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Projekt konverze měny SKK na EUR v ERP SAP / Project Conversion of SKK to EUR in ERP SAPKuročkin, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is concerned about of euro conversion and its impact on information system ERP SAP in large multinational company. Theoretical part is focused on general scenarios of euro adoption and progress of adoption of euro in Slovakia. Next chapter is describing methods of project management, definitions, subjects and stakeholders, organizational structures and phases of the project. Theoretical parts ends with description of ERP functionality, basic functional modules and general information about ERP SAP. Second, practical part is dedicated to project of conversion of euro in ERP SAP itself. Practical part begins with describing of company, organizational structure and IS architecture. Next chapters are focused on analysis of particular subprojects defined on scope of general euro conversion project, their schedule and reasoning of the sequence of each subproject.
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Ekonomické aspekty návrhu informačního systému / Economical aspects of the information system designMirovský, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
Main goal of this document is to make reader aware of economical aspects of the information system design with regards to various types of organizations. It focuses on different approaches of organizations to the information system depending on expected function of IT within their business objectives. IS SAP and IS Helios SW products were used in order to present benchmark of economical figures of different information systems.
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Analýza platformy SAP BI a porovnání vybraných nástrojů s řešením MS SQL Server BI / SAP BI Platform Analysis and Comparison with Chosen Tools of MS SQL Server BI SolutionŘezníček, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis of SAP Business Intelligence platform (SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0) and compares its chosen tools with Microsoft SQL Server BI. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate SAP BI system in a comprehensive way whereas extra attention is paid to certain areas, such as a data warehouse. One of the goals is the comparison of approaches and methods of the creation of the data warehouse with MS SQL Server BI solution. The thesis consists of theoretical insight into Business Intelligence, which is focused on the architecture of data warehouse, and OLAP technologies. There is an evaluation of the role of SAP in the BI market followed by the introduction of SAP NetWeaver, an application and integration platform. Included is also an analysis of the architecture of data warehouse, methods of storing data, ETL process and other chosen functions and tools (including presentation tools) in next sections. A sample application in the final part provides the reader with better understanding of different ETL approaches, which are analyzed into detail and evaluated. There is the comparison of OLAP technologies in the end and the comparison of basic reporting tools, as well.
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Analýza efektů implementovaného informačního systému / Analysis of the benefits of the information systemŠtědronský, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the benefits of the information system of an important food manufacturer. The main aim is to analyse the benefits of the information system -- something which has yet to happen. The analysis of the information system should provide a recommendation for the company, which will include an evaluation of the strong and weak aspects of the system. Highlighting the strong and weak aspects should help the company perfect the system, provide a competitive advantage, increased profits and an improved company image. The secondary aim is to inform the reader about the system, understand its functionality, describe the metrics used for analysis and the choice of methods employed. The aims of the theoretical section will be achieved through analysis of internal documentation and electronic sources. The analysis of the benefits will be carried out using "historical" data obtained from the reporting system, database or internal documentation. The use of this work lies principally in its highlighting of the positive and negative effects of the system. The work can also help students or company employees understand the functionality of the real system and to broaden their current knowledge.
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Společenská odpovědnost firmy SAP / Corporate social responsibility of SAPVaníková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The subject of investigation is the CSR strategy of the chosen company. The theoretical part describes the corporate social responsibility from a historical and a current perspective. Above all, the thesis puts emphasis on the social pillar, namely the activities of the company in relation to its stakeholders, particularly employees and volunteering. Volunteering is an important part of corporate social responsibility. The questionnaire and subsequently its statistical evaluation answers the question whether the students currently studying in two economic universities consider SAP as a responsible company and how they relate to volunteerism.
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Řízení vztahů s dodavateli pomocí řešení SAP SRM / Supplier resource management by using SAP SRMBečvář, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the issue of supplier resource management by using SAP SRM information system. Main goal is the adjudication if it is important to spend company's resources for optimization of shopping proces and if there exists some return of these resources. All at once this thesis is showing principles, SAP SRM's functions including benefits gained by the implementation and the system using. The practical part analyses the shopping process in ABB Group. Author compares a foregoing solution for an indirect spend management with SAP SRM solution. There was a necessary need to adjust company's processes when the new solution, that was implemented. These changes are modeled later on in this thesis and compared with each other. Added advantages achieved upon the foregoing solution are described as well.
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Emergentní chování v komplexních informačních systémech / Emergent Behaviour in Complex Information SystemsTříšková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns with both practical and theoretical aspects of phenomenon called Emergence. First part has been devoted to the research of available specialized resources on emergent topic and also on main features of complex systems. Acquired knowledge of two topics has been implemented on a real practical example of complex information system by creation of method which purpose is to help finding and determining emergent behavior. Last part of the thesis brings outcome of analysis of real system and discusses the recommendations for researchers on how to determine emergent behavior in their own systems.
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VLIV MODELU / The impact ofZávodný, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Nowadays the new delivery model „software as a service“ is becoming an important IT application delivery model. Graduation theses has the objective to give an overview of available information about this new service, reasons for its origination and at the same time it reflects the effect of IT application delivery model on business processes and relation supplier – customer. Forceful changes in human society within recent thirty years have changed and influenced entrepreneurial environment and have caused changes in IS/ICT environment. Precipitance of changes makes it more complicated to define software as a service quite exactly. That is why the theses describes basic properties of the model and gives the definition of its characteristics. Important objective is the comparison of traditional and new delivery model, too. Practical part of graduation theses carries out research of CRM system offer, supplied by traditional suppliers in model „software as a service“ and compares it with offer of companies supplying exclusively in software as a service model, concretely Salesforce.com. This part of research was carried out with help of interviews with Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Salesforce employees. Next part of research gives a view and understanding of software as a service model by important IT service suppliers in Czech Republic – companies Ness and Hewlett Packard. The only one Czech supplier of software as a service model in research is the company Elanor Global, s.r.o. In customer part of research the TietoEnator reasons for switching to this model are described. A summary of reasons for model adoption based on world research works is given, too.
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”Död åt klass-samhället!” : Moral och retorik i Socialdemokratiska Arbetarepartiets ungdomsförbund 1903–1907 / "Death to class-society!" : Morality and rhetorics in the Swedish Social Democratic Party's youth organizations 1903–1907Olsson, Sakarias January 2020 (has links)
This study analyzes the moral dimensions of the polemic rhetorics between the two youth organizations tied to Sweden’s Social Democratic Party in the years 1903–1907, ungsocialisterna, the Young Socialists and ungdemokraterna. the Young Democrats. The examined debate centers around which methods and tactics were best suited to achieve their common goal, the liberation of the workers. Instead of looking at the ideological connotations of their arguments, the study examines which underlying moral assumptions give meaning to the two groups line of reasoning, and how they formulated their own ethical structures in the critique of the other organization. The study positions the debate within the context of the older discussions within the Party about violence as a method in class struggle and also relates it, inter alia, to a broader European framework drawing on the worker movements experiences of the Paris commune in 1871. Results include that both youth organizations considered themselves being bearer of true socialism and that the ethical structure they adhered to was primarily natural and common sense. While the Young Democrats rhetorically created virtues around rationality and science the Young Socialists emphazised a youthfulness associated with an unadulterated feeling and action.
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Business Intelligence jako nástroj analýzy dat / Business Intelligence as a Tool for Data AnalysisSlaninková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the usage of Business Intelligence for the analysis of the provided employee data. It describes the process of creating dashboards in the chosen Business Intelligence tools, compares them based on the defined criteria and chooses the most suitable tool. The diploma thesis also contains a description of an implementation process of the created solution and an economic evaluation including costs and benefits.
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