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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A hybrid prognostic methodology and its application to well-controlled engineering systems

Eker, Ömer F. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel hybrid prognostic methodology, integrating physics-based and data-driven prognostic models, to enhance the prognostic accuracy, robustness, and applicability. The presented prognostic methodology integrates the short-term predictions of a physics-based model with the longer term projection of a similarity-based data-driven model, to obtain remaining useful life estimations. The hybrid prognostic methodology has been applied on specific components of two different engineering systems, one which represents accelerated, and the other a nominal degradation process. Clogged filter and fatigue crack propagation failure cases are selected as case studies. An experimental rig has been developed to investigate the accelerated clogging phenomena whereas the publicly available Virkler fatigue crack propagation dataset is chosen after an extensive literature search and dataset analysis. The filter clogging experimental rig is designed to obtain reproducible filter clogging data under different operational profiles. This data is thought to be a good benchmark dataset for prognostic models. The performance of the presented methodology has been evaluated by comparing remaining useful life estimations obtained from both hybrid and individual prognostic models. This comparison has been based on the most recent prognostic evaluation metrics. The results show that the presented methodology improves accuracy, robustness and applicability. The work contained herein is therefore expected to contribute to scientific knowledge as well as industrial technology development.

Decision Making System Algorithm On Menopause Data Set

Bacak, Hikmet Ozge 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Multiple-centered clustering method and decision making system algorithm on menopause data set depending on multiple-centered clustering are described in this study. This method consists of two stages. At the first stage, fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering algorithm is applied on the data set under consideration with a high number of cluster centers. As the output of FCM, cluster centers and membership function values for each data member is calculated. At the second stage, original cluster centers obtained in the first stage are merged till the new numbers of clusters are reached. Merging process relies upon a &ldquo / similarity measure&rdquo / between clusters defined in the thesis. During the merging process, the cluster center coordinates do not change but the data members in these clusters are merged in a new cluster. As the output of this method, therefore, one obtains clusters which include many cluster centers. In the final part of this study, an application of the clustering algorithms &ndash / including the multiple centered clustering method &ndash / a decision making system is constructed using a special data on menopause treatment. The decisions are based on the clusterings created by the algorithms already discussed in the previous chapters of the thesis. A verification of the decision making system / v decision aid system is done by a team of experts from the Department of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Hacettepe University under the guidance of Prof. Sinan Beksa&ccedil / .

關於選擇權市場處置效果與相似度衡量期貨交易策略的兩篇論述 / Two Essays on the Disposition Effect of the Options Market and Similarity-based Futures Trading Strategies

邱信瑜, Chiu, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇論述討論處置效果於選擇權市場的實證。處置效果係指投資人在處分資產時,傾向盡快賣出有未實現利得的投資部位,並且繼續持有有未實現損失的投資部位的行為偏誤現象。文獻上有關處置效果的實證多半集中在股票市場而少有於選擇權市場的實證。選擇權市場一般認為是具有私有資訊及較具備金融知識與經驗的投資人會選擇交易的市場。本文實證處置效果在指數選擇權市場上的影響。我們認為對於選擇權投資人來說,價內外程度是最重要且顯而易見的資訊,是很直觀可以衡量可能利得及損失的參考點。相較於傳統衡量根據過去交易價格所形成的未實現損益指標,價內外程度更能吸引投資人的注意力。以本文所提出的基於價內外程度衡量之賣出傾向指標(Moneyness-based Propensity to Sell, MPS)以及根據Grinblatt and Han (2005)所形成的調整後未實現資本利得指標(adjusted Capital Gains Overhang, ACGO),每周將買權(賣權)排序成五等分後,我們發現持有最高等分的MPS或ACGO的買權(賣權)並賣出最低等分的買權(賣權)所形成的投資組合能夠產生超額報酬,顯示處置效果在指數選擇權市場亦存在。利用雙重排序(double sorting)的方法,我們發現MPS相較於ACGO,是較能夠在選擇權市場捕捉處置效果的指標。第二篇論述討論相似度衡量策略在期貨市場獲利的可能性。文獻上對於技術交易是否能產生顯著的報酬結果並不一致,然而實務上分析過去的價格走勢並使用技術指標所產生的訊號,是廣泛被接受的。現有測試技術交易指標獲利能力的文獻,通常假設投資人在實證測試的樣本期間一致性的參考某個交易指標產生的交易訊號並依此交易。然而實務上投資人可能同時參考不同的交易指標,每次交易可能根據不同交易指標所產生的訊號,且投資人會從歷史交易價格走勢中尋找類似於現有走勢的狀況,以這些歷史走勢接續的報酬率做為現有走勢未來報酬率的預期值。本文中我們提出一個較符合實際狀況的決策過程來描述技術交易投資人的行為,並重新檢視技術交易的獲利能力。我們提出的決策過程包含三個步驟。首先投資人建立一個特徵向量,包含投資人所認為足以預測未來報酬率並足以描述現況的指標。第二個步驟,投資人從過去某段期間中尋找相似於現有特徵向量的歷史狀況,並以這些歷史狀況接續的報酬率來作為預測的根據。最後,投資人依照過去的歷史狀況與現在有多相似,作為接續報酬率的加權權重,並以相似度權重加權平均報酬來做為未來報酬率的預測值,我們將依照相似度加權報酬所產生交易訊號所形成的策略稱為相似度衡量交易策略(Similarity-based trading rules)。我們檢視相似度衡量交易策略在九個不同的期貨市場中的獲利能力,在考量data-snooping及交易成本後,每日相似度衡量交易策略仍在其中六個市場中獲得顯著的報酬率。 / The disposition effect, which refers to the tendency of investors to selling their winning investments too soon and to hold losing investments too long, has been well-documented in the extant literature. However, while empirical researches focus on examining the behavioral bias in the stock market, little attention is paid to the option market, where most informed investors and sophisticated traders gather. This essay tests for the disposition effect on the index options market. We argue that moneyness, the most salient and readily available information for option investors, is a natural reference point for potential gains and losses, which likely attracts market participants’ attention more than traditional measures that are based on past trading prices. Based on the Moneyness-based Propensity to Sell (MPS) measure that we introduce and an adjusted capital gains overhang (ACGO) measure of Grinblatt and Han (2005), we find that a strategy formed by buying calls/puts in the highest MPS or ACGO quintile and selling those in the lowest quintile would generate significant abnormal returns, suggesting the presence of the disposition effect. Using double sorting method, we find that the MPS is better as a measure in capturing the disposition effect on the options market than the ACGO. While the literature documents mixed results for the profitability of technical trading rules, the use of technical buy/sell signals based on analyzing past prices is widely accepted by practitioners. The existing literature on testing the predictive ability of technical trading mostly assumes that a technical investor consistently makes investment decisions based on the buy/sell signals according to one particular trading rule during the entire sample period. However this may be far from reality. Technical investors may simultaneously make predictions based on different technical indicators and follow different technical signals. Furthermore, they analyze historical price patterns that are similar to the current market condition and make assessment of future returns based on the subsequent returns of these similar patterns. The process is known as charting. We attempt to propose a more realistic decision-making process that incorporates the similarity-based predictors to account for technical investors’ decisions in the real world and reexamine the profitability of technical trading rules. The proposed process includes three steps. First, the investor attempts to predict future returns based on a vector of current characteristics that is sufficient for his assessment of the future returns and to depict the present scenario of the stock market. Second, the investor searches for the similar patterns in a specific time window prior to the current date and make an assessment of the future returns based on how similar these past patterns and the current pattern are and how rewarding the subsequent returns of the similar patterns are. Third, the investor is assumed to form a similarity-based indicator which is an assessment of the future returns depended on the similarity-weighted average of all previously observed values of the subsequent returns. The technical investor is then assumed to buy/sell according to the signals generated by the similarity-based trading rules (SBTR). We examine the profitability of the SBTR in nine futures markets and find significantly positive and robust returns after considering the data-snooping adjustments and transaction costs in six of the nine markets.

Istar : um esquema estrela otimizado para Image Data Warehouses baseado em similaridade

Anibal, Luana Peixoto 26 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:05:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3993.pdf: 3294402 bytes, checksum: 982c043143364db53c8a4e2084205995 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-26 / A data warehousing environment supports the decision-making process through the investigation and analysis of data in an organized and agile way. However, the current data warehousing technologies do not allow that the decision-making processe be carried out based on images pictorial (intrinsic) features. This analysis can not be carried out in a conventional data warehousing because it requires the management of data related to the intrinsic features of the images to perform similarity comparisons. In this work, we propose a new data warehousing environment called iCube to enable the processing of OLAP perceptual similarity queries over images, based on their pictorial (intrinsic) features. Our approach deals with and extends the three main phases of the traditional data warehousing process to allow the use of images as data. For the data integration phase, or ETL phase, we propose a process to represent the image by its intrinsic content (such as color or texture numerical descriptors) and integrate this data with conventional data in the DW. For the dimensional modeling phase, we propose a star schema, called iStar, that stores both the intrinsic and the conventional image data. Moreover, at this stage, our approach models the schema to represent and support the use of different user-defined perceptual layers. For the data analysis phase, we propose an environment in which the OLAP engine uses the image similarity as a query predicate. This environment employs a filter mechanism to speed-up the query execution. The iStar was validated through performance tests for evaluating both the building cost and the cost to process IOLAP queries. The results showed that our approach provided an impressive performance improvement in IOLAP query processing. The performance gain of the iCube over the best related work (i.e. SingleOnion) was up to 98,21%. / Um ambiente de data warehousing (DWing) auxilia seus usuários a tomarem decisões a partir de investigações e análises dos dados de maneira organizada e ágil. Entretanto, os atuais recursos de DWing não possibilitam que o processo de tomada de decisão seja realizado com base em comparações do conteúdo intrínseco de imagens. Esta análise não pode ser realizada por aplicações de DW convencionais porque essa utiliza, como base, imagens digitais e necessita realizar operações baseadas em similaridade, para as quais um DW convencional não oferece suporte. Neste trabalho, é proposto um ambiente de data warehouse chamado iCube que provê suporte ao processamento de consultas IOLAP (Image On-Line Analytical Processing) baseadas em diversas percepções de similaridade entre as imagens. O iCube realiza adaptações nas três principais fases de um ambiente de data warehousing convencional para permitir o uso de imagens como dados de um data warehouse (DW). Para a fase de integração, ou fase ETL (Extract, Trasnform and Load), nós propomos um processo para representar as imagens a partir de seu conteúdo intrínseco (i.e., por exemplo por meio de descritores numéricos que representam cor ou textura dessas imagens) e integrar esse conteúdo intrínseco a dados convencionais em um DW. Neste trabalho, nós também propomos um esquema estrela otimizado para o iCube, denominado iStar, que armazena tanto dados convencionais quanto dados de representação do conteúdo intrínseco das imagens. Ademais, nesta fase, o iStar foi projetado para representar e prover suporte ao uso de diferentes camadas perceptuais definidas pelo usuário. Para a fase de análise de dados, o iCube permite que processos OLAP sejam executados com o uso de comparações de similaridade como predicado de consultas e com o uso de mecanismos de filtragem para acelerar o processamento de consultas OLAP. O iCube foi validado a partir de testes de desempenho para a construção da estrutura e para o processamento de consultas IOLAP. Os resultados demonstraram que o iCube melhora significativamente o desempenho no processamento de consultas IOLAP quando comparado aos atuais recursos de IDWing. Os ganhos de desempenho do iCube contra o melhor trabalho correlato (i.e. SingleOnion) foram de até 98,21%.

Property inference decision-making and decision switching of undergraduate engineers : implications for ideational diversity & fluency through movements in a Cartesian concept design space

Shah, Raza January 2017 (has links)
Design fixation is a phenomenon experienced by professional designers and engineering design students that stifles creativity and innovation through discouraging ideational productivity, fluency and diversity. During the design idea and concept generation phase of the design process, a reliance on perceptual surface feature similarities between design artefacts increases the likelihood of design fixation leading to design duplication. Psychologists, educators and designers have become increasingly interested in creative idea generation processes that encourage innovation and entrepreneurial outcomes. However, there is a notable lack of collaborative research between psychology, education and engineering design particularly on inductive reasoning of undergraduate engineering students in higher education. The data gathered and analysed for this study provides an insight into property inference decision-making preferences and decision switching (SWITCH) patterns of engineering undergraduates under similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. For this psychology experiment, property induction tasks were devised using abstract shapes in a triad configuration. Participants (N = 180), on an undergraduate engineering programme in London, observed a triad of shapes with a target shape more similar-looking to one of two given shapes. Factors manipulated for this experiment included category alignment, category group, property type and target shape. Despite the cognitive development and maturation stage of undergraduate engineers (adults) in higher education, this study identified similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] to play a significant role during inductive reasoning relative to the strength of category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. In addition to revealing the property inference decision-making preferences of a sample of undergraduate engineers (N = 180), two types of switch classification and two types of non-switch classification (SWITCH) were found and named SIM_NCC, SIM-Salient, Reverse_CAT and CAT_Switching. These different classifications for property inference switching and non-switching presented a more complex pattern of decision-making driven by the relative strength between similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. The conditions that encouraged CAT_Switching is of particular interest to design because it corresponds to inference decision switching that affirms the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes designated as category members, i.e., in a conflicting category alignment condition (CoC). For CAT_Switching, this study found a significant interaction between a particular set of conditions that significantly increased the likelihood of property inference decisions switching to affirm the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes. Stimuli conditions that combined a conflicting category alignment condition (where dissimilar-looking shapes belong to the same category) with category specificity, a causal property and a target shape with merged (or blended) perceptual surface features significantly increased the likelihood of a property inference decision switching. CAT_Switching has important implications for greater ideational productivity, fluency and diversity to discourage design fixation within the conceptual design space. CAT_Switching conditions could encourage more creative design transformations with alternative design functions through inductive inferences that generalise between dissimilar artefact designs. The findings from this study led to proposing a Cartesian view of the concept design space to represent the possibilities for greater movements through flexible and expanding category boundaries to encourage conceptual combinations, greater ideational fluency and greater ideational diversity within a configuration design space. This study has also created a platform for further research into property inference decision-making, ideational diversity and category boundary flexibility under stimuli conditions that encourage designers and design students to make inductive generalisations between dissimilar domains of knowledge through a greater emphasis on causal relations and semantic networks.

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