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Analýza multicastových protokolů pro WSN / Analysis of multicast protocols of wirelles sensor networkKrajíček, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the issue of multicast traffic over ZigBee wireless network and implementation of corresponding protocols in to MATLAB background, further with realisation of multicast data transmission, consequential energy performance evaluation and comparation of particular protocols.
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Realizace úzkopásmových PLC modemů / Realization of narrowband powerline modemsKubíček, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a narrowband power line communication technology (PLC) and focuses on the potential use in the sensor networks. This thesis addresses both the structure and basic properties of PLC standard and possible use of this application in practice. The main part of this work is implementation of the PLC networks with IC ST7570 of STMicroelectronics. As an example of practical use of PLC technology, this network is connected to the computer where the data from the sensor (meter) connected to a PLC modem, stored in a database using a PHP script as presented by the Internet. Problem solving in this thesis focuses primarily on the simplicity and universality of the resulting applications.
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Tvorba experimentální bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Creation of an experimental wireless sensor networkPiro, Šimon January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, there will be experimental wireless sensor network created. Simple mo- nitoring application will be running on this network and storing data in database. For easier maintaining of network, there will be prototype system created, which will allow remote firmware upload to network nodes. This system will use Bootloader application from Atmel company combined with Serial to Ethernet converter. This system will al- lows mass upload of firmware to nodes from any place in the world with Internet access. Information about network will be stored in database which will include table for nodes and connections where its possible to see link quality for each link in the network.
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Monitorování budovy pomocí bezdrátové senzorové sítě s částečně dynamickou topologií / Wireless Sensor Network for Building Monitoring with Partially Dynamic TopologyUrbanovský, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the possibilities of wireless sensor networks in monitoring buildings and summarizes the most common use of wireless sensor networks in practice. There are also described communication protocols needed for communication between each node and properties of topology of created network. Importance is lay on implementation of fully dynamic network with automatic network topology establishment. The application is designed for the TinyOS operating system and hardware platforms MICAz and IRIS, and its task is to establish the topology and send the data obtained from sensors to base station. The implemented protocol is based on the Collection Tree Protocol protocol and using best effort delivery is able to establish a dynamic topology. Further there is described the method of storage and subsequent graphical and textual representation of data collected.
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Monitorování stavu bezdrátových senzorových sítích agenty / Agent-Based Monitoring of Wireless Sensor NetworksHoušť, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The reader is first introduced with history and possible applications for wireless sensor networks. The thesis then describes the problems of wireless sensor networks and implementation tools for wireless sensor networks. The thesis also presents the system WSageNt and its client web interface. Practical part is based on the design of agent elements. Describes gradual implementation, testing and practical realization of these agent elements in the system WSageNt. The final part discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the project and identifies possible future expansion of the system.
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Návrh a realizace bezdrátové komunikační sítě / Design of the wireless sensor and communication networkPtáček, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the study of the existing wireless network types, propose and realisation of a dedicated wireless network based on using nRF24L01+ wireless module. The aim is to design a simple, reliable and multifunctional low-cost wireless network. The cellular tree topology and random retransmission delay are used to eliminate cross-talks. Low propagation time is achieved by using ALOHA Access Protocol. Network units cooperate with peripherals in order to measure temperature, humidity, illumination level and other. The power down mode is used to increase duration of battery powered network unit. Practical part of the thesis is focused on creating a computer program to control and set up the network. The network provides a central or autonomous mode.
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Clock Synchronization and Localization for Wireless Sensor Network / Synchronisation d'horloge et localisation pour réseau de capteurs sans filHan, Cheng-Yu 12 November 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) jouent un rôle important dans des applications telles que la surveillance de l'environnement, le suivi de sources et le suivi médical, ...etc. Dans les WSN, les capteurs ont la capacité d'effectuer l'échantillonnage des données, des calculs distribués et de fusionner des données. Pour effectuer ces tâches complexes, la synchronisation des horloges et la localisation sont fondamentales et essentielles. Les WSN ont été largement étudiés ces dernières années et la littérature scientifique rapporte de nombreux résultats qui les rendent applicables pour de nombreuses applications. Pour d'autres, la recherche doit encore trouver des solutions à certains des défis posés par la limitation énergétique, la dynamicité et la faible puissance de calcul. Dans le but de contribuer à la recherche sur les WSN, cette thèse propose de nouveaux algorithmes pour la synchronisation d'horloge et la localisation. La synchronisation d'horloge est nécessaire afin que les effectuent de manière efficace la fusion de données. En appliquant l'algorithme de synchronisation d'horloge, les capteurs établissent un consensus temporel et travaillent donc au même rythme. Compte tenu de la dynamicité, des faibles capacités de calcul et de la parcimonie des WSN, un nouvel algorithme de synchronisation décentralisée à impulsions couplées est proposé pour améliorer la précision de la synchronisation. L'avantage de ce type d'algorithme est que les capteurs échangent des impulsions au lieu de paquets, de sorte que non seulement la communication est efficace, mais aussi robuste à toute défaillance des capteurs dans le réseau. La localisation de capteurs a été largement étudiée dans la littérature scientifique. Cependant, la qualité et la précision de la localisation peuvent encore être améliore. Cette thèse applique l'algorithme LSCR (Régression de régions corrélées à signes dominants) au problème de localisation. Avec LSCR, on évalue des régions de confiance avec des niveaux de confiance prescrits, qui fournissent non seulement on emplacement mais aussi la confiance en cet emplacement. Dans cette thèse, plusieurs approches de localisation sont implémentées et comparées. Le résultat de la simulation montre que, sous hypothèses modérées, LSCR obtient des résultats compétitifs par rapport à d'autres méthodes. / Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play an important role in applications such as environmental monitoring, source tracking, and health care,... In WSN, sensors have the ability to perform data sampling, distributed computing and information fusion. To perform such complex tasks, clock synchronization and localization are two fundamental and essential algorithms. WSNs have been widely studied in the past years, and the scientific literature reports many outcomes that make them applicable for some applications. For some others, research still needs to find solutions to some of the challenges posed by battery limitation, dynamicity, and low computing clock rate. With the aim of contributing to the research on WSN, this thesis proposes new algorithms for both clock synchronization and localization. For clock synchronization, sensors converge their local physical clock to perform data fusion. By applying the clock synchronization algorithm, sensors converge the time difference and therefore work at the same rate. In view of dynamicity, low computing and sparsity of WSN, a new pulse-coupled decentralized synchronization algorithm is proposed to improve the precision of the synchronization. The benefit of this kind of algorithm is that sensors only exchange zero-bit pulse instead of packets, so not only the communication is efficient but also robust to any failure of the sensors in the network. Localization of sensors has been widely studied. However, the quality and the accuracy of the localization still have a large room to improve. This thesis apply Leave-out Sign-dominant Correlated Regions (LSCR) algorithm to localization problem. With LSCR, one evaluates the accurate estimates of confidence regions with prescribed confidence levels, which provide not only the location but also the confidence of the estimation. In this thesis, several localization approaches are implemented and compared. The simulation result shows under mild assumptions, LSCR obtains competitive results compared to other methods.
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Experimental Study on Low Power Wireless Sensor Network Protocols with Native IP Connectivity for BuildingA utomationZhu, Shaoling January 2015 (has links)
The recent development of wired and wireless communication technologiesmake building automation the next battlefield of the Internet of Things. Multiplestandards have been drafted to accommodate the complex environmentand minimize the resource consumption of wireless sensor networks. This MasterThesis presents a thorough experimental evaluation with the latest Contikinetwork stack and TI CC2650 platform of network performance indicators,including signal coverage, round trip time, packet delivery ratio and powerconsumption. The Master Thesis also provides a comparison of the networkprotocols for low power operations, the existing operating systems for wirelesssensor networks, and the chips that operate on various network protocols. Theresults show that CC2650 is a promising competitor for future development inthe market of building automation.
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Study of Sensor Network Applications in Building ConstructionWang, Xiaotao January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of wireless sensor networks applied in monitoring the curing process of concrete building structure. To replace the massive user intervention of the traditional monitoring methods with automated data acquisition, various types of sensors are developed for different concrete tests, including compressive strength measurement, maturity test, and relative humidity test. The main purpose of the thesis is to provide an analysis of existing commercial sensors as well as research prototypes, comparing different test methods and communication models. Distribution of sensors, future potential in millimeter-wave, and simulation environments are also discussed.
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NFC-Enable System Design in Wireless SensorNetworkHua, Yin January 2013 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) have the potential to greatly affect every part of industrial and people’s lifestyle. For this reason, iPack VINN Excellence Center contributes to wireless tracking platform for fresh food and lifestyle. Every new idea or technology is attempted to integrate to the WSN for more efficient, better user experience and lower power consumption. Meanwhile Near Field Communication (NFC), a short-range wireless connectivity technology, which can make communication easily,safety and intuitively arousing iPack interest. So this master thesis focus on integrating NFC technology into existing systems to build a NFC-enable Wireless Sensor Network system. And with thissystem, only one simple touch, data from sensor node can be transmitted to mobile phone or tablet. Furthermore parameters of sensor node also can be configured easily by using above devices. So basically the NFC peer-to-peer communication protocol is mainly used. To implement and test the functions of the demonstration, a sets of hardware is needed to chosen and bought. How to design the system without changing old WSN is very tricky. To design a NFC adapter which can connect existing WSN with NFC part is thesolution of this thesis. So the main task was designing a NFC adapter which could be connected with either mobile phone/tablet or sensor node. It was the NFC adapter that makes mobile phone/tablet or sensor node NFC enabled. For the connection method, the high speed UART interface was chosen to connect with sensor node. The architecture of NFC adapter includes two main parts, A NFC chip (PN532) from NXP and a MCU(VNC2) from FTDI. The PN532 uses its antenna to send or receive data with different NFC protocols. The VNC2 is used to store sensor collected data and sends command though UART to control the PN532. Learning to use the PN532 was a tough task during the thesis work. Both official manuals and demo application are helpful for understanding the PN532 controlling. In addition, We analysed the sniffer data from demo application and code from NXP software design kit (SDK). which helped us to know the process of the PN532 peer-to-peer communication. After learning from official application, user manual and monitoring software/hardware design kid applications, we began to design our own hardware suitable SDK for the NFC adapter. At first we connected the hardware parts. When hardware connection was ready, we wrote and tested the firmware for VNC2 platform. Then due to the reason that Windows is more stable than our build VNC2 platform system at that moment, we wrote our own software design kid for NFC adapter under Windows OS first. The basic idea of software design kid is easy to use, modify and integrate into any other platforms. At the end of the thesis project, we integrated our own SDK into VNC2. When integration was done, a lot of stability and performance validation were done. Based on the result of testing, we optimized and modified our SDK and tested it again. This thesis project basically handles out a new ideal of integrating NFC to existing wireless sensor network to make WSN NFC enable. To prove the idea, we made a demo to show the enhanced sensor node and the results are satisfied. However there still has a lot of works and a lot of improvement should can be done in the future.
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