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Evaluation of Shunt Distance in Resistance Spot WeldingFredriksson, Daniel, Carlfors Göransson, Milou January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to generate a greater understanding of how the shunt distance affects the shunting phenomena which occurs when working with resistance spot welding (RSW). Shunting affects the quality of the weld and the goal of the study was to create guidelines for RSW to minimize its impact on the weld quality. In order to minimize waste from production and to reduce the welding time there is need for understanding of what the shunt effect depends on. To evaluate what impact the shunt distance will have on the weld, two different experiments were performed. In the first experiment, a one-dimensional welding lobe was manufactured for various materials and the current range was compared over three different shunt distances. The second experiment consisted of welding with a constant current on different shunt distances to investigate how this would impact the second weld performed in the welding sequence. A range of different steel grades and sheet thicknesses was used in the experiments to further explore what impact different material properties will have on the shunt effect. The result showed that the shunt distance has little impact on the acceptable weld-current range, with minor deviations. However, the shunt distance will affect the size of the shunted weld, which decreases as the shunt distance is reduced. Overall, the data collected in this study is not expansive enough to make guidelines that could be implemented in today´s industry. The phenomena of shunting require more data to fully be understood. / Syftet med denna studie var att skapa en större förståelse för hur shuntavståndet påverkar det shunt-fenomen som uppstår när man arbetar med punktsvetsning (RSW). Shuntning påverkar svetsens kvalitet och målet var att skapa riktlinjer för arbete med RSW för att minimera shunt-effektens påverkan på svetsen. I syfte att kunna minimera spill i produktionen samt att minska svetstiden krävs det förståelse av vad shunt effekten beror på. För att utvärdera vilken påverkan shuntavståndet kommer att ha på svetsen utfördes två olika experiment. I det första experimentet skapades en endimensionell svetslob för varje material och det genererade strömintervallet jämfördes över tre olika shuntavstånd. Det andra experimentet bestod av svetsning med en lika stor ström vid olika shuntavstånd för att undersöka hur detta skulle påverka den andra svetsen. En rad olika stålsorter och plåttjocklekar användes för att ytterligare se vilken påverkan dessa faktorer kom att ha på shunteffekten. Resultatet visade att shuntavståndet hade liten inverkan på det acceptabla svetsströmintervallet, med mindre avvikelser. Emellertid påverkar shuntavståndet storleken på den shuntade svetsen genom att storleken minskar när shuntavståndet minskas. Sammantaget räcker inte de uppgifter som samlats in i denna studie för att skapa riktlinjer som skulle kunna implementeras i dagens industri, utan det krävs mer data för att fullständigt kartlägga shunteffekten.
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Detalhando a solução unidimensional do método OQA com função coeficiente de redução constante aplicado ao transporte escalar interfacial turbulento / Detailing the onedimensional solution of RSW\'s method considering a constant reduction function applied to the turbulent interfacial scalar transportGonçalves, Bruno Batista 14 March 2014 (has links)
A adequada quantificação do transporte interfacial de escalares em escoamentos turbulentos é de interesse prático para os processos industriais e para a gestão dos problemas ambientais. O fenômeno é matematicamente complexo devido ao uso de equações governantes estatísticas não lineares e não fechadas. Neste estudo, analisam-se detalhes do método de Ondas Quadradas Aleatórias (OQA), o qual fornece uma quantificação estatística que permite fechar as equações e obter um perfil normalizado da grandeza de interesse para a transferência unidimensional turbulenta de escalares, que, num caso idealizado, depende de apenas dois parâmetros adimensionais, A e k (neste caso, k representa um coeficiente de transferência e A depende da interação entre os fenômenos de transporte molecular e turbulento). Simulações numéricas foram realizadas no intuito de se verificar a influência das derivadas de ordem superior para a função normalizada de concentração. A sensibilidade do modelo e a análise de aspectos intrínsecos ao mesmo foram também realizadas. Importante análise das condições de contorno empregadas foi desenvolvida com a inserção de um contorno adicional, com base física, no seio líquido. Como os estudos iniciais tinham se concentrado em exemplos de transferência de massa, uma extensão para o caso de transporte de calor foi considerada. Os resultados obtidos reproduzem o comportamento dos dados experimentais observados na literatura. / The adequate quantification of interfacial scalar transport in turbulent flows is of practical interest for industrial processes and in environmental problems. The phenomenon is mathematically complex due to the use of unclosed nonlinear statistical equations. In this study, we analyze details of the method of Random Square Waves (RSW), which provides a statistical quantification that allows closing the set of equations and getting the normalized scalar profile of the one-dimensional turbulent scalar variable, which, in an idealized case, depends on only two nondimensional parameters, k and A (in this case, k represents a transfer coefficient and A depends on the interaction between the molecular and turbulent transports). Numerical simulations were performed in order to verify the influence of the higher order of derivatives over the normalized concentration function. The sensitivity of the model to the relevant parameters and the analysis of its intrinsic parameters were also performed. An important aspect is the analysis of the boundary conditions, for which an additional condition was proposed and employed in the bulk liquid (with based on physical grounds). Because the initial studies have focused on examples of mass transfer, an extension to the case of heat transport was here considered. The results reproduce the behavior of experimental data reported in the literature.
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The Structure of the Agulhas Current System during the Agulhas Undercurrent ExperimentCasal, Tania Gil Duarte 08 April 2008 (has links)
The Agulhas Undercurrent Experiment took place in February-March 2003 off the east coast of South Africa and included 112 CTD and LADCP casts along four cross-slope sections and three offshore sections. Direct absolute velocities in the Agulhas Current show a narrow and swift current, 180 km wide and up to 2 m s-1 in speed, that deepens as it flows south, eventually detaching from the continental slope at 36ºS. Results also show the northward Agulhas Undercurrent against the continental slope, beneath the Agulhas Current with peak velocities of 10 cm s-1. Several mesoscale cyclonic eddies extending down to the intermediate layer were sampled during the survey, in particular a shear-edge eddy inshore of the Agulhas Current at 36ºS. A deep water anticyclonic eddy was found for the first time in this region centered at 2800 m in the northward flowing North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) layer. Anomalous water properties reveal that it was formed in the Agulhas Retroflection region and may have been generated by the coupling of a deep Agulhas Ring with the NADW slope current in the SE Atlantic and later entrained into the deep flow of the Agulhas Return Current, until ejected in the Agulhas Current region by localized recirculations in the deep layers of the Agulhas Current system. An inverse model was applied to the hydrographic and LADCP data; results show that the Agulhas Current had a considerably higher transport of 103 Sv at the historical 32ºS section than earlier estimates, consistent with altimetry time series for the region. The growth of the Agulhas Current transport is given primarily by the Sverdrup transport from the supergyre connecting the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Indonesian Throughflow and Indian Ocean overturning need to be included to account for the total transport. The bulk of the Agulhas Current transport is concentrated in the thermocline layer in the cross-sections and in the intermediate layer in the offshore sections. Inshore of the Agulhas Current core, mixing is inhibited from the surface to the thermocline layers, with no transport growth downstream. Cross-stream mixing does appear to occur in the intermediate layer. The Mozambique Channel and East Madagascar Current appear to have similar contributions as sources to the Agulhas Current at the northern most section of 16 Sv each, with the Indian Ocean wind-driven sub-gyre contribution increasing as the current flows southward. In the intermediate layer, Red Sea Water is actively mixing with Antarctic Intermediate Water when eddies are present. Red Sea Water appears to advect in the form of parcels and not as a continuous flow. Results also suggest the occurrence of small localized recirculations in the deep layers. In the deepest layer of lower NADW the flow is upwelling into the overlaying layer due to the shallowing topography at the northern most section.
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Detalhando a solução unidimensional do método OQA com função coeficiente de redução constante aplicado ao transporte escalar interfacial turbulento / Detailing the onedimensional solution of RSW\'s method considering a constant reduction function applied to the turbulent interfacial scalar transportBruno Batista Gonçalves 14 March 2014 (has links)
A adequada quantificação do transporte interfacial de escalares em escoamentos turbulentos é de interesse prático para os processos industriais e para a gestão dos problemas ambientais. O fenômeno é matematicamente complexo devido ao uso de equações governantes estatísticas não lineares e não fechadas. Neste estudo, analisam-se detalhes do método de Ondas Quadradas Aleatórias (OQA), o qual fornece uma quantificação estatística que permite fechar as equações e obter um perfil normalizado da grandeza de interesse para a transferência unidimensional turbulenta de escalares, que, num caso idealizado, depende de apenas dois parâmetros adimensionais, A e k (neste caso, k representa um coeficiente de transferência e A depende da interação entre os fenômenos de transporte molecular e turbulento). Simulações numéricas foram realizadas no intuito de se verificar a influência das derivadas de ordem superior para a função normalizada de concentração. A sensibilidade do modelo e a análise de aspectos intrínsecos ao mesmo foram também realizadas. Importante análise das condições de contorno empregadas foi desenvolvida com a inserção de um contorno adicional, com base física, no seio líquido. Como os estudos iniciais tinham se concentrado em exemplos de transferência de massa, uma extensão para o caso de transporte de calor foi considerada. Os resultados obtidos reproduzem o comportamento dos dados experimentais observados na literatura. / The adequate quantification of interfacial scalar transport in turbulent flows is of practical interest for industrial processes and in environmental problems. The phenomenon is mathematically complex due to the use of unclosed nonlinear statistical equations. In this study, we analyze details of the method of Random Square Waves (RSW), which provides a statistical quantification that allows closing the set of equations and getting the normalized scalar profile of the one-dimensional turbulent scalar variable, which, in an idealized case, depends on only two nondimensional parameters, k and A (in this case, k represents a transfer coefficient and A depends on the interaction between the molecular and turbulent transports). Numerical simulations were performed in order to verify the influence of the higher order of derivatives over the normalized concentration function. The sensitivity of the model to the relevant parameters and the analysis of its intrinsic parameters were also performed. An important aspect is the analysis of the boundary conditions, for which an additional condition was proposed and employed in the bulk liquid (with based on physical grounds). Because the initial studies have focused on examples of mass transfer, an extension to the case of heat transport was here considered. The results reproduce the behavior of experimental data reported in the literature.
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Resistance Spot Welding of AlSi-coated Ultra High Strength Steel : An experimental studyHjelmtorp, Kristofer January 2019 (has links)
The automotive industry of today faces ever harder requirements from regulatory bodies to increase the fuel efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint and increase the safety of their vehicles. The problem is being tackled in different ways; one of them being the use of innovative materials to reduce the overall weight while improving the crash safety of the vehicle. One such material is 22MnB5, an ultra-high strength (UHS) boron-alloyed steel, capable of reaching tensile strength of 1900 MPa. The weldability is a vital factor for applying boron steel in an efficient way into a vehicle construction. Resistance spot welding (RSW) is, among the different welding methods, the primary joining methods used within the automotive industry. The main challenges with RSW of UHS boron steel is the narrow welding window and increased risk of expulsion compared to conventional automotive steel. The aim of this thesis was evaluating how the weldability of three-sheet UHS boron steel combinations could be improved by applying different innovative welding methods. The methods investigated where; three-pulsed welding, two-pulsed welding with force profile and using hollow-cone electrodes instead of regular electrodes. The different methods where evaluated with welding experiments and analysis of the nugget diameter, vicker hardness comparison and tensile strength test of welding nugget. The results from this thesis shows that the current window of three-sheet combinations with UHS boron steel can be significantly improved by using hollow-cone electrodes in RSW. The results also showed that the width of the current window varied depending on the depth of the hole in the electrode, a deeper hole improved the current window but also increased the oxide build-up. Applying a force profile with lowered electrode force during the welding sequence provided an improved process window compared to the constant electrode force when welding a three-sheet combination containing AlSi-coated boron steel. A three-pulse welding sequence performed better than the reference two-pulse welding schedule but still not good enough to meet VCC acceptance criteria. / Bilindustrin står idag inför allt hårdare krav från tillsynsmyndigheter förbättra bränsleeffektiviteten, minska koldioxidavtrycket och öka säkerheten på deras fordon. Problemet angrips från ett flertal olika vinklar. varav en ökad användning av innovativa material för att minska den totala vikten samtidigt som fordonets kraschsäkerhet bibehålls eller ens förbättras. Ett sådant material är 22MnB5, ett höghållfast (UHS) borstål, kapabelt att uppnå brottgränser på 1900 MPa. Svetsbarheten är en vital faktor för att kunna applicera borstål på ett effektivt sätt i en fordonskonstruktion. Inom bilindustrin är motståndspunksvetsning (RSW) den dominanta svetsmetoden. De största utmaningarna med att punktsvetsa höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål är det har ett generellt smalare svetsfönstren, samt den ökade risken för sprut under svetsprocessen, jämfört med konventionella stål. Målet med denna avhandling var att utvärdera hur svetsbarheten av tre-plåtskombinationer med höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål kunde förbättras genom att applicera innovativa svetsmetoder. De utvärderade metoderna var; tre-pulsad svetsning, två-pulsad svetsning med applicerad kraftprofil, samt användning av ihåliga elektroder istället för vanliga elektroder. Metoderna utvärderades genom svetsexperiment och analys av svetslobens storlek, vicker hårdhets mätning samt brottgränsmätning av svetsloben. Resultaten från denna avhandling visar att svetsbarheten för tre-plåts kombinationer med UHS borstål kan förbättras avsevärt genom att använda ihåliga elektroder för punktsvetsning. Resultaten pekar också på att förbättringen beroende på hålets djup i elektroden. Ett djupare hål gav större förbättringar men ökade också uppbyggnaden av oxid och restmetall i elektroden. Genom att applicera en kraftprofil, där elektrodkraften sänktes under svetsprocessen kunde svetsbarheten förbättras för två-puls svetsning, jämfört med att ha konstant elektrodkraft, vid svetsning av en tre-plåtskombination innehållande höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål. En tre-puls svetssekvens utförde bättre än referenspulssvetsschemat men fortfarande inte tillräckligt bra för att uppfylla VCC-acceptkriterierna.
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A comparative study between conventional fixed and advanced adaptive control system for resistance spotBohlin, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Resistance spot welding is the main welding method used in the automotive industry to weld thin sheet metal. Today adaptive control systems have been developed for RSW, which means it can adjust the parameters in the weld process automatically during welding. The control systems can register the parameters and properties of the weld in real-time and from that calculate with algorithms how to adjust to give optimal weld conditions. This project is performed at Scania CV AB, Oskarshamn. Conducted in the part of body in white, where an adaptive control system called HCC is used in all weld processes. In this project, HCC was compared to the fixed control system CCR and another adaptive control system named Master mode. First step in the comparison was to create a weld schedule for each control system and test them on two different material combinations. The aim was to quantify gains and benefits that adaptive resistance spot welding systems have on the welding process. Benefits are quantified by examining the parameters and factors such as: weld time, expulsion, robustness, electrode wear and parameters in the control system. The tests were performed by welding as many approved spot welds as possible without tip-dressing the electrode. The experiment followed the requirements from international standards and the Scania standard for resistance spot welding. The results from the experiment showed that HCC was the most robust process and the spot welds never decreased in size, which CCR and Master mode did. It is possible to weld several different material combinations with HCC, it increases flexibility in production and reduces the time needed to develop new weld schedules. The same schedule can handle many combinations with the same thickness. HCC allows the process to use several pulses and each pulse adds in time. Therefore, the weld schedule should be well developed and optimized to avoid waste in terms of long weld times. The results will give Scania knowledge about the processes and how to further optimize the welding processes in production. The result can also be used as foundation for selection of products or future investments. / Motståndspunktsvetsning är den huvudsakliga svetsmetoden som används inom fordonsindustrin för att svetsa tunn plåt. Idag har adaptiva styrsystem utvecklats för RSW vilket innebär att de automatiskt kan justera parametrarna i svetsprocessen under svetsning. Styrsystemen kan registrera parametrarna och egenskaperna hos svetsen i realtid och därmed beräkna med algoritmer hur de bör justeras för att ge optimala svetsförhållanden. Detta projekt är resultatet av ett examensarbete på Scania CV AB, Oskarshamn. Det utfördes i den nya karossfabriken, där ett adaptivt styrsystem som heter HCC används i alla svetsprocesser. I projektet jämfördes HCC med ett konstantströms styrsystem CCR samt ett annat adaptivt styrsystem kallat Master mode. Den primära metoden var att skapa ett svetsschema för varje styrsystem och testa dem på två olika materialkombinationer. Syftet var att kvantifiera vinster och fördelar som adaptiva punktsvetssystem har på svetsprocessen. Testerna utfördes genom att svetsa så många godkända punkter som möjligt utan att formera elektroden. Fördelarna kvantifieras genom att man undersökte parametrarna och faktorerna svetstid, sprut, robusthet, elektrodslitage och parametrar i styrsystemen. Experimentet följde kraven i enighet med internationella standarder och Scania-standarden för punktsvetsning. Resultaten från experimentet visade att HCC var den mest robusta processen och punkterna minskade aldrig i storlek, vilket CCR och Master mode gjorde. Det är möjligt att svetsa flera olika materialkombinationer med HCC, det ökar flexibiliteten i produktionen och minskar den tid som krävs för att utveckla nya svetsscheman eftersom samma schema kan hantera många kombinationer med samma tjocklek. HCC tillåter processen att använda flera pulser, och varje puls adderar tid och svetsschemat bör därför vara välutvecklat och optimerat för att undvika slöseri med avseende på långa svetstider. Resultaten kommer att ge Scania mer kunskap om processerna och hur man kan optimera processerna ytterligare i produktionen. Resultatet kan också användas som grund för val av produkter eller framtida investeringar.
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A Comparison of RFSSW and RSW for Automotive ManufacturingGale, Damon Michael 16 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Historically, automotive body panels have been made of steel and joined by a process called resistance spot welding (RSW). However, in efforts to reduce vehicle weight to improve the energy efficiency of the vehicle, automotive manufactures have begun substituting aluminum in place of steel. While aluminum can be joined with RSW, a myriad of challenges arise from doing so. These challenges result in less consistent weld quality and accelerated electrode wear. Refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) is an emerging joining technology that could replace RSW as it is believed to be capable of creating superior joints in thin sheet aluminum. This research's goal is to compare RFSSW and RSW for joining aluminum automotive body panels. To accomplish this goal two studies were conducted and reported on in this thesis. The first focused on evaluating the manufacturing performance of RFSSW and RSW while the second focused on comparing the microstructure and mechanical performance of RFSSW and RSW joints. To improve the relevance of the study, a Toyota automated welding cell was used as a case study. The cell utilizes AA6061-T4 in 8 unique stack-ups to create door frames. This cell served as the base for the manufacturing performance comparison while also providing the three stack-ups used to compare microstructure and mechanical performance. The study compares manufacturing performance utilized a digital twin to compare how each technology would interact within the manufacturing cell. Parameters such as joining time and maintenance time were considered while overall output of the manufacturing cell was recorded. The results showed that RFSSW and RSW could produce the same number of parts in the given manufacturing cell. However, as modifications were made to the cell to increase output RFSSW proved to be capable of greater output due to its longer tool life. Concluding that RFSSW is a viable option from a manufacturing performance view. The second study conducted a comparison of the microstructure and mechanical properties of RFSSW and RSW. This study found that each technology created unique surface topographies and grain structures. Mechanical performance testing found that depending on the stack-up RFSSW joints were between 16% and 73% stronger than RSW joints in tensile loading conditions. RFSSW also showed improved fatigue life, in one test surviving 2600% more cycles. Concluding that RFSSW joints have superior mechanical performance over RSW joints.
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The union of a set of materials by way of Resistance Spot Welding is designed so that once fused together, a substantial amount of intentional, external force must be applied to separate the contents. Therefore, Resistance Spot Welding is often the preferred fusion method in high-volume manufacturing processes. The result of Resistance Spot Welding however is the formation of a weld nugget which is not visible to the naked eye. Destructive and/or ultrasonic methods applied off-line must be used to determine the quality of each weld; both inefficient and expensive processes. The following research analyzes the data fed back during resistance spot weld sequences in-line and establishes a correlation between emitted characteristics and the final quality of a spot weld.
The two characteristics researched to segregate weld quality are: the electrical sin wave signature and the acoustic sin wave signature produced during the welding sequence. Both features were discovered to have a direct correlation to the final quality of a weld once cured. By measuring and comparing these characteristics at the source, an opportunity is presented to decrease time and potential defects by confirming the quality of each weld in-process and at the source.
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Analýza vývoje základních ukazatelů o bankovním trhu v ČR a použití modelu RSW / Analysis of financial indexes in the Czech banking market and application of the RSW model.Tiutiunnic, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to explain the basic financial indexes in the Czech banking sector, to analyze Czech banks with the model of financial health RSW, which was modified according to the specifics of Czech enterprises, and to contribute to the conclusion, if it is possible to apply the model RSW in its modified form for testing financial health of Czech banks. The RSW model results will be compared with achieved results in the model, which I named alternative comparative model (S-model). S-model works with indexes from banks annual reports. The theoretical part will be defined by definition of bank and a brief description of Czech banking, by financial description of the specifics in bank statements and fundamental indexes. Then I will describe the way of using the model RSW in its modified form. In the practical part of my diploma thesis I will test eighteen Czech banks by RSW model and compare achieved banks ratings with the alternative comparative model. I choose the techniques of S-model based on my individually attained knowledge and read literature.
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Techniques for Improving Weldability and Testing of Weld-bonded Joints / Tekniker för förbättrad svetsbarhet och utprovning av limpunktsvetsade förbandHögsäter Myhr, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Increased understanding of improving the weld-bonding process is essential in order for the automotive industry to constantly develop their designs and production processes for the energy-efficient vehicles of the future. The joining method of weld-bonding, a hybrid method of adhesive joining and resistance spot welding, has introduced new challenges in the manufacturing and design of auto bodies. At the same time as adhesives are more incorporated in the joint configurations’, continuous development and implementation of ultra-high-strength steels, the complexity of the weld-bonding process increases. This thesis presents new approaches of parameter set-up and testing methods for weld-bonded joints. Aiming to displace the adhesive from the welding zone new parameters are tested by producing 1-D weld lobes that are analyzed in a screening matrix to find the factor with greatest effect on the weldability. Laser displacement measurement is a new method used to measure the amount of adhesive present in the joint during the welding cycle. The amount of adhesive plays an important role in the process and the intention is to get an assessment of how different thicknesses affect the weldability. The results showed that the different parameters have different influential behavior depending on the sheet thickness of the welded material. From the main effect screening, cap type has the greatest influence on the weld current range followed by the addition of an extra pre-pulse. The measured amount of adhesive present immediately before the weld pulse is very small. An interesting observation is that samples showing the largest increase in weld current range, compared to the corresponding reference were the samples which had most adhesive present in the contact area. The study showed that there are new parameters that improve the weldability of a weld-bonded joint that can be utilized using existing welding equipment. Finally, the study has shown that many possibilities exists to continue exploit within the field of weld-bonding, to be able to further utilize the effectiveness of weld-bonded joints in future lightweight autobody design. / Ökad förståelse och förbättring av weld-bonding processen (limpunktsvetsning) är väsentligt för att fordonsindustrin ska kunna fortsätta utveckla sina konstruktioner och tillverkningsprocesser för framtidens energieffektiva fordon. Fogningsmetoden weld-bonding, en hybridmetod av limning och punktsvetsning, har tillfört nya utmaningar i tillverkningen och konstruktionen av fordonskarosser. Samtidigt som limfogar används i allt större utsträckning så sker ständig utveckling och tillförande av ultrahöghållfast stål i karosserna som ytterligare påverkar weld-bonding processens komplexitet. Det här examensarbetet introducerar nya sätt att konfigurera processparametrarna och testmetoderna för weld-bondförband. Målet att tränga bort så mycket lim som möjligt från fogen med hjälp av de nya processparametrarna, testas genom att ta fram svetslober som analyseras i ett parameterkartläggande flerfaktorförsök för att hitta de faktorer som har störst inverkan på svetsbarheten. Avståndsmätning med laser är en ny metod som används för att mäta mängden lim som finns i fogen under svetscykeln. Mängden lim har en betydande roll i processen och målsättningen är att få en uppskattning om hur olika limtjocklekar påverkar svetsbarheten. Resultatet visar att olika parametrar har olika inverkan på processens beteende beroende på vilken materialtjocklek som svetsas. Parameterkartläggande flerfaktorförsöket visar att de faktorer som har störst inverkan på svetsfönstrets storlek är elektrodhätta följt av tillförandet av en extra förpuls. Den uppmätta limtjockleken i fogen precis före huvudsvetspulsen är väldigt liten. En intressant observation är att svetsproverna som påvisade den största ökningen av svetsfönstrets storlek, jämfört med referensproverna utan lim, var de prover som hade mest lim kvar i kontaktytan innan svetspulsen. Arbetet i uppsatsen visar att det finns nya svetsparametrar som ökar svetsbarheten hos weld-bondingfogar och som kan tillämpas i existerande svetsutrustningar. Slutligen har arbetet visat att det existerar många möjligheter att fortsätta utveckla weld-bondingprocessen ytterligare för att fortsättningsvis utnyttja fogens effektivitet i framtidens konstruktion av lätta fordonskarosser.
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