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Lived experiences of rastafari women in Tshwane, South Africa: an anthropological perspectiveMosala, Tsholofelo 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English
Summary in English, Tshivenda and Setswana / Rastafari (this term is preferred to Rastafarianism) is known as a movement which originated in Jamaica and has since spread throughout the world. The movement has attracted much attention from the public and media worldwide because of reggae music. This study set out to investigate the lived experiences of Rastafari women of Tshwane. The purpose of the study was to describe their experiences regarding their roles, duties and responsibilities. It paid particular attention to the behavioural patterns of women within what is often regarded as a patriarchal order. The study was qualitative in nature and made use of various data gathering techniques such as life histories, focus groups, semi-structured and unstructured in-depth interviews, observations and field notes. My findings are, firstly, that Rastafari pays very scant attention to women. Secondly, in contemporary times some practices enforced by their holy books feel oppressive. Lastly, the lived experience reveal that Rastafari as a culture changes with time and women influence the movement. / Rasiṱafari tshi ḓivhea sa tshigwada tshine vhubvo hatsho ha vha ngei Jamaica zwino tsho phaḓalala na ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. Tshigwada tsho kunga vhunzhi ha zwitshavha na nyanḓadzamafhungo ḽifhasini ḽoṱhe nga nṱhani ha muzika wa rigei. Ngudo iyi yo dzudzanyelwa u ṱoḓisisa nga ha vhutshilo ha tshigwada tsho tsikeledzwaho tsha vhafumakadzi vha Rasiṱafari vho no wanala Tshwane. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ndi u ṱalusa tshenzhemo yavho zwi tshi ya kha mishumo na vhuḓifhinduleli havho. Yo sedzesa kha kutshilele kwa vhafumakadzi kha sisiṱeme ya matshilisano hune vhanna vha dzhiwa sa vhone vhalanguli. Ngudo yo lavhelesa nga maanḓa kha u ṱanḓavhudza vhuvha ha tshithu ho shumiswa thekhiniki dzo fhambanaho dza u kuvhanganya data u fana na ḓivhazwakale dza vhutshilo, zwigwada zwo sedzeswaho khazwo, na inthaviyu dzine mbudziso dza vha dzo thoma dza dzudzanywa na inthaviyu ine mbudziso dza vha dzi songo dzudzanywa, kuvhonele na mafhungo e a kuvhanganywa kha vhupo. Mawanwa anga ndi, zwa u thoma, Rasiṱafari i sedzesa zwiṱuku kha vhafumakadzi. Zwa vhuvhili, zwazwino maitele ane a tevhedzwa nga maṅwalo makhethwa a pfala a tshi tsikeledza. Zwa u fhedzisela, vhutshilo ha tshigwada tsho tsikeledzwaho vhu dzumbulula uri mvelele ya Rasiṱafari ine vhadzulapo vha Afrika vha shela mulenzhe khayo I khou shushedzwa nga mvelele ya mashango a vhukovhela, i ne ya kunga na u ṱanganedzwa nga vhafumakadzi. Zwenezwo, Rasiṱafari sa tshigwada tsha mvusuludzo a yo ngo ima fhethu huthihi fhedzi i khou shanduka na tshifhinga. / Rastafari e itsege jaaka mokgatlho o o tlholegileng kwa Jamaica, mme go tloga foo wa anamela mo lefatsheng lotlhe. Mokgatlho o o nnile le kgogedi e kgolo mo bathong le bobegakgang lefatshe ka bophara ka ntlha ya mmino wa reggae. Patlisiso eno e ikaeletse go sekaseka maitemogelo a a tshedilweng ke basadi ba kwa Tshwane ba Rastafari. Maikemisetso a patlisiso ke go tlhalosa maitemogelo a bona mabapi le seabe, ditiro le maikarabelo a bona. E etse tlhoko thata mekgwa ya maitsholo ya basadi mo go se gantsi se kaiwang e le thulaganyo e e bayang banna kwa godimo. Patlisiso e ne e le e e lebeletseng go tlhaloganya mabaka le megopolo (qualitative) mme e dirisitse mekgwa e e farologaneng ya go kokoanya tshedimosetso go tshwana le hisetori ya botshelo, ditlhopha tsa puisano (focus groups), dipotsolotso tse di rulaganeng fela di sa tsepama (semi-structured interviews) le dipotsolotso tse di sa rulaganang tse di tsenelelang ko botennye jwa kgang, go ela tlhoko mmogo le dintlha tse di kwadilweng mo tsamaong ya patlisiso. Diphitlhelelo tsa me ke gore, sa ntlha, Rastafari e tsaya basadi tsia go se kae fela. Sa bobedi, mo dinakong tsa ga jaana, ditiro dingwe tse di laelwang ke dibuka tsa bona tse di boitshepo di utlwala di gatelela. Sa bofelo, maitemogelo a senola gore setso sa Rastafari se mo go sona Bantsho ba nang le seabe, se tshosediwa ke setso sa bophirima se se nang le kgogedi, mme se amogelwa ke basadi. Ka jalo, Rastafari jaaka mokgatlho wa tsosoloso, ga e a tsepama, mme e fetoga le dinako. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)
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Spirituelle Bedurfnisse am Lebensende: Eine praktisch-theologische Studie zu Patienten mit ambulanter palliativmedizinischer Betreuung / Spiritual needs at the end of life: a practical theological study of outpatient palliative care patientsTreis, Judith Emma 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German, English and Zulu / Text in German / Die praktisch-theologische Studie untersucht spirituelle Bedürfnisse von ambulanten Palliativpatienten. Dazu wurden Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit Teams aus der ambulanten Palliativversorgung in Nordhessen durchgeführt und diese nach ihren Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen gefragt. Theoretische Grundlagen zur Spiritualität im Kontext der Palliativversorgung bilden den Rahmen zur Auswertung der empirischen Masterarbeit mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse.
Der Befund zeigt, dass das Erkennen von spirituellen Bedürfnissen bei Patienten die Teammitglieder mehrheitlich vor Herausforderungen stellt und multiple Verunsicherung sowie Probleme im Umgang bestehen. Außerdem prägen persönliche Überzeugungen ihre Wahrnehmung maßgeblich. Die beobachtete Spiritualität ist überwiegend kirchlich geprägt und beruht auf christlichen Elementen wie Gebete, Glauben oder Begleitung durch PfarrerInnen. Teammitglieder sprechen zudem Begegnungen, „Dasein“ und (Kirchen)Musik eine spirituelle Dimension zu. Es gibt auch Patienten, die keine spirituellen Bedürfnisse haben oder derartiges ablehnen.
Die Praktische Theologie könnte zukünftig als bedürfnisorientierte Kompetenzgeberin dienen, damit Mitarbeitende aus dem Gesundheitssystem befähigt werden, spirituelle Bedürfnisse ihrer Patienten wahrzunehmen, zu reflektieren und ihnen angemessen zu begegnen. / This practical theological study examined the spiritual needs of outpatient palliative care patients. Focus group discussions were conducted with outpatient palliative care teams. They were asked about their experiences and observations. Theoretical foundations of spirituality and palliative care formed the framework for the evaluation of empirical research by using qualitative content analysis.
Findings show that recognition of spiritual needs in patients poses a challenge to the majority of team members, as well as insecurities and problems in dealing with them. The observed spirituality is predominantly ecclesiastical and based on Christian elements such as prayers, faith and accompaniment by pastors. Team members address encounters, "being" and music as spiritual dimensions. There are also patients who have no spiritual needs.
In future, practical theology could serve as a needs-based provision of competences, so that employees of health systems can be empowered to perceive, reflect on and adequately respond to the spiritual needs of their patients. / Boithuto jwa thutobomodimo bo tlhatlhobile ditlhokwa tsa semoya tsa balwetse ba tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo ya kalafo ya balwetse ba kwa ntle. Dipuisano tsa setlhopha tsa tsepamo di ne tsa dirwa ka ditlhopha tsa tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo a kalafo ya balwetse ba kwa ntle. Ba ne ba bodiwa ka maitemogelo le ditemogo tsa bona. Metheo ya thutobomodimo le tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo di bopile letlhomeso la tlhotlhwafatso ya patlisiso ya mmatota ka go dirisa tshetshereganyo ya diteng tsa boleng.
Dipatlisiso di bontsha fa kamogelo ya ditlhokwa tsa semoya mo balwetseng e tlisa kgwetlho mo bontsing jwa ditokololo tsa setlhopha, ga mmogo le go sa itshepeng go gontsi le mathata a go samagama le tsona. Bosemoya jo bo bonwang bontsi ke jwa sekeresete, mme bo ikaegile ka dielemente tsa Bokeresete jaaka dithapelo, tumelo le tshwaragano le baruti. Ditokololo tsa setlhopha di bua ka ga dikgolagano, "go nna" le mmino jaaka ditekanyo tsa semoya. Gape go na le balwetse ba ba se nang ditlhokwa tsa semoya.
Mo bokamosong, thutobomodimo ya tiriso e ka dira jaaka kabelo e e ikaegileng ka ditlhokwa tsa dikgono, gore bathapi ba dithulaganyo tsa boitekanelo ba maatlafadiwe go lemoga, go supa tshwano le go tsibogela ditlhokwa tsa semoya tsa balwetse ba bona. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Spirituelle Bedürfnisse am Lebensende: eine praktisch-theologische Studie zu Patienten mit ambulanter palliativmedizinischer Betreuung / Spiritual needs at the end of life: a practical theological study of outpatient palliative care patientsTreis, Judith Emma 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German, with German, English and Southern Sotho summaries / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-153) / Die praktisch-theologische Studie untersucht spirituelle Bedürfnisse von ambulanten Palliativpatienten. Dazu wurden Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit Teams aus der ambulanten Palliativversorgung in Nordhessen durchgeführt und diese nach ihren Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen gefragt. Theoretische Grundlagen zur Spiritualität im Kontext der Palliativversorgung bilden den Rahmen zur Auswertung der empirischen Masterarbeit mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse.
Der Befund zeigt, dass das Erkennen von spirituellen Bedürfnissen bei Patienten die Teammitglieder mehrheitlich vor Herausforderungen stellt und multiple Verunsicherung sowie Probleme im Umgang bestehen. Außerdem prägen persönliche Überzeugungen ihre Wahrnehmung maßgeblich. Die beobachtete Spiritualität ist überwiegend kirchlich geprägt und beruht auf christlichen Elementen wie Gebete, Glauben oder Begleitung durch PfarrerInnen. Teammitglieder sprechen zudem Begegnungen, „Dasein“ und (Kirchen)Musik eine spirituelle Dimension zu. Es gibt auch Patienten, die keine spirituellen Bedürfnisse haben oder derartiges ablehnen.
Die Praktische Theologie könnte zukünftig als bedürfnisorientierte Kompetenzgeberin dienen, damit Mitarbeitende aus dem Gesundheitssystem befähigt werden, spirituelle Bedürfnisse ihrer Patienten wahrzunehmen, zu reflektieren und ihnen angemessen zu begegnen. / This practical theological study examined the spiritual needs of outpatient palliative care patients. Focus group discussions were conducted with outpatient palliative care teams. They were asked about their experiences and observations. Theoretical foundations of spirituality and palliative care formed the framework for the evaluation of empirical research by using qualitative content analysis.
Findings show that recognition of spiritual needs in patients poses a challenge to the majority of team members, as well as insecurities and problems in dealing with them. The observed spirituality is predominantly ecclesiastical and based on Christian elements such as prayers, faith and accompaniment by pastors. Team members address encounters, "being" and music as spiritual dimensions. There are also patients who have no spiritual needs.
In future, practical theology could serve as a needs-based provision of competences, so that employees of health systems can be empowered to perceive, reflect on and adequately respond to the spiritual needs of their patients. / Boithuto jwa thutobomodimo bo tlhatlhobile ditlhokwa tsa semoya tsa balwetse ba tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo ya kalafo ya balwetse ba kwa ntle. Dipuisano tsa setlhopha tsa tsepamo di ne tsa dirwa ka ditlhopha tsa tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo a kalafo ya balwetse ba kwa ntle. Ba ne ba bodiwa ka maitemogelo le ditemogo tsa bona. Metheo ya thutobomodimo le tlhokomelo ya malwetse a bofelelo di bopile letlhomeso la tlhotlhwafatso ya patlisiso ya mmatota ka go dirisa tshetshereganyo ya diteng tsa boleng.
Dipatlisiso di bontsha fa kamogelo ya ditlhokwa tsa semoya mo balwetseng e tlisa kgwetlho mo bontsing jwa ditokololo tsa setlhopha, ga mmogo le go sa itshepeng go gontsi le mathata a go samagama le tsona. Bosemoya jo bo bonwang bontsi ke jwa sekeresete, mme bo ikaegile ka dielemente tsa Bokeresete jaaka dithapelo, tumelo le tshwaragano le baruti. Ditokololo tsa setlhopha di bua ka ga dikgolagano, "go nna" le mmino jaaka ditekanyo tsa semoya. Gape go na le balwetse ba ba se nang ditlhokwa tsa semoya. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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