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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lakshya Bhatnagar (5930546) 20 June 2022 (has links)
<p> Efficiency is an essential metric for assessing turbine performance. Modern turbines rely heavily on numerical computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tools for design improvement. With more compact turbines leading to lower aspect ratio airfoils, the influence of secondary flows is significant on performance. Secondary flows and detached flows, in general, remain a challenge for commercial CFD solvers; hence, there is a need for high fidelity experimental data to tune these solvers used by turbine designers. Efficiency measurements in engine-representative test rigs are challenging for multiple reasons; an inherent problem to any experiment is to remove the effects specific to the turbine rig. This problem is compounded by the narrow uncertainty band required, ideally less than 0.5% uncertainty, to detect the incremental improvements achieved by turbine designers.  Efficiency measurements carried out in engine-representative turbine rigs have traditionally relied upon strong assumptions, such as neglecting heat transfer effects. Furthermore, prior to this research there was no framework to compute uncertainty propagation that combines both inputs from experiments and computational tools. </p> <p>This dissertation presents a comprehensive methodology to obtain high-fidelity adiabatic efficiency data in engine-representative turbine facilities. This dissertation presents probabilistic sampling techniques to allow for uncertainty propagation. The effect of rig-specific effects such as heat transfer and gas properties, on efficiency is demonstrated. Sources of uncertainty are identified, and a framework is presented which divides the sources into bias and stochastic. The framework allows the combination of experimental and numerical uncertainty. The accuracy of temperature and aerodynamic pressure probes, used for efficiency determination, is quantified. Corrections for those effects are presented that rely on hybrid numerical and experimental methods. Uncertainty is propagated through these methods using numerical sampling. </p> <p>Finally, two test cases are presented, a stator vane in an annular cascade and a two-stage turbine in a rotating rig. The performance is analyzed using the methods and corrections developed. The uncertainty on the measured efficiency is similar to literature but the uncertainty framework allows an uncertainty estimate on the adiabatic efficiency. </p>

Development of Test Methodology for Electromechanical Linear Actuators

Linder, Isak January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis aims to develop a test methodology for electromechanical linear actuators. A linear actuator acts as a linear motor, converting a power source to linear motion. The electromechanical linear actuator in this project has an electric motor as its power source and uses a rack and pinion system to transfer that power to linear motion.  The test methodology is to impose a force onto the rack of the actuator, to ensure that operation under a load scenario is within specification. To accomplish this, the design of a test rig implementation is analyzed. The test rig consists of the test unit, which is to be tested, the load unit, which is to provide the load force, and a control system for the load unit. The load unit is another linear actuator and is controlled via a load cell. The load cell gives out the load force being applied, and the controller gives out the corresponding appropriate motor command to the load unit to ensure the load force is as desired. This analysis is done through simulation of the setup. Viable options for the setup were first analyzed in order to implement the deemed promising options for a setup into a simulation environment. The simulation environment in this project was Simscape, an extension of MATLAB’s Simulink. In simulation the parameters for the test rig were rigorously analyzed, in order to determine acceptable thresholds. The primary load unit tested was another electromechanical linear actuator from Cascade Drives, the model A-100-8P. Two secondary setups, one using the same model as being tested, and another setup using two of the models being tested. Simulation found that the suggested options’ applied load force have a poor rise time, large overshoot and substantial oscillation errors. The primary source for this was determined to be the latency between load cell input, and motor command output in the controller. The poor metrics from the result could lead to problems when emergency braking, and with a long honing period, which would render most test data unusable.

Stavebně technologického řešení Vzdělávacího komplexu v Brně / Technological solution for the education complex in Brno

Blažek, David January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with construction of the gross building of new building of learning complex FEKT VUT in Brno. It contains the design of earthworks, underground setting piles, monolithic structures and isolation of the building for further construction. Construction and technological project includes technical report, time and financial plan of construction, study of the implementation of major technological stages of site preparation, budget of facilities, technological regulation to solved stages, inspection and test plan of monolithic structures, health and safety plan and energy label of objects.

The British North Sea: The Importance Of And Factors Affecting Tax Revenue From Oil Production

Hill, Mark 10 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The oil industry is the richest and most influential industry in the world. The industry has moved the fates of nations. Oil is required to fight wars and exert power, and the restriction of this energy source is paramount to the restriction of movement, control, and in the end, power. Management of this resource and the tax revenue it generates are of serious strategic importance, both domestically and internationally. Understanding the results of taxation for this important commodity is important to international relations as well. The tax system affects tax revenue, government actions, oil company actions, and the oil supply itself. Each of these is important to international relations.

Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE)

Bastidas Moncayo, Kared Sophia 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Con el aumento de la demanda de soluciones más amigables con el medio ambiente en la industria de la automoción, el motor de combustión interna alternativo (MCIA) enfrenta actualmente grandes desafíos para minimizar su consumo de recursos no renovables y especialmente, para reducir sus emisiones contaminantes. Debido a que el aporte de los MCIAs es fundamental para cubrir las necesidades de movilidad y de generación de energía alrededor de todo el mundo, y el hecho de que diferentes alternativas, como los motores eléctricos e hibrido, están y continuaran enfrentado múltiples obstáculos para su implementación masiva en el futuro cercano, la investigación continua en MCIA es fundamental para cumplir con los propósitos de reducción de emisiones. En este aspecto, una aproximación para el aumento de la eficiencia del motor y la reducción del consumo de combustible es mediante la implementación de alternativas dirigidas a reducir las pérdidas mecánicas por fricción. Estas alternativas tribológicas incluyen aquellas que requieren modificaciones en los componentes del motor, como materiales y acabados superficiales, y el uso de formulaciones de aceite lubricante de menor viscosidad o aditivos que mejoren las condiciones de lubricación del motor. Con la contante evolución y mejoras en el MCIA y las condiciones de trabajo cada vez más severas, también surgen nuevas alternativas tribológicas para enfrentar los nuevos desafíos del motor, y por tanto se requiere de investigaciones adicionales en este tema. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis, uno de los objetivos consistió en contribuir a la investigación del uso de aceites de baja viscosidad para el ahorro de combustible como un efecto conjunto con las condiciones de conducción del vehículo. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se desarrollaron ensayos experimentales bajo condiciones estacionarias en un banco de motor con formulaciones de aceite de diferente viscosidad HTHS, algunas de ellos con aditivo modificador de fricción para expandir el rango de reducción de fricción a condiciones de lubricación más severas. Los mapas de consumo de combustible resultantes de estos ensayos fueron utilizados en un modelo de simulación del vehículo para estimar su consumo de combustible como función del aceite y las condiciones de trabajo de tres ciclos de conducción. Con el objetivo de expandir los conocimientos en los fundamentos de lubricación de los MCIAs y tener la capacidad de evaluar otras alternativas para reducir las pérdidas por fricción, se consideró necesario enfocar la investigación en el conjunto pistón-camisa, que es el par tribológico con mayor aporte a las perdidas por fricción. Para conseguir este objetivo, durante esta Tesis se desarrolló una maqueta específica para el ensamble pistón-camisa, y un modelo teórico para simular la lubricación del segmento de compresión. Para la primera parte, la maqueta se desarrolló basada en el método de camisa flotante, en el cual la camisa fue aislada del resto del motor y la fuerza de fricción generada en la interfaz pistón-camisa pudo ser medida mediante sensores de fuerza. En esta instalación se desarrollaron diferentes ensayos los cuales permitieron llevar a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de los fundamentos de lubricación de este par tribológico como función de diferentes parámetros que tiene impacto en las condiciones de lubricación. Este estudio se complementó con el desarrollo de un modelo de lubricación para el segmento de compresión basado en el método de diferencias finitas. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo una comparativa de resultados experimentales y teóricos para el segmento de compresión, lo cual permitió validar los ensayos experimentales en la maqueta de camisa flotante, así como el modelo de simulación desde el punto de vista de datos de entrada, condiciones de contorno y supuestos. / [CA] Amb l'augment de la demanda de solucions més amigables amb el medi ambient en la indústria de l'automoció, el motor de combustió interna alternatiu (MCIA) s'enfronta actualment a grans desafiaments per minimitzar el seu consum de recursos no renovables i especialment, per reduir les seves emissions contaminants . Tenint en compte que l'aportació dels MCIA és fonamental per a cobrir les necessitats de mobilitat i generació d'energia arreu de tot el món, i el fet que diferents alternatives, com els motors elèctrics i híbrids, estan i continuaran enfrontat múltiples obstacles per a la seva implementació massiva al proper futur, la investigació contínua en MCIA és fonamental per complir amb els propòsits de reducció d'emissions. En aquest aspecte, una aproximació per a l'augment de l'eficiència del motor i la reducció de consum de combustible és mitjançant la implementació d'alternatives dirigides a reduir les pèrdues mecàniques per fricció. Aquestes alternatives tribològiques inclouen aquelles que requereixen modificacions de components del motor, com materials i acabats superficials, i l'ús de formulacions d'oli lubricant de menor viscositat o additius que milloren les condicions de lubricació del motor. Amb la constant evolució i millores en el MCIA i les condicions de treball cada vegada més severes, també sorgeixen noves alternatives tribològiques per enfrontar els nous desafiaments del motor, i per tant es requereix d'investigacions addicionals en aquest tema. Durant el desenvolupament d'aquesta Tesi, un dels objectius va consistir a contribuir a la investigació de l'ús d'olis de baixa viscositat per a l'estalvi de combustible com un efecte conjunt amb les condicions de conducció de vehicle. Per dur a terme aquest objectiu, es van desenvolupar assajos experimentals sota condicions estacionàries en un banc de motor amb formulacions d'oli de diferent viscositat HTHS, algunes d'elles amb additiu modificador de fricció per expandir el rang de reducció de fricció a condicions de lubricació més severes . Els mapes de consum de combustible resultants d'aquests assajos van ser utilitzats en un model de simulació del vehicle per estimar el seu consum de combustible com a funció de l'oli i les condicions de treball de tres cicles de conducció. Amb l'objectiu d'expandir els coneixements en els fonaments de lubricació dels MCIAs i tenir la capacitat d'avaluar altres alternatives per reduir les pèrdues per fricció, es va considerar necessari enfocar la recerca al conjunt pistó-camisa, que és el parell tribològic amb major aportació a les perdudes per fricció. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu, durant aquesta Tesi es va desenvolupar una maqueta específica per al acoblament pistó-camisa, i un model teòric per simular la lubricació del segment de compressió. Per a la primera part, la maqueta es va desenvolupar basada en el mètode de camisa flotant, en el qual la camisa va ser aïllada de la resta del motor i la força de fricció generada en la interfície pistó-camisa va poder ser mesurada mitjançant sensors de força. En aquesta instal·lació es van desenvolupar diferents assajos els quals van permetre dur a terme una anàlisi exhaustiva dels fonaments de lubricació d'aquest parell tribològic com a funció de diferents paràmetres que tenen impacte en les condicions de lubricació. Aquest estudi es va complementar amb el desenvolupament d'un model de lubricació per al segment de compressió basat en el mètode de diferències finites. Finalment, es va dur a terme una comparativa de resultats experimentals i teòrics per al segment de compressió, la qual cosa va permetre validar els assajos experimentals a la maqueta de camisa flotant, així com el model de simulació des del punt de vista de dades d'entrada, condicions de contorn i hipòtesis. / [EN] With the increasing demand for greener solutions in the automotive industry, the ICE is currently facing great challenges to minimize the consumption of nonrenewable resources and specially to reduce its harmful emissions. Given that the contribution of the ICE is fundamental to cover the actual mobility and power generation needs worldwide, and the fact that different power-train alternatives, such as electric and hybrid vehicles, are and will continue facing multiple obstacles for their large-scale implementation in the near future, the continuous research on the ICE is fundamental in order to meet the emissions reduction targets. In this regard, one approach to increase the engine efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption, is through the implementation of alternatives aimed to reduce the friction mechanical losses. These tribological alternatives include those that require modifications to the engine components, such as materials and surface finishes, and the use of lubricant oil formulation of lower viscosity or additives that improve the lubrication performance of the engine. With the ongoing evolution and improvement of the ICE and the increasingly severe working conditions, new tribological solutions also emerge to face the new challenges in the ICE, and therefore further research is required on this subject. During the development of this Thesis, one of the objectives was to contribute to the research on low viscosity engine oils for fuel economy as a joint effect with the driving conditions of the vehicle. To accomplish this, experimental tests were performed under stationary conditions in an engine bench test for oil formulations of different HTHS viscosity, some of them with friction modifier additive to expand the friction reduction effect to more severe lubrication conditions. The resultant fuel consumption maps were then employed in a vehicle model to estimate the fuel consumption of the vehicle as function of the oil formulation and the working conditions of the three driving cycles. With the aim of expanding the knowledge on the lubrication fundamentals of the engine and to have the capability to assess other alternatives to further reduce the friction mechanical losses, it was deemed necessary to focus the research on the piston-cylinder liner assembly, the tribo-pair of major friction share. In order to achieve this objective, a test rig was developed in this Thesis specific for the piston-liner assembly, and a theoretical model to estimate the lubrication of the piston compression ring. For the first part, the test rig was designed based on the floating liner method, where the cylinder liner was isolated from the rest of the engine and the friction force generated in the piston-liner conjunction could be measured by means of force sensors. Different tests were developed in this test rig which allowed a comprehensive analysis of the piston lubrication fundamentals as function of different parameters having an impact on the lubrication performance of this assembly. This study was complemented with the development of a piston compression ring lubrication model based on the finite differences method. A comparison of experimental and theoretical results was performed for the piston compression ring that helped to validate both the experimental tests in the floating liner and the simulation model from the point of view of input data, boundary conditions and assumptions. / Bastidas Moncayo, KS. (2021). Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172188

Stavebně technologický projekt pro Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně / Construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno

Kozla, Dávid January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of the St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno (ICRC), namely the first stage of the construction of the buildings "B1" and "C1". It tries to design an ideal technological process of construction with respect of local conditions. Technologically it focuses mainly on the issue of special foundation, namely protection of excavation pit with secant pile wall and pile foundation. There are processed technological regulations, time and financial plans, construction budget, control and test plan, plan of heavy equipment and safety or environmental requirements. Everything is supplemented by attachments and drawing documentation.

Stavebně technologický projekt revitalizace těžní věže Brno / Construction and technological project of revitalization of mining tower in Brno

Všetečka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The task of this diploma’s thesis was processing construction-technology project to revitalization the mining towers because of its current worsened state and subsequent adjustments for cultural activities.

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