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Estudo teórico e experimental de esforços devidos a cabos de termometria fixados em estruturas de coberturas de silos cilíndricos para armazenamento de grãos / Theoretical and experimental study of efforts due to temperature cables fixed to roof structures of cylindrical storage silos for granular productsMartins, Gisele Cristina Antunes 09 March 2012 (has links)
Um dos acidentes comuns em estruturas de armazenamento é o colapso da estrutura de cobertura do silo. Na prática, observa-se que as ruínas estruturais nesse sistema são na maior parte devidas ao desconhecimento das ações nestas estruturas. Devido à escassa informação disponível sobre os esforços de cabos de termometria fixados em estruturas de cobertura de silos cilíndricos verticais, a ênfase desta pesquisa é a análise teórica e experimental da avaliação destes esforços com o objetivo de fornecer subsídios para os projetistas e informações para uma futura normalização no dimensionamento de estruturas de cobertura para silos metálicos cilíndricos. Inicialmente realizou-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre as ações, esforços e sistemas estruturais e construtivos de cobertura para silos cilíndricos. Com base na análise teórica e experimental realizada dos esforços em cabos de termometria conclui-se que as equações propostas pela norma Argentina IRAM 8 015: 1977 são as mais adequadas para avaliação desses esforços / One of the common accidents in storage structures is the silos roof failure. In practice, it is observed that the structural problems in this system are mostly due to the lack of knowledge about the actions in these structures. Due to limited available information on temperature cables loads fixed to roof structure of vertical silos, this work has the aim in the theoretical and experimental analysis of these efforts in two different silos: the pilot-silo in LaMEM - SET - EESC-USP and silo Kepler Weber Industry, in order to provide support for designers and informations for the development of a future Brazililan Standard for the design of roof structures of cylindrical steel silos. Initially was carried out an extensive literature review on the loads, efforts and structural systems for silos roofs. The conclusions obtained from the experimental and theoretical analyzes are that the equations proposed by Argentina Standard IRAM 8015: 1977 is the most suitable for the evaluation of these loads
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Estudo teórico e experimental de esforços devidos a cabos de termometria fixados em estruturas de coberturas de silos cilíndricos para armazenamento de grãos / Theoretical and experimental study of efforts due to temperature cables fixed to roof structures of cylindrical storage silos for granular productsGisele Cristina Antunes Martins 09 March 2012 (has links)
Um dos acidentes comuns em estruturas de armazenamento é o colapso da estrutura de cobertura do silo. Na prática, observa-se que as ruínas estruturais nesse sistema são na maior parte devidas ao desconhecimento das ações nestas estruturas. Devido à escassa informação disponível sobre os esforços de cabos de termometria fixados em estruturas de cobertura de silos cilíndricos verticais, a ênfase desta pesquisa é a análise teórica e experimental da avaliação destes esforços com o objetivo de fornecer subsídios para os projetistas e informações para uma futura normalização no dimensionamento de estruturas de cobertura para silos metálicos cilíndricos. Inicialmente realizou-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre as ações, esforços e sistemas estruturais e construtivos de cobertura para silos cilíndricos. Com base na análise teórica e experimental realizada dos esforços em cabos de termometria conclui-se que as equações propostas pela norma Argentina IRAM 8 015: 1977 são as mais adequadas para avaliação desses esforços / One of the common accidents in storage structures is the silos roof failure. In practice, it is observed that the structural problems in this system are mostly due to the lack of knowledge about the actions in these structures. Due to limited available information on temperature cables loads fixed to roof structure of vertical silos, this work has the aim in the theoretical and experimental analysis of these efforts in two different silos: the pilot-silo in LaMEM - SET - EESC-USP and silo Kepler Weber Industry, in order to provide support for designers and informations for the development of a future Brazililan Standard for the design of roof structures of cylindrical steel silos. Initially was carried out an extensive literature review on the loads, efforts and structural systems for silos roofs. The conclusions obtained from the experimental and theoretical analyzes are that the equations proposed by Argentina Standard IRAM 8015: 1977 is the most suitable for the evaluation of these loads
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Under ett tak : en träningshall för friidrott / Under One RoofGustavsson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
På en idrottsplats rör sig ett stort antal människor i olika grupperingar och aktiviteter. Mellan byggnaderna finns fotbollsplaner, friidrottsarena och kanske vintertid en isrink. Byggnaderna är ofta av liknande karaktär men saknar ofta en koppling mellan både varandra och omgivningen och de olika föreningarna som nyttjar ytorna samarbetar sällan. Projektet fokuserar på idrottshallen som byggnadstyp och idrottsplatsen som plats. För denna typ av byggnad rör problematiken ofta verksamheten som ska pågå inuti den och vilken typ av struktur hallen ska byggas upp av då det ofta krävs både utrymme och ett relativt stort spann för att kunna utföra idrotten. Därför har just dessa två aspekter fått vara utgångspunketer i projektet. Genom att hitta inspiration i och förståelse för hur verksamheten fungerar och vad den behöver kunna skapa en struktur som ger ett ökat värde till byggnaden.
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The Performance Of Medium And Long Span Timber Roof Structures: A Comparative Study Between Structural Timber And SteelErtastan, Evren 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
M.S, in Building Science,
Department of Architecture
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercü / ment ERMAN
December 2005, 174 pages
This thesis analyzes the performance of structural timber and steel in medium and long span roof structures. A technical background about roof structures including structural elements and roof structure types, span definitions, and classification of roof structures are discussed. Roof structures are detailed with traditional and the contemporary forms. The thesis comprises the comparison between structural timber and steel by using structural, constructional and material properties. Structural forms and the performance of timber and steel are discussed. The research also includes the roof structures built with structural timber in Turkey, application, marketing and examples in Turkey are indicated. In the conclusion part the performance criteria of timber and steel are summarized, the researcher has prepared a table to compare the performance of timber and steel.
Keywords: Timber, Steel, Roof, Structure, Span
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Recherches sur les charpentes dans l'architecture monumentale grecque du VIe au IVe siècle av. J.-C. / Research on roof structures in Greek monumental architecture from the 6th to the 4th century BCLamouille, Stéphane 23 November 2019 (has links)
Il ne subsiste aucun vestige direct des charpentes grecques et, bien souvent, l’état de conservation des blocs constitutifs des parties hautes des édifices est lacunaire. Ce constat conduit souvent à la reproduction du cadre interprétatif des charpentes antiques établi à la fin du XIXe siècle, opposant charpente grecque à empilement d’une part, et charpente romaine à ferme d’autre part. L’enjeu de cette thèse consiste à reconsidérer cette opposition binaire entre deux types de charpente. Afin de pallier le manque de vestiges archéologiques, d’autres pistes sont explorées. Les techniques utilisées dans la réalisation des charpentes ne sont pas toutes spécifiques à cet artisanat. Aussi, élargir le champ d’investigation à des activités connexes relevant de l’artisanat du bois comme, par exemple, la construction navale, permet de définir les contours d’un environnement technique dans lequel s’inscrit la charpente. Plusieurs traits caractéristiques de cet environnement technique ont été dégagés, parmi lesquels la maîtrise d’assemblages permettant la reprise d’efforts de traction, le recours à la triangulation des structures et un grand savoir-faire dans la taille des pièces de bois. À la suite de ce réexamen des connaissances pratiques et techniques des charpentiers grecs, une série d’études de cas est proposée, incluant l’arsenal du Pirée, les temples doriques de Sicile, le Parthénon, ainsi que le temple en calcaire et le temple d’Apollon du IVe siècle à Delphes. Les comptes de construction de ce dernier édifice, très riche concernant le matériau bois, font par ailleurs l’objet d’une analyse systématique. Enfin, sur le plan méthodologique, cette thèse aborde la question de la restitution des parties hautes. Le recours à la modélisation 3d et au calcul de structure permet de formuler des hypothèses neuves et d’en évaluer la pertinence dans un mouvement de va-et-vient entre les vestiges, les techniques et le comportement mécanique des charpentes. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse concernent la caractérisation de l’environnement technique dans lequel évoluent les charpentiers grecs des VIe et Ve siècle et conduisent à considérer comme pertinente l’hypothèse de l’existence de charpentes triangulées. / There are no direct remains of Greek roof structures and, in many cases, the state of conservation of the constituent blocks of the upper parts is incomplete. This observation often leads to the reproduction of the interpretative framework of antique roof frameworks established at the end of the 19th century, opposing Greek prop-and-lintel on the one hand, and Roman truss on the other. The challenge of this thesis is to reconsider this binary opposition between two types of framework. In order to compensate for the lack of archaeological remains, other avenues are being explored. The techniques used in the construction of the roof structures are not all specific to this craft. Also, extending the scope of investigation to related activities in the field of woodworking such as, for example, shipbuilding, makes it possible to define the contours of a technical environment in which the framework is embedded. Several characteristics of this technical environment were identified, including the use of assemblages that allow the recovery of tensile forces, the use of triangulation of structures and a great deal of know-how in the preparation of wooden beams. Following this review of the practical and technical knowledge of Greek carpenters, a series of case studies are proposed, including the Piraeus Arsenal, the Doric temples of Sicily, the Parthenon, as well as the so-called “limestone temple” and the fourth century BC Apollo templein Delphi. The construction accounts of this last building, which is very rich in wood materials, are also systematically analysed. Finally, from a methodological point of view, this thesis addresses the question of the restitution of the upper parts. The use of 3d modelling and structural calculation makes it possible to formulate new hypotheses and evaluate their relevance in a back and forth movement between the remains, techniques and the mechanical behaviour of the structures. The main results of this PhD dissertation concern the characterization of the technical environment in which Greek carpenters of the sixth and fifth centuries BC evolve and lead to consider as relevant the hypothesis of the existence of triangulated roof structures.
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Post-tensioned stress ribbon systems in long-span roofs : Case study: Västerås Travel CenterAhmed, Samih, Minchot, Guayente January 2018 (has links)
The stress ribbon system has numerous advantages, that includes but are not limitedto: increasing overall stiffness, control deflections and reduction of materialsconsumption, which in turn, reduces the load and the cost. Nevertheless, its use isusually limited to bridges, in particular, pedestrian bridges; this can be attributedto the insufficient space that buildings’ usually have for end supports, or/and backstayedcables, that can accommodate the expected high pull-out forces occuring atthe cables’ ends. In this work, the roof of Västerås Travel Center, which will become one of the longestcable suspended roofs in the world, was chosen as a case study. The aim was toinvestigate the optimal technique to model the post-tensioned stress ribbon systemfor the roof structure using SAP2000, and to assess any possible reduction in thepull-out forces, deflections and concrete stresses. Subsequently, a conventional cablesuspended roof was simulated, using SAP2000, and compared to the post-tensionstress ribbon system in order to examine the potential of the latter. Moreover,the effects of temperature loads and support movements on the final design loadswere examined. Based on the study, a few practical recommendations concerningthe construction method and the iterative design process, required to meet thearchitectural geometrical demands, are stated by the authors. The results showed that the post-tensioned stress ribbon system reduces the concretestresses, overall deflections, and more importantly, reduces the pull-out forces by upto 16%, which substantially reduces the design forces for the support structures.The magnitude of these reductions was found to be highly correlated to the appliedprestressing force, making the size of the prestressing force a key factor in the design. / Konstruktioner med spännbandsystem bestående av bärande huvudkablar medpålagda plattor, ofta av betong, har många fördelar. Dessa fördelar inkluderarmen begränsas inte till ökad totalt styvhet, kontrollerade nedböjningar och reduceradmaterialförbrukning, vilket minskar lasten och kostnaden. Deras användningär dock vanligen begränsad till broar, särskilt gång- och cykelbroar, där det finnsutrymme för att förankra de höga utdragskrafterna från huvudkablarna. Motsvarandeutrymme finns sällan i byggnader. I det föreliggande arbetet har taket till Västerås Resecentrum valts ut som studieobjekt.Taket kommer att bli ett av väldens längsta kabelburna takkonstruktion.Syftet är att undersöka den optimala tekniken för att modellera ett efterspänt spännbandsystemför taket med hjälp av FE-programmet SAP2000 och att bedöma eventuellaminskningar på utdragskrafter, nedböjningar och betongspänningar. Däreftermodellerades en konventionell kabelburen takkonstruktion med SAP2000, och detjämfördes med det efterspända spännbandsystemet för att undersöka fördelarna avdet sistnämnda. Dessutom har effekten av temperaturlasten och upplagsrörelserundersökts på den slutliga modellen. Slutligen ges några praktiska rekommendationerom byggteknik och en iterativ dimensioneringsprocess som är nödvändig förarkitekturgestaltning och dess krav på geometri. Resultaten visar att det efterspända spännbandsystemet gav lägre betongspänningar,mindre totaltnedböjning, och ännu viktigare, mindre utdragskrafter. Krafterna minskade16%, vilket gav en minskning av konstruktionens horisontella upplagsreaktion.Storleken på reduktionen var direkt proportionell mot spännkraften, så förspänningär en nyckelfaktor vid dimensioneringen.
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Zastřešení sportovního stadionu / Roof Structure Sports StadiumNeničková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Aim of the final thesis is to create proposal and static assessment of supporting steel roof structure of sports stadium according to the proposed disposition. Climatic load (snow and wind) is determined for location Kopřivnice. The thesis consists of technical report, static report of main supporting parts and chosen connections, bill of material quantities, technical report with comparison of 2 options solution and drawing documentation. Computational model for evaluation of internal forces is realized in Dlubal RSTAB 8.06 software. Static report is created manually according to valid European standards.
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Geodetické měření posunů a deformací střešní konstrukce Aquaparku v Brně / Geodetic Deformation Measurement of Roof Structures of Brno AquaparkChupáčová, Mária January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on deformation meassurement of wooden roof structure of Brno Aquapark. Introductory part of the thesis is devoted to explanation of basic terms of civil constructions deformation meassurement and describes methods which are used in this field nowadays. Main part of this thesis deals with testing of meassuring equipment, describes meassured construction, meassuring method and data processing. Horizontal and vertical shifts of the roof structure are evaluated and graphically interpreted in comparison with the previous and fundamental epoch.
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Roof and Wall Vents Study under Simulated Hurricane WindsKawade, Peeyush S. 09 December 2009 (has links)
Ventilation might seem like a minor consideration, but when properly installed, it can extend the life of the attic and roof structure of residential buildings saving huge dollar amounts in repair costs. The objectives of this study were to measure the wind effect on different kind of vents as the problem is vents are subjected to high wind loads during hurricane events and often fail causing water penetration and damage of interior contents. Wind-induced failure of rooftop vents during a hurricane may result in large openings in the roof that will allow water to penetrate into the building, a puncturing of the roof membrane, again allowing water infiltration, and detached rooftop vents can pose considerable threats as windborne debris. The study found that water infiltration through a vent system is dependent upon the differential pressure as well as the vent mechanism. For vents experiencing higher differential pressures, vent covers can be used during storms to reduce water infiltration. Active controls can also be designed to close the vents automatically as differential pressure increases based on the wind speed and wind angle of attack.
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Měření posunů a přetvoření střešní konstrukce / Deformation Measurement of Roof StructureHubáček, David January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of displacements and deformation of the large span wooden roof structure of the aquapark hall in Brno - Kohoutovice. The task of this work is to compare and verify the applicability of the laser scanning method for the evaluation of displacements and deformation. The comparison was performed with regard to the polar method with quantities measured by the total station. As part of the work, two-stage measurements were performed on the basis of which a comparison of both methods was performed. The data obtained by the polar method were processed using LSM, the data from laser scanning were processed in an Excel spreadsheet. A comparison of the two methods shows that we have achieved a similar level of accuracy with the laser scanning method when compared to the polar method. It is therefore possible to use the laser scanning method to measure displacements and deformation.
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