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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analisador de redes wirelesshart

Lorençato, Alexandre de Andrade January 2013 (has links)
A segurança da informação, a diversidade de rotas entre os dispositivos da rede, o acesso ao meio de modo determinístico e isento de colisões e a mudança de canal frequente tornam a comunicação no protocolo WirelessHART robusta e confiável para utilização em meio industrial. Entretanto, para adoção crescente dessa tecnologia, é necessário que os fabricantes de sensores e atuadores industriais desenvolvam dispositivos WirelessHART. Disto surge a necessidade de criação de ferramentas capazes de auxiliar o desenvolvimento e depuração destes novos dispositivos de rede. O Analisador de rede WirelessHART é, sem dúvida, uma delas. Diversas abordagens são propostas para a análise de redes WirelessHART. Entretanto, em todas elas a utilização de um microcomputador como elemento do sistema inviabiliza sua utilização em campo. A presença de cabos, armazenamento local dos dados e exigência de baterias são alguns dos aspectos relevantes que devem ser levados em consideração quando o sistema precisa ser utilizado em campo. O presente trabalho propõe alternativas aos sistemas de análise de redes atuais apresentando duas propostas conceitualmente diferentes mas que cumprem os requisitos básicos para sua utilização em campo. Uma destas abordagens, baseada na proposta de integração entre um dispositivo de campo e o método inovador de captura de mensagens utilizando apenas um transceptor, é implementado como prova do conceito. / WirelessHART is a robust and reliable protocol for industrial environment usage because of its secure mechanism, the ability of programming several communication routes between network devices, and deterministic, free of collisions channel hopping medium access controller. However, in order to increase the adoption of this technology, it is necessary to increase the amount of WirelessHART manufacturers to develop industrial sensors and actuators devices. This leads to the necessity of create tools that will assist the development and debugging of new network compliant devices. The WirelessHART network analyzer is undoubtedly one of these tools. Various approaches are being proposed for the analysis of WirelessHART networks. However, all of them make use of a microcomputer as an element of the whole system and this difficults their use in real field applications. The presence of wires, lack of local data storage and other aspects such as batteries limitations must be considered when the users intend to use analysis systems in field. This work proposes alternatives to current analysis networks systems by presenting two conceptually different proposals that meet the basic requirements for the use in the field. One of them is based on the proposed integration between a field device and an innovative method of capturing messages using only one transceiver, which is implemented as proof of concept.

WSN Routing Schedule Based on Energy-aware Adaptation

Peng, Tingqing January 2020 (has links)
In view of the problem of uneven load distribution and energy consumption among nodes in a multi-hop wireless sensor network, this research constructs the routing schedule problem as a MOP (Multi-objective Optimization Problem), and proposed an energy-aware routing optimization scheme RDSEGA based on multi-objective optimization. In this scheme, in order to avoid the searching space explosion problem caused by the increase of nodes, KSP Yen's algorithm was applied to prune the searching space, and the candidate paths selected after pruning are recoded based on priority. Then adopted the improved strengthen elitist genetic algorithm to get the entire network routing optimization scheme with the best energy efficiency. At the same time, in view of the problem of routing discontinuity in the process of path crossover and mutation, new crossover and mutation method was proposed that based on the gene fragments connected by the adjacent node or the same node to maximize the effectiveness of the evolution result. The experimental results prove that the scheme reduced the energy consumption of nodes in the network, the load between nodes becomes more balanced, and the working time of the network has been prolonged nearly 40% after the optimization. This brings convenience to practical applications, especially for those that are inconvenient to replace nodes.

Contribution à la caractérisation de la locomotion des personnes hémiparétiques en situation écologique / Contribution to the gait characterization of hemiplegic people in real life situations

Li, Tong 03 November 2017 (has links)
L'évaluation clinique des patients hémiparétiques, avant et après un traitement, est une étape indispensable dans la prise en charge de leurs troubles de la marche. L’analyse tridimensionnelle quantifiée de la marche (AQM) permet de mesurer à chaque instant du cycle de marche différent paramètres. Néanmoins l’AQM est effectuée dans un environnement clinique forcément différent d’un environnement réel. Ce qui constitue donc une limite dans l’interprétation des résultats obtenus avec cet outil bien qu’elle soit considéré au jour d’aujourd’hui comme le gold standard pour l’évaluation de la marche. De fait le manque d’un autre dispositif permettant une évaluation précise de la marche en situation écologique a été largement pointé du doigt par les praticiens et ceci nous a conduit à réaliser ce travail de thèse. L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer un système de capteurs qui peut mesurer les paramètres de la marche des personnes hémiparétiques en situation écologique. Pour ce faire, les travaux de thèse sont consacrés à la mise en oeuvre d’algorithmes d’estimations d’orientation, à la conception de l’électronique du capteur de mouvement et du logiciel qui permettra la fusion des données. Pour que le système soit optimisé pour la marche des patients hémiparétiques, un nouvel algorithme de découpage automatique des données en fonction du cycle de marche a été développé en ayant recours à des télémètres en radio fréquence. Le nouveau système que nous proposons est basé sur une architecture distribuée de capteurs sans fil. Sa facilité de mise en place, sa compacité et son poids (léger) limitent les perturbations qu’il pourrait introduire lors de lamarche du patient. Différentes expérimentations ont été conduites pour évaluer la précision de la quantification des angles articulaires, la précision de la synchronisation des capteurs, la précision de la détection des évènements de la marche et la robustesse dans le cas d’une marche pathologique. Les valeurs des paramètres estimés par le système proposé ont étécomparées avec celles issues du système AQM. Le système montre une bonne robustesse lors de son utilisation dans le cas de la marche pathologique.De plus ils montrent que les différences entre les résultats acquis avec l’AQM et ceux acquis avec le système multi-capteur sans fil proposé sont très faibles. / Clinical evaluation of stroke patients before and also after treatments is an essential step in gait rehabilitation. A 3D gait analysis system allows quantification of several parameters at each instant of walking. Nowadays, the 3D gait analysis system is used in clinical conditions which are different from daily life conditions. Indeed, the 3D gait analysis system, considered as a reference, can only be used at hospital. The absence of device usable in daily life situation constitutes a lack pointed out by clinical practitioners and was at the origin of this research. The objective of this thesis was to develop a wearable system that can measure the gait parameters of stroke patient in daily life situations. To do this, this thesis was devoted to the implementation of algorithms for joints angles estimation, to the design the electronics of the wearable movement sensors and the sensors’ firmware. In order to make the system optimized for stroke patients,a new algorithm for automatic partitioning data into gait cycles has been developed. Radio frequency rangefinders have been specially developed for this new algorithm. The wireless sensor system that we proposed is based on a distributed architecture. Its easy installation, compactness and light weight reduce their possible influence on patients’ gait. Different experiments had been carried out to evaluate with accuracy the joint angles, the precision of the sensor synchronization, the precision of the gait events detection and the robustness in the case of pathological walk. The gait parameters quantified by this new system are similar to those obtained with the 3D motion analysis system. The system shows good robustness when used in the case of pathological walking and the differences of results obtained with respectively the 3D motion analysis system and the proposed multi-sensor wireless system are limited. Once industrialized, it will be quite possible to use it to assess patients’ gait in daily life conditions.

A Multi-layered Routing Technique for Sensing Train Integrity and Composition

Pulugurtha, Satya Venkata Sidhi Vinayak, Atragadda, Kishore Kumar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with an approach to monitor the integrity and composition of cargo wagons withthe help of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The WSN is to be fully automated that does notneed any human intervention for gathering information about the composition and integrity ofcargo trains, which are the most necessary factors for Cargo Logistics. The nodes are deployed inevery wagon along with the master node in the main locomotive. The master node in thelocomotive gets the information from the slave nodes placed in the cargo wagons in successivesessions. If there are any unexpected changes in the composition of the wagon, theacknowledgments to the locomotive will be terminated. This approach mainly focuses ondesigning energy-efficient as well as cost-efficient WSN. The designed WSN can accommodateto changes, which are caused by external conditions. The designed approach is also scalable. TheWSN is designed with the usage of Zigbee mesh protocol with Arduino Microcontroller as thebrain of the system that is validated and verified in the indoor, imitating the railway environment.

Effective machine learning techniques for detecting inflow and infiltration water in wastewater channels

Johansson, Jonas, Westlund, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
In this degree thesis, the research team analyses different ways of monitoring water flow in wastewater channels finds an effective way of processing data using machine learning on collected data from a specific area and sets up a system for finding correlations between rain levels, water usages and wastewater flow to detect infiltrations and inflow water in wastewater channels. The study concludes that a sensor network is most suited for monitoring wastewater channels and that machine learning could be used to detect infiltration and inflow water using different types of data.

Webové rozhraní pro monitoring senzorového pole / Web interface for sensor network monitoring

Vajsar, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design and create an application that will allow monitoring of wireless sensor networks. The basis of the project is to design a database that is capable of storing data acquired from wireless sensor networks. The main requirement for the design is versatility, which flows from the requirement to use the database for broad range of applications implementing wireless sensor networks. The application itself is designed to be the most versatile and modular, which means that modules provide specific monitoring services. The application is able to monitor the real wireless sensor network through designed and implemented connector. For implementation J2EE (server side) and Adobe Flex/Air (client side) technologies are used.

Návrh senzorové sítě pro monitoring osob a věcí v budově / Proposal of wireless sensor network for indoor monitoring of people and objects

Záděra, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of wireless sensor network (WSN) for monitoring of people and objects in a building. The work deals with issues of localization and tracking in sensor networks and algorithm implementation to sensor nodes. It also contains a description of the aplication requirements. These requirements form the basis for the proposal. The hardware part of the network consists of sensor nodes IRIS from Crossbow company. The work describes the properties of these nodes. Next part deals with of propagation model and design of the localization algorithm. The paper also describes the communication in the network. The thesis also includes a practical realization of the proposed network, the localization system and its testing. In the work is included a CD with the building schematic in AutoCAD and with source code of created applications.

Webové rozhraní pro komunikaci s uzly bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Web user interface for communicating with the wireless sensor nodes

Černocký, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to design and create web application that allows analysing and monitoring wireless sensor networks. The main function is to load plan of given area and shown position of the sensor network nodes. These nodes allow user to set which measured phenomenon will be display on them. The measured values can be loaded directly from sensor nodes or from database server. Visualized values for user defined time period can be displayed in the implemented graph. The application itself is programmed in JavaFX language and follows the rules of REST architecture. For easier communication with database server application uses the MyBatis framework.

Sběr dat z webových serverů v prostředí bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Web-based data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Velký, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the feasibility collecting data from web servers running on the nodes in sensor networks. It focuses on sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN. The work itself is divided to the node side and server side.REST web services on the node‘s Web server provides sensor data. These data are collected with Java application running on the sensor network server. This servers stores collected data in a database.

Návrh napájení pro uzly bezdrátové senzorové sítě s využitím solární energie / Solar power supply unit for a Wireless Sensor Networks

Víťazka, Ľuboš January 2011 (has links)
This work is aimed to design power supply for nodes of wireless sensors networks using solar energy in indoor spaces. The proposal is made for the particular layout, but the process described can be applied generally. The result is the proposed involvement of the operating power circuit for node of wireless sensor network used indoors.

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