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Účinnost revitalizací tůní v Knížecím lese na biodiverzitu rostlin a obojživelníkůPrašivková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Floodplain forests of Židlochovice Forest Enterprise belongs to the largest complexes of floodplain forests in the Czech Republic. Due to changes in hydrological conditions on the territory of the Knížecí les the revitalization was done in the 90s of the 20th century, which should help to re-bring water into the floodplain forest (building revitalization's canals, pools and wetlands). Built pools are important for biodiversity of plants and animals, especially have an important role in the reproduction of amphibians. The aim of the work is to assess the effectiveness of the revitalization of the pools for biodiversity of plants and amphibians on the example of the Knížecí les.
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Řešení revitalizace konkrétních ploch průmyslových a armádních brownfieldů / Revitalization of specific areas of industrial and military brownfieldsHEJPETROVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Revitalization of specific areas of industrial and military brownfields" is divided in two parts. In teoretical part, there are defined brownfields and connected terms. Then are brownfields divided according to several aspects, thesis also solve revitalization, mapping and financial issues. Practical part of thesis characterizes one indrustral and one military brownfield, desribes history and recent condition and possibilities of their future use.
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Rekreační potenciál středního toku VáhuPolláková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic "Recreational potential of the middle watercourse of Váh river". In the literature part are defined basic concepts of tourism and its potential, recreation and its potential, recreational landscape and its potential and capacity. The diploma thesis characterizes the impacts of recreation on the environment, the impacts of tourism on the economy, methods of evaluation of tourism and recreational potential and revitalization of watercourses. The next part of the work describes the area of interest from various perspectives, modified but close-to-nature watercourse and a technical canal and includes the results of the field research and photographs. The final part contains the evaluation of the effect of revitalization measures of watercourses on the recreational value of the area, a summary of the results and propose measures.
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Revitalizace vytěžených zlatých dolů v GhaněKalivodová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents a solution for restoration of gold mines in Ghana. The solution was created as a model example for a solving territory. The restoration aims are repair of environmental damage and socio-economic development in region. The thesis was divided into two parts. The proposal of the solution was created based on an assessment of local climate, edaphic conditions and social and economic situation of local community. Issues of mining and its legislative framework were evaluated in the first part. The result is restoration through planting trees. Forest plantation will be created in selected area. Agroforestry system will be used for management of plantation. Identifying the most suitable funding way was performed in second part. Funding opportunities were chosen in public and private sector. The proposal of the project was modified according to chosen opportunities. The most suitable organization, which provides grant possibilities, was selected in public sector. The project application was created according to regulation of organization. Business plan was created for private sector in order to obtain an investor. Business plan includes financial, economic and risk analysis. Both options have different procedure, but both will ensure the same aim of restoration. The results were applied to the whole studied area and developmental benefit was evaluated.
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Zhodnocení stavu veřejné zeleně ve vybrané části obce FryčoviceZátopková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the state of public parks in territorial memorials to the victims of the 2nd World War, in the rear. The work is theoretical and applied character. The theoretical part of the basic concepts of public space and it's typology, urban greenery, it's function, dividing urban green according to the functions, stress factors greenery in urban environment, revitalization, it's importance, benefits, inventory. Chapter Principal legislation a brief overview of the content of laws, standards that relate to the topic. There is also described the history and present spatial investigated. Trees, diseases and pests are most commonly found here. The last chapter deals with comparison of methodological approaches. There are mentioned most frequently used methodologies and others. In the experimental part is based on the results of the inventory of trees created a draft safeguards. They also include a proposal for replacement planting. Proposed species are selected to meet the demands on the post as soon as possible and create the required aperture.
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Potenciál využití městských brownfields na příkladu města BrnaPodešvová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of brownfields in urban environments and is focused on brownfields in Brno. The potential of brownfields is presented on a concrete example of the revitalization. In a work was chosen brownfields located in the city of Brno. Then was created the project of its revitalization. This brownfields is located in the Pisárecké Valley between the Anthropos Pavilion and the recreation area of the Riviera. Project is made in two versions. The first variant deals only with area of this brownfields, the second variant deals with this brownfields and its closed areal. This area was also previously led as a brownfields area. The revitalization project is based on historical and qualitative dispositions of the com-plex. Also take into account the spatial plan of Brno and the results of the survey. A visual design of the brownfields revitalizations was created using AutoCAD software to compare the situation before and after the revitalizations. Also was created a plan of costing and plan of timetable of planned revitalization. The study also presented problems of available databases of brownfields. After analys-ing an available information has been proposed a plan of comprehensive database.
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Finanční nástroje revitalizace brownfields vybraného regionu / Financial instruments for the revitalization of brownfields in selected regionMENCL, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate financial instruments for the revitalization of brownfields. Brownfield is an estate that is not currently being used it´s neglected and requires some renovation. In the first part of this thesis there are the financial instruments described on the revitalization of brownfields at national and European level. The history of financial instruments for the revitalization of brownfields in the Czech Republic is described here, too. You can also find here some examples of successful revitalization at national and international levels. The second part focuses on the analysis of brownfields in area of Jindřichohradecko. In total there are 8 registered brownfields analyzed and their possible utilization and financing is designed. The research was carried out by using questionnaires for citizens, mayors and owners of brownfields. The results were compiled into graphs and subsequently described. It was made a review of brownfields to determine the current state of these objects. Public awareness of the issue of brownfields was also examined.
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Revitalizace plochy zeleně Praha Libuš při ulici Brunelova / Revitalisation of the landscape part of Prague 4 along the Brunelova streetKosinková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the revitalization of public green spaces in the City of Prague Libuš. The aim was to propose appropriate solutions with regard to the close communications, a private school and a rehabilitation center and create a safe and recreational space that would improve living conditions for the inhabitants of the large housing estate settlement in Libuš. It was necessary to analyze the region in terms of natural conditions, broader relations and infrastructure before the proposal. The analysis of the current state was conducted, including the inventory of the trees and field survey. Furthermore, based on the questionnaire survey conducted, the locals, students and teachers from the private school nearby expressed their views on the given territory. It has been found, thanks to the method Time-Lapse Photography Study, which parts of the territory people frequently move in and that was also reflected in the design of the area. The evaluation of the main tendencies of current and future development of the territory and the mutual comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the area with the potential opportunities and threats are made in the SWOT analysis. A proposal, that would increase the interest of the locals in the area, was created on the basis of the results of analyzes conducted. Since it is a very rundown area, there must be a significant reduction in the number of seeding trees, removing stumps and building rubble. The functionality of insulating greenery and the natural character of the area must be maintained simultaneously. There will be an overall increase in the attractiveness and safety of the territory thanks to the revitalization of greenery, building of road networks, the placement of furniture and other technical elements. The area would not deserve only to shorten the route, but it might be used for short-term recreation by the visitors.
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Sociálně vyloučené lokality a jejich revitalizace; Případová studie: Ústecký kraj. / Socially Excluded Localities and Their Revitalization. Case Study: Ústecký Region.Zoubková, Věra Thea January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the incidence and revitalization of socially excluded localities in a defined study area. The aim of this contribution is to identify and visualize the situation of the Ústecký Region in order to find common patterns of urban deprivation occurrence and to establish the guiding principles of revitalization policies in the Czech Republic. The research took place from September 2010 to June 2015. It combined qualitative and quantitative methods, in-situ and desk research. An analysis of primary and secondary data revealed 130 excluded localities in 42 towns and cities out of 354 in the region. The majority of deprived localities (87 %) can be found in highly urbanized areas. Two thirds of localities are small areas with up to 100 inhabitants. Socially excluded areas emerge in the centre, residential districts as well as on the outskirts of towns; however, three fifths of localities are not spatially segregated. Prefabricated housing estates are the largest and most populated deprived areas. Every other inhabitant of socially excluded localities in the Region lives in a prefabricated house. Brick houses are the most proliferated type of housing facility used as accommodation for socially excluded people. They can be found in every other deprived area. Vast majority of them was built before 1989. Family houses are deprived very scarcely; however, they belong to the most dilapidated part of socially excluded housing estate. Two thirds of localities have developed naturally, while the other third has been created by a regulated relocation of socially excluded people. Vast majority of deprived areas have existed for more than 5 years. Private property prevails. Half of the localities have entered the process of revitalization to improve the urban environment, human resources and security. Applied policies aim to keep the inhabitants in place and improve the quality of public space and service. However, involvement of residents in local regeneration policymaking is weak and ineffective. The renewal process depends on grants and subsidies. Europeanization is strong especially in big cities; nevertheless, most localities are small and therefore don't qualify for the sources of the built environment programs which prefer large areas of intervention. Results of revitalization process differ from one locality to another. Areas of housing and employment fall behind in particular. As far as property regeneration is concerned, the best owners are municipalities, house unit owners associations and housing associations. Not in one case, however, reaches the share of regenerated housing units 50 % of deprived properties. In any case, the market prices of local flats stay low compared with those of correspondingly equipped properties elsewhere in town.
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Obnova historických parků u drobných panských sídel na příkladu studie obnovy zámecké zahrady v Doudlebách nad Orlicí ve východních Čechách / The renovation of historical parks near the small feudal residences on the example of the study of the renovation of the castle garden in Doudleby nad Orlici in Eastern Bohemia.Faltysová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is the processing methodology and presentation process how to restore monuments of garden art. On the example of the revitalization of the castle garden immovable cultural monument Castle Doudleby nad Orlicí, based on the study of literature, similar interventions and the analysis and interpretation of various types of archival material the current quality of historic garden was evaluated. It is based on field survey, which consists of dendrological research, analyzing the authenticity of trees and appreciation of all the collected documents, historical sources and professional literature. Concept recovery of castle garden is based on the expert authority´s binding point of view of the state care of historical monuments.
Renaissance castle in Doudleby nad Orlici is located in the eastern part of the town on a slightly raised hill on the right bank of the River Divoká Orlice. There was a wooden medieval fortress with the farmyard on this place in the 13th century. Sr Mikuláš from Bubno started to build a hunting lodge in the Renaissance style as villa in 1588, which was finished in 1590. The significance of Renaissance residence, which complement the early Baroque elements from the late 17th century, is enhanced by the opulent and impressive sgraffito - carpet pattern covering all external and internal frontage, restored in 1886 by Kirchner. The tall chimneys are the part of decoration in the courtyard decorated with sgraffito as well. The chateau complex is formed along its circuit of farm buildings and residential buildings. Building of castle itself is separated by a park with old trees and newer lawns (Hieke, 1984).
Castle park in Doudleby nad Orlicí was founded in 1809 in compositional continuity of the Renaissance castle building. The park forms one organic complex with the castle. The promoter strived, like in the castle rooms, to demonstrate here his wealth, his sense of art and his botanical-dendrological knowledge. The park is designed as a narrow disposition in landscape style and it is composed as a long vista to the castle. The area of the landscape park is 3.76 hectares nowadays.
The literature search is especially dedicated to the Renaissance and its relationship to the garden art. The monument care in the Czech Republic and the activity of professional organization of the monument care of the National Heritage Institute in Josefov is introduced in this section.
The methodological guide describes the used bolsterings and resulting outputs on the basis of them are implemented of such measures, which will help to improve the health and vitality of existing promising trees and new plantings of trees, which are consistent with the original composition with emphasis on the rehabilitation and upgrading of historical value of the object. Treatment of trees and supplementary planting will be done within the frame of total revitalization of the castle park.
The practical unit describes the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. The inventory trees is the essential tool for analyzing the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. Inventory, which should provide quality base for a draft recovery, should also be addressed in certain parts with characteristics of individual species (Krejčiřík, 2015).
The results of field investigation were completely recorded in the graphical output.
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