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Květopas jabloňový (Anthonomus pomorum), význam a možnosti jeho regulaceVaverková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Monitoring was carried out in 2014 in apple orchards Starý Lístovec (Brno-venkov). The effectiveness of environmentally friendly (Quassia amara, Spruzit-Flussig, SpinTor), synthetic insecticide Calypso 480 SC (thiacloprid) in combination with orange oil PREV-B2 on hibernating adults were compared. The results were inconclusive due to inclement weather conditions. The most attractive variety were triploid variety Jonagold and second Champion. The influence of selected products (Quassia amara Spruzit-Flussig, SpinTor, Calypso 480 SC) on mortality and activity of apple blossom weevil was investigated in laboratory 24, 48, and 120 hours after application. Degree of leaf damage (%) 120 hours after application was evaluated. The highest efficiency (88% mortality) reached SpinTor (spinosad) 120 hours after application, other products only temporary paralyzed adults. Spruzit-Flussig, SpinTor and Calypso 480 SC inhibit the activity of apple blossom weevil, they may reduce damage by pests, and therefore they can be recommended for application in the spring during feeding of adults.
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Výskyt invazních druhů rostlin na vybraných lokalitách severovýchodní části Prahy / Occurrence of invasive plant species on slected locations of north-eastern part of PragueŠebesta, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the invasive plants in the northeastern part of the Prague. Data were obtrained from the monitoring during September 2015. The nomenclature of the species were united by Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic by Kubát et al. (2002).
A total of 18 species were found in 561 locations. The most numerous species from all locations include: Conyza canadensis (207 locations), Solidago canadensis (147), Robinia pseudoacacia (125), Symphoricarpos albus (89) and Parthenocissus inserta (77). The least numerous are: Pinus strobus (1), Reynoutria bohemica (6), Impatiens parviflora (7) and Rhus hirta (9). Five species from the designed species list were not found: Heracleum mantegazzianum, Reynoutria sachalinensis, Impatiens glandulifera, Senecio inaequidens and Rudbeckia laciniata.
Species that were most represented along the roads include: Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea, Conyza canadensis and Aster lanceolatus and A. novi-belgii.
Invasive species occurred in 75.6% in sunny locations, in 17% in the penumbra and in 7.5% in the shadow. In dry or drier water regime were found 90.5% of the species. 94.5% of the species were found in sandy and loamy soil. Low degree of coverage up to 10% of the area was found in about 50% sites of invasive species occurrence, average degree were 30% was found in 25% and a high degree of coverage was found in 25% sites of invasive species occurrence.
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Mezidruhové interakce v mokřadním společenstvu v závislosti na vodním režimu: dlouhodobý test stress-gradient hypotézy / Interspecific interactions in wetland communities in dependence on water regime: long-term test of stress-gradient hypothesisRůžičková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The Stress-gradient hypothesis predicates a change of interspecies relations from negative to positive according to the stress gradient. The basic assumption is that the presence of one species (the facilitator) makes the growth of other species easier. In this study was determined based on the 5years experiment, whether the interspecies interactions (i.e. the importance of facilitation and competition) changes according to the hydrological conditions. Three wetland species (Calamagrostis canescens, Carex elongata and Deschampsia cespitosa) were planted in experimental pots with the presence and absence of the dominant species (Carex elata). The hydrological gradient (= the stress gradient) was simulated by three types of hydrological conditions: dry, fluctuating and wet. The success of the species within the specific conditions was correlated with the fitness-related characteristics of the plants including the biomass, the number of ramets and the height of the plants. Following hypotheses were tested: i) at a low intensity of stress (with the wet treatment), the C. elata represents a competitor for other species. On the other hand, at a high intensity of stress (with the dry treatment), the C. elata represents a facilitator, making it easier to the other coexisting species to grow. This presumption was confirmed only with the D. cespitosa, which was more successful under dry treatment with the presence of a dominant species, which facilitated it. With the other two species the change of interspecific relations was not observed and the relationships remained negative. Furthermore the results showed, that in the dry treatment with the presence of a dominant species, there was a lower intensity of competition among the coexisting species. The experiment showed, that the interactions of particular species with dominant species can vary according to the stress gradient. The hydrological gradient also influences the character and intensity of interactions among the species.
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Proteome dynamics during seed germinationHabánová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
Seed germination is a crucial phase of the plant life cycle. Despite the huge progress that has been made in the last decade, the molecular mechanisms regulating seed germination are far from being resolved. Most of the early events of germination are mediated by molecules stored in seeds during the seed development and thus we employed proteomic analyses to elucidate the mechanism behind this process. This thesis - Proteome dynamics during seed germination - reviews present-day knowledge of this topic. In the experimental part, the results of three related research projects are summarized. First, the effects of a novel class of growth regulators were analyzed in the barley germination assay and the optimal concentrations were determined. The methodology for an improved analysis of barley seed proteins was developed and the optimized targeted analysis will allows the detection of over 4,000 proteins. Finally, Arabidopsis thaliana seed proteome was analyzed and the results indicate that (i) an alternative MS/MS data processing significantly improves the detection limits and (ii) the proteasome-ubiquitin system plays a crucial role in adjusting the seed proteome dynamics during the germination progress.
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Vliv mikroklimatu a půdních vlastností na výskyt listových patogenů ječmene v zemědělském podnikuStošek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aimed at influence of microclimate and soil properties on occurrence of the barley leaf plant pathogens. The attention is devoted to parasitic fungi of barley Pyrenophora teres, Pyrenophora graminearum, Ramularia collo cygni and Rhynchosporium secalis. The early determination of plant disease leads to possibilities of control and in this way to keep harmful agent under economic damage threshold. The evaluation of occurrence of fungal pathogens on three localities with different microclimate and soil properties comprises the part of my work. Three barley varieties Malz, Francin and Bojos were evaluated and compared from the point of view of susceptibility to fungal pathogens, subsequently. The evaluation was carried out on the farm HESAKO s.r.o Velké Heraltice in Moravian Silesian Region. The occurrence and development of particular pathogens was under economic damage threshold in the year 2015 in dependence of variety resistance, good plant disease practices and course of the weather.
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Komparace vybraných pěstebních substrátů při zakořeňování bylinných řízků okrasných rostlin a jejich následné výsadběHrabík, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the level of influence of used substrates, during propagation of shrubs by herbaceous cuttings, to quality of their rooting. Also was tested the impact of these substrates for subsequent growth after planting into loose soil. Thesis includes literary section which summarizes information about plant propagation including factors that affect it and informations about substrates. Part of this work is an experiment that is thoroughly described there, including the methodology and results. The first part of the experiment was conducted in two terms and each term contained four variants. Each variant is one of the tested substrates. In these substrates were grown two taxa: Cotoneaster dammeri Schneid. and Cotoneaster salicifolius Franch. Parkteppich. Total it was evaluated nearly 3,500 cuttings. Furthermore it was 400 plants were planted in loose soil and after overwintering were also evaluated their quality parameters. The result of the experiment is that the quality of the substrate has a really affect to the quality of the rooting of cuttings. A major impact on their subsequent growth has not been confirmed.
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Možnosti využití antistresových přípravků při pěstování zeleninové sadbyBalcar, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Literature research seeks to approach the ecological and biodynamic agriculture, external stressors and anti-stress products in plants. Describing the technology of pre-cultivated vegetable seedlings and species. The practical part is devoted to monitoring the environmental effects of plant anti-stress experiment based on the plots of the Horticultural Faculty in Lednice na Moravě. An attempt was devoted to impact on growth plants after the application of selected products Agrisorb, FERBIFLOR?, EM AKTIV, Kopřiva Plus and Roháček (BD 500). Statistical analysis showed effects on the individual morphological characteristics of plants.
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Netradiční ovocné dřeviny a jejich ochranaKorbelová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
Main topic of this master thesis evaluates deseases and disorders on the school farm of Mendel University Brno. Following fruit trees were closely monitored between May and October 2015: Actinidia chinensis, peach, dogwood, pear, mountain ash, quince, almond, medlar, mulberry, juneberry, sea buckthorn and Rosa villosa. The most serious disease fire blight was not observerd at all, probably because all quince orchards nearby were chopped down several years ago. However there were other serious diseases observerd such as fading of annual shoot of sea buckthorn and mildew on juneberry. Amelanchier lamarcki species were affected more with mildew than A. alnifolia species. There were abiotic disorder observed on mountain ash due to lack of minerals, together with ringfleck mosaic. The least important disease symptoms were observed on peach, dogwood, pear, almond, mountain ash, quince a Rosa villosa. Medlar and mulberry were free from all diseases. All in all, the most important is to keep the right cultivation technique and early removal of infected and cracked branches. Juneberry also requires chemical treatment.
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Genetické zdroje zlepšené nutriční kvality ječmeneHordeum vulgare L./Němejc, Rostislav Václav January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Udržování a tvorba genetických zdrojů u Callistephus chinesis Nees. s vyšší rezistencí vůči houbovým chorobým rodu FusariumNováková, Alena January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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