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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical activity status, chronic stress, cardiovascular risk factors and telomere length in an urban South African teachers' cohort : the SABPA study / Erna Jana Bruwer

Bruwer, Erna Jana January 2014 (has links)
The dose-response relationship between physical activity (PA), disease and mortality has primarily been obtained from self-report questionnaires in Western populations. A major limitation of self-reported PA is the likelihood of measurement error and these recordings cannot account for all 24-h activities, thus negating the influence of sedentary time and daily light intensity activity. Modern-day studies using objective measures of PA are highly controversial in the description of PA, as well as reliable wear time of these objective devices to accurately assess PA behaviour. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to ascertain the associations between seven-day objectively measured PA (expressed as time spent in four different metabolic equivalent of task (MET) categories), cardiovascular disease risk factors (24-h ambulatory blood pressure and central obesity), chronic stress (General Health Questionnaire total score and serum cortisol) and DNA damage (leukocyte telomere length) in a cohort of African and Caucasian school teachers recruited from the Dr Kenneth Kaunda Education District in the North West Province of South Africa. All parameters were objectively measured (the GHQ was only added for thoroughness on measures of cognitive perceived stress) in the study population. The Africans (n=96) were younger than the Caucasians (n=107) (48.33 versus 51.06 years, p=0.024), but presented with slightly higher waist circumferences, significantly higher 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure (SBP, p≤0.000), diastolic blood pressure (DBP, p≤0.000) and mean arterial pressure (MAP, p≤0.000); significantly higher perceived stress scores (GHQ total scores, p=0.001) and significantly shorter telomeres (p≤0.000). The hypertensive participants in the total group (Africans and Caucasians combined) recorded 2.2 hours (12.4%) more daily awake sedentary time than the normotensive participants (p=0.004) and sedentary time was also a slightly better predictor of hypertension than moderate and vigorous activity time (Odds ratio=1.00, p=0.006). Irrespective of race and sex, 24-h SBP and DBP measurements were respectively associated with daily awake sedentary time (ß=0.17, p=0.018 and ß=0.18, p=0.020), light activity time (ß=-0.15, p=0.043 and ß=-0.16, p=0.041), waist circumference (ß=0.45, p≤0.000 and ß=0.33, p≤0.000) and log serum gamma glutamyl transferase (γ-GT, alcohol use) (ß=0.18, p=0.018 and ß=0.24, p=0.004). An older age (ß=-0.28, p≤0.000), higher alcohol consumption (ß=-0.21, p=0.003) and increased central obesity (ß=-0.17, p=0.017) were associated with shorter telomeres. Attenuated cortisol levels (ß=-0.12, p=0.068) showed a tendency towards associations with longer telomeres that may indicate possible cortisol down regulation to protect against DNA damage. Time spent in the different MET-categories showed no direct associations with either cortisol or telomere length. However, a sensitivity analysis indicated that daily light intensity activity time was significantly correlated with lower waist circumference (r=-0.21, p=0.004); a parameter associated with both cortisol (ß=-0.22, p=0.003) and telomere length (ß=-0.17, p=0.017). The thorough recording of PA during the true awake time of 24-h cycles over a period of seven days ensured that the beneficial effect of light intensity activities, as well as the detrimental effect of sedentary time, was highlighted by this study. The average awake time of all ethnic and sex groups were around 17 hours per day, which was more than most previous studies using objective measures of PA. The exclusion of participants who did not comply through wearing the Actiheart for a full seven days (n=143, 40%) did, however, have a negative impact on sample size that may have affected the statistical power for uncovering some significant associations and the high participant burden of the Actiheart device became clear. Therefore, the researchers used the data of the full seven-day recordings to also determine the minimum number of consecutive days the Actiheart device could be worn to accurately estimate energy expenditure and PA. The two-day combination of Wednesday-to-Thursday did not differ from the weekly average TEE, as well as for all MET-categories in all ethnic and sex groups. This two-day combination is practically convenient and would lessen participant burden. Future researchers are urged to test this combination in other populations to standardize Actiheart wear time. It can be concluded from the findings in this study that less daily awake sedentary time, more light intensity activity time, as well as lower alcohol consumption favour improved health as it is beneficial to 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and helps to maintain a healthy waist circumference, which ultimately influence telomere shortening. Furthermore, the two-day combination of Wednesday-to-Thursday seems to be sufficient to accurately estimate weekly energy expenditure and habitual PA with the Actiheart apparatus. / PhD (Human Movement Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Physical activity status, chronic stress, cardiovascular risk factors and telomere length in an urban South African teachers' cohort : the SABPA study / Erna Jana Bruwer

Bruwer, Erna Jana January 2014 (has links)
The dose-response relationship between physical activity (PA), disease and mortality has primarily been obtained from self-report questionnaires in Western populations. A major limitation of self-reported PA is the likelihood of measurement error and these recordings cannot account for all 24-h activities, thus negating the influence of sedentary time and daily light intensity activity. Modern-day studies using objective measures of PA are highly controversial in the description of PA, as well as reliable wear time of these objective devices to accurately assess PA behaviour. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to ascertain the associations between seven-day objectively measured PA (expressed as time spent in four different metabolic equivalent of task (MET) categories), cardiovascular disease risk factors (24-h ambulatory blood pressure and central obesity), chronic stress (General Health Questionnaire total score and serum cortisol) and DNA damage (leukocyte telomere length) in a cohort of African and Caucasian school teachers recruited from the Dr Kenneth Kaunda Education District in the North West Province of South Africa. All parameters were objectively measured (the GHQ was only added for thoroughness on measures of cognitive perceived stress) in the study population. The Africans (n=96) were younger than the Caucasians (n=107) (48.33 versus 51.06 years, p=0.024), but presented with slightly higher waist circumferences, significantly higher 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure (SBP, p≤0.000), diastolic blood pressure (DBP, p≤0.000) and mean arterial pressure (MAP, p≤0.000); significantly higher perceived stress scores (GHQ total scores, p=0.001) and significantly shorter telomeres (p≤0.000). The hypertensive participants in the total group (Africans and Caucasians combined) recorded 2.2 hours (12.4%) more daily awake sedentary time than the normotensive participants (p=0.004) and sedentary time was also a slightly better predictor of hypertension than moderate and vigorous activity time (Odds ratio=1.00, p=0.006). Irrespective of race and sex, 24-h SBP and DBP measurements were respectively associated with daily awake sedentary time (ß=0.17, p=0.018 and ß=0.18, p=0.020), light activity time (ß=-0.15, p=0.043 and ß=-0.16, p=0.041), waist circumference (ß=0.45, p≤0.000 and ß=0.33, p≤0.000) and log serum gamma glutamyl transferase (γ-GT, alcohol use) (ß=0.18, p=0.018 and ß=0.24, p=0.004). An older age (ß=-0.28, p≤0.000), higher alcohol consumption (ß=-0.21, p=0.003) and increased central obesity (ß=-0.17, p=0.017) were associated with shorter telomeres. Attenuated cortisol levels (ß=-0.12, p=0.068) showed a tendency towards associations with longer telomeres that may indicate possible cortisol down regulation to protect against DNA damage. Time spent in the different MET-categories showed no direct associations with either cortisol or telomere length. However, a sensitivity analysis indicated that daily light intensity activity time was significantly correlated with lower waist circumference (r=-0.21, p=0.004); a parameter associated with both cortisol (ß=-0.22, p=0.003) and telomere length (ß=-0.17, p=0.017). The thorough recording of PA during the true awake time of 24-h cycles over a period of seven days ensured that the beneficial effect of light intensity activities, as well as the detrimental effect of sedentary time, was highlighted by this study. The average awake time of all ethnic and sex groups were around 17 hours per day, which was more than most previous studies using objective measures of PA. The exclusion of participants who did not comply through wearing the Actiheart for a full seven days (n=143, 40%) did, however, have a negative impact on sample size that may have affected the statistical power for uncovering some significant associations and the high participant burden of the Actiheart device became clear. Therefore, the researchers used the data of the full seven-day recordings to also determine the minimum number of consecutive days the Actiheart device could be worn to accurately estimate energy expenditure and PA. The two-day combination of Wednesday-to-Thursday did not differ from the weekly average TEE, as well as for all MET-categories in all ethnic and sex groups. This two-day combination is practically convenient and would lessen participant burden. Future researchers are urged to test this combination in other populations to standardize Actiheart wear time. It can be concluded from the findings in this study that less daily awake sedentary time, more light intensity activity time, as well as lower alcohol consumption favour improved health as it is beneficial to 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and helps to maintain a healthy waist circumference, which ultimately influence telomere shortening. Furthermore, the two-day combination of Wednesday-to-Thursday seems to be sufficient to accurately estimate weekly energy expenditure and habitual PA with the Actiheart apparatus. / PhD (Human Movement Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Raccourcissement alpin du massif des Ecrins : cinématique, calendrier tectonique et conditions pression-température / Alpine shortening of the Ecrins massif : kinematics, tectonics calendar and pressure-temperature conditions

Bellanger, Mathieu 13 November 2013 (has links)
Cette étude de terrain du massif des Ecrins (Alpes Occidentales, zone externe) montre que le raccourcissement Alpin est essentiellement accommodé dans le socle par des zones de cisaillement inverse top-vers-l'ouest ductile-fragile (probablement localisé par la présence de demi-graben) ainsi que par les nappes de charriage de la Meije et du Combeynot à l'Est du massif. Les failles normales N-S ne semblent pas avoir été réactivées. Ces zones de cisaillement sont caractérisées par une phengitisation des feldspaths le long de bandes anastomosées dont la géométrie traduit un gradient de déformation qui permet d'expliquer la formation des "plis de socle" soulignée par la géométrie des téguments de Trias. Les températures maximum d'enfouissement liées au charriage des unités internes sont proches de l'isotherme 335°C pour un gradient géothermique compris entre 20 et 25°C.km-1 depuis Bourg d'Oisans au Front Pennique. Les zones de cisaillement ont été datées entre 33 et 25 Ma (40Ar/39Ar sur phengites syn-cinématiques), ce qui suggère qu'elles ont été initiées très tôt après l'enfouissement de la zone externe qui débute vers 34Ma. Les phyllonites présentent des âges plus jeunes que les mylonites, ce qui traduit une localisation de la déformation le long de ces bandes anastomosées de faible résistance entre 30 et 25Ma. Le raccourcissement NO-SE observé le long du Front Pennique semble synchrone des déformations E-O à NESO du massif des Ecrins. La présence d'une zone de cisaillement transpressive senestre diffuse entre le massif des Ecrins et les Alpes Ligures, issu de la réactivation d'une zone de transfert Liasique, permettrait d'expliquer en partie la cinématique d'édification Oligocène des Alpes Occidentales. Au Miocène, la déformation se localise le long d'un plan de chevauchement sous le massif de Belledonne, donnant naissance au Vercors, ainsi que le long du Front Pennique réactivé en faille normale. / This field-based study of the Ecrins massif (Western Alps, external zone) show that the Alpine shortening is accomodated within the basement by brittle-ductile top-to-the-west reverse shear zones (probably localized by half-graben) as well as by the thrust sheets of La Meije and Combeynot to the east of the massif. The N-S normal fault do not seems to be reactivated. These shear zones are characterized by a phengitisation of feldspars along anastomosing planes whose geometry reflect a strain gradient which explain the "basement folds" formation underlined by the geometry of Triassic teguments. The maximum temperatures reach by the cover, due to the burial under the internal nappes are close to the isotherms 335°C for a geothermal gradient close to 20-25°C.km-1 from Bourg d'Oisans to the Penninic Frontal Thrust (PFT). The shear zones were dated between 33 to 25 Ma (40Ar/39Ar on syn-kinematics phengites), suggesting that they were initiated slightly after the burial which start close to 34 Ma. The phyllonites show younger ages than mylonite; that argue a localization of the deformation along these anastomosing planes between 30 to 25Ma and traduce a weak crust. The NW-Se shortening observed alonf the PFT seems to be coeval with the E-W to NE-SW shortening of the Ecrins massif. A sinistrial transpressive diffuse shear zones between the Ecrins massif and the Ligurian Alps, which is probably a reactivated Liassic transfer zone, can explaina part of the Oligocene building kinematics of the Western Alps. During Miocence, the deformation is localized along a crustal thrust under the Belledonne massif, which has given the Vercors massif, and along the PFT, reactivated as a normal fault.

Možnosti meření spasticity dolních končetin u pacientů s DMO / Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy

Vavřinová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
Title: Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part of this thesis is to evaluate possibilities of lower extremities spasticity measurement in adult patients with cerebral palsy. The main focus was given to the concept of French professor J.-M. Gracies: Five- step clinical assessment in spastic paresis. This unique concept presents differentiation of three main factors of motor impairment that emerge as a result of a lesion to central motor pathways: stretch sensitive paresis, soft tissue contracture and muscle overactivity. Ability to distinguish these factors is crucial for specific treatment indication. Finding a correlation between the Five-step clinical assessment in spastic paresis and muscle activity in gait measured with polyEMG was the main objective in the practical part of the thesis. Methodology: This thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part is in a form of a research on the topic of spasticity diagnosis, focused on cerebral palsy patients. The empirical part of the thesis has a form of pilot quantitative research, which was attended by 6 participants with cerebral palsy (4 men and 2 women; average age 29 years). There were 2 independent measurement made for each of them. Each...

Biomécanique de la locomotion humaine : influence de la chaussure et de la fatigue sur les ajustements neuro-mécaniques.

Morio, Cédric 09 December 2011 (has links)
Bien qu’il soit recommandé de pratiquer tout au long de sa vie une activité physique régulière pour se maintenir en bonne santé, peu d’études portent sur les modifications des patrons locomoteurs lors de la répétition de séances à 2 ou 3 jours d’intervalle. Lorsqu’elles sont intenses ou inhabituelles, les formes naturelles de locomotion pédestre – dites de type cycle étirement-détente (CED) – se caractérisent par des perturbations structuro-fonctionnelles et proprioceptives qui peuvent perdurer plusieurs jours. Ces déficiences sont autant de sources de risques accrus de blessures lors de la répétition d’une pratique sportive. Ce travail doctoral a pour objectif (i) d’examiner les effets immédiats et retardés d’exercices épuisants de type CED sur les paramètres neuromécaniques de la locomotion humaine en conditions de marche, de course et de sauts et (ii) d’étudier l’influence combinée d’une pratique pieds nus vs. pieds chaussés. Nos résultats ne révèlent pas de modification significative des patrons locomoteurs en phase de récupération immédiate (post-exercice) mais démontrent l’intervention de stratégies compensatrices et/ou protectrices en phase de récupération retardée (2ème jour posteffort). Ces stratégies diffèrent entre les conditions de marche et de course. Nos travaux soulignent également l’importance de discriminer les stratégies adoptées dès la première minute de l’exercice des ajustements ultérieurs apparaissant pendant la phase dite d’optimisation du CED. Par contre, les différences observées entre les conditions de course pieds nus vs. pieds chaussés restent étonnamment similaires avec la fatigue. Le port de chaussures se traduit par une réduction des chocs d’impact mais également par une restriction des mouvements naturels du pied et par une éversion accrue dont il conviendrait d’étudier les conséquences lors de la répétition en état de fatigue d’exercices de plus longue durée. / Although lifelong practice of moderate amounts of regular physical activity is recommended to ensure a healthy living state, little is know about the modifications of the locomotion patterns when repeating exercises every 2 to 3 days. Intense or unaccustomed stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) forms of ground locomotion are characterized, however, by structuro-functional and proprioceptive impairments that may last for a few days. These impairments may then be expected to increase the risk of injury. The present work aimed (i) to examine the acute and delayed SSC fatigue effects on the neuro-mechanical gait characteristics in walking, running and jumping conditions and (ii) to study the combined influence of a barefoot vs. shod gait condition. Our results did not reveal any modification of the locomotion patterns in the acute recovery phase (post-exercise), but demonstrated compensatory and/or protective strategies in the delayed phase (2 days post-exercise). The observed strategies differed significantly in walking and running. Our results emphasized also the need to differentiate the strategies occurring within the first minute of exercise from the subsequent adjustments related to the progressive SSC pattern optimization. Surprisingly, the observed differences between the barefoot and shod running conditions remained quite independent of the fatigue state. The shod running condition was thus found to attenuate ground impact transmission, but it resulted also in restricted natural foot motions and increased eversion that should be worth re-examining when repeating exercises of longer duration.

Efekt progresivního statického strečinku na léčbu spastické paraparézy pacientů po DMO / The effect of progressive static stretching on treatment of spastic paraparesis in patients with cerebral palsy

Prachařová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Title: The effect of progressive static stretching on treatment of spastic paraparesis in patients with cerebral palsy Objectives: The goal of this dissertation is to evaluate the effect of progressive static stretching on treatment of spastic paraparesis in patients with paraparetic form of cerebral palsy (CP). Elements chosen for the treatment were those of the therapeutic concept Guided Self-rehabilitation Contract by French professor Jean-Michel Gracies, which is presented in detail in the theoretical part of the dissertation. Methodology: This dissertation has a theoretical-empirical character. First theoretical part of the dissertation is in a form of a research on the topic of spasticity and diagnosis and treatment of spastic paresis according to the concept of J.-M. Gracies. Second experimental part of the dissertation evaluating the effect of the selected treatment for spastic paresis in people with cerebral palsy, has a form of pilot qualitative research, which was attended by 6 participants. At the beginning of the research each participant has undergone an entrance examination that evaluated spasticity using at first an unique assessing protocol Five step clinical assessment and consequently a surface electromyography. Based on this examination, each participant was instructed to follow...

Možnosti meření spasticity dolních končetin u pacientů s DMO / Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy

Vavřinová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
Title: Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part of this thesis is to evaluate possibilities of lower extremities spasticity measurement in adult patients with cerebral palsy. The main focus was given to the concept of French professor J.-M. Gracies: Five-step clinical assessment in spastic paresis. This unique concept presents differentiation of three main factors of motor impairment that emerge as a result of a lesion to central motor pathways: stretch sensitive paresis, soft tissue contracture and muscle overactivity. Ability to distinguish these factors is crucial for specific treatment indication. Finding a correlation between the Five-step clinical assessment in spastic paresis and muscle activity in gait measured with sEMG was the main objective in the practical part of the thesis. Methodology: This thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part is in a form of a research on the topic of spasticity diagnosis, focused on cerebral palsy patients. The empirical part of the thesis has a form of pilot quantitative research, which was attended by 6 participants with cerebral palsy (4 men and 2 women; average age 29 years). There were 2 independent measurement made for each of them. Each measurement...

Nkomiso eka Xitsonga : nxopaxopo wa ntivoririmi / The shortened form in Xitsonga : a linguistic analysis

Mabaso, X. E. (Ximbani Eric)1954 January 2016 (has links)
Summary in Tsonga and English / Ndzavisiso lowu wu xopela xiyimo xa mavumbelo, matsalelo, mahikahatelo na mathyelo ya swikomiso na mavulwankatso eka Xitsonga hi xikongomelo xo bumabumela maringaneriselo ya swona. Switiviwa swi huma eka switshuriwa swo hambanahambana swa nomu na swo tsariwa ku katsa na swa dyondzo (swa vuvulavuri, swihlayahlaya na swihlamuselamarito) swihangalasamahungunyingi na swinavetiso etilayiburari, eswikolweni, emagondzweni, eka tibilibodo na le makhumbini ya miako.Tinxaka ta mikomiso ti kumeka eka swa vanhu (mavito, swiyimo, vuxaka), matiko, tin’hweti, masiku ya vhiki, mavito ya tiholideyi, ya tihuvo, ya mihlangano, ya tiyunivhesiti, nasw. Ku na nkomisokulu (wa switshuriwa swo leha swa ndzungulo na swa nkalandzungulo, xikombiso: xihungwana, vumbiwa) na nkomisotsongo (wa switshuriwa swo koma: xivulwa, xivulwahava, rito, xiaki, peletwana). Lowu ndzavisiso wu pakanise nkomisotsongo. Nkomisotsongo wu paluxa mikhetekanyokulu ya mune ya ‘rikhwanyano’, ‘rivulwankatso’, ‘xikomiso’ na ‘rivulwampfilungano’. Swikombiso hi nandzelelano i: ‘za’ < zela); Huriri/(HRR) < ‘Huvo ya Rixaka ya Ririmi’, na (NSFAS > En-es-FAS). Xikomiso xi tihlawulekisa hi ku peleta kumbe ku komisa hi ku tsala ntsena, rito ra kona ri vuriwa hi ku hetiseka. Rikhwanyano na rivulwankatso swona swi tihlawulekisa hi ku vuleka tanihi rito rohelela. Rivulwampfilungano ri hlanganisa rivulwankatso na xikomiso. Rixaka rin’wana na rin’wana ri tlhela ri va na swivumbeko na mahikahatelo yo hambana. Matirhiselo ya swihikahato ya ya hi milawu ya ririmi ro karhi, xikombiso: nkomiso wa rivitavito wu fanele ku sungula hi letere lerikulu. Ndzavisiso wu paluxa leswaku ku tirhisiwa ka hiko (.) swi fanele ku papalatiwa eka nkomiso hikuva hiko yi teka ndhawu leyi nkomiso wu lwelaka ku hunguta yona hileswi hiko na vangwa swi hlayiwaka tanihi xitekandhawu loko ku hlayeriwa maletere. Ndzavisiso lowu wu basisile matheme lama thyiweke mikomiso eka Xitsonga, ku engetela nhlayo ya mikomiso na ku susumeta misinya yo yi ringanerisa. Ndzi bumabumerile swilaveko na swiyila ku pfuneta vahundzuluxeri na ku va seketela hi ku famba ndzi nyika maritondzingano ya Xinghezi laha swi kotekaka. Switandzhaku swi nyika vumbhoni bya leswaku nhluvuko wa mikomiso eka Xitsonga wa tshikeleriwa hi van’wana va lava nyikiweke matimba yo kondletela ntirho wa vuhundzuluxeri, leswi koxaka ku cinca ka maehleketelo. / This study analyses the state of shortenings (abbreviations and acronyms) in Xitsonga in order to determine their formation, structure, punctuation and naming patterns with the aim of recommending standardisation strategies. The data was collected from various oral and written sources. Various types of shortenings manifest in human phenomena (names, social positions and relations), names of countries, months, weekdays, holidays, boards, organisations, universities, etcetera. There are long shortened texts (e.g. abstracts, summaries) and short texts (sentence, phrase, word, morpheme, syllable). This study focusses on the short texts. Short texts fall into four major categories: ‘compression’, ‘acronym’, ‘abbreviation’ and ‘acreviation’ (combination of acronym and abbreviation). Examples of these forms are respectively ‘za’ < ‘zela’; ‘Huriri’/HRR < ‘Huvo ya Rixaka ya Ririmi’; and NSFAS > En-es- FAS. An ‘Abbreviation’ is characterised by spelling the word letter-by-letter or using it only in writing but uttering its full form when reading, while compression and acronym are characterised by the word’s ‘pronounceability’ in normal syllables. ‘Acreviation’ describes a combination of ‘acronym’ and ‘abbreviation’. Each of these forms further reveals different structural and punctuation patterns. The use of punctuation marks depends on the rules of a specific language, for example, the shortening of a proper name has to begin with a capital letter. The study also reveals that as much as possible, the use of a period should be avoided in the abbreviation as it occupies the space which the abbreviation intends to save because a full stop and space are counted as a character when a word count is done. This study has successfully clarifies the terminology used in the naming of shortenings in Xitsonga, increases the number of shortenings and proposes standardisation guidelines. The researcher recommends do’s and don’t’s for translators and provides English equivalents where applicable. The addenda provide evidence in support of the fact that the development of abbreviations and acronyms in Xitsonga is still thwarted by some individuals who are given coordination roles in translation projects and that a change of mindset is necessary. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Rekalkulace splátek leasingové smlouvy / Recalculations of Leasing Contract Payments

Kračmarová, Monika January 2007 (has links)
This Diploma Work focuses on re-calculation of payments of leasing contracts concluded by D.S.Leasing, a.s. The data gained as an output of a thorough analysis are processed in MS Excel, creating a new re-calculation tool able to bring practical solution to individual modification of payments of a leasing contract.

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