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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten bei Schülerinnen und Schülern. Die Bedeutung der sozialen Herkunft für psychosomatische Beschwerden, Ernährungs- und Sozialverhalten / Health inequalities among pupils. The significance of social origin for psychosomatic complaints and for nutritional and social behaviour

Bilz, Ludwig, Hähne, Cornelia, Oertel, Lars, Melzer, Wolfgang 07 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Beschäftigt sich die Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Thema Ungleichheiten, stehen meist die ungleich verteilten Bildungschancen von Schülern im Mittelpunkt. Seit dem Erscheinen der ersten PISA-Studie [1] geht es hierbei wieder verstärkt um den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft und den in der Schule erworbenen Kompetenzen und Abschlüssen. Diesem Diskurs haftet jedoch ein Bild vom Schüler an, das ausschließlich auf die fachlichen Kompetenzen ausgerichtet ist. Ausgehend von einem breiteren Verständnis der Schülerpersönlichkeit richtet dieser Beitrag den Blick auch auf die sozialen und die Selbstkompetenzen der Schüler. Wie kommen Jugendliche in der Schule mit sich selbst, ihrem Körper und mit ihren Mitschülern zurecht? Lassen sich jenseits der fachlichen Kompetenzen soziale Ungleichheiten auch in diesen Kompetenzbereichen verzeichnen? / Researchers in educational science focus on social inequalities predominantly in connection with pupils’ academic achievement. Since the publication of the PISA study [1], there has been intensified discussion of the correlations between socioeconomic status and educational participation. This scientific discourse, however, views the pupils solely in the context of their knowledge expertise. In this paper, we take a broader view on the pupils’ personality and include social and self-competencies. How do adolescents in schools get on with themselves and with their classmates, and how do they come to terms with their changing body? Are there social inequalities in these spheres of competence beyond bare knowledge?

Sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten in der Gesundheit und im Gesundheitsverhalten. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa / Social inequalities in health and health behaviour: A summary of recent developments in Germany and Europe

Schmitt, Natalie M., Schmitt, Jochen, Kirch, Wilhelm 11 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Ergebnisse des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) enthüllen Unterschiede im Gesundheitsstatus und Gesundheitsverhalten in Deutschland je nach Einkommen, Bildungsstand und Berufswahl der Kinder und Jugendlichen selbst bzw. von deren Eltern. Besonders stark ausgeprägt sind die sozialen Unterschiede im Hinblick auf den allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand, psychische und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten sowie Übergewicht. Auch in allen anderen europäischen Staaten kumulieren Mortalität, Morbidität und verhaltensbedingte Risikofaktoren in den unteren sozioökonomischen Statusgruppen. In Europa differiert die Lebenserwartung bei Männern in höheren und niedrigeren sozialen Positionen durchschnittlich um fünf Jahre. Die Entwicklung von Strategien zur Bekämpfung sozialer Ungleichheiten in der Gesundheit ist eine der größten Herausforderungen unserer heutigen Gesellschaft. / The national representative survey on the health of children and adolescents in Germany (KiGGS) revealed social inequalities in health and health behaviour in Germany according to income, education and occupation of both the children and adolescents themselves and their parents. Social inequalities in general health status, psychological or behavioural disorders, and overweight seem to be most alarming. Mortality, morbidity and detrimental health behaviour accumulate in the subpopulation with a low socioeconomic position (SEP) across Europe. The average difference in life expectancy in European men with a high and low SEP is 5 years. The development of policies and strategies to tackle this important public health issue is a major present and future challenge.

Multilingualism, social inequalities, and mental health : an anthropological study in Mauritius

Lajtai, Laszlo January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses two different features of Mauritian society in relation to multilingualism. The first is how multilingualism appears in everyday Mauritian life. The second is how it influences mental health provision in this country. The sociolinguistics of Mauritius has drawn the attention of many linguists in the past (Baker 1972; Stein 1982; Rajah- Carrim 2004; Biltoo 2004; Atchia-Emmerich 2005; Thomson 2008), but linguists tend to have quite different views on Mauritian languages than many Mauritians themselves. Language shifts and diverse language games in the Wittgensteinian sense are commonplace in Mauritius, and have been in the focus of linguistic and anthropological interest (Rajah-Carrim 2004 and Eisenlohr 2007), but this is the first research so far about the situation in the clinical arena. Sociolinguistic studies tend to revolve only around a few other domains of language; in particular, there is great attention on proper language use – or the lack of it – in education, which diverts attention away from equally important domains of social life. Little has been published and is known about mental health, the state of psychology and psychiatry in Mauritius and its relationship with language use. This work demonstrates that mental health can provide a new viewpoint to understand complex social processes in Mauritius. People dealing with mental health problems come across certain, dedicated social institutions that reflect, represent and form an important part of the wider society. This encounter is to a great extent verbal; therefore, the use of language or languages here can serve as an object of observation for the researcher. The agency of the social actors in question – patients, relatives and staff members in selected settings – manifests largely in speaking, including sometimes a choice of available languages and language variations. This choice is influenced by the pragmatism of the ‘problem’ that brings the patient to those institutions but also simultaneously determined by the dynamic complexity of sociohistorical and economic circumstances. It is surprising for many policy makers and theorists that social suffering has not lessened in recent decades in spite of global technological advancements and increased democracy. This thesis demonstrates through ethnographic examples that existing provisions (particularly in biomedicine) that have been created to attend to problems of mental health may operate contrary to the principle of help. In the case of Mauritius, this distress is significantly due to postcolonial inequities and elite rivalries that are in significant measure associated with the use of postcolonial languages. Biomedical institutions and particularly the encounters among social actors in biomedical institutions, which are not isolated or independent from the prevailing social context, can contribute to the reproduction of social suffering.

Organisation collective du dépistage des cancers et réduction des inégalités sociales de santé / Collective organization of cancer screening and reduction of social inequalities in health

Guillaume, Elodie 12 December 2017 (has links)
Conformément au constat de l’OMS, il existe en France, comme ailleurs, des différences de santé entre différents groupes de population, qui découlent des conditions sociales dans lesquelles les gens naissent, grandissent, vivent, travaillent et vieillissent».En France, la réduction des inégalités sociales de santé est une priorité politique affichée, au travers notamment, des plans cancers successifs, les cancers étant les principales pathologies pourvoyeuses d’inégalités. Ces plans ont permis la mise en place du dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal et du cancer du sein, pour lesquels les inégalités sociales et territoriales de participation ainsi que les facteurs de non adhésion sont bien documentés et constituent autant de cibles potentielles pour des interventions. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’apporter des connaissances et des preuves nouvelles afin d’orienter les politiques et l’organisation du dépistage des cancers en se basant sur des éléments fondés, en particulier pour la réduction des inégalités sociales et territoriales. Elle présente deux études. PRADO est une étude d’intervention à unité de randomisation collective (Ilots Regroupés pour l’Information Statistique (IRIS)) multicentrique, stratifiée sur le caractère urbain/rural et la précarité des IRIS et conduite en deux groupes parallèles (Intervention vs Témoin), de 2011 à 2013 en Picardie. Dans le bras intervention, en complément des modalités usuelles du dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal un accompagnateur au dépistage a contacté par téléphone les sujets n’ayant pas réalisé le test de dépistage sur les deux campagnes précédentes. L’étude a montré que cette intervention a permis d’augmenter la participation et a identifié les conditions dans lesquelles ce type d’intervention pourrait réduire les inégalités sociales. La deuxième étude évalue l’intérêt d’un sénographe mobile (le mammobile) dans le cadre du dépistage organisé du cancer du sein. Une analyse rétrospective du mammobile de l’Orne sur 5 campagnes de dépistage montre que ce dispositif permet de réduire les inégalités sociales et territoriales de participation au dépistage. Le principe d’universalisme proportionné, le caractère multiniveau et intersectoriel de l’intervention, l’application du principe de littéracie et le respect du choix éclairé apparaissent comme les fondements d’une politique de santé publique visant à réduire les inégalités sociales dans le domaine du cancer. Le mode optimal d’évaluation de ces interventions dites complexes reste un enjeu de recherche majeur. / In accordance with the WHO's observation, there are differences in health between different population groups in France, as elsewhere, which result from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.In France, the reduction of social inequalities in health is a political priority, notably through successive cancer plans, with cancers being the main pathologies that provide inequalities. These plans have led to the introduction of organized screening for colorectal cancer and breast cancer, for which social and territorial inequalities of participation as well as non-adherence factors are well documented and constitute potential targets for interventions. This thesis aims to provide new knowledge and evidence to guide the policies and organization of cancer screening based on evidence, particularly for the reduction of social inequalities and territorial. She presents two studies. PRADO is an interventional study with a collective randomization unit (Grouped Islets for Statistical Information (IRIS)) multicentric, stratified on the urban / rural character and precariousness of IRIS and conducted in two parallel groups (Intervention vs Control), from 2011 to 2013 in Picardy. In the intervention arm, in addition to the usual modalities of organized screening for colorectal cancer, a screening assistant contacted by telephone those who did not carry out the screening test in the two previous round. The study showed that this intervention has increased participation and identified the conditions under which this type of intervention could reduce social inequalities. The second study evaluates the interest of a mobile radiography (the mammobile) in organized breast cancer screening. A retrospective analysis of the Orne device on five screening rounds shows that this device makes it possible to reduce the social and territorial inequalities of participation in screening. The principle of proportional universalism, the multilevel and intersectorial nature of intervention, the application of the principle of literacy and respect for informed choice appear as the foundations of a public health policy aimed at reducing social inequalities in the cancer field. The optimal mode of evaluation of these so-called complex interventions remains a major research issue.

You Don't Know What You Don't Know: A Collection of Challenge and Acceptance from Women Owned Small Businesses in Johnson City, Tennessee

VanDusen, Nikki 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
With over 11.6 million establishments, women owned small businesses hold a crucial part in supporting the US economy’s wellbeing. However, owning a small business comes with numerous challenges that not all can overcome. This study investigates the challenges of ten women-owned small businesses in Johnson City, Tennessee. The interview results display that women struggle with similar challenges as men; however, they have more difficulty balancing gender roles and societal expectations with owning a small business. This research concludes that men and women do not have equal opportunities when it comes to owning a small business and women are at a disadvantage in specific areas.

Lietuvos emigrantų, gyvenančių Londone, požiūris į Jungtinės Karalystės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų prieinamumą ir kokybę / Attitude of London-based emigrants from Lithuania to accessibility of United Kingdom healthcare services and their quality

Kovaliovas, Vitalijus 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos emigrantų, gyvenančių Londone (Jungtinėje Karalystėje), sveikatos priežiūros problemas, jų požiūrį į sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų prieinamumą ir kokybę. Tyrimo metodika. 2009 m. atlikta anoniminė anketinė Lietuvos emigrantų, gyvenančių Londone, apklausa jų susibūrimo vietose ( lietuviškos parduotuvės, kirpyklos, mokyklos, bažnyčia). Išdalinta 450 anketų, atsakas 89,3 proc. (n = 402)Anketiniai duomenys buvo analizuojami naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 15.0 versiją bei Microsoft Excel programinį paketą. Rezultatai. Apie du trečdaliai (69,2 proc.) Lietuvos emigrantų, gyvenančių Londone, nors kartą per pastaruosius tris metus kreipėsi į šeimos gydytoją, didelė dalis naudojosi ligoninių (63,4 proc.) ir greitosios medicinos pagalbos (62,0 proc.) paslaugomis, apie vienas ketvirtadalis kreipėsi į odontologus. Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose teikiamą informaciją apie sveikatos būklę, suteiktas procedūras ir gydymą respondentai įvertino 3,5 balo, šeimos gydytojo paslaugų kokybę – 3,9 balo, stacionarinių paslaugų kokybę – 3,7 balo iš 5 galimų. Tačiau apie vienas trečdalis respondentų buvo nepatenkinti sveikatos priežiūra: turėjo problemų renkantis šeimos gydytoją, nežinojo, kaip naudotis sveikatos priežiūros paslaugomis (iškviesti greitąją medicinos pagalbą, konsultuotis su gydytoju telefonu ir pan.). Paslaugų prieinamumą Jungtinėje Karalystėje geriau vertino moterys, vyresnio amžiaus bei aukštesnio išsilavinimo respondentai. Pusė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Assessment of the London-based emigrants from Lithuania healthcare problems, their attitude to accessibility of healthcare services and their quality. Methods. During 2009 the anonymous interviewing of the London-based emigrants from Lithuania was conducted at the places more often visited by above respondents (Lithuanian food stores, hairdressers, schools, and church). The number of questionnaires distributed was 450, the response rate of completed questionnaire was 89,3 per cent (n=402). Survey data was analyzed applying the statistic data analysis package SPSS 15.0 version and Microsoft Excel software package. Results. Approximately two thirds (69,2 per cent) of the London-based emigrants from Lithuania visited the family doctor at least once during the last three years, most of them took services of hospitals (63,4 per cent) and ambulance (62,0 per cent), approximately one fourth of them had appointments for dentistry procedures. The evaluation (as point average, 5 points system) given by the respondents was as follows: information on their health condition received from healthcare institution, quality of the procedures and medical treatment – 3,5, quality of family doctor services – 3,9, quality of in-patient treatment services – 3,7. However, one third of the respondents were dissatisfied with healthcare services as they had experienced problems in election of a family doctor, did not know how to take healthcare services (summon ambulance, consult... [to full text]

Gender Differences in the Early Career Experiences of Engineers in Canada

Osten, Victoria 19 June 2019 (has links)
Canada has an urgent need for more engineers to support its infrastructure, advance technology, and solve increasingly complex human, economic, and environmental problems. Women have often been identified as a resource who can provide new perspectives, solutions, and innovations. While women’s participation in engineering programs has increased over the last 50 years, their participation rate in the workforce has not, keeping engineering as a male-dominated occupation. Despite challenges, women graduates have entered the engineering workforce, but often they have not stayed. The purpose of this quantitative study is to explore the early career experiences of engineering graduates to identify patterns shaped by the graduates’ gender. Applying feminist lenses to the most recent data on Canadian graduates available at Statistics Canada and utilizing advanced quantitative methods, we study BEng graduates from Canadian universities. This study provides a broader understanding of the phenomenon of women’s underrepresentation in engineering and presents findings that can help retain more women in the occupation. Three samples of BEng graduates with over of 10,100 participants were included in this study to answer three main research questions: a) are there gender differences in the duration of job search and types of jobs these graduates obtained after graduation?; b) are there gender differences in job satisfaction among young engineers?; c) are there gender differences in the intention to look for another job once in a first engineering job? Themes and subthemes relevant to women’s underrepresentation in the occupation are found to help answer these questions. Recommendations for policy and future research are discussed.

São Paulo, as desigualdades sociais e o descontrole de uso e ocupação do solo / São Paulo city: social inequalities and the unregulated land occupation and use

Keppke, Rosane Segantin 07 December 2007 (has links)
São Paulo, as Desigualdades Sociais e o Descontrole de Uso e Ocupação do Solo é um título que resume o fenômeno urbano ocorrido nesta metrópole, em razão da omissão reguladora do poder público. O gancho histórico foi dado por pensadores paulistanos de diferentes formações, a maioria deles urbanistas, os quais constataram, primeiro, que as regiões nobres, com qualidade urbanística, se concentraram no quadrante sudoeste da cidade; segundo, que os assentamentos pobres se espraiaram, em condições muito precárias, em direção à área rural do município, que era imune à regulação urbana, tornando-se um campo fértil para os loteamentos irregulares ou clandestinos. Entre eles e o centro nobre da cidade, ficavam os vazios especulativos, aguardando pelo melhor custo de oportunidade para o capital imobiliário e os segmentos sociais emergentes por vir. Como contribuição epistemológica, o presente trabalho constatou que a omissão de controle das regiões pobres rebateu-se no desvirtuamento do controle das regiões nobres, resultando no descontrole urbanístico da cidade como um todo. Tal conclusão fundamenta-se em vasto material empírico coletado diretamente no meio técnico e nos sistemas informacionais da prefeitura, até então inéditos no meio acadêmico. Ampara-se nas teorias das relações estado e sociedade, recorrendo a subsídios encontrados na Microeconomia, no Direito e nas áreas do comportamento coletivo, em particular a Teoria da Janela Quebrada e a Teoria da Janela Política. Uma vez constatado o descontrole, restam dois cenários, a partir de agora. O cenário favorável é apontado pelas técnicas do Marketing Social e da política de Tolerância Zero, que seguramente pouco cabem em São Paulo. O cenário desfavorável é apontado pela história do estado de direitos: enquanto não houver inclusão social, continuarão contagiantes os territórios dominados pelo estado da natureza. / São Paulo: Social Inequalities and the Unregulated Land Occupation and Use is the title that summarizes a city phenomenon that has taken place in this metropolis, due to the absence of regulatory framework by the public administration. Historical evidence has been given by São Paulo intellectuals from different backgrounds. Most of them are urbanist architects, who have noticed, first, that the city noble areas are located in the southwestern portion of the city; and second, the poor settlements have spread out towards the rural areas under very weak conditions thought to be immune to urban regulation, and has become a fertile ground for unlawful and clandestine settlements. Between them and the city center there was a speculative land waiting for the best price raise opportunity for the landowners housing capital investment, and the social emerging segments yet to come. As an epistemological contribution, this paper has learned that the absence of regulatory framework in the poor areas encouraged the absence of order in the rich ones, and as a consequence an unregulated land occupation of the city as a whole. This conclusion is based on a vast quantity of empirical data collected in the technical environment (public servants), and from the information systems made available by the city hall archives, as unprecedented approach in academia. It is based on theories of state-society relations, information from microeconomics, law and collective behavior studies, particularly The Broken Window Theory and the Political Window Theory. Once the unregulated land use has been confirmed, two scenarios remain from now on. The favorable scenario is pointed out by the Social Marketing strategies and the Zero Tolerance policy which surely are not feasible approaches for São Paulo City. The unfavorable scenario has been observed throughout the history of the rule of rights: as long as there is no social inclusion, the areas settled according to the state of nature will always be attractive.


Vieira, Valterci 20 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valterci Vieira.pdf: 3187812 bytes, checksum: f3a9119d2ebf495a5b96633b738ee366 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-20 / This essay investigates and seeks to understand the meanings given by the lower class families of six adolescents and youth regarding police violence. Its objective is to identify psychosocial mediations constructed and used to deal with this reality. In order to develop this investigation information was collected from accusations presented by the families and through the media which spoke of homicides, disappearances and physical aggressions practiced by the police, and cases were registered in the municipalities of Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia and Senador Canedo during the time period of 2003 to 2008. Semi-structured interviews were held with eight relatives, focusing on the life history of these relatives and of the victim, their situation of suffering and pain and themes related to the role and behavior of the institutions directly connected to police violence. Analysis of the categories speaks to the social and cultural dimensions related to institutional questions and objectives. Also it relates to questions regarding emotional, affective and individual experiences of the subjects. Police violence is frequently hidden by structural violence and maintained by mechanisms of domination and societal control. It is revealed in a powerful manner from the given meanings, which allows one to comprehend this form of contemporary violence. As thus stated, the psychosocial mediations reveal full intentionality of the subjects regarding their overcoming the situation of the suffered violence, making it clear how much they often have their basic rights as citizens ignored. The issue here is forms of extermination practiced by official discourse, as being an inevitable and even necessary action in the struggle against crime , especially in large urban centers, and most often practiced against adolescents and youth. / O presente trabalho investiga e compreende os sentidos produzidos por familiares de seis jovens e adolescentes de classes populares acerca da Violência Policial. Teve como objetivo identificar mediações psicossociais construídas e utilizadas para lidarem com essa realidade. Para desenvolver essa investigação, foram coletadas informações a partir de denúncias apresentadas por familiares e pela mídia, com respeito a homicídios, desaparecimentos e agressões físicas praticadas por policiais, e casos registrados nos municípios de Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia e Senador Canedo, no período de 2003 a 2008. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com oito familiares, tendo por referência a sua história de vida e a da vitima, a sua situação de sofrimento e dor vivida e temas relacionados ao papel e atuação de instituições diretamente vinculadas à violência policial. A análise das categorias articula dimensões sociais e culturais quanto às questões institucionais e objetivas e às questões vinculadas às experiências emocionais, afetivas e individuais dos sujeitos. A violência policial é ocultada muitas vezes em sua forma estrutural e mantida por mecanismos de dominação e controle da sociedade. Mas foi revelada de maneira contundente a partir dos sentidos produzidos, que permitiram compreendê-la na contemporaneidade. Como se constatou, as mediações psicossociais construídas revelam a intencionalidade dos sujeitos quanto à superação da situação sofrida, explicitando o quanto são desprovidos de direitos básicos de cidadania. A violência policial é forma de extermínio que tem comparecido como prática defendida através de discursos oficiais ou como ação inevitável e mesmo necessária na luta contra a criminalidade , especialmente nos grandes centros urbanos, e impetrados, sobretudo, contra adolescentes e jovens.

Inégalités de genre et inégalités sociales dans les usages de drogues en France / Gender inequalities and social inequalities in drug use in France

Legleye, Stéphane 17 November 2011 (has links)
Les usages de produits psychoactifs contribuent fortement aux inégalités sociales de santé et sont aussi inégalement distribués suivant le sexe. En utilisant des enquêtes en population générale et adolescente, ce travail montre que les écarts de consommations d’alcool, de tabac, de cannabis et d’autres drogues illicites entre hommes et femmes varient suivant le milieu social, la génération de naissance, le statut scolaire et professionnel et les conditions de travail. Parmi les adolescents, les écarts de consommations entre garçons et filles dépendent moins du milieu social qu’à l’âge adulte, mais les risques d’expérimenter puis de progresser vers des usages fréquents ou problématiques en dépendent au contraire fortement. Ces résultats montrent que les différences d’usages entre hommes et femmes sont des différences de genre, socialement construites et en lien avec le système des inégalités sociales ; ils présentent également quelques déterminants des trajectoires d’usages de drogues. / Licit and illicit drug consumptions are strong contributors to the social inequalities in health, but they are also unevenly distributed among men and women. Using general population and adolescent surveys, this work shows that the differences between men and women in alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illicit drugs vary according to the social position, age and birth cohort, occupational and school status as well as according to working conditions. Among adolescents, the variation of the differences between boys and girls with the family socio-economic status are rather low, but the affluence of the family is a key factor for experimenting alcohol and drugs whereas it lowers the risk of transition to frequent and problematic drug use. These results show that the differences in drug use between men and women are gender differences, socially constructed and linked with the system of social inequalities; they also point out some key determinants of the drug use trajectories.

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