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Entropy and Insight: Exploring how information theory can be used to quantify sensemaking in visual analyticsHolman, Sidney P. 29 June 2018 (has links)
With the dramatic increase and continued growth of digital information, developing Visual Analytic systems that support human cognition and insight generation are more necessary than ever before, but there is currently no content-agnostic method for measuring or com- paring how well a system facilitates analysis. Researchers in industry and academia are developing advanced tools that offer automated data analysis combined with support for human sense-making; tools for a wide variety of sense-making tasks are freely available. Now, the pressing question is: which tool works best, and for what? We show that using Shannon's entropy and self-information measures will provide a measure of the complexity reduction that results from an analyst's actions while sorting the information. Further, we demonstrate that reduced complexity can be linked to the knowledge gained. This is important, because a metric for objectively evaluating the success of current systems in generating insights would establish a standard that future tools could build on. This work could help guide researchers and developers in making the next generation of analytic tools, and in the age of big data the effect of such tools could potentially impact everyone. / Master of Science / With the dramatic increase and continued growth of digital information, developing systems that enables humans to make sense of all the data are more necessary than ever before, but there is currently no one-size-fits-all method for measuring or comparing how well a system helps people gain such insight. Rather than trying to pin down a definition of what insight is, we instead look at complexity reduction—with the intuition that, before we can make sense of complex data, we must somehow simplify it in a meaningful way. We show that using Shannon’s entropy and self-information values will provide a measure of the complexity reduction that results from an analyst’s actions while sorting information, and further demonstrate that reduced complexity can be linked to the knowledge gained. This work is important, because a metric for objectively evaluating the success of current systems in generating insights would establish a standard that future tools could build on. This work could help guide researchers and developers in making the next generation of analytic tools, and in the age of big data the effect of such tools could potentially impact everyone.
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An Exploration of the Changing Role of Principal SupervisorsBennett, Mia H 12 1900 (has links)
Existing literature provides newly identified responsibilities of the principal supervisor but lacks in information about how districts should strategically spearhead the process of initiating, implementing, and managing the changes to the role of the supervisor. In this study, I examined the behaviors and actions of one school district's executive-level leaders as they shifted the position of the principal supervisor. Findings could contribute to a new area of research in how district leaders may navigate and manage the complicated process of initiating and managing the changes to the principal supervisor's role.
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A experiência artística provinda de um programa sociocultural do Estado de São Paulo: uma análise sobre a construção de sentidos produzida por ex-alunos do Projeto Guri / The artistic experience comes from a sociocultural program of the State of São Paulo: a analisy about the construction of senses produced by former students of the Projeto GuriBotossi, Jéssica da Silva 25 June 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar a experiência artística que ex-alunos do Projeto Guri tiveram após 15 anos desta vivência. A pesquisa foi realizada no pólo de Taubaté, com os alunos que ingressaram no Guri entre os anos de 1999 a 2004, período no qual, a direção deste projeto sociocultural era feita diretamente pela Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo. Foram investigados quais os conhecimentos aprendidos mais identificados pelos egressos; analisado se o Projeto Guri colaborou para a inclusão social por meio da música; e verificou-se se há diferença entre as falas de quem permaneceu mais tempo em relação a quem usufruiu menos do programa. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, seguida de análise do discurso de um grupo focal e de cinco entrevistas individuais. Esta análise foi feita por meio da categorização das falas do ex-alunos do Projeto Guri, ao buscar compreender a construção de sentido que estes egressos formaram para expressar esta experiência. Foi possível notar que os saberes mais identificados pelos egressos referem-se aos conhecimentos transversais à arte, tais como convívio social e relações de amizade. Com isso, o pressuposto norteador do Projeto Guri, no caso, a inclusão social por meio da música, foi atingido. Percebeu-se, no decorrer das entrevistas, que, no período de recorte da pesquisa, os alunos não eram apenas crianças nem adolescentes em situações vulneráveis, visto que a sede do Projeto Guri ficava em uma região nobre de Taubaté. Contudo, observa-se uma alteração do perfil do público do projeto, quando as aulas deixam de ser no centro do município, e passam a ocorrer em uma região mais periférica. A percepção dos ex-alunos que participaram por mais tempo do projeto, em relação aos que ficaram menos tempo, foi notável. Em todas as entrevistas é destacado o acesso à arte, tanto para o individuo beneficiário quanto para a família, mesmo esta sendo público-espectador. Além disso, o sentimento de afeto com o Guri fica muito mais evidente entre os participantes que tiveram mais de 3 anos de participação no projeto. Notou-se que a experiência no Projeto Guri possibilitou a todos um ambiente de convívio social, trocas, aprendizagens e acesso a arte aos alunos e suas famílias. Identificamos que 9 dos 11 participantes desta pesquisa perceberam uma mudança na trajetória de suas vidas, profissionalização na música e definição do curso de graduação. Entende-se que o Projeto Guri teve uma influência significativa na vida dos participantes, mesmo não tendo atuado na área mais vulnerável da cidade, ao ampliar os horizontes de possibilidades de suas vidas / This dissertation aims to analyze the artistic experience that Projeto Guri alumni had after 15 years of this experience. The research was carried out in the Taubaté cluster, with the students who entered the Guri between 1999 and 2004, which during this time the direction of this socio-cultural project was made directly by the Culture Secretariat of the State of São Paulo. It was investigated which were the most identified knowledges by the graduates; analyzed whether the Projeto Guri contributed to social inclusion through music; and it was verified if there was a difference between the speeches of those who stayed longer in relation to those who enjoyed less of the program. The methodology used was the bibliographical and documentary research, followed by analysis of the discourse of a focal group and five individual interviews. This analysis was done by means of the categorization of the statements of the alumni of the Projeto Guri, when trying to understand the construction of meaning that these graduates formed to express this experience. It was possible to notice that the most identified knowledge by the graduates refers to the knowledge transversal to the art, such as social contact and friendly relations. With this, Projeto Guri guiding presupposition, in this case, social inclusion through music, was reached. During the interviews, it was noticed that, during the period of research, students were not only children or adolescents in vulnerable situations, since the headquarters of Projeto Guri was in a noble region of Taubaté. However, there is a change in the profile of the public of the project, when classes cease to be in the center of the municipality, and occur in a more peripheral region. The perception of the alumni who participated more of the project, compared to those who stayed less time, was remarkable. In all the interviews, the access to art is highlighted, both for the individual beneficiary and for the family, even being a public spectator. In addition, the feeling of affection with Guri becomes much more evident among participants who have had more than 3 years of participation in the project. It was noted that the experience in the Projeto Guri allowed everyone an environment of social interaction, exchanges, learning and access to art for students and their families. We identified that 9 of the 11 participants in this study perceived a change in the trajectory of their lives, professionalization in music and definition of the undergraduate course. It is understood that the Projeto Guri had a significant influence on the life of the participants, even though it did not act in the most vulnerable area of the city, expanding the possible horizons of their lives
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La création collective de sens peut-elle favoriser la fabrique d'un dispositif d'action organisée ? : cas du parcours de la personne âgéeFerrera Bibas, Félicia 09 December 2015 (has links)
Nous cherchons à comprendre et à expérimenter la création d’un dispositif d’action collective coordonnée autour de parcours de soins, que nous avons appelé CareHolder. Ce dispositif se caractérise par sa gouvernance, des instruments, des activités et des acteurs marqués par leur diversité, sans liens organisationnels prédéfinis et qu’aucune autorité supérieure n’oblige à travailler ensemble. Nous appuyant sur la perspective du sensemaking et du sensegiving (Weick), nous avons posé l’hypothèse que la construction collective de sens puisse être à l’origine d’une construction sociale s’organisant ex-nihilo. Nous analysons ce processus de construction à deux niveaux d’analyse : 1) le déploiement du processus de création collective de sens comme construction d’un processus social basé sur la mise en sens d’une activité collective de soin (l’Éducation Thérapeutique du Patient) et 2) le rôle du sensegiver dans sa capacité à soutenir le «CareHolder». L’Éducation Thérapeutique du patient est ici envisagée comme outil thérapeutique et comme outil managérial. Nos principaux résultats ont mis en évidence les habiletés du sensegiver dans ce processus de construction, qui sont au nombre de trois, à savoir sa capacité à : 1) mettre en relation les acteurs, 2) favoriser l’équivocité pour animer et régénérer une vision et 3) savoir ancrer ce qui émerge des relations en jouant sur des éléments rituéliques et en permettant aux acteurs de « prendre place » dans cet environnement nouveau de travail collectif avec le patient. Nous suggérons des recommandations empiriques et des pistes de recherches futures / We are trying to understand and experiment with the creation of a collective action program that is coordinated around approved health care pathways. This program is called CareHolder, and is based in an area not far from a large city in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. It distinguishes itself for its governance, tools, activities, and for its key players marked by their diversity, without any predefined organizational links and without a higher authority requiring them to work together. By relying on the perspectives of sensemaking and sensegiving (Weick), we have stated the hypothesis that the collective sensemaking process is at the root of a social structure organized ex-nihilo. We shall analyze this process on two analytical levels: 1) the unfolding of the collective sensemaking process as the development of a social process based on giving sense to a collective healthcare program (Therapeutic Patient Education), and 2) the role of the sensegiver in its capacity to support the “CareHolder”. The Therapeutic Patient Education is here envisaged both as a therapeutic tool and as a managerial tool. We have analyzed the emergence and the implementation of the CareHolder over several years. Our main results have highlighted the three skills of the sensegiver during the collective sensemaking process: 1) bringing the players together, 2) promoting equivocality to encourage and clarify an outlook, and 3) being able to anchor what emerges from the relations by relying on ritualistic elements and enabling the players to ‘settle into’ this new collective working environment with the patient. We propose empirical recommendations and future research paths
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Une approche sensemaking de la responsabilité sociale dans le secteur de l'événementiel sportif / A sensemaking approach of social responsability in the sporting events' sectorDjaballah, Mathieu 02 September 2014 (has links)
La responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) fait l’objet d’un intérêt croissant au sein de la recherche en management des organisations sportives. Il apparaît de plus en plus évident qu’elle y revêt des caractéristiques spécifiques faisant écho aux nombreuses particularités déjà soulignées du secteur sportif. Cette thèse aborde plus précisément la responsabilité sociale dans le cadre des évènements sportifs. Celle-ci semble être influencée, à l’instar de celle d’autres organisations sportives (Babiak & Wolfe, 2009), par deux ensembles de déterminants, les premiers renvoyant aux « ressources internes uniques » dont ils disposent, les seconds aux « fortes pressions externes » dont ils font l’objet. Ce travail envisage donc la responsabilité sociale des évènements sportifs comme une « boîte noire » qu’il s’agit d’ouvrir pour comprendre comment chaque acteur lui donne du sens. Dans cette perspective, il vise deux objectifs : (1) analyser, à travers un modèle de sensemaking stratégique ou prospectif (Thomas, Clark & Gioia, 1993; Selsky & Parker, 2010), les processus de construction de sens de deux parties prenantes principales des évènements sportifs ; (2) rendre compte, en nous appuyant sur les concepts du sensegiving (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991 ; Maitlis, 2005), de la manière dont ces différents acteurs influencent la construction de sens collective qui aboutit à la stratégie de responsabilité sociale d’un évènement sportif. Ce travail s’articule autour de trois études. Les deux premières sont constituées d’entretiens semi-directifs (personnes-ressources) auprès d’entreprises sponsors (N=23) et de collectivités locales (N=23). La troisième est composée de quatre études de cas combinant des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des organisateurs et des principales parties prenantes concernées (N=27), d’observations sur site ainsi que d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats permettent d’identifier, pour chaque catégorie d’acteur, plusieurs niveaux d’ambigüité qui balisent le processus de sensemaking. Pour les entreprises sponsors, il s’agit de leurs perceptions (positives ou négatives) du degré de proximité de l’évènement (ou des différentes entités sportives dont ils sont partenaires) vis-à-vis de la responsabilité sociale, des liens perçus entre la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement et leur propre RSE, du focus de leurs initiatives responsables (liées à la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement, à celle d’une entité sportive particulière ou à la leur) ainsi que des liens entre les objectifs spécifiques des initiatives responsables et leur stratégie globale sur l’évènement. Pour les collectivités locales, il s’agit de leurs perceptions (positives ou négatives) des impacts de l’évènement, de la contrôlabilité perçue de ces impacts ainsi que du lien entre leur politique évènementielle, leur politique sportive globale (en particulier ses aspects sociaux) et leur politique environnementale. Pour chacun de ces acteurs, la combinaison de ces niveaux d’ambigüité aboutit à une pluralité de stratégies et d’actions de responsabilité sociale. Les études de cas montrent quant à elles que les évènements sportifs étudiés prennent place au sein d’un continuum allant d’un sensemaking contraint à un sensemaking non-contraint en fonction de l’origine et de la force du sensegiving. Le sensemaking contraint résulte d’une situation où les organisateurs se conforment au sens que leurs parties prenantes donnent à la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement. Il semble associé à une légitimité de type morale, à un faible degré stratégique de la responsabilité sociale du point de vue de l’organisateur ainsi qu’à une praxis de type « réduction des effets négatifs ». Le sensemaking non-contraint résulte d’une situation où les organisateurs contrôlent le processus de sensegiving. Il semble lié à une légitimité de type pragmatique ou cognitive, à un degré stratégique plus élevé et à une praxis de type « propagation d’effets positifs ». / Since the early 2000’s, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained a growing interest in the sport management literature. It seems clear that CSR takes very particular forms in this field. This doctoral research more specifically deals with sporting events. Sporting events appear to be influenced, like other sport organizations, by two sets of determinants (Babiak & Wolfe, 2009), namely “unique internal resources” and “strong external pressures”. This work views sporting event’s social responsibility as a “black box” which the researcher has to open in order to understand how the different stakeholders make sense of it. It therefore aims two objectives: (1) to analyze the strategic sensemaking process (Thomas, Clark & Gioia, 1993; Selsky & Parker, 2010) of two main sporting events’ stakeholders – corporate sponsors and local governments; (2) to account on how the various stakeholders influence the collective sensegiving process (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991; Maitlis, 2005) resulting in social responsibility actions. This research is structured around three studies. The first-two are based on semi-structured interviews with corporate sponsors (N=23) and local governments (N=23). The third is composed of four case studies combining semi-structured interviews with sporting events organizers and their main stakeholders (N=27), on-site observation and document analysis. The results identify several levels of ambiguity which mark the sensemaking processes of both stakeholder categories. Concerning corporate sponsors, these levels include positive and negative perceptions about the link between sporting events and social responsibility, perceived links between sporting events’ social responsibility and their own CSR, perceived focus of social responsibility actions as well as perceived links bewtween these actions and their strategic objectives on the event. Concerning local governments, these levels include positive and negative perceptions about sporting events’ social impacts, perceived controllability of these impacts and perceived links between sporting events, the social aspects of global sport policies as well as environmental policies. For each of these actors, combinations of the various levels of ambiguity lead to the development of social responsibility strategies during the events. Case studies show that sporting events can be placed on a continuum between “constained” and “not-constrained” sensemaking depending on the origin and intensity of sensegiving activities. Constained sensemaking occurs when organizers conform to the sense imposed by stakeholders. It seems to be associated with moral legitimacy, a low strategic level and a “do no harm” praxis. Not-constrained sensemaking occurs when organizers keep the control of the sensemaking process. It seems to be associated with pragmatic and cognitive legitimacy, a strong strategic level and a “do good” praxis.
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Closing Loops and Making Sense : An exploratory case study of how employees in a global company make sense of a circular economyGuthknecht, Arne January 2018 (has links)
Background: According to Webster et al. (2013, p. 4) “the idea of the circular economy is capturing the attention of businesses, academics and the next generation of entrepreneurs as a framework for re-designing the economy”. This can be traced back to growing evidence of environmental risks like ozone depletion, climate change, threats to biodiversity and changes in the nitrogen cycle (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Although the European economy still relies on a linear economic model, operating on a take-make-dispose basis (Rossé et al., 2016), circular business model have recently experienced a rapid growth and are perceived increasingly attractive by businesses (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017a). Research Question: How do individuals in a multi-national organization make sense of circular economy and their goal of transforming to a circular business? Purpose: Exploring how individuals in an organization make sense of the circular economy concept when pursuing the goal to transform to a circular business by 2030. Method: The research is an exploratory case study with empirical data collected through semi- structured interviews at the case company IKEA Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy. Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy.
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Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de RondôniaMelo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.
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Faciliter le débat sur les croyances dans les organisations : l'utilisation des cartes cognitives dans la décision publique locale / Facilitate debate about beliefs in organizations : using cognitive maps in local authorities decisionsGuirou, Camille 30 November 2017 (has links)
Nous relatons comment nous avons bousculé les habitudes décisionnelles de 3 organisations en leur proposant d’intégrer une procédure souvent peu ou pas formalisée : le débat. Les organisations focalisent la majorité de leurs ressources sur la construction ou l’utilisation d’outils rationnels (Cabantous et Gond 2010, 2012; Cabantous, Gond, et Johnson-Cramer 2010; Subramony 2006), qui hiérarchisent un certain nombre d’options, mais qui sont insuffisants en termes de diversification des arguments disponibles (Hollard et Vion 2006).La théorie du sensemaking (Weick 1995, 1979, 2012, 1988; Weick, Sutcliffe, et Obstfeld 2005), notre cadre analytique, insiste au contraire sur l’importance de mettre en débat les croyances des acteurs dans le processus organisant (organizing).Nous avons mobilisé l’outil « cartes cognitives » (Allard-Poesi 1996; Cossette 1994, 2004; Eden 1992; Eden, Ackermann, et Cropper 1992; Axelrod 1976; Verstraete 1997a, 1998) dans 3 collectivités territoriales pour créer du débat. Or, l’utilisation des outils n’est pas neutre, et les théories sous-jacentes à ceux-ci sont performées par leur usage (Cabantous et Gond 2010, 2012; Cabantous, Gond, et Johnson-Cramer 2010).À quelles conditions pouvons-nous performer la théorie du sensemaking grâce aux cartes cognitives ? La réponse apportée par notre étude à cette question est que les procédures organisationnelles freinent la performation de la théorie du sensemaking dans les organisations, mais que l’utilisation des cartes cognitives des croyances peut provoquer chez les acteurs un écart cognitif favorable à l’adoption d’un modèle de décision énactionnel, améliorant ainsi la prise en compte des informations. / In this study, we narrate how we shaked decisionnal habits in three organizations by proposing them to integrate a new procedure, often not formalized, into the decision process : debate. Organizations indeed focus most of their resources on the building or the use of rational tools (Cabantous et Gond 2010, 2012; Cabantous, Gond, et Johnson-Cramer 2010; Subramony 2006), wich rank a certain number of options but are not sufficient to diversify the available arguments (Hollard et Vion 2006).The theory of sensemaking (Weick 1995, 1979, 2012, 1988; Weick, Sutcliffe, et Obstfeld 2005) insists on the contrary on the importance to debate about beliefs into organizing.In order to implement organizationnal debate, we used cognitive mapping (Allard-Poesi 1996; Cossette 1994, 2004; Eden 1992; Eden, Ackermann, et Cropper 1992; Axelrod 1976; Verstraete 1997a, 1998) in three municipalities. The use of tools is not neutral, and theories are performed through them (Cabantous et Gond 2010, 2012; Cabantous, Gond, et Johnson-Cramer 2010).At which conditions is it possible to perform the theory of sensemaking thanks to cognitive cards ? The answer we brought through our study is that organizational procedures slow down performation of the sensemaking theory, but that the use of cognitive cards may create a cognitive gap propitious for the adoption of an enactionnal model of decision, which improves the consideration of diverse informations. In consequence, our studies allowed us to discuss the sensemaking theory, which neglects the constraining aspect of procedures above cognitive processes such as performation and decision.
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Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de RondôniaMelo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.
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Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de RondôniaMelo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.
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