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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender Stereotypes of Citizenship Performance

Wilkinson, Lisa 08 April 2003 (has links)
The relationship between citizenship performance and overall performance and the relationship between citizenship performance and reward recommendations were investigated, with gender and scale type as possible moderators. Two hundred and fifty-four University of South Florida students were used in this study. The majority of these participants were undergraduate, psychology majors, female, and between the ages of 17 and 23. Participants were given statements describing a teacher's performance and were asked to evaluate the professor on citizenship and overall performance and recommend them for rewards. No support was found for the hypothesis that men would have a stronger relationship than women between citizenship and overall performance. No support was found for the hypothesis that men would have a stronger relationship than women between citizenship performance and reward recommendations. Scale type was not found to influence these relationships. These results are not consistent with the shifting standards model. Numerous suggestions are made for changes to the experiment, including performing a field study instead of a lab study.

Gender Stereotypes of Citizenship Performance and Their Influence on Organizational Rewards

Wilkinson, Lisa 23 September 2005 (has links)
Gender differences were investigated on ratings of citizenship performance (altruistic behaviors in the workplace). Self, peer, and supervisor ratings were collected on the three dimensions of citizenship performance (personal support, organizational support, and conscientious initiative) with scale type and gender as possible moderators of citizenship performance ratings. Two hundred and twenty-four individuals performance ratings were collected, from different companies across the United States. The majority of these participants were white and female, and the largest industry sampled was the customer service industry. Participants were asked to complete a performance rating about themselves and have their peers and supervisor evaluate their performance. It was found that peers and supervisors rated women significantly higher on citizenship performance than they rated men. No gender differences were found on self ratings. Scale type was found to moderate the findings for peer ratings, but not supervisor ratings. The difference between men and women was larger on the objective scale than on the subjective scale. Further, a significant relationship was found between supervisor ratings of citizenship performance and salary for men, but not for women. Implications are discussed for men and women in the workplace in regards to women receiving higher citizenship performance than men and women not being rewarded equally with a higher salary for performance citizenship performance as were men.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Shifting Standards for Women in the Workplace

Cameron, Sean Michael 01 August 2012 (has links)
This study explores the gendered nature of OCB effects by examining communal and agentic forms of OCB (altruism and civic virtue, respectively), as well as the possible effects of not performing gendered OCBs on performance appraisals and related job outcomes. Using employee evaluation based scenarios which included task performance and OCBs (altruism/civic virtue; engage/disengage/no OCB), participants (N= 306) rated the job performance of a female or male employee. Employees engaged in OCBs experienced higher performance evaluations than did employees in scenarios which did not contain OCB information or scenarios in which employees disengaged in OCB. Employees who engaged in OCB, despite gender, were rated similarly. Gender differences were found in the disengaging of OCB but directions were contrary to the past research and theories. In this study, employees incurred lower evaluations when disengaging in gender incongruent OCB in comparison to disengaging in gender congruent OCB. The findings of this study are two-fold. First, in comparison to past research, the results of this study present positive possibilities for women and men who engage in the OCBs of altruism and civic virtue. Second, the results on disengagement suggest more research needs to be conducted to explore evaluations of employees disengaging in gender incongruent OCBs.

Estudio de la percepción social sobre comportamientos considerados corruptos y/o éticamente reprobables en la política desde una perspectiva de género

Lorenzo Álvarez, Carolina 12 September 2023 (has links)
Esta tesis surge de una reflexión sobre el panorama político español, la corrupción y la cuestión de género. En una sociedad en la que aún pesa el machismo y los estereotipos de género cabe preguntarse si de algún modo se exige a la mujer ser “menos corrupta” en los cargos políticos que ocupa. Por ello surgen interrogantes sobre si esos estereotipos benefician o perjudican a las mujeres para el acceso a la política, si son castigadas en mayor medida cuando no cumplen dichas expectativas, o si quizás la polarización política afectiva en España supera una potencial polarización por género en la valoración de los políticos. Con esta tesis se pretender aunar esfuerzos con otros investigadores para aportar una perspectiva de género al análisis de la percepción de la corrupción política, de manera que pueda detectarse si existe o no una mayor tolerancia de determinados comportamientos según el sexo del actor político, así como crear un instrumento de medida que sirva para el estudio de esta perspectiva en el análisis de la corrupción política. Por ello se ha planteado realizar una investigación ex post facto, transversal, descriptiva y relacional con el uso de técnicas cuantitativas, a través de una encuesta aplicada a un panel online, y con el objetivo de analizar la percepción de la población respecto a los hombres y mujeres con cargos políticos que presentan un comportamiento reprobable y/o corrupto, para determinar si existen estereotipos de género sobre la corrupción que generen mayores preferencias por las mujeres, y que a su vez supondrían un mayor nivel de exigencia en su comportamiento y un mayor nivel de castigo ante cualquier desviación del estereotipo. Se ha diseñado un cuestionario adaptado y/o inspirado en fuentes secundarias relevantes, cuya validez de contenido ha sido validado mediante un juicio de expertos, y cuya fiabilidad y validez de constructo se ha comprobado tras la realización de dos pretests. Dicho instrumento ha sido aplicado a una muestra de 400 casos, con un nivel de error del 5% (95% NC y p=q=0.5 en m.a.s.), con un muestreo por cuotas de edad y sexo proporcional a la población nacional. Los principales resultados muestran que en una parte de la ciudadanía aún persisten los estereotipos de género hacia las mujeres en la política, y que en función de ellos presentan una clara preferencia por ellas como candidatas al gobierno del país, fundamentado en valores y creencias asignadas a las mujeres como mayor capacidad de organización, empatía, escucha y eficacia, capacidad de negociación y pragmatismo, así como también que son menos corruptas y más honestas. No obstante, no se ha podido demostrar que la sociedad castiga en mayor medida a las mujeres cuando estas no cumplen las expectativas de los estereotipos indicados, y presentan comportamientos poco éticos o corruptos. Por el contrario, sí se ha podido demostrar que la alta polarización política afectiva en España, y en función de ello la variable independiente de posicionamiento ideológico, es lo que afecta en mayor medida a la valoración de los comportamientos reprobables de los políticos sin tener en cuenta su género, de manera que se ha observado como el castigo hacia dichos comportamientos se realizaba en función de filias y fobias ideológicas, superando una posible polarización por género.

Gender stereotypes of citizenship performance [electronic resource] / by Lisa Wilkinson.

Wilkinson, Lisa. January 2003 (has links)
Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 106 pages. / Thesis (M.A.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: The relationship between citizenship performance and overall performance and the relationship between citizenship performance and reward recommendations were investigated, with gender and scale type as possible moderators. Two hundred and fifty-four University of South Florida students were used in this study. The majority of these participants were undergraduate, psychology majors, female, and between the ages of 17 and 23. Participants were given statements describing a teacher's performance and were asked to evaluate the professor on citizenship and overall performance and recommend them for rewards. No support was found for the hypothesis that men would have a stronger relationship than women between citizenship and overall performance. No support was found for the hypothesis that men would have a stronger relationship than women between citizenship performance and reward recommendations. Scale type was not found to influence these relationships. / ABSTRACT: These results are not consistent with the shifting standards model. Numerous suggestions are made for changes to the experiment, including performing a field study instead of a lab study. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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