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Závislost Evropské unie na dovozu ropy a zemního plynu (perspektivy) / The EU´s dependence on imported oil and natural gas (perspective)Bartošová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zabývá stavem zásob ropy a zemního plynu v EU a vzrůstající závislostí EU na jejich dovozech. Dále mapuje evropskou energetickou politiku a její problémy jako závislost na ruských dovozech ropy a zemního plynu, nejednotný postoj zemí EU k energetické politice, stávající trasy ropovodů a plynovodů, růst světových cen těchto surovin a problémy ekologické. Analyzuje rovněž vnější vztahy EU s nejdůležitějšími partnery v oblasti energetiky a legislativní akty EU, které byly k tématu energetické politiky vydány.
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Exportní příležitosti českých subjektů na trhu Ruska s přihlédnutím ke kulturním odlišnostemŽaloudková, Dagmar January 2008 (has links)
Práce podává informace o podnikatelském prostředí v Ruské federaci. Popisuje tamější současnou hospodářskou situaci, zahraniční obchod (jeho teritoriální i komoditní strukturu) a zahraničně-politickou orientaci včetně otázky vstupu Ruska do WTO. Stěžejní součástí práce jsou vztahy České republiky a Ruské federace, jejich vzájemný obchod a naše podnikatelské příležitosti na ruském trhu. Důležitou součástí je charakteristika ruských kulturních specifik.
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Logistické přístupy k rozvoji regionální turistiky v Rusku / Logistic way of of developing tourism in russian regionsBogomolnaya, Ekaterina January 2008 (has links)
Chtěla jsem se pokusit zodpovědět otázku - Proč Rusko, země disponující tak velkým turistickým potenciálem, kulturním a historickým dědictvím, přírodními krásami na obrovské rozloze v různých zeměpisných šířkách, nemá dostatečně vyvinutou turistickou infrastrukturu, a proč je málo navštěvovanou turistickou destinací. Ve své práci dokazuji, že logistika hraje v rozvoji regionálního cestovního ruchu důležitou roli. Rovněž jsem se snažila analyzovat budoucnost cestovního ruchu v Rusku a podíl cestovního ruchu na ekonomice Ruska v dlouhodobém horizontu.
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Privatizácia v Rusku v 90-tych rokoch 20. storočia a jej ekonomické, sociálne a politické dôsledky / Privatisation in Russia in the 1990s and its economic, social and political consequencesZápotocká, Alexandra January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the privatisation process held in Russia in the 1990s and its consequences. It examines historical background of the reforms on the example of attempts to introduce elements of private property to the Russian or more precisely Soviet economy since 1950s. The thesis concentrates on the process of privatisation with an emphasis on comparison of different projects of privatisation and the influence of the most significant agents on the Russian political scene on the implementation of these projects. Special focus is given to the influence the privatisation had on the Russian economy, standard of living of the population, society, as well as situation on the Russian political scene.
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Analýza systému zdravotnictví ve vybrané zemi (Rusko) / Analysis of system of healthcare of RussiaKolbabová, Irina January 2008 (has links)
The following thesis is focusing on the public healthcare financing in Russian Federation. The author set the objective as to characterize the sources of public healthcare financing and propose measures oriented towards further development of voluntary health insurance in the Russian Federation. The objective of the first part of the thesis is to investigate Russia's healthcare system from the aspect of finance sources. In the next part of the work the author focuses on the necessity of further development of private financing of healthcare through voluntary health insurance. Furthermore, this part is looking into the draft bill of changes in the Area (territory) program of public expenditures.
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Marketingová strategie společnosti Prestar s.r.o. na vybraných zahraničních trzích / Marketing strategy of the company Prestar, s.r.o. on selected foreign marketsHoráková, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
The graduation thesis deals with the specifics of the marketing strategy of a middle-sized machinery company on the Ukrainian and Russian market. The business environment and opportunities in machinery in both Eastern countries are described as well as the risks on these unstable markets are emphasized. The company's entrance strategy follows and it is completed with the evaluation and recommendation.
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Strategické trhy pro české exportéry: Rusko, Čína, Ukrajina, Indie / Strategic markets for Czech exporters: Russia, China, Ukraine and IndiaŠkraňková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of mutual trade between the Czech Republic on one side and Russia, China, Ukraine and India on the other side in the last decade, focusing on export from CR to the chosen countries. It also includes a comparison of the main macroeconomic and demographic indicators describing these countries and a comparison of trade-policy terms. Furthermore it gives some recommendations to Czech exporters for their preparation for trade negotiations in the chosen countries.
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Analýza podnikatelských strategií ruských ropných společností / Analysis of business strategies of Russian oil companiesChmelař, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to provide complex information about companies performance on the Russian oil market. The first part is devoted to the history of Russian oil industry from reign of Petr I. up to now. The thesis depicts situation on the market during comunism era and after disintegtation of the USSR and privatization of oil industry. The second section describes four major companies on the Russian oil market - Rosneft, Lukoil, TNK-BP and Surgutneftegaz. The analysis of each company contains the history of its founding, development of basic operational figures like extraction volume, net profit, sales, export, crude oil processing; portfolio of main company activities and outline of strategies applied to the future together with the most important projects which are under construction or development. The last part contains possibilities that Russian oil companies have to export their production abroad, strategy of Russian government and the the analysis of the most promising projects.
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Demokracie v Rusku a její kulturně historické předpoklady / Democracy in Russia and its cultural and historical determinantsBublíková, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
The paper is focused on relationship of Russian cultural values and cultural environ-ment to the liberal democratic form of government. The main objective of this paper is to analyze impact of the Russian culture on adoption and promotion of democracy in Russia. In the first part of this paper are described basic ideas on which is based Rus-sian society. In the following chapter base on researches of Geert Hofstede and Ronald Inglehart is described current system of values of the Russian society. The third part of the paper examines historical experience of Russia with the democracy and an influence of this experience on adoption of democratic form of government. In last part base on findings in previous chapters is assessed impact of Russian cultural envi-ronment on the adoption and promotion of democracy in Russia.
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Jednostrannost vs. Mnohostrannost : Rusko a Brazílie v porovnání / Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism: Russia and Brazil in ComparisonNascimento Dias, Joao Henrique January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of the following paper is to compare the trade policies of Brazil and the Russian Federation, analysing their insertion in global value chains. Briefly, it is argued that both countries follow a three-track strategy in international trade. Brazil focuses its efforts on the multilateral, regional and bilateral levels, especially with developing and emerging countries. Russia also focuses on the multilateral and regional levels, but the third pillar of its strategy is a "Look East", towards the more dynamic markets of today's global economy.
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