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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hmotnost těla zvěře jelena siky východního japonského (Cervus nippon nippon Temminck) v honitbě Líšťany - Hunčice.

BOHÁČKOVÁ, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to dokument the weight of the game. In hunting HS Líšťany Hunčice. For every piece of fish caught, three mass data, the date od capture, the estimated age per month and thereafter the year is given. The weight was divided into the weight of the whole piece, the weight of the hardened piece, the weight of the hardened piece without the head and the run as i tis don efor the purchase of the game. In total, 712 pieces of deer, silk, were weighed. The hunter game was divided into categories-peas, ropes and deer. These data were statistically evaluated.

Hybridisation and introgression of exotic Cervus (nippon and canadensis) with red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the British Isles

Smith, Stephanie Lindsay January 2013 (has links)
Europe’s largest population of wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) resides in the British Isles and has been present since the end of the last ice age, c. 11,000BP. Since the mid-19th century, multiple introductions of Japanese sika (Cervus nippon) and wapiti (Cervus canadensis) have taken place across the British Isles. While wapiti introductions have generally gone extinct, sika have thrived and expanded and now often live in sympatry with red deer. Hybridisation between these species has been demonstrated in captivity and in the wild. This study sought to determine the extent of hybridisation and introgression between red and sika across large parts of the British Isles and elucidate some of its potential consequences. Chapter 2 addresses the extent of hybridisation and introgression across Scotland and NW England. A total of 2984 samples from the North Highlands, the central Highlands, the Hebrides, Kintyre and the English Lake District were genotyped at 22 microsatellite loci, which are highly diagnostic for red and sika and strongly diagnostic for red and wapiti and a mitochondrial marker that is diagnostic for red and sika, alongside 49 wapiti samples from Canada. Microsatellite data was analysed using the Bayesian clustering program Structure 2.3 to determine the extent of admixture between species. There was some evidence for very low-level introgression by wapiti into a small number of Scottish red deer (<0.2% of total). Only two areas (both in Kintyre, Argyll) showed extensive introgression with collapse of assortative mating between red and sika (50.4% and 61.8% of sampled individuals were hybrid in West Loch Awe and South Kintyre, respectively). However, rare and widely scattered individuals with low-level sika introgression or cytonuclear disequilibrium suggest hybridisation has occurred in several other places in mainland Scotland and Cumbria in the past without subsequent loss of assortative mating. Chapter 3 addresses the extent of hybridisation in Ireland. There are now an estimated 4,000 red deer in Ireland and their numbers are increasing. It has recently been determined that the red deer in Killarney, County Kerry are descended from an ancient (c. 5,000BP) introduction and therefore merit genetic conservation. Introduction of exotic species, including Japanese sika and North America wapiti, since the 19th century have primarily occurred via the now defunct Powerscourt Park, County Wicklow, which was the source of many translocations to the rest of Ireland as well as to the UK. 374 deer samples from across Ireland were analysed as in Chapter 2. Wapiti introgression was again very low, with trace amounts of introgression detected in a small proportion of samples (0.53%), whilst 41% of 197 deer sampled in Co. Wicklow and 47% of 15 deer sampled in Co. Cork were red-sika hybrids according to either their nuclear genome or mitochondrial haplotype. No pure red deer were detected in Co. Wicklow, suggesting that in this region the red deer has disappeared following hybridisation. Whilst no hybrids were detected among 37 red samples and 77 sika samples in Co. Kerry, the Co. Cork hybrids pose a threat to the Killarney populations due to their proximity. Chapter 4 investigates population genetic structure within red and sika populations across the British Isles and investigates whether low-level introgression by the other species influences the resolved population structure. Structure analysis was conducted separately using 2307 ‘pure’ red deer individuals and 752 ‘pure’ sika animals from the British Isles (defined as Q > 0.95 for red and Q < 0.05 for sika) and then on reduced sample sizes using more stringent purity criteria (Q ≥ 0.99 and Q ≤ 0.01). As might be predicted, the more stringent criteria removed individuals in areas known to contain advanced backcrosses. In red deer, there was some evidence for a loss of within-species population structure under the more stringent criteria, while for sika there was not. Datasets were also analysed using Discriminate Analysis of Principal Components; a multivariate method designed to infer and describe genetic population structure. In red deer, both analytical approaches confirmed the strong separation of the deer on Harris and Lewis from others, and there is support for clusters typified by the other Hebridean islands, Kintyre, central and North Scotland and the English sites. Among sika, both approaches supported the likelihood of three clusters which are presumably the result of bottleneck events as each introduction was made. Chapter 5 investigates the phenotypic consequences of hybridisation by three approaches. Firstly, carcass weight was regressed against genetically-determined hybrid scores (at two stringency levels, see Chapter 4) and heterozygosity (in terms of red and sika alleles). Among hybrids, carcass weight is linearly related to hybrid score (Q) and there is some evidence for a positive relationship with heterozygosity. This suggests that additive genetic variation explains variation in carcass weight to a greater extent than heterosis. Secondly, analysis of five case studies representing individual putative hybrids submitted by stalkers from areas without known hybridisation, two proved to be hybrids, while the other three were pure sika. Lastly, in regions known to contain hybrids, the accuracy of ranger-assigned phenotype averaged 78% and revealed that in Scotland accuracy tends to decline as an individual becomes more genetically intermediate; whilst in Co. Wicklow it is the identification of pure parental animals that is more challenging. In conclusion, the existence of rare and widely scattered advanced red-sika backcrosses with low-level nuclear introgression and/or mitochondrial introgression (e.g. in North of Scotland, Cumbria) highlight that some hybridisation events are followed by extensive backcrossing without the breakdown of assortative mating, while others are followed by the generation of a hybrid swarm (e.g. in South Kintyre, West Loch Awe, Co. Wicklow, Co. Cork). Phenotypic traits can become intermediate due to hybridisation and this may facilitate further gene flow and hybridisation. New molecular tools including next generation sequencing (NGS) will enable better understanding the hybridisation process and its phenotypic consequences in this and other systems.

Vliv vybraných parametrů chovatelského prostředí na životní projevy farmově chovaných jelenovitých

Bukovjanová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the settled population of European fallow deer and sika deer Dybowski in deer park Volský Žlab in quarantine. The demonstrators object farm breeding. The materials for this thesis were drawn partly from literature, Internet resources and from my own observation of vital signs of the deer game. There is a description of fields, its location, natural conditions and preferences mineral licks in the period from January 2015 to December 2015.

Genetické zhodnocení siků (\kur{Cervus nippon} spp.) z ochranářského hlediska

MATĚJKOVÁ, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on genetic evaluetion of Cervus nippon komplex and particulary on Cervus nippon pseudaxi and cervus nippon taiouanus kept i European ex situ instituion

Concreto (hormigón) con cemento del tipo -I de resistencias tempranas con la tecnología Sika Viscocrete 20 HE

León Soto, César Antonio January 2011 (has links)
En el mundo de la construcción, el concreto juega un papel sumamente importante, ya que la mayoría de las obras que nos rodean han sido hechas con éste. Una de las características que todo trabajador de la construcción busca darle a su concreto fresco es: la trabajabilidad, tanto para el mezclado como para el colado. Lográndolo muchas veces agregando agua a la mezcla, variando así la relación agua/cemento con la cual ha sido diseñada, por lo que afecta notoriamente la calidad del concreto, disminuyendo de forma considerable la resistencia del mismo. Este problema no es nuevo, ha existido desde que se creó el concreto, es por eso que ha surgido el diseño de un concreto de alta fluidez, al que se le denomina un concreto con una reología parecida al de un autocompactado, sin llegar a serlo; que viene a solucionar los problemas de colado en estructuras muy reforzadas o de difícil acceso de vibradores. En el Perú se conoce muy poco sobre este tema, por lo que no ha sido muy aplicado, ya que requiere del uso de aditivos químicos y de un estricto control de calidad. El presente estudio pretende dar a conocer a la industria de la construcción todo lo relacionado a este tipo de concreto, es decir; sus características, ventajas, aplicaciones, materiales a utilizar, ensayos a practicarle (equipo, procedimiento y manejo de resultados), y las resistencias logradas con mezclas hechas con materiales de nuestro medio en distintas cantidades de cemento Sol Tipo I.

Mapování rozšíření kříženců jelenů evropských a jelenů sika v ČR s využitím občanské vědy a audionahrávek / Mapping of distribution of red deer and sika deer hybrids in Czechia using audio recordings - citizen science project

Nečasová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, as in other parts of Europe (e.g., British Isles), the native European red deer (Cervus elaphus) has been hybridising with sika deer (C. nippon), which was introduced from East Asia. The hybrids are fertile, and, therefore, can backcross with their parental species and threaten their genetic integrity. Offsprings of such multiple crosses are very difficult to identify according to their morphological traits, while more reliable genetic methods are financially and logistically demanding. This work follows the study of Long et al. from 1998, which showed clear differences in vocalization between red deer, sika deer and the first generation of their hybrids, and thus suggested the third way how to identify hybrids - bioacoustic analysis. We decided to test this method in the Czech Republic in a citizen science project, the aim of which was to map the distribution of parent species and their hybrids using audiorecordings of rut vocalisation. To allow more detailed analysis, we also recorded our own recordings on a professional recording device with a directional microphone. In total, 451 recordings were collected, of which only 263 with a vocalization of 162 individuals were selected for further analysis. Recordings from previous studies from Ireland (Long et al. 1998; Wyman et...

Hybridisation between red deer (Cervus elaphus) and Japanese sika (C. nippon) on the Kintyre Peninsula, Scotland

Senn, Helen V. January 2009 (has links)
Hybridisation between introduced and endemic species causes conservation concerns, but also provides us with an opportunity to study the dynamics of gene flow between two species as they first meet. Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon) were introduced to the British Isles at a number of locations at the beginning of the 20th century. In the intervening time, sika have spread and their range now extends across approximately 40% of Scotland, where they overlap with that of native red deer (C. elaphus), with which they hybridise. In this study we focus on the consequences of one particular introduction that took place at Carradale, on the Kintyre Peninsula in 1893. First, I assessed the current state of hybridisation using a sample of 735 red and sika deer samples collected in 2006/7 from forestry blocks throughout the Kintyre Peninsula. Genetic analysis was conducted with a panel of 22 highly differentiated microsatellite loci and one mtDNA marker. Population admixture analysis of the microsatellite data was conducted with the Bayesian clustering programme STRUCTURE. Over most of the study area, levels of introgression into red and sika deer were low and were consistent with a scenario of very occasional F1 hybridisation followed by backcrossing. There was, however, one forestry block where 43% of individuals could be defined as hybrids. Second, I developed a branching process model of introgression via backcrossing, to assess whether variation in introgression across microsatellite loci could be interpreted as a signature of selection, or could in fact be attributed to stochastic processes. If only a few hybridisation events have contributed to the hybridising population, the pattern of introgression, even with a large number of genetic markers, will be highly stochastic. This pattern of neutral variation in introgression can have high enough variance that it could be mistaken for selection. Therefore, even if strong selection is acting, it may not be possible to distinguish its effects from neutral variation. Third, I analysed trends in hybridisation and introgression over 15 years on the peninsula, through analysis of a dataset of 1513 red and sika deer samples at 20 microsatellite and a mtDNA marker. There was little evidence of change in the extent of hybridisation and introgression over time. MtDNA introgression was predominantly from red deer into sika. Recent introgression into sika on the peninsula can be explained by a very small number of F1 hybridisation events (~10) via analysis of the number of alleles that have introgressed from polymorphic red deer into the genetically homogenous sika population (a similar analysis cannot be conducted for introgression into red deer). Finally, I conducted a regression analysis of genetic hybrid scores against phenotypic traits to assess the effect of hybridisation on phenotype. Hybridisation has caused changes in the weight of sika-like deer and red-like females. Hybridisation has caused changes in incisor arcade breadth of both populations and jaw length (a proxy for skeletal size) in sika-like females. However, there is no evidence that hybridisation has caused changes in kidney fat (a measure of condition) or pregnancy rates in either population. In conclusion, even a small number of F1 hybridisation events can lead to extensive introgression and the timing and spatial distribution of these events is likely to have a large impact on the structure of a recently hybridising population - stochastic factors dominate both the distribution of hybrid individuals and the distribution of the genes that introgress following a hybridisation event. In red deer and sika deer, increasing phenotypic similarities of the two populations caused by hybridisation are likely to facilitate further breakdown between the two species. It is possible that breakdown in assortative mating between the two species could occur across their range.

Experimental study of acute pancreatitis in a porcine model, especially tight junction structure and portal vein cytokines

Meriläinen, S. (Sanna) 05 February 2013 (has links)
Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a common disease, Finland being among the countries with the highest incidence. The majority of patients have a mild, self-limiting disease. However, 20% of these patients develop severe necrotizing pancreatitis with a mortality rate of 7 to 25%. The mechanisms for developing the severe disease are not known, it is not possible to accurately forecast the severity of the disease and there is no curative treatment yet. This study was aimed at analyzing the early phase of acute experimental porcine oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. In Study I, the pancreatic microcirculatory changes were measured and the expression of tight junction proteins (claudins-2, -3, -4, -5 and -7) and the rate of apoptosis in the pancreas were all measured. In Study II, bacterial translocation to the blood in the portal vein blood or to the mesenteric lymph nodes was analyzed and the intestinal expression of tight junction proteins (claudins-2, -3, -4, -5 and -7) and the intestinal apoptosis/ proliferation rates were measured. The basic histology of the jejunum and colon were analyzed. Study III analyzed which cytokines are released from the pancreas to the portal venous blood. In Study IV, the ultrastructure of the epithelium of the jejunum and colon was analyzed and the expression of adherens junction proteins, E-cadherin and &#946;-catenin, were measured from both jejunum and colon. The first study (I) showed that membranous immunoreactivity of claudin-2 in acinar cells appeared in the pancreas during acute oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. The expressions of claudins -3, - 4, - 5 and 7 were unaffected. The second study (II) showed that bacterial translocation from the gut was not present at the beginning of acute porcine pancreatitis. The expressions of claudins-2 and -5 do not become altered; however, there might be some decrease in claudin-3 expression in the colon and decrease in the expression of claudins-4 and -7 in the jejunum in necrotizing pancreatitis. Performing the laparotomy itself caused increased apoptosis in the colon and the jejunum. In the third study (III), the initial inflammatory process was diverse in oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. Increased monocyte count in combination with elevated PDGF and IL-6 are characteristic of necrotizing pancreatitis in our model. The fourth study (IV) indicated that necrotizing pancreatitis caused damage to the epithelial and endothelial cells of the colon in the early stages of the disease. The expression of E-cadherin immunoreactivity showed a decreasing trend in the colon in both oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. The results of this study suggest that claudin-2 increases in acinar cells during acute porcine pancreatitis. Bacterial translocation is not present during the early phase of acute porcine pancreatitis. Increased monocyte count and elevated PDGF and IL-6 are characteristic of early phase necrotizing porcine pancreatitis and necrotizing porcine pancreatitis causes damage to the epithelial and endothelial cells of the colon. / Tiivistelmä Akuutti haimatulehdus on yleinen sairaus, jonka ilmaantuvuus Suomessa on verrattain suuri. Suurimmalla osalla potilaista tauti on lievä ja itsestään paraneva. Kuitenkin 20 %:lle potilaista kehittyy vaikea haimatulehdus, johon liittyy 7–25&#160;%:n kuolleisuus. On epäselvää, miksi toisinaan kehittyy vaikea tautimuoto. Taudin vaikeusastetta ei voida etukäteen tarkasti ennustaa, eikä tautiin ole parantavaa hoitoa. Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia lievän ja vaikean haimatulehduksen varhaisvaihetta kokeellisessa sikamallissa. Työssä I mitattiin haiman mikroverenkierron muutoksia, tutkittiin tiivisliitosproteiinien klaudiini-2:n, -3:n, -4:n, -5:n ja -7:n ilmenemistä sekä apoptoosin määrää haimassa. Toisessa työssä tutkittiin mahdollista bakteeritranslokaatiota porttilaskimovereen ja vatsaontelon imusolmukkeisiin, mitattiin suoliston tiivis liitos-proteiinien klaudiinien-2, -3, -4, -5 ja -7 ilmenemistä ja suoliston apoptoosin ja soluproliferaation määrää. Mahdollisia muutoksia ohut- ja paksusuolen perushistologiassa analysoitiin. Kolmannessa työssä mitattiin sytokiinipitoisuuksia porttilaskimoverestä. Neljännessä työssä analysoitiin ohut- ja paksusuolen mikrorakennetta elektronimikroskopian avulla ja mitattiin vyöliitosproteiinien E-cadherin ja &#946;-catenin määrää. I työssä todettiin klaudiini-2:n ilmaantuvan haiman asinaarisolujen solukalvoille lievässä ja vaikeassa kokeellisessa haimatulehduksessa. Klaudiinien 3,- 4,- 5 ja 7 esiintyminen haimassa ei muuttunut. II työssä todettiin, että bakteeritranslokaatiota ei tapahtunut seuranta-aikana. Suolistossa klaudiinien-2 ja -5 ilmenemisessä ei tapahtunut muutoksia. Klaudiini-3:n ilmenemisessä paksusuolessa ja klaudiinien -4 ja -7 ilmenemisessä ohutsuolessa saattaa tapahtua vähenemistä vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa. Tutkimustoimenpide itsessään aiheutti ohut- ja paksusuolen apoptoosin lisääntymistä. III työn mukaan tulehdusvaste oli erilainen akuutissa lievässä ja vaikeassa kokeellisessa haimatulehduksessa. Monosyyttimäärän sekä PDGF:n ja IL-6:n pitoisuuksien lisääntyminen, olivat tyypillisiä vaikealle haimatulehdukselle tässä mallissa. IV työssä todettiin, että vaikea haimatulehdus vaurioittaa paksusuolen epiteeli- ja endoteelisoluja. E-cadherin: n määrässä todettiin jonkin verran vähentymistä sekä lievässä että vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa. Näiden tulosten mukaan klaudiini-2 lisääntyy sian haiman asinaarisoluissa akuutissa haimatulehduksessa. Sialla ei tapahdu bakteerien translokaatiota haimatulehduksen varhaisvaiheessa. Sian vaikeaan haimatulehdukseen liittyy monosyyttien, PDGF:n ja IL-6:n lisääntyminen. Kokeellisessa vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa paksusuolen epiteeli- ja endoteelisolut vaurioituvat jo varhaisvaiheessa.

Vyhodnocení hmotnosti zvěře ulovené ve vybraných honitbách Konstantinolázeňska / Evaluation of mass game hunted in selected hunting grounds in the area of Konstantinovy lázně

POKORNÝ, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Free-ranging population of sika deer, roe deer and wild board in micro-region "Konstantinolázeňsko" in Czech Republic, has been determining dressed body weight, whole body weight, weight of head, weight of limb and weight of internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys). The correlation between all weights was calculated. During the research was determined mean weight between whole body and dressed body. In this study the dressed mean weight of sika deer was 74,03 % of the whole mean weight. For wild board the mean dressed weight was about 78,56% of the whole weight and for roe deer mean it was about 76,66% of the whole weight. Obtain weight has been statistically analyzing of ages, sexuality, seasonal variation. For both sexuality of wild board was statically proven that body weight is increasing with age. For sika deer calfs was statically proven that body weight was higher if the calf was shoot after 15. 1. then cals was shoot before. For sika deer with out age difference was statically proven that sika males had higher body weight than sika females. Other types of statistics are listed in the document.

大台ケ原におけるメスのニホンジカ(Cervus nippon) 行動圏の季節的変化

谷島, 薫子, YAJIMA, Kaoruko, 山本, 裕子, YAMAMOTO, Yuko, 前地, 育代, MAEJI, Ikuyo, 黒崎, 敏文, KUROSAKI, Toshifumi, 横田, 岳人, YOKOTA, Taketo, 佐藤, 宏明, SATO, Hiroaki, 柴田, 叡弌, SHIBATA, Ei'ichi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

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