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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of herd immunity to foot-and-mouth disease

Edacheril, Mathew January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

En sammanställning av kreatinin och cystatin C vid skattning av glomerulär filtrationshastighet : En litteraturöversikt / A Compile of Creatinine and Cystatin C in Estimating the Glomerular Filtration Rate : A Literature Review

Berglund, Linnea, Lundin, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Undersökningar som inkluderar kontrastmedel har ökat på datortomografin (DT). Inför kontrastmedelsundersökningar ska den glomerulära filtrationshastigheten (GFR) estimeras för att få ett mått på patientens njurfunktion. I nuläget finns det två olika markörer som kan användas till detta, kreatinin och cystatin C. Det är röntgensjuksköterskans ansvar att skatta GFR för att kunna göra en bedömning om patienten kan utföra undersökningen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa studier som jämför kreatinin och cystatin C vid skattning av GFR. Metod: Den här studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och SveMed+. Tio kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar lokaliserades och gick vidare till analys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att cystatin C i många fall var en bättre indikator för att estimera GFR. Slutsats: För äldre och njursjuka ansågs cystatin C vara en bättre markör för njurfunktionen. Dock anser författarna att det krävs vidare forskning inom ämnet och dess påverkande faktorer för att kunna introducera cystatin C som ny njurfunktionsmarkör.

Stabilität der epitheliotrophen Potenz von Serum vor und nach Kryokonservierung / Epitheliotrophic stability of autologous serum eye drops before and after cryostorage

Fischer, Kai Reiner January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Augentropfen aus autologem Serum (AT) werden seit ca. zehn Jahren erfolgreich in der Therapie von Erkrankungen des äußeren Auges eingesetzt [Yamada et al. 2008]. Die relativ aufwendige individuelle Herstellung sowie die derzeitigen gesetzlichen Regularien schränken bisher die flächendeckende Versorgung der Patienten mit AT ein. Der Nachweis der Funktionalität der AT nach einer verlängerten Haltbarkeit von sieben Tagen bei +4°C bzw. sechs Monaten Lagerungen bei -20°C könnte die Logistik vereinfachen und somit die Versorgungssituation der Patienten verbessern. In dieser Studie wurde die Stabilität verschiedener Inhaltsstoffe und des wundheilungsfördernden Einflusses von AT in verschiedenen Verdünnungsstufen unter verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen untersucht. Materialien und Methodik Nach Vorliegen des Votums der Ethikkommission der Universität Würzburg wurde von zehn gesunden Männern 300 ml Vollblut in sterilen Serummonovetten abgenommen. Die Präparation erfolgte entsprechend dem Protokoll von Liu et al. [2005]. Die AT wurden unverdünnt (AT100), bzw. mit Balanced Saltsolution (BSS) für die Ophthalmologie auf 50% (AT50) oder 20% (AT20) verdünnt und bei 6° für 7 Tage bzw. bei -20° für 3 und 6 Monate gelagert. Die Untersuchung der Proben erfolgte am Tag der Entnahme, nach 7 Tagen, 3 Monaten und 6 Monaten. Die Konzentration von Epidermalem Wachstumsfakor (EGF), Fibronektin, Vitamin A und E, IgA und Albumin wurden mittels Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC), Photometrie oder Turbidimetrie gemessen. Für den Nachweis der Funktionalität der AT in vitro wurden immortalisierte Hornhautepithelzellen (HCE-Zellen) verwendet. Folgende Parameter wurden untersucht: Proliferation mit Hilfe eines lumineszensbasierten ATP-Assays, Migration im Kolonie-Dispersions-Assay und Wundheilungspotenz mittels Scratch-Wound-Assay. Ergebnisse Die untersuchten laborchemischen Parameter zeigten während der Lagerung nur geringe Schwankungen und keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den frischen, den sieben Tage und den sechs Monate gelagerten Proben. Mit dem Kolonie-Dispersions-Assay wurde die Migrationsfähigkeit der HCE-Zellen über max. 144 h erfasst. Zu jedem Messpunkt und bei jeder Konzentration war eine Zunahme des Durchmessers der Zellrasen zu beobachten, außer für sechs Monate gelagerte AT20. Die stärkste Dispersionstendenz zeigte die Zellen für AT100. Auch für den Scratch-Wound-Assay und ATP-Assay konnte keine signifikante Änderung zum frischen Ausgangsmaterial gezeigt werden. Konklusion 1. Die Konzentration der untersuchten Inhaltsstoffe und der wundheilungsfördernde Einfluss von AT ist nach sieben Tagen bei +4°C bzw. nach sechs Monaten Lagerung bei -20°C nicht signifikant verändert. 2. Es konnte kein eindeutiger Parameter für die Kontrolle der AT gefunden werden. Aufgrund der Bedeutung für die Augenoberfläche und aufgrund der einfachen Nachweismethode bietet sich die Überwachung von Albumin oder Vitamin A & E an. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die verwendete Verdünnung ebenfalls keinen Einfluss auf die Lagerfähigkeit hat. 3. Weitere Studien über andere trophische Faktoren oder über einen Zeitraum bis zu 12 Monaten sollten folgen. Auch die klinische Überprüfung der gefundenen Ergebnisse steht aus. / Purpose: Serum eye drops are used for the treatment of ocular surface disease (e.g. Sicca Syndrome). The objective of this study was to investigate whether they maintain their wound healing potency after a prolonged storage of six months at -20°C and was to find a parameter which can serve as a quality and stability indicator. Design: experimental study Methods: After obtaining whole blood from 10 volunteers and preparation of 100% (AS100), 50% (AS50), 20% (AS20) serum eye drops, epitheliotrophic factors including EGF, fibronectin, vitamin A & E, albumin and IgA were quantified before and after storage for 7 days at 6°C or 3 and 6 months at -20°C. Human corneal epithelial cell (HCE) line were used to investigate proliferation, migration and overall wound healing potency of the cells in response to different serum preparations. Main Outcome Measures: The proliferation, migration and wound healing of HCE were measured after incubation with different serum eye drop concentrations and after different storage conditions. Results: The concentration of EGF, fibronectin, vitamins A & E, IgA and albumin showed no significant reduction over the test period. Proliferation, migration and wound healing of HCE cells was significantly better after incubation with undiluted serum in comparison with diluted serum. No significant loss of cytokine concentration, wound healing and proliferation effect in HCE culture of AS100, AS50 and AS20 could be detected over the 6 months of storage. Conclusion: The concentration of a spectrum of cytokines involved in corneal epithelial wound healing and the epitheliothrophic effect of serum are not significantly changed after a prolonged storage of six months at -20°C. Hence it seems justifiable to provide patients with appropriate freezer capacity with a 6 months supply of autologous serum eye drops. Among the many parameters tested albumin may be due to cost effectiveness and its importance for the ocular surface an appropriate parameter to serve for stability controls.

Association and interaction of serum albumin with lung surfactant extract /

Vidyasankar, Sangeetha, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2005. / Bibliography: leaves 117-129.

Characterization of Feed Efficiency Traits and Relationships with Temperament, Serum Hormones and Serum Metabolites in Growing Brangus Heifers

Gomez, Robynne 1977- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Physiological traits that are biologically associated with feed efficiency may be useful indicator traits residual feed intake (RFI). The objective of this study was to examine the relationships between RFI, temperament, serum hormones and serum metabolites in growing heifers. A 4 yr study (n = 114-119 heifers/yr) was conducted with Brangus heifers (Initial BW = 271 ± 26 kg) that were weaned for 25.5 ± 8.6 d prior to high roughage diet adaptation (ME = 2.0 Mcal/kg DM). Individual dry matter intakes (DMI) were measured using Calan gate feeders and BW measured at 7-d intervals during the 70-d studies. RFI was calculated as the residual from the linear regression of DMI on mid-test BW0.75 and average daily gain (ADG). Temperament scores and exit velocity (EV) were taken at 0-d. Temperament index (TI) was calculated as the average of EV and chute score. On 0-d, blood samples were collected and assayed for partial blood counts (WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, HB), metabolites (total protein, TP; glucose; creatinine; blood urea nitrogen, BUN; β-hydroxybutyrate, BHB) and hormones (cortisol; insulin-like growth hormone I, IGF-I). Across all heifers, RFI was positively correlated with DMI (0.70) and feed:gain (0.59). Heifers with low RFI (< 0.5 SD from mean RFI 0.00 ± 0.71 kg/d) consumed 16 percent less DMI and had 16 percent lower feed:gain than heifers with high RFI (> 0.50 SD from mean RFI). RFI was weakly correlated (P < 0.05) with WBC (0.15), HB (-0.11), total protein (-0.10), BUN (0.10), creatinine (-0.11) and BHB (0.13). Hemoglobin and BHB were weakly correlated with all feed efficiency traits except feed conversion ratio (FCR). No phenotypic correlation was found between cortisol and IGF-I with RFI. Temperament was not correlated with RFI. Cortisol, creatinine and glucose were moderately correlated with all temperament traits. Low TI heifers (calm) had significantly higher Final BW, ADG and DMI than high TI heifers. Calm animals had significantly lower cortisol, HB, creatinine and glucose and higher BHB. These results suggest that the temperament and serum metabolites evaluated in this study have limited utility as indicator traits for RFI in growing heifers.

Detection trace C reactive protein from human serum by mass technology

Chen, Yu-Ching 30 July 2004 (has links)

Effects of pathogen on blood and serum chemistry of grouper

Yu, Chu-mei 15 September 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was for building the data on blood and serum chemistry of grouper ‚ and expect these data can be helpful to know the fish condition in early stages‚ in order to remedy as soon as possible and decrease the loss that caused of fish disease. Three experiments were conducted to establish the data on blood and serum chemistry of grouper. In the first experiment‚ the clinical chemistry including red and white blood cell counts‚ Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (GOT)‚ Glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT)‚ total protein‚ albumin and blood ion of Na‚ K and Ca were built in different size of healthy orange spotted grouper¡]Epinephelus coioides¡^. The results showed that the white blood cell counts was divided into two major parts 70-90&#x00B4;103 cell/ml and 110-140&#x00B4;103 cell/ml. Red blood cell counts was landed on 1.85-3.21&#x00B4;106 cell/ml. The range of GOT and GPT were 0-45 IU/L and 0-350 IU/L. Total protein and albumin were 3.8-5.6 and 0.7-1.6 g/dL. In the second experiment‚ the clinical chemistry of orange spotted grouper after infected by dactylogurus‚ trichodinla‚ nervous necrosis virus (NNV) and NNV with Amyloodinium ocellatum were collected and compared with normal orange spotted grouper. The white blood cell counts and the concentration of K+ in the infected NNV and dactylogurus of fish were significantly higher (P<0.05) than normal fish‚ while the granulocyte in infected fish was significantly lower (P<0.05) than normal fish. In the dactylogurus and trichodinla infections of fish‚ the concentration of Ca2+ was significantly higher (P<0.05) than normal fish. In the third experiment‚ the size of monocytes and neutrophils of brown marbled grouper¡]E. fuscoguttatus¡^ were grown in 8 hours and 16 hours‚ respectively‚ after challenged with Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae‚ and the eosinophils size of challenge group fish bigger (P<0.05) than control group fish after challenged for 16 hours.

Biomarkers of internal exposure/dose : Methods to quantify adducts to protein and DNA by LC/MS studied with benzo[a]pyrene and isocyanates

Westberg, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on methods for quantification by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) of specific biomarkers for internal dose of chemicals which induce toxicity through their electrophilic reactivity. In vivo such compounds are short-lived, and could feasibly be measured as their reaction products (adducts) with biomacromolecules. Analysis by MS methods of stable adducts offers the specificity and accuracy required to generate data on internal dose useful in risk estimation. The primary aim was to develop a method for quantification by LC/MS of bulky adducts to serum albumin (SA) from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, using the genotoxic diolepoxide (DE) of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) as a model. A method for analysis of the BPDE adducts to His146 in SA was developed which is robust, easy-to-use, has good reproducibility and which reached a high sensitivity. A method for quantification of BPDE adducts to N2-deoxyguanosine (dG) in DNA by LC/MS was also established. In mice exposed to BP, adducts to SA and DNA from stereoisomers of BPDE were identified and quantified. The adduct level was shown to be &gt;400 times higher in DNA than in SA, which from an in vitro study could be concluded to mainly depend on a large difference in the rates of adduct formation to His in SA and to dG in DNA. BPDE adduct levels to SA and DNA, and a biomarker of genotoxic effect (frequency of micronuclei), were compared in BP-exposed mice. The results were used to evaluate how these methods could be used in procedures for cancer risk estimation. An LC/MS method for analysis of valine hydantoins (VH) formed as adducts from isocyanates to N-termini in haemoglobin was established. VH, formed from urea/isocyanic acid, was investigated in mice as a potential biomarker of renal failure and for dose adjustment during treatment with a radioactive cytostatic drug. The kidney dysfunction was not severe enough to give a significant increase of VH in the experiment. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Serum proteome profiling using amine-reactive isobaric tagging mass spectrometry in schizophrenia

Koutroukides, Theodoros Alexis January 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Sahlén, Christina January 2012 (has links)
An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor α. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab control and Medinor control. TheTruLab control is based on human C-reactive protein while the Medinor control is based oncanine C-reactive protein. The precision of the method had a CV of 2.26 % (n=40). Themethod is considered stable and has good precision, under the circumstance that the TruLabcontrol is used. It was concluded that a Canine CRP-control is required and should beincluded in routine analysis.

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