Spelling suggestions: "subject:"read traffic""
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Vliv přítomnosti hluku na cenu nemovitostí v Praze / The effects of noise on real estate prices in PragueStraková, Beáta January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with the effects of noise on real estate prices in our capital city. The aim is to estimate the traffic noise impact on property prices, using the hedonic price method. Hedonic price analysis is a useful tool for evaluating the impact of environmental policies, especially for assessing measures aiming to reduce traffic noise, and for apprising landscape architecture during the forming of green quiet areas in the city. In the theoretical part of the thesis I deal with the noise characteristics, hedonic price method, and searches of foreign studies that are centered on the benefits of the silence in households. From these studies, I deduced how the noise affects the real estate market, defined the determinants of the real estate valuation, and showed the appropriate format of these determining variables. The practical part of my work focuses on estimating the effect of particular characteristics of a property on its price. From the noise and real estate price data plotted on the map of Prague, I evaluate the relationship between the noise reading and the real estate price, using the econometric analysis. According to my findings, the negative correlation has been proven to be of a significant measure.
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Uso da tecnologia Weigh-in-Motion para a caracterização do tráfego rodoviário e do excesso de carga em veículos comerciais. / Use of the Weigh-in-Motion technology for the characterization of road traffic and overloading in commercial vehicles.Bosso, Mariana 04 July 2018 (has links)
A caracterização do tráfego rodoviário é de grande importância para o dimensionamento de pavimentos, bem como para a garantia de sua vida útil, sendo a carga aplicada pelo tráfego uma das maiores responsáveis pelos danos na estrutura. Com o objetivo de garantir a durabilidade dos pavimentos, sistemas Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) podem ser utilizados para coleta de informações sobre os veículos que trafegam em uma rodovia. Propôs-se neste estudo caracterizar o tráfego a partir da avaliação contínua das solicitações de carga na BR-381, sentido Sul, por meio da coleta de dados de Sistema WIM. A partir da análise dos dados coletados entre setembro de 2015 e fevereiro de 2017, observou-se que aproximadamente 85% dos veículos comerciais trafegam na faixa de rolamento mais solicitada (faixa 2). Com relação ao volume de veículos comerciais, pôde-se constatar a presença de uma maior quantidade de veículos durante os dias úteis quando comparados aos finais de semana. Além das variações com relação ao dia da semana, o volume de tráfego também apresenta particularidades com relação às distribuições horárias. Foram obtidas e analisadas as distribuições de carga para cada tipo de eixo das 15 categorias de veículos comerciais mais frequentes (representando 97,3% do tráfego comercial registrado). Com base na Legislação Brasileira vigente, quantificou-se o excesso de carga praticado na rodovia, onde foram identificados 23,7% dos veículos com excesso. Notou-se que a maioria dos excessos se encontram na faixa de até 10% dos respetivos limites legais, indicando que muitos transportadores carregam seus veículos considerando a tolerância como um ganho real de sobrecarga. Um método para identificação de padrões de viagem dos veículos com excesso foi proposto, que se baseia nas árvores de classificação e regressão (Classification and Regression Tree Analysis - CART), uma ferramenta analítica. Por fim, os dados de tráfego foram correlacionados com os defeitos observados no trecho experimental construído logo após o sistema WIM, onde se simulou a redução da vida útil de estruturas de pavimentos considerando diferentes cenários de carga, sendo eles: (i) tráfego real; (ii) tráfego na tolerância (considerando a tolerância de 10%); e (iii) tráfego legal, concluindo-se que a prática do excesso de carga nas rodovias penaliza o transporte rodoviário ao acelerar a degradação das rodovias. / The traffic characterization is of great importance for pavement design, as well as for prediction of its remaining service life. In fact, traffic loading is one of the major contributors for the pavement deterioration. In order to ensure pavement durability, Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems can be used to collect traffic data. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the effect on the pavements of characterizing the traffic through a Weigh-in-Motion system installed between km 948 and 949 at the Brazilian Federal Highway BR-381. The analysis of the data collected from September 2015 to February 2017 shows that approximately 85% of commercial vehicles travel on the outside slow lane (lane 2). Regarding the volume of commercial vehicles, traffic volume was lower in weekends. In addition to the daily variations, traffic patterns also presented hourly variations. The axle load distributions were obtained and analyzed for the 15 more frequent commercial vehicle categories (representing 97.3% of all the commercial traffic registered). Based on the current Brazilian laws, the results from this study have indicated a significant percentage of violation involving overloaded heavy good vehicles in the highway (23.7%). In general, most axles exceed the legal limits up to 10%, indicating that many vehicles are loaded considering the tolerance as a real gain. A method to identify overloaded truck travel patterns and loading characteristics from available HS-WIM data was proposed. The method is based on Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART), an analytical tool. Finally, the traffic data were correlated with the distresses observed in the experimental section constructed closer to the WIM system, where it was simulated the reduction of the useful life of pavement structures considering different load scenarios: (i) real traffic; (ii) traffic in the tolerance (considering the tolerance of 10%); and (iii) legal traffic. it was concluded that the practice of overloading on highways penalizes road transport by accelerating road degradation.
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Epidemiologia do traumatismo craniencefálico urbano em Hospital Universitário de São José do Rio Preto.Filipe, Fernando Manuel Rana 06 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-06 / Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of disability, morbidity and mortality in people and has become a very important public health issue with high socioeconomic costs. Aim: To evaluate traumatic brain injuries in an urban area in respect to gender, age, occupation and schooling of the victim, the etiology of the injury, duration of hospitalization, evolution and the influence of changes in the road traffic laws on the occurrence of traumatic brain injuries. Patients and Methods: A total of 258 patients admitted to Hospital de Base as victims of brain injuries inside the urban area of São José do Rio Preto from 2005 to 2008 were analyzed. Results: Of this total, 216 were men (83.7%) with a mean age of 44.8 years (range: 4-89 years) and 42 were women (16.3%) with a mean age of 53.3 years (range: 13-96 years). Falls (34.5%) and motorcycle accidents (21.7%) were the most frequent etiologies. Mean hospitalization was 6.7 days. In general, victims were service sector workers (51.1%) and had only completed junior school (56.2%). The mortality rate among individuals who suffered traumatic brain injuries was 26.7%. A non-statistically significant drop (about 50%) in the number of traumatic brain injuries was recorded in the first half of 2008, which coincided with the introduction of tougher road traffic laws that increased punishment for drink drivers and decreased the legal blood alcoholic limit. Conclusion: Traumatic brain injuries predominantly involve men with a lower age than women. Falls are the most frequent cause in aged people, followed by motorcycle accidents in young individuals. Service sector workers are more likely to suffer traumatic brain
x injuries than other manual workers. The recent change in the drink driver laws did not influence the occurrence of traumatic brain injuries. / O traumatismo crâniencefálico (TCE) é a maior causa de incapacidade, morbidade e mortalidade na população, tornando-se uma questão de saúde pública com grande importância e influência no custo socioeconômico da população. Objetivo: Analisar o TCE urbano considerando o sexo, a idade, a etiologia, o tempo de internação, a evolução, a atividade ocupacional, o grau de escolaridade e a influência da alteração do Código de Trânsito na ocorrência do TCE. Casuística e Método: Foram analisados 258 pacientes atendidos e internados no Hospital de Base vítimas de TCE dentro do perímetro urbano da cidade de São José do Rio Preto no período de 2005 a 2008. Resultados: Desse total, 216 eram do sexo masculino (83,7%) e tinham idade média de 44,8 anos (intervalo de 4 a 89 anos). Os outros 42 analisados (16,3%) eram do sexo feminino e apresentavam idade média de 53,3 anos, (intervalo de 13-96). Quanto à etiologia do trauma, observamos queda (34,5%) e acidente de moto (21,7%) como os mais freqüentes. A duração média da internação foi de 6,7 dias. A taxa de mortalidade do estudo foi de 26,7%. Os pacientes, na sua maioria, eram prestadores de serviços (51,1%) e apresentavam ensino fundamental (56,2%). Foi observada uma tendência de queda (em torno de 50%), na freqüência do TCE no primeiro semestre de 2008, sem significado estatístico, que coincidiu com o início de novas regras na Legislação de Trânsito, que tornaram as penalidades mais rigorosas e diminuíram a tolerância dos níveis de álcool no sangue dos condutores. Conclusão: O TCE apresenta-se com predomínio no sexo masculino em uma
faixa etária inferior a do sexo feminino, sendo a queda a causa mais frequente na população idosa, seguida dos acidentes motociclísticos nos jovens. Os prestadores de serviços e com ensino fundamental são mais propensos ao TCE. As novas regras no Código de Trânsito não influenciaram a ocorrência do TCE.
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Les nuisances liées au trafic routier (bruit, pollution de l’air et insécurité) : de la gêne à la perception du risque sanitaire sous l’angle des inégalités sociales / Road-traffic nuisances (noise, air pollution and insecurity) from annoyance to health risk perception from the point of view of social inequalitiesMahdjoub-Assaad, Sarah 26 November 2018 (has links)
Le transport est un facteur important de la croissance urbaine et de la viabilité des centres urbains mais il est également responsable de nombreuses nuisances telles que le bruit, la pollution de l'air et les accidents de la route, qui causent aujourd'hui de nombreux impacts sur la santé, telles que la gêne. L'objectif principal de notre thèse était d'identifier les déterminants (sociodémographiques, socioéconomiques, liés à la mobilité quotidienne) d'une gêne ressentie vis-à-vis du bruit, de la pollution de l'air et des accidents de la route. L'objectif secondaire était d'identifier les déterminants de la perception du risque sanitaire vis-à-vis de ces trois nuisances et du ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé ou celle de son entourage ; dans le but in fine de voir si des inégalités sociales se dessinaient dans le champ de cette problématique. Pour ce faire, deux études transversales ont été menées en population générale, dans le département du Rhône en 2013 puis en 2014 respectivement. La principale conclusion de notre étude est que le milieu socioéconomique ne joue un rôle prédominant ni dans l'expression de la gêne ni dans la perception du risque sanitaire. En revanche, les usagers des modes doux (marche, vélo) et des transports publics sont plus gênés par la pollution de l'air et le bruit du trafic routier comparés aux usagers motorisés. Par ailleurs, la gêne liée à la pollution de l'air influencerait le ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé. Nos résultats devraient être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans le cadre des politiques urbaines. Créer un environnement plus « friendly » en réduisant l'utilisation des voitures, en promouvant l'utilisation des modes doux, en améliorant les transports en commun et leur utilisation, en développant des installations pour les piétons et pour les cyclistes - toutes ces mesures sont autant de mesures nécessaires pour réduire les nuisances dus au trafic routier et ainsi le sentiment de gêne et d'insécurité / An important factor supporting urban growth, and the viability of the urban centers, is transportation but road transport is still a common important source of traffic accidents, noise, and air which have heavy consequences on public health such as annoyance. The main objective of our thesis was to identify the determinants of each kind of trafficrelated annoyance (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, daily mobilty). The secondary objective was to identify the determinants of health risk perception and the feelings of health effects on his own health. Then, tow cross-sectional studies have been conducted in the general population, in the Rhône Department, in France. The main finding of our study is that the socioeconomic level doesn’t play a rule neither in the expression of annoyance nor in the health risk perception. However, active travel modes and public transport users are highly annoyed by traffic air pollution and road-traffic noise more than motorized users. Moreover, annoyance related to air pollution seemed to influence the feeling of health effects of noise and air pollution. Our results should be useful for urban policies. Create a friendly environment by reducing the use of cars, promoting non-motorized or “active” travel mode use (walking, cycling), to improve public transport and to promote the use of public transport, avoiding to add noisy road infrastructure near population centers, to develop facilities for pedestrians and for cyclists - all of these measures are needed to reduce road-traffic nuisances and the feeling of annoyance
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Развој модела динамичких параметара кретања мотоцикла са аспекта безбедности саобраћаја / Razvoj modela dinamičkih parametara kretanja motocikla sa aspekta bezbednosti saobraćaja / DEVELOPMENT OF MOTORCYCLE'S DYNAMIC PARAMETERMODELS FROM THE ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC SAFETYAleksandrović Branislav 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Основни предмет истраживања докторске дисертације<br />представљали су рачунарски модели за анализу динамичких<br />карактеристика кретања мотоцикла у функцији повећања безбедности<br />саобраћаја. Значајан удео чине и оргиналана експериментална<br />истраживања са опремом која је прилагођена испитивањима, како у<br />статичко-динамичким лабораторијским условима, тако и у сложеним<br />условима путних испитивања.<br />У oквиру циља дефинисања страдања мотоциклиста дат је<br />осврт на проблематику безбедности мотоциклиста у саобраћају,<br />стања и тенденције, гледано и анализирано на глобалном нивоу,<br />преко специфичности у појединим ширим географским регионима,<br />закључно са стањем у Републици Србији.<br />Као значајан аспект је наведена и приказана конструкција<br />мотоцикла у целини, при чему указано на значај сваког система, са<br />посебним освртом на рам мотоцикла и његову интеракцију са<br />системима ослањања и управљања.<br />На бази добијених резултата динамичких параметара кретања<br />мотоцикла, идентификовани су показатељи динамичког понашања<br />мотоцикла за следеће режиме: кочења, залета, кретања константном<br />брзином, режима осциловања, као и за режиме изражене интеракције<br />динамичких равни.</p> / <p>Osnovni predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije<br />predstavljali su računarski modeli za analizu dinamičkih<br />karakteristika kretanja motocikla u funkciji povećanja bezbednosti<br />saobraćaja. Značajan udeo čine i orginalana eksperimentalna<br />istraživanja sa opremom koja je prilagođena ispitivanjima, kako u<br />statičko-dinamičkim laboratorijskim uslovima, tako i u složenim<br />uslovima putnih ispitivanja.<br />U okviru cilja definisanja stradanja motociklista dat je<br />osvrt na problematiku bezbednosti motociklista u saobraćaju,<br />stanja i tendencije, gledano i analizirano na globalnom nivou,<br />preko specifičnosti u pojedinim širim geografskim regionima,<br />zaključno sa stanjem u Republici Srbiji.<br />Kao značajan aspekt je navedena i prikazana konstrukcija<br />motocikla u celini, pri čemu ukazano na značaj svakog sistema, sa<br />posebnim osvrtom na ram motocikla i njegovu interakciju sa<br />sistemima oslanjanja i upravljanja.<br />Na bazi dobijenih rezultata dinamičkih parametara kretanja<br />motocikla, identifikovani su pokazatelji dinamičkog ponašanja<br />motocikla za sledeće režime: kočenja, zaleta, kretanja konstantnom<br />brzinom, režima oscilovanja, kao i za režime izražene interakcije<br />dinamičkih ravni.</p> / <p>The basic researching subject of this dissertation were computer<br />models used for the analysis, of motorcycle motion dynamic characteristics,<br />in the function of traffic safety increasement. Significant share also have<br />had the original experimental researching, by implementing equipment<br />which was specifically adjusted for thе researching both in static and<br />dynamic laboratory conditions and also in complex conditions of road<br />examinations.<br />With the aim to define fatal injuries of drivers of the motorcycles a<br />specific attention was given to driver's safety in traffic, driver’s conditions<br />and tendencies, which were examined and analysed on global level,<br />considering specific factors in the wide geographic regions, concluding with<br />the actual state in the Republic of Serbia.<br />As one of significant aspects herein is quoted and presented entire<br />design of motorcycle, indicated a significance of each system, with the<br />special remarks on motorcycle’s frame and it’s interaction with suspension<br />and steering system.<br />On the basis of obtained results of motorcycle motion dynamic<br />parameters, a key indicators of dynamic behaviour of motorcycle were<br />identified for the following working regimes: braking, accelerating, constant<br />speed motion, oscillation regimes, and also for the regimes of exposed<br />interaction of dynamic planes.</p>
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Calage en ligne d'un modèle dynamique de trafic routier pour l'estimation en temps réel des conditions de circulation / Online calibration of a dynamic traffic model for real time estimation of traffic statesClairais, Aurélien 12 April 2019 (has links)
Les modèles de trafic ont une importance capitale pour la compréhension et la prévision des phénomènes liés aux conditions de circulation. Ils représentent une aide précieuse à tous les niveaux de gestion du trafic. Cette thèse s'attache aux problématiques liées à la gestion du trafic au quotidien. Pour les gestionnaires de réseaux, quatre enjeux sont traités. L'enjeu de rapidité renvoie au choix de l'échelle de représentation et la formulation du modèle d'écoulement. Le modèle retenu est le modèle LWR lagrangien-spatial. La fiabilité est un enjeu relatif à la prise en compte des erreurs de modèles dans les estimations des conditions de circulation. La réactivité est décrite comme la capacité de la méthode à prendre en compte en temps réel les états de trafic captés. Enfin, l'adaptabilité renvoie à la capacité des paramètres de la méthode à évoluer en tenant compte des situations de trafic observées. Les verrous scientifiques que les travaux présentés cherchent à lever s'articulent autour des quatre enjeux décrits précédemment. L'intégration de la propagation des incertitudes directement dans le modèle d'écoulement représente un premier verrou. Ensuite, la production d'indicateurs opérationnels rendant compte de la fiabilité des résultats. Concernant l'enjeu de réactivité, les verrous scientifiques traités sont la mise en place d'un schéma d'assimilation de données séquentiel et le calage des conditions internes du modèle d'écoulement intégrant les erreurs de modèle et d'observation. Enfin, concernant l'enjeu de réactivité, le verrou scientifique associé est le calage en ligne des paramètres du modèle d'écoulement. Un modèle de suivi d'erreur où les variables du modèle d'écoulement sont distribuées selon des mélanges de gaussienne est développé. Le suivi des erreurs dans le modèle est réalisé grâce à une méthode de perturbation adaptée à la formulation multi-composantes des mélanges de gaussiennes. Une analyse de sensibilité est menée afin d'établir le lien entre la robustesse de la méthode proposée et la discrétisation du réseau, le nombre de composantes dans le mélange de gaussiennes et les erreurs sur les paramètres du modèle d'écoulement. Ce modèle permet la production d'indicateurs opérationnels et leurs erreurs associées rendant compte de la fiabilité des conditions de circulation ainsi estimées. Le processus d'assimilation séquentielle permet d'estimer et de prévoir les conditions de trafic en accord avec les observations en cas de demande et d'offre non calées. L'état a posteriori est calculé à l'aide d'une formulation bayésienne connaissant les états a priori et les observations. Deux méthodes de mise à jour du modèle ont été testées. Devant les incohérences du modèle, introduites par la méthode de substitution des états a priori par les états a posteriori, la mise à jour agit aussi sur les véhicules via l'ajout, la suppression, l'avancement ou le retardement de leurs temps de passage. La validation des concepts étudiés est réalisée sur un réseau composé d'un simple lien homogène sans discontinuité. Lorsque les paramètres de l'écoulement du trafic ne sont pas calés, l'assimilation de données seule ne permet pas de propager correctement les états de trafic en accord avec la situation observée. Le calage des paramètres d'écoulement est traité dans un chapitre d'ouverture dans lequel des pistes de recherche sont suggérées afin de proposer des solutions à ce dernier verrou scientifique. Les travaux de cette thèse ouvrent la voie à des perspectives de recherche et opérationnelles. En effet, il est intéressant de quantifier le renforcement apporté par les méthodes modèle-centrées aux méthodes données-centrées usuelles dans l'estimation en temps réel et la prévision à court-terme des conditions de circulation. De plus, les méthodes développées, associées aux pistes de recherche évoquées, pourraient représenter un apport considérable aux outils d'aide à la gestion du trafic au quotidien. / Traffic models are of paramount importance for understanding and forecasting traffic dynamics. They represent a significant support for all the stages of traffic management. This thesis focuses on issues related to daily traffic management. For road network managers, four challenges are addressed. The speed refers to the choice of the scale of representation and formulation of the flow model. The selected model is the Lagrangian-Space LWR model. The reliability is associated to the integration of the model errors in the traffic conditions estimation process. The reactivity is described as the capacity of the method to take into account the prevailling traffic states in real time. Finally, the versatility refers to the capacity of the method parameters to evolve considering the observed traffic situations.The scientific challenges that the presented works aim are based on the four issues. The integration of the uncertainties into the flow model is a first challenge. Then, the production of operational indicators that account for the reliability of the results is discussed. Concerning the reactivity, the addressed scientific challenges are the establishment of a vehicle indexes based sequential data assimilation process and the calibration of the model's internal conditions. Finally, concerning the versatility, the associated scientific question is the online calibration of the parameters of the traffic flow model. A model for tracking the errors,assumed to be distributed following Gaussian mixtures, is developped. The error tracking is achieved thanks to an original perturbation method designed for multi-modal Gaussian mixtures. A sensitivity analysis is performed in order to establish a link between the designed method's robustness and the discretization of the network, the number of modes in the Gaussian mixture and the errors on the flow model's parameters. The data assimilation process enables to propagate traffic conditions in accordance with the observed situation in case of non-calibrated demand and supply. The posterior state is calculated by means of a Bayesian inference formulation knowing the prior and observed states. Two methods for model update have been tested. Facing model inconsistencies introduced by the method of substituting \textit{prior} states by \textit{posterior} states, the update acts also on the vehicles by means of addition, deletion, advancing and delaying of the passing times. The validation of the proposed solutions is achieved on a network composed of a simple homogeneous link without discontinuity. When the parameters of the traffic flow models are not calibrated, the data assimilation alone is not able to propagate the traffic states in accordance with the observed situation. The calibration of the parameters is addressed in an opening chapter in which several research avenues are proposed to resolve this last scientific question. The works in this thesis pave the way to perspectives in both research and operational domains. Indeed, it is interesting to quantify the reinforcement brought by model centered methods to usual data centered methods for the real time estimation and the short term forecasting of traffic conditions. Furthermore, the developed methods, associated to the cited research avenues, may represent a significant intake in the daily traffic management tools.
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Förekomst av mikroplast i dagvatten : En jämförande studie av dagvatten från vägtrafik och konstgräs i Uppsala / Prevalence of Microplastics in Storm water : A Comparative Study of Storm water Runoff from traffic roads and artificial turfs in UppsalaTrinh, Yvonne January 2019 (has links)
Material av plast är praktiska och användbara, vilket medför att de återfinns i många produkter som används i vardagen. På grund av dess egenskaper har framställning av produkter och användning av plast ökat sedan massproduktionen av plast började. Mikroplast definieras som plastobjekt med en storlek mindre än 5 millimeter. Eftersom att material av plast förekommer i många produkter så har det lett till en spridning av mikroplast som påträffas på flertalet platser i naturen runtom i världen. Svenska Miljöinstitutet, IVL, har granskat kartlagda uppkomstkällor till och spridningen av mikroplaster i Sverige. De två största landbaserade källorna till mikroplast är slitage av vägbanor och däck respektive mikroplast från konstgräsplaner. Utifrån kartläggningen sker spridning vidare till omgivningen och därför är det angeläget att undersöka belastningen som kan förekomma i dagvattnet från dessa källor. I den här studien har mängden mikroplast undersökts med en minsta storleksfraktion på 100 mikrometer i dagvatten från trafikvägen Bolandsgatan och konstgräsplanen Stenhagens IP i Uppsala. Provtagning utfördes på dagvatten i dagvattenbrunnar genom att ta stickprov och med en provtagare som möjliggjorde flödesproportionell provtagning. Insamlade prover filtrerades där mikroplast sedan analyserades visuellt i stereomikroskop. Analysen av mikroplast kombinerades även med ett smälttest. I undersökningen av den trafikerade vägen Bolandsgatan var 98 % av alla partiklar svarta. De svarta partiklarna kategoriserades som mikroplast som har uppkommit i samband med slitage av vägtrafik. Vid undersökning av konstgräsplanen Stenhagens IP påträffades ett gräsfragment som kategoriserades som mikroplast från konstgräsplanen. Mikroplastmängden i dagvatten från den trafikerade vägen Bolandsgatan erhölls till 33 kg/år. Emissionsfaktorn för blandad trafik beräknades till 2,2∙10-5 kg/fordonskm. Emissionsfaktor för mikroplast från däck, som beräknats utifrån mätningar i dagvatten från vägtrafik, har inte presenterats i tidigare studier. Från vägtrafiken i Uppsala kommun och Sverige erhölls mängden till 27 000 kg/år respektive 1,5∙106 kg/år. Från konstgräsplanen Stenhagens IP var mängden mikroplast 6,3∙10-2 kg/år. Från konstgräsplaner i Uppsala kommun och Sverige erhölls mängden till 0,56 kg/år respektive 48 kg/år. Vid beräkning av mikroplastmängder finns det en osäkerhet i bestämningen av volymen, ökar partikelradien med en faktor 2 så ökar volymen 8 gånger. Enligt den här studien är mikroplastmängder från vägtrafik i Sverige ungefär 5 gånger mindre än Naturvårdsverkets uppskattning, mängder från konstgräsplaner i Sverige är ungefär 30-50 gånger mindre än Naturvårdsverkets resultat. / Materials made from plastic are practical and durable, therefore plastic is found in many every day products. Because of the properties of plastics, the manufacturing of products and usage of the material has increased consequently leading to the creations of microplastics in varying sizes. The definition of microplastics is plastic materials with a size smaller than 5 millimeters. Because of a huge prevalence in products the consequence is microplastics being found on many places in nature around the world. The Swedish Environmental Research Institute, IVL, has been assigned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to review identified origins and the pathways of microplastics in Sweden. According to the study the largest source of microplastics from outdoor activities on land is from road wear and the abrasion of tyres followed by artificial turfs. Since microplastics are presumed to be spread to the environment, it is of concern to investigate potential microplastic load in storm water from these sources. The investigation of microplastic amounts has been studied in sizes ≥100 micrometres in storm water from the traffic road Bolandsgatan and the artificial turf Stenhagens IP in Uppsala. Samples were collected, using random sampling and with an automatic sampler enabling flow proportional sampling. Filtration of collected water samples were carried out followed by analysing microplastic visually in a stereo microscope. The analyses of microplastics were also combined with a melting test. In the study of the traffic road Bolandsgatan 98 % of all particles were black colored. The black colored particles were identified as microplastic originated from road wear. When studying the artificial turf Stenhagens IP a grass fragment was identified as microplastic originated from the artifical turf. Microplastic amounts from the traffic road Bolandsgatan are 33 kg/year. The emission factor for mixed fleet is 2.2∙10-5 kg/vehicle km. An emission factor for microplastic from road traffic has not been presented in other studies before. The amount of microplastics from road traffic in Uppsala was estimated to 27 000 kg/year and in Sweden to 1.5∙106 kg/year. From the artificial turf Stenhagens IP the amount was 6.3∙10-2 kg/year. By upscaling the amounts of microplastics from artificial turfs in Uppsala and Sweden the amounts were estimated to 0.56 and 48 kg/year, respectively. According to this study, the spread of microplastic from road traffic in Sweden is 5 times less than the estimated value and the amount from artificial turfs is 30-50 times less compared to the investigation by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
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Korrelationen mellan fotgängares skador i verkliga olyckor och Euro NCAPs testresultat för fotgängarskydd / The Correlation Between Pedestrian Injury Severity in Real-Life Crashes and Euro NCAP Pedestrian Test ResultsSternlund, Simon January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to estimate the correlation between Euro NCAP pedestrian rating scores and injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes, with special focus on long-term disability. The study also surveyed most frequently injured body regions and risk differences for specific elements of pedestrians hit by cars. Another aim was to determine whether Brake Assist systems affect the injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes and to estimate the effect in injury reduction of a high Euro NCAP ranking score combined with Brake Assist. In the current study, the Euro NCAP pedestrian scoring was compared with the real-life outcome in pedestrian crashes that occurred in Sweden 2003-2010. The real-life crash data was obtained from the data acquisition system STRADA, which combines police records and hospital admission data. The medical data consisted of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) diagnoses and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) scoring. In all approximately 500 pedestrians submitted to hospital were included in the study. Each car model was coded according to Euro NCAP pedestrian scores. In addition, the presence or absence of Brake Assist (BA) was coded for each car involved. Pedestrians were grouped according to associated car scoring. Injury outcomes were analyzed with AIS and, at victim level, with permanent medical impairment. This was done by translating the injury scores for each individual to Risk of Serious Consequences (RSC) at 1, 5 and 10% level of medical disability or more. This indicates the total risk of a medical disability for each victim, given the severity and location of injuries. The mean RSC (mrsc) was then calculated for each pedestrian group and t-tests were conducted to ensure statistically significant differences in mrsc between groups. The results showed a significant reduction of injury severity for pedestrians hit by cars with better pedestrian scoring, although pedestrians hit by cars with a high score (three or four stars) could not be studied, due to lack of cases. The reduction of RSC for pedestrians hit by medium performing (two-star) cars in comparison with pedestrians hit by low performing (one-star) cars was 12, 19 and 28% for 1 ,5 and 10% of medical impairment or more, respectively. These results applied to speed limits up to 90 km/h. In urban areas with speed limits up to 50 km/h the reduction of RSC was 17, 26 and 38% for 1, 5 and 10% of medical impairment or more, respectively. Car to pedestrian crashes was most common at speed limits up to 50 km/h and leg, arm and head were the most frequently injured body regions. RSC for pedestrians hit by cars with Brake Assist was not statistically significant lower than for pedestrians hit by cars without Brake Assist. RSC for pedestrians hit by two-star cars with Brake Assist was 19, 31 and 46% lower for 1, 5 and 10% of medical impairment or more, respectively, compared to pedestrians hit by one-star cars without Brake Assist. A significant correlation between Euro NCAP pedestrian score and injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes was found. The injury reduction was found to be larger for higher severity and level of permanent medical impairment. Car to pedestrian crashes was most common at lower speed zones. Leg, arm and head were the most frequently injured body regions. Brake Assist had no statistically significant effect measured in RSC on car to pedestrian crashes in this material. A high Euro NCAP scoring combined with Brake Assist was shown to give a high effect in reduction of RSC for pedestrians. / Syftet med denna studie var att uppskatta korrelationen mellan Euro NCAPs testresultat för fotgängarskydd och skadeutfall i verkliga olyckor med fotgängare och personbilar, med särskilt fokus på skador som ger medicinsk invaliditet. I studien kartlades även de mest frekvent skadade kroppsregionerna och riskskillnader för särskilda faktorer för fotgängare påkörda av personbilar. Studien syftar dessutom till att undersöka bromsassistanssystems påverkan av skadeutfallet för fotgängare i verkliga olyckor med personbil och att uppskatta den skadereducerande effekten av en hög Euro NCAP-poäng kombinerat med en bromsassistansutrustning. I denna studie var Euro NCAPs fotgängarskyddspoäng jämförd mot skadeutfallet i verkliga olyckor som skett i Sverige 2003-2010. Data från verkliga olyckor inhämtades från databasen STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) som kombinerar polis- och sjukvårdsrapporterad data. De medicinska data innehåller diagnoser av typen ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) och värden för AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale). I helhet var omkring 500 fotgängare inkluderade i studien. Varje enskild personbilmodell kodades enligt Euro NCAPs fotgängarskyddspoäng. Dessutom kodades förekomst eller avsaknad av bromsassistansutrustning för varje enskild personbil inkluderad i studien. Fotgängarna grupperades enligt påkörande personbils fotgängarskyddspoäng. Skadeutfallet analyserades med AIS, på individnivå och med medicinsk invaliditet. Detta gjordes genom översättning av skadeutfall för varje fotgängare till risk för allvarliga konsekvenser (RSC, Risk of Serious Consequences) på 1, 5 och 10 % medicinsk invaliditet eller mer. Detta påvisar den totala risken för medicinsk invaliditet med hänsyn till skadegrad och -lokalisering. Medelvärdet av RSC (mrsc) beräknades sedan för varje fotgängargrupp och t-test utfördes för att säkerställa statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan gruppernas mrsc. Resultaten visade en signifikant skadereduktion för fotgängare påkörda av personbilar med en högre fotgängarskyddspoäng, trots att fotgängarolyckor med personbilar som har hög poäng (stjärnbetyg tre och fyra) inte kunde studeras på grund av fåtaligt antal olycksfall. Reduktionen av RCS för fotgängare påkörda av medelpresterande (stjärnbetyg två) personbilar i jämförelse med fotgängare påkörda av lågpresterande (stjärnbetyg ett) personbilar var 12, 19 och 28 % för 1, 5 respektive 10 % medicinsk invaliditet eller mer. Dessa resultat gäller olyckor på vägar med hastighetsgräns upp till 90 km/h. I stadsmiljö med hastighetsgräns upp till 50 km/h var reduktionen av RSC 17, 26 och 38 % för 1, 5 respektive 10 % medicinsk invaliditet eller mer. Fotgängarolyckor med personbil var vanligast på vägar med hastighetsgräns upp till 50 km/h och ben, arm och huvud var de mest frekvent skadade kroppsregionerna. RSC för fotgängare påkörda av personbilar utrustade med bromsassistans var inte statistiskt signifikant lägre än för fotgängare påkörda av personbilar utan bromsassistansutrustning. RSC för fotgängare påkörda av tvåstjärniga personbilar utrustade med bromsassistans var 19, 31 och 46 % lägre för 1, 5 respektive 10 % medicinsk invaliditet eller mer jämfört med fotgängare påkörda av enstjärniga personbilar utan bromsassistansutrustning. En signifikant korrelation mellan Euro NCAPs fotgängarpoäng och skadeutfall i verkliga fotgängarolyckor med personbil påträffades. Skadereduktionen visade sig vara högre för högre skadegrad och nivå av medicinsk invaliditet. Det var vanligare att personbilar kör på fotgängare på vägar med lägre hastighetsgräns. Ben, arm och huvud var de mest frekvent skadade kroppsregionerna. Bromsassistans hade inte en statistiskt signifikant effekt mätt i RSC för fotgängarolyckor i detta material. En hög Euro NCAP poäng kombinerat med bromsassistansutrustning visade sig ge en hög effekt av att reducera fotgängares RSC.
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Vägtrafikskadade i Västmanlands län idag och för tjugo år sedan : Regional uppföljning av det nationella trafiksäkerhetsmåletVärnild, Astrid January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur det nationella målet för trafiksäkerhet går att följa upp på länsnivå via befintlig statistik från polis och sjukvård. Ger de två källorna en likartad bild av förändringen av antalet vägtrafikskadade under den gångna tjugoårsperioden? Undersök- ningen omfattar personer som skadats och överlevt vägtrafikolyckor i Västmanlands län. Data från 1989/1990 respektive 2008/2009 jämförs. De två statistikkällorna ger en likartad bild av förändringen av antalet vägtrafikskadade bilister, motorcyklister och mopedister. Skillnaderna är däremot stora beträffande gång- trafikanter och cyklister. Antalet skadade personer registrerade av sjukvården i länet har minskat under den studerade tidsperioden. Det beror på att antalet skadade gångtrafikanter och cyklister har blivit färre. På grund av förändringar inom sjukvården kan minskningen inte kvantifieras. Det lägre antalet frakturer, främst hos gångtrafikanter men även hos cyklister, visar att det varit en minskning. Antalet skadade bilister har däremot blivit fler, men de skadas lindrigare än 1989/1990. Gruppen allvarligt skadade bilister (ISS > 8) har dock ökat. För perioden 1997 – 2009 har det inte funnits något nationellt definierat trafiksäkerhetsmål för allvarligt skadade. Enligt polisens statistik är antalet svårt skadade vägtrafikanter i länet oförändrat under perioden. Om allvarligt skadad i sjukvårdens mätning definieras som inlagd på sjukhus har antalet allvarligt skadade under perioden minskat med 27 %. Antalet allvarligt skadade definierat som ISS > 8 är oförändrat. / The purpose of the study is to investigate the extent to which it is possible to make a follow- up on the regional level of the national road safety target by using existing police and hospital statistics. Do the two sources provide a similar picture of the changes of the number of persons injured in road traffic accidents during the past twenty years? The survey covers persons injured but survived in road accidents in the county of Västmanland. 2008/2009 figures are compared with 1989/1990 figures. Both sets of statistics provide a similar picture of the changes with regard to the number of injured motorists, motorcyclists and moped drivers. However, concerning pedestrians and cyclists there are significant differences. During the time period being studied, the number of injured persons registered by the hospitals of the county has decreased. This is due to the fact that the number of pedestrians and cyclists injured has decreased. However, it is due to structural changes of the health care difficult to quantify the reduction. The lower number fractures, primarily of pedestrians but also of cyclists, shows that there has been a decrease. On the contrary, the number of injured motorists has increased, but their injuries are less serious than in 1989/1990. However, the number of those motorists with serious injuries (ISS > 8) has increased. For the period 1997 – 2009 there has not had an established national target for the number of seriously injured. According to police statistics, the number of severely injured road users in the county has remained unchanged during the time period being studied. If those being hospitalized in the medical statistics are defined as seriously injured, the number of seriously injured has decreased with 27 %. However, if seriously injured is defined as those with ISS > 8, the number has remained unchanged.
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Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Methods : with Applications to a Road Traffic Emission Model / Känslighets- och osäkerhetsanalysmetoder : med tillämpningar på en emissionsmodell för vägtrafikEriksson, Olle January 2007 (has links)
There is always a need to study the properties of complex input–output systems, properties that may be very difficult to determine. Two such properties are the output’s sensitivity to changes in the inputs and the output’s uncertainty if the inputs are uncertain. A system can be formulated as a model—a set of functions, equations and conditions that describe the system. We ultimately want to study and learn about the real system, but with a model that approximates the system well, we can study the model instead, which is usually easier. It is often easier to build a model as a set of combined sub-models, but good knowledge of each sub-model does not immediately lead to good knowledge of the entire model. Often, the most attractive approach to model studies is to write the model as computer software and study datasets generated by that software. Methods for sensitivity analysis (SA) and uncertainty analysis (UA) cannot be expected to be exactly the same for all models. In this thesis, we want to determine suitable SA and UA methods for a road traffic emission model, methods that can also be applied to any other model of similar structure. We examine parts of a well-known emission model and suggest a powerful data-generating tool. By studying generated datasets, we can examine properties in the model, suggest SA and UA methods and discuss the properties of these methods. We also present some of the results of applying the methods to the generated datasets. / Det finns alltid behov av att studera egenskaper hos komplexa input-output-system, egenskaper som kan vara mycket svåra att få fram. Två sådana egenskaper är ut fallets känslighet mot förändringar i ingångsvärdena och utfallets osäkerhet om ingångsvärdena har osäkerhet. Ett system kan formuleras som en modell-en mängd funktioner, ekvationer och betingelser som tillsammans liknar systemet. Vi vill egentligen studera och lära oss det verkliga systemet, men med en modell som approximerar det verkliga systemet bra kan man studera modellen istället, vilket i de flesta fall är enklare. Det är oftast enklare att bygga en modell som en mängd kombinerade delmodeller, men bra kunskap om varje delmodell leder inte omedelbart till bra kunskap om hela modellen. Det enklaste tillvägagångssättet för modellstudier är oftast att studera datamängder som genererats av modellen genom ett datorprogram. Metoder för känslighetsanalys (SA) och osäkerhetsanalys (UA) kan inte förväntas vara likadana för varje modell. I den här avhandlingen ska vi studera SA- och UA-metoder och resultat för en emissionsmodell för vägtrafik, men metoderna kan även användas för andra modeller av liknande struktur. Vi undersöker en välkänd emissionsmodell och föreslår ett kraftfullt verktyg för att generera data. Genom att studera genererade datamängder kan vi undersöka egenskaper i modellen, föreslå SA- och VA-metoder och diskutera metodernas egenskaper. Vi visar också några resultat när man tillämpar metoderna på de genererade datamängderna.
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