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Measuring 20th century fluvial response to 18-19th century anthropogenic activity using two generations of damming in the South River, western MassachusettsDow, Samantha January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Noah P. Snyder / Centuries-long intensive land use change in the northeastern U.S. provides the opportunity to study the response timescale of geomorphic processes to anthropogenic perturbations. In this region, deforestation and the construction of dams following European settlement drastically altered the landscape, leading to the impoundment of sediment in mill ponds. This legacy sediment continues to be released into transport decades after a dam has been removed or breached. Geochemical tracers can help distinguish sediment sources and understand how sediment moves through a watershed. The South River in western MA is located in a formerly glaciated watershed, and these surficial deposits compose 98% of the area. It experienced two generations of damming, beginning with smaller mill dams in the 18th-19th centuries, followed by the construction of the Conway Electric Dam (CED), a 17 m tall hydroelectric dam in the early 20th century. Legacy sediment deposits from sediment stored behind mill dams cover 1.5% of the watershed area. The CED is located near the outlet of the river, providing a century-long depositional record for the watershed, during reforestation. I hypothesize that sediment mobilized from human activity will contain a different geochemical signature than glacial material, that recent erosion in the watershed is primarily from anthropogenic legacy deposits rather than from glacial age landforms, and channel widening is occurring in reaches of the channel composed of legacy sediment, rather than in glacially confined reaches. These hypotheses were tested through a two part investigation, consisting of a sediment tracing study using Hg, and a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis of channel changes using aerial photographs from 1940 and 2014. Samples were collected from river bank exposures of 11 glacial deposits and four mill pond legacy sites. Two vibracores measuring 476 and 500 cm were collected in reservoir sediment stored behind the CED in 2013 and 2017, respectively. Hg concentrations range from 1-4 ppb in glacial sediment, 3-380 ppb in legacy sediment, and 2-18 ppb and 7-50 ppb in the two CED cores. I used Hg as a tracer to estimate percent contributions to the CED reservoir from each watershed source during the 20th century. Results from a sediment mixing model suggest glacial sources contributed 32 ± 15%, and legacy sediment deposits contributed 68 ± 15% during the 20th century. Based on 137Cs dates on the cores, high amounts of legacy sediment filled in behind the CED prior to 1953 (74 ± 35 %), and background erosion from glacial deposits dominated from 1953 until the reservoir was filled in the 1980s (63 ± 14%). GIS analyses using aerial photographs from 1940 and 2014 indicate that the channel did not significantly widen along any section of the river, however, increases in sinuosity (up to 12%) occurred in the legacy sediment dominated reaches of the channel, and minor increases (1-2%) occurred in the glacial reaches. Overall, these analyses show an increase in the amount of sediment released in the channel as a result of mill dams breaching through the mid-19th to early 20th centuries, and suggest a short recovery timescale response from this land-use change. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.
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Sediment source apportionment under different spatial frameworks in an agricultural watershed in atlantic CanadaBoudreault, Monica 24 August 2016 (has links)
Sediments negatively impact the quality of surface waters and are a significant source of contaminants, such as nutrients and pesticides in agricultural watersheds. Sediment fingerprinting is a relatively recent technique capable of determining the origin of suspended sediment. In this thesis, we investigated the sources of suspended sediments in a predominantly rural watershed in Atlantic Canada. Our first objective was to determine sediment source apportionment estimates by treating the watershed as a single catchment, and making the assumption that conditions affecting source production and transport, from the land to the stream, were uniform across the watershed. For the first objective, suspended sediments were collected at a single target location for sediment apportionment (main outlet) and used to represent sediment dynamics throughout the entire catchment. For the second objective, we examined not only the whole watershed but also sub-watersheds within it, to better understand processes affecting sediment dynamics. / October 2016
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Traçage des sources de sédiments à l'amont des hydrosystèmes agricoles : apport de la géochimie élémentaire, du rapport ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr et des radionucléides / Tracing sediment sources in upstream agricultural catchments : contribution of elemental geochemitry, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratio and radionuclides measurementsLe Gall, Marion 21 October 2016 (has links)
L’érosion des sols constitue une menace majeure pour la durabilité de la production agricole. Cette étude vise à développer une méthode originale de traçage des sédiments au sein de deux bassins versants agricoles aux caractéristiques contrastées. Différents marqueurs ont été utilisés pour tracer l’origine lithologique des particules (concentrations élémentaires, rapports ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr), déterminer de quel compartiment des sols (surface ou profondeur) elles proviennent (¹³⁷Cs) et étudier leur dynamique temporelle (⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb_xs). Sur le bassin du Louroux (24 km², France), caractéristique des plaines agricoles du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe, les résultats ont montré un transfert accru de particules très fines (<2µm) via le réseau de drainage. Lors de l’étude de trois crues successives, les sédiments accumulés dans le chenal ont d’abord été transportés, avant l’exportation de particules directement érodées de la surface des sols. L’utilisation de modèles de mélange a montré que les particules érodées à la surface des sols contribuent majoritairement aux sédiments de l’étang situé à l’exutoire. D’autre part, les deux zones lithologiques discriminées par le rapport ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr contribuent équitablement aux particules qui se déposent dans l’étang. Les fortes variations observées depuis les années 1950 peuvent être interprétées comme le résultat de l’aménagement du bassin. Ces résultats ont montré le potentiel de l’isotopie du strontium (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) pour le traçage lithologique des sources de particules. La méthode a dès lors été transposée au site de Guaporé (2000 km², Brésil), un bassin agricole au climat plus érosif, à la topographie plus accentuée et aux lithologies plus contrastées. En combinant les rapports ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr et les éléments les plus discriminants des cinq types de sols dans les modèles de mélange, les résultats montrent une contribution très majoritaire des types de sol localisés en aval du bassin. Celle-ci reflète une sensibilité croissante des sols à l’érosion selon un transect amont-aval, avec un système d’agriculture intensive appliquant des techniques de conservation des sols à l’amont et de plus petites exploitations familiales qui pratiquent un labour traditionnel en aval. Le couplage de ces traceurs améliore la compréhension de la dynamique des particules à l’échelle du bassin versant et fournit des données spatio-temporelles essentielles pour mettre en place des mesures de lutte contre l’érosion des sols. À terme, ces données pourraient être utilisées pour valider des modèles d’érosion et de transfert particulaire. / Soil erosion is recognized as one of the main processes of land degradation in agricultural environments. This study develops an original fingerprinting method to examine sediment source contributions in two contrasted agricultural catchments. Several properties were used to trace sediment lithological sources (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios, elemental concentrations), soil surface and subsurface sources (¹³⁷Cs) and to quantify their temporal dynamics (⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb_xs).In the Louroux catchment (24 km², France), representative of drained areas of Northwestern Europe, results showed the dominant contribution of very fine particles (<2 µm) transiting through the tile drainage system to suspended sediment. Sediment accumulated in the river channel was mainly exported during the two first floods investigated in 2013 whereas the next event was characterized by the transport of sediment eroded from the cultivated soil surface. Mixing models were used, and results indicated that surface sources contributed the majority of sediment deposited in the pond, at the outlet of the catchment. The two lithological sources, discriminated using ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios, contributed in similar proportions to downstream pond sediment. In contrast, significant variations were observed since the 1950s. These changes may be related to the progressive implementation of land consolidation schemes within the catchment. Results obtained in the Louroux catchment revealed the potential of ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios to trace sediment lithological sources. The methodology was then applied to the larger and steeper Guaporé catchment (2000 km², Brazil), exposed to a more erosive climate and characterized by contrasted laterite soils. ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios and elements that discriminated the five soil types found in the catchment were incorporated in mixing models. Results showed that the major part of sediment was supplied by soils located in lower catchment parts. This result suggests the higher sensitivity of land cultivated with conventional farming practices (downstream contribution), compared to areas cultivated under conservation agriculture (upstream contribution). Coupling several tracers (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios, elemental concentrations and radionuclides) was shown to improve the understanding of sediment sources and dynamics at the catchment scale and to provide crucial information to guide the implementation of management measures to limit soil erosion. This fingerprinting approach produced an original dataset that may be used to calibrate and validate models simulating erosion and sediment transfers.
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Ruissellement et éronsion hydrique en milieu méditerranéen vertique : approche expérimentale et modélisation / Runoff and water erosion in mediterranean cultivated vertisols : experimental and modeling approachInoubli, Nesrine 08 July 2016 (has links)
L'érosion hydrique constitue un phénomène complexe très répandu en contexte méditerranéen du fait d'une combinaison de facteurs souvent défavorables. Elle constitue une menace pour les potentialités en eau et en sol de ces régions. Si les facteurs déterminants de l'érosion hydrique sont aujourd'hui bien identifiés, la hiérarchie des processus en jeu en fonction des échelles d'espace et de temps est encore très mal connue. Les sols vertiques, qui occupent des surfaces importantes dans la région Méditerranéenne, apportent un degré supplémentaire de complexité du fait de la forte dynamique structurale de ces sols. Dans ce contexte, cette étude cherche à mieux appréhender la variabilité spatio-temporelle des processus et facteurs affectant les transferts latéraux d’eau et de sédiments dans un bassin versant agricole dominés par les vertisols. Pour cela, 7 années de mesures (2005-2012) des ruissellements et transferts de matières en suspension au sein du bassin versant de Kamech (ORE OMERE, 263 ha, Cap Bon, Tunis) ont été analysées au niveau de 4 stations hydrologiques: 1/ l'exutoire d'une parcelle (1,32 ha) ; 2/ l'exutoire d'une ravine (0,17 ha) alimentée par une parcelle de 1,20 ha ; 3/ l'exutoire du versant (15,2 ha) intégrant les deux stations précédentes, et 4/ la station de l’oued (175 ha) située dans le drain principal alimentant la retenue de Kamech. L’analyse des données a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle majeur des fentes de retrait sur la dynamique saisonnière des flux hydro-sédimentaires avec comme résultat un décalage entre le pic de flux de sédiments observé entre octobre et décembre et le pic de flux de ruissellement observé entre décembre et mars, et ce quel que soit l’échelle spatiale considérée. Les données expérimentales ont également permis de mettre en évidence une légère augmentation du ruissellement moyen annuel avec l’accroissement de l’échelle spatiale avec 95 mm/an pour la parcelle, 105 mm/an pour la ravine et 120 mm/an pour le versant. Cette augmentation peut s'expliquer par l'apparition de petites surfaces moins infiltrantes lorsque l'on passe de la parcelle aux autres stations. Les différences de taux d'érosion moyens annuels observées entre les échelles spatiales ont pu être été expliquées par un simple modèle linéaire combinant un taux unique d'érosion des surfaces cultivées (17 t ha-1 an-1) et un taux unique d'érosion ravinaire (80 t ha-1 an-1), pondérés par les surfaces respectives de ces deux éléments. La technique de traçage des sources de sédiments mise en place sur des sédiments prélevés au cours de quelques crues au niveau des différentes stations a permis de montrer que la contribution des processus responsables du transfert de sédiments était relativement stable au cours de l'année. L’application de la fonction de production de Morel-Seytoux a permis de reproduire les hydrogrammes mesurés à la parcelle pour la plupart des crues, indépendamment de la présence ou non des fentes de retrait. Par contre l’évolution des deux paramètres de ce modèle (conductivité hydraulique à saturation et facteur de stockage et de succion) en fonction de la présence des fentes de retrait, de l’état de surface du sol et du degré d’humidité reste à modéliser. Ce travail permet de conclure que le bassin versant de Kamech est caractérisé par une très forte connectivité hydro-sédimentaire, que les processus d’érosion diffuse y prédominent et que les actions de lutte anti-érosive doivent être ciblées avant tout au niveau des parcelles agricoles avec une attention particulière pour la période d’octobre à décembre. Ce travail a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle déterminant des fentes de retrait sur la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire des bassins sur sol vertique et la nécessité de poursuivre l’étude de leur impact pour des fins de modélisation et d’aide à la gestion de ces milieux. / As one of the major types of land degradation, soil erosion by water induced large-scale environmental deterioration and declines in land productivity, especially in the Mediterranean area. If water erosion factors are now well known, the complex hierarchy of erosion processes over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales still needs to be studied. Shrink–swell soils that are widespread under Mediterranean climate, imply additional changes in terms of hydrological and erosive responses in relation to the changing soil water conditions. In this context, this study aims to better understand the processes and factors affecting the lateral transfers of water and sediments in an agricultural catchment dominated by vertisols under a range of spatial and temporal scales. A detailed monitoring investigation was conducted in the Kamech catchment (ORE OMERE, Tunisia) that includes continuous runoff and suspended sediment load measurement between 2005 and 2012 at the outlet of a four hydrological gauging stations: 1/ a plot (1.32 ha), 2/ a gully (0.17 ha) in which drains a 1.20 ha plot; 3/ a micro-catchment (15.2 ha) integrating the two previous stations and 4/ the oued station (175 ha) located in the main drain just upstream the Kamech reservoir. Data analysis showed that topsoil cracks appeared to seriously affect the seasonal dynamics of water and sediment delivery whatever the considered spatial scale. A similar time lag in the seasonality between water and sediments delivery was observed: although the runoff rates were globally low during the presence of topsoil cracks in autumn, most sediment transport occurred during this period because of very high sediment concentrations. Mean annual runoff proved to slightly increase with the scale area with 95 mm/year for the plot, 105 mm/ year for the gully and 120mm/year for the micro-catchment station. Increase of area with low infiltration capacity when moving from plot to micro-catchment has been identified as a major explanation of this increase. A simple linear model combining a single rate of topsoil erosion (17 t ha-1 yr-1) and a single rate of gully erosion (80 t ha-1 yr-1) -weighted by their respective surface area- has successfully reproduced the differences observed in the mean annual erosion rates between the spatial scales. The sediment fingerprinting method applied on sediments collected during four flood events at the different stations showed that the apportionment of the processes responsible for the transfer of sediments was relatively stable during the year. The application of the Morel-Seytoux infiltration model has allowed reproducing runoff measured at the parcel outlet for most of the events, whatever the presence of cracks or not. However, the evolution of the two parameters in this model (the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the storage-suction factor) as a function of the presence of the cracks, of the soil surface conditions and of the degree of humidity still need to be modelled. This work allows concluding that the Kamech catchment is characterized by a very high hydro-sedimentary connectivity and a predominance of topsoil erosion processes and that the implementation of erosion control measures should incentivize farming conservation practices focusing especially on the autumn period. This work also highlights the crucial role of the cracks on the catchment runoff and sediment dynamics in Mediterranean vertisol context and the need to better understand and model both the runoff and soil erosion processes associated with cracking soils environment.
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Sediments in a fast urbanizing catchment in Central Brazil – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment geochemistry and sediment sourcesFranz, Claudia 08 June 2015 (has links)
Over the last decades, fast urban sprawl and accelerated land use change have drastically increased the pressure on water resources of the capital Brasília and its surrounding area. The water supply of the metropolitan region of Brasília depends largely on surface water collected in reservoirs. There are increasing concerns regarding water shortages due to sediment aggradations, and of water quality due to geochemical modification of sediments from human activities. The complexity of various socio-environmental problems, such as non-point source pollution, soil erosion or silting of water reservoirs within urban catchments evoked the need for more effective and sustainable strategies to use land and water resources. Accurate identification and management of sediment source areas, however, is hampered by the lack of reliable information on the primary sources of sediment and on sediment geochemistry.
The fingerprinting approach and a multivariate mixing model have been proven to be a valuable sediment source tracing technique across the globe and for various environmental settings. A multi-component methodology, including geochemical and geophysical analyses of representative sediment source and alluvial sediment samples, statistical analyses and a multivariate mixing model, was utilized to obtain the impact of different anthropogenic activities on sediment and water quality and to identify the major sources of sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment.
However, sediment source appointment and geochemical signatures of sediments in urbanized tropical regions, such as the Lago Paranoá catchment in the DF, are hampered by severe challenges; (i) the presence of various types of land use and heavy urbanized areas, (ii) large differences between sub-catchments and (iii) model structural failures in representing the sediment source contribution within urban tropical river basins. The present cumulative thesis addresses the challenges in geochemical analyses of different types of source and alluvial sediments, and in sediment source appointment for the Lago Paranoá catchment and it´s five sub-catchments. The aim of the study was to assess the distribution of chemical elements and geochemical/physical properties of potential sediment sources in the Lago Paranoá catchment. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to investigate the influence of different land use types on the geochemistry of sediments. Geochemical fingerprints of anthropogenic activities were developed based on the results of the cluster analysis grouping. The anthropogenic input of land use specific geochemical elements was examined and quantified by the calculation of enrichment factors using the local geological background as reference.
The existing findings suggest a strong relationship between land use and quantifiable features of sediment geochemistry, and identified the combined effects of specific anthropogenic activities and metal enrichment in source and alluvial sediments. Through comparison of the geochemical signature of potential sediment sources and alluvial sediments of the Lago Paranoá and sub-catchments, the relative contribution of land use specific sediment sources to the sediment deposition of the main water reservoir were estimated. This assessment indicated that urban land use had the greatest responsibility for recent silting in the Lago Paranoá.
In fact, one of the most challenging issues within the scope of IWRM is to quantify the contribution of sediment sources within fast urbanizing, mixed used, tropical catchments. Therefore, statistically verified composite fingerprints and a modified multivariate mixing model have been used to identify the main land use specific sources of sediment deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá, Central Brazil. Because of the great variability of urban land use types within the Lago Paranoá sub-catchments, the fingerprinting approach was additionally undertaking for the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment. This sediment source tracing technique provides valuable information on the response of the main sediment sources in a fast growing agglomeration with respect to specific land uses and human activities and allowed to examine the uncertainty in model prediction. The main contributions from individual source types (i.e. surface materials from residential areas, constructions sites, road deposited sediment, cultivated areas, pasture, farm tracks, woodland and natural gullies) varied between the whole catchment and the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment, reflecting the different proportions of land uses.
The sediments deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá originate largely from urban sources (85±4%). Areas with (semi-) natural vegetation and natural gullies contribute 10±2% of the sediment yield. Agricultural sites have only a minor sediment contribution of about 5±4 % within the whole catchment. However, there is no mechanism considered to reflect seasonality in the tropics, e.g. phenological change of the vegetation between wet and dry season, or and temporal changes in land use, e.g. construction sites, which influence model estimates. Nevertheless, the study reveals that even 58 % of the land remains in (semi-) natural state, the main sediment source are urban areas.
Beside the analyses of sediments, it was found that metal concentrations in surface water of the main tributaries to the Lago Paranoá are generally low, but show seasonal variability. Terrestrial inputs of metals occur during the rainy season and depend largely on the influence of urban land use.
The present thesis shows the great influence of anthropogenic activities on sediment generation, and at least to some degree, on sediment associated pollution loads. It depicts region specific challenges, but also provides essential information to guide management responses towards more effective sediment source-reduction strategies.:Contents
Declaration of the candidate i
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract v
Zusammenfassung vii
Contents ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1
1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4
1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6
1.4 Research area 10
2 Objectives and research questions 16
2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16
2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18
2.3 List of publications 19
3 Material and Methods 20
4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the
Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in
an urban river basin 22
5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban
watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality
in Central Brazil 45
6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá
catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73
7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95
7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95
7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations
in surface water samples 98
7.3 Sediment source identification 99
7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99
7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101
7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103
References 106 / Im Gebiet des Bundesdistrikts Brasilien ist ein erheblicher Druck auf die Wasserressourcen zu beobachten, der vorwiegend durch starkes Bevölkerungswachstum, ungeplante Suburbanisierung und Landnutzungsänderungen innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte ausgeübt wird. Die Wasserversorgung der jungen Hauptstadt Brasília und seiner suburbanen Räume wird im Wesentlichen durch in Stauseen gesammeltes Oberflächenwasser gewährleistet. Durch die voranschreitende Ausdehnung von urbanen und landwirtschaftlichen Flächen spielen insbesondere Sedimenteinträge in die Stauanlagen sowie sedimentgebundene Stoffbelastungen durch anthropogene Aktivitäten für die verfügbare Wasserquantität und Wasserqualität eine bedeutende Rolle. Damit verbundene negative Umweltauswirkungen sowie die daraus resultierenden sozioökonomische Konsequenzen erfordern daher dringend wirksame und nachhaltige Strategien im Land-und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge und Stoffbelastungen in das Gewässernetz ist jedoch nur mit Kenntnis der Primärquellen von Sedimenten und der Sedimentgeochemie zu erreichen. Der "Fingerprinting"-Ansatz und der Einsatz eines "Multivariate Mixing-Modell", sind geeignete Werkzeuge um den Einfluss anthropogener Eingriffe in das landschaftsökologische Prozessgefüge der Sedimentgenerierung zu klären.
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation zeigt dies anhand der Anwendung einer Multikomponenten-Methodik. Diese beinhaltet sowohl geochemische und geophysikalische Analysen repräsentativer Sedimentproben der Sedimentquellen und der finalen Senken (Auenbereiche und Bereiche der Zuflüsse zum Lago Paranoá) als auch umfassende statistische Analysen sowie die Anwendung eines modifizierten "Multivariate Mixing-Modells". Der Einsatzder "Fingerprinting" Methodik in urbanen Einzugsgebieten der wechselfeuchten Tropen, wie das des Lago Paranoá in Zentralbrasilien, ist jedoch mit erheblichen Herausforderungen verbunden. Das betrifft insbesondere die Heterogenität der Landnutzungstypen innerhalb einer Landnutzungsklasse (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) und die Unterschiede der Landnutzungsanteile zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten als auch modelstruktureller Unzulänglichkeiten bei der Sedimentherkunftsberechnung für urbane Einzugsgebiete.
Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse und hierarchische Clusteranalyse wurden verwendet, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Landnutzungstypen auf der Geochemie der Sedimente zu untersuchen. Geochemische Fingerprints verschiedener anthropogener Aktivitäten wurden auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse ("grouping") entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Anreicherungsfaktoren ("Enrichmentfactors") auf Basis der gemessenen Elementgehalte, mit dem lokalen geologischen Hintergrundwerten als Referenz, ermöglichte die Quantifizierung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Landnutzungen auf die Metalleinträge in die Sedimente. Die vorhandenen Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine direkte Beziehung zwischen Landnutzung und quantifizierbarer Merkmale der Sedimentgeochemie existiert. Ein Vergleich der geochemischen Signatur von potentiellen Sedimentquellen und mit jenen der alluvialen Sedimente unterstützt die Hypothese, dass urbane Gebiete einen beachtlichen Beitrag zur Sedimentgenerierung und letztendlich zur Sedimentablagerung in den Auen- und Zuflussbereichen des Lago Paranoá leisten.
Da diese relative Betrachtung von Elementzusammensetzungen der Sedimente keine quantitativen Aussagen zur Bedeutung der einzelnen Sedimentquellen zulässt, wurden statistisch verifizierte "composite fingerprints" und ein an urbane Bedingungen modifiziertes multivariate mixing-Modell (Hybrid) entwickelt und angewendet. Die Modellberechnungen erfolgten für das gesamte Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá und separat für das Riacho Fundo Teileinzugsgebiet, welches Die angepassten Modellschätzungen zeigten, dass die in den Verlandungszonen des Lago Paranoá abgelagerten Sedimente weitgehend aus urbane Räumen (85 ± 4%) generiert wurden. Dahingegen stammen nur 10 ± 2% der Sedimente aus Gebieten mit (semi-) natürlicher Vegetation, obwohl 58 % der gesamten Einzugsgebietsfläche des Lago Paranoá stets (semi-) natürliche Verhältnisse aufweist.
Landwirtschaftliche Gebiete haben generell nur einen geringen Anteil von etwa 5 ± 4% am Sedimenteintrag. Die Unterschiede in den Sedimentbeträgen sowohl zwischen den verschiedenen Sedimentquelltypen als auch zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten scheinen maßgeblich von den Flächennutzungsanteilen (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) in dem jeweiligen Teileinzugsgebiet abhängig zu sein. Trotz umfassender Probennahme, Probenanalytik, Modellanpassung und Unsicherheitsanalyse sind die Ergebnisse nur für den Beprobungszeitraum, für die analysierte Stoffgruppe (organische Stoffeinträge sind im Rahmen dieser Dissertation nicht erfasst) und für die ausgewählten Lokalitäten repräsentativ. Zeitliche Einflussgrößen wie die Saisonalität in den Tropen oder Änderungen der Landnutzung, wie z.B. temporäre Baustellen, konnten mit den hier verwendeten Methoden nicht erfasst werden. Um die hohe räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Sedimentdynamik und eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge in das Gewässernetz zu erzielen, sind demnach die Einrichtung und der Betrieb eines langfristigen Monitoring-Netzwerkes für Sedimente im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá von hoher Priorität.
Die vorliegende Dissertation bringt neue Einsichten in verschiedene wichtige Aspekte der geochemischen Beeinflussung von Sedimenten durch anthropogene Aktivitäten und liefert erstmalig quantitative Aussagen zu den Sedimentquellgebieten im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá. Sie stellt regionsspezifische Herausforderungen heraus, liefert gleichzeitig aber auch wichtige Informationen zu Sedimentbelastungen und -Einträgen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag als Entscheidungsunterstützung im Rahmen eines Sedimentmanagementplans.:Contents
Declaration of the candidate i
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract v
Zusammenfassung vii
Contents ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1
1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4
1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6
1.4 Research area 10
2 Objectives and research questions 16
2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16
2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18
2.3 List of publications 19
3 Material and Methods 20
4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the
Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in
an urban river basin 22
5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban
watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality
in Central Brazil 45
6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá
catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73
7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95
7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95
7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations
in surface water samples 98
7.3 Sediment source identification 99
7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99
7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101
7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103
References 106
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Sources et dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des contaminations en éléments traces et hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques du continuum atmosphère - sol - rivière d'un bassin versant contrasté / Sources and spatial and temporal dynamics of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contamination in the atmosphere – soil – river continuum of a contrasted catchmentFroger, Claire 18 October 2018 (has links)
Le développement des activités humaines, notamment industrielles, depuis le 19ième siècle a engendré une contamination massive de l’atmosphère à la rivière, en passant par la biosphère et les sols. Si les contaminations ont fortement diminué depuis la fin des années 1960, elles persistent notamment en milieu urbain, où se concentrent un grand nombre d’activités humaines. Afin de pouvoir gérer au mieux la pollution, il est nécessaire de comprendre la dynamique de transfert des contaminants, ainsi que leurs sources, à l’échelle du continuum atmosphère – sol – rivière. Cette étude a donc pour objectif d’évaluer les variations temporelles et spatiales de deux types de contaminants historiques, les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) et certains éléments traces (ET), à l’échelle du bassin versant de l’Orge (950 km2), présentant une urbanisation croissante d’amont en aval. Plusieurs approches ont été utilisées pour tracer les transferts de particules en rivière (radionucléides ⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb, ¹³⁷Cs), et déterminer les sources de Pb (isotopes du Pb), et les sources de HAP (rapports de molécules).Les résultats ont mis en évidence un impact important des zones urbaines sur la qualité de la rivière Orge en aval du bassin : contamination importante en métaux (Cu, Zn, Sb, Pb) et en HAP de la phase particulaire, et des niveaux élevés en SO42⁻, Na⁺ et Cl⁻, Cu, Zn et Pb dans la phase dissoute. Le traçage des sédiments par les radionucléides a permis d’observer un apport de particules provenant du ruissellement urbain en aval, et d’identifier les particules de route (ou Road Deposited Sediment) comme source principale. Les signatures isotopiques du Pb ainsi que les signatures en HAP permettent de confirmer que le ruissellement urbain est le principal vecteur de contamination. Les estimations des flux d’ET et HAP annuels et saisonniers entrants (retombées atmosphériques) et sortants (exportés par la rivière) ont mis en évidence une accumulation globale à l’échelle du bassin, qui comporte déjà un stock important de contaminants dans ses sols. Cette étude montre ainsi l’importance d’étudier la Zone Critique dans son ensemble afin d’évaluer la dynamique des contaminations au sein et entre ses différents compartiments, et met en évidence l’efficacité du couplage de plusieurs approches afin de comprendre le système entier. Ces résultats pourraient à terme permettre l’établissement d’un modèle de transfert de contaminations au sein d’un bassin urbain. / The development of human societies since the 19th century has led to deleterious impacts on the Critical Zone (from atmosphere to river, including biosphere and soils). Despite the decrease of pollutions since the late 1960’s, contaminations remain especially in urban environment, concentrating human activities. To better manage this pollution, it is necessary to understand the dynamics and pathways of contaminants through the atmosphere – soil – river continuum. The goal of this study in thus to evaluate the temporal and spatial variations of two contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and trace elements (TE)) in the Orge River catchment (900 km2, France) being under increasing urban pressure from up to downstream. Several fingerprinting approaches were used to trace sediment dynamics in the river (radionuclides: ⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb, ¹³⁷Cs), to identify lead sources (lead isotopes) and PAH sources (PAH molecular ratios). The results demonstrated the strong influence of downstream urban areas on the river quality, with an increasing contamination for Cu, Zn, Sb, Pb and PAH in the particulate phase, and for SO42⁻, Na⁺ et Cl⁻, Cu, Zn and Pb in the dissolved phase. The sediment fingerprinting using radionuclides revealed a significant input of particles originating from urban areas and transferred through urban runoff, and identified road deposited sediments as the major source of contaminated particles downstream. Source tracking of Pb and PAH confirmed urban runoff as the main pathway of river contamination. In addition, annual and seasonal PAH and TE fluxes were estimated respectively for the atmospheric inputs, and riverine exports and revealed a global accumulation of contaminant over the catchment, already containing a significant stock of pollutants in its soils. Finally, this study highlights the need to integrate the Critical Zone and the potential of coupling multiples tracking approaches to properly evaluate the contaminant dynamics. These results may be used to establish a model of contaminants transfer in urban catchments.
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Sediments in a fast urbanizing catchment in Central Brazil – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment geochemistry and sediment sourcesFranz, Claudia 15 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last decades, fast urban sprawl and accelerated land use change have drastically increased the pressure on water resources of the capital Brasília and its surrounding area. The water supply of the metropolitan region of Brasília depends largely on surface water collected in reservoirs. There are increasing concerns regarding water shortages due to sediment aggradations, and of water quality due to geochemical modification of sediments from human activities. The complexity of various socio-environmental problems, such as non-point source pollution, soil erosion or silting of water reservoirs within urban catchments evoked the need for more effective and sustainable strategies to use land and water resources. Accurate identification and management of sediment source areas, however, is hampered by the lack of reliable information on the primary sources of sediment and on sediment geochemistry.
The fingerprinting approach and a multivariate mixing model have been proven to be a valuable sediment source tracing technique across the globe and for various environmental settings. A multi-component methodology, including geochemical and geophysical analyses of representative sediment source and alluvial sediment samples, statistical analyses and a multivariate mixing model, was utilized to obtain the impact of different anthropogenic activities on sediment and water quality and to identify the major sources of sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment.
However, sediment source appointment and geochemical signatures of sediments in urbanized tropical regions, such as the Lago Paranoá catchment in the DF, are hampered by severe challenges; (i) the presence of various types of land use and heavy urbanized areas, (ii) large differences between sub-catchments and (iii) model structural failures in representing the sediment source contribution within urban tropical river basins. The present cumulative thesis addresses the challenges in geochemical analyses of different types of source and alluvial sediments, and in sediment source appointment for the Lago Paranoá catchment and it´s five sub-catchments. The aim of the study was to assess the distribution of chemical elements and geochemical/physical properties of potential sediment sources in the Lago Paranoá catchment. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to investigate the influence of different land use types on the geochemistry of sediments. Geochemical fingerprints of anthropogenic activities were developed based on the results of the cluster analysis grouping. The anthropogenic input of land use specific geochemical elements was examined and quantified by the calculation of enrichment factors using the local geological background as reference.
The existing findings suggest a strong relationship between land use and quantifiable features of sediment geochemistry, and identified the combined effects of specific anthropogenic activities and metal enrichment in source and alluvial sediments. Through comparison of the geochemical signature of potential sediment sources and alluvial sediments of the Lago Paranoá and sub-catchments, the relative contribution of land use specific sediment sources to the sediment deposition of the main water reservoir were estimated. This assessment indicated that urban land use had the greatest responsibility for recent silting in the Lago Paranoá.
In fact, one of the most challenging issues within the scope of IWRM is to quantify the contribution of sediment sources within fast urbanizing, mixed used, tropical catchments. Therefore, statistically verified composite fingerprints and a modified multivariate mixing model have been used to identify the main land use specific sources of sediment deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá, Central Brazil. Because of the great variability of urban land use types within the Lago Paranoá sub-catchments, the fingerprinting approach was additionally undertaking for the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment. This sediment source tracing technique provides valuable information on the response of the main sediment sources in a fast growing agglomeration with respect to specific land uses and human activities and allowed to examine the uncertainty in model prediction. The main contributions from individual source types (i.e. surface materials from residential areas, constructions sites, road deposited sediment, cultivated areas, pasture, farm tracks, woodland and natural gullies) varied between the whole catchment and the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment, reflecting the different proportions of land uses.
The sediments deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá originate largely from urban sources (85±4%). Areas with (semi-) natural vegetation and natural gullies contribute 10±2% of the sediment yield. Agricultural sites have only a minor sediment contribution of about 5±4 % within the whole catchment. However, there is no mechanism considered to reflect seasonality in the tropics, e.g. phenological change of the vegetation between wet and dry season, or and temporal changes in land use, e.g. construction sites, which influence model estimates. Nevertheless, the study reveals that even 58 % of the land remains in (semi-) natural state, the main sediment source are urban areas.
Beside the analyses of sediments, it was found that metal concentrations in surface water of the main tributaries to the Lago Paranoá are generally low, but show seasonal variability. Terrestrial inputs of metals occur during the rainy season and depend largely on the influence of urban land use.
The present thesis shows the great influence of anthropogenic activities on sediment generation, and at least to some degree, on sediment associated pollution loads. It depicts region specific challenges, but also provides essential information to guide management responses towards more effective sediment source-reduction strategies. / Im Gebiet des Bundesdistrikts Brasilien ist ein erheblicher Druck auf die Wasserressourcen zu beobachten, der vorwiegend durch starkes Bevölkerungswachstum, ungeplante Suburbanisierung und Landnutzungsänderungen innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte ausgeübt wird. Die Wasserversorgung der jungen Hauptstadt Brasília und seiner suburbanen Räume wird im Wesentlichen durch in Stauseen gesammeltes Oberflächenwasser gewährleistet. Durch die voranschreitende Ausdehnung von urbanen und landwirtschaftlichen Flächen spielen insbesondere Sedimenteinträge in die Stauanlagen sowie sedimentgebundene Stoffbelastungen durch anthropogene Aktivitäten für die verfügbare Wasserquantität und Wasserqualität eine bedeutende Rolle. Damit verbundene negative Umweltauswirkungen sowie die daraus resultierenden sozioökonomische Konsequenzen erfordern daher dringend wirksame und nachhaltige Strategien im Land-und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge und Stoffbelastungen in das Gewässernetz ist jedoch nur mit Kenntnis der Primärquellen von Sedimenten und der Sedimentgeochemie zu erreichen. Der "Fingerprinting"-Ansatz und der Einsatz eines "Multivariate Mixing-Modell", sind geeignete Werkzeuge um den Einfluss anthropogener Eingriffe in das landschaftsökologische Prozessgefüge der Sedimentgenerierung zu klären.
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation zeigt dies anhand der Anwendung einer Multikomponenten-Methodik. Diese beinhaltet sowohl geochemische und geophysikalische Analysen repräsentativer Sedimentproben der Sedimentquellen und der finalen Senken (Auenbereiche und Bereiche der Zuflüsse zum Lago Paranoá) als auch umfassende statistische Analysen sowie die Anwendung eines modifizierten "Multivariate Mixing-Modells". Der Einsatzder "Fingerprinting" Methodik in urbanen Einzugsgebieten der wechselfeuchten Tropen, wie das des Lago Paranoá in Zentralbrasilien, ist jedoch mit erheblichen Herausforderungen verbunden. Das betrifft insbesondere die Heterogenität der Landnutzungstypen innerhalb einer Landnutzungsklasse (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) und die Unterschiede der Landnutzungsanteile zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten als auch modelstruktureller Unzulänglichkeiten bei der Sedimentherkunftsberechnung für urbane Einzugsgebiete.
Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse und hierarchische Clusteranalyse wurden verwendet, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Landnutzungstypen auf der Geochemie der Sedimente zu untersuchen. Geochemische Fingerprints verschiedener anthropogener Aktivitäten wurden auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse ("grouping") entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Anreicherungsfaktoren ("Enrichmentfactors") auf Basis der gemessenen Elementgehalte, mit dem lokalen geologischen Hintergrundwerten als Referenz, ermöglichte die Quantifizierung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Landnutzungen auf die Metalleinträge in die Sedimente. Die vorhandenen Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine direkte Beziehung zwischen Landnutzung und quantifizierbarer Merkmale der Sedimentgeochemie existiert. Ein Vergleich der geochemischen Signatur von potentiellen Sedimentquellen und mit jenen der alluvialen Sedimente unterstützt die Hypothese, dass urbane Gebiete einen beachtlichen Beitrag zur Sedimentgenerierung und letztendlich zur Sedimentablagerung in den Auen- und Zuflussbereichen des Lago Paranoá leisten.
Da diese relative Betrachtung von Elementzusammensetzungen der Sedimente keine quantitativen Aussagen zur Bedeutung der einzelnen Sedimentquellen zulässt, wurden statistisch verifizierte "composite fingerprints" und ein an urbane Bedingungen modifiziertes multivariate mixing-Modell (Hybrid) entwickelt und angewendet. Die Modellberechnungen erfolgten für das gesamte Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá und separat für das Riacho Fundo Teileinzugsgebiet, welches Die angepassten Modellschätzungen zeigten, dass die in den Verlandungszonen des Lago Paranoá abgelagerten Sedimente weitgehend aus urbane Räumen (85 ± 4%) generiert wurden. Dahingegen stammen nur 10 ± 2% der Sedimente aus Gebieten mit (semi-) natürlicher Vegetation, obwohl 58 % der gesamten Einzugsgebietsfläche des Lago Paranoá stets (semi-) natürliche Verhältnisse aufweist.
Landwirtschaftliche Gebiete haben generell nur einen geringen Anteil von etwa 5 ± 4% am Sedimenteintrag. Die Unterschiede in den Sedimentbeträgen sowohl zwischen den verschiedenen Sedimentquelltypen als auch zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten scheinen maßgeblich von den Flächennutzungsanteilen (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) in dem jeweiligen Teileinzugsgebiet abhängig zu sein. Trotz umfassender Probennahme, Probenanalytik, Modellanpassung und Unsicherheitsanalyse sind die Ergebnisse nur für den Beprobungszeitraum, für die analysierte Stoffgruppe (organische Stoffeinträge sind im Rahmen dieser Dissertation nicht erfasst) und für die ausgewählten Lokalitäten repräsentativ. Zeitliche Einflussgrößen wie die Saisonalität in den Tropen oder Änderungen der Landnutzung, wie z.B. temporäre Baustellen, konnten mit den hier verwendeten Methoden nicht erfasst werden. Um die hohe räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Sedimentdynamik und eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge in das Gewässernetz zu erzielen, sind demnach die Einrichtung und der Betrieb eines langfristigen Monitoring-Netzwerkes für Sedimente im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá von hoher Priorität.
Die vorliegende Dissertation bringt neue Einsichten in verschiedene wichtige Aspekte der geochemischen Beeinflussung von Sedimenten durch anthropogene Aktivitäten und liefert erstmalig quantitative Aussagen zu den Sedimentquellgebieten im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá. Sie stellt regionsspezifische Herausforderungen heraus, liefert gleichzeitig aber auch wichtige Informationen zu Sedimentbelastungen und -Einträgen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag als Entscheidungsunterstützung im Rahmen eines Sedimentmanagementplans.
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Analyse multi-échelle des processus d’érosion hydrique et de transferts sédimentaires en territoire agricole : exemple du bassin versant de la Canche (France) / Multi-scale analysis of water erosion processes and sedimentary transfer in agricultural territory : example of the Canche river catchment (France)Patault, Edouard 16 November 2018 (has links)
L’érosion hydrique est un processus majeur de dégradation des sols dans le monde avec des conséquences multiples : perte de terres agricoles, envasement des cours d’eau, coulées boueuses. En France, la région Hauts-de-France est la zone la plus touchée par ces pertes en terres qui peuvent dépasser les 10 t ha-1 an-1. Si les processus à l’origine de ces transferts sédimentaires ont été largement étudiés par la communauté scientifique ces dernières années, il reste néanmoins des verrous liés aux variabilités spatio-temporelles. De plus, l’efficacité des politiques récentes de lutte contre l’érosion n’est pas quantifiée. Cette étude propose une analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des transferts sédimentaires selon plusieurs échelles (1-1000 km²), et une première évaluation de l’efficacité des politiques d’aménagement au sein d’un bassin du Nord de la France (la Canche ; 1274 km²). Une station de mesure haute-fréquence, a été implémentée à l’exutoire d’un sous-bassin versant de la Canche (la Pommeroye ; 0,54 km²) pour quantifier les transferts hydro-sédimentaires sur deux années hydrologiques contrastées. Selon nos résultats, les transferts varient de 29,4 à 70 t km-2 an-1. 40% du flux est exporté au cours de 3 épisodes érosifs majeurs (sur 48 enregistrés) et les paramètres forçants sont liés à la durée d’un épisode pluvieux et la quantité de précipitations. Sur ce même bassin, la prédiction spatiale à l’échelle centimétrique des transferts hydro-sédimentaires a pu être effectuée via le nouveau modèle d’érosion des sols WATERSED (BRGM) et l’efficacité d’un plan d’aménagement de lutte contre l’érosion a été quantifiée. Nos résultats permettent de valider l’opérabilité du modèle sur ce territoire. Les transferts sédimentaires à l’échelle du parcellaire agricole peuvent atteindre les 76 t km-2 pour un évènement donné et sont influencés par l’état de surface du parcellaire agricole. Une réduction significative (jusqu’à 84%) des transferts par les aménagements d’hydraulique douce est également observée. A l’échelle du bassin de la Canche, l’utilisation de traceurs chimiques et spectrocolorimétriques dans un modèle de mélange (Sed_Sat ; USGS) a permis d’évaluer d’une part les contributions des affluents de la Canche et d’autre part les contributions des sols et des berges (respectivement 30-70%). Des variations spatio-temporelles significatives ont pu être observées et les résultats tendent à montrer un potentiel impact positif des politiques récentes d’aménagement du territoire. Cette étude montre également que de nouveaux traceurs liés à la signature spécifique des particules magnétiques sont particulièrement prometteurs dans ce contexte pour tracer un signal d’érosion des sols. A terme, ces données pourraient être incluses dans des approches sediment fingerprinting. L’analyse selon plusieurs modalités spatio-temporelles et le couplage expérimentation/modélisation améliore donc notre compréhension de la dynamique des transferts sédimentaires sur le bassin versant de la Canche. Cela fournit des résultats essentiels pour orienter les futures politiques de lutte contre l’érosion des sols. / Water erosion is a serious concern in global land degradation leading to multiple consequences: loss of arable lands, siltation of streams, mudflows. In France, the Hauts-de-France region is the most affected area, and soil loss can exceed 10 t ha-1 yr-1. Although hydro-sedimentary processes have been widely studied by the scientific community, there is still a lack of knowledge in the understanding of the spatio-temporal variabilities. Additionally, the effectiveness of recent erosion control policies so far cannot be quantified. This study proposes an analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of sedimentary transfer at different scaling (1-1000 km²), and an initial assessment of the effectiveness of management policies within a northern France catchment (the Canche river, 1274 km²). A high-frequency monitoring station was implemented at the outlet of a Canche sub-catchment (the Pommeroye, 0.54 km²) to quantify the hydro-sedimentary transfer over two contrasted hydrologic years. According to our results, sediment yield varies from 29.4 to 70 t km-2 yr-1. 40% of the flux is exported during 3 major erosive events (out of 48 recorded) and the forcing parameters are related to the duration and the amount of rainfall. In this sub-catchment, the centimeter-scale spatial prediction of the hydro-sedimentary transfer was carried out using the new soil erosion model WATERSED (BRGM) and the effectiveness of an anti-erosion management plan was quantified. Our results validate the operability of the model in this context. For a given event, sediment transfer can reach 76 t km-2 yr-1 in agricultural plots and are strongly depending on the soil surface state. A significant reduction (up to 84%) of sedimentary transfer by the anti-erosion plan was also observed. At the scale of the Canche catchment, the use of chemical and spectrocolorimetric tracers in a mixing model (Sed_Sat tool; USGS) evaluated the contributions of the Canche tributaries and sediment sources contributions (i.e. channel banks and soils; 30-70% respectively). Significant spatio-temporal variations have been observed and the results show a potential positive impact of the recent management policies. This study also shows that new tracers related to the specific signature of magnetic particles are promising in the context to trace soil erosion. For further analyses, this data could be included in sediment fingerprinting approaches. Thus, this study based on several spatio-temporal modalities and the coupling of experimentation and modelling improves our understanding of the Canche hydro-sedimentary dynamics. It provides essential results to guide the future erosion control policies.
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The application of sediment source fingerprinting techniques to river floodplain cores, to examine recent changes in sediment sources in selected UK river basinsHaley, Stephen Mark January 2010 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the detrimental influence of diffuse sources of pollution on aquatic systems and of the integral role played by sediment in the mobilisation and transport of pollutants. The recognition of the environmental, societal and economic importance of the ecological health of aquatic environments has led to a change in emphasis regarding agricultural and environmental policy. To implement successful delivery of emerging policy requirements, there is a current need to have an enhanced understanding of the relationship between different forms of land use and sources of diffuse pollution, particularly sources of fine sediment. To understand the potential impacts of future land use changes, including environmental conservation measures on sources of sediment, it is useful to consider them within a longer-term context. This study has successfully applied the sediment source fingerprinting technique to floodplain overbank sediment cores in a retrospective study of six diverse UK river catchments with identified sediment problems. The varying estimates of relative sediment contributions from differing sources have been compared to known land use change in the study catchments over concurrent time periods, to explore any associations which might be apparent. Over the last 40 years, the increased cultivation of high erosion risk crops, such as those which are harvested late in the season (e.g. maize) and those which are sown in the autumn (e.g. winter wheat), has contributed disproportionately to the total sediment load relative to the area of land occupied by such cultivation. Increased stocking densities have resulted in increased relative sediment contributions from grassland sources, particularly intensively managed temporary grassland, but can have an even greater impact on sediment contributions derived from channel bank sources. The installation and maintenance of drainage for agriculture or for flood risk management has resulted in increased relative sediment loads from channel bank and associated sub-surface sources. Through the further development of such research, the efficacy of mitigation measures can be tested against evidence-based historic trends and those management approaches which provide identifiable improvements can be developed as best practice options for future land management targeted at reducing the negative impacts of excessive sediment ingress to river systems. The design of the source fingerprinting methodology used in this work was based on an established successful approach and this was developed further through the incorporation of a number of refinements designed to improve the robustness of the technique and expedite its implementation.
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