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Premonoidal *-Categories and Algebraic Quantum Field TheoryComeau, Marc A 16 March 2012 (has links)
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) is a mathematically rigorous framework
that was developed to model the interaction of quantum mechanics and relativity. In
AQFT, quantum mechanics is modelled by C*-algebras of observables and relativity
is usually modelled in Minkowski space. In this thesis we will consider a generalization
of AQFT which was inspired by the work of Abramsky and Coecke on abstract
quantum mechanics [1, 2]. In their work, Abramsky and Coecke develop a categorical
framework that captures many of the essential features of finite-dimensional quantum
In our setting we develop a categorified version of AQFT, which we call premonoidal
C*-quantum field theory, and in the process we establish many analogues of
classical results from AQFT. Along the way we also exhibit a number of new concepts,
such as a von Neumann category, and prove several properties they possess.
We also establish some results that could lead to proving a premonoidal version
of the classical Doplicher-Roberts theorem, and conjecture a possible solution to constructing
a fibre-functor. Lastly we look at two variations on AQFT in which a causal
order on double cones in Minkowski space is considered.
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"Stealing the story, salvaging the she" : feminist revisionist fiction and the bibleGoosen, Adri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis analyses six novels by different women writers, each of which rewrites an originally
androcentric biblical story from a female perspective. These novels are The Red Tent by Anita
Diamant, The Garden by Elsie Aidinoff, Leaving Eden by Ann Chamberlin, The Moon under her
Feet by Clysta Kinstler, The Wild Girl by Michelle Roberts and Wisdom’s Daughter by India
Edghill. By classifying these novels as feminist revisionist fiction, this study considers how they
both subvert and revise the biblical narratives they are based on in order to offer readers new and
gynocentric alternatives. With the intention of establishing the significance of such an endeavor, the
study therefore employs the findings of feminist critique and theology to expose how the Bible, as a
sexist text, has inspired, directly or indirectly, many of the patriarchal values that govern Western
society and religion. Having established how biblical narratives have promoted and justified visions
of women as marginal, subordinate and outside the realm of the sacred, we move on to explore how
feminist rewritings of such narratives might function to challenge and transform androcentric
ideology, patriarchal myth and phallocentric theology. The aim is to show that the new and
different stories constructed within these revisionist novels re-conceptualise and re-imagine women,
their place in society and their relation to the divine. Thus, as the title suggests, this thesis
ultimately considers how women writers ‘steal’ the original biblical stories and transform them in
ways that prove liberating for women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis analiseer ses romans deur verskillende vroue skrywers - romans wat die oorspronklik
androsentriese bybelse stories herskryf vanuit ’n vroulike perspektief. Die romans sluit in The Red
Tent deur Anita Diamant, The Garden deur Elsie Aidinoff, Leaving Eden deur Ann Chamberlin,
The Moon under her Feet deur Clysta Kinstler, The Wild Girl deur Michelle Roberts en Wisdom’s
Daughter deur India Edghill. Deur hierdie romans te klassifiseer as feministiese revisionistiese
fiksie, oorweeg hierdie studie hoe hulle die bybelse verhale waarop hulle gebaseer is, beide
ondermyn en hersien om sodoende lesers nuwe en ginosentriese alternatiewe te bied. Met die
voorneme om die betekenisvolheid van so ’n poging vas te stel, wend hierdie tesis dus die
bevindings van feministiese kritiek en -teologie aan om bloot te lê hoe die Bybel, as ‘n seksistiese
teks, baie van die patriargale waardes van die Westerse samelewing en godsdiens, direk of indirek,
geïnspireer het. Nadat vasgestel is hoe bybelse verhale sienings van vroue as marginaal,
ondergeskik en buite die sfeer van heiligheid bevorder en regverdig, beweeg die tesis aan om te
ondersoek hoe feministiese herskrywings van sulke verhale, androsentriese ideologie, patriargale
mite en fallosentriese teologie uitdaag en herskep. Die doelwit is om te wys dat die nuwe en
anderste stories saamgestel in hierdie revisionistiese romans, vroue, hul plek in die samelewing en
hul betrekking tot die goddelike, kan heroorweeg en herdink. Dus, soos die titel voorstel, oorweeg
hierdie tesis primêr hoe vroue skrywers die oorspronklike bybelse stories ‘steel’ en herskep op
maniere wat bevrydend vir vrouens blyk te wees.
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Premonoidal *-Categories and Algebraic Quantum Field TheoryComeau, Marc A January 2012 (has links)
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) is a mathematically rigorous framework
that was developed to model the interaction of quantum mechanics and relativity. In
AQFT, quantum mechanics is modelled by C*-algebras of observables and relativity
is usually modelled in Minkowski space. In this thesis we will consider a generalization
of AQFT which was inspired by the work of Abramsky and Coecke on abstract
quantum mechanics [1, 2]. In their work, Abramsky and Coecke develop a categorical
framework that captures many of the essential features of finite-dimensional quantum
In our setting we develop a categorified version of AQFT, which we call premonoidal
C*-quantum field theory, and in the process we establish many analogues of
classical results from AQFT. Along the way we also exhibit a number of new concepts,
such as a von Neumann category, and prove several properties they possess.
We also establish some results that could lead to proving a premonoidal version
of the classical Doplicher-Roberts theorem, and conjecture a possible solution to constructing
a fibre-functor. Lastly we look at two variations on AQFT in which a causal
order on double cones in Minkowski space is considered.
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The Influence of the First World War on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsMangum, James I. 23 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its membership felt a substantial impact from the effects of World War I. Although other authors have attempted to bring forward the events of these hostilities, they are few in number and the research in this area is small. Additionally, few have focused on the effects of the war on the Church. In order to increase the understanding of this influence, this work examines how the First World War affected the lives of Latter-day Saints both during and after the conflict. The entire world felt the effects of the world war and the Latter-day Saints were not exempt. Yet during this war, the LDS soldiers had an opportunity to change the way that others viewed the Church. Whether during times of training or on the battlefield, the valiant actions of these men often caused other soldiers to rethink the way they felt about the Saints. One incorrect stereotype that these men helped to remove was that the Latter-day Saints had no feelings of national loyalty. Soldiers of other faiths could not continue to hold such misconceptions after having spent time working with LDS servicemen. In addition to attitude-changing influences, Church President Joseph F. Smith was particularly conscious of the effects this conflict would have on the Church. The war would disrupt missionary work as its violence closed certain areas and missionary age young men were called on to bolster the armed forces. President Smith also feared the cost of the war in lives, which deaths increased with the outbreak of the influenza epidemic. In addition to these misgivings, the president of the Church worried about the possibility that Latter-day Saints of opposing countries would have to fight one another. it would have on missionary work, the cost in lives, and the possibility of LDS servicemen having to fight against other Saints. The influence of the war was not only felt by the soldiers. Those who remained at home learned to live thriftily and to give generously to the war effort. In addition to the general ways in which the war influenced the Church, individual soldiers also had a chance to help the Church. During this war the Church appointed for the first time multiple chaplains: Brigham H. Roberts, Calvin S. Smith, and Herbert B. Maw. These three men had opportunities to work with individual soldiers and influence them for good. Veterans from this war returned home and served in positions of leadership. Some continued military service, while others sought political positions and yet others were called to serve in general leadership positions. So, in both broad and specific ways, World War I changed the lives of Latter-day Saints.
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DIE WALISISCHE ERWECKUNG UND IHRE AUSWIRKUNG AUF DIE DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE SCHWEIZ (1904/05) / The Welsh revival and its impact on German-speaking Switzerland (1904/05)Lutz, Oliver 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English. / Die vorliegende MTh-Dissertation ist eine missionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Sie beschäftigt
sich mit der Entstehung der Erweckung in Wales (1904/05), indem sie diese zunächst in
den Kontext weltweiter Erweckungen in jenem Jahrzehnt setzt, die gesellschaftlichen und
kirchlichen Entwicklungen in Wales vor der Erweckung darstellt und anhand von Primär- und
Sekundärliteratur die Entstehung der Erweckung untersucht. Es werden biografische Meilensteine
im Leben von Evan Roberts, der herausragenden Persönlichkeit jener Erweckung, bis
zum Höhepunkt seines Wirkens nach seiner ersten Missionsreise kritisch beleuchtet. Menschen
aus der Schweiz sind nach Wales gereist, um die Erweckung zu erkunden. Parallel zu den Ereignissen
sind zahlreiche Artikel und Schriften entstanden, um eine Erweckung in der Schweiz
anzufachen. Die Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkungen der Erweckung von Wales auf die
deutschsprachige Schweiz und deren Rezeption im historischen Kontext. Aus den Quelltexten
wird in missiologischer Perspektive eine wegweisende Richtung für heute eröffnet. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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