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Speech Assessment for the Classification of Hypokinetic Dysthria in Parkinson DiseaseButt, Abdul Haleem January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate computerized voice assessment methods to classify between the normal and Dysarthric speech signals. In this proposed system, computerized assessment methods equipped with signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques have been introduced. The sentences used for the measurement of inter-stress intervals (ISI) were read by each subject. These sentences were computed for comparisons between normal and impaired voice. Band pass filter has been used for the preprocessing of speech samples. Speech segmentation is performed using signal energy and spectral centroid to separate voiced and unvoiced areas in speech signal. Acoustic features are extracted from the LPC model and speech segments from each audio signal to find the anomalies. The speech features which have been assessed for classification are Energy Entropy, Zero crossing rate (ZCR), Spectral-Centroid, Mean Fundamental-Frequency (Meanf0), Jitter (RAP), Jitter (PPQ), and Shimmer (APQ). Naïve Bayes (NB) has been used for speech classification. For speech test-1 and test-2, 72% and 80% accuracies of classification between healthy and impaired speech samples have been achieved respectively using the NB. For speech test-3, 64% correct classification is achieved using the NB. The results direct the possibility of speech impairment classification in PD patients based on the clinical rating scale.
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Thai Consumer's segmentation for Ready-to-eat meals in ThailandThiemphasuk, Sudapich, Pornrattanapitak, Kritsada January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Color Segmentation on FPGA for Automatic Road Sign RecognitionZhao, Jingbo January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Perception-based second generation image coding using variable resolution / Perceptionsbaserad andra generationens bildkodning med variabel upplösningRydell, Joakim January 2003 (has links)
In ordinary image coding, the same image quality is obtained in all parts of an image. If it is known that there is only one viewer, and where in the image that viewer is focusing, the quality can be degraded in other parts of the image without incurring any perceptible coding artefacts. This master's thesispresents a coding scheme where an image is segmented into homogeneous regions which are then separately coded, and where knowledge about the user's focus point is used to obtain further data reduction. It is concluded that the coding performance does not quite reach the levels attained when applying focus-based quality degradation to coding schemes not based on segmentation.
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Exploratory market structure analysis. Topology-sensitive methodology.Mazanec, Josef January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Given the recent abundance of brand choice data from scanner panels market researchers have neglected the measurement and analysis of perceptions. Heterogeneity of perceptions is still a largely unexplored issue in market structure and segmentation studies. Over the last decade various parametric approaches toward modelling segmented perception-preference structures such as combined MDS and Latent Class procedures have been introduced. These methods, however, are not taylored for qualitative data describing consumers' redundant and fuzzy perceptions of brand images. A completely different method is based on topology-sensitive vector quantization (VQ) for consumers-by-brands-by-attributes data. It maps the segment-specific perceptual structures into bubble-pie-bar charts with multiple brand positions demonstrating perceptual distinctiveness or similarity. Though the analysis proceeds without any distributional assumptions it allows for significance testing. The application of exploratory and inferential data processing steps to the same data base is statistically sound and particularly attractive for market structure analysts. A brief outline of the VQ method is followed by a sample study with travel market data which proved to be particularly troublesome for conventional processing tools. (author's abstract) / Series: Report Series SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science"
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Multi-resolution Image Segmentation using Geometric Active ContoursTsang, Po-Yan January 2004 (has links)
Image segmentation is an important step in image processing, with many applications such as pattern recognition, object detection, and medical image analysis. It is a technique that separates objects of interests from the background in an image. Geometric active contour is a recent image segmentation method that overcomes previous problems with snakes. It is an attractive method for medical image segmentation as it is able to capture the object of interest in one continuous curve.
The theory and implementation details of geometric active contours are discussed in this work. The robustness of the algorithm is tested through a series of tests, involving both synthetic images and medical images. Curve leaking past boundaries is a common problem in cases of non-ideal edges. Noise is also problematic for the advancement of the curve. Smoothing and parameters selection are discussed as ways to help solve these problems.
This work also explores the incorporation of the multi-resolution method of Gaussian pyramids into the algorithm. Multi-resolution methods, used extensively in the areas of denoising and edge-selection, can help capture the spatial structure of an image. Results show that similar to the multi-resolution methods applied to parametric active contours, the multi-resolution can greatly increase the computation without sacrificing performance. In fact, results show that with successive smoothing and sub-sampling, performance often improves.
Although smoothing and parameter adjustment help improve the performance of geometric active contours, the edge-based approach is still localized and the improvement is limited. Region-based approaches are recommended for further work on active contours.
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A Probabilistic Approach to Image Feature Extraction, Segmentation and InterpretationPal, Chris January 2000 (has links)
This thesis describes a probabilistic approach to imagesegmentation and interpretation. The focus of the investigation is the development of a systematic way of combining color, brightness, texture and geometric features extracted from an image to arrive at a consistent interpretation for each pixel in the image. The contribution of this thesis is thus the presentation of a novel framework for the fusion of extracted image features producing a segmentation of an image into relevant regions. Further, a solution to the sub-pixel mixing problem is presented based on solving a probabilistic linear program. This work is specifically aimed at interpreting and digitizing multi-spectral aerial imagery of the Earth's surface. The features of interest for extraction are those of relevance to environmental management, monitoring and protection. The presented algorithms are suitable for use within a larger interpretive system. Some results are presented and contrasted with other techniques. The integration of these algorithms into a larger system is based firmly on a probabilistic methodology and the use of statistical decision theory to accomplish uncertain inference within the visual formalism of a graphical probability model.
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Volume Visualisation Via Variable-Detail Non-Photorealistic IllustrationMcKinley, Joanne January 2002 (has links)
The rapid proliferation of 3D volume data, including MRI and CT scans, is prompting the search within computer graphics for more effective volume visualisation techniques. Partially because of the traditional association with medical subjects, concepts borrowed from the domain of scientific illustration show great promise for enriching volume visualisation. This thesis describes the first general system dedicated to creating user-directed, variable-detail, scientific illustrations directly from volume data. In particular, using volume segmentation for explicit abstraction in non-photorealistic volume renderings is a new concept. The unique challenges and opportunities of volume data require rethinking many non-photorealistic algorithms that traditionally operate on polygonal meshes. The resulting 2D images are qualitatively different from but complementary to those normally seen in computer graphics, and inspire an analysis of the various artistic implications of volume models for scientific illustration.
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Prostate Segmentation and Regions of Interest Detection in Transrectal Ultrasound ImagesAwad, Joseph January 2007 (has links)
The early detection of prostate cancer plays a significant role in the success of treatment and outcome. To detect prostate cancer, imaging modalities such as TransRectal UltraSound (TRUS) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are relied on. MRI images are more comprehensible than TRUS images which are corrupted by noise such as
speckles and shadowing. However, MRI screening is costly, often unavailable in many community hospitals, time consuming, and requires more patient preparation time. Therefore, TRUS is more popular for screening and biopsy guidance for prostate cancer. For these reasons, TRUS images are chosen in this research. Radiologists first segment the prostate image from ultrasound image and then identify the hypoechoic regions which are more likely to exhibit
cancer and should be considered for biopsy. In this thesis, the focus is on prostate segmentation and on Regions of Interest (ROI)segmentation.
First, the extraneous tissues surrounding the prostate gland are eliminated. Consequently, the process of detecting the cancerous regions is focused on the prostate gland only. Thus, the diagnosing
process is significantly shortened. Also, segmentation techniques such as thresholding, region growing, classification, clustering, Markov random field models, artificial neural networks (ANNs), atlas-guided, and deformable models are investigated. In this dissertation, the deformable model technique is selected because it is capable of segmenting difficult images such as ultrasound images.
Deformable models are classified as either parametric or geometric deformable models. For the prostate segmentation, one of the
parametric deformable models, Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) deformable contour, is adopted because it is capable of segmenting the prostate gland, even if the initial contour is not close to the prostate boundary. The manual segmentation of ultrasound images not only consumes much time and effort, but also leads to operator-dependent results. Therefore, a fully automatic prostate segmentation algorithm is proposed based on knowledge-based rules. The new algorithm results are evaluated with respect to their manual outlining by using distance-based and area-based metrics. Also, the novel technique is compared with two well-known semi-automatic
algorithms to illustrate its superiority. With hypothesis testing, the proposed algorithm is statistically superior to the other two algorithms. The newly developed algorithm is operator-independent and capable of accurately segmenting a prostate gland with any shape and orientation from the ultrasound image.
The focus of the second part of the research is to locate the regions which are more prone to cancer. Although the parametric dynamic contour technique can readily segment a single region, it is not conducive for segmenting multiple regions, as required in the regions of interest (ROI) segmentation part. Since the number of
regions is not known beforehand, the problem is stated as 3D one by using level set approach to handle the topology changes such as splitting and merging the contours. For the proposed ROI segmentation algorithm, one of the geometric deformable models, active contours without edges, is used. This technique is capable of segmenting the regions with either weak edges, or even, no edges at all. The results of the proposed ROI segmentation algorithm are compared with those of the two experts' manual marking. The results
are also compared with the common regions manually marked by both experts and with the total regions marked by either expert. The proposed ROI segmentation algorithm is also evaluated by using region-based and pixel-based strategies. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed algorithm produces similar results to those of the experts' manual markings, but with the added advantages of being fast and reliable. This novel algorithm also detects some regions that have been missed by one expert but confirmed by the other.
In conclusion, the two newly devised algorithms can assist experts in segmenting the prostate image and detecting the suspicious abnormal regions that should be considered for biopsy. This leads to the reduction the number of biopsies, early detection of the diseased regions, proper management, and possible reduction of death related to prostate cancer.
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Multiple Object Tracking with Occlusion HandlingSafri, Murtaza 16 February 2010 (has links)
Object tracking is an important problem with wide ranging applications. The purpose is to detect object contours and track their motion in a video. Issues of concern are to be able to map objects correctly between two frames, and to be able to track through occlusion. This thesis discusses a novel framework for the purpose of object tracking which is inspired from image registration and segmentation models. Occlusion of objects is also detected and handled in this framework in an appropriate manner.
The main idea of our tracking framework is to reconstruct the sequence of images
in the video. The process involves deforming all the objects in a given image frame,
called the initial frame. Regularization terms are used to govern the deformation of
the shape of the objects. We use elastic and viscous fluid model as the regularizer. The reconstructed frame is formed by combining the deformed objects with respect to the depth ordering. The correct reconstruction is selected by parameters that minimize
the difference between the reconstruction and the consecutive frame, called the target frame. These parameters provide the required tracking information, such as the contour of the objects in the target frame including the occluded regions. The regularization term restricts the deformation of the object shape in the occluded region and thus gives an estimate of the object shape in this region. The other idea is to use a segmentation model as a measure in place of the frame difference measure.
This is separate from image segmentation procedure, since we use the segmentation
model in a tracking framework to capture object deformation. Numerical examples are
presented to demonstrate tracking in simple and complex scenes, alongwith occlusion
handling capability of our model. Segmentation measure is shown to be more robust with regard to accumulation of tracking error.
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