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Investigation and realization of the high school schedule optimization model in the internet environment / Optimizacinio mokyklos tvarkaraščio modelio sudarymas ir realizavimas interneto aplinkojeStrukov, Denis 26 August 2010 (has links)
Every school, college and university has to deal with the scheduling task once or more times a year. The school schedule creation on its own is a very difficult task, furthermore, to make it convenient for students as well as for teachers makes it even more complex. The main aim of this paper is to present a flexible software system that is capable of creating a schedule for a secondary school using the latest technologies and distributed programming techniques. The literature analyzed in the paper is related to solving the tasks of school scheduling. Contemporary solutions are reviewed. The paper also contains analysis of existing commercial and non commercial solutions. The new software system is presented. Its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The optimization methods that can be used in school schedule optimization are analyzed and some of them are employed in the new software prototype in order to achieve better results. / Kiekviena mokykla arba universitetas kasmet susiduria su tvarkaraščio sudarymo problema. Tai yra labai sudėtinga bei daug laiko reikalaujanti užduotis. Šio darbo tikslas yra pristatyti lanksčią mokyklos tvarkaraščių sudarymo bei optimizavimo sistemą. Analizuojama literatūra, egzistuojantis komerciniai bei nekomerciniai sprendimai. Pristatoma nauja sistema. Analizuojami jos privalumai bei trukumai. Apžvelgiami optimizaciniai metodai kurie gali būti panaudoti mokyklos tvarkaraščiui pagerinti. Taip pat pristatoma nauja architektūra bei modelis.
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Produção midiática no espaço educativo formal: análise de projetos autorais desenvolvidos sob a perspectiva da Educomunicação em unidades de ensino do Alto Tietê. / Media Production in formal educational spaces: an authorship project analysis developed under Educommunication viewpoint in schools from Alto Tietê.Costa, Suéller Oliveira da 05 December 2018 (has links)
Este estudo investigou o processo de produção, organização e coordenação de projetos que inter-relacionam a Comunicação e a Educação articulados em escolas públicas do Alto Tietê nos três ciclos finais da Educação Básica: ensino Fundamental I (5º ano), Fundamental II (9º ano) e Médio (3º ano). São iniciativas realizadas de forma interdisciplinar e que instigam a autoria por meio da produção midiática no espaço educativo. Os canais informativos - como jornais, blogs, web tevês e rádio escolar - são articulados pelas unidades e conduzidos por educadores que acreditam no potencial transformador de ações que estimulam a expressão crítica, criativa e comunicativa dos alunos. Estes profissionais veem os projetos como uma forma de ampliar os fluxos comunicativos no ambiente escolar, propagar a gestão participativa e promover uma educação emancipadora. Trata-se de um estudo de caso e o recorte é formado por duas unidades de ensino, localizadas em Biritiba Mirim e Ferraz de Vasconcelos. De cunho qualitativo, a pesquisa acompanhou o processo de desenvolvimento das atividades com o objetivo de investigar os desafios para manter essas propostas em consonância com as demais responsabilidades das instituições diante de uma temporalidade escolar cronometrada, categórica e disciplinar. Como administrar o tempo para proporcionar atividades diferenciadas que vão além da sala de aula, do cronograma, do projeto político-pedagógico e da carga horária? Como manter projetos comunicativos quando eles não integram o programa escolar ou são apoiados por uma política pública? Sob a perspectiva da Educomunicação, conforme a visão do Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação (NCE), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), o estudo avaliou as temporalidades escolares, a participação dos alunos, o envolvimento dos professores, a parceria dos gestores e os benefícios de propostas que incentivam os recursos comunicacionais e tecnológicos com vista ao protagonismo juvenil e à gestão democrática e participativa. Os resultados foram obtidos com a observação, entrevistas e aplicação de questionários. / The aim of this study was to investigate the prodution, organization and coordination of projects that connect Communication and Education applied to Public Schools from Alto Tietê in the three final stages of Basic Education: Elementary School (5th grade), Middle School (9th grade) and High School (3rd year). These initiatives were taken in interdisciplinary ways and engage the authorship by the media production in the learning space. The informative channels, such as newspapers, blogs, web TVs and school radio, are articulated by the schools. They are conducted by educators who believe in the transforming potential of actions which stimulate the students\' critical, creative and communicative expression, and also, in actions that expand the communicative flow into the school environment, spread the collaborative management and promote the empowering education. It is a case study whose objects are two schools located in Biritiba Mirim and Ferraz de Vasconcelos. As a qualitative research, it followed the activities development process, by focusing on the investigation of the challenges to maintain the new proposals aligned with the regular activities from schools, once schools\' timing usually is very disciplined, categorical and absolute. How should we work on time management in order to offer differenciated proposals that go beyond the classroom, the schedule, the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) and the course hours? How can we mantain communicative proposals when they don\'t belong to the school schedule and they aren\'t supported by the government? Based on the educommunication viewpoint and according to the Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação (NCE) from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), the study analyzed the schools\' temporality, the students\' participation, the teachers\' engagement, the managers\' partnership and the benefits of proposals which encourage the communicative and technological resources in order to promote the teenage protagonism and the democractic and participative management. The results have been collected by observation, interviews and questionnaries.
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Mokyklos tvarkaraščių optimizavimas / School schedule optimizingPupeikienė, Lina 25 May 2004 (has links)
In this work was created algorithm of SA – Simulated Annealing method and GMJ – Global Minimizer for Java. GMJ it’s solution of so called frames of optimised tasks. The method of SA is a technique that has attracted significant attention as suitable for optimization problems of large scale. For practical purposes, simulated annealing has effectively “solved” the famous travelling salesman. At the heart of the method of simulated annealing is an analogy with thermodynamics, specifically with the way that liquids freeze and crystallize, or metals cool and anneal. So the essence of the process is slow cooling, allowing ample time for redistribution of the atoms as they lose mobility. This is the technical definition of annealing, and it is essential for ensuring that a low energy state will be achieved. GMJ – it’s a software solution of so called frames of global optimisation tasks. This method realizes: · algorithms of global optimisation (methods), · functions, that’s can be optimised (tasks), · objects, that’s can be showed on display (analysis). After the program was created, exhaustive inquiry of in this work realized methods was done: analysed influence of teachers, students and others different restrains multipliers to school scheduler making. The research was done using the data of college of Marijampolė. There was accomplished theoretical and experimental comparison of SA and the school schedule programs of others firms.
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Investigation and Applikation of Profilled Schools Schedulling Tasks Optimimization Methods / Optimizavimo metodų tyrimas ir taikymas profiliuotų mokyklų tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždaviniuosePupeikienė, Lina 08 June 2009 (has links)
The problem of profiled school scheduling is important for Lithuanian schools and for similar schools in many other countries. No polynomial time methods are known for this problem.
The objective of this PhD thesis is to investigate heuristic methods for optimization of profiled school schedules. The convenience of application in real-life situations is provided by the vector optimization approach using platform-independent software implementation.
The task of experimental investigation is to select such parameters of heuristic methods that minimize expected deviation from the optimum.
Four optimization methods were regarded: Local Deterministic (LD), Local Randomized (LR), Simulated Annealing (SA), and SA with parameters optimized using the Bayesian approach (BA). The composite method of AM and BA provided the best results.
In Chapter 1 of the dissertation, various aspects of work of optimization methods as well as popular program languages suitable for school schedule optimization are analyzed. Literature about school scheduling is analysed.
In Chapter 2, conclusions are drawn how the optimization of heuristic parameters influences the speed and accuracy of finding the optimal solution. A technical rating analysis of popular schedule programs is made and technical disadvantages are listed. Criteria for evaluating the quality of results are proposed that include heuristic parameters in search of optimal schedules. Recommendations are states how to assess the choice and... [to full text] / Profiliuotos mokyklos tvarkaraščio kūrimas yra aktualus uždavinys tiek Lietuvoje, tiek kitose šalyse. Nėra žinoma polinominių būdų šiai problemai spręsti.
Pagrindinis šios daktaro disertacijos objektas yra ištirti euristinius metodus, skirtus profiliuotos mokyklos tvarkaraščio optimizavimui. Tvarkaraščio formavimo kriterijai, kurie yra reikalingi realiame gyvenime, nustatomi vektorinio optimizavimo metodais bei realizuojami nuo operacinės sistemos nepriklausoma programine įranga.
Eksperimentinių tyrimų uždavinys – surasti tokius euristinių metodų parametrus, kurie minimizuotų numatytą nuokrypį.
Disertacijoje aprašomi keturi optimizavimo metodai: lokalus determinuotas (LD), lokalus atsitiktinis (LA), atkaitinimo modeliavimo (AM) ir AM parametrų optimizavimas naudojant Bayes (BA) metodą. Kombinuotas AM ir Bayes metodas duoda geriausius rezultatus.
Pirmajame apžvelgiama su mokyklos tvarkaraščių formavimu susijusi literatūra. Analizuojami tinkamiausi optimizavimo metodų darbo aspektai. Analizuojamos populiariausios programavimo kalbos, tinkančios kurti mokyklų tvarkaraščių optimizavimo programą.
Antrajame skyriuje formuluojamas profiliuotų mokyklų tvarkaraščio kūrimo matematinis modelis. Analizuojami profiliuotose mokyklose naudojami euristiniai parametrai. Atlikti populiarių tvarkaraščių programų vertinimai ir analizės. Įvardijami šių programų trūkumai.
Trečiajame skyriuje, remiantis 2 skyriaus analize ir išvadomis, pateiktas profiliuotos mokyklos lanksčios tvarkaraščio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Optimizavimo metodų tyrimas ir taikymas profiliuotų mokyklų tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždaviniuose / Investigation and applikation of profilled schools schedulling tasks optimimization methodsPupeikienė, Lina 08 June 2009 (has links)
Profiliuotos mokyklos tvarkaraščio kūrimas yra aktualus uždavinys tiek Lietuvoje, tiek kitose šalyse. Nėra žinoma polinominių būdų šiai problemai spręsti.
Pagrindinis šios daktaro disertacijos objektas yra ištirti euristinius metodus, skirtus profiliuotos mokyklos tvarkaraščio optimizavimui. Tvarkaraščio formavimo kriterijai, kurie yra reikalingi realiame gyvenime, nustatomi vektorinio optimizavimo metodais bei realizuojami nuo operacinės sistemos nepriklausoma programine įranga.
Eksperimentinių tyrimų uždavinys – surasti tokius euristinių metodų parametrus, kurie minimizuotų numatytą nuokrypį.
Disertacijoje aprašomi keturi optimizavimo metodai: lokalus determinuotas (LD), lokalus atsitiktinis (LA), atkaitinimo modeliavimo (AM) ir AM parametrų optimizavimas naudojant Bayes (BA) metodą. Kombinuotas AM ir Bayes metodas duoda geriausius rezultatus.
Pirmajame apžvelgiama su mokyklos tvarkaraščių formavimu susijusi literatūra. Analizuojami tinkamiausi optimizavimo metodų darbo aspektai. Analizuojamos populiariausios programavimo kalbos, tinkančios kurti mokyklų tvarkaraščių optimizavimo programą.
Antrajame skyriuje formuluojamas profiliuotų mokyklų tvarkaraščio kūrimo matematinis modelis. Analizuojami profiliuotose mokyklose naudojami euristiniai parametrai. Atlikti populiarių tvarkaraščių programų vertinimai ir analizės. Įvardijami šių programų trūkumai.
Trečiajame skyriuje, remiantis 2 skyriaus analize ir išvadomis, pateiktas profiliuotos mokyklos lanksčios tvarkaraščio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of profiled school scheduling is important for Lithuanian schools and for similar schools in many other countries. No polynomial time methods are known for this problem.
The objective of this PhD thesis is to investigate heuristic methods for optimization of profiled school schedules. The convenience of application in real-life situations is provided by the vector optimization approach using platform-independent software implementation.
The task of experimental investigation is to select such parameters of heuristic methods that minimize expected deviation from the optimum.
Four optimization methods were regarded: Local Deterministic (LD), Local Randomized (LR), Simulated Annealing (SA), and SA with parameters optimized using the Bayesian approach (BA). The composite method of AM and BA provided the best results.
In Chapter 1 of the dissertation, various aspects of work of optimization methods as well as popular program languages suitable for school schedule optimization are analyzed. Literature about school scheduling is analysed.
In Chapter 2, conclusions are drawn how the optimization of heuristic parameters influences the speed and accuracy of finding the optimal solution. A technical rating analysis of popular schedule programs is made and technical disadvantages are listed. Criteria for evaluating the quality of results are proposed that include heuristic parameters in search of optimal schedules. Recommendations are states how to assess the choice and... [to full text]
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