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Owing the capability of recovering large deformations through reversible phase transformation, shape memory alloys (SMAs) are well-known for their unique behaviors such as shape memory effect (SME) and superelasticity (SE), which can also be characterized by instrumented indentation techniques. Nickel titanium (NiTi) SMAs have been extensively used for nano/micro-indentation studies and widely applied to biomedical and other elaborate medical devices.
In this study, indentation responses of NiTi, NiTiHf, NiTiHfPd and NiTiHfCu alloys were investigated using spherical and Berkovich indenters at room temperature. Spherical and Berkovich indentation hardness, modulus, and work/depth recoverable ratio of these NiTi-based alloys were revealed as a function of maximum loading level at nano and macro scales. It has been revealed that indentation responses are highly composition, aging and load level dependent. Perfect work/depth recovery was observed in superelastic NiTiHfPd alloys using the spherical indenter.
Temperature-dependent shape memory properties of equiatomic NiTi, Nickel rich NiTi, and as-received and aged NiTiHf alloys were investigated using a spherical indenter between 30-340 ºC under selected load levels. Ti-6Al-4V was also tested for comparison. Spherical indentation response of aged high temperature NiTiHf alloys showed a clear relationship between the work recoverable ratio and transformation temperatures, superelastic and plastic behavior. It was concluded that indentation response can be used to measure local superelasticity response, determine phase transformation temperatures and reveal the temperature intervals of the deformation mechanisms of shape memory alloys. Spherical indentation hardness and modulus as a function of temperature can be used to exam the phase transformation, but cannot provide sufficient information regarding the superelastic and plastic behavior.
Orientation dependence of the shape memory properties in aged Nickel rich Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 single crystals were investigated along the [100], [110] and [111] orientations under room and high temperatures through indentation techniques. Indentation hardness, modulus and work /depth recoverable ratio were investigated as a function of temperature and indentation depth/load. It was found that indentation response of work recovery ratio is orientation independent, however, shape memory properties (e.g. transformation temperatures) determined from the indentation responses are almost orientation independent.
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Contribution à la durabilité des câbles de Génie Civil vis-à-vis de la fatigue par un dispositif amortisseur à base de fils NiTi / Contribution to the durability of Civil Engineering cables subjected to fatigue, using a NiTi wires-based damping deviceHelbert, Guillaume 04 November 2014 (has links)
Les Alliages à Mémoire de Forme (AMF) possèdent, entre autres, des propriétés de superélasticité et de mémoire de forme remarquables dues à une transformation de phase solide-solide entre l'austénite et la martensite. En particulier, les AMF à base de Nickel-Titane (NiTi) sont aussi utilisés dans l'industrie, pour leur résistance à l'oxydation et leur tenue en fatigue. Leur capacité à dissiper l'énergie incite à leur utilisation au sein de dispositifs amortisseurs dédiés au Génie Civil. En effet, les sources de vibration (trafic routier, séismes, vent, pluie...) affectent la durabilité, vis-à-vis de la fatigue, des câbles de pont. Les amortisseurs de type hydraulique, utilisés jusqu'à aujourd'hui, peuvent transmettre des contraintes néfastes à la structure hors de leur domaine d'utilisation (en fréquence et amplitude). Un nouveau dispositif à base de fils NiTi est étudié au cours de cette thèse. Toutefois, ce matériau adapte son comportement thermomécanique aux conditions de chargement et à l'environnement thermique. Cette étude a permis de mettre au point un outil numérique destiné à caractériser l'influence d'un tel dispositif sur la réponse dynamique d'un système "câble+amortisseur". Pour cela, le matériau est caractérisé expérimentalement afin d'alimenter un nouveau modèle numérique du comportement thermomécanique en superélasticité, à l'échelle du VER. Le modèle proposé est validé selon un critère énergétique. Celui-ci est ensuite étendu à l'échelle du fil par un modèle non-local, afin d'explorer les effets d'hétérogénéité de comportement, dans le but d'une utilisation concrète. Un prototype d'amortisseur, développé au cours de cette thèse, a été testé avec succès sur un câble de pont à l'échelle 1. Le dispositif montre une réelle efficacité à réduire les amplitudes de vibration du câble. L'analyse de différentes configurations d'essais sur le câble fournit des pistes d'optimisation du système. Un modèle d'éléments finis associé, intégrant la loi de comportement du fil, permet de réaliser une analyse dynamique transitoire. Celui-ci est validé, justifiant ainsi la prise en compte des différentes sources de dissipation observées expérimentalement, à savoir : la dissipation intrinsèque, le couplage thermomécanique et la présence d'une phase solide intermédiaire (R-phase). Ces dernières peuvent être découplées, afin d'évaluer leur contribution à l'amortissement du câble.} / Shape memory alloys (SMA) have many interesting properties due to solid-solid phase transformations (usually between austenite and martensite), such as super-elasticity and/or shape memory effects. More particularly, Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) based SMA are currently used in many industrial fields for their oxydation resistance and their fatigue resistance. Furthermore, their dissipation capacities make them particularly suitable for using as dampers dedicated to Civil Engineering issues. Indeed, several phenomena (road traffic, earthquakes, wind, rain...) which are the main causes of structure vibrations, affect the sustainability of bridge cables. Current solutions, consisting in setting-up hydraulic dampers, are not satisfactory out of their working range in terms of amplitude and frequency. A new device based on NiTi wires is studied in this thesis. However, this material adapts its thermomechanical response according to input loading rates or amplitudes and thermal surroundings.In the thesis, we have developed a numerical tool which enables to predict the NiTi wires based damper influence on the dynamical response of the cable. Thus, the specimens are characterized using experimental tests in order to build a numerical thermomecanical model taking into account the superelasticity effect, at the REV scale. The model is validated according to an energetical criterion. The model is then extended to the scale of the structure, using a non-local finite elements model, in order to investigate heterogeneity effects.A damping device, developed during the thesis, is tested successfully on a full-scale bridge cable. Furthermore, the NiTi wires based damping device shows a real damping power effectiveness. The study of several test configurations provides recommendations for optimisation of the system. A related finite elements model is used to realize a transient dynamic analysis. The model, which lies on the superelastic law, is validated. It justifies, afterwards, the consideration of phenomena assumed to be sources of dissipation, such as intrinsic dissipation, thermomechanical coupling and R-phase transformation. These phenomena can be numerically isolated, to evaluate how they take part in the mitigation of cable vibrations.
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Constitutive modeling and finite element analysis of the dynamic behavior of shape memory alloysAzadi Borujeni, Bijan 11 1900 (has links)
Previous experimental observations have shown that the pseudoelastic response of NiTi shape memory alloys (SMA) is localized in nature and proceeds through nucleation and propagation of localized deformation bands. It has also been observed that the mechanical response of SMAs is strongly affected by loading rate and cyclic degradation. These behaviors significantly limit the accurate modeling of SMA elements used in various devices and applications. The aim of this work is to provide engineers with a constitutive model that can accurately describe the dynamic, unstable pseudoelastic response of SMAs, including their cyclic response, and facilitate the reliable design of SMA elements.
A 1-D phenomenological model is developed to simulate the localized phase transformations in NiTi wires during both loading and unloading. In this model, it is assumed that the untransformed particles located close to the transformed regions are less stable than those further away from the transformed regions. By consideration of the thermomechanical coupling among the stress, temperature, and latent heat of transformation, the analysis can account for strain-rate effects.
Inspired by the deformation theory of plasticity, the 1-D model is extended to a 3-D macromechanical model of localized unstable pseudoelasticity. An important feature of this model is the reorientation of the transformation strain tensor with changes in stress tensor. Unlike previous modeling efforts, the present model can also capture the propagation of localized deformation during unloading. The constitutive model is implemented within a 2-D finite element framework to allow numerical investigation of the effect of strain rate and boundary conditions on the overall mechanical response and evolution of localized transformation bands in NiTi strips. The model successfully captures the features of the transformation front morphology, and pseudoelastic response of NiTi strip samples observed in previous experiments. The 1-D and 3-D constitutive models are further extended to include the plastic deformation and degradation of material properties as a result of cyclic loading. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Mechanical Engineering, Department of / Graduate
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Experimental Testing and Reliability Analysis of Repaired SMA and Steel Reinforced Shear WallsZaidi, Mohammed January 2016 (has links)
Superelastic Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are being explored as alternative reinforcing materials to traditional deformed steel reinforcement for seismic applications. The main advantage is the ability of the SMA to recover large nonlinear strains, which promotes the self-centering phenomenon. The primary objective of this research is to present the performance, before and after repair, of slender reinforced concrete shear walls, one reinforced internally with SMAs in the boundary zones within the plastic hinge region and other control wall reinforced with conventional steel only. The repair procedure included removal of damaged concrete within the plastic hinge region, replacing fractured and buckled reinforcement, followed by shortening of the SMA reinforcement in the boundary zones of SMA wall. The removed concrete was replaced with self-consolidating concrete, while the concrete above the plastic hinge region remained intact.
The SMA reinforced concrete shear wall (before and after repair) exhibited stable hysteretic response with significant strength, and displacement and energy dissipation capacities. In addition, the walls exhibited pinching in the hysteretic response as a result of minimizing the residual displacements due to the restoring capacity of the SMA reinforcement. The results demonstrate that SMA reinforced components are self-centering, permitting repairing of damaged areas. Furthermore, the SMA reinforcement is re-usable given its capacity to reset to its original state. The length of the SMA bars in the original and repaired wall, in addition to the presence of starter bars in the original wall, were significant factors in the location of failure of the walls.
The conventional steel wall prior to repair was unstable due to large residual displacements experienced during the original test. After repair the wall exhibited ratcheting in hysteretic response but with significant strength. The conventional wall, before and after repair, dissipated more energy than the SMA wall. This was the result of the wider hysteretic loops with reduced punching, but at the cost of large residual displacements. The starter bars in the conventional wall before repair controlled the location of failure, while the presence of couplers in the plastic hinge region was the main factor in determining the failure location in the repaired conventional wall.
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Apport de la diffraction neutronique dans l'étude des phases métastables de l'alliage à mémoire de forme CuAlBe sous sollicitations mécaniques et thermiques / Study of metastable phases of CuAlBe shape memory alloy by neutron diffraction under mechanical and thermal solicitations.Dubois, Matthieu 02 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a porté sur l'étude des phases métastables de l'alliage à mémoire de forme CuAlBe sous différents types de sollicitations mécaniques et thermiques par diffraction des neutrons. Il a permis de définir un protocole expérimental de caractérisation des transformations des phases métastables caractéristiques de l'effet mémoire de forme et de la superélasticité. Après élaboration par filage à chaud suivi d'une trempe à l'eau, le matériau est entièrement austénitique β1. Sa microstructure est composée de grains de taille relativement importante, de l'ordre de 400 µm. Ce procédé de fabrication génère une texture cristallographique de type fibre partielle <001>. L'étude de la superélasticité lors d'un essai de traction à température ambiante a mis en évidence le comportement pseudoélastique de l'alliage. L'étude de l'évolution des microdéformations a permis de mettre en avant la forte hétérogénéité de comportement du plan (400). Le pic de diffraction de ce plan présente également un fort élargissement dû aux fautes d'empilements qui est directement à relier à la transformation de phase de l'austénite en martensite. La martensite β'1 de structure monoclinique 18R complexe a été affinée à l'aide d'un modèle de type 6M. Ce modèle permet de rendre compte au mieux de la faible périodicité des fautes d'empilement caractéristiques de cette phase métastable à notre échelle d'analyse caractéristique d'un volume de l'ordre du centimètre cube. Après déformation plastique, la texture cristallographique du matériau a fortement évoluée. Le laminage à froid fait disparaitre la fibre partielle <001>. Aux plus forts taux de déformation plastique par laminage à chaud, la fibre <111> apparait. Cette forte déformation affecte également l'orientation des lattes de martensite. D'autre part, les températures des transformations de phases ainsi que l'hystérésis sont modifiées. Cependant, la structure cristallographique de la martensite générée par déformation plastique est identique à celle obtenue par refroidissement pour notre échelle d'observation. L'étude du retour à l'équilibre des phases métastables après recuit à haute température suivi d'une trempe sur un échantillon déformé plastiquement a montré la disparition totale de la martensite et l'apparition des phases stables α et γ2 pour des températures de recuit entre 500°C et 600°C. Au-delà de 600°C, ces deux phases disparaissent au profit de la phase β. On observe alors un fort grossissement du grain. La texture cristallographique est de nouveau caractérisée par la fibre partielle <001>. / This work deals with the study of metastable phases of CuAlBe shape memory alloy under mechanical and thermal solicitations by neutron diffraction. It enables to define an experimental protocol of characterization of metastable phase transformation.The raw material is fully austenitic at room temperature. Its microstructure is composed by huge grain size, close to 400 µm. The crystallographic texture is characterized by a <001> partial fibber.The study of the superelasticity during a tensile test at room temperature demonstrated the pseudoelastic behaviour of this material. The evolution of microdeformations showed the heterogeneous behaviour, especially for the (400) plane in axial direction. The diffraction peak of this plane family also has an important increase of the width. This increase can be linked to the transformation of the austenite into martensite.The crystallographic structure of the monoclinic martensite β'1 has been refined using the 6M model. This model enables to report the relatively low periodicity of stacking faults characterizing the martensitic transformation.After plastic deformation, the crystallographic texture evolved. The <001> partial fibber disappears. For the larger deformation rates, the <111> fibber appears.This large deformation also affects the martensite variant orientation and modifies the temperature of phase transformation.The return into equilibrium of metastable phases after annealing treatments between 500°C and 600°C followed by a quenching at room temperature on a plastically deformed sample has shown the disappearance of martensite and the growth of α and γ2 stable phases. Beyond 600°C, the grains grow largely. The crystallographic texture is characterized by the <001> partial fibber.
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Couches minces d'alliages à mémoire de forme Ni2MnGa / The film of shape memory alloys Niindex2MnGaBernard, Florent 08 January 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, l’essor de la miniaturisation est un paramètre clé pour la réalisation de microsystèmesde plus en plus complexes. Les recherches sur l’élaboration de matériaux « intelligents », onttoujours suscité un grand intérêt. Dans ce cadre, on se propose d’étudier l’alliage à mémoirede forme magnétique Ni2MnGa sous la forme de couche mince. Ce matériau a la propriétéparticulière de répondre aux sollicitations mécaniques, thermiques et magnétiques. Le couplage deces effets permettrait l’élaboration de micro-actionneurs usuellement réalisés à partir d’assemblagescomplexes. Cette étude pluridisciplinaire traite de l’influence des paramètres d’élaboration sur lespropriétés fonctionnelles des couches minces. L’originalité de ce travail de thèse réside dansl’emploi de substrats en silicium dans la perspective d’une transposition technologique. Un procédéd’élaboration par PVD a été qualifié afin d’obtenir un film aux propriétés AMF magnétique / Nowadays, the miniaturization development is a key parameter in order to fabricate increasinglycomplex microsystems. Research on smart materials aroused a great interest. In this context, westudy the magnetic shape memory alloy Ni2MnGa as a thin layer. This material can be activatedby mechanical, thermal and magnetic stresses. The coupling of these effects would allow thedevelopment of micro-actuators usually made from complex assemblies. This multidisciplinary studyfocuses on the impact of the process on the functional properties of thin films. The originality of thiswork lies in the use of silicon substrates in the context of a technological implementation. A methoddeveloped by PVD was qualified to obtain a film with magnetic shape memory alloy properties.
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Desenvolvimento da técnica de identificação de fases por metalografia óptica com nanoindentação em liga inoxidável com efeito de memória de forma / Development of phase identification technique by optic metallography with nanoindentation in stainless alloys with shape memory effectBueno, Juliana Cristina 12 May 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Roberto Mei / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T15:15:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Neste trabalho foi estudada uma liga inoxidável Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni-Co com efeito de memória de forma (EMF) e os objetivos principais foram otimizar a técnica de coloração por ataque químico (color etching) para identificação e análise das fases presentes na microestrutura, o que permitiu a determinação da dureza da martensita-? e da austenita-? através da técnica de nanoindentação. O desenvolvimento deste processo também permitiu a quantificação das fases e e g por microscopia óptica. A técnica de coloração por ataque químico consiste na utilização de reagentes específicos que resultam em uma microestrutura composta por várias colorações, o que permite identificar fases por microscopia óptica. Os resultados de dureza obtidos por nanoindentação foram de 7,0 GPa para a martensita-? e de 3,0 GPa para a austenita-?. Já para a fração volumétrica da martensita-?, os resultados obtidos por microscopia óptica variaram de 33 a 40 % para amostras no estado deformado. Para amostras de tamanho de grão 123 ?m e 3º ciclo de treinamento, os resultados foram coerentes com os obtidos por difração de raios X de trabalhos anteriores para a mesma liga / Abstract: In this work a Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni-Co stainless alloy with shape memory effect (SME) was studied and the main objectives were to optimize the technique of coloration by chemical attack (color etching) for identification and analysis of the phases in the microstructure, allowing the determination of the ?-martensite and the -austenite hardness by nanoindentation technique. The development of this process also allowed the quantification of the ?- and ?- phases by optical microscopy. The technique of coloration by chemical attack consists in the use of specific reagents to identify phases by color using optic microscopy. The hardness obtained was 7.0 GPa for ?-martensite and 3.0 GPa for ?-austenite. The volume fraction of the ?-martensite, measured with optical microscopy varied from 33 to 40 % for samples in the deformed state. For samples with grain size of 123 ?m and after the 3º training cycle, the results were coherent with the obtained by X ray diffraction of previous works for the same alloy / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Matériaux composites à base d'alliage à mémoire de forme et pyro-/piézoélectrique pour la récupération d'énergie thermique / Composite materials on the basis of a shape memory alloy & a pyro/piezoelectric material for thermal energy harvestingZakharov, Dmitry 20 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie expérimentalement la possibilité de récupérer l'énergie thermique en utilisant un alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) couplé à un matériau pyro-/piézoélectrique. Cette méthode est prometteuse pour récupérer les variations lentes et petites de température. Les premiers prototypes de récupérateurs d'énergie ont été fabriqués et ont démontré pouvoir produire une énergie spécifique intéressante. Les technologies de dépôt de couches d'AMF Ti-Ni-Cu micro-structurées ont été développées. Ce travail servira de base pour la future fabrication de micro-récupérateurs d'énergie thermique exploitant des AMFs. / This thesis experimentally studies the possibility of thermal energy harvesting using coupled shape memory alloy (SMA)and pyro-/piezoelectric material. This method is promising for harvesting slow & small temperature variations. First prototypes of energy harvesters were fabricated and their ability to produce a considerable amount of specific energy was shown. Technologies of Ti-Ni-Cu SMA thin layer deposition & patterning were developed. This work will serve as a base for future fabrication of chip-scale thermal energy harvesters exploiting SMAs.
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Création de structures actives à l'aide d'alliages à mémoire de forme / Creation of active structures using shape memory alloysWaibaye, Adoum 12 September 2016 (has links)
Les alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF) sont des matériaux métalliques qui présentent des propriétés thermomécaniques particulières, et notamment l’effet mémoire de forme. L’étude réalisée durant la thèse concerne la création de systèmes actifs double-sens à l'aide de fils AMF à effet mémoire simple-sens. Trois modèles analogiques simples, représentant trois catégories de solutions constructives, ont été développés. Ces modèles correspondent à des types de couplages mécaniques différents entre un (ou des) fil(s) AMF et une structure mécanique. Par exemple, le modèle le plus simple consiste à utiliser un unique fil AMF couplé à un système mécanique constitué d’une structure monolithique déformable. Lorsque l’on chauffe l’AMF, on active l’effet mémoire de forme, ce qui entraîne une déformation de la structure. Lorsque l’on refroidit l’AMF, la rigidité propre de la structure entraîne une déformation dans le sens inverse à celui de la phase de chauffage. Plusieurs démonstrateurs ont été également construits et analysés durant la thèse. Cette étude montre la possibilité de concevoir des structures actives pilotées par des AMF, ce qui ouvre des perspectives pour le contrôle des déformations ou des contraintes dans des structures. / Shape memory alloys (SMA) are metallic materials that have particular thermomechanical properties, including the shape memory effect. The study carried out during the thesis concerns the creation of two-way active systems using SMA wires exhibiting one-way memory effect. Three simple analog models, representing three classes of constructive solutions, have been developed. These models correspond to different types of mechanical coupling between one (or more) SMA wire(s) and a mechanical structure. For example, the simplest configuration is a single SMA wire coupled to a mechanical system consisting of a deformable monolithic structure. When the SMA is heated, the shape memory effect is activated, which causes the deformation of the structure. When cooling the SMA, the inherent rigidity of the structure causes a deformation in the opposite direction to that of the heating phase. Several demonstrators were also constructed and analyzed during the thesis. This study demonstrates the possibility of designing active structures driven by SMAs, which opens prospects for the control of deformations or stresses in structures.
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Kovy s tvarovou pamětí - modelování nelineárních systémů s hysterezí / Shape Memory Alloys - Modelling of Non-linear Systems with HysteresisVašina, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This work describes a possibility to use a shape memory alloy as a non-traditional actuator in a particular mechatronic system. The practical part of this work is dedicated to the experimental property verification of the chosen shape memory alloy and also to the design and realization of the new type of electrically controlled gabled valve that uses a shape memory alloy as an actuator. This valve is designed as a replacement of the traditional solution and is also integrated into McKibbens pneumatic muscle endcap. There are also results of practical functional verification of the designed gabled valve solution listed here, and the limited condition for its manufacturing and use is stated here. In the theoretical part of this work, firstly, the shape memory alloy and non-linear systems hysteresis type are discussed. Secondly a new particular solution is designed, which is based on a non-linear computational element, defined by goniometric cosine function. Finally, the properties of the designed solution are verified through the simulations and with the use of experimentally gained datas.
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