in AS throughout mouse and human oocyte maturation, and mouse embryonic development. Two-cell mouse embryos and GV human oocytes had the highest levels of AS. We also determine associations between AS in human oocytes with good prognosis clinical characteristics in patients submitted to IVF, such as low BMI and normal AMH values. Considering that AS are involved in fundamental mechanisms related to pathological cell changes, as well as in the19 conclusion of cell division process, future studies should investigate their possible role as a biomarker of oocyte aging and/or quality
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Neuroendocrine mechanisms of natural reproductive aging in female rats

Kermath, Bailey Ann 29 January 2014 (has links)
Female reproductive senescence is widespread among mammalian species, but menopause is limited to species with menstrual cycles. While hormonal changes at menopause have profound impacts in the lives of women at middle age, the complex mechanisms underlying this process remain obscure. All three levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis are involved in reproductive aging, and evidence highlights a critical role for the dysregulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, the hypothalamic cells that drive reproductive function. To investigate neuroendocrine mechanisms that may initiate and perpetuate reproductive decline at each step in the transition to acyclicity, I utilized an ovarian-intact middle-aged female rat model of natural reproductive senescence. These studies focused on three hypothalamic nuclei that are known to control GnRH activity: the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), the site of positive hormone feedback onto GnRH neurons; the arcuate nucleus (ARC), the site of negative feedback; and the median eminence (ME), the site of GnRH release, with the following specific aims: 1) Characterize neuroendocrine gene and protein expression in female rats throughout the natural transition to acyclicity; 2) Determine the effects of chronic N-methyl-D-asparate receptor subunit 2b (NMDAR-NR2b) inhibition in acyclic females; and 3) Examine neuroendocrine gene expression during premature reproductive senescence after perturbation of the HPG axis. The results of these studies identified novel molecular and cellular changes with age and reproductive cycle status in the ARC and ME, two regions that are underappreciated for their roles in reproductive senescence. Surprisingly, few molecular targets were identified in the AVPV, a region that is much better-studied in this context. In the ME and ARC, I found changes in transcription factors and evidence of altered hormone feedback via changes in sex steroid hormone receptors and enzyme expression with reproductive aging. I also discovered decreased expression of genes for the excitatory neuropeptides, kisspeptin and neurokinin B, as well as decreased percentage of kisspeptin immunoreactive cells and their co-expression with estrogen receptor alpha in the ARC. And finally, in the ME, neurotrophic factor expression was changed with age, and the presence and phosphorylation state of the NR2b subunit of the NMDA receptor contributes to a greater inhibitory tone with acyclicity. Together these studies have identified novel pathways, especially in the ARC and ME, that are related to reproductive decline. Furthermore, changes in the hypothalamic neural and glial network of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, hormone receptors and other transcription factors are likely contributing to altered responses to hormonal feedback and decreased excitatory drive for GnRH release. / text
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Atuação das proteínas do relógio na senescência reprodutiva de ratas Wistar / Clock protein action in the senescence reproductive of female Wistar rats

Nicola, Angela Cristina de [UNESP] 12 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ANGELA CRISTINA DE NICOLA null (angela_bio2006@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-07T18:16:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Angela.pdf: 2735259 bytes, checksum: bcfc7217ff01dee64fa4ca1839e45c76 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Rimoli de Oliveira null (anapaula@foa.unesp.br) on 2018-02-09T17:42:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 nicola_ml_dr_araca_int.pdf: 2735259 bytes, checksum: bcfc7217ff01dee64fa4ca1839e45c76 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-09T17:42:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nicola_ml_dr_araca_int.pdf: 2735259 bytes, checksum: bcfc7217ff01dee64fa4ca1839e45c76 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O envelhecimento é considerado processo multidimensional no qual fatores ambientais podem proteger ou, inversamente, agravar seus sinais, de maneira não linear, nos processos fisiológicos e neurocomportamentais. Durante este processo, os ritmos circadianos são interrompidos ou fragmentados com dissociação consequente dos ritmos circadianos do indivíduo e disfunções relacionadas ao relógio circadiano contribuem para o envelhecimento e para patologias a ele relacionadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar possível alteração temporal do sistema CLOCK no eixo HPG e a relação com às alterações hormonais que caracterizam a periestropausa. Foram utilizadas fêmeas adultas com ciclo estral regular (CD) na fase do diestro e fêmeas senis com ciclo estral irregular e persistência da fase do diestro (IDP). Para análises de expressão gênica dos clock genes Per2, Rev-erbα e Bmal1 no eixo HPG, foram utilizados punchs das regiões do NSQ, onde também foi analisado RNAm de AVP, APO e HMB destes animais, além da adenohipófise e ovários dos quais se extraiu o RNA para confecção do cDNA e realização de qPCR. A determinação da atividade neuronal vasopressinérgica no NSQ foi realizada por imunoistoquíca com dupla marcação para cFos e AVP em tecido previamente fixado com paraformaldeído. A concentração plasmática de gonadotrofinas foi determinada por radioimunoensaio. De modo geral, os animais IDP revelaram alterações no perfil de expressão gênica durante o fotoperíodo, com redução de amplitude, deslocamento/desalinhamento de fase e ausência de antifase. O NSQ de animais IDP apresentou menor expressão de Rev-erbα e maior expressão de RNAm para AVP em relação ao grupo CD. A quantificação relativa de Bmal1 foi semelhante em ambos os grupos e não houve diferenças entre grupos na expressão de Per2. Na APO, animais IDP apresentaram maior expressão de Per2 e menor quantidade de RNAm para Rev-erbα. No HMB observou-se menor expressão para Per2 e Rev-erbα e maior expressão de Bmal1 nas fêmeas IDP. Per2 e Bmal1 na adenohipófise tiveram menor expressão que o gene Rev-erbα no grupo senil e o ovário destes animais revelou maior expressão para Per2 e Rev-erbα, em comparação com os animais CD. As concentrações plasmáticas de FSH foram maiores nas fêmeas com ciclo irregular (2,05 ± 0,44 ng/mL), principalmente durante a fase clara, assim como o LH (0,24 ± 0,07 ng/mL), cujos maiores valores foram encontrados durante a fase escura e com perfil semelhante ao RNAm de AVP. As imunomarcações revelaram alta atividade vasopressinérgica na porção dorsomedial do NSQ das fêmeas IDP. Juntos estes dados permitem concluir que há desarranjo na expressão temporal dos genes Per2, Rev-erbα, Bmal1 que compõem a maquinaria molecular do relógio circadiano, bem como de RNAm para AVP no NSQ, de fêmeas Wistar na periestropausa. Além disso, a maior atividade neuronal vasopressinérgica e a ausência de oscilação de Rev-erbα e Bmal1 no NSQ destes animais, comprometem a correta comunicação do relógio central do NSQ com o eixo HPG, inviabilizando a manutenção da fertilidade feminina e contribuindo para a senescência reprodutiva. / Aging is considered a multidimensional process in which environmental factors can protect or, conversely, aggravate its signals, non-linearly, in physiological and neurobehavioral processes. During this process, circadian rhythms are disrupted or fragmented with consequent dissociation of the individual's circadian rhythms and circadian clock-related dysfunctions contribute to aging and related pathologies. The objective of this study was to investigate possible temporal alteration of the CLOCK system in the HPG axis and the relation with the hormonal changes that characterize periestropause. Adult females with regular estrus cycle in the diestrous phase (RD) and old females with irregular estrous cycle and persistent diestrous phase (IPD). For analyzes of the gene expression of the genes Per2, Rev-erbα and Bmal1 in the HPG axis, punchs from the NSQ regions were used, where AVP, POA and MBH RNAm from these animals were also analyzed, as well as the adenohypophysis and ovaries from which they were extracted the RNA for cDNA production and qPCR performance. The determination of the vasopressinergic neuronal activity in the NSQ was performed by immunohistochemical with double labeling for cFos/AVP in tissue previously fixed with paraformaldehyde. The plasma concentration of gonadotrophins was determined by radioimmunoassay. In general, the IPD animals show alterations in the gene expression profile during the period analyzed, with amplitude reduction, phase shift / misalignment and absence of antiphase. The NSQ of IPD animals presented lower expression of Rev-erbα and higher RNAm expression for AVP than RD group. The relative quantification of Bmal1 was similar in both groups and there were no differences between groups in the expression of Per2. In PAO, IPD animals showed higher expression of Per2 and less amount of RNAm for Rev-erbα. MBH showed lower expression for Per2 and Rev-erbα and higher Bmal1 expression in IPD females. Per2 and Bmal1 in the adenohypophysis had lower expression than the Rev-erbα gene in the old group and the ovary of these animals showed higher expression for Per2 and Rev-erbα, in related to to the RD animals. Plasma concentrations of FSH were higher in females with irregular cycle (2.05 ± 0.44 ng / mL), mainly during the light phase, as well as LH (0.24 ± 0.07 ng / mL) whose values were found during the dark phase and with a profile similar to AVP RNAm. Immunolabeling demonstrated high vasopressinergic activity in the dorsomedial portion of the NSQ of the IPD females. Together these data allow us to conclude that there is a breakdown in the temporal expression of the Per2, Rev-erbα, Bmal1 genes that make up the molecular machinery of the circadian clock, as well as RNAm for AVP in NSQ of Wistar females in peri-masterpause. In addition, the increased vasopressinergic neuronal activity and the absence of Rev-erbα and Bmal1 oscillation in the NSQ of these animals compromise the correct communication of the central clock of the NSQ with the HPG axis, making it impossible to maintain female fertility and contributing to reproductive senescence.
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