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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heuristic combinatorial optimization in the design for expository preaching

Lee, Ting Wu 30 November 2006 (has links)
This research presents a systematic and iterative procedure, as well as theoretical study, on expository sermon construction. The basic approach to sermon design involves the treatment of this subject matter as a design problem, utilizing advanced methodology in engineering design. This includes the modeling technique, the flow-chart method, and the optimization theory. In addition, we use heuristics as the search engine for seeking intelligent and efficient optimum design solutions. The heuristics can best be compared to the "artificial intelligence" or the "wisdom bank," involving six sources of wisdom; these include: talents, gifts, creativity, knowledge, experience and spiritual insights. The results represented in this thesis are believed to have demonstrated original findings in the following areas. First, the subject matter is found to be of a design nature, sharing the common characteristics of a general class of the design discipline, namely, having a 3-stage iterative procedure of the ABA' model. Secondly, a mathematical as well as physical model of the sermon design problem is developed in this study, using both homiletic and hermeneutic principles. The human body is used as the physical model, making it possible for simple visualization of the sermon structure and for performance evaluation. A mathematical model is found to be the "Heuristic Combinatorial Optimization Problem" and consists of eight design variables. Although it is not yet possible to develop a computer-aided protocol to seek solutions, an alternative approach called the "Web-Chart Method" can potentially be adaptable to an interactive computer system in the future. It serves as a two-dimensional "design chart" on paper, in which iterative procedures can be performed manually. The advantage is that the designer can direct his or her heuristic search for optimum solutions with the help of a number of design tools, including the "Insight-Recording Sheet" and the "Analogical Analysis Chart." With these tools, the designer has, at his or her disposal, the ability to search for solutions in sermon design, while still maintaining a global view with all the design variables controlled for. In this research, the principles of combinatorial heuristics applicable to the field of optimum design of expository sermons have been described. They are based on heuristic combinatorial optimization methods in the engineering design field with refinements geared to the homiletic as well as hermeneutic nature of the problem. The approaches represented here would allow a designer to utilize resources that are not otherwise available and/or are not easily manageable. With these research results, one would be able to design sermons innovatively and optimally in a systematic and heuristic-guided manner. Further extension of this work would lead to a new field of research and development in the computer-aided design of expository sermons. Key words: preaching; homiletics; expository preaching; design for preaching; sermon construction; computer-aided sermon design; sermon design optimization; heuristic sermon design; heuristic sermon optimization; heuristic combinatorial optimization. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th.(Practical Theology)

A practical theological study of the preacher's ethos in Korean context

Jeong, Woo-Sung 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: a reasonable foundation for their authority is needed. Lastly, it is argued that within the Korean context, the preacher’s “reasonable authority” should have the Word of God as its foundation. Chapter 5 demonstrates three key aspects of the preacher’s ethos by highlighting the following: firstly, three kinds of proofs for structural principles, i.e. persuasion by moral character (ethos); persuasion by putting the hearer into a certain emotional frame of mind (pathos); and persuasion by the speech itself, when the truth or apparent truth(logos) is established. Secondly, an important rule for the preacher’s ethos, namely that listeners must trust and feel connected with the speaker. Thirdly, the attitude of the audience as an important element that influences and even constructs the speaker’s character. Chapter 6 presents four key aspects of preaching in crisis as related to the preacher’s ethos by pointing out the following: firstly, preachers cannot be separated from their preaching. Secondly, a large part of preparation for preaching is the preachers’ own personal preparation–the impact from the pulpit is indeed tied to their own moral character and ethos. Thirdly, the most importance aspect of the preachers’ ethos in preaching is the danger of their possible inconsistent lifestyle .Preachers’ talk should be supported and balanced by their walk. Lastly, the key point of the preachers’ ethos related to their congregations is that, in their minds during reparation of the sermons, there should always be recognition of the reality of a listening audience. Chapter 7 focuses on ethos related to two areas: firstly, the development of the preachers’ ethos. Secondly, some suggestions for the development of their ethos concern five aspects, such as their vocation, spirituality, reading, prayer and “glory”. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die belangrikheid van predikers se etos in prediking uit te lig. Oor prediking bestaan daar baie hedendaagse kritiek. Die kwynende invloed van prediking word deur sommige aan die deur van die prediker se eie persoonlike etos gelê. Dus, wat beteken etos met betrekking tot die prediker? Hierdie vraag vorm deel van die kern van hierdie navorsing. Die verhouding tussen etos en prediking is duidelik van groot belang. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die basiese konsep van ‘n prediker met betrekking tot vyf sleutel aspekte: Eerstens, die definisie van “prediker” is dat hy/sy ‘n dienaar van die Woord en van God is. Tweedens, die betekenis van die prediker se roeping is soos dié van Jesus Christus en die uitgangspunt is dat die prediker woorde lei tot die gemeente se verlossing. Derdens, in die praktyk word ‘n prediker dikwels as ‘n ambassadeur, profeet, getuie, herder, rentmeester, boodskapper of woordvoerder beskryf. Vierdens, in prediking is die prediker se taak dié van ‘n bemiddelaar tussen God en mens, ‘n vertolker van die Bybel vir die gemeentelede en om hulle te inspireer om ‘n meersinvolle lewe te lei. Laastens het die navorser klem gelê op die belang van prediking met betrekking tot ses areas: die prediker, die gemeente, die kerk, aanbidding, die Christendom en die wêreld. Hoofstuk 3 ondersoek sekere voorlopige navorsing op huidige prediking in krisis. In ‘n sekere sin bejeën (post)moderne mense, soos sosiale wetenskaplikes, kommunikasie kundiges, teoloë en hulle in die kerkbanke, prediking met negatiwiteit. Elke groep het sy eie fokus van kritiek, maar wat dit ookal mag wees, hulle stem almal saam dat iets ernstigs verkeerd is met vandag se preke. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die algemene omstandighede van die kerk en prediking, asookdie prediker in die Koreaanse konteks, met die fokus op die volgende vier aspekte. Eerstens, die Koreaanse Kerk is een van die verstommende fenomene in die Christendom se onlangse geskiedenis. Ongelukkig het dié Kerk se groei inderdaad opgehou en het selfs ‘n agteruitgang getoon sedert die middel 90s. Tweedens, ‘n noukeurige studie van Koreaanse prediking het bewys dat hierdie teologiese instelling nie sterk is nie en dat ‘n vorm van bevooroordeelde eksegese van die Bybel tans versprei. Derdens, in die Koreaanse konteks het Koreaanse predikers buitensporige outoriteit; hulle is verantwoordelik vir vele aktiwiteite en ‘n redelike basis vir hul outoriteit is nodig. Laastens word geargumenteer dat, binne die Koreaanse konteks, die prediker se “redelike outoriteit” die Woord van God as basis moet behou. Hoofstuk 5 demonstreer drie sleutel aspekte van die prediker se etos deur die volgende uit te lig: eerstens, drie soorte strukturele rigsnoere, naamlik oorreding deur morele karakter (etos); oorreding deur die hoorder in ‘n sekere emosionele gemoedstoestand (patos) te plaas; en oorreding deur die toespraak self, wanneer die waarheid of oënskynlike waarheid (logos) bepaal is. Tweedens, ‘n belangrike reël vir die prediker se etos is dat luisteraars die spreker vertrou en aan hom/haar verbind voel. Derdens, houding as ‘n belangrike element wat gehorebeïnvloed om die spreker se karakter te beoordeel. Hoofstuk 6 bied vier sleutel aspekte van krisisprediking met betrekking tot die prediker se etos, naamlik: eerstens,predikers kan nie van hul prediking geskei word nie. Tweedens, ‘n groot deel van die voorbereiding vir prediking is die predikers se eie persoonlike voorbereiding –impak vanaf die kansel is inderdaad verbind aan hul eie morele karakter en etos. Derdens is die belangrikste aspek van die predikers se etos die gevaar van hul moontlike teenstrydige leefwyse. Predikers se woorde moet ondersteun en gebalanseer word deur hul optrede. Laastens, die sleutelpunt van die predikers se etos, wat betref hul gemeentes,is dat daar tydens die preekvoorbereiding ‘n voortdurende bewussyn van die realiteit van ‘n luisterende gehoor moet wees. Hoofstuk 7 fokus op twee areas: eerstens, die ontwikkeling van predikers se etos. Tweedens, ‘n paar voorstelle vir die ontwikkeling van hierdie etos met betrekking tot vyf aspekte, naamlik predikers se roeping, spiritualiteit, leeswerk, gebed en “heeklikheid”.

'n Kritiese evaluering van geselekteerde beeldspraak volgens Matteus 5-7 as kernmomente in 'n Christelike lewensetos

21 April 2009 (has links)
M.A. / We live in a world, that is basically spiritually and morally bankrupt. The tidal wave of crime and thorny issues like aids and abortion, are only some of the consequences of this moral decay. Even the Church has not been able to avoid this decay and the very high divorce rate amongst Christians is proof of this moral regression. Pastoral counsellors are often stunned and amazed by the immorality that oftentimes occurs in Christian circles. Is there an answer? The ethical guidelines as found in the Sermon on the Mount, offers a solution. Can ethical guidelines, pronounced 2000 years ago, offer any solutions in this post-modern century? Are these not outdated norms, applicable in an ancient milieu, offering no solution for today? Can it still have any hermeneutical value? These are the questions addressed in this research. The ethical guidelines, as offered by the Sermon on the Mount, can be approached in two different ways. It can be viewed as an outdated ancient principle, with no normative value in a post-modern century, or as a guideline that withstood the test of time and still counts as the will of God, for every believer in his ethos. To maintain standards at the centre of God’s will, is an exalted ideal for every believer that earnestly views his Christianity. The ethical guidelines in the Sermon on the Mount, puts the standards of God in a practical manner, but in such a way that it brings every Christian to the realisation of his incapacity, to live it in practice. The result of this study has shown that the living of the Sermon on the Mount (especially the figurative language components contained in it) in a Christian ethos, is not a utopian dream, but relevant guidelines, that with the assistance of the residing Holy Spirit, can be lived as normative ethical principles in a Christian ethos.

O gesto da palavra: prolegômenos a um estudo da actio nos sermões impressos de Antônio Vieira / The gesture of the word: prolegomena to a study of actio in the printed sermons of Antônio Vieira

Marcos Lemos Ferreira dos Santos 06 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar uma sistematização que possibilidade do estudo da actio na parenética seiscentista, em particular a de Antônio Vieira. Mediante entendimento do sermão como gênero ou prática discursiva historicamente determinada, pretende-se demonstrar que o sermão é um gênero performático que depende de três eixos fundamentais: o ethos do pregador (pessoa), a circunstância de pregação (espaço, tempo e público) e o enunciado propriamente dito. Como sermão impresso, verifica-se ainda a existência de uma actio simulada que, mediante protocolos de leitura estabelecidos pelo autor, visa a substituir a actio real (que é irrecuperável) e direcionar a leitura do sermão para determinada finalidade. / The aim of the present study is to present a systematization that can be used for the study of actio in the 17th Century sermons, in particular Antônio Vieira \'s. Through an understanding of the sermon as a genre or a historically determined discursive practice, the aim is to demonstrate that the sermon is a performance genre that depends on three fundamental axes: the ethos of the preacher (person), the preaching circumstance (space, time and audience) and the text itself. As a printed sermon, there is also a simulated actio that, through reading protocols established by the author, aims to replace the real actio (which is irrecoverable) and direct the reading of the sermon for a certain purpose.

O gesto da palavra: prolegômenos a um estudo da actio nos sermões impressos de Antônio Vieira / The gesture of the word: prolegomena to a study of actio in the printed sermons of Antônio Vieira

Santos, Marcos Lemos Ferreira dos 06 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar uma sistematização que possibilidade do estudo da actio na parenética seiscentista, em particular a de Antônio Vieira. Mediante entendimento do sermão como gênero ou prática discursiva historicamente determinada, pretende-se demonstrar que o sermão é um gênero performático que depende de três eixos fundamentais: o ethos do pregador (pessoa), a circunstância de pregação (espaço, tempo e público) e o enunciado propriamente dito. Como sermão impresso, verifica-se ainda a existência de uma actio simulada que, mediante protocolos de leitura estabelecidos pelo autor, visa a substituir a actio real (que é irrecuperável) e direcionar a leitura do sermão para determinada finalidade. / The aim of the present study is to present a systematization that can be used for the study of actio in the 17th Century sermons, in particular Antônio Vieira \'s. Through an understanding of the sermon as a genre or a historically determined discursive practice, the aim is to demonstrate that the sermon is a performance genre that depends on three fundamental axes: the ethos of the preacher (person), the preaching circumstance (space, time and audience) and the text itself. As a printed sermon, there is also a simulated actio that, through reading protocols established by the author, aims to replace the real actio (which is irrecoverable) and direct the reading of the sermon for a certain purpose.

The Sermonic Urge: Postsecular Sermons in Contemporary American Fiction

Rorabaugh, Peter W. 30 June 2011 (has links)
Contemporary American novels over the last forty years have developed a unique orientation toward religious and spiritual rhetoric that can best be understood within the multidisciplinary concept of the postsecular. In the morally-tinged discourse of their characters, several esteemed American novelists (John Updike, Toni Morrison, Louise Erdrich, and Cormac McCarthy) since 1970 have used sermons or sermon-like artifacts to convey postsecular attitudes and motivations. These postsecular sermons express systems of belief that are hybrid, exploratory, and confessional in nature. Through rhetorical analysis of sermons in four contemporary American novels, this dissertation explores the performance of postsecularity in literature and defines the contribution of those tendancies to the field of literary and rhetorical studies.

Srovnání dvou kázání z doby pozdního baroka / A Comparative Study of Two Late Baroque Sermons

SLAVÍČKOVÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Main topic of this work is to analyze language and stylistic elements used in two sermons from baroque period dated 1709 and 1724. Both texts come from servites order library in Nove Hrady. In the first part, main traits of the baroque poetic art are thoroughly described with respect to preachership and most important baroque preachers. Either text is being compared from point of view of composition and stylistics, text structure as well as application of rhetorical elements and figurative language in particular composition parts is dealt with. Analysis of further language levels, especially with regard to phonetics, morfology and lexicology, is also included. No research in the field of syntax was made at this point. Principal aim of this work is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the usage of Czech language at the beginning of 18th century. It should influence the reader emotionally, be persuasive, form his way of thinking and help him to come up with new ideas.

Erasmus as Interpreter of the Sermon on the Mount in his Paraphrase on Matthew

Vasut, Ryan 18 June 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines Erasmus’s interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount in his Paraphrase on Matthew. The argument is that Erasmus offers a particularly rich reading of the Sermon through his use of the church fathers, his intratextual interpretive habits, and his exegetical insights. Chapter 1 briefly surveys major contributions for the study of the Paraphrases and provides a general introduction to the Paraphrases. Chapter 2 examines Erasmus’s frequent use of the church fathers throughout the Sermon and suggests that he shapes their works to meet his rhetorical needs. Chapter 3 surveys the intratextual connections Erasmus makes within the Sermon itself and between the Sermon and the rest of Matthew. Chapter 4 presents a couple passage-level insights from Erasmus and a discussion of his tripartite structure through the center of the Sermon as reflections from exegetical history. Chapter 5 concludes with a summary of the argument.

Preaching in Times of Pestilence – 1918 and 2020

Nystrand, Clara 31 August 2021 (has links)
With the help of sermon manuscripts from the time of the Spanish flu, held within the Church of Sweden, new light is shed on sermons held in the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The comparison shows, among other things, that a shift has been made in how God is portrayed. It also points to some challenging questions about suffering, hope and the role of eternity in preaching today.

'n Prakties-teologiese ondersoek na die inkleding van die erediens met die doel om die verskillende generasies in 'n gesamentlike familie-erediens aan te spreek (Afrikaans)

Wagner-Ferreira, Elizabeth Catharina 05 November 2008 (has links)
This study is about a conceptual framework in order to assist a minister to ensure that the whole family (consisting of different generations) is addressed in the same family service. In many churches different services are held for different generations while, when the family attend a service, the children and teenagers mostly feel that they are not addressed. Children are part of the family of God and should attend the church service with their parents or caretakers. They are the child’s mentors in more than one way and should also guide them to live their lives as Christians. Church leaders increasingly realise that what is happening in the life of a child is directly related to what is happening, or not happening, at home. Leaders recognise that in order to pass on the faith from generation to generation, a new paradigm of ministry is needed – one that is holistic and connects children, youth, family, congregation, community and culture. The generation theory is a tool to help a minister to understand the family members better. It is not a mechanism to label people. It is more like a dipstick into a period of time that groups people who tend, generally speaking, to think and act in a similar manner under certain conditions. With understanding comes insight as well as vision, and problem-solving may follow. A sermon group where families are invited to discuss the Scripture reading as well as the message of the text before and after the sermon may help the minister to address the whole family. The sermon group will enhance communication and understanding. It may also help with the building of relationships between the different generations within the family as well as with the minister. Praise and worship plays an important role in the family service. Traditional worship is word-driven and punctuated by organ music. Contemporary worship is music-driven with pianos, drums and guitars. In order to accommodate all the generations an integrated style is a possibility to explore. This style integrates all the music instruments and songs of the different generations. In a family service worship should link each part of the liturgy in such a way that the reformed character of the service is not neglected. The sermon in a family service, as well as the whole service itself, should be short. The minister should use ample metaphors and visual material in the sermon. It is also important to use simple language (and seldom theological terms) in order to facilitate better understanding amongst the children and teenagers. The person of the minister plays an important role in a family-service. There is always a minister who conducts the service. An honest, transparent and trustworthy minister’s message will be accepted by all generations, even if he/she might not be the best orator. After studying the literature, empirical research was conducted. The original conceptual framework was enriched and broadened by the life-experience interviews of the families regarding the church service. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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