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Aplikace pro eskalaci odchylek z výrobních linek / Application for Escalating Information from Production LinesSkalník, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of mobile applications, current mobile operating systems and focuses on iOS programming. It also describes the main function of SAP ERP system, SAP ME system and their integration with SAP MII. It also mentions the way to communicate with SAP MII using web services. Finally, there is an analysis of mobile application requirements, implementation and testing. That application will collect and display KPI from work centers and, in the event of a decrease of any KPI, generate notifications for selected people.
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Aplikace změnového řízení v prostředí SAP / Application for Change Management in the SAP SystemPavelek, Ota January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes implementation of HR change management processes of company ABB in ERP system SAP. Due to highly specific requirements for applications, standard component Personnel Change Request was not used. Authorized applicants have access to applications via SAP NetWeaver Portal. Approvers decide about approval or rejection of requests in Universal Worklist component of SAP NetWeaver Portal. Requests that require processing in HR Center are processed by employees of HR Center in SAP ERP. Applications that can be accessed via SAP NetWeaver portal were programmed with useage of framework Web Dynpro for ABAP. Processes are controlled by SAP Business Workflow.
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Integrace SAP Business Warehouse do ERP systému SAP / Integrace SAP Business Warehouse ImplementationChovanec, Marek January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis aims on integration of business intelligence solution into existing SAP environment. It contains solution proposal, detailed description of implementation steps and analysis of time sources and costs. I described the best practises in order to ensure smooth running of the system through its life cycle.
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Aplikace fuzzy logiky pro hodnocení kvality zákazníků / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Evaluation of Quality of CustomersNezbedová, Katarína January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the evaluation of SAP customer quality using fuzzy logic theory and its application. The core of the work is to create models in the MATLAB and Microsoft Excel development environment. Also to use it to create and compare ratings of several customers with different parameters. Using the results, the company can determine the following procedure to solve customer’s problems.
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Automatizace administrativy ve společnosti Minerva Boskovice, a.s. / Automatization of Administration in Company Minerva Boskovice, a.s.Kaucký, Michael January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is appreciation actual estate of intradepartmental administration in company Minerva Boskovice and concept unprecedented solution. Dissertation contain analyze and concept of implementation based on present available information systems.
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Aplikace principů projektového managementu a jeho význam při implementaci informačního systému SAP / Application of the Project Management Principles and its Importance in the Implementation of SAP SystemMatulová, Nadežda January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the project of SAP system implementation in the company. It clarifies the basic problems and methods of project management and further describes the application of this knowledge in practice. The outcome is feasibility study, which takes into account the factors and risks of the project.
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Tvorba skladového systému ve vybrané firmě / Creating a Storage System in the Selected CompanyJaníček, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis is an extension of my previous Bachelor´s thesis evaluating logistical framework and implementation of the warehouse management system at DHL Supply Chain s.r.o. and their customer Gross. It emphasizes the processes and optimization in stocks. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of the logistics, process maps, supply chain, SWOT analysis, employee satisfaction and information and communication technologies. In the practical part there are two processes developed into process maps, comparison of storage systems, new warehouse management system implementation progress and employee satisfaction. The result of these findings is the evaluation of the implementation of SAP and to propose a follow-up on the previous productivity.
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Studie operativního řízení výroby ve vybrané firmě / The Study of Operational Production Management in Selected FirmSolčániová, Ivona January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to optimize the management of the production process with the focus on the material flows in the manufacturing company Jung in Brno. The thesis takes into consideration the analysis of the current state of the company. In addition, the thesis describes the production programs and processes with the focus on the material flow and material stocks. The work also aims to identify and minimize bottlenecks in the production process. Apart from the main directions along which the material goes, the process of supply, removal from storage and efficiency of working with material during production is analyzed. The findings of the thesis of the work are suggestions that would make the operational business management effective, reduce production costs and increase the dynamics of the transformation process of production.
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Studie logistiky opatřování ve výrobním podniku / The Study of Logistics Procurement in the Manufacturing CompanyHanzlíková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of logistics procurement in the manufacturing company. In the introductory part of the thesis there are mentioned theoretical basis of logistics, logistic control and logistic technology including the system e-kanban. In the practical part of the thesis there is made the analysis of examined company and there is described the implementation of SAP e-kanban for Supplier of examined company.
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SAP R/3 und LinuxPönisch, Jens 10 March 2001 (has links)
Vorstellung der R/3-Architektur und Einsatz
des Linux-Frontends am Arbeitsplatz.
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