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GAZPROM a ruská zahraniční politika k zemím bývalého SSSR / Gazprom and the Russian Foreign Policy towards the Countries of the Former USSRČervinková, Magdaléna January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the energy policy of the Russian Federation and its role within the Russian foreign policy towards the countries of the former Soviet Union. It focuses in particular on the Russian state gas monopoly Gazprom. The thesis inquires into Gazprom's relation to the Russian foreign policy and examines how and to what extent Russia uses Gazprom as a tool for enforcement of its political interests. It also analyses the implications of the Gazprom's acitivities in the postsoviet countries for the energy security of the European union.
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Potenciál spolupráce Turecka se zeměmi Zakavkazí a Střední Asie / Potential of the cooperation of Turkey with the Transcaucasus and Central Asian countriesSobotková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na analýzu spolupráce Turecka se zakavkazskými a středoasijskými státy zejména z hlediska zájmu Turecka a Evropské unie na diverzifikaci dodávek ropy a zemního plynu. Cílem je také ohodnocení potenciálu této spolupráce v oblasti kulturní, ekonomické a politické, zmapování vlivů EU a USA, kteří podporují Turecko v této spolupráci a souběžně vlivů Ruska, Íránu a Číny, jejichž zájmy se s těmi tureckými v daném regionu kříží. Rovněž záměrem práce je posouzení některých vnitropolitických změn v těchto zemích ve vztahu k Turecku.
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Analýza marketingového prostředí v Ruské federaci / Analysis of the marketing environment in Russian FederationBaranenko, Elena January 2008 (has links)
Analysis of the marketing environment in Russian Federation
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Analýza vybrané investiční příležitosti postupy fundamentální analýzy / Fundamental analysis, valuationHeřman, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
Main purpose of the thesis is a discussion of valuation methods and their practical application with focus on a top diversified M&M company. In this work, I use various assupmtion to derive point as well as interval estimate of fair value of a Russian mining company.
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The consolidation trend in banking / The consolidation trend in bankingPavlova, Olga January 2009 (has links)
This work investigates quickly developing consolidation trend in banking. The first part of the work is devoted to the theoretical basis, definitions, reasons for mergers and acquisitions, positive and negative consequences of consolidation. Special attention is paid to banking mergers and acquisitions (M&A), to their financing and regulation. The second chapter examines banking M&A process in detail, including models, which could be used during particular stages. The third chapter discusses development of the consolidation trend in Europe focused on Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. The influence of the banking M&A on those countries' banking systems development is examined. Legal requirements and problems, which could occur in connection with banking M&A in these countries, are also discussed in this chapter. In the work were used some real banking M&A examples, illustrative examples for better understanding models, used in the M&A process, and case study as an illustration of the M&A process in the CIS countries.
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Energetická závislost EU se zaměřením na Rusko / Energy dependency of the EU with focus on RussiaBraunová, Marie January 2008 (has links)
The European Union is becoming increasingly dependent on energy imports. Especially oil and natural gas imports are rising as their production in Europe declines. The most important energy partner of the EU is Russia, which delivers the biggest volumes of oil and natural gas to european countries. The highest rate of energy dependency on Russia can be observed in eastern and central Europe, where diverzification of energy supplies is one of key issues. It is necessary to reduce the energy dependency on russian gas, but at the same time, it is important to build a stable partnership with Russia, which is striving to become a leader at the global energy market, where demand for fossil fuels is rapidly rising. Apart from searching alternative suppliers to russian natural gas in order to achieve higher energy independence, an important role could play alternative energy sources, energy savings or rebirth of nuclear energy.
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Finsko-ruské vztahy po vstupu Finska do EU / Finnish-Russian Relations after Finland´s Joining the EUCvejnová, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis describes the Finnish-Russian relations after 1995, that means the year when Finland joined the EU. The current mutual relations are considered to be excellent even in spite of Finland's negative experience from the past. The aim of the thesis is to analyze Finnish-Russian relations and to outline their individual fields. The question is whether the excellent relations will be continued or if there are any factors that could impair the development of the relations. The question might also be to which extent the experience from the past could determine some of the issues, such as Finland's joining the NATO or the Karelian question.
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Financování vysokoškolského vzdělání v Rusku / Financing of the Higher Education in the Russian FederationPochtyva, Iryna January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to funding higher education in conditions of the Russian Federation. The main aim was to create an analysis of the current system of funding tertiary education of the Russian Federation and the definition of proposals for improvement. The purpose of the first part is to summaries the economic aspects of higher education. The second chapter is strictly focused on the research and is devoted to the characteristics of higher education in terms of funding.
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Mezinárodně-politický a ekonomický aspekt ruského zemního plynu / International Political and Economic Aspect of Russian Natural GasKatolická, Sylvie January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis analyzes the current situation in the Russian gas industry and outlines the outlook for 2020 with regard to the interaction of internal and external factors. Efforts were made to determine the extent of global financial crisis on Russian gas industry. Master thesis also focuses on the question whether the Russian economy will be deepen on revenues from oil and natural gas export in 2020 more than at the beginning of 21st century. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the close link between economic and political interests of Russia in energy cooperation.
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Dialog s Ruskem v období post-globalizace / Dialog of selected civilzations with Russia in period of Post-GlobalizationLoseva, Anastasiya January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of that work is th analyse Russia position at the World stage of 21. century. modern World there is no bi-polar, but multipolar. That means, that the fact of Access is mutual cooperation, coordination and co-existence. The analyse of historical past makes it possible to forecast the evolution of diplomacy at the nearest future. The huge potenciál of emerging economies (BRIC) leads to redistribution of capital and power from "North to South". Russian geopolitice stability mainly depends on diplomatic dialog between Russia and: Euro-Atlantic Aliance and European Union Asia Pacific region (mailny China, India) Muslim countries (those who are part of Russian Federation)
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