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Evaluation of Intuitive VR-based HRI for Simulated Industrial RobotsJoonatan, Mänttäri January 2014 (has links)
While the accessibility and technology behind industrial robots is improving as well as becomingless expensive, the installation and conguration of industrial robot cells still proves tobe an expensive venture, especially for small and mid-sized companies. It is therefore of greatinterest to simulate robot cell installations, both for verication of system functionality as wellas for demonstration purposes for clients.However, the construction and conguration of a simulated robot cell is a time-consumingprocess and requires expertise that is often only found in engineers who are experienced withsoftware programming and spacial kinematics. If the process were to be simplied it would bringgreat advantages not only concerning the more ecient use of the time of software engineers butalso in marketing applications.As this paper will show, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in simulating, displaying andcontrolling robots is a well investigated subject. It has been shown that VR can be used to showrobot simulation in more detail and to specify path movement in task programming. This paperfocuses upon nding and evaluating an intuitive Human Robot Interface (HRI) for interactingwith simulated robots using virtual reality.An HRI is proposed and evaluated, using the Oculus Rift Head Mounted Display (HMD)to display a 3-dimensional (3D) VR environment of a Robot Cell in ABB RobotStudio. Usingmarker-based tracking enabled by ARToolkit, the user's position in real world coordinates isforwarded to the virtual world, along with the position and orientation of a hand-held tool thatallows the user to manipulate the robot targets that are part of the simulated robots program.The system as an HRI was successful in giving the user a strong sense of immersion andgiving them a much better understanding of the robot cell and the positions of the dened robottargets. All participants were also able to dene robot targets much faster with the proposedinterface than when using the standard RobotStudio tools. Results show that the performance ofthe tracking system is adequate with regards to latency and accuracy for updating user positionand hand-held tool when using a video capture resolution of 640x480.
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Characterization of High-PGE Low-Sulphur Mineralization at the Marathon PGE-Cu Deposit, OntarioRuthart, Ryan January 2013 (has links)
The Marathon PGM-Cu deposit is hosted by the Coldwell alkaline complex, which consists predominantly of gabbro and syenite and was emplaced at 1108 Ma as part of the Mid-Continent Rift System. Mineralization at the Marathon PGM-Cu deposit is hosted by the Two Duck Lake Gabbro (TDLG), a fresh olivine-bearing gabbro. The Marathon deposit contains several zones of mineralization including the Basal Zone, the Main Zone and the W-Horizon. The W-Horizon is a high-grade PGE zone characterized by low S, low Cu/Pd and high Cu/Ni. The sulphide mineral assemblage is predominantly chalcopyrite and bornite. This contrasts with the Main Zone where the dominant sulphide mineral assemblage is chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. The Main Zone contains higher S, higher Cu/Pd and shows a decrease in Cu/Pd and pyrrhotite/chalcopyrite from base to top.
Four drill holes were selected for detailed analysis to characterize the W-Horizon style of mineralization. Detailed petrographic study of the pristine and largely unaltered TDLG shows that wide spread hydrothermal alteration is not responsible for the mineralization. Detailed outcrop mapping shows that the TDLG intruded as a series of multiple intrusions in a dynamic magmatic system. Geochemical studies through the W-Horizon show that the mineralization is not the result of crystallization in a layered intrusion. The results of geochemical assays and electron microprobe analysis of olivine grains show that the chemistry through the TDLG hosting the W-Horizon is erratic. This data supports the TDLG intruding as a series of sills in a dynamic conduit environment.
The calculated sulphide metal tenors for the W-Horizon are higher than can be explained by closed system R Factor models. Multistage dissolution upgrading in an open system is examined as the process forming the W-Horizon. This model is able to produce the sulphide metal tenors observed in the W-Horizon. Sulphur loss also affects grades and tenors and was examined through geochemical and petrological data. The change in sulphide mineral assemblage from a pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite (S-rich) to chalcopyrite and bornite (S-poor) supports S-loss. Whole rock S and Se contents are also analyzed to investigate S loss, a lower S/Se indicates that sulphur has been removed from the system. Average S/Se values are ~800 for the W-Horizon, ~1980 for the Main Zone and ~1700 in unmineralized samples. The very low S/Se observed within the W-Horizon supports S-loss.
Sulphur loss in a dynamic magmatic conduit system is proposed for the formation of the W-Horizon mineralization. In this model sulphur undersaturated basaltic magma interacted with an immiscible sulphide liquid in a magma conduit, resulting in the dissolution of sulphide into the basaltic melt and PGE enrichment.
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The genesis of ‘giant’ copper-zinc-gold-silver volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits at Tambogrande, Perú : age, tectonic setting, paleomorphology, lithogeochemistry, and radiogenic isotopesWinter, Lawrence Stephen 11 1900 (has links)
The ‘giant’ Tambogrande volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits within the Cretaceous Lancones basin of northwestern Perú are some of the largest Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-bearing massive sulphide deposits known. Limited research has been done on these deposits, hence the ore forming setting in which they developed and the key criteria that permitted such anomalous accumulation of base-metal sulphides are not understood.
Based on field relationships in the host volcanic rocks and U-Pb geochronology, the deposits formed during the early stages of arc development in the latest Early Cretaceous and were related to an extensional and arc-rift phase (~105-100 Ma, phase 1). During this time, bimodal, primitive basalt-dominant volcanic rocks were erupted in a relatively deep marginal basin. Phase 1 rhyolite is tholeiitic, M-type, and considered to have formed from relatively high temperature, small batch magmas. The high heat flow and extensional setting extant during the initial stages of arc development were essential components for forming a VMS hydrothermal system. The subsequent phase 2 (~99-91 Ma) volcanic sequence comprises more evolved mafic rocks and similar, but more depleted, felsic rocks erupted in a relatively shallow marine setting. Phase 2 is interpreted to represent late-stage arc volcanism during a waning extensional regime and marked the transition to contractional tectonism.
The Tambogrande deposits are particularly unusual amongst the ‘giant’ class of VMS deposits in that deposition largely occurred as seafloor mound-type and not by replacement of existing strata. Paleomorphology of the local depositional setting was defined by seafloor depressions controlled by syn-volcanic faults and rhyolitic volcanism. The depressions were the main controls on distribution and geometry of the deposits and, due to inherently confined hydrothermal venting, enhanced the efficiency of sulphide deposition.
Geochemical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the rhyolites in the VMS deposits were high temperature partial melts of the juvenile arc crust that had inherited the isotopic signatures of continental crust. Moreover, Pb isotope data suggest the metal budget was sourced almost wholly from mafic volcanic strata. Therefore, unlike the implications of many conventional models, the felsic volcanic rocks at Tambogrande are interpreted to have only played a passive role in VMS formation.
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Architecture of the Silurian sedimentary cover sequence in the Cadia porphyry Au-Cu district, NSW, Australia : implications for post-mineral deformationWashburn, Malissa 11 1900 (has links)
Alkalic porphyry style Au-Cu deposits of the Cadia district are associated with
Late-Ordovician monzonite intrusions, which were emplaced during the final phase of
Macquarie Arc magmatism at the end of the Benambran Orogeny. N-striking faults,
including the curviplanar, northerly striking, moderately west-dipping basement thrust faults of the Cadiangullong system, developed early in the district history. NE-striking faults formed during rifting in the late Silurian. Subsequent E-W directed Siluro- Devonian extension followed by regional E-W shortening during the Devonian
Tabberabberan Orogeny dismembered these intrusions, thereby superposing different
levels porphyry Au-Cu systems as well as the host stratigraphy.
During the late Silurian, the partially exhumed porphyry systems were buried
beneath the Waugoola Group sedimentary cover sequence, which is generally preserved
in the footwall of the Cadiangullong thrust fault system. The Waugoola Group is a
typical rift-sag sequence, deposited initially in local fault-bounded basins which then transitioned to a gradually shallowing marine environment as local topography was
overwhelmed. Basin geometry was controlled by pre-existing basement structures, which
were subsequently inverted during the Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny, offsetting the unconformity by up to 300m vertically. In the Waugoola Group cover, this shortening
was accommodated via a complex network of minor detachments that strike parallel to
major underlying basement faults. For this reason, faults and folds measured at the
surface in the sedimentary cover can be used as a predictive tool to infer basement
structures at depth.
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Structural controls on extensional-basin development triassic Ischigualasto Formation, NW ArgentinaGuthrie, Kristin M. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Geology, 2005. / Title from first page of PDF document. Document formatted into pages; contains [1], iv, 38 p. : ill. Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-38).
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Late quaternary sedimentation in the western gulf of Corinth : interplay between tectonic deformation, seismicity, and eustatic changes / Caractérisation de la géométrie des failles et de la sédimentation cosismique dans la partie ouest du Golfe de Corinthe en combinant données de sismique et de carottageBeckers, Arnaud 05 October 2015 (has links)
Le rift de Corinthe, en Grèce, est un jeune rift séparant la Grèce continentale du Péloponnèse. Sa partie la plus active, où la subsidence a été la plus importante durant le Quaternaire récent, a été envahie par la mer Méditerranée et forme le Golfe de Corinthe. Cette région est sujette à de nombreux aléas naturels : fréquents séismes, tsunamis et glissements de terrain côtiers. Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de ces processus à l'extrémité ouest du Golfe, où le l'aléa sismique, en particulier, est le plus élevée. Nous avons investigué les sédiments quaternaires accumulés sous le golfe, par l'acquisition de profils sismiques et de carottes sédimentaires. Premièrement, 22 grands glissements de terrains sous-marins ont été découverts. Leur volume varie entre 106 et 109 m3. Ces glissements eurent lieu durant 6 intervalles de temps, 4 durant l'Holocène et 2 durant le Pléistocène supérieur. Parmi les possibles facteurs ayant favorisé ou déclenché ces glissements, le rôle des apports sédimentaires semble avoir été prépondérant. Ensuite, une carte détaillée des failles en mer a été réalisée. Cette carte met en évidence, pour la première fois, des mouvements décrochants significatifs dans la partie marine du rift. Trois phases sont mises en évidence dans l'évolution tectono-sédimentaire. Durant ces phases, nos interprétations suggèrent une migration vers le nord de la déformation, conduisant à la désactivation progressive de grandes failles normales à pendage sud qui contrôlaient la subsidence durant une première phase du rifting. Par l'étude des carottes sédimentaires, nous avons ensuite recherché dans les sédiments récents des événements sédimentaires ayant été déclenchés par les grands séismes historiques. La meilleure correspondance entre l'âge des événements et l'âge des séismes est observée dans la partie la plus profonde du bassin. Finalement, quatre carottes plus longues ont été prélevées dans cette région et ont révélé une distribution spatiale et temporelle spécifique des glissements sous-marins au cours des derniers 500 à 1000 ans. Cette distribution est interprétée comme résultant principalement de variations dans la fréquence des grands séismes. Ainsi, selon ces nouvelles données, une période de quiescence sismique eut lieu entre ~1740 et ~1890 AD à l'ouest de la zone d'étude alors qu'à l'est, une quiescence sismique aurait eu lieu plus tôt, entre ~1500 et ~1700 AD. / The Corinth Rift, in Greece, is a young and active continental rift stretching between Continental Greece and the Peloponnese. The most active part of the rift, where the subsidence has been the highest during the Late Quaternary, has been covered by the sea and forms the Gulf of Corinth. This area is prone to natural hazards, including frequent large earthquakes, tsunamis and coastal landslides. The present thesis is dedicated to the study of these processes at the western tip of the Gulf, where the earthquake hazard, in particular, is considered as very high. We have investigated the Quaternary sediments below the Gulf of Corinth floor, through seismic reflection profiling and gravity coring. First, 22 large mass transport deposits were discovered. Their estimated volumes range from 106 to 109 m3. Large mass wasting events occurred in six stratigraphic intervals, four attributed to the Holocene and two attributed to the Upper Pleistocene. Among possible preconditioning factors and triggers, the likely influence of the sediment supply is highlighted. Then, an accurate map of offshore faults is presented. The map highlights for the first time significant strike-slip component in the offshore Corinth Rift, in addition to the dominant normal strain. Three phases are proposed for the Late Quaternary tectono-sedimentary evolution of the area. During these phases, the strain was suggested to migrate northward, driving the progressive deactivation of the large south-dipping faults that controlled the subsidence in an earlier phase of the rifting. Based on the sediment cores, sedimentary events triggered by large historical earthquakes in the last 3 centuries have been looked for. The best fit between the age of the identified event deposits and large historical earthquakes is observed in the deep basin. Finally, four longer cores retrieved in this area reveal specific spatial and temporal patterns of slope failures for the last 500-1000 yr. Such pattern is interpreted as resulting primarily from changes in the frequency of strong earthquakes. From these data, a period of seismic quiescence may have occurred between ~1740 and ~1890 AD in the west of the study area, while eastward, seismic quiescence would have occurred earlier, between ~1500 and ~1700 AD.
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Análise tectono-estratigráfica das formações itaparica e água grande (Bacia do Recôncavo, Bahia)Wiederkehr, Fabiane January 2010 (has links)
Com base em afloramentos da borda oeste da Bacia do Recôncavo foi efetuada uma análise estratigráfica do intervalo entre as formações Itaparica e Água Grande. Os resultados obtidos foram correlacionados com poços na confecção de seções geológicas no sentido dip e de mapas de espessuras para o intervalo total, arenito e pelito. Os dados de campo mostram os pelitos lacustres da Formação Itaparica sendo sucedidos por um sistema deltaico, que dá lugar a arenitos fluviais e eólicos da Formação Água Grande. Portanto, o perfil composto é caracterizado por uma sucessão progradacional, associada a uma progressiva diminuição da razão da taxa de subida do nível freático versus a taxa de influxo sedimentar. A seção de correlação com poços revela um espessamento do intervalo em direção ao depocentro da bacia. Os mapas gerados apresentam, também, boa relação com os compartimentos estruturais da bacia, além de corroborar com a progradação de um sistema siliciclástico de norte sobre um sistema lacustre a sul. Estes resultados revelam que as unidades estudadas foram depositadas sob controle da geometria do meio-gráben do Recôncavo, nos seus estágios iniciais de formação. / A stratigraphical analysis was performed on the Itaparica and Água Grande formations interval, based on outcrops of the western margin of Recôncavo Basin. The obtained results were correlated with boreholes for dip geologic sections and for isopach and isolith maps generation. The field data shows the Itaparica Formation lacustrine mudstones being succeeded by a deltaic system, which make way for the Água Grande Formation fluvio-eolian sandstones. Then, the composite profile is characterized by a progradational pattern and a drying upwards cycle. The geologic section with field and borehole data reveals the thickening of the interval towards the basin depocenter. Also the generated maps present good correlation with the basin‟s compartments, besides corroborating the progradation of a siliciclastic system coming from north to a lacustrine system at south. So, these results demonstrate that the studied units were deposited under the control of the Recôncavo‟s half-graben geometry, in its initial stages of evolution.
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Análise sismoestratigráfica de bacias rifte: definição de sismofácies e arcabouço tectono-estratigráficoAlvarenga, Renata dos Santos January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer um procedimento metodológico e prático de estudo estratigráfico utilizando dados sísmicos, para bacias rifte, enfocando em análise tectônica e estratigráfica e sismofácies, especificadamente para bacias do tipo rifte. Para isso, foram utilizados os depósitos sedimentares do Grupo Lagoa Feia, Offshore da Bacia Campos, margem continental sudeste brasileira. O Grupo Lagoa Feia é caracterizado por sedimentos siliciclásticos, carbonáticos e evaporíticos depositados durante a fase rifte e pós-rifte. Linhas sísmica 2D, perfis litológico de poços exploratórios e testemunhos serviram como base de dados para suporte a este trabalho. Utilizando os conceitos fundamentais da sismoestratigrafia, padrão de refletores e dados litológico de poços, foram identificadas três sismofácies associados a meio-grabens da fase rifte: Sismofácies 1 (depósito de falha de borda) – tem sua ocorrência encaixada na falha de borda em uma zona ampla e bem definida; Sismofácies 2 (depósito de sedimentos finos) – amplamente identificada e grada lateralmente para a sismofácies 3; Sismofácies 3 (depósito de grainstones e rudstones) – têm ocorrência restrita e de ocorrência errática, tanto em zonas altas da margem flexural, quanto nas zonas profundas próximas do depocentro dos meiográbens analisados. Estas sismofácies identificadas nas linhas sísmica da Bacia de Campos foram transpostas para linhas selecionadas da Bacia de Santos, mostrandose operacional na definição de potenciais reservatórios. Uma quarta sismofácies distinta e de ocorrência pontual foi identificada. Esta sismofácies é caracterizada por forte descontinuidade nos refletores e efeitos de redução de amplitude, sendo identificada como vent hidrotermal. Auxiliado por exemplos da literatura, foram identificadas dez vents hidrotermais caracterizadas como do tipo dome e eye e identificados também, os dutos e corpos intrusivos associados a esta estrutura. Com os conceitos da estratigrafia de sequências adaptados para bacias do tipo rifte, foi proposto um arcabouço crono-estratigráfico que compreendeu unidades representativas de eventos distintos, com suas superfícies limítrofes (superfícies estratigráficas) e por vezes, superfícies funcionais (sem controle estratigráfico preciso). O arcabouço tectono-estratigráfico da sucessão rifte foi subdividido em uma fase prérifte, sin-rifte e pós-rifte. O intervalo sin-rifte foi subdividido com base nos padrões geométricos dos refletores, visto que as sismofácies analisadas não apresentavam padrões de empilhamento reconhecíveis, não permitindo assim definir variações específicas do nível de base relativo. Foram separados três tratos no intervalo sin-rifte da Bacia de Campos (i) Trato de Sistemas de Início de Rifte; (ii) Trato de Sistemas de Alta Atividade tectônica e (iii) Trato de Sistemas de Baixa Atividade Tectônica. Assim, o arcabouço estratigráfico aqui proposto apresenta um padrão evolutivo que compreende reservatórios jamais testados em diversos locais ainda não explorados da Bacia de Campos, facilitando assim campanhas exploratórias futuras. / This work aims to establish a methodological and practical procedure for the stratigraphic using study seismic data of rift basins, focusing on tectonic stratigraphic analysis and seismofacies, specifically for rift basins. For this, we used the sedimentary deposits of the Lagoa Feia Group, Offshore Campos Basin, southeast continental margin Brazilian. The Lagoa Feia Group is characterized by siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite sediments deposited during the rift and post-rift phases. 2D seismic lines, exploration wells with core and lithological logs were the data employer. Using the fundamental concepts of sismoestratigraphy, reflector patterns and lithologic data from wells three seismofacies were identified associated with the halfgraben fill of the rift phase: Seismofacies 1 (fault-border deposits) occurrence restricted to the fault borders in a well-defined area; Seismofacies 2 (fine-grained deposits) are widespread and grade laterally to seismofacies 3; Seismofacies 3 (grainstone and rudstone deposits) have restricted and erratic occurrences in both areas of the flexural margin, as well as in the deep areas of the basin, near the depocenter of the analyzed half-grabens. These seismofacies identified on the seismic lines of the Campos Basin have been transposed into selected lines of the Santos Basin, proved to be operational in the definition of potential reservoirs. A fourth distinct seismofacies with a punctual occurrence has been identified. This seismofacies is characterized by strongly discontinuous reflectors and amplitude reduction effects, being identified as hydrothermal vents. Aided by examples from the literature, ten hydrothermal vents were identified, characterized as dome and eye types. Pipes and intrusive bodies associated with these structures were also identified. Sequences stratigraphy concepts were adapted to the rift basins, in order to propose a chrono-stratigraphic framework, which included representative units of different events, with their bordering surfaces (stratigraphic surfaces) and in some cases functional surfaces (no precise stratigraphic control). The tectonic-stratigraphic framework of the rift sequence was divided into a pre-rift, syn-rift and post-rift stage. The syn-rift range has been subdivided based on the geometric patterns of the reflectors. The seismofacies analyzed no showed stacking patterns recognizable and did not allow the definition specific variations of base level. Were separated into three tectonic systems tracts (i) Rift initiation systems tract; (ii) High tectonic activity systems tract and (iii) Low tectonic activity systems tract. Thus, the stratigraphic framework proposed here presents an evolutionary pattern which comprises untested reservoirs in unexplored areas of the Campos Basin, thus facilitating future exploration campaigns.
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Análise tectono-estratigráfica das formações itaparica e água grande (Bacia do Recôncavo, Bahia)Wiederkehr, Fabiane January 2010 (has links)
Com base em afloramentos da borda oeste da Bacia do Recôncavo foi efetuada uma análise estratigráfica do intervalo entre as formações Itaparica e Água Grande. Os resultados obtidos foram correlacionados com poços na confecção de seções geológicas no sentido dip e de mapas de espessuras para o intervalo total, arenito e pelito. Os dados de campo mostram os pelitos lacustres da Formação Itaparica sendo sucedidos por um sistema deltaico, que dá lugar a arenitos fluviais e eólicos da Formação Água Grande. Portanto, o perfil composto é caracterizado por uma sucessão progradacional, associada a uma progressiva diminuição da razão da taxa de subida do nível freático versus a taxa de influxo sedimentar. A seção de correlação com poços revela um espessamento do intervalo em direção ao depocentro da bacia. Os mapas gerados apresentam, também, boa relação com os compartimentos estruturais da bacia, além de corroborar com a progradação de um sistema siliciclástico de norte sobre um sistema lacustre a sul. Estes resultados revelam que as unidades estudadas foram depositadas sob controle da geometria do meio-gráben do Recôncavo, nos seus estágios iniciais de formação. / A stratigraphical analysis was performed on the Itaparica and Água Grande formations interval, based on outcrops of the western margin of Recôncavo Basin. The obtained results were correlated with boreholes for dip geologic sections and for isopach and isolith maps generation. The field data shows the Itaparica Formation lacustrine mudstones being succeeded by a deltaic system, which make way for the Água Grande Formation fluvio-eolian sandstones. Then, the composite profile is characterized by a progradational pattern and a drying upwards cycle. The geologic section with field and borehole data reveals the thickening of the interval towards the basin depocenter. Also the generated maps present good correlation with the basin‟s compartments, besides corroborating the progradation of a siliciclastic system coming from north to a lacustrine system at south. So, these results demonstrate that the studied units were deposited under the control of the Recôncavo‟s half-graben geometry, in its initial stages of evolution.
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Análise sismoestratigráfica de bacias rifte: definição de sismofácies e arcabouço tectono-estratigráficoAlvarenga, Renata dos Santos January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer um procedimento metodológico e prático de estudo estratigráfico utilizando dados sísmicos, para bacias rifte, enfocando em análise tectônica e estratigráfica e sismofácies, especificadamente para bacias do tipo rifte. Para isso, foram utilizados os depósitos sedimentares do Grupo Lagoa Feia, Offshore da Bacia Campos, margem continental sudeste brasileira. O Grupo Lagoa Feia é caracterizado por sedimentos siliciclásticos, carbonáticos e evaporíticos depositados durante a fase rifte e pós-rifte. Linhas sísmica 2D, perfis litológico de poços exploratórios e testemunhos serviram como base de dados para suporte a este trabalho. Utilizando os conceitos fundamentais da sismoestratigrafia, padrão de refletores e dados litológico de poços, foram identificadas três sismofácies associados a meio-grabens da fase rifte: Sismofácies 1 (depósito de falha de borda) – tem sua ocorrência encaixada na falha de borda em uma zona ampla e bem definida; Sismofácies 2 (depósito de sedimentos finos) – amplamente identificada e grada lateralmente para a sismofácies 3; Sismofácies 3 (depósito de grainstones e rudstones) – têm ocorrência restrita e de ocorrência errática, tanto em zonas altas da margem flexural, quanto nas zonas profundas próximas do depocentro dos meiográbens analisados. Estas sismofácies identificadas nas linhas sísmica da Bacia de Campos foram transpostas para linhas selecionadas da Bacia de Santos, mostrandose operacional na definição de potenciais reservatórios. Uma quarta sismofácies distinta e de ocorrência pontual foi identificada. Esta sismofácies é caracterizada por forte descontinuidade nos refletores e efeitos de redução de amplitude, sendo identificada como vent hidrotermal. Auxiliado por exemplos da literatura, foram identificadas dez vents hidrotermais caracterizadas como do tipo dome e eye e identificados também, os dutos e corpos intrusivos associados a esta estrutura. Com os conceitos da estratigrafia de sequências adaptados para bacias do tipo rifte, foi proposto um arcabouço crono-estratigráfico que compreendeu unidades representativas de eventos distintos, com suas superfícies limítrofes (superfícies estratigráficas) e por vezes, superfícies funcionais (sem controle estratigráfico preciso). O arcabouço tectono-estratigráfico da sucessão rifte foi subdividido em uma fase prérifte, sin-rifte e pós-rifte. O intervalo sin-rifte foi subdividido com base nos padrões geométricos dos refletores, visto que as sismofácies analisadas não apresentavam padrões de empilhamento reconhecíveis, não permitindo assim definir variações específicas do nível de base relativo. Foram separados três tratos no intervalo sin-rifte da Bacia de Campos (i) Trato de Sistemas de Início de Rifte; (ii) Trato de Sistemas de Alta Atividade tectônica e (iii) Trato de Sistemas de Baixa Atividade Tectônica. Assim, o arcabouço estratigráfico aqui proposto apresenta um padrão evolutivo que compreende reservatórios jamais testados em diversos locais ainda não explorados da Bacia de Campos, facilitando assim campanhas exploratórias futuras. / This work aims to establish a methodological and practical procedure for the stratigraphic using study seismic data of rift basins, focusing on tectonic stratigraphic analysis and seismofacies, specifically for rift basins. For this, we used the sedimentary deposits of the Lagoa Feia Group, Offshore Campos Basin, southeast continental margin Brazilian. The Lagoa Feia Group is characterized by siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite sediments deposited during the rift and post-rift phases. 2D seismic lines, exploration wells with core and lithological logs were the data employer. Using the fundamental concepts of sismoestratigraphy, reflector patterns and lithologic data from wells three seismofacies were identified associated with the halfgraben fill of the rift phase: Seismofacies 1 (fault-border deposits) occurrence restricted to the fault borders in a well-defined area; Seismofacies 2 (fine-grained deposits) are widespread and grade laterally to seismofacies 3; Seismofacies 3 (grainstone and rudstone deposits) have restricted and erratic occurrences in both areas of the flexural margin, as well as in the deep areas of the basin, near the depocenter of the analyzed half-grabens. These seismofacies identified on the seismic lines of the Campos Basin have been transposed into selected lines of the Santos Basin, proved to be operational in the definition of potential reservoirs. A fourth distinct seismofacies with a punctual occurrence has been identified. This seismofacies is characterized by strongly discontinuous reflectors and amplitude reduction effects, being identified as hydrothermal vents. Aided by examples from the literature, ten hydrothermal vents were identified, characterized as dome and eye types. Pipes and intrusive bodies associated with these structures were also identified. Sequences stratigraphy concepts were adapted to the rift basins, in order to propose a chrono-stratigraphic framework, which included representative units of different events, with their bordering surfaces (stratigraphic surfaces) and in some cases functional surfaces (no precise stratigraphic control). The tectonic-stratigraphic framework of the rift sequence was divided into a pre-rift, syn-rift and post-rift stage. The syn-rift range has been subdivided based on the geometric patterns of the reflectors. The seismofacies analyzed no showed stacking patterns recognizable and did not allow the definition specific variations of base level. Were separated into three tectonic systems tracts (i) Rift initiation systems tract; (ii) High tectonic activity systems tract and (iii) Low tectonic activity systems tract. Thus, the stratigraphic framework proposed here presents an evolutionary pattern which comprises untested reservoirs in unexplored areas of the Campos Basin, thus facilitating future exploration campaigns.
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