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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How motivation can be explained by consumer engagement : A quantitative study on how consumer engagement affects motivation to rank and review in an online context

Segerslätt, Jakob, Jensen, Christoffer January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: Explain how consumer engagement affects consumers motivation to rank and review on price-comparison sites. Hypotheses raised:H1 - There is a positive relationship between affective consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to rank products online.H2 - There is a positive relationship between affective consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to review products online.H3 - There is a positive relationship between cognitive consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to rank products online.H4 - There is a positive relationship between cognitive consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to review products online.H5 - There is a positive relationship between behavioral consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to rank products online.H6 - There is a positive relationship between behavioral consumer engagement and theconsumer's motivation to review products online. Methodology: Cross-sectional social survey design with a self-completion questionnaire. Conclusion: Based on this research all hypothesis tied to each individual dimension has been accepted, thus it can be concluded that consumer engagement does have a positive relationship with consumer’s motivation to engage online.

Ulrich Brieler: Die Unerbittlichkeit der Historizität : Foucault als Historiker, Köln : Böhlau, 1998 (Rezension)

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 25 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Michel Foucault hat als Philosoph historisch gearbeitet und in großen Synthesen die europäische Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte umzuschreiben versucht. Was unter Philosophen immer mühevoll gerechtfertigt wird, nämlich daß Kollege Foucault Umwege einschlug und Archive traktierte, bevor er mit Thesen zur abendländischen Rationalität aufwartete, das hat unlängst ein Historiker als etwas Selbstverständliches vorgeführt. In Ulrich Brielers monumentaler Studie findet sich Foucaults Denkweg als Forschungsweg beschrieben, als historiographische Praxis.

Winfried Schröder (Hg.): Anonymous [Johann Joachim Müller], De imposturis religionum, Stuttgart 1999 (Rezension)

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 07 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Abhandlung von den drei Betrügern war ein Konzentrat der ketzerischen Meinungen des modernen Europa in einer Zeit nicht nur der Kirchen-, sondern auch der Religionskritik. Schröders Edition bringt nach einer langen Einleitung den Text der in der Nationalbibliothek Wien aufbewahrten la teinischen Handschrift, großzügig durch Fußnoten kommentiert, in denen auch die Varianten der drei Druckausgaben des 18. Jh.s verzeichnet sind, die wiederum neueren Ausgaben zugrunde liegen, deren fehlerhafte Lesarten zugleich korrigiert werden. Sodann bietet Schröders Edition eine deutsche Übersetzung der Schrift, die von Johann Christian Edelmann stammt und unter dem Titel "Von den Betrügereyen der Religionen" in einer einzigen Breslauer Abschrift existiert.

Lucien Braun: Philosophie et Iconographie, Strasbourg 1994 (Rezension)

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 07 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Bilder der Philosophie und andere Repräsentationen des Philosophischen sind uns heute vor allem über Erzählungen vertraut: Anekdoten und Geschichten vielerlei Art stützen unser Wissen von dem, was Philosophie ist, ihrer Realität und der Realität ihrer Vorstellungen. In schriftlicher Form (Bücher) und in mündlicher Form (Vorlesungen) werden solche Erzählungen repetiert und variiert, schematisiert und internationalisiert. Eine ganz andere Repräsentationsform sind Bilder, die nicht zur sprachlichen Metaphorik gehören: Allegorien und Symbolisierungen der Philosophie, auch Stiche, Gemälde oder Fotos von Philosophen etc.

Measuring the effectiveness of drug utilization review in a health maintenance organization

Eng, Howard June January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

School, learning and mental health : a systematic review of aspects of school climate affecting mental health and positive academic outcomes

Bertills, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Aim This study of a systematic review of systematic reviews on school, learning and mental health investigates the relation between school climate, mental health and positive school outcomes. The aim is to analyze the quality and content of previous reviews and to identify aspects in the school climate that positively affect learning and mental health. Research questions are: What is the quality and content of previous systematic reviews on school, learning and mental health? What is the current state of knowledge concerning causal relationships between school climate, learning and mental health according to systematic reviews? What factors in the school climate can be identified as vital for positive outcomes and good mental health? Method Systematic review of longitudinal or cross-sectional studies. 792 references were identified through literature searches in various databases, with search words considering mental health in combination with search words considering school and learning. Data extraction was performed in three steps; abstract, full text and in-depth data extraction. Criteria for inclusion were: systematic review, published 1999-2009, ages 2-19 years, published in English in peer reviewed journals. The number of reviews that met the criteria set for quality was 37, which were quality rated as of high 27% (10/37), medium 46% (17/37) or low quality 27% (10/37). Results Three categories of content emerge, where much research has been executed: the relation between positive aspects of mental health and learning, between mental health problems and learning and indirect relations between school factors and mental health and learning. The quality is relatively low, only 8% (3/37) meet all the quality criteria. At school level, where the teacher plays an important role, there is a positive relation between school climate and outcome and mental health, as well as on an individual level, where self-efficacy, i.e. will and skill to perform, can be identified as a factor of major importance to school outcome. Conclusions Due to the low quality of research on the relation between school, learning and mental health causal relation cannot be established. There are apparent connections between school outcome, self-efficacy and a positive school climate. Teachers are important in and for school climate and are of vital importance for outcome and mental health. Students’ possibility to influence and control their learning promote school outcome and mental health. Policy aimed at improving achievement and school outcome need to consider perceived self-efficacy. / Syfte och frågeställningar Denna studie av en systematisk översikt över systematiska översikter om skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa undersöker relationen mellan skolmiljö, psykisk hälsa och positiva skolresultat. Syftet är att analysera kvalitet och innehåll i tidigare översikter samt att identifiera faktorer i skolmiljön som påverkar lärande och psykisk hälsa positivt. Frågeställningar är: Vad är kvaliteten hos och innehållet i tidigare systematiska översikter om skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa? Hur ser aktuellt forskningsläge ut gällande orsakssamband mellan skolmiljö, lärande och psykisk hälsa enligt systematiska översikter? Vilka faktorer i skolmiljön kan identifieras som avgörande för positiva skolresultat och god psykisk hälsa? Metod Systematisk översikt av longitudinella eller tvärsnittsstudier. 792 referenser identifierades genom litteratursökningar i olika databaser, med sökord avseende psykisk hälsa i kombination med sökord gällande skola och lärande. Dataextraktion genomfördes i tre steg; abstrakt, fulltext och djupare data extraktion. Kriterier för inklusion var: systematisk översikt, publicerad 1999-2009, ålder 2 – 19 år, publicerad på engelska i tidsskrift granskad av sakkunnig. Antalet översikter som uppfyllde uppställda kriterier för kvalitet var 37 som kvalitetsbedömdes som av hög 27% (10/37), medel 46% (17/37) eller låg kvalitet 27% (10/37). Resultat Innehållsmässigt framträder tre kategorier där mycket forskning genomförts: relationen mellan positiva aspekter av psykisk hälsa och lärande, mellan psykisk ohälsa och lärande, samt indirekta samband mellan skolfaktorer och psykisk hälsa och lärande. Kvaliteten är relativt låg, endast 8% (3/37) uppfyller samtliga kvalitetskriterier. På skolnivå, där läraren spelar en viktig roll, finns det en positiv relation mellan skolmiljö och skolprestation och psykisk hälsa, såväl som på individnivå, där self-efficacy, dvs. vilja och kompetens att prestera, kan identifieras som en avgörande faktor för skolprestationer. Sammanfattning På grund av den låga kvaliteten på forskning om relationen mellan skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa, går orsakssamband inte att fastställa. Tydliga kopplingar finns mellan skolresultat, self-efficacy och en positiv skolmiljö. Lärare är viktiga i och för elevernas skolmiljö och spelar en avgörande roll för skolprestation och psykisk hälsa. Elevens möjlighet att påverka och kontrollera sitt lärande bidrar positivt till skolprestation och psykisk hälsa. Policy för att förbättra skolprestation och skolresultat behöver beakta individens upplevda self-efficacy.

Kvinna Och Kropp. Två hinder vid en hjärtinfarkt

Mårtens, Sara, Björklund Hansson, Karolina January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: To describe the gender impact on the situation of women at the onset of myocardial infarction and describe why women wait to contact medical caregivers when showing symptoms of myocardial infarction. Method: Literature review with a descriptive design. Articles was retrieved from PudMed and Cinahl. Findings: Women are affected more than men of the so-called atypical symptoms of a heart attack. This means that they can not always relate the symptoms to a heart attack. In some cases, female patients have had an ongoing heart attack without knowing it. In addition to the diffuse symptom picture can also gender, women's social role and status have a major impact on the decision to seek care. The fear of disturbing, denial and not to be taken seriously, plays a major role. Women find it difficult to put their own needs first. Conclusion: The authors of this study believe that more information is needed to reach out to the public continuously for women to recognize atypical symptoms of heart attack. Keywords: Atypical Symptoms, Literature review, women / Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva genus inverkan på kvinnors situation vid insjuknande av hjärtinfarkt och beskriva varför kvinnor väntar med att söka sjukvård vid symtom på hjärtinfarkt. Metod: Litteraturstudie i beskrivande design. Artiklarna söktes fram i databasarna Pubmed och Cinahl. Resultat: Kvinnor drabbas oftare än män av så kallade atypiska symtom vid en hjärtinfarkt. Detta gör att de inte alltid kan relatera symtomen till en hjärtinfarkt. I vissa fall så har kvinnliga patienter haft en pågående hjärtinfarkt utan att veta om det. Förutom den diffusa symtombildens så kan även genus, kvinnans sociala roll och status ha en stor inverkan på beslutet att söka vård. Rädslan för att störa, förnekelse och att inte bli tagen på allvar spelar stor roll. Kvinnor har svårt att sätta sina egna behov förts utan tänker i första hand på hemmet och familjen. Slutsats: Författarna till denna studie anser att mer information behövs nå ut till allmänheten kontinuerligt för att kvinnor ska känna igen atypiska symtom på hjärtinfarkt. Nyckelord: Atypiska symtom, Litteraturstudie, kvinnor

Usage analysis of dermatological products according to a medicine claims database / Marna Moore

Moore, Marna January 2006 (has links)
A large number of people all over the world suffer from skin conditions. Dermatological problems comprise about 10 % of a general practitioner's caseload and probably more for pharmacists. The literature furthermore emphasises that skin diseases are becoming a significant problem in the developing world. There is a need to establish an effective method to achieve good health and quality of life for patients with dermatological problems. The general objective of this study was to investigate the usage patterns and cost of dermatological products in the private health care sector of South Africa by using a medicine claims database. The focus was specifically on dermatological products with a prevalence of more than 10 % in the database. A quantitative retrospective drug utilisation research design was used to evaluate the usage patterns and costs of dermatological products in three four-monthly intervals of 2001 and 2004. Data were analysed by using the Statistical Analysis System, 9.1 (SAS). The dermatological product groups for this study were antibacterial and antifungal drugs, corticosteroids and anti-acne products and were analysed according to the MIMS classification. Of all analysed prescriptions issued only 8.57 % (n = 126 447) during 2001 (N = 1 475 380) and 6.82 % (n = 177 122) during 2004 (N = 2 595 254) consisted of dermatological products. Of the total number of products prescribed, the dermatological products constituted 4.77 %I (n = 140 701) for 2001 (N = 2 95 1 326) and 3.77 % (n = 199 976) for 2004 (N = 5 305 882). The total cost of the dermatological products was 4.98 % (n = R18 913 889.92) of the total cost of all medicine products during 200 1 (N = R379 708 489). During 2004 (N = R66 1 223 146) the total cost of dermatological products was 4.09 % (n = R27 025 540.48) of the total cost of all medicine products in the database. The cost-prevalence index for 2001 and 2004 respectively showed that the dermatological products were relatively expensive with values of 1.03 and 1.09. The antibacterial and antifungal drugs, corticosteroids and anti-acne products represented 91.92 % (n = 129 336) and 87.97 % (n = 175 9 16) of all dermatological products during 2001 (N = 140 701) and 2004 (N = 199 976), respectively. These dermatological groups named above represented 91.57 % (n = R17 319 645.61) and 85.85 '% (n = R23 200 594.71), respectively, of the total cost of dermatological products during 200 1 (N = R18 9 13 889.92) and 2004 (N = R27 025 540.48). It was further found that the majority of dermatological products prescribed during the research periods was innovator products. The prevalence of innovator products for 2001 was 86.17 % (n = 12 1 249) with a total cost representing 94.16 % (n = R17 809 603.12). For 2004 the prevalence was 82.33 % (n = 164 640) with a total cost representing 91 .O1 '% (n = R24 594 923.72) of all the dermatological products prescribed. The number of innovator and generic products claimed during 2001 amounted to 86.17 % (n = 12 1 249) and 13.83 % (n = 19 452) respectively of the total number of products claimed (N = 140 701). During 2004 the number of innovator and generic products represented respectively 82.33 % (n = 164 640) and 17.67 O/o (n = 35 336) of the total number of products claimed (N = 199 976). The prevalence in the use of the dermatological products during 2004 increased with 55.25 % from January to April versus September to December. The cost-prevalence index indicated that the dermatological products were relatively expensive during January to August 2004. During September to December 2004 the cost-prevalence decreased and indicated that dermatological products became inexpensive. The average cost of dermatological products during the 2004 study period showed that the cost decreased. January to April (before implementation of the new single exit price structure) was compared to September to December (after implementation of the new single exit price structure). This comparison indicated that the average cost decreased by 22.88 %. It can be summarised that the average cost in the last study period decreased due to the changed price structure. The innovator products' prevalence was high and therefore more generics are needed in dermatology. If more generics are used the total cost of dermatological products might also decrease. The number of dermatological prescriptions increased towards 2004, but this may be because of more members or more medical aids claiming through this database. / Thesis (M.Pharm.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Efficacy of Postural and Neck Stabilization Exercises on Acute Whiplash-associated Disorders: A Systematic Review

Drescher, Kara, Hardy, Sandra, MacLean, Jill, Schindler, Martine, Scott, Katrin, Dumont, Tyler 30 July 2007 (has links)
Recorded on July 27, 2007 by Eugene Barsky, Physiotherapy Outreach Librarian, UBC / N/A

Physical Therapy Exercise Interventions in Tendinosis Injuries

Brown, Paul, Lazjerowicz, Cleo, Martin, Aislin, Phillips, Margaret, Yeates, Michelle, Li, Linda 30 July 2007 (has links)
Recorded on July 27, 2007 by Eugene Barsky, Physiotherapy Outreach Librarian, UBC / N/A

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