Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial inequalities"" "subject:"bsocial inequalities""
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Les réseaux personnels des jeunes : formes de sociabilité et parcours inégaux / Youth personal networks : forms of sociability and inequalities in the lifecourseAlfonsi, Jérémy 28 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de saisir les trajectoires biographiques de jeunes Français au regard de l'influence de leurs relations personnelles. Nous y mettons en lumière les contextes de vie et les différents modes de sociabilité qui façonnent des réseaux aux formes et aux effets inégaux sur les destinées.A l’entrée dans la vie adulte, les individus sont invités à investir les rôles majeurs qui vont caractériser leurs positions dans le monde social. Comment les relations personnelles sont-elles mobilisées dans ces occasions ? Qui intervient précisément ? Quelles ressources et contraintes offrent-elles ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons interviewé longuement une trentaine de jeunes adultes aux origines sociales contrastées vivant à Montpellier. Ensemble, nous avons retracé plus de 200 séquences majeures qui ont rythmé leurs parcours, afin de faire apparaitre les épisodes dans lesquels leurs relations ont joué un rôle décisif. Nous avons également reconstitué avec eux le cercle de liens proches qui les ont accompagnés dans les principales dimensions de leur vie sociale. L’analyse des caractéristiques de près de 400 relations, de leur histoire et des contours des réseaux personnels qu’elles forment, nous a permis de mettre à jour des entourages très hétérogènes, à même de contraindre les trajectoires ou d’ouvrir parfois à de nouveaux horizons. L’examen très précis des pratiques de sociabilité, enfin, a révélé des différences culturelles qui concourent à l’élaboration de réseaux aux formes et aux effets si distincts. Cette recherche permet alors de mieux saisir comment des supports relationnels viennent inégalement appuyer l’évolution des individus dans le monde social. / This thesis proposes to understand the biographical trajectories of young French people according to the influence of their personal relationships. We expose the contexts of life and the differents modes of sociability that shape networks with unequal forms and effects on destinies. At the entrance of adult life, individuals are invited to invest the major roles that will characterize their positions in the social world. How are personal relationships mobilized on these occasions ? Who intervene precisely ? What resources and constraints do they offer ? To answer these questions, we interviewed at lenght about thirty young adults with contrasted social origins living in Montpellier. Together, we have retraced more than 200 major sequences that have punctuated their lifecourse, in order to reveal the episodes in which their relations played a decisive role. We have also reconstituted with them the circle of close bonds which have accompanied them in the main dimensions of their social life. The analysis of the characteristics of nearly 400 relationships, their history and the contours of the personal networks they form, has enabled us to reveal very heterogeneous entourage, able to constrain the trajectories or to open sometimes to new horizons. Lastly, the very precise examination of sociability practices revealed cultural differences that contribute to the development of networks with such distinct forms and effects. Thereby, this research allows to better understand how relational supports unequally sustain the evolution of individuals in the social world.
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Políticas de cooperação intergovernamental e desigualdades na educação brasileira / Intergovernmental cooperation policies and inequalities in Brazilian educationGrinkraut, Ananda 07 February 2019 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo averiguar se políticas de cooperação intergovernamentais, tais como consórcios e Arranjos de Desenvolvimento da Educação (ADEs), se constituem como mecanismos de equalização de condições de oferta e resultados educacionais nos municípios brasileiros. Em 2011, 35% dos municípios do país integravam algum destes arranjos de cooperação intergovernamental, contemplando quase metade da população brasileira. A pesquisa foi constituída em três fases, sendo que as duas primeiras possuíam os objetivos, respectivamente, de construir um panorama da participação municipal em arranjos de cooperação intergovernamental, e de verificar a influência da participação dos municípios nos diferentes arranjos em relação às variáveis educacionais selecionadas. Para tanto, nestas fases da pesquisa foram analisadas as capacidades estatais e resultados educacionais de municípios em situação socioeconômicas semelhante, porém com a diferença de comporem uma ou mais formas de cooperativismo intergovernamental, com base nos dados de 2011. A terceira fase da pesquisa partiu de indícios, observados nas fases anteriores, de que os municípios integrantes do ADE do Vale do Jequitinhonha apresentavam melhores resultados educacionais do que os demais municípios em situação socioeconômica e demográfica semelhantes, e buscou investigar se tais indícios poderiam estar vinculados à participação dos municípios neste arranjo, através de um estudo longitudinal que abarcou o período entre 2007 e 2015. Nas três fases da pesquisa foram utilizadas técnicas da estatística descritiva e de análise multivariada, como regressões e constituição de agrupamentos de municípios, de forma a minimizar o efeito das variáveis associadas a aspectos socioeconômicos e demográficos. Os resultados da análise descritiva foram muito semelhantes à análise inferencial: para a maior parte das variáveis examinadas capacidade estatal, condições de oferta e resultados educacionais a variação mais significativa se deu entre os agrupamentos de municípios com perfil socioeconômico e demográfico semelhantes, do que segundo o tipo de cooperação intergovernamental estabelecido, reiterando a relevância das condições socioeconômicas nas condições de atendimento e dados educacionais. Com relação à análise longitudinal, a partir do caso do ADE do Vale do Jequitinhonha, verificou-se uma melhoria significativa no IDEB ao longo do período observado e uma redução na desigualdade de resultados entre os municípios do referido ADE. No entanto, apesar de o comportamento dos municípios que integravam o ADE ter sido muito superior ao dos municípios brasileiros em geral, e também dos municípios brasileiros que integravam arranjos de cooperação intergovernamental em 2011, este foi bastante semelhante ao dos municípios dos respectivos agrupamentos socioeconômicos do estado de Minas Gerais. Os dados apresentados retratam a situação dos municípios integrantes de consórcios e Arranjos de Desenvolvimento da Educação e reiteram análises realizadas sobre bons resultados dos municípios de Minas Gerais em relação aos demais municípios brasileiros. Com relação à hipótese da pesquisa, seus resultados demonstram que tais mecanismos de cooperação intergovernamentais, no formato como estão atualmente estruturados, não tem contribuido para a redução da desigualdade de atendimento, oferta e resultados educacionais entre os municípios brasileiros. / This thesis aims to investigate whether intergovernmental cooperation policies, such as public consortia and Education Development Arrangements (ADEs), constitute mechanisms for equalization of educational provision and outcomes in Brazilian municipalities. In 2011, 35% of the country\'s municipalities were part of some kind of intergovernmental cooperation arrangement, encompassing almost half of Brazilian population. The research was conducted in three phases. The first two had the objectives, respectively, of building a panorama of municipal participation in intergovernmental cooperation arrangements, and examining the influence of municipal participation in different types of intergovernamental cooperation related to the selected educational variables. Therefore, in these phases of the research, the state capacities and educational results of municipalities in similar socioeconomic situation were analyzed, but with the difference of composing one or more forms of intergovernmental cooperation, based on 2011s data. The third phase of the research was based on evidence from previous phases that the municipalities that are members of the ADE do Vale do Jequitinhonha showed better educational results than the other municipalities in similar socioeconomic and demographic situations, and sought to investigate whether such evidence could be linked to the municipal participation in this arrangement, through a longitudinal study that covered the period between 2007 and 2015. In the three phases of the research, descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis techniques were used, such as regressions and the constitution of clusters of municipalities, in order to minimize the effect of associated variables such as socioeconomic and demographic aspects. The results of the descriptive analysis were very similar to the inferential analysis: for most of the examined variables state capacity, offered conditions and educational outcomes the most significant variation occurred among groups of municipalities with similar socioeconomic and demographic profile than according to the type of intergovernmental cooperation established, reiterating the relevance of socioeconomic conditions in terms of service and educational data. Regarding to the longitudinal analysis, related to the case of the ADE do Vale do Jequitinhonha, there was a significant improvement in the IDEB over the observed period and a reduction in the inequality of results among the member municipalities. However, although the behavior of the member municipalities of the ADE was much higher than that of the Brazilian municipalities in general, and also of the Brazilian municipalities that integrated intergovernmental cooperation arrangements in 2011, this was very similar to the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais, from the same socioeconomic groups. The data presented the situation of member municipalities of public consortia and Education Development Arrangements, and reiterate the analisis about the good results of Minas Gerais municipalities in relation to other Brazilian municipalities. In relation to the initial hypothesis of this research, its results demonstrate that such intergovernmental cooperation arrangements, as they are currently structured, have not contributed to the reduction of the inequalities regarding educational conditions and indicators among Brazilian municipalities.
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Uma análise da divisão digital no Brasil através da aplicação da aprendizagem de redes bayesianas / An analysis of the digital divide in Brazil by applying learning bayesian networksBarreto, Luis Fernando Britto Pereira de Mello 10 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou identificar como o Brasil está posicionado no contexto internacional da divisão digital assim como também os fatores que influenciam a divisão digital no país. Utilizando dados do cálculo do índice IDI disponibilizados pelo International Telecommunication Union (ITU) para 152 diferentes países obteve-se um modelo de clusterização a partir do aprendizado de Redes Bayesianas que resultou numa distribuição dos países em oito clusters. Este modelo foi alimentado com subconjuntos incompletos de indicadores correspondentes aos componentes do IDI para diversas subdivisões regionais brasileiras (regiões, estados, regiões metropolitanas/interiores dos estados e zonas rural/urbana), conforme a disponibilidade em diferentes fontes como a ANATEL, o IBGE e o CGI.BR. Desta forma foi possível inferir a que cluster mais provavelmente cada subdivisão regional deve pertencer. Enquanto a posição 64 no ranking do IDI coloca o Brasil em uma posição à frente de mais da metade dos 152 países incluídos, a concentração de diversas sub-regiões no sexto cluster coloca a maior parte do país apenas dois níveis acima dos países de pior classificação e a cinco níveis de distância dos melhores classificados. Já a análise dos fatores que influenciam a divisão digital no Brasil utilizou dados fornecidos pelo CGI.BR na obtenção de um modelo diferente de rede Augmented Naive Bayes para cada uma de quatro variáveis representativas de adoção tecnológica: uso da internet, uso do celular, adoção do comércio eletrônico e do internet banking. Como variáveis independentes, os modelos incluíram sexo, faixa etária, grau de instrução, situação de emprego, raça, classe social, zona rural/urbana, região e estado, sendo que as que apresentaram maior grau de influência foram a classe social e o grau de instrução. O conjunto de fatores selecionado demonstrou ser bastante preciso apenas na identificação da divisão digital em relação ao uso de internet, enquanto a utilização do celular, do comércio eletrônico e do internet banking não puderam ser totalmente explicadas, sugerindo a necessidade de mais estudos no sentido de identificar variáveis complementares que influenciem a adoção dessas tecnologias. / This study aimed to identify how Brazil is positioned in the international context of the digital divide as well as the factors influencing the digital divide within the country. A clustering model was obtained by applying Bayesian Networks learning on data for calculating the IDI index provided by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 152 different countries, resulting in the distribution of the countries among eight clusters. This model was fed with incomplete subsets of indicators corresponding to the various components of the IDI for Brazilian regional subdivisions (regions, states, metropolitan areas/state country sides and rural/urban zones), as available from different sources such as ANATEL, IBGE and CGI.BR. This way it was possible to infer the most likely cluster to which each regional subdivision should belong. The 64 IDI ranking position puts Brazil ahead of more than half of the 152 countries included, but with the majority of sub-regions placed in the sixth cluster, most of the country appears just two levels above the lowest ranking countries and five levels away from the top ranked. The analysis of the factors influencing the digital divide in Brazil used data provided by CGI.BR to obtain a different Augmented Naive Bayes network model for each of four variables representing technology adoption: internet use, cell phone use, ecommerce adoption and internet banking adoption. Gender, age, education level, employment status, race, social class, rural / urban areas, region and state were included as independent variables, with social class and education level showing the most influence. The selected factors proved to be quite accurate in identifying the internet use digital divide, while cell phone use, e-commerce adoption and internet banking adoption could not be fully explained, suggesting the need for further studies to identify additional variables influencing the adoption of these technologies.
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Les usages médicaux du social : Médecine générale et inégalités / Medical Uses of Social : General Practice and InequalitiesBirouste, Guilhem 16 December 2014 (has links)
La France est caractérisée par un bon état de santé global et d'importantes inégalités sociales de santé. Le renouveau d'intérêt pour ces dernières est l'occasion de questionner une définition univoque centrée sur les résultats au détriment des procédures, dans un pays qui a axé ses politiques de lutte sur le système de soins. La médecine générale y a une place particulière par son apparition récente en tant que spécialité universitaire et la nécessité de se définir qui s'ensuit. Elle est décrite tout à la fois comme pivot du système de soins, agent de santé publique ou chantre d'une relation inter-individuelle et d'une prise en charge globale. Si la médecine est fondée sur les données de la science, elle est aussi une profession prudentielle en ce qu'elle prend en compte des situations singulières, générant de l'incertitude dans la pratique. Parmi les sources de singularité, l'aspect social, tant du patient que du médecin, est à considérer. Dans sa pratique, ce dernier éprouve cependant une diversité de social. Tantôt obstacle à son activité professionnelle et vu comme extérieur au médical, tantôt élément apparenté aux données de la science par l'épidémiologie, il peut aussi être une brique de la construction individuelle du patient sur laquelle s'appuyer, conduisant parfois à une moralisation des conduites et des identités. Les caractéristiques sociales du médecin sont quant à elles souvent oubliées, comme s'il était neutre ou simple représentant de la science. C'est pourtant dans l'interaction entre ces deux mondes que se jouent aussi les inégalités sociales de santé et tout se passe comme si le médecin ne pouvait bien soigner que ses semblables. / France is characterized by a good overall health status and high social inequalities in the health sector. The renewed interest in health inequalities is the opportunity to question a unique definition focused on results at the expense of processes, in a country where policies on tackling inequalities are based on the health care system. General practice has a particular position in this system, as a new academic speciality, which still needs to figure out how to define itself. It is described simultaneously as a heath care system gatekeeper, a public health officer or an advocate for inter-individual relationship and holistic care. While medicine is based on scientific evidence, it is also a prudential profession as it considers singular situations, generating uncertainty in practice. Among singular sources, social characteristics of both patients and doctors have to be considered. However, in their practice, physicians experience a diversity of social. Sometimes a barrier to the professional activity and considered external to the medical world, sometimes considered as part of scientific evidences by epidemiology, it could also be considered as a component of the individual construction of the patient on which the physician can rely, with the potential to lead to a moralization of behaviours and identities. The physician's social characteristics are often omitted, as if doctors were neutral or mere representatives of science. It is however in the interaction between these two worlds that social determinants of health inequalities can be found, and it seems that a physician could only provide good care to patients sharing the same similarities.
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Activité physique, sédentarité, inégalités sociales, surpoids et obésité à l’adolescence : contribution de PRALIMAP et PRALIMAP-INÈS, recherches interventionnelles en milieu scolaire / Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, social inequalities, overweight and obesity in adolescence : contribution of PRALIMAP and PRALIMAP-INÈS, interventional research in schoolsLanglois, Johanne 15 December 2017 (has links)
Contexte : Chez les adolescents, les différences sociales dans les pratiques d’activité physique (AP) et les comportements sédentaires restent peu expliquées. Les interventions universelles proportionnées visant la réduction des inégalités sociales chez les adolescents en situation de surpoids/obésité sont rares. Objectifs : Explorer les relations entre l’AP, la sédentarité, les facteurs sociaux, familiaux et scolaires chez les adolescents. Quatre axes de recherche ont été définis : identification des facteurs associés à l'AP et à la sédentarité, étude de la participation des adolescents en situation de surpoids/obésité socialement moins favorisés à une intervention universelle proportionnée en milieu scolaire, analyse de la perception des adolescents de leurs pratiques et évaluation de l'efficacité de l'intervention. Méthodes : Ces travaux sont issus d’essais en milieu scolaire : PRALIMAP (PRomotion de l'ALIMentation et de l'Activité Physique) et PRALIMAP-INÈS (INÈgalité de Santé). Le questionnaire international d’AP (IPAQ) a été utilisé pour mesurer l’AP et la sédentarité. Le niveau social a été défini à partir des catégories socioprofessionnelles et de l’échelle d’aisance familiale (FAS). Des entretiens individuels ont permis le recueil des perceptions. Des régressions logistiques ont été réalisées. Résultats : L'AP était dépendante des caractéristiques sociales, familiales et scolaires. La dépense énergétique totale n’était pas suffisante pour identifier les différences sociales en AP. Les freins perçus à la pratique d’AP étaient majoritairement individuels et étaient différents selon le niveau social et le sexe. Une intervention universelle proportionnée en milieu scolaire a permis la mobilisation de ces adolescents et de réduire les inégalités sociales d’AP. Conclusion : Ces travaux soulignent l’importance de la mise en œuvre en milieu scolaire d’actions spécifiques en AP pour les adolescents en situation de surpoids/obésité socialement moins favorisés / Background: Among adolescents, social differences in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) are seldom explained. Proportionate universal interventions aimed at reducing social inequalities among overweight adolescents are uncommon. Objectives: To explore correlations between PA, SB, social, family and school-related factors among adolescents. Four research topics were elaborated: identifying factors associated with PA and SB, analysing socially less-advantaged overweight adolescents’ participation in a proportionate universal school intervention, analysing adolescents' perceptions of their PA practice, and evaluating the effectiveness of this intervention. Methods: This work is the result of two trials in the school setting: (PRomotion de l'ALIMentation et de l'Activité Physique) and PRALIMAP-INÈS (INÈgalité de Santé). The International PA Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to measure PA and SB. Social status was defined according to socio-professional categories and the family affluence scale (FAS). Data on perceptions was collected from individual interviews. Individual interviews allowed data collection of perceptions. Logistic regressions were also carried out. Results: PA was dependent on social, family and school-related characteristics. Total energy expenditure was not sufficient to identify social differences in PA. The perceived barriers to PA practice were mostly individual and were different according to social status and gender. The proportionate universal intervention in schools successfully engaged these adolescents and reduced social inequalities related to PA. Conclusion: This work emphasises the importance of implementing specific activities in PA for socially less advantaged overweight adolescents
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Direito econômico e os fundamentos do princípio da redução das desigualdades regionais e sociais na Constituição de 1988Molon Júnior, Nelso January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda os fundamentos do princípio da ordem econômica da redução das desigualdades regionais e sociais previsto no artigo 170, VII, e, paralelamente, o artigo 3º, III, ambos da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 sob o viés do Direito Econômico. Inicialmente são expostas considerações propedêuticas acerca do Direito Econômico e da hermenêutica para a introdução do leitor à abordagem do princípio da ordem econômica. Após, é apresentada a evolução das classificações de regiões no Brasil, o cenário hodierno das desigualdades regionais brasileiras, fundamentos do princípio da ordem econômica da redução das desigualdades regionais e sociais, o federalismo cooperativo brasileiro, a relação entre o planejamento e o princípio da ordem econômica, a utilização de organismos regionais para a redução das desigualdades regionais (utilizando como exemplo a Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste – SUDENE), a relação dos princípios e as regras próprios do Direito Econômico com o princípio da ordem econômica da redução das desigualdades regionais e sociais e a análise do Recurso Extraordinário n. 480.107-8 do Supremo Tribunal Federal. / The current work deals with the fundamentals of the economic order principle of reducing regional and social inequalities present in the article 170, VII, and, in parallel, article 3rd, III, both of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 under the bias of Economic Law. Initially, propaedeutic considerations about economic law and hermeneutics are presented for introducing the reader to the approach to the principle of economic order. Afterwards, the evolution of the classifications of regions in Brazil, the current scenario of Brazilian regional inequalities, foundations of the economic order principle of reducing regional and social inequalities, Brazilian cooperative federalism, the relationship between planning and the principle of the economic order, the use of regional bodies to reduce regional inequalities (using the Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste - SUDENE as an example), the relation between principles and rules specific to Economic Law with the principle of the economic order of reducing regional and social inequalities and the analysis of Extraordinary Appeal no. 480.107-8 of the Supreme Court.
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Trabalho informal e desemprego: desigualdades sociais / Informal work and unemployment: social inequalitiesBeltrão, Myrian Matsuo Affonso 04 February 2010 (has links)
Este estudo demonstra, a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica, o processo de inserção e permanência de trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho informal; as formas de exploração, dominação e precarização do trabalho e suas conseqüências sobre as condições de saúde, trabalho e vida dos trabalhadores, a partir de quatro grupos abordados mais diretamente: os vendedores ambulantes; os catadores de materiais de reciclagem; os colhedores de laranja; e os pescadores de lagosta. A pesquisa revela as estratégias de resistência desenvolvidas pelos agentes informais no cotidiano de trabalho, bem como as formas de organização adotada por eles para tentar reverter a situação de pobreza e exploração. O posicionamento das várias instituições sociais e políticas em particular os sindicatos, as cooperativas e as Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs), os movimentos sociais e, principalmente, o Estado frente ao contexto da economia informal, é destacado neste estudo. O objetivo principal é analisar a articulação do trabalho informal e sua importância no modo de produção capitalista. Tal entendimento possibilita combater as reais causas do desemprego, da informalidade e da desigualdade social e econômica. Faz-se a crítica aos princípios do empreendedorismo, da autonomia e do cooperativismo como alternativas ao desemprego. As várias formas de trabalho na informalidade, como o trabalho autônomo; o trabalho por conta-própria; o trabalho temporário; e o trabalho terceirizado, encobrem o caráter subordinado do trabalho informal aos setores dinâmicos da economia e, consequentemente, ao processo de acumulação capitalista. A falta de um contrato de trabalho, ou de um contrato que proteja totalmente o trabalhador, é considerada uma afronta à cidadania social. Sendo assim, o trabalhador informal deixa de ser visto como cidadão ou como sujeito de direitos. Esse problema se torna importante na medida em que analisamos o tipo de economia, o modelo de desenvolvimento e o papel do Estado como responsável pelas políticas públicas de educação; de saúde; de emprego; e de segurança, entre outras medidas voltadas a esse segmento da população. Pensamos num modelo de desenvolvimento em que sejam considerados os interesses sociais e a defesa do meio ambiente. A prioridade devem ser os investimentos na educação, em primeiro lugar. Com uma educação básica e fundamental de qualidade, podemos vislumbrar uma possibilidade de desenvolvimento com inclusão social. Os direitos de cidadania, nesse caso, se traduzem em ter acesso à educação, aos serviços de saúde, ao trabalho decente e à segurança, entre outras necessidades, para todos. / This study demonstrates, through an ethnographic approach, the process of insertion and permanence of workers in the informal labor market the forms of exploitation, domination, and precarization of work and their consequences with regard to the health, working, and living conditions of the workers considering most directly the following four groups: street vendors, collectors of materials for recycling, orange pickers, and lobster fishermen. The study reveals the resistance strategies developed by the informal agents in their daily work routine, as well as the forms of organization that they have adopted in an attempt to overturn the situation of poverty and exploitation. Emphasized in this study is the positioning of the various social and political institutions particularly unions, cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social movements, and, mainly, the state in the context of the informal economy. The main objective is to analyze the role of informal work and its importance in the capitalist mode of production. This understanding will allow for combatting the real causes of unemployment, informality of labor, and social and economic inequality. A criticism is made of the principles of entrepreneurism, autonomy, and cooperativism that have been suggested as alternatives to unemployment. The various forms of informal work such as autonomous work, self-employment, temporary work, and outsourced work obfuscate the subordination of informal work to the dynamic sectors of the economy and, consequently, to the process of capitalist accumulation. The lack of a labor contract, or of a contract that completely protects the worker, is considered an affront to social citizenship. This being the case, the informal worker is not seen as a citizen or as a legal subject. This problem becomes increasingly important as we analyze the type of economy, the development model, and the role of the state as the agent responsible for public policies of education, healthcare, employment, and security, among other measures aimed at this segment of the population. A development model that takes into account social interests and the defense of the environment is proposed. Priority must be given to investment in education, in the first place. With quality primary education, it is possible to envision development with social inclusion. The rights of citizenship, in this case, translate into access to education, health services, decent work, and security among other needs for all.
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As políticas públicas de educação: adolescentes com trajetórias truncadas / Public educational policies: teenagers with twisted paths.Cardoso, Nilton Francisco 11 May 2012 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta os dados e análises de uma pesquisa sobre os efeitos das políticas públicas em educação no município de Belo Horizonte sobre alunos cujas trajetórias foram marcadas pelas mutilações impostas pela pobreza e pelas desigualdades sociais. O problema de pesquisa foi elaborado a partir da constatação da presença de crianças e adolescentes envolvidos com o trabalho infantil e juvenil nas ruas da cidade e como alvo de programas educacionais que visam corrigir fluxos e defasagens na aprendizagem. A pesquisa de campo, de caráter qualitativo, foi realizada entre abril de 2009 e maio de 2010. Nesse período, vários espaços, tempos e atividades de ensino, de socialização e de gestão desenvolvidas na escola e no galpão alugado para que as atividades do Projeto Escola Integrada pudessem ser desenvolvidas foram observados. A coleta de dados se deu ainda por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com docentes, agentes culturais, coordenadores, direção da escola, funcionários, pais e alunos do ensino regular e dos projetos educacionais. O roteiro das entrevistas foi organizado com o objetivo de permitir aos sujeitos se expressarem sobre a organização, o funcionamento e a prática docente desenvolvida na escola e nos projetos educacionais. Os dados demonstraram que os espaços escolares eram densamente ocupados, com muitos alunos e atividades. O excesso de alunos e atividades dificultava ou impedia que os objetivos educativos definidos fossem atingidos. O prédio da escola não foi planejado para receber esse excesso. Verificou-se ainda que há uma sobrecarga de tarefas e responsabilidades sobre a direção e a coordenação pedagógica da escola que, somado à falta de tempo docente coletivo, para formação e planejamento, inviabilizam ações capazes de superar os obstáculos. A coordenação se encontra ainda numa situação de indefinição de papel porque as demandas apresentadas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação, as apresentadas pelos professores e as que surgem no cotidiano escolar entre os educandos são contraditórias. Por esse motivo, as relações no interior da escola e com a secretaria de educação ficavam tensionadas. O esforço docente era individualizado, não construíam acordos e nem combinavam estratégias educativas. Com isso, por mais que os professores dissessem que queriam fazer a diferença na vida escolar dos alunos, o ensino não deixava de ser retalhos da realidade desconectados da totalidade (FREIRE, 2005, p. 65). Os programas que deveriam servir para corrigir as defasagens de aprendizagem dos alunos e lhes oferecer uma educação plena não são universalizados e nem tão pouco são oferecidos de acordo com as condições materiais e pedagógicas necessárias. Dessa forma, as mutilações na vida dos adolescentes continuam se reproduzindo em trajetórias escolares truncadas. / This thesis presents data and analysis of a research on the public educational policies in the city of Belo Horizonte about students who had their paths marked by the disruptions bound by poverty and social inequalities. The proposition of this research was elaborated from the realization of the presence of children and teenagers involved with child and teenager labor on the streets and as target of educational plans aiming to correct deviations and deficits in their learning process. The field research of qualitative nature was conducted from April 2009 to May 2010. During this period were observed various venues, periods of time and activities of education, socialization and management developed at schools and in a shed which was rented so that the activities of the Escola Integrada (Integrated School) project could be developed. The data collection was also done by semi-structured interviews with educators, cultural agents, coordinators, school committees, employees, parents and students of both regular teaching and educational projects. The content of the interview was organized in order to allow the subjects to convey their opinions on the organization, the functionality and the teaching practices developed at the school and with the educational projects. The data has shown that the teaching venues were heavily occupied with many students and activities. The excessive amount of students and activities was either preventing or hindering the fulfillment of the educational goals established. The school building was not projected to receive these excesses. It was yet verified the existence of an overcharge of tasks and responsibilities on the schools pedagogical coordination and on the school committee that, added to the lack of educational collective time for the formation and planning, was obstructing measures that could overcome these obstacles. The coordination is also in a situation of uncertainty of its role because the Belo Horizontes Education Secretariats demands, the teachers demands and the everyday school lifes demands of the students are contradictory to each other. For this reason, the schools internal affairs and the schools relation with the Education Secretariat were gaining tension. The teaching effort was individualized; it was not building any agreements and neither compounding educational strategies. Given this situation, even though teachers have declared their wish to make a difference in their students education, the teaching did not cease to be scraps of reality disconnected of its whole (FREIRE, 2005, p. 65) The measures that should correct the learning deficits of students and offer a full education were neither universalized nor offered according to its material and pedagogical needs. For this reasons the disruptions in the lives of teenagers are still multiplying into twisted paths.
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Les nuisances liées au trafic routier (bruit, pollution de l’air et insécurité) : de la gêne à la perception du risque sanitaire sous l’angle des inégalités sociales / Road-traffic nuisances (noise, air pollution and insecurity) from annoyance to health risk perception from the point of view of social inequalitiesMahdjoub-Assaad, Sarah 26 November 2018 (has links)
Le transport est un facteur important de la croissance urbaine et de la viabilité des centres urbains mais il est également responsable de nombreuses nuisances telles que le bruit, la pollution de l'air et les accidents de la route, qui causent aujourd'hui de nombreux impacts sur la santé, telles que la gêne. L'objectif principal de notre thèse était d'identifier les déterminants (sociodémographiques, socioéconomiques, liés à la mobilité quotidienne) d'une gêne ressentie vis-à-vis du bruit, de la pollution de l'air et des accidents de la route. L'objectif secondaire était d'identifier les déterminants de la perception du risque sanitaire vis-à-vis de ces trois nuisances et du ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé ou celle de son entourage ; dans le but in fine de voir si des inégalités sociales se dessinaient dans le champ de cette problématique. Pour ce faire, deux études transversales ont été menées en population générale, dans le département du Rhône en 2013 puis en 2014 respectivement. La principale conclusion de notre étude est que le milieu socioéconomique ne joue un rôle prédominant ni dans l'expression de la gêne ni dans la perception du risque sanitaire. En revanche, les usagers des modes doux (marche, vélo) et des transports publics sont plus gênés par la pollution de l'air et le bruit du trafic routier comparés aux usagers motorisés. Par ailleurs, la gêne liée à la pollution de l'air influencerait le ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé. Nos résultats devraient être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans le cadre des politiques urbaines. Créer un environnement plus « friendly » en réduisant l'utilisation des voitures, en promouvant l'utilisation des modes doux, en améliorant les transports en commun et leur utilisation, en développant des installations pour les piétons et pour les cyclistes - toutes ces mesures sont autant de mesures nécessaires pour réduire les nuisances dus au trafic routier et ainsi le sentiment de gêne et d'insécurité / An important factor supporting urban growth, and the viability of the urban centers, is transportation but road transport is still a common important source of traffic accidents, noise, and air which have heavy consequences on public health such as annoyance. The main objective of our thesis was to identify the determinants of each kind of trafficrelated annoyance (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, daily mobilty). The secondary objective was to identify the determinants of health risk perception and the feelings of health effects on his own health. Then, tow cross-sectional studies have been conducted in the general population, in the Rhône Department, in France. The main finding of our study is that the socioeconomic level doesn’t play a rule neither in the expression of annoyance nor in the health risk perception. However, active travel modes and public transport users are highly annoyed by traffic air pollution and road-traffic noise more than motorized users. Moreover, annoyance related to air pollution seemed to influence the feeling of health effects of noise and air pollution. Our results should be useful for urban policies. Create a friendly environment by reducing the use of cars, promoting non-motorized or “active” travel mode use (walking, cycling), to improve public transport and to promote the use of public transport, avoiding to add noisy road infrastructure near population centers, to develop facilities for pedestrians and for cyclists - all of these measures are needed to reduce road-traffic nuisances and the feeling of annoyance
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Trabalho informal e desemprego: desigualdades sociais / Informal work and unemployment: social inequalitiesMyrian Matsuo Affonso Beltrão 04 February 2010 (has links)
Este estudo demonstra, a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica, o processo de inserção e permanência de trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho informal; as formas de exploração, dominação e precarização do trabalho e suas conseqüências sobre as condições de saúde, trabalho e vida dos trabalhadores, a partir de quatro grupos abordados mais diretamente: os vendedores ambulantes; os catadores de materiais de reciclagem; os colhedores de laranja; e os pescadores de lagosta. A pesquisa revela as estratégias de resistência desenvolvidas pelos agentes informais no cotidiano de trabalho, bem como as formas de organização adotada por eles para tentar reverter a situação de pobreza e exploração. O posicionamento das várias instituições sociais e políticas em particular os sindicatos, as cooperativas e as Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs), os movimentos sociais e, principalmente, o Estado frente ao contexto da economia informal, é destacado neste estudo. O objetivo principal é analisar a articulação do trabalho informal e sua importância no modo de produção capitalista. Tal entendimento possibilita combater as reais causas do desemprego, da informalidade e da desigualdade social e econômica. Faz-se a crítica aos princípios do empreendedorismo, da autonomia e do cooperativismo como alternativas ao desemprego. As várias formas de trabalho na informalidade, como o trabalho autônomo; o trabalho por conta-própria; o trabalho temporário; e o trabalho terceirizado, encobrem o caráter subordinado do trabalho informal aos setores dinâmicos da economia e, consequentemente, ao processo de acumulação capitalista. A falta de um contrato de trabalho, ou de um contrato que proteja totalmente o trabalhador, é considerada uma afronta à cidadania social. Sendo assim, o trabalhador informal deixa de ser visto como cidadão ou como sujeito de direitos. Esse problema se torna importante na medida em que analisamos o tipo de economia, o modelo de desenvolvimento e o papel do Estado como responsável pelas políticas públicas de educação; de saúde; de emprego; e de segurança, entre outras medidas voltadas a esse segmento da população. Pensamos num modelo de desenvolvimento em que sejam considerados os interesses sociais e a defesa do meio ambiente. A prioridade devem ser os investimentos na educação, em primeiro lugar. Com uma educação básica e fundamental de qualidade, podemos vislumbrar uma possibilidade de desenvolvimento com inclusão social. Os direitos de cidadania, nesse caso, se traduzem em ter acesso à educação, aos serviços de saúde, ao trabalho decente e à segurança, entre outras necessidades, para todos. / This study demonstrates, through an ethnographic approach, the process of insertion and permanence of workers in the informal labor market the forms of exploitation, domination, and precarization of work and their consequences with regard to the health, working, and living conditions of the workers considering most directly the following four groups: street vendors, collectors of materials for recycling, orange pickers, and lobster fishermen. The study reveals the resistance strategies developed by the informal agents in their daily work routine, as well as the forms of organization that they have adopted in an attempt to overturn the situation of poverty and exploitation. Emphasized in this study is the positioning of the various social and political institutions particularly unions, cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social movements, and, mainly, the state in the context of the informal economy. The main objective is to analyze the role of informal work and its importance in the capitalist mode of production. This understanding will allow for combatting the real causes of unemployment, informality of labor, and social and economic inequality. A criticism is made of the principles of entrepreneurism, autonomy, and cooperativism that have been suggested as alternatives to unemployment. The various forms of informal work such as autonomous work, self-employment, temporary work, and outsourced work obfuscate the subordination of informal work to the dynamic sectors of the economy and, consequently, to the process of capitalist accumulation. The lack of a labor contract, or of a contract that completely protects the worker, is considered an affront to social citizenship. This being the case, the informal worker is not seen as a citizen or as a legal subject. This problem becomes increasingly important as we analyze the type of economy, the development model, and the role of the state as the agent responsible for public policies of education, healthcare, employment, and security, among other measures aimed at this segment of the population. A development model that takes into account social interests and the defense of the environment is proposed. Priority must be given to investment in education, in the first place. With quality primary education, it is possible to envision development with social inclusion. The rights of citizenship, in this case, translate into access to education, health services, decent work, and security among other needs for all.
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