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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planification inverse avec approche par segments anatomiques et non anatomiques en radiothérapie externe appliquée à l'ORL

Lavoie, Charles. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (M.Sc.)--Université Laval, 2006. / Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 28 mars 2007). Bibliogr.

Parametriska designverktyg i detaljplaneprocessen : en fallstudie av verktyget Volymskissaren

Eliasson, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Byggbranschen tampas idag med problem inom bland annat effektivisering, underbyggande av beslut och kommunikation. Under en detaljplaneprocess ska flera aktörer samarbeta för att tillsammans komma fram till ett förslag som uppfyller en mängd krav på bästa sätt. Traditionella arbetsmetoder gör framtagning av analyser tidskrävande och svårförstått. Parametriska designverktyg tillåter snabb, interaktiv modellering och skulle avsevärt kunna underlätta byggbranschens utmaningar men det saknas idag utredning om vilket behov på sådana verktyg som finns och hur dessa behov borde uppfyllas.  Syftet med examensarbetet är att öka förståelsen för varför ett parametriskt designverktyg behövs i utvecklingen av byggprocessen samt utforska hur ett sådant verktyg kan utformas. Målet är att fylla en del av den kunskapslucka som finns för hur parametriska designverktyg upplevs av aktörer med yrkesrollen arkitekt, beställare och kommun samt vilket behov som finns för parametriska designverktyg. Därtill är målet också att producera ett förslag till fortsatt utveckling av parametriska designverktyg. För att uppnå målen genomfördes en fallstudie av verktyget Volymskissaren. Studien är en induktiv, kvalitativ fallstudie med utforskande art där de olika aktörerna intervjuades för att undersöka behov och utvecklingspotential med parametriska designverktyg. Kvaliteten på intervjuerna säkerställdes genom att först utföra en intervjumetodikstudie. Intervjuerna hölls sedan via videosamtal. Intervjudata transkriberades och analyserades.  Resultatet konstaterar att det finns ett behov av parametriska designverktyg i detaljplaneprocessen. Framförallt är det behov av att snabbt och enkelt kunna producera multipla skisser med tillhörande analyser för att kunna underbygga beslut, kunna ändra dessa interaktivt och ett behov av bättre kommunikation än traditionella metoder. Aktörerna anser i dagsläget att verktyget är väl lämpat för att möta behov av bland annat förbättrad kommunikation, iteration, analysering och kunskapsutbyte men att verktyget är något begränsande och att det finns ett motstånd till denna typ av arbetsmetod. Föreslagen utformning utgår från det aktuella verktyget och inkluderar ett antal utvecklingssteg såsom fler tekniska element, analyser och utökad möjlighet för kommunikation och förståelse. En förändring av arbetsprocessen föreslås också för optimal användning av parametriska designverktyg i detaljplaneprocessen.

Podpora dynamického DOM v zobrazovacím stroji HTML / Dynamic DOM Support in an HTML Rendering Engine

Kocman, Radim January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create an extension for rendering engine CSSBox. This extension will implement Document Object Model interface for the Client-Side JavaScript. The first part of this thesis describes the CSSBox project, the current state of JavaScript engines, Document Object Model used in web browsers and the final design based on Adapter and Abstract Factory patterns. The rest of the text describes implementation issues with the W3C DOM specification and compares the speed of this extension with web browsers.

Predictive policing in an endangered species context : combating rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park

Koen, Hildegarde Suzanne January 2017 (has links)
Approximately three rhinos are poached daily in South Africa. Rhino poaching is a serious problem that a ects not only the rhino population of South Africa, but also the rhino population of the world. South Africa has the largest rhino population and of those rhinos the largest number can be found in the Kruger National Park (KNP). The KNP has been hit the hardest by the poaching epidemic, losing 1,175 rhinos in 2015 alone. Two big challenges are the size of the park and the unknown locations of both the poachers and new poaching events. The KNP is the size of a small country and there are simply not enough rangers to patrol this area e ectively. A costly solution would be to employ more rangers, but a proposed alternative is to reduce the search space and thus ensure that the rangers are allocated to the high risk areas first. A mathematical model was developed in the form of a Bayesian network (BN) to infer the most important factors contributing to poaching events and to model the rhino poaching problem. This model can be used to predict the area in which a future poaching attack could take place and thereby reduce the search area of rangers. The model also serves as a vehicle to enhance the understanding of the problem and encourage reasoning and discussion amongst decision makers. The map of the KNP is divided into cells and each cell is given a poaching probability, based on the outcome of the BN. This probability map forms a heat map that can be shown to the control centre and rangers can then be sent to the respective hotspots on the map. This is a proactive approach, which is in stark contrast to the numerous reactive approaches attempted thus far. This is the first BN modelling approach to the rhino poaching problem, and it is also the first BN application to wildlife crime. Previous applications of BN have only gone so far as environmental modelling, but not wildlife crimes. In this study the rhino poaching problem was shifted from a complex, ill-structured space to a position where researchers can begin to address the underlying problems by using a causal model as the vehicle for understanding the complex interplay between the factors a ecting poaching events. / Ongeveer drie renosters word daagliks in Suid-Afrika gestroop. Renosterstroping is 'n ernstige probleem wat nie net die renosterbevolking van Suid-Afrika raak nie, maar ook die res van die wêreld. Suid-Afrika het die grootste renoster bevolking in die wêreld, en die grootste getal van dié renosters word in die Kruger Nasionale Park (KNP) aangetref. Die KNP word die ergste geraak deur die stropings epidemie en 1,175 renosters is in 2015 gestroop. Twee groot uitdagings is die grootte van die park, asook die onbekende posisies van beide die stropers en die nuwe stropingsaanvalle. Die KNP is die grootte van 'n klein land en daar is eenvoudig nie genoeg veldwagters om hierdie area e ektief te patrolleer nie. 'n Duur oplossing sou wees om meer veldwagters aan te stel, maar 'n alternatief is om die soekarea van die veldwagters te verklein en sodoende te verseker dat die veldwagters die hoë-risiko areas eerste, en meer gereeld, patrolleer. 'n Wiskundige model in die vorm van 'n Bayesiese netwerk (BN) is ontwikkel om die belangrikste faktore te bepaal wat bydra tot stropingsaanvalle en uiteindelik die probleem te modelleer. Hierdie model kan gebruik word om die area te voorspel waar 'n stropingsaanval moontlik kan plaasvind en die soekarea van die veldwagters te verminder. Dit dien ook as 'n kanaal om die begrip van die probleem te verbeter en redenasie en bespreking onder besluitnemers aan te moedig. Die kaart van die KNP word in selle verdeel en aan elke sel word 'n stropingswaarskynlikheid toegeken gebaseer op die uitkoms van die BN. Hierdie waarskynlikheidskaart vorm 'n "hittekaart" wat aan die kontrolesentrum gewys kan word, en veldwagters kan dan na die onderskeie responskolle op die kaart gestuur word. Hierdie pro-aktiewe benadering is in teenstelling met huidige reaktiewe benaderings. Hierdie is die eerste BN modellering benadering tot die renosterstropingsprobleem, en dit is ook die eerste BN toepassing tot natuurlewe-misdaad. Vorige toepassings van BNs het omgewingsmodellering aangespreek, maar nie natuurlewe-misdade nie. In hierdie studie word aangetoon hoe die renosterstropings probleem geskuif is vanaf 'n komplekse, swak gestruktureerde probleemruimte na 'n omgewing waar navorsers kan begin om die onderliggende probleme aan te spreek deur gebruik te maak van 'n kausale model as die voertuig van begrip om die komplekse wisselwerking tussen faktore wat 'n stropingsaanval beïnvloed, te verstaan. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

Modeling population dynamics of rhino-poacher interaction across South Africa and the Kruger National Park using ordinary differential equations

Makic, Vladimir 04 February 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, a system of ordinary differential equations (ODES) is presented to model the population dynamics between poachers and rhino as a predator-prey system in both South Africa (SA) and the Kruger National Park (KNP). The data used in this thesis consists mainly of government and police reports, as well publications from several NGOs and the limitations caused by this lack of applicable data are explored. The system dynamics are based on Lotka-Volterra differential equations, which are extended to include both a carrying capacity and the Allee effect. This thesis parameterises a model of the dynamics of the interaction between rhino and poachers for some time t and makes predictions based on the interpolation of the available data. The unknown rates and parameters relating to the behaviour of populations R and P are optimised by initially using a combination of educated guesses made from the available data or trial and error until set values are obtained. The remaining unknowns are numerically optimised based on the fixed value parameters. This is considered a constrained system, and the results obtained can only be viewed as constrained predictions based on parameter values obtained by a combination of trial and error and numerical optimisation; namely root mean square (RMS) error considering the available data and model solution at time t. Those parameter values obtained through RMS are regarded as error-minimising parameters within the scope of this research, and make up the final models which are referred to as the models which have been fitted to data. This thesis is an introductory, exploratory work into future attempts at modeling population dynamics with very little or no available data. The models are solved for in a constrained system, limiting the resulting predictions to constrained estimates based on the assigned values to unknown parameters. These solutions predict rhino stabilisation for both models, with active poachers dying out in the KNP but general co-existence observed across SA, within the constrained system.

Occurence and characteristics of allergic rhinitis in 195 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

Pilavakis, Yiannis 02 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Structure of L-System

Chiu, Po-Hung 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Déterminants des niveaux sériques d'interleukine-6 chez les patients avec un cancer de la sphère oto-rhino-laryngologique

Carrondo Cottin, Sylvine 06 October 2024 (has links)
Contexte Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que l'interleukine-6 circulante (IL-6) était un facteur prédicteur significatif de la survenue de seconds cancers primaires (SCP) chez les patients atteints d'un cancer de la sphère oto-rhino-laryngologique (ORL). Objectif Le but de cette étude était d'identifier les facteurs associés aux niveaux sériques d'IL-6 chez les patients atteints de cancer ORL de stade I-II. Méthodes Cette étude a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un essai de chimioprévention de phase III. Un échantillon de sérum a été obtenu avant tout traitement auprès de 527 des 540 patients présentant un cancer ORL recrutés pour participer à l'essai clinique. L'IL-6 a été mesurée par immunométrie chimioluminescente. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques des patients, leurs habitudes de vie et les caractéristiques de leur tumeur ont été évaluées. Les facteurs indépendamment associés aux niveaux sériques d'IL-6 ont été identifiés en utilisant un modèle de régression linéaire multiple. Résultats La concentration médiane d'IL-6 dans le sérum était de 3,1 ng/L (intervalle interquartile : 2,20-4,40). L'analyse multivariée a permis d’identifier huit facteurs significativement associés à l'IL-6 (P ≤ 0,05) : l’âge, le sexe, le statut matrimonial, l’indice de masse corporelle, le tabagisme, l’indice de comorbidités, le score de performance de Karnofsky et le site tumoral. Chez les fumeurs, les taux sériques d'IL-6 augmentaient de façon dose-dépendante avec la durée du tabagisme (p de tendance = 0,03) et avec le nombre de paquets-années consommés (p de tendance = 0,03). Conclusion Ces résultats ont montré que plusieurs facteurs de risque standards de SCP sont aussi associés aux taux circulants d'IL-6. Ceci suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs sur la survenue de SCP pourrait être médié par un processus inflammatoire. De plus, nous avons montré une relation doseréponse avec la quantité ou la durée du tabagisme, suggérant un rôle causal du tabac dans la production d'IL-6. / Background In a previous work, we reported that circulating interleukin-6 (IL-6) significantly improves outcome prediction for second primary cancer (SPC) in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients. Objective The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with IL-6 serum levels in patients with stage I or II HNC. Methods This study was conducted as part of a phase III chemoprevention trial. A pretreatment serum sample was obtained from 527 of the 540 HNC patients recruited in the trial. IL-6 was measured on an Immulite analyzer with chemiluminescent immunometric assay (Siemens Diagnostics). Patients’ sociodemographic and medical characteristics, lifestyle habits and cancer characteristics were evaluated before radiation therapy. Factors independently associated with IL-6 levels were identified using the multiple linear regression. Results The median of IL-6 serum level was 3.1 ng/L (Interquartile range: 2.20-4.40). In the multivariate analysis, eight factors were significantly associated with IL-6 (P ≤ 0.05): age, sex, marital status, body mass index (BMI), smoking, comorbidity index, Karnofsky performance status, and cancer site. In cigarette smokers, IL-6 serum levels increased with longer durations of cigarette smoking (p-value for trend = 0.03) and with the number of pack-years consumed (p-value for trend = 0.03). Conclusion These results showed that several standard risk factors of SPC, such as age, BMI and smoking status, are associated with circulating IL-6 levels. This suggests that the effect of these factors on the occurrence of SPC might be mediated by an inflammatory process. Moreover, we have shown a dose-response relationship with the quantity smoked or the duration of smoking suggesting a causal role of tobacco in IL-6 production.

An analysis of enforcement of laws on rhino poaching in South Africa

Mogoshi, Malesela Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (LLM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Rhinoceros (Rhinos) are poached at an alarming high rate in South Africa. The 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), prohibited the trade of rhino horns amongst its member states. Even though there are existing pieces of legislation in South Africa to curb the killing and illegal trade of rhino horns, compliance authorities rarely impose stringent sentences on culprits caught poaching rhinos. There should be stringent enforcement of laws on poachers and if caught, perpetrators should be brought to justice in order to deter aspiring or ambitious would-be perpetrators. Amendment of legislation currently used in South Africa on rhino poaching cases, if applied vigorously, would be more developmental in curbing the scourge. The syndicate are highly skilled and well equipped for the execution of illicit poaching. It is in few instances that perpetrators are arrested and prosecuted. Even if arrested and prosecuted, lenient sentences are imposed upon conviction. The most noticeable lacuna in South African Criminal Justice System, is the lack of capacity and skills in investigations and successful prosecutions of rhino poachers. Worst still, despite frequent media reports on the alarming rate of rhino poaching cases, few arrests and convictions are reported. This mini dissertation looks at rhino poaching as an organised crime, and focuses on literature review, legal framework and regulations, as well as comparative study on legislation which can be used to prosecute the perpetrators of this organised crime. The discourse recommends amendment of legislation presently used to prosecute rhino poaching offenders, and advocates that they should be stringently applied in order to curb the scourge.

Reciprocal impacts of black rhino and community-based ecotourism in North-West Namibia

Beytell, Petrus Cecil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the black rhinoceros and ecotourism in three conservation areas in the Kunene region of Namibia. The reciprocal impact between black rhino and community-based ecotourism is analysed. The research is located in two communal conservancies, #Khoadi-//Hôas and Torra, and in a photographic tourism concession, the Palmwag Concession Area. The research aims to explore and describe the reciprocal impact of community-based ecotourism efforts and black rhino spatial movement patterns in three conservation areas in north-west Namibia. An in-depth literature review was undertaken on the reciprocal impact between rhino-tracking tourism and conservation. A comparison was also made between the effects of human-induced disturbance on spatial movement patterns of black rhinos and the perception of tourists about tracking black rhinos. The value of black rhinos to community-based ecotourism was also determined. Quantitative research methodology was used for this study. Explorations of objectives were conducted through direct field observation with the aid of radio-telemetry tracking and aerial surveying for data gathering. The researcher employed SRT (Save the Rhino Trust) trackers in the study areas to assist with the tracking. The sample consisted of 24 transmitter-fitted black rhino in the three conservation areas. Rhino not fitted with transmitters have been included in the sample for more accurate results. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed at four tourist lodges in the study area. The hypothesis that sustainable ecotourism does not influence black rhino spatial behaviour was rejected. Rhinos in the study were easily disturbed and did not readily return to undisturbed behaviour. Their major response to disturbance was to run away. The disturbance was influenced by their initial activity when found. The highest disturbance occurred early in observations. Rhinos illustrated similar causes of disturbance throughout the study sites. The Springbok River emerged as the area with the most severe reactions to disturbance. This was supported by home range data and ecological constraints. Analysis of tourist responses regarding rhino tracking indicated a high demand for and level of satisfaction. This was the single determining factor for tourists to return to the Kunene region to do rhino tracking again. Tourists were willing to pay close to market price to track black rhino. It is recommended that tracking of black rhino should be avoided in the Springbok River and Aub/Barab areas. Tracking protocols should stipulate that tracking should only be conducted early in the morning; that rhinos may only be approached from downwind; that observation time may not exceed 15 minutes; that groups must be kept small; and that the approach distance may not be less than 100 metres. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die navorsing is op swart renosters en ekotoerisme in drie bewaringsgebiede in die Kunene streek van Namibia. Die wedersydse wisselwerking tussen swart renosters en gemeenskaps-gebaseerde ekotoerisme is nagevors. Die navorsing het plaasgevind in twee kommunale bewaringsgebiede, #Khoadi-//Hôas en Torra asook ‘n konsessie vir fotografie in die Palmwag Konsessie Gebied. Die doel van die navorsing was om die wedersydse wisselwerking van gemeenskapsgebaseerde ekotoerisme en swart renosters se geografiese bewegingspatrone in drie bewaringsareas in noordwes Namibië te ondersoek en te omskryf. ‘n Deeglike literatuurstudie is gedoen ten opsigte van die wedersydse wisselwerking tussen toerisme met die doel om renosters waar te neem deur spoorsny en bewaring van die spesies. Die uitwerking van versteuring deur mense op die geografiese bewegingspatrone van swart renosters is vergelyk met die persepsie van toeriste ten opsigte van spoorsny van swart renosters. Die waarde van swart renosters ten opsigte van ekotoerisme is ook bepaal. Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is gebruik in die studie. Die doelstelling van die navorsing is uitgevoer deur direkte veld waarnemings met behulp van radio-telemetriese opsporing en data insameling met behulp van lugsensusse. Die navorser het spoorsnyers van SRT (Save the Rhino Trust), wat in die studiegebied werk, in diens geneem om van hulp te wees met die spoorsny van renosters. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 24 swart renosters toegerus met seintoestelle in drie bewaringsgebiede. Renosters wat nie seintoestelle gehad het nie, is ook in die steekproef ingesluit ten einde beter dekking te verkry. Vierhonderd vraelyste is by vier toeristeoorde in die studiegebied versprei. Die hipotese dat volhoubare ekotoerisme nie ‘n invloed uitoefen op die geografiese gedrag van swart renosters nie, is verwerp. Renosters in die studie-gebied is maklik versteur en het nie geredelik teruggekeer tot onversteurde gedrag nie. Hulle reaksie op versteuring was gekenmerk deur weg te hardloop. Die mate van versteuring is bepaal deur die renosters se aanvanklike aktiwiteit by opsporing. Die meeste versteuring het gedurende vroeë waarneming plaasgevind. Dieselfde oorsake van versteuring is in al drie gebiede gevind. Die Springbokrivier was die gebied waar die sterkste reaksies ten opsigte van versteuring bespeur is. Dit word ondersteun deur die grootte van die loopgebiede van die renosters en ekologiese beperkings van die gebied. Data-analise van toeriste-vraelyste het aangetoon dat daar ‘n groot aanvraag en belangstelling is in die spoorsny van renosters. Die grootste bepalende faktor vir toeriste om na die Kunene streek terug te keer, is om renosters te sien deur middel van spoorsny. Toeriste is gewillig om die heersende markprys vir spoorsny van renosters te betaal. Navorsingsaanbevelings sluit in dat spoorsny van swart renosters in die Springbokrivier en Aub/Barab gebiede vermy word. Spoorsny-protokol moet stipuleer dat dit net in die vroeë oggend gedoen word, dat renosters slegs van onderkant die wind genader word, waarnemingstyd mag nie 15 minute oorskry nie, groepe moet klein wees en die afstand vanaf die diere mag nie nader as 100 meter wees nie.

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