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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moral responsibility in traffic safety and public health

Nihlén Fahlquist, Jessica January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Factors Associated with Traffic Crashes in Pasto, Colombia: 2005-2006

O'Bryant, Adam L. 28 July 2008 (has links)
Road traffic injuries (RTI) currently rank as the 11th leading cause of death world wide and the leading cause of injury related deaths worldwide. Globally, road traffic crashes kill over 1.2 million people per year with over 90% of the deaths occurring in low and middle income countries. Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, collectively called vulnerable road users, are often times the victims. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the factors that are associated with traffic fatalities as well as the factors that are associated with being a vulnerable road user in traffic injuries and traffic fatalities in Pasto, Colombia. The results from this study showed that males had increased odds of being involved in a traffic fatality (OR=2.16 95%;CI 1.03-4.53). Rural road users are more likely to be involved in fatal traffic crashes than their urban counterparts (OR=5.92 95%;CI 3.00-11.71) Other groups such as young adults, vulnerable road users, and those not using safety equipment were also more likely to be injured or die in a traffic crash. Interventions specifically targeting these groups are needed.

Apprentissage statistique : application au trafic routier à partir de données structurées et aux données massives / Machine learning : Application to road traffic as structured data and to Big Data

Guillouet, Brendan 18 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'apprentissage pour données massives. On considère en premier lieu, des trajectoires définies par des séquences de géolocalisations. Une nouvelle mesure de distance entre trajectoires (Symmetrized Segment-Path Distance) permet d'identifier par classification hiérarchique des groupes de trajectoires, modélisés ensuite par des mélanges gaussiens décrivant les déplacements par zones. Cette modélisation est utilisée de façon générique pour résoudre plusieurs types de problèmes liés aux trafic routier : prévision de la destination finale d'une trajectoire, temps d'arrivée à destination, prochaine zone de localisation. Les exemples analysés montrent que le modèle proposé s'applique à des environnements routiers différents et, qu'une fois appris, il s'applique à des trajectoires aux propriétés spatiales et temporelles différentes. En deuxième lieu, les environnements technologiques d'apprentissage pour données massives sont comparés sur des cas d'usage industriels. / This thesis focuses on machine learning techniques for application to big data. We first consider trajectories defined as sequences of geolocalized data. A hierarchical clustering is then applied on a new distance between trajectories (Symmetrized Segment-Path Distance) producing groups of trajectories which are then modeled with Gaussian mixture in order to describe individual movements. This modeling can be used in a generic way in order to resolve the following problems for road traffic : final destination, trip time or next location predictions. These examples show that our model can be applied to different traffic environments and that, once learned, can be applied to trajectories whose spatial and temporal characteristics are different. We also produce comparisons between different technologies which enable the application of machine learning methods on massive volumes of data.

Estudo de camada de base asfáltica de módulo elevado para restauração de rodovias de tráfego muito pesado. / Study of high modulus asphalt concrete as a base layer for rehabilitation of very highly trafficked roads.

Assis Rodrigues Abbud Villela 16 December 2011 (has links)
A partir dos anos 1980, iniciou-se na França o uso de misturas asfálticas de módulo elevado (EME - Enrobé à Module Éleve) em intervenções de pavimentos para a restauração de vias urbanas e de trechos de rodovias sujeitas a tráfego pesado e intenso. Estas experiências tiveram como principais finalidades reduzir a deformabilidade e as espessuras das camadas do pavimento, elevando sua rigidez e melhorando seu comportamento mecânico quanto à deformação permanente e à vida de fadiga, em comparação com outros materiais convencionais. Com base nos estudos paramétricos, esta pesquisa analisa as deflexões, tensões e deformações atuantes nas diversas camadas da estrutura de um pavimento, a fim de estudar o comportamento de camadas de EME empregadas nos serviços de restauração. Desde que sejam conhecidas as condições estruturais do pavimento existente e do futuro tráfego, pode-se definir rapidamente as características geométricas e mecânicas das misturas de EME a serem empregadas nas camadas sobrejacentes das restaurações de pavimentos. São apresentados os ensaios laboratoriais com misturas de EME para definição do projeto de mistura, comportamento mecânico, Prensa de Cisalhamento Giratória (PCG - Presse à Cisaillement Giratoire) e deformação permanente, cujos resultados atenderam às especificações técnicas. Esta pesquisa conta com a execução de um Trecho Experimental na rodovia Presidente Dutra, localizado no município de Jacareí/SP, que é sujeita a tráfego pesado e intenso. Durante a sua execução, não foram verificadas dificuldades adicionais de usinagem e de execução em pista. Neste trecho composto de três diferentes seções experimentais, variando-se a espessura da camada de base de módulo elevado, foi avaliado e comprovado o bom comportamento estrutural do pavimento com mistura de EME como base asfáltica para restauração do pavimento de rodovia com tráfego muito pesado. / Since 80s it has started in France the use of high modulus asphalt concrete (EME - Enrobé à Module Éleve) in pavement interventions for the restoration of urban roads and some sections of highways with heavy and high traffic. Those experiences had the main purpose of reducing deformability and decreasing layers thicknesses of the pavement, which could raise its strength and improve its mechanical behavior, concerning rutting and fatigue life, in comparison to other conventional materials. Based on a parametric studies, this research analyses deflections, tensions and deformations that act in all pavement structure for studying the behavior of EME layers in restorations. Since structural conditions of the existing pavement and the future traffic are known, it can be rapidly defined the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of EME mixtures for being used as wearing courses in pavement restorations. Laboratory tests were carried out with EME in terms of mixture design, mechanical behavior, French gyratory compaction (PCG - Presse à Cisaillement Giratoire) and rutting and the results were in compliance with technical specifications. This research includes a trial section on Presidente Dutra highway in Jacareí city/SP, which is a heavy and high trafficked road. During the construction, no additional difficulties in mixing and laydown operations were found. This test track composed of three sections with different thicknesses of EME as a base layer was evaluated, and proved the good structural behavior of EME mixture as an asphalt base layer for pavement rehabilitation of a very high trafficked road.


Santana, Gilson de Souza 23 August 2010 (has links)
The habitat loss or fragmentation and reduced connectivity among habitats are common aspects in areas with highways.These impacts have close liaison with running over of wild vertebrates. This study aimed to identify and quantify the influencing factors that act directly and indirectly about these accidents. Were monitored four snippets (north, south, east and west) 100 km of highway BR 158, 287, 392 and RST 241, through 48 road route, one week in different snippets each voyage, in the interval December 2008 to December 2009. Examination of the slopes was launched from the town of Santa Maria-RS, at zero km of route, located on the outskirts of the city, and return the same BR occurred after traveling 100 km on the highway. At the end of monitoring, the number of registered animals was 829 individuals belonging to four classes, 43 families, eight orders and 83 species. The percentage of accidents in mammals was 51,63%, in birds 31,97%, reptiles 11,7%, and amphibians 4,7% The sampling effort of 9.600 km traversed resulted in an average of 0,086 roadkill/km. Vertebrates that have suffered most roadkill in class the mammals the opossum (Didelphis albiventris), with 135 records, hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga), with 62, crabeating fox (Cerdocyon thous), 52; in birds eared dove (Zenaida auriculata), with 39 records and rufous hornero (Furnarius rufus), with 39; in reptiles tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae), with 42 records and in amphibians the cane toad (Rhinella icterica) with 20 animals. Were significant for the occurrence of events variables such as, seasonality, the environment around of the accident, rainfall and temperature in addition to the faunal composition in the four stretches of highways. Were not identified mitigation measures effective on the slopes. It was suggested the installation of safe passage for wildlife across highways, which can minimize the running over in critical areas identified. However, more studies are still needed to identify specific features of the highways and the species present in the region. / A perda de habitats ou sua fragmentação e a diminuição da conectividade entre ambientes são aspectos comuns em regiões com rodovias. Esses impactos têm estreita ligação com atropelamentos de vertebrados silvestres. O presente estudo visou identificar e quantificar os fatores que influenciam direta e indiretamente sobre esses acidentes. Foram monitorados quatro trechos (norte, sul, leste e oeste) de 100 km das rodovias BR 158, 287, 392 e RST 241, através de 48 percursos, um por semana em trecho diferente a cada viagem, no período de dezembro 2008 a dezembro 2009. O exame das pistas foi iniciado a partir da cidade de Santa Maria-RS, no km zero do percurso, localizado na periferia do município, e o retorno pela mesma BR ocorreu depois de percorridos 100 km na rodovia. Ao término do monitoramento, a quantidade de animais registrados foi de 829 indivíduos, pertencentes a quatro classes, 43 famílias, oito ordens e 83 espécies. O percentual de atropelamentos de mamíferos foi de 51,6%, de aves 31,9%, répteis 11,7% e de anfíbios 4,7%. O esforço amostral de 9600 km percorridos resultou na média de 0,086 animal atropelado/km. Os vertebrados mais atropelados foram: na classe dos mamíferos o gambá-de-orelha-branca (Didelphis albiventris), com 135 registros, zorrilho (Conepatus chinga), com 62, cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous), com 52; em aves a avoante (Zenaida auriculata), com 39 registros e joãode-barro (Furnarius rufus), com 39; em répteis o lagarto-teiú (Tupinambis merianae), com 42 registros, e em anfíbios o sapo cururu (Rhinella icterica), com 20 animais. Foram significantes para a ocorrência dos eventos, variáveis como a sazonalidade, o tipo de matriz do entorno imediato ao acidente, a pluviosidade e a temperatura, além da composição faunística nos quatro trechos de rodovias. Não foram identificadas medidas mitigatórias eficientes nas pistas. Sugeriu-se a instalação de meios para a transposição das rodovias pela fauna, as quais podem minimizar os atropelamentos em áreas críticas identificadas. Entretanto, ainda são necessários mais estudos, a fim de identificar características específicas das rodovias e das espécies presentes na região.

Did the alcohol prohibition reduce motor vehicle accidents related to alcohol? / Způsobila alkoholová prohibice pokles počtu dopravních nehod spáchaných řidiči pod vlivem alkoholu?

Brabenec, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This paper tries to find out whether a short ban on sales of liquors reduced the harmful use of alcohol with respect to motor vehicle accidents. I make use of short (two weeks) alcohol prohibition which was imposed by the Ministry of Health Care in the Czech Republic in September 2012 aiming to stop the deadly wave of methanol poisoning. To estimate the effect of prohibition on the number of road traffic accidents, I exploit the methodology of differences-in-differences. I use daily data about traffic accidents from the Czech Republic (treatment group) and from neighboring countries such as Austria, Germany and Poland (control group). The result suggests that there is no significant drop in term of road traffic accidents.

Modalités de contamination du ray-grass par les éléments du groupe platine et les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques à proximité des voies routières / Contamination modalities of the ryegrass by the platinum group elements and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons near the road ways

Tankari Dan-Badjo, Abdourahamane 31 January 2007 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse a porté sur les modalités de dépôts de PGE et HAP sur le fourrage à partir d’un bio-accumulateur (ray-grass). Les cinétiques du dépôt de PGE et HAP sur les plants de ray-grass exposé en bordure d’autoroute ont montré que l’essentiel de la contamination s’effectue durant les premières semaines d’exposition, et aussi que ces contaminants restent fixés au ray-grass au moins cinq semaines après son retrait de l’autoroute. L’étude de l’influence des conditions du trafic a montré un faible impact de l’autoroute sur la contamination du ray-grass en PGE et HAP par rapport à une route nationale, suggérant que le dépôt de PGE et HAP sur le ray-grass est beaucoup plus lié aux propriétés de leurs émissions par les véhicules que par le nombre de véhicules. La spatialisation de l’exposition du fourrage en PGE et HAP à l’échelle parcellaire a révélé une diminution significative des concentrations de Pd, Rh et HAP du ray-grass avec l’éloignement de la source d’émission. / Our thesis work concerned the methods of PGE and PAH deposits on fodder using a bio-accumulator (ryegrass). The deposit kinetics of PGE and PAH on ryegrass exposed in the vicinity of a highway showed that the main part of the contamination is carried out during the first weeks of exposure, and also that these contaminants remain fixed on the ryegrass at least five weeks after its removal from the highway. The study of the traffic conditions influence showed a weak impact of the highway on the ryegrass contamination by PGE and PAH compared to a rural road, suggesting that the PGE and PAH deposits on the ryegrass are much more related to the emission properties from the vehicles than to the number of vehicles. The spatialization of the fodder exposure in PGE and PAH on a fodder plot scale revealed a significant reduction of the Pd, Rh and PAH concentrations of the ryegrass with the distance of the emission source.

Risk factors and injury characteristics among trauma patients in the Gambia

Sanyang, Edrisa 01 December 2016 (has links)
This research focuses on injuries from all mechanisms, with particular focus on road traffic injuries in urban Gambia. Data from trauma registries established in two major trauma hospitals were used to address three aims: 1) examine the general characteristics of injured individuals and their injuries, and identify factors associated with discharge status from the hospital emergency room; 2) identify differences in road-user, collision, vehicle, and driver factors, among individuals hospitalized with a road traffic injury; and 3) examine personal, crash, and injury factors associated with transfer status among road traffic injured (RTI) patients, and identify limitations of the current trauma systems that might be improved for more efficient use of resources. Data used for this dissertation were from trauma registries established in two major trauma hospitals in The Gambia: Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) and Serrekunda General Hospital (SGH). At intake, the treating physicians and nurses completed an accident and emergency ward survey form for injuries from all mechanisms. For admitted road traffic injured patients (admission more than 24 hours), the road traffic injured admission form is completed. Data about risk factors contributing to crashes and injuries were collected from the patients. At hospital discharge, treating physicians used a 19-item questionnaire to collect data on the discharge status and disability at discharge of road traffic injured patients. Using the trauma registry data from March 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016, we found the leading mechanism of injury was road traffic. For place of occurrence, injuries mostly occur at home and on the road. Assault was higher among young females (19 to 44 years) than males. Males have increased odds for admission and disability due to road traffic injuries. We also found that among admitted road traffic injured patients, injuries to pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists were higher than other road users. Crashes involved risk factors at person, crash, and environment levels. Head/skull injuries were common, and concussions/brain injuries were higher among pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists than vehicle occupants. Finally, our results also suggest that vehicle occupants, and professionals/skilled personnel had increased odds of being transferred than directly admitted RTI patients. Fractures/dislocations, and concussions/brain injuries were frequent among transfers. Intravenous fluid was the most frequent treatment administered to patients transferred to the definitive-care hospitals. This project shows that injuries, especially road traffic, create a large burden of injury in The Gambia and the many contributing factors. It also provides evidence that there are many opportunities to intervene at personal, crash, and environment levels. Additionally, creating trauma registries across the country as well as trauma response system will have a greater impact to reduce burden of road traffic crashes in The Gambia.

Studie úrovňové křižovatky silnici I/52 a II/152 u obce Želešice / Crossroad I/52 and II/152 near Želešice - Study

Polanský, Štěpán January 2020 (has links)
The subject of Master’s thesis is the variant redevelopment of cover crossroad, which is part of over-level junction of roads I/52 and II/152 near the village Želešice. The existing junctions are unsatisfactory in terms of capacity and long queues arise. The thesis contains a proposal of 3 variants, which are looking for different solutions to increase the capacityy of level crossings. Part of the thesis is a traffic survey, determination of traffic intensity, capacity analysis of current state and designed variants.

Eine Methodik zur Ermittlung von Fahrmustern aus FCD

Schmidt, Wolfram, Richter, Falk, Körner, Matthias 10 November 2014 (has links)
Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methodik für die Ermittlung von Fahrmustern als Grundlage für eine qualifizierte Emissions- und Immissionsprognose in Straßen. In dem Projekt wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe unter Verwendung von Floating-Car-Data (FCD) die Fahrmuster ohne aufwändige Messfahrten erhoben und aktualisiert werden können. Die Ergebnisse sind Grundlage zur Modellierung der Immissionssituation z. B. in Luftreinhalteplänen, zur Ermittlung von Vorbelastungswerten, zur Erfüllung von Berichtspflichten an die EU sowie als Eingangsgrößen in Forschungsvorhaben. Das Verfahren kann mit geringem Aufwand für andere Städte angepasst werden, wodurch diese Kosten sparen.

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