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Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging studyGan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).
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Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging studyGan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).
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Semantic richness effects in visual word processing / combining event-related brain potentials and connectionist network modelingRabovsky, Milena 01 December 2014 (has links)
Zweitveröffentlichung / Lesen zielt darauf ab, Bedeutung aus geschriebenem Text zu extrahieren. Interessanterweise unterscheiden sich Wörter beträchtlich hinsichtlich der Menge mit ihnen assoziierter Bedeutung, und es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass eine hohe Bedeutungshaltigkeit lexikalische und semantische Aufgaben erleichtert. Die vorliegende Dissertation kombiniert ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs) und konnektionistische Modellierung, um einige offene Fragen zur Rolle der Bedeutungshaltigkeit bei der Wortverarbeitung anzugehen. Hierbei wurden EKPs verwendet, um den Zeitverlauf unabhängiger Einflüsse der Anzahl semantischer Merkmale und Assoziationen beim Wortlesen zu bestimmen sowie Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen zu untersuchen. Um die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen besser zu verstehen, wurden die Ergebnisse anschließend mittels eines semantischen Netzwerk-Modells simuliert. Es zeigten sich keine Einflüsse der Anzahl der Assoziationen, aber eine schnelle Aktivierung semantischer Merkmale, die das EKP bereits ab 190 ms beeinflussten - nur 20 bis 30 ms nach und zeitlich überlappend mit der Aktivierung orthographischer Repräsentationen, die durch N1-Lexikalitätseffekte angezeigt wurden. Im weiteren Verlauf ging eine hohe Merkmalsanzahl mit größeren N400-Amplituden einher. Zudem verstärkten semantische Merkmale Wiederholungseinflüsse auf die Akkuratheit lexikalischer Entscheidungen und N400-Amplituden, was einen ersten Hinweis auf Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen darstellt. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit merkmalsbasierten semantischen Netzwerk-Modellen. Simulationen legen nahe, dass semantische Aktivierung lexikalische Entscheidungen erleichtert, während Netzwerk-Fehler in engem Zusammenhang mit N400-Amplituden stehen. Da Netzwerk-Fehler psychologisch als implizite Vorhersagefehler interpretiert werden, deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass N400-Amplituden implizite Vorhersagefehler im semantischen System widerspiegeln. / Language ultimately aims to convey meaning. Importantly, the amount of associated semantic information varies considerably between words. Recent evidence suggests that the richness of semantic representations facilitates performance in lexical and semantic tasks, but much remains to be learned about semantic richness effects. The present dissertation combined event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and connectionist modeling to address several unresolved issues concerning the role of semantic richness in word processing. Specifically, ERPs were employed to investigate the time course of independent influences of the number of semantic features and associates during word reading (study 1) and influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning (study 2). Aiming at advancing a mechanistic understanding of the obtained results, both studies were subsequently simulated using a network model of semantic cognition (study 3). Results showed no influences of the number of associates, but fast access to semantic features, with influences of feature-based semantic richness starting at about 190 ms - a mere 20 to 30 ms after and temporally overlapping with the activation of orthographic representations as reflected by N1 lexicality effects. Later on, a high number of semantic features induced larger N400 amplitudes. Furthermore, the number of semantic features enhanced repetition priming effects on lexical decision accuracy and N400 amplitudes, providing initial evidence for influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning. These results are in line with feature-based network models of semantic cognition. Simulations with such a model suggest that semantic activation can facilitate lexical decisions, while network error closely corresponds to N400 amplitudes. In psychological terms, network error has been conceptualized as implicit prediction error. Thus, these results are taken to suggest that N400 amplitudes reflect implicit prediction error in semantic memory.
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