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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emigravusių tėvų vaikai / Children of emigrants

Pachomovas, Dmitrijus 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šis magistro darbas yra vienas pirmųjų bandymų detaliau išanalizuoti emigrantų Lietuvoje paliktų vaikų klausimą ir su šių vaikų socialine integracija ir adaptacija susijusias problemas. Atlikus tyrimus nustatyta, kad emigrantų Lietuvoje paliktiems atsiranda neigiamos pasekmės: smunka pažangumas mokykloje, pradedamos praleidinėti pamokos, atsiranda akivaizdžių elgesio pokyčių (pavyzdžiui, agresyvėja vaikų elgesys, vaikai tampa liūdnesni, dažniau verkia). Visi šie požymiai iš esmės apsunkina vaiko, kurio vienas iš tėvų arba abu tėvai yra išvykę, padėtį Lietuvoje. Nemažiau problemų vaikams kyla ir dėl to, kad išvykstantys tėvai nepaiso formalių administracinių reikalavimų ir nenustato vaikams laikinos globos (pavyzdžiui, paskirdami laikinu globėju senelius, šeimos draugus ar pan.). Tinkamai nenustačius globos, vaikas negali tinkamai įgyvendinti savo teisių ir interesų. Kai kurie respondentai (konkrečiai – asmenys, kurie šiuo metu prižiūri emigrantų Lietuvoje paliktus vaikus) įžvelgia ir tam tikrų teigiamų likusių vaikų požymių (tampa mielesni, stengiasi kruopščiai ir atidžiai mokytis, aktyviai lanko užklasinės veiklos būrelius), tačiau tokie pokyčiai daugiausia susiję su tuo, kad vaikai stengiasi į save atkreipti daugiau tėvų dėmesio. Sprendžiant su Lietuvoje likusiais emigrantų paliktais vaikais susijusias problemas aktyvūs privalo likti tiek viešosios valdžios atstovai (šviesdami visuomenę ir atskiras jos grupes, ypatingai bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose dirbančius pedagogus bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This dissertation is one of the first times in Lithuania to analyze the topic of emigrant’s children and discuss the actual problems of social integration and adaptation of these children though it becomes clear that this problem is one of the biggest social problems of Lithuania in recent years. After several researches, it was found that children of emigrants face negative consequences such as: declining productivity at school, children start to avoid lessons at school, changes in the behaviour of children are obvious as well (children meet sadness, they might become more aggressive, they starts crying without any reason and other). All these consequences define the problems that children, which have one or even both parents emigrated, face in Lithuania. More problems could be found according the situation when parents, which are emigrating, ignore the formal administrative procedure of setting temporally care for them children (though they could easily do that by setting grandparents, family friends or other people as the carers of them children). Disregard to the formal procedure of the care and custody determine that children can not fulfill them rights and interests. Some respondents claim that some positive changes were noted in the behaviour of children (such as careness and more attention to the studies at school), however, these changes could possibly be defined through the fact that children are trying to attract more attention from parents. All these problems... [to full text]

Išeivijos požiūris į Sąjūdžio Lietuvą 1987-1990m / Approach of the emigrants to Lithuania in 1987 – 1990

Kunigonis, Aivaras 17 June 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbas tema „Išeivijos požiūris į Sąjūdžio Lietuvą 1987 – 1990 metais“ yra skirtas aptarti, kaip lietuviai gyvenantys svetur vertino, aptariamuoju laikotarpiu vykusius įvykius Lietuvoje. Antrasis pasaulinis karas bei po jo sekusi Lietuvos valstybės okupacija, didelę dalį Lietuvos visuomenės šviesuolių, privertė pasirinkti emigracijos kelią. Per ilgus okupacijos metus, išeiviai išlaikė ryšį su okupuota Lietuvos valstybe bei visomis išgalėmis stengėsi vykdyti kovą dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atstatymo. Gyvenimas emigracijoje, išeivių iš Lietuvos dažnai buvo suvokiamas kaip tremtis ar didžiulė bausmė. Savęs tapatinimas su nužemintųjų generacijos atstovais, buvo gana dažnas egzilų tarpe. Tačiau nepaisydami šios gana skaudžios situacijos, išeiviai iš Lietuvos, savo gyvenimą emigracijoje stengėsi padaryti kuo kokybiškesnį bei naudingą Lietuvos valstybei. Kurdami gyvenimo išeivijoje misijos projektus, egzilai svarbiausiais uždaviniais laikė tautiškumo išsaugojimą, išlikimą biologiškai bei ištikimybės savo tautai išlaikymą. Suvokimas, jog Lietuvos okupacija užsitęs, vertė išeivius ieškoti naujų bendravimo su okupuota Lietuva formų. Bendravimo su okupuota Lietuva klausimas, sukėlė aršias diskusijas išeivių iš Lietuvos bendruomenėje. Baimė, jog bendravimas su okupuota Lietuva, gali būti suprastas kaip okupacijos pripažinimas, buvo stipriausias argumentas tokiam bendravimui neatsirasti. Po ilgų diskusijų bei supratimo, jog bendravimas su okupuota Lietuva gali būti naudingas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis on "Approach of the emigrants to Lithuania in 1987 – 1990” is devoted to discussing how the Lithuanians living abroad valued, considered processes that were held in Lithuania. The Second World War and after that the occupation which followed the State of Lithuania, a large part of the Lithuanian public intellectuals, forced to choose the path of emigration. During the long years of occupation, has maintained contact with immigrants in the state of Lithuania been occupied and the utmost care to fight for the restoration of Lithuanian independence. Living in exile, emigration from Lithuania was often perceived as an exile or a major penalty. Self-identification with deportee’s representatives was quite common among the exile. However, despite this rather dire situation, immigrants from Lithuania, their life in exile tried to make the highest quality and good state of Lithuania. When they created a life in exile mission projects, the most important challenges in exile held national identity preservation of biological survival and the maintenance of fidelity they people. Perception that Lithuania's occupation drags on, was the reason why emigrants wanted to communicate with Lithuania. Communication with the issue of occupation of Lithuania has caused fierce debate in the community of emigrants from Lithuania. Fear that the communication with the occupation of Lithuania can be interpreted as recognition of the occupation, was the strongest argument for such... [to full text]

Thymic function and rejection in heart transplantation / Fonction thymique et rejet en transplantation cardiaque

Sannier, Aurélie 28 November 2017 (has links)
L’induction de tolérance est le principal objectif de la recherche en transplantation car elle permettrait de prévenir le rejet et d’éliminer la morbidité secondaire à l’immunosuppression prolongée. Dans ce cadre, le thymus pourrait être un organe crucial car il permet d’établir la taille et la diversité de la population lymphocytaire T et est responsable de la génération d’une tolérance immunitaire en façonnant le répertoire T par le processus de sélection négative. En plus des lymphocytes T, les cellules dendritiques (CDs), épithéliales et les lymphocytes B jouent un rôle important dans le thymus, en tant que cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (CPAs). Ainsi, le thymus est un organe hautement dynamique, à l’interface entre système immunitaire central et périphérique. Alors qu’il débute son involution avant l’âge adulte, une fonction thymique persiste toute la vie, avec un grand degré de variabilité interindividuelle.Dans le cadre de la transplantation cardiaque, les patients sont souvent soumis à un traitement lymphodéplétant par sérum anti-lymphocytaire (SAL), afin de réduire le risque de rejet, mais avec un potentiel risque iatrogénique pour le thymus. De plus, ces patients subissent une chirurgie au cours de laquelle les reliquats thymiques pourraient être partiellement réséqués.Sachant que la fonction thymique varie entre les individus et qu’une régénération thymique est possible dans les suites d’une lymphodéplétion, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que la transplantation cardiaque serait un contexte associé à une réactivation de la fonction thymique et qu’une relation pourrait exister entre cette fonction et la survenue d’un rejet.Tout d’abord, j’ai analysé l’influence des thérapies d’induction sur la cinétique de repopulation lymphocytaire. J’ai étudié les sous-populations lymphocytaires avant et peu après la transplantation chez des patients recevant une induction par basiliximab (antagoniste du récepteur de l’IL-2) ou SAL et ai montré que le SAL induisait une sénescence immunologique précoce. Cette première partie a permis la caractérisation des modifications immunologiques induites par le SAL avant d’analyser les populations lymphocytaires chez les patients transplantés traités par le SAL en fonction de la survenue d’un rejet. Dans ce cadre,j’ai ensuite démontré qu’une thymopoïèse plus intense était observée chez les patients développant un rejet humoral (RH), par l’étude des cercles d’excision du récepteur des cellules T (TREC), la quantification des émigrants thymiques récents (ETR) et une évaluation par imagerie dans un sous-groupe de patients. Ce résultat était plutôt inattendu sachant que le thymus est largement décrit comme un organe tolérogène pour les réponses alloimmunes T.Afin de clarifier le rôle du thymus dans la réponse humorale alloimmune, nous avons mis en place un modèle murin d’allotransplantation aortique (AA) associé ou non à une thymectomie prophylactique. Nous avons démontré que la thymectomie réduisait la réponse médiée par les anticorps, avec une expansion concomitante des lymphocytes T régulateurs. En conclusion, ces données suggèrent que la suractivation du thymus pourrait promouvoir une réponse alloimmune humorale, un résultat inattendu car d’autres travaux indiquent que le thymus est plutôt un inducteur de tolérance. Le thymus pourrait avoir un double rôle, en promouvant la tolérance lymphocytaire T mais aussi, dans un contexte de suractivation, la survenue du RH par un mécanisme restant à élucider. D’autres études doivent être menées pour mieux comprendre l’interaction entre les différents contingents cellulaires thymiques et la modulation des fonctions du thymus au cours de la vie et dans les situations de réactivation du thymus. / The induction of tolerance remains the main goal of transplantation research because it would prevent the development of rejection and eliminate the morbidity associated with prolonged immunosuppression. In this setting, the thymus could be a crucial organ because it establishes the size and diversity of the naïve T-cell pool and is responsible for the generation of immunetolerance by shaping the T-cell repertoire through the process of negative selection. Inaddition to T lymphocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), epithelial cells and B lymphocytes play animportant role in the thymus as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Therefore, it is a highlydynamic organ, functioning at the interface between the central and peripheral immunesystem. While it undergoes involution before adulthood, thymic function persists throughout life, though with a high degree of interindividual variability. In the field of heart transplantation, patients are often subjected to lymphodepleting therapy by antithymocyteglobulin (ATG), which is expected to reduce the risk of acute rejection but potentiallyr epresents a main contributor to iatrogenic thymic injury. Additionally, heart transplant (HTx)patients under go surgery during which the thymic remnants may be at least partially removedor surgically injured. Considering the variation in thymic function between individuals and possibility of thymic regeneration following lymphodepletion, we hypothesized that heart transplantation could be a clinical situation associated with a reactivation of thymic functionand that there could be a relationship between this function and the onset of rejection. First, I analyzed the influence of induction therapies on the repopulation kinetics of lymphocytes. I studied lymphocyte subpopulations in pre- and early post-transplant period ina cohort of patients receiving either basiliximab (IL-2 receptor antagonist) or ATG inductionand showed that ATG induced accelerated immunological senescence. This first part enabled the characterization of immune modifications induced by ATG before analysis of there partition of lymphocyte subpopulations in ATG-treated HTx patients classified according rejection on set. In this setting, I next demonstrated the occurrence of more efficient thymopoiesis in HTx patients who developed antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), by assessments of blood T cell receptor excision circle (TREC) levels, quantification of circulating recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) and imaging evaluation in a subset of patients. This finding was rather unexpected, as the thymus is widely described as a tolerogenic organfor alloimmune T cell responses. To clarify the role of the thymus in the humoral alloimmune response, we used a murine model of aortic allotransplantation (AA) associated or not withprophylactic thymectomy. We demonstrated that thymectomy decreased antibody-mediated responses, with a concomitant expansion of the regulatory T cell compartment. In conclusion, my data suggest that over-activation of the thymus could prompt humoral alloimmune responses, which was unexpected since previously published data indicate that the thymus rather induces T cell tolerance. Hence, the thymus might serve a dual role bypromoting T cell tolerance but, when over-activated, promoting AMR on set through a mechanism that remains to be elucidated. Further investigations are needed to better understand the complex interplay between the different thymic cell constituents and the modulation of thymic functions throughout life and in situations of thymic reactivation.

Sull\'Oceano: uma travessia de emigrantes italianos / Sull\'Oceano: a Voyage of Italian emigrants

Marcolini, Adriana 30 November 2016 (has links)
Considerado o primeiro romance da emigração italiana, Sull\'Oceano, de Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908), foi lançado em 1889 pelo editor Treves, de Milão, e obteve grande sucesso editorial na Itália. Toda a narrativa se passa a bordo do navio em que o autor viajou de Gênova, na Itália, a Buenos Aires, na Argentina, em 1884. A embarcação levava na terceira classe 1.600 emigrantes italianos com destino à Argentina (uma minoria tinha como meta o Uruguai). Também transportava 50 passageiros na primeira classe e 20 na segunda além de cerca de 200 tripulantes. O livro é um microcosmo da sociedade italiana da época. A Itália era então um país recém-nascido, cuja unificação só havia se concretizado em 1861, após um longo processo conhecido como Risorgimento. A unificação da Itália, no entanto, foi acompanhada de uma contradição: o êxodo massivo de cidadãos que ficaram marginalizados. A emigração ficou marcada como uma cicatriz resultante deste penoso parto que deu nascimento ao país. SullOceano mostra como essa cicatriz se manifestava a bordo daquele navio de emigrantes: alguns sentiam desprezo pela pátria, outros desconfiança, raiva ou rancor por serem praticamente obrigados a abandonar a terra natal. Apesar de que a Itália tivesse se tornado um país em 1861, o mosaico de dialetos a bordo revela que, em 1884, a nação italiana ainda não existia. Os emigrantes, vindos de diferentes regiões, não se entendiam entre si. De Amicis utiliza os dialetos com maestria e confere sabor ao texto. O romance mostrou à elite italiana as péssimas condições da viagem dos emigrantes e emitiu um alerta para as autoridades, que em 1901 estabeleceram uma série de normas a serem obedecidas pelos navios. Apesar da importância de SullOceano, e do sucesso editorial alcançado à época do lançamento, o livro é hoje praticamente desconhecido na Itália. Esta tese apresenta De Amicis e sua vasta obra, analisa SullOceano e aponta as razões para explicar o esquecimento do romance junto ao público leitor italiano. O trabalho também tece um panorama sobre a literatura da emigração italiana entre as décadas de 1880 e 1930. / Considered to be the first novel about Italian emigration, Sull\'Oceano, by Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908) was first launched in 1889 by Treves publishing house, from Milan, and achieved a great success in Italy. The entire plot is developed aboard the ship in which the author travelled from Genoa, in Italy, to Buenos Aires, in Argentina, in 1884. The vessel transported 1,600 Italian emigrants in the third-class headed to Argentina (a minority was headed to Uruguay). In addition, it carried 50 passengers in the first-class and 20 in the second-class. Moreover, the vessel had a 200-member crew. The book is a micro cosmos of the Italian society in that period. Italy was then a new-born country. Its unification was achieved in 1861 after a long process known as Risorgimento. However, Italys unification was followed by a contradiction: the massive exodus of citizens that were marginalized by it. A scar appeared in Italys painful delivery: emigration. SullOceano reveals how this scar was expressed aboard that ship full of emigrants: some felt disdain for the native land while other felt suspicion, anger or grudge towards it. Emigrants were practically obliged to leave their native land. Despite the fact that Italy had become a country in 1861, the mosaic of dialects spoken aboard reveals that in 1884 the Italian nation did not exist yet. Emigrants aboard came from different Italian regions and could not understand each other. De Amicis uses dialects wisely and offers flavored dialogues. The novel denounced to the Italian elite the extremely bad conditions of emigrant ship journeys and sent out an alert to the authorities. As a result, a series of rules to be followed by vessel companies were set by Italian government in 1901. Despite the significance of SullOceano and the editorial success it achieved when launched, in 1889, today the book is almost unknown in Italy. Besides presenting De Amicis and his work, this thesis analyses SullOceano and discusses the reasons for its forgetfulness in nowadays Italy. In addition, it presents an overview of Italian literature produced between 1880 and 1930 inspired on the massive emigration of its citizens.

Lietuvių emigrantų Didžiojoje Britanijoje gyvenimo būdo analizė: darbiniai, edukaciniai, buitiniai ir rekreaciniai aspektai / Analysis of Lithuanian emigrants life style in Great Britain: work, education, daily life and leisure aspects

Krikščiūnaitė, Loreta 26 September 2008 (has links)
Analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą buvo aptarti politiniai, ekonominiai ir socialiniai veiksniai, kurie įtakoja migracijos mechanizmo vyksmą ir lemia migracijos modelius. Atgavus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę prasidėjo spartus socialinio- ekonominio mechanizmo kitimas, kuris paskatino migraciją. Lietuvos valstybė su rimta išvykstančių piliečių problema susidūrė 2005m. po įstojimo į Europos Sąjungą, kai buvo pašalintos kliūtys, kurios varžė samdomų darbuotojų judėjimą. Lietuviai ėmė emigruoti į ekonomiškai nusistovėjusią ir užtikrinančią socialines garantijas Jungtinę Karalystę. Didžiojoje Britanijoje Lietuvos emigrantai patenka į socialines klases, pagal kurias gyvena atitinkamą gyvenimo būdą. Šiuo pagrindu buvo atliktas lietuvių Anglijoje gyvenimo būdo tyrimas, kuris rėmėsi emigrantų darbo, edukacijos , buities ir laisvalaikio analize. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad lietuviai Anglijoje priklauso darbininkų klasei bei atitinkami demografiniai faktoriai ( lytis, amžius, išsilavinimas, šeimyninė padėtis ir pragyventas laikotarpis šalyje) turi įtakos lietuvių emigrantų gyvenimo būdo raiškai. / The analysis of scientific literature discuses political, economical and social factors that influences the process of migration mechanism and determines migration models. Rapid socio- economical changes begun after Lithuania got its independence. That influenced increased migration process. After joining Euro Union in 2005, Lithuanian Government met significantly risen migration problems because of eliminated abstrictions that restricted hired manpower movement before. That is when Lithuanian people started emigrating to economically stable and socially secure England. Lithuanian emigrants in Great Britain get in to social rank stratification that determines certain life style. Considering that fact the research of Lithuanian people life style in England was accomplished. This was based on emigrants work, education, daily life and leisure analysis. The hypothesis- Lithuanian emigrants in Great Britain depend on laborers, was confirmed:  Although Lithuanian emigrants have professions and education, in England they work long hours and do physically difficult jobs that does not require education.  It is common to eat home made food and unusual to go to restaurants/ cafés. Lithuanian emigrants shop in supermarkets where food is cheaper.  They use public transport and rent accommodation that does not satisfy their needs. Another hypothesis- There is connection between the expression of emigrants life style and demographical factors( gender, age, education, family... [to full text]

Emigrantų vaikų adaptacijos prielaidos ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje / Adaptation assumptions of emigrant children in preschool education institution

Verbickaja, Inga 11 June 2013 (has links)
Nepaisant pastaruoju metu pastebimų emigracijos intensyvumo pokyčių, šis reiškinys išlieka aktualia šiandienos problema. Iš Lietuvos emigruoja šeimos, vis dažniau su savimi pasiimančios ir mažamečius vaikus. Beveik pusė šių vaikų Lietuvoje lankė ikimokyklines ugdymo įstaigas. Išvykę į kitą šalį vaikai turi vėl adaptuotis. Tik antrąjį kartą adaptacija vyksta visiškai kitokioje sociokultūrinėje aplinkoje. Atlikto tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinio amžiaus emigrantų vaikų adaptacija ugdymo įstaigose. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti emigrantų vaikų adaptacijos prielaidas. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 (dešimt) emigrantų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus (4 berniukai ir 6 mergaitės). Empirinis tyrimas atliktas raštu apklausiant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų tėvus. Apklausos duomenys buvo papildyti atliekant interviu. Empirinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad pagrindiniai sunkumai, su kuriais susiduria emigrantų šeimos, pradėjusios vesti savo vaikus į ikimokyklines ugdymo įstaigas užsienio šalyse yra kalbos barjeras, ligos bei drausmės trūkumas. Tėvų praleidžiamas laikas ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje kartu su vaiku bei pedagogų dėmesys ir pastangos padėti vaikui įsitraukti į grupės veiklą yra efektyvi pagalba. Toks veiksnys, kaip užsienio ikimokyklinės įstaigos organizuojamos veiklos pobūdis, respondentų yra įvardijamas kaip lengvesnio adaptacijos periodo sąlyga ir ikimokyklinės įstaigos privalumas. / Despite the latest changes in emigration rates this phenomenon remains as relevant nowadays issue. Families emigrate from Lithuania nad more often preschool aged children are going with them. Nearly half of these children have attended preschool education institutions in Lithuania. After migration to other country children experience one more adaptation. The second time adaptation is experienced in a completely different sociocultural environment. The object of the research – adaptation of preschool aged emigrant children in preschool education institutions. The aim of the researsch – to analyse adaptation assumptions of emigrant children. 10 emigrants raising preschool aged children (4 boys and 6 girls) took part in this research. Empirical research was conducted by giving parents of preschool age children a written survey. Interviews were added to the survey data. Findings of this empirical research revealed that emigrant families face these following issues when their children start to attend preschool education institutions: language barrier, illnesses and lack of discipline. The effective help during adaptation period for children is the time their parents spend together with them during their first weeks in preschool education institutions. Also the attention and endeavour to help them engage in group activities given by pedagogues. Such factor as a format of organised activities in groups of foreign preschool education institutions is named to be a condition of easier... [to full text]

Sull\'Oceano: uma travessia de emigrantes italianos / Sull\'Oceano: a Voyage of Italian emigrants

Adriana Marcolini 30 November 2016 (has links)
Considerado o primeiro romance da emigração italiana, Sull\'Oceano, de Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908), foi lançado em 1889 pelo editor Treves, de Milão, e obteve grande sucesso editorial na Itália. Toda a narrativa se passa a bordo do navio em que o autor viajou de Gênova, na Itália, a Buenos Aires, na Argentina, em 1884. A embarcação levava na terceira classe 1.600 emigrantes italianos com destino à Argentina (uma minoria tinha como meta o Uruguai). Também transportava 50 passageiros na primeira classe e 20 na segunda além de cerca de 200 tripulantes. O livro é um microcosmo da sociedade italiana da época. A Itália era então um país recém-nascido, cuja unificação só havia se concretizado em 1861, após um longo processo conhecido como Risorgimento. A unificação da Itália, no entanto, foi acompanhada de uma contradição: o êxodo massivo de cidadãos que ficaram marginalizados. A emigração ficou marcada como uma cicatriz resultante deste penoso parto que deu nascimento ao país. SullOceano mostra como essa cicatriz se manifestava a bordo daquele navio de emigrantes: alguns sentiam desprezo pela pátria, outros desconfiança, raiva ou rancor por serem praticamente obrigados a abandonar a terra natal. Apesar de que a Itália tivesse se tornado um país em 1861, o mosaico de dialetos a bordo revela que, em 1884, a nação italiana ainda não existia. Os emigrantes, vindos de diferentes regiões, não se entendiam entre si. De Amicis utiliza os dialetos com maestria e confere sabor ao texto. O romance mostrou à elite italiana as péssimas condições da viagem dos emigrantes e emitiu um alerta para as autoridades, que em 1901 estabeleceram uma série de normas a serem obedecidas pelos navios. Apesar da importância de SullOceano, e do sucesso editorial alcançado à época do lançamento, o livro é hoje praticamente desconhecido na Itália. Esta tese apresenta De Amicis e sua vasta obra, analisa SullOceano e aponta as razões para explicar o esquecimento do romance junto ao público leitor italiano. O trabalho também tece um panorama sobre a literatura da emigração italiana entre as décadas de 1880 e 1930. / Considered to be the first novel about Italian emigration, Sull\'Oceano, by Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908) was first launched in 1889 by Treves publishing house, from Milan, and achieved a great success in Italy. The entire plot is developed aboard the ship in which the author travelled from Genoa, in Italy, to Buenos Aires, in Argentina, in 1884. The vessel transported 1,600 Italian emigrants in the third-class headed to Argentina (a minority was headed to Uruguay). In addition, it carried 50 passengers in the first-class and 20 in the second-class. Moreover, the vessel had a 200-member crew. The book is a micro cosmos of the Italian society in that period. Italy was then a new-born country. Its unification was achieved in 1861 after a long process known as Risorgimento. However, Italys unification was followed by a contradiction: the massive exodus of citizens that were marginalized by it. A scar appeared in Italys painful delivery: emigration. SullOceano reveals how this scar was expressed aboard that ship full of emigrants: some felt disdain for the native land while other felt suspicion, anger or grudge towards it. Emigrants were practically obliged to leave their native land. Despite the fact that Italy had become a country in 1861, the mosaic of dialects spoken aboard reveals that in 1884 the Italian nation did not exist yet. Emigrants aboard came from different Italian regions and could not understand each other. De Amicis uses dialects wisely and offers flavored dialogues. The novel denounced to the Italian elite the extremely bad conditions of emigrant ship journeys and sent out an alert to the authorities. As a result, a series of rules to be followed by vessel companies were set by Italian government in 1901. Despite the significance of SullOceano and the editorial success it achieved when launched, in 1889, today the book is almost unknown in Italy. Besides presenting De Amicis and his work, this thesis analyses SullOceano and discusses the reasons for its forgetfulness in nowadays Italy. In addition, it presents an overview of Italian literature produced between 1880 and 1930 inspired on the massive emigration of its citizens.

Exploring the link between migrant’s community organisations and the support structures of the host country: A case study of Somali and Ethiopian migrants in Cape Town

Ahmed, Maryan A January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / South Africa is a regional hub for international immigration and the main destination for many African descent, a home of high number of refugees ad asylum seekers across African continent. The refugees and asylum seekers communities in South Africa are settled and melting into the city life with the host communities.

Migration and human development in Latin America: the longitudinal effect of low-skilled and high-skilled emigration in the sending countries / Migração e desenvolvimento humano na América Latina: o efeito longitudinal da emigração pouco qualificada e altamente qualificada nos países de origem

Figueroa, Ana Magdalena Figueroa 28 February 2018 (has links)
This research aims to study the dynamic effect of emigration on the human development of the sending countries. For this, emigration is measured through low-skilled and high-skilled emigrants, as well as remittances. Additionally, human development is understood as having a decent standard of life, long healthy life, and education. This research is not concerned with why migrants choose to move. Instead, the concern here is to assess what happens to the human development of the sending countries when they exit their home countries. This work is based on the New Economics of Migration theory and uses Latin America as the sample of sending countries. The data are analyzed through Feasible Generalized Least Squares, Panel Corrected Standard Errors, and GMM-IV. The period covered in this research goes from 1970 to 2015. 5-year-averages are employed in order to calculate the long-run effect of emigration on human development. From the results obtained through the statistical analysis, it can be said that the impacts of emigration on human development are heterogeneous, and that depend on the type of emigration (high-skilled or low-skilled) and on time (short-run or long-run). The findings suggest that there are important short-term benefits of emigration on the access to a decent living standard and to education. However, there are also some worrying negative short-term effects, mostly on a long healthy life. Nevertheless, most of these negative short-run effects revert in the long-run and become more positive. Furthermore, the results show that high-skilled emigration has more positive effects on living standards and on a long healthy life than the low-skilled emigration. On the other hand, in the case of education, it seems like low-skilled emigration has more positive long-run effects when compared to the high-skilled one. / Esta pesquisa visa estudar o efeito dinâmico da emigração no desenvolvimento humano dos países de origem. Para isto, a emigração é mensurada através de emigrantes pouco qualificados e altamente qualificados, bem como remessas. Além disso, o desenvolvimento humano é analisado através de um nível de vida decente, vida longa e saudável, e educação. Esta pesquisa não estuda o porquê os migrantes escolhem se mudar. Em vez disso, a preocupação aqui é analisar o quê acontece com o desenvolvimento humano dos países de origem quando os migrantes saem dos seus países de origem. Este trabalho baseia-se na teoria da Nova Economia da Migração e usa a América Latina como a amostra dos países de origem. Os dados são analisados através de Feasible Generalized Least Squares, Panel Corrected Standard Errors, and GMM-IV. O período abrangido por esta pesquisa é desde 1970 até 2015. São empregadas médias de 5 anos para calcular o efeito de longo prazo da emigração no desenvolvimento humano. A partir dos resultados obtidos através da análise estatística, pode-se dizer que os impactos da emigração no desenvolvimento humano são heterogêneos e que dependem do tipo de emigração (altamente qualificados ou pouco qualificados) e do tempo (curto ou longo prazo). Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que sugerem que há benefícios importantes no curto prazo no acesso a um nível de vida decente e na educação. No entanto, também há alguns efeitos negativos preocupantes, principalmente em uma vida longa e saudável. No entanto, a maioria desses efeitos negativos no curto prazo se revertem no longo prazo e tornam-se mais positivos. Além disso, os resultados mostram que a emigração altamente qualificada tem efeitos mais positivos sobre o nível de vida e sobre uma longa vida saudável do que a emigração pouco qualificada. Por outro lado, no caso da educação, a emigração pouco qualificada tem efeitos mais positivos no longo prazo quando comparada com a emigração altamente qualificada.

Migration and human development in Latin America: the longitudinal effect of low-skilled and high-skilled emigration in the sending countries / Migração e desenvolvimento humano na América Latina: o efeito longitudinal da emigração pouco qualificada e altamente qualificada nos países de origem

Ana Magdalena Figueroa Figueroa 28 February 2018 (has links)
This research aims to study the dynamic effect of emigration on the human development of the sending countries. For this, emigration is measured through low-skilled and high-skilled emigrants, as well as remittances. Additionally, human development is understood as having a decent standard of life, long healthy life, and education. This research is not concerned with why migrants choose to move. Instead, the concern here is to assess what happens to the human development of the sending countries when they exit their home countries. This work is based on the New Economics of Migration theory and uses Latin America as the sample of sending countries. The data are analyzed through Feasible Generalized Least Squares, Panel Corrected Standard Errors, and GMM-IV. The period covered in this research goes from 1970 to 2015. 5-year-averages are employed in order to calculate the long-run effect of emigration on human development. From the results obtained through the statistical analysis, it can be said that the impacts of emigration on human development are heterogeneous, and that depend on the type of emigration (high-skilled or low-skilled) and on time (short-run or long-run). The findings suggest that there are important short-term benefits of emigration on the access to a decent living standard and to education. However, there are also some worrying negative short-term effects, mostly on a long healthy life. Nevertheless, most of these negative short-run effects revert in the long-run and become more positive. Furthermore, the results show that high-skilled emigration has more positive effects on living standards and on a long healthy life than the low-skilled emigration. On the other hand, in the case of education, it seems like low-skilled emigration has more positive long-run effects when compared to the high-skilled one. / Esta pesquisa visa estudar o efeito dinâmico da emigração no desenvolvimento humano dos países de origem. Para isto, a emigração é mensurada através de emigrantes pouco qualificados e altamente qualificados, bem como remessas. Além disso, o desenvolvimento humano é analisado através de um nível de vida decente, vida longa e saudável, e educação. Esta pesquisa não estuda o porquê os migrantes escolhem se mudar. Em vez disso, a preocupação aqui é analisar o quê acontece com o desenvolvimento humano dos países de origem quando os migrantes saem dos seus países de origem. Este trabalho baseia-se na teoria da Nova Economia da Migração e usa a América Latina como a amostra dos países de origem. Os dados são analisados através de Feasible Generalized Least Squares, Panel Corrected Standard Errors, and GMM-IV. O período abrangido por esta pesquisa é desde 1970 até 2015. São empregadas médias de 5 anos para calcular o efeito de longo prazo da emigração no desenvolvimento humano. A partir dos resultados obtidos através da análise estatística, pode-se dizer que os impactos da emigração no desenvolvimento humano são heterogêneos e que dependem do tipo de emigração (altamente qualificados ou pouco qualificados) e do tempo (curto ou longo prazo). Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que sugerem que há benefícios importantes no curto prazo no acesso a um nível de vida decente e na educação. No entanto, também há alguns efeitos negativos preocupantes, principalmente em uma vida longa e saudável. No entanto, a maioria desses efeitos negativos no curto prazo se revertem no longo prazo e tornam-se mais positivos. Além disso, os resultados mostram que a emigração altamente qualificada tem efeitos mais positivos sobre o nível de vida e sobre uma longa vida saudável do que a emigração pouco qualificada. Por outro lado, no caso da educação, a emigração pouco qualificada tem efeitos mais positivos no longo prazo quando comparada com a emigração altamente qualificada.

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