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Clinical Measurement of Scapular Upward Rotation in Response to Acute Subacromial PainWassinger, Craig A., Sole, Gisela, Osborne, Hamish 01 January 2013 (has links)
STUDY DESIGN: Block-counterbalanced, repeated-measures crossover study. OBJECTIVES: To assess scapular upward rotation positional adaptations to experimentally induced subacromial pain. BACKGROUND: Existing subacromial pathology is often related to altered scapular kinematics during humeral elevation, such as decreased upward rotation and posterior tilting. These changes have the potential to limit subacromial space and mechanically impinge subacromial structures. Yet, it is unknown whether these changes are the cause or result of injury and what the acute effects of subacromial pain on scapular upward rotation may be. METHODS: Subacromial pain was induced via hypertonic saline injection in 20 participants, aged 18 to 31 years. Scapular upward rotation was measured with a digital inclinometer at rest and at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of humeral elevation during a painful condition and a pain-free condition. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were conducted for scapular upward rotation position, based on condition (pain or control) and humeral position. Post hoc testing was conducted with paired t tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Scapular upward rotation during the pain condition was significantly increased (range of average increase, 3.5°-7.7°) compared to the control condition at all angles of humeral elevation tested. CONCLUSION: Acute subacromial pain elicited an increase in scapular upward rotation at all angles of humeral elevation tested. This adaptation to acute experimental pain may provide protective compensation to subacromial structures during humeral elevation.
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Clinical Measurement of Scapular Upward Rotation in Response to Acute Subacromial PainWassinger, Craig A., Sole, Gisela, Osborne, Hamish 01 January 2013 (has links)
STUDY DESIGN: Block-counterbalanced, repeated-measures crossover study. OBJECTIVES: To assess scapular upward rotation positional adaptations to experimentally induced subacromial pain. BACKGROUND: Existing subacromial pathology is often related to altered scapular kinematics during humeral elevation, such as decreased upward rotation and posterior tilting. These changes have the potential to limit subacromial space and mechanically impinge subacromial structures. Yet, it is unknown whether these changes are the cause or result of injury and what the acute effects of subacromial pain on scapular upward rotation may be. METHODS: Subacromial pain was induced via hypertonic saline injection in 20 participants, aged 18 to 31 years. Scapular upward rotation was measured with a digital inclinometer at rest and at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of humeral elevation during a painful condition and a pain-free condition. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were conducted for scapular upward rotation position, based on condition (pain or control) and humeral position. Post hoc testing was conducted with paired t tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Scapular upward rotation during the pain condition was significantly increased (range of average increase, 3.5°-7.7°) compared to the control condition at all angles of humeral elevation tested. CONCLUSION: Acute subacromial pain elicited an increase in scapular upward rotation at all angles of humeral elevation tested. This adaptation to acute experimental pain may provide protective compensation to subacromial structures during humeral elevation.
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Conceptual design of the spin rotator for the SuperKEKB High Energy RingPeng, Yuhao 04 January 2022 (has links)
This project focuses on the conceptual design of the spin rotator for a proposed
electron polarization upgrade of the SuperKEKB. The goal is to achieve the longitudinal
electron polarization at the interaction point (IP). In this design, four existing
dipoles will be replaced with four rotator magnets on both sides of the IP. The rotator
magnet structure consists of dipole-solenoid combined function magnets with
skew-quadrupoles installed on top to decouple the x-y plane. The advantage of this
design is that the original machine geometry is maintained, and the original machine
can be recovered by turning off the solenoid-quadrupole in the rotator magnet. With
Bmad, a powerful lattice simulation tool applied to perform the optimizations for this
design, the longitudinal spin alignment at the IP reaches a significantly high level,
greater than 99.99%. Furthermore, the influence of the installation of the spin rotator
on the original machine dynamics is minimized to an acceptable level. / Graduate
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Seven Key Themes in Physical Therapy Advice for Patients Living With Subacromial Shoulder Pain: A Scoping ReviewMeehan, Karen, Wassinger, Craig, Roy, Jean Sébastien, Sole, Gisela 01 June 2020 (has links)
Objective: To systematically scope the reported advice and education in physical therapy management of patients with subacromial shoulder pain, and to define key themes of the advice and education. Design: Scoping review. Literature Search: We searched MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL, with publication dates from 2007 to September 2019. Study Selection Criteria: We included quantitative and qualitative research that reported on physical therapy interventions for subacromial shoulder pain. Data Synthesis: We performed a qualitative synthesis that identified items included in patient advice and education. Results: Of 89 original studies included, there were 61 randomized controlled trials; 5 prospective studies; 16 nonrandomized observational intervention studies or case series; and 7 surveys, audits of physical therapy patient records, and focus groups with physical therapists. We identified 7 key themes for advice and education: exercise intensity and pain response, activity modification advice, posture advice, pain self-management advice, pathoanatomical and diagnosis information, behavioral approaches, and pain biology advice. Conclusion: While advice focused predominantly on the local tissue pathology model, 10% of studies included information about pain neuroscience education, psychosocial factors, motor imagery, or behavior change.
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Obesity and Rotator Cuff TendonitisGupta, Miti 05 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of the Neuromuscular Control of the Shoulder When Performing Concurrent Upper Extremity TasksHodder, Joanne N. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the thesis was to evaluate the neuromuscular control of shoulder muscles when performing concurrent shoulder and hand or elbow efforts in healthy and injured individuals. Of particular interest was the response of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles to performing an additional hand task, such as gripping, while also performing different shoulder actions. Two studies were undertaken to provide the necessary groundwork for the subsequent two studies of this thesis. The first study investigated whether changes to shoulder muscle activity previously seen with gripping where the result of the novelty of using feedback to regulate grip force. This study found that changes in shoulder muscle activity with gripping are not diminished with repetition. The second study provided an improved method of normalizing electromyograms from dynamic contractions and was used in the subsequent studies of this thesis. Studies 3 and 4 of this thesis examined the response of shoulder muscles in healthy individuals during static sub-maximal efforts and maximal dynamic efforts in flexion and scapular planes with neutral and supinated forearm postures. Three conditions were tested in both studies: (i) no additional load, (ii) gripping to 30% of maximum and (iii) contracting the biceps to 30% of maximum. A prevailing theme found during sub-maximal contractions was individuality in neuromuscular recruitment strategies and precluded any significant effects of gripping or biceps contractions. During dynamic contractions, concurrent shoulder efforts with gripping and biceps contractions was found to significantly decrease deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle forces during flexion with supinated forearm posture. This thesis provided a thorough examination of shoulder electromyography in healthy individuals, improving our understanding of the neuromuscular control of the shoulder musculature. A common theme of this thesis was the individuality of neuromuscular strategies of the shoulder.</p> / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Retrospektive Analyse der subjektiven Patientenzufriedenheit nach Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion anhand des Fragebogens SF-36 / Retrospective Analysis of subjective life quality after Rotator-cuff-repair by using SF-36Üblacker, Kati 21 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Visuell bedömning av standardiserade armlyft efter rotatorkuffrupturoperation : En utvärdering av inter- och intrabedömarreliabilitet / Visual assessment of standardized arm lifts after rotator cuff rupture surgery : An evaluation of inter- and intra-rater reliabilitySöderlund, Emelie, Peterson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Rehabiliteringen efter en rotatorkuffrupturoperation är oftast lång och följer olika faser med hänsyn till senans inläkning. Behandlingsresultatet är multifaktoriellt och det rekommenderas att rehabiliteringen individanpassas. För att följa och utvärdera rehabiliteringsprocessen behövs funktionella axeltester. I dagsläget saknas reliabla och validerade funktionella axeltester under rehabiliteringens tidigare faser. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka reliabiliteten hos två standardiserade armlyft, Aktivt armlyft i flexion och Aktivt armlyft i skapulaplanet, med statiskt kvarhåll i 90° under 30 sekunder, för vuxna individer som genomgått enrotatorkuffrupturoperation för cirka tre månader sedan. Metod: Datainsamlingen utfördes i tre steg, först utfördes en videoinspelning av de standardiserade armlyften av två fysioterapeuter. Därefter utfördes två bedömningstillfällen av två andra fysioterapeuter. Videoinspelningarna, armlyften och bedömningarna utfördes enligt standardiserade protokoll. Inter- och intrareliabilitetsbedömningarna baserades på videoinspelningarna där de två bedömarna graderade patienternas förmåga att utföra de två standardiserade armlyften utifrån utfallsmåtten ”Klarar” eller ”Klarar ej”. Överensstämmelsen analyserades i IBM SPSS med Cohens Kappa. Resultat: Åtta manliga studiedeltagare i åldrarna 49–71 år (medelålder 59,4 år) deltog. Videoinspelningarna utfördes i genomsnitt 15,25 (±3,9) veckor efter operation. Den andra bedömningen genomfördes i genomsnitt 9 (±3,1) dagar efterförsta bedömningen. Resultatet visade att interbedömarreliabiliteten var ”God”(k=0,71) till ”Utmärkt” (k=1,00) och intrabedömareliabiliteten var ”Utmärkt”(k=1,00). Slutsats: Denna studie fann att inter- och intrabedömarreliabilitet var ”God” till”Utmärkt” gällande de två standardiserade armlyften. Resultatet bör tolkas med försiktighet på grund av det begränsade deltagarantalet och ingen säker slutsats kandras. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att fastställa klinisk betydelse. / Background: Rehabilitation after rotator cuff tear surgery is often long and follows different phases with consideration for tendon healing. The treatment result is multifactorial, and the rehabilitation is recommended to be individualized.vFunctional shoulder tests are of value and evaluate the rehabilitation process. Currently, reliable and validated functional shoulder tests are lacking during the earlier phases of rehabilitation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the reliability of two standardized arm lifts, Active shoulder flexion and Active shoulder scaption, with astatic hold at 90° for 30 seconds, three months post-surgery. Method: Data collection was conducted in three steps. Starting with videorecordings of the standardized arm lifts by two physiotherapists. Followed by two assessment sessions with approximately one week apart, by two other physiotherapists. The video recordings, arm lifts, and assessments were performed according to standardized protocols. Inter- and intrarater reliability assessments were based on the video recordings. The examiners graded the patient’s ability to perform the two functional shoulder tests based on the outcomes "Approved" or "Non-approved". The agreement was calculated with IBM SPSS using Cohen's Kappa. Results: Eight men were included, 49-71 years (mean age 59,4 years). The videorecordings and the first evaluation were performed in mean 15,3 (±3,9) weeks postsurgery. The second evaluation was performed in mean 9,4 (±3,1) days after the first evaluation. The results showed that the interrater-reliability was “Good” (k=0,71) to“Excellent” (k=1,00), and the intrarater-reliability was “Excellent” (k=1,00). Conclusion: This study found that the inter- and intrarater reliability for the two standardized arm lifts were good to excellent. The limited number of participants requires caution with the interpretation of the results and no definitive conclusion can be drawn. Further research is needed to establish any clinical significance.
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Validade e confiabilidade da ressonância magnética para o diagnóstico da rotura do tendão do subescapular / Validity and reliability of magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of subscapularis tendon tearRamadan, Lucas Busnardo 19 September 2018 (has links)
INTRODUCÃO: A acurácia da ressonância magnetica (RM) para a detecção de rotura do subescapular apresenta ampla variação na literatura. Existem poucos estudos prospectivos e grande variação metodológica. Acredita-se que estas roturas sejam mais dificilmente diagnosticadas do que as posterossuperiores. O tendão do subescapular apresenta importância na biomecânica no ombro e sua rotura leva a prejuízo funcional. Uma ferramenta diagnóstica de boa acurácia é fundamental na prática clínica, influenciando o prognóstico e o planejamento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a validade da RM pre-operatória na identificação das roturas do subescapular, comparando os achados de imagem com os dados intra-operatórios de cirurgia artroscó pica. Como objetivo secundário, avaliamos a confiabilidade do método, por meio da concordância interobservador e intraobservador. MÈTODOS: Realizamos um estudo de acurácia diagnóstica comparando os achados da RM (teste índice) com os da artroscopia (teste de referência), em uma coorte prospectiva. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos a artroscopia para tratamento de roturas do manguito rotador que houvessem realizado RM de alto campo magnético, sem uso de contraste. Foram excluídos casos de manipulacão cirúrgica pregressa no ombro, exames com artefatos de movimentação, indicação cirurgia por via aberta e intervalo entre a RM e procedimento cirúrgico superior a um ano. As imagens foram avaliadas por um cirurgião de ombro e dois radiologistas musculoesqueleticos, de maneira independente e cegos em relacão aos resultados da artroscopia, sendo reavaliadas apos 3 meses pelo cirurgião. Calculamos a validade (sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácia) e confiabilidade (concordancia inter e intraobservador) da RM em detectar roturas do subescapular. RESULTADOS: Avaliamos 200 ombros. A incidencia de roturas do subescapular foi de 69,5% (41,5% parciais e 28,0% transfixantes). O cirurgião de ombro apresentou sensibilidade de 51,1 a 59,0% e especificidade de 91,7% a 94,4%. Os radiologistas, 83,5 a 87,1% de sensibilidade e 41 a 45,9% de especificidade. A acura?cia variou de 60,5 a 73,0%. Os valores médios de sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia foram 70,2%, 61,9% e 67,6%, respectivamente. A concordância interobservador foi moderada para a deteccao de roturas do subescapular (coeficiente kappa 0,463, IC 95% 0,383- 0,534, p < 0,001), assim como a intraobservador (coeficiente kappa 0,546, IC 95% 0,430-0,662, p < 0,001). Os pacientes com rotura do subescapular apresentaram maior incidencia de rotura e instabilidade do bíceps, maior degeneração gordurosa do subescapular e média de idade superior. As demais variáveis nao apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSAO: A RM de alto campo magneético sem contraste apresentou valores médios de sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia de 70,2%, 61,9% e 67,6%, respectivamente. A sensibilidade foi superior nos radiologistas enquanto a especificidade no cirurgião de ombro. A concordância interobservador e intraobservador foi moderada / INTRODUCTION: The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the detection of subscapularis tear presents wide variation in the literature. There are few prospective studies and great methodological variation. It is believed that these tears are more difficult to diagnose than the posterosuperiores rotator cuff injuries. The subscapularis tendon has importance in the biomechanics in the shoulder and its rupture leads to functional impairment. A diagnostic tool of good accuracy is fundamental in clinical practice, influencing prognosis and surgical planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of preoperative MRI in the identification of the subscapularis tears, comparing the imaging findings with the intraoperative data of arthroscopic surgery. As a secondary objective, we evaluated the reliability of the method through interobserver and intraobserver agreement. METHODS: We performed a diagnostic accuracy study comparing MRI findings (index test) with those of arthroscopy (reference test), in a prospective cohort. We included patients submitted to arthroscopy for the treatment of rotator cuff tears that had undergone high magnetic field MRI without using contrast. Cases of previous surgical manipulation in the shoulder, exams with moving artifacts, indication for open surgery and interval between MRI and surgical procedure of more than one year were excluded. The images were evaluated by a shoulder surgeon and two musculoskeletal radiologists, independently and blinded to the results of arthroscopy, being reassessed after 3 months by the surgeon. We calculated the validity (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy) and reliability (inter- and intraobserver agreement) of MR in detecting subscapularis tears. RESULTS: We evaluated 200 shoulders. The incidence of subscapularis tears was 69.5% (41.5% partial and 28.0% transfixing). The shoulder surgeon showed sensitivity from 51.1 to 59.0% and specificity from 91.7% to 94.4%. The radiologists, 83.5 to 87.1% of sensitivity and 41 to 45.9% of specificity. Accuracy ranged from 60.5 to 73.0%. The mean values of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 70.2%, 61.9% and 67.6%, respectively. Interobserver agreement was moderate for the detection of subscapular tears (kappa coefficient 0.463, 95% CI 0.383-0.534, p < 0.001), as well as intraobserver agreement (kappa coefficient 0.546, 95% CI 0.430-0.662, p < 0.001). Patients with subscapular rupture had a higher incidence of biceps rupture and instability, greater fat subscapular degeneration, and higher mean age. The other variables did not present statistically significant differences. CONCLUSION: MRI of high magnetic field without contrast showed mean values of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 70.2%, 61.9% and 67.6%, respectively. Sensitivity was higher in radiologists while specificity in the shoulder surgeon. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement was moderate
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Validade e confiabilidade da ressonância magnética para o diagnóstico da rotura do tendão do subescapular / Validity and reliability of magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of subscapularis tendon tearLucas Busnardo Ramadan 19 September 2018 (has links)
INTRODUCÃO: A acurácia da ressonância magnetica (RM) para a detecção de rotura do subescapular apresenta ampla variação na literatura. Existem poucos estudos prospectivos e grande variação metodológica. Acredita-se que estas roturas sejam mais dificilmente diagnosticadas do que as posterossuperiores. O tendão do subescapular apresenta importância na biomecânica no ombro e sua rotura leva a prejuízo funcional. Uma ferramenta diagnóstica de boa acurácia é fundamental na prática clínica, influenciando o prognóstico e o planejamento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a validade da RM pre-operatória na identificação das roturas do subescapular, comparando os achados de imagem com os dados intra-operatórios de cirurgia artroscó pica. Como objetivo secundário, avaliamos a confiabilidade do método, por meio da concordância interobservador e intraobservador. MÈTODOS: Realizamos um estudo de acurácia diagnóstica comparando os achados da RM (teste índice) com os da artroscopia (teste de referência), em uma coorte prospectiva. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos a artroscopia para tratamento de roturas do manguito rotador que houvessem realizado RM de alto campo magnético, sem uso de contraste. Foram excluídos casos de manipulacão cirúrgica pregressa no ombro, exames com artefatos de movimentação, indicação cirurgia por via aberta e intervalo entre a RM e procedimento cirúrgico superior a um ano. As imagens foram avaliadas por um cirurgião de ombro e dois radiologistas musculoesqueleticos, de maneira independente e cegos em relacão aos resultados da artroscopia, sendo reavaliadas apos 3 meses pelo cirurgião. Calculamos a validade (sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácia) e confiabilidade (concordancia inter e intraobservador) da RM em detectar roturas do subescapular. RESULTADOS: Avaliamos 200 ombros. A incidencia de roturas do subescapular foi de 69,5% (41,5% parciais e 28,0% transfixantes). O cirurgião de ombro apresentou sensibilidade de 51,1 a 59,0% e especificidade de 91,7% a 94,4%. Os radiologistas, 83,5 a 87,1% de sensibilidade e 41 a 45,9% de especificidade. A acura?cia variou de 60,5 a 73,0%. Os valores médios de sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia foram 70,2%, 61,9% e 67,6%, respectivamente. A concordância interobservador foi moderada para a deteccao de roturas do subescapular (coeficiente kappa 0,463, IC 95% 0,383- 0,534, p < 0,001), assim como a intraobservador (coeficiente kappa 0,546, IC 95% 0,430-0,662, p < 0,001). Os pacientes com rotura do subescapular apresentaram maior incidencia de rotura e instabilidade do bíceps, maior degeneração gordurosa do subescapular e média de idade superior. As demais variáveis nao apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSAO: A RM de alto campo magneético sem contraste apresentou valores médios de sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia de 70,2%, 61,9% e 67,6%, respectivamente. A sensibilidade foi superior nos radiologistas enquanto a especificidade no cirurgião de ombro. A concordância interobservador e intraobservador foi moderada / INTRODUCTION: The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the detection of subscapularis tear presents wide variation in the literature. There are few prospective studies and great methodological variation. It is believed that these tears are more difficult to diagnose than the posterosuperiores rotator cuff injuries. The subscapularis tendon has importance in the biomechanics in the shoulder and its rupture leads to functional impairment. A diagnostic tool of good accuracy is fundamental in clinical practice, influencing prognosis and surgical planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of preoperative MRI in the identification of the subscapularis tears, comparing the imaging findings with the intraoperative data of arthroscopic surgery. As a secondary objective, we evaluated the reliability of the method through interobserver and intraobserver agreement. METHODS: We performed a diagnostic accuracy study comparing MRI findings (index test) with those of arthroscopy (reference test), in a prospective cohort. We included patients submitted to arthroscopy for the treatment of rotator cuff tears that had undergone high magnetic field MRI without using contrast. Cases of previous surgical manipulation in the shoulder, exams with moving artifacts, indication for open surgery and interval between MRI and surgical procedure of more than one year were excluded. The images were evaluated by a shoulder surgeon and two musculoskeletal radiologists, independently and blinded to the results of arthroscopy, being reassessed after 3 months by the surgeon. We calculated the validity (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy) and reliability (inter- and intraobserver agreement) of MR in detecting subscapularis tears. RESULTS: We evaluated 200 shoulders. The incidence of subscapularis tears was 69.5% (41.5% partial and 28.0% transfixing). The shoulder surgeon showed sensitivity from 51.1 to 59.0% and specificity from 91.7% to 94.4%. The radiologists, 83.5 to 87.1% of sensitivity and 41 to 45.9% of specificity. Accuracy ranged from 60.5 to 73.0%. The mean values of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 70.2%, 61.9% and 67.6%, respectively. Interobserver agreement was moderate for the detection of subscapular tears (kappa coefficient 0.463, 95% CI 0.383-0.534, p < 0.001), as well as intraobserver agreement (kappa coefficient 0.546, 95% CI 0.430-0.662, p < 0.001). Patients with subscapular rupture had a higher incidence of biceps rupture and instability, greater fat subscapular degeneration, and higher mean age. The other variables did not present statistically significant differences. CONCLUSION: MRI of high magnetic field without contrast showed mean values of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 70.2%, 61.9% and 67.6%, respectively. Sensitivity was higher in radiologists while specificity in the shoulder surgeon. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement was moderate
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