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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicación de la inmunohistoquímica en óbex de caprinos para la detección de proteínas priónicas

Fröhlich Gallardo, Estefanía Paz January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario. / El Scrapie es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa y fatal que afecta a pequeños rumiantes como ovinos, caprinos y muflones. El causante de esta enfermedad es una partícula proteinácea infecciosa llamada prión, que se origina por un cambio conformacional de una proteína priónica celular del hospedero (PrPC). Los programas de vigilancia consideran a la Histopatología como método diagnóstico y a la Inmunohistoquímica (IHQ) como método confirmatorio para el Scrapie. Esta memoria fue desarrollada en el laboratorio de la Unidad de Patología del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero de Lo Aguirre. Se utilizaron 50 muestras de óbex de caprinos mayores de 2 años, sin importar raza ni sexo, provenientes de mataderos de la IV Región de Chile. De cada muestra de óbex se obtuvieron cortes seriados con el propósito de destinar uno a la tinción de Hematoxilina y Eosina (H/E), y un corte homólogo a la técnica de Inmunohistoquímica. Así en la tinción H/E se comprobó la aptitud de la muestra evaluada a partir de la observación de la integridad de núcleos nerviosos de presentación bilateral. En total se trabajó con 50 muestras que fueron sometidas a los métodos tradicionales de histopatología para la tinción de H/E. De éstas, 50 cortes resultaron aptos para aplicar la técnica de Inmunohistoquímica. De los cortes sometidos a IHQ ninguno presentó el precipitado granular rojo característico de la inmunorreacción por la presencia de priones, por lo cual se determinó que todas las muestras de los caprinos estudiados fueron negativas, al igual que los controles negativos de óbex. Por su parte, los controles positivos de óbex siempre presentaron el precipitado granular rojo indicativo de una inmunorreacción positiva, tal como lo había indicado el Centro de Referencia para ese tipo de controles. De esta manera, este trabajo colaboró con la vigilancia pasiva anual que realizó el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero durante el año 2015, con respecto a la detección de priones en la especie caprina en un determinado grupo de animales de nuestro país / Scrapie is a neurodegenerative and fatal disease, affecting small ruminants such as sheep, goats and mouflons. The cause of these diseases is an infectious proteinaceous particle called prion, which originates from a conformational change of a prion cellular protein of the host (PrPC). Surveillance programs consider histopathology as the diagnostic method and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) as a confirmatory method for Scrapie. This study was developed in the Laboratory of Pathology Unit of the Agricultural and Livestock Service of Lo Aguirre. Fifty obex samples of goats, older than 2 years, regardless of race or sex, were used from slaughterhouses in IV Region of Chile. Serial sections were obtained from each obex sample in order to assign one slice to the Hematoxylin and Eosin staining (H/E) and its homologous slice to the Immunohistochemistry technique. Thus, in the H/E staining the suitability of the slices were evaluated, from the observation of the integrity of the following nerve nuclei, with bilateral presentation: of the solitary tract, parasympathetic of the vagus nerve, of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve and motor of the hypoglossus. In total, 50 slices were performed, which were subjected to the traditional methods of histopathology and H/E staining. Of these, 50 were able to apply the technique of Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Of the samples submitted to IHC, none of them presented the red granular precipitate characteristic of the immunoreaction due to the presence of prions, whereby it was determined that all samples of the goats studied were to be classified as negative, as were the negative controls of Obex. On the other hand, positive obex controls always presented the red granular precipitate indicative of a positive immunoreaction, as indicated by the Reference Center for such controls. In this way, this work collaborated with the annual passive surveillance carried out by the Agricultural and Livestock Service during the year 2015, regarding the detection of prions in the goat species in a determined group of animals of our country

Functional genomics approach to identifying peripheral markers for sheep scrapie

Roupaka, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of sheep and goats, for which there is currently no ante-mortem diagnostic test. A rapid, ante-mortem diagnostic test for scrapie would also potentially be important for other TSEs such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and variant Creutzfeldt Jakob's disease (vCJD). The hypothesis of this study was that there is differential gene expression in the blood and peripheral tissues of scrapie infected animals, and that a panel of differentially expressed genes could be identified and used as surrogate markers of infection. An expression screening approach, using real-time PCR and an EST microarray, was used to identify genes that were differentially expressed between SSBP/1 infected and mock-infected control sheep. The animals used in this study were New Zealand Cheviot sheep of three genotypes, the highly susceptible VRQ/VRQ (incubation time 193 ± 12 days), the intermediately susceptible VRQ/ARR (incubation time 325 ± 36 days) and the disease resistant ARR/ARR (no clinical signs of disease), experimentally infected with scrapie strain SSBP/1 and sacrificed at various time points post infection. No differentially expressed candidates were identified in blood. Other microarray experiments in our group had demonstrated evidence of differential expression in spleen fractions enriched for follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). These data were analysed and candidates were selected for quantitative real-time PCR validation, with a view to assessing the expression of validated candidates in blood as a more targeted approach to identifying markers of infection. The gene Early Growth Response 1 (EGR1) emerged as an interesting candidate as its expression was found to be significantly up-regulated in FDC-enriched spleen samples of VRQ/VRQ and ARR/ARR animals over a number of time points post infection. EGR1 expression was steady among all mock-infected controls. There was, however, no evidence of differential expression of EGR1 in blood. This is the first report of differential expression of EGR1 in preclinical spleen samples in sheep. EGR1 is an attractive candidate for a surrogate marker of preclinical infection, as its levels rise very early after infection and remain elevated for a sustained amount of time in the VRQ/VRQ sheep. Elevated expression is also detectable in VRQ/ARR and in ARR/ARR sheep. Further studies with larger sample numbers would be necessary to more accurately estimate the extent of differential expression and to assess its true worth as a diagnostic marker. Expression studies in samples from other TSEs and non-TSE neuropathological disease would also be necessary to establish whether differential expression of EGR1 is specific to TSE disease.

Surveillance Of Prion Protein (prp) Gene Polymorphisms In Turkish Native Sheep Breeds

Uzun, Begum 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
v It was found that most of the classical scrapie genotypes belong to R3 risk group, whereas atypical scrapie genotypes belonging to zero (0) and one (1) risk groups were frequently seen in sheep analyzed. In other words, Turkish sheep is found to have intermediate risk of classical scrapie and low atypical scrapie risk, in general. The data from the current study may help to establish a breeding program for classical scrapie control in Turkey and will be beneficial for both the animal and public health in the country. In addition, the outcomes of the study will fill the gap which is present in the geographic distribution data of PrP gene polymorphisms in Eurasia.Scrapie is an infectious fatal disease of sheep and goats which affects the central nervous system. In the present study, samples of 14 native Turkish sheep breeds (n=655) were analyzed with respect to their polymorphisms of PrP gene (at codons: 136, 141, 154 and 171) and their classical and atypical scrapie risk levels were identified. Turkish sheep are found to have the highest PrP genetic variability with 13 classical scrapie alleles and 14 atypical scrapie alleles compared to all previous studies. Classical scrapie-susceptible and wild-type ARQ allele was found as the most frequent allele in Turkish sheep examined. The most classical scrapie-susceptible allele, VRQ was detected at low frequencies in 5 of the breeds (&Ccedil / ine &Ccedil / apari, Dagli&ccedil / , Kivircik, Karayaka and G&ouml / k&ccedil / eada). One novel allele (TL141HQ) was observed in Sakiz breed for the first time in this study.

Scrapie: diagnóstico por imuno-histoquímica, caracterização de surtos e genótipos em ovinos no brasil / Scrapie: diagnosis by imunohistichemistry, and genotiping of sheep in Brazil

Leal, Juliano de Souza January 2013 (has links)
As encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis (EETs), ou doenças do príon, ocorrem tanto nos animais como no homem, são responsáveis por doenças transmissíveis e hereditárias e provocam lesões degenerativas no encéfalo. A presença de uma forma protéica anormal (PrPSc), ao invés da sua forma normal (PrPC), no tecido encefálico e linforreticular é característica peculiar das EETs. Essa proteína é altamente insolúvel, resistente à degradação por proteases e se deposita eventualmente sob forma de placas amiloides na substância cinzenta. Tais placas provocam a morte maciça de neurônios e células gliais, causando vacuolização intensa no tecido afetado. A partir da implantação do programa de vigilância epidemiológica da encefopatia espongiforme bovina (EEB), coordenado pelo Programa Nacional de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros e Outras Encefalopatias (PNCRH) do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), o Setor de Patologia Veterinária da UFRGS tem sido requisitado frequentemente para realização de exames de necropsias e de materiais de animais com suspeita de scrapie. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) é o teste para o diagnóstico das EETs mais específico disponível até o momento, sendo cada vez mais utilizado para diagnóstico, rastreamento, estudo da patogênese e fornecimento de informações comparativas em nível molecular. Por outro lado, a genotipagem é uma ferramenta importante no auxílio da identificação da suscetibilidade genética a scrapie, tornando o diagnóstico mais seguro, além de possibilitar a identificação de casos atípicos de scrapie, como a Nor98. Este trabalho consistiu na realização da IHQ para proteína priônica no tecido nervoso e no tecido linforreticular, como método diagnóstico de scrapie em ovinos e caprinos, associado à genotipagem dos ovinos. Entre 2009 e 2012 foram realizadas colheitas de materiais para exames de IHQ e coloração por hematoxilina-eosina em amostras de tecidos de ovinos das raças Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper e mestiços. As amostras foram obtidas a partir de biopsias e necropsias para diagnóstico de scrapie. Foi realizada também a genotipagem nos animais para os códons 136, 154 e 171 da proteína PRP, e em alguns casos no códon 141. Foram realizadas três repetições da IHQ para cada amostra positiva para PrPSc. O diagnóstico por IHQ no tecido linforreticular foi considerado positivo quando o material apresentou um número de, no mínimo, três folículos linfoides com centros germinativos marcados pela técnica. Entre os resultados obtidos neste trabalho pode-se incluir o primeiro diagnóstico positivo para scrapie de genótipo resistente (ARR/ARR) não Nor98, na espécie ovina no Brasil, com marcação por IHQ nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosa reto-anal. Este animal era pertencente a um rebanho de ovinos mestiços Sufolk, no qual foram diagnosticados mais nove animais positivos para scrapie nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosas reto-anal. A coleta e envio de material de vários órgãos linfoides foi considerada importante por possibilitar a confirmação da presença ou não do agente em pelo menos dois deles, reduzindo o número de casos considerados suspeitos, o risco de falsos positivos, e parte, senão a totalidade, dos casos com material insuficiente para diagnóstico. Em necropsia, a coleta de tonsilas palatínicas mostrou-se eficaz pelo seu alto índice de marcação positiva. A coleta de amostras de sangue foi importante para a realização do teste de genotipagem, permitindo avaliar o grau de resistência/susceptibilidade do animal, complementando os resultados de IHQ. / Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), the prion diseases, occurs both in animals and in humans, are responsable for a transmissible and hereditary disease, and cause degenerative lesions in the brain tissue. The presence of an abnormal protein (PrPSc), instead of its normal form (PrPC), on the nervous and lymphoreticular tissue is characteristic of TSEs. This protein is highly insoluble and resistant to degradation by proteases and eventually settles in the gray matter in the form of amyloid plaques that causes massive death of neurons and glial cells, causing intense vacuolization in the affected tissue. After the establishment of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy surveillance program, coordinated by the National Rabies and Other Encephalopathies Control Program, the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of UFRGS has been usually required to proceed necropsy and other diagnosis in suspicious animals. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the most specific technique actually used to TSEs identification, being increasingly used to diagnosis, traceability, pathogenesis study and providing comparative information on the molecular level. On the other hand, genotyping is an important tool on scrapie genetic susceptibility identification, making more secure the diagnosis, beyond to enable the atypical scrapie cases identification, like Nor98. This work consisted to performing IHC to prionic protein, on nervous system and lymphoreticular tissue, as scrapie diagnostic method in sheep and goat, associate to genotyping in sheep. Sheep tissues were sampled from Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper and crossbreed to proceed IHC and hematoxilin-eosin staining between 2009 and 2012. The samples were obtained by biopsy and necropsy to scrapie diagnose. Genotyping of codons 136, 154 and 171 of PRP protein was performed, as well as a few of codon 141. The monoclonal antibody anti-prion F98/160.1.5 and F99/97.6.1 was used at the IHC. For each positive sample three repetitions were performed. The diagnostic by IHC at lymphoreticular tissue was considered positive when it shows at minimum three follicles with germinal centers stained. Among the obteined results, could be included the first diagnostic of scrapie not Nor98 in resistant genotype (ARR/ARR) sheep in Brazil. This animal belongs to a Suffolk sheep flock in which were diagnosed more nine scrapie positive animals showing IHC staining on tonsils, third eyelid and rectal mucosa. The sampling and dispatch of many lymphoid tissues was considered important to enable the confirmation of agent presence or not in at least two of them, reducing the number of suspicious cases, the risk of false positive, and part, if not all, of cases with insufficient material for diagnosis. At necropsy, the tonsils collecting showed efficient by the it high positive staining level. Blood sampling becomes important to proceed genotyping test, allowing measure the animal resistance/susceptibility grade, complementing the IHC results.

Scrapie: diagnóstico por imuno-histoquímica, caracterização de surtos e genótipos em ovinos no brasil / Scrapie: diagnosis by imunohistichemistry, and genotiping of sheep in Brazil

Leal, Juliano de Souza January 2013 (has links)
As encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis (EETs), ou doenças do príon, ocorrem tanto nos animais como no homem, são responsáveis por doenças transmissíveis e hereditárias e provocam lesões degenerativas no encéfalo. A presença de uma forma protéica anormal (PrPSc), ao invés da sua forma normal (PrPC), no tecido encefálico e linforreticular é característica peculiar das EETs. Essa proteína é altamente insolúvel, resistente à degradação por proteases e se deposita eventualmente sob forma de placas amiloides na substância cinzenta. Tais placas provocam a morte maciça de neurônios e células gliais, causando vacuolização intensa no tecido afetado. A partir da implantação do programa de vigilância epidemiológica da encefopatia espongiforme bovina (EEB), coordenado pelo Programa Nacional de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros e Outras Encefalopatias (PNCRH) do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), o Setor de Patologia Veterinária da UFRGS tem sido requisitado frequentemente para realização de exames de necropsias e de materiais de animais com suspeita de scrapie. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) é o teste para o diagnóstico das EETs mais específico disponível até o momento, sendo cada vez mais utilizado para diagnóstico, rastreamento, estudo da patogênese e fornecimento de informações comparativas em nível molecular. Por outro lado, a genotipagem é uma ferramenta importante no auxílio da identificação da suscetibilidade genética a scrapie, tornando o diagnóstico mais seguro, além de possibilitar a identificação de casos atípicos de scrapie, como a Nor98. Este trabalho consistiu na realização da IHQ para proteína priônica no tecido nervoso e no tecido linforreticular, como método diagnóstico de scrapie em ovinos e caprinos, associado à genotipagem dos ovinos. Entre 2009 e 2012 foram realizadas colheitas de materiais para exames de IHQ e coloração por hematoxilina-eosina em amostras de tecidos de ovinos das raças Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper e mestiços. As amostras foram obtidas a partir de biopsias e necropsias para diagnóstico de scrapie. Foi realizada também a genotipagem nos animais para os códons 136, 154 e 171 da proteína PRP, e em alguns casos no códon 141. Foram realizadas três repetições da IHQ para cada amostra positiva para PrPSc. O diagnóstico por IHQ no tecido linforreticular foi considerado positivo quando o material apresentou um número de, no mínimo, três folículos linfoides com centros germinativos marcados pela técnica. Entre os resultados obtidos neste trabalho pode-se incluir o primeiro diagnóstico positivo para scrapie de genótipo resistente (ARR/ARR) não Nor98, na espécie ovina no Brasil, com marcação por IHQ nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosa reto-anal. Este animal era pertencente a um rebanho de ovinos mestiços Sufolk, no qual foram diagnosticados mais nove animais positivos para scrapie nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosas reto-anal. A coleta e envio de material de vários órgãos linfoides foi considerada importante por possibilitar a confirmação da presença ou não do agente em pelo menos dois deles, reduzindo o número de casos considerados suspeitos, o risco de falsos positivos, e parte, senão a totalidade, dos casos com material insuficiente para diagnóstico. Em necropsia, a coleta de tonsilas palatínicas mostrou-se eficaz pelo seu alto índice de marcação positiva. A coleta de amostras de sangue foi importante para a realização do teste de genotipagem, permitindo avaliar o grau de resistência/susceptibilidade do animal, complementando os resultados de IHQ. / Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), the prion diseases, occurs both in animals and in humans, are responsable for a transmissible and hereditary disease, and cause degenerative lesions in the brain tissue. The presence of an abnormal protein (PrPSc), instead of its normal form (PrPC), on the nervous and lymphoreticular tissue is characteristic of TSEs. This protein is highly insoluble and resistant to degradation by proteases and eventually settles in the gray matter in the form of amyloid plaques that causes massive death of neurons and glial cells, causing intense vacuolization in the affected tissue. After the establishment of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy surveillance program, coordinated by the National Rabies and Other Encephalopathies Control Program, the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of UFRGS has been usually required to proceed necropsy and other diagnosis in suspicious animals. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the most specific technique actually used to TSEs identification, being increasingly used to diagnosis, traceability, pathogenesis study and providing comparative information on the molecular level. On the other hand, genotyping is an important tool on scrapie genetic susceptibility identification, making more secure the diagnosis, beyond to enable the atypical scrapie cases identification, like Nor98. This work consisted to performing IHC to prionic protein, on nervous system and lymphoreticular tissue, as scrapie diagnostic method in sheep and goat, associate to genotyping in sheep. Sheep tissues were sampled from Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper and crossbreed to proceed IHC and hematoxilin-eosin staining between 2009 and 2012. The samples were obtained by biopsy and necropsy to scrapie diagnose. Genotyping of codons 136, 154 and 171 of PRP protein was performed, as well as a few of codon 141. The monoclonal antibody anti-prion F98/160.1.5 and F99/97.6.1 was used at the IHC. For each positive sample three repetitions were performed. The diagnostic by IHC at lymphoreticular tissue was considered positive when it shows at minimum three follicles with germinal centers stained. Among the obteined results, could be included the first diagnostic of scrapie not Nor98 in resistant genotype (ARR/ARR) sheep in Brazil. This animal belongs to a Suffolk sheep flock in which were diagnosed more nine scrapie positive animals showing IHC staining on tonsils, third eyelid and rectal mucosa. The sampling and dispatch of many lymphoid tissues was considered important to enable the confirmation of agent presence or not in at least two of them, reducing the number of suspicious cases, the risk of false positive, and part, if not all, of cases with insufficient material for diagnosis. At necropsy, the tonsils collecting showed efficient by the it high positive staining level. Blood sampling becomes important to proceed genotyping test, allowing measure the animal resistance/susceptibility grade, complementing the IHC results.

Scrapie: diagnóstico por imuno-histoquímica, caracterização de surtos e genótipos em ovinos no brasil / Scrapie: diagnosis by imunohistichemistry, and genotiping of sheep in Brazil

Leal, Juliano de Souza January 2013 (has links)
As encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis (EETs), ou doenças do príon, ocorrem tanto nos animais como no homem, são responsáveis por doenças transmissíveis e hereditárias e provocam lesões degenerativas no encéfalo. A presença de uma forma protéica anormal (PrPSc), ao invés da sua forma normal (PrPC), no tecido encefálico e linforreticular é característica peculiar das EETs. Essa proteína é altamente insolúvel, resistente à degradação por proteases e se deposita eventualmente sob forma de placas amiloides na substância cinzenta. Tais placas provocam a morte maciça de neurônios e células gliais, causando vacuolização intensa no tecido afetado. A partir da implantação do programa de vigilância epidemiológica da encefopatia espongiforme bovina (EEB), coordenado pelo Programa Nacional de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros e Outras Encefalopatias (PNCRH) do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), o Setor de Patologia Veterinária da UFRGS tem sido requisitado frequentemente para realização de exames de necropsias e de materiais de animais com suspeita de scrapie. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) é o teste para o diagnóstico das EETs mais específico disponível até o momento, sendo cada vez mais utilizado para diagnóstico, rastreamento, estudo da patogênese e fornecimento de informações comparativas em nível molecular. Por outro lado, a genotipagem é uma ferramenta importante no auxílio da identificação da suscetibilidade genética a scrapie, tornando o diagnóstico mais seguro, além de possibilitar a identificação de casos atípicos de scrapie, como a Nor98. Este trabalho consistiu na realização da IHQ para proteína priônica no tecido nervoso e no tecido linforreticular, como método diagnóstico de scrapie em ovinos e caprinos, associado à genotipagem dos ovinos. Entre 2009 e 2012 foram realizadas colheitas de materiais para exames de IHQ e coloração por hematoxilina-eosina em amostras de tecidos de ovinos das raças Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper e mestiços. As amostras foram obtidas a partir de biopsias e necropsias para diagnóstico de scrapie. Foi realizada também a genotipagem nos animais para os códons 136, 154 e 171 da proteína PRP, e em alguns casos no códon 141. Foram realizadas três repetições da IHQ para cada amostra positiva para PrPSc. O diagnóstico por IHQ no tecido linforreticular foi considerado positivo quando o material apresentou um número de, no mínimo, três folículos linfoides com centros germinativos marcados pela técnica. Entre os resultados obtidos neste trabalho pode-se incluir o primeiro diagnóstico positivo para scrapie de genótipo resistente (ARR/ARR) não Nor98, na espécie ovina no Brasil, com marcação por IHQ nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosa reto-anal. Este animal era pertencente a um rebanho de ovinos mestiços Sufolk, no qual foram diagnosticados mais nove animais positivos para scrapie nas tonsilas palatínicas, terceira pálpebra e mucosas reto-anal. A coleta e envio de material de vários órgãos linfoides foi considerada importante por possibilitar a confirmação da presença ou não do agente em pelo menos dois deles, reduzindo o número de casos considerados suspeitos, o risco de falsos positivos, e parte, senão a totalidade, dos casos com material insuficiente para diagnóstico. Em necropsia, a coleta de tonsilas palatínicas mostrou-se eficaz pelo seu alto índice de marcação positiva. A coleta de amostras de sangue foi importante para a realização do teste de genotipagem, permitindo avaliar o grau de resistência/susceptibilidade do animal, complementando os resultados de IHQ. / Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), the prion diseases, occurs both in animals and in humans, are responsable for a transmissible and hereditary disease, and cause degenerative lesions in the brain tissue. The presence of an abnormal protein (PrPSc), instead of its normal form (PrPC), on the nervous and lymphoreticular tissue is characteristic of TSEs. This protein is highly insoluble and resistant to degradation by proteases and eventually settles in the gray matter in the form of amyloid plaques that causes massive death of neurons and glial cells, causing intense vacuolization in the affected tissue. After the establishment of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy surveillance program, coordinated by the National Rabies and Other Encephalopathies Control Program, the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of UFRGS has been usually required to proceed necropsy and other diagnosis in suspicious animals. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the most specific technique actually used to TSEs identification, being increasingly used to diagnosis, traceability, pathogenesis study and providing comparative information on the molecular level. On the other hand, genotyping is an important tool on scrapie genetic susceptibility identification, making more secure the diagnosis, beyond to enable the atypical scrapie cases identification, like Nor98. This work consisted to performing IHC to prionic protein, on nervous system and lymphoreticular tissue, as scrapie diagnostic method in sheep and goat, associate to genotyping in sheep. Sheep tissues were sampled from Suffolk, Santa Inês, Dorper and crossbreed to proceed IHC and hematoxilin-eosin staining between 2009 and 2012. The samples were obtained by biopsy and necropsy to scrapie diagnose. Genotyping of codons 136, 154 and 171 of PRP protein was performed, as well as a few of codon 141. The monoclonal antibody anti-prion F98/160.1.5 and F99/97.6.1 was used at the IHC. For each positive sample three repetitions were performed. The diagnostic by IHC at lymphoreticular tissue was considered positive when it shows at minimum three follicles with germinal centers stained. Among the obteined results, could be included the first diagnostic of scrapie not Nor98 in resistant genotype (ARR/ARR) sheep in Brazil. This animal belongs to a Suffolk sheep flock in which were diagnosed more nine scrapie positive animals showing IHC staining on tonsils, third eyelid and rectal mucosa. The sampling and dispatch of many lymphoid tissues was considered important to enable the confirmation of agent presence or not in at least two of them, reducing the number of suspicious cases, the risk of false positive, and part, if not all, of cases with insufficient material for diagnosis. At necropsy, the tonsils collecting showed efficient by the it high positive staining level. Blood sampling becomes important to proceed genotyping test, allowing measure the animal resistance/susceptibility grade, complementing the IHC results.

Use of Drosophila melanogaster to model ovine prion disease

Farooq, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Clinical signs and electrophysiological studies of naturally occurring and experimentally induced bovine spongiform encephalopathy and their relationship to pathological diagnosis

Konold, Timm January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Biochemische und histologische Unterscheidung von klassischen und atypischen Scrapie- und von BSE-Infektionen bei Schafen und deren Übertragung auf Mäuse

Gretzschel, Anja 12 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines differentialdiagnostischen Tests (FLI-Test), der die Abgrenzung einer BSE- von einer Scrapieinfektion durch die direkte Untersuchung des Hirnstammmaterials ermöglicht. Bei einem Teil der dabei untersuchten deutschen klassi-schen Scrapiefälle wurde diese Charakterisierung zusätzlich im bis dahin zur Differenzierung verwendeten klassischen Mausbioassay durchgeführt, um die Ergebnisse aus dem FLI-Test zu verifizieren und um die vorhandenen Scrapieisolate weitergehend zu charakterisieren. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die biochemischen Eigenschaften atypischer deutscher Scrapieisolate analysiert und ihre Infektiosität anhand von Übertragungsversuchen auf drei Wildtypmauslinien und eine transgene Mauslinie beurteilt. Darüber hinaus wurden diese Isolate dem klassischen BSE-Isolat gegenüber gestellt.

Oxidative stress and alterations in the mammalian iron metabolism : a study on iron, inflammation, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in cellular model systems /

Hälldin, Jonas, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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