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Examining the Effects of Trait Rumination on Hostile Attribution BiasSuhr, Kyle A 01 August 2017 (has links)
Previous research supports the idea that individuals high in trait anger tend to experience more hostile attribution bias. According to the Integrative Cognitive Model, cognitive factors, such as rumination, may increase the risk of hostile attribution bias and any subsequent aggressive behaviors. Sex differences are apparent in rumination and anger expression. The present research explored the potential role trait rumination plays in hostile attribution bias as well as potential conditional effects of sex on this relationship. Participants were asked to complete a number of self-report measures and vignettes of ambiguously hostile situations adapted to improve reliability. Hypotheses were largely supported and trait anger rumination was significantly predictive of hostile attribution bias; however, conditional effects of sex were non-significant. The adapted hostile attribution bias measure had improved reliability and may have utility for a survey-based method to assessing hostile attribution bias. Findings may further our understanding of hostile interpretations and potential for subsequent aggressive behaviors in high trait ruminators in ambiguous situations as well as lead to potential areas of intervention to reduce anger and anger rumination.
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The Effects of Repetitive Thought and Construal Level on Alcohol ConsumptionKiselica, Andrew Mark 13 January 2015 (has links)
Repetitive thought, or the recurrent, often cyclical, focus on self-relevant concerns and experiences, is one liability that may be common across internalizing (INT) and externalizing (EXT) disorders. One particular area of interest for examining repetitive thought as a transdiagnostic process is in relation to alcohol use because alcohol abuse and dependence are the most common, and possibly most costly, EXT disorders. This study experimentally induced abstract repetitive thought, concrete repetitive thought, or distraction to test if repetitive thought and construal level have an effect on drinking behavior. It was hypothesized that individuals in both repetitive thought conditions would drink more than those in the distraction condition. Second, it was expected that individuals in the abstract condition would drink more than those in the concrete condition. Neither of these hypotheses was supported. Additionally, to assess for evidence of repetitive thought as a transdiagnostic process, the interaction between repetitive thought and INT was examined. If repetitive thought is truly transdiagnostic, then the relationship between repetitive thought and drinking should be stronger for individuals with more internalizing symptoms. Results did not indicate a significant interaction effect. The lack of findings in this study may be due to an ineffective experimental manipulation. Alternatively, they may suggest that repetitive thought does not have an effect on drinking.
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How Individual Differences in Self- and Other-focused Co-rumination Relate to Internalizing Symptoms and Friendship QualitySmith-Schrandt, Heather 15 November 2013 (has links)
Co-rumination involves friends spending a great deal of time encouraging each other to excessively discuss problems, with content being largely negative (Rose, 2002). Co-rumination appears to strengthen the bonds between best friends, while ironically exacerbating internalizing symptoms. Co-rumination is conceptualized as a mutual dyadic process, but little is known about the reciprocity of excessive problem discussion. The balance of college students' (N = 601) self- and other-focused co-rumination with their best friend was assessed via an online survey. Contrary to expectations, inconsistent and weak evidence was obtained for differentiating self- and other-focused co-rumination, and their balance. Specifically, self- and other-focused co-rumination were highly correlated, similarly correlated with other study variables, and not differentiated in exploratory factor analysis. However, the interaction of self- and other-focused co-rumination in a model including individual characteristics and adjustment yielded differentiated results. Friendship intimacy was associated with self-, but not other-, focused co-rumination. Indicating that balance may matter, anxiety was associated with high self-focused co-rumination in the context of low other-focused co-rumination. Additionally, mean levels of all individual traits (rumination, excessive reassurance seeking, social perspective taking, perfectionism, negative problem orientation) and adjustment variables (anxiety, depression, social anxiety, friendship quality) differed as a function of co-rumination balance, as assessed by a one-item direct measure. The validity and utility of distinguishing self- and other-focused co-rumination is contingent on further exploration with dyadic data and perhaps modified assessment. Rumination and excessive reassurance seeking indicated vulnerability for co-rumination, which appears to be a primarily anxious process.
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Affective Forecasting in Depression:The Effects of Rumination versus ReappraisalD'Avanzato, Catherine M. 01 January 2010 (has links)
There is much evidence that people are inaccurate in predicting the impact of future situations on their emotions. At the same time, affective forecasts have important implications for behavior, decision-making, and current mood, and may play an important role in the maintenance of emotional disorders. This study investigated two factors that influence affective forecasting: (1) Whether affective forecasting is associated with depressive symptoms and (2) Whether strategies people use to regulate their current affect influence their predictions of future emotional responses. Participants ruminated or reappraised in response to a sad mood and completed a measure of depressive symptoms (BDI). Results indicated that severity of depression symptoms was related to forecasts of greater sadness and anger to positive scenarios, as well as negative appraisals of future negative events. As expected, both BDI score and habitual use of emotion regulation strategies were correlated with participants' predictions about use and effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies in response to future scenarios. Results reinforced the usefulness of examining future-oriented cognitive processes in depression, providing insight into the role of hopelessness in the disorder. This study also shed light on the relationship between depression and predictions about the use and effectiveness of various emotion regulation strategies.
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Treating MIXED Children: The Impact of Reductions in Parent-Child Co-rumination and Maternal Depression on Child Internalizing and Externalizing SymptomsGrimbos, Teresa 09 January 2012 (has links)
Children with co-occurring internalizing and externalizing problems (MIXED children) represent a distinct aggressive subtype with negative outcomes; understanding what works for them in treatment is imperative. The success of MIXED children in some family-based programs for aggression may be attributable to collateral reductions in internalizing symptoms. The current study examined whether reductions in internalizing behaviour in MIXED children were due to reductions in maternal depression and parent-child co-rumination. Co-rumination, a dyadic interaction related to internalizing symptoms, is defined as excessively discussing problems and dwelling on negative feelings. We investigated 154 MIXED children and 49 pure externalizers who underwent Parent Management Training/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Mother-child co-rumination was assessed using videotaped observations of problem discussions gathered at pre-treatment, post-treatment and follow-up. We hypothesized that, at pre-treatment, mother-child co-rumination would mediate the relation between maternal depression and child internalizing problems. During treatment, we expected that co-rumination and maternal depression would predict reductions in child symptoms. Finally, we hypothesized that reductions in co-rumination would mediate the association between improvements in maternal depression and improvements in child internalizing which would, in turn, impact externalizing outcomes. Results did not support our pre-treatment and during treatment hypotheses about the role of co-rumination as a mediator. At pre-treatment, maternal depression was associated with child internalizing problems and co-rumination; co-rumination was not associated with internalizing when controlling for maternal depression. Reductions in maternal depression were associated with improvements in child internalizing and, marginally, with child externalizing, thus partially supporting our hypotheses. We also found that reductions in co-rumination impacted child externalizing, but not internalizing behaviour, again partially supporting our hypotheses regarding co-rumination changes and child symptom changes. Finally, results demonstrated that internalizing improvements affected externalizing outcomes, partially supporting our treatment-related hypothesis. Findings have implications for understanding the development and treatment of problems in MIXED children.
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Treating MIXED Children: The Impact of Reductions in Parent-Child Co-rumination and Maternal Depression on Child Internalizing and Externalizing SymptomsGrimbos, Teresa 09 January 2012 (has links)
Children with co-occurring internalizing and externalizing problems (MIXED children) represent a distinct aggressive subtype with negative outcomes; understanding what works for them in treatment is imperative. The success of MIXED children in some family-based programs for aggression may be attributable to collateral reductions in internalizing symptoms. The current study examined whether reductions in internalizing behaviour in MIXED children were due to reductions in maternal depression and parent-child co-rumination. Co-rumination, a dyadic interaction related to internalizing symptoms, is defined as excessively discussing problems and dwelling on negative feelings. We investigated 154 MIXED children and 49 pure externalizers who underwent Parent Management Training/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Mother-child co-rumination was assessed using videotaped observations of problem discussions gathered at pre-treatment, post-treatment and follow-up. We hypothesized that, at pre-treatment, mother-child co-rumination would mediate the relation between maternal depression and child internalizing problems. During treatment, we expected that co-rumination and maternal depression would predict reductions in child symptoms. Finally, we hypothesized that reductions in co-rumination would mediate the association between improvements in maternal depression and improvements in child internalizing which would, in turn, impact externalizing outcomes. Results did not support our pre-treatment and during treatment hypotheses about the role of co-rumination as a mediator. At pre-treatment, maternal depression was associated with child internalizing problems and co-rumination; co-rumination was not associated with internalizing when controlling for maternal depression. Reductions in maternal depression were associated with improvements in child internalizing and, marginally, with child externalizing, thus partially supporting our hypotheses. We also found that reductions in co-rumination impacted child externalizing, but not internalizing behaviour, again partially supporting our hypotheses regarding co-rumination changes and child symptom changes. Finally, results demonstrated that internalizing improvements affected externalizing outcomes, partially supporting our treatment-related hypothesis. Findings have implications for understanding the development and treatment of problems in MIXED children.
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Rumination as a Mediator of the Relation between Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in a Clinical SampleSchmertz, Stefan K. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Recent literature has emphasized the possible benefits to mindfulness practice. Evidence for a negative relation between mindfulness and pathology has come from validity studies of several newly developed, self-report mindfulness questionnaires. Results illustrate a consistent negative relation between levels of self-report mindfulness and symptoms of depression, negative affect, and anxiety among college-student samples, however this relation has been previously untested within a clinical sample. The first aim of the present study was to explore the relation between mindfulness levels and social anxiety symptoms in a clinical sample diagnosed with social phobia. Because past research has found mindfulness interventions to be successful in reducing ruminative tendencies, and because recent literature suggests that post-event rumination is an important process in the maintenance of social anxiety, post-event rumination was explored as a mediator of the relation between mindfulness and social anxiety. Participants (N = 98) completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), the Rumination Questionnaire (RQ), the Fear of Negative Evaluations Brief Form (FNE-B), the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), and the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) as part of their participation in a larger, randomly controlled treatment outcome study comparing Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, a form of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia, and a wait-list control group. Results illustrated a strong negative relation between mindfulness scores (MAAS) and social anxiety symptoms as measured by the FNE-B and the LSAS (ps < .001). However, post-event rumination levels (RQ) were not related to either mindfulness or social anxiety indicating that in the present sample post-event rumination did not act as a mediator for the relation between mindfulness and levels of social anxiety.
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Rumination as a Mediator of the Relation between Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in a Clinical SampleSchmertz, Stefan K. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Recent literature has emphasized the possible benefits to mindfulness practice. Evidence for a negative relation between mindfulness and pathology has come from validity studies of several newly developed, self-report mindfulness questionnaires. Results illustrate a consistent negative relation between levels of self-report mindfulness and symptoms of depression, negative affect, and anxiety among college-student samples, however this relation has been previously untested within a clinical sample. The first aim of the present study was to explore the relation between mindfulness levels and social anxiety symptoms in a clinical sample diagnosed with social phobia. Because past research has found mindfulness interventions to be successful in reducing ruminative tendencies, and because recent literature suggests that post-event rumination is an important process in the maintenance of social anxiety, post-event rumination was explored as a mediator of the relation between mindfulness and social anxiety. Participants (N = 98) completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), the Rumination Questionnaire (RQ), the Fear of Negative Evaluations Brief Form (FNE-B), the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), and the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) as part of their participation in a larger, randomly controlled treatment outcome study comparing Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, a form of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia, and a wait-list control group. Results illustrated a strong negative relation between mindfulness scores (MAAS) and social anxiety symptoms as measured by the FNE-B and the LSAS (ps < .001). However, post-event rumination levels (RQ) were not related to either mindfulness or social anxiety indicating that in the present sample post-event rumination did not act as a mediator for the relation between mindfulness and levels of social anxiety.
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The benefits of expressive writing on overgeneral memory and depressive symptomsMaestas, Kacey Little 04 February 2013 (has links)
Two decades of research suggest that a non-specific style of autobiographical memory retrieval–known as overgeneral memory–may be a cognitive style that increases depression vulnerability. Recent theorizing and empirical evidence suggest the mechanisms underlying overgeneral memory include rumination and avoidance. This study provided a preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of an expressive writing intervention, which has been found to reduce rumination and avoidance, in reducing overgeneral memory, with the ultimate goal of preventing future depressive symptoms among non-depressed college students. Two hundred and seven non-depressed college students completed the expressive writing intervention, in addition to a one-month and six month follow-up assessment. Participants were randomized one of three writing conditions: traditional expressive writing, specific expressive writing, or control writing. Participants in the traditional and specific expressive writing conditions were instructed to write about their deepest thoughts and feelings about an emotional event; the specific expressive writing condition contained the additional instruction that participants describe the events in a vivid and detailed manner. Participants in the control condition were instructed to write about a neutral topic (i.e., time management). All groups wrote for 20 minutes on three consecutive days. Study results showed that compared to participants in the control writing condition, participants in the traditional and specific expressive writing conditions demonstrated significantly greater autobiographical memory specificity at the six-month follow-up, but not at the one-month follow-up. Furthermore, the observed increase in autobiographical memory specificity for the expressive writing conditions could not be attributed to change in depressive symptoms over the same time interval. Results revealed that the effect of the traditional expressive writing intervention on increased autobiographical memory specificity was partially mediated by a reduction in avoidance assessed at the one-month follow-up. The hypothesis that rumination would partially mediate the effect of the expressive writing intervention on increased autobiographical memory specificity was not supported. Despite preliminary evidence that an expressive writing intervention compared to a control wiring condition is effective in increasing autobiographical memory specificity over a six-month period for initially non-depressed college students, it remains to be seen if increased autobiographical memory specificity decreases vulnerability to future depressive symptoms. / text
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Re-examining the relationship between cognitive styles, ruminative styles, and depressionLeung, Man-chi, Candi., 梁敏芝. January 2011 (has links)
Rumination has been consistently found to be a risk factor of depression.
However, few studies examined rumination and its relationship with depression,
and the protective role of such individual positive traits as hope, in a Hong Kong
Chinese context. As opposed to western findings, a recent local study found that
the two components of rumination (Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema,
2003), namely brooding and reflective pondering, were not correlated, and the
latter was rather adaptive in predicting depressive symptoms (Lo, Ho, & Hollen,
2008). Together with some psychometric issues revealed in the same study, it is
unclear if the two-factor model of rumination is applicable in the Hong Kong
Chinese context. In addition, given that hope only buffers against negative impact
of risk factors of depression, whether the moderating effect of hope on the
relationship of brooding and reflective pondering with depressive symptoms in
Geiger and Kwon’s (2010) western sample can be replicated in Hong Kong
Chinese populations is not clear. Therefore, the present study re-examines the
two-factor model of rumination and its relationship with depressive symptoms,
and the moderating role of hope in a Hong Kong Chinese sample using a
longitudinal design.
Adult Trait Hope Scale, Ruminative Response Scale, and Center for
Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale were administered to 189 Hong Kong
Chinese university students at lectures with a four-week interval between the two
time-points. Analyses using hierarchical linear regression were conducted to
examine the relationship of brooding and reflective pondering, and their
relationship with depressive symptoms and the role of hope, both concurrently
and prospectively.
Results confirmed the applicability of the two-factor model of rumination in
the Hong Kong Chinese college sample. Rumination (total) and brooding
consistently predicted depressive symptoms. Also, moderating effect of hope on
the relationship of brooding and depressive symptoms was replicated using the
time 1 data in the present study. Nonetheless, contrary to the recent local finding
by Lo et al. (2008), brooding and reflective pondering were positively correlated
as in western samples, and there was some evidence of one-way relationship from
reflective pondering to brooding as shown by the longitudinal data. Reflective
pondering itself was neither adaptive nor maladaptive, because there was no
significant relationship between reflective pondering and depressive symptoms
after controlling for level of brooding. Hence, hope had no interaction with
reflective pondering in predicting depressive symptoms. For longitudinal data,
after controlling for baseline level of the dependent variables, the one-way
relationship from reflective pondering to brooding, the relationship of rumination
(total) and brooding with depressive symptoms, and the moderating effect of hope
on the relationship between brooding and depressive symptoms, all became
The findings of the present study support the use of the two-factor model of
rumination in Hong Kong Chinese context, and suggest that the two components
of rumination were correlated probably because reflective pondering tended to
lead to brooding. This study also offers further empirical support for brooding
being a more robust risk factor of depression than reflective pondering and the
buffering impact of hope on psychological well-being. Implications of the results,
limitations of this study and recommendations for further research were also
addressed. / published_or_final_version / Psychology / Master / Master of Philosophy
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