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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bayesian modeling of biological motion perception in sport

Misaghian, Khashayar 01 1900 (has links)
La perception d’un mouvement biologique correspond à l’aptitude à recueillir des informations (comme par exemple, le type d’activité) issues d’un objet animé en mouvement à partir d’indices visuels restreints. Cette méthode a été élaborée et instaurée par Johansson en 1973, à l’aide de simples points lumineux placés sur des individus, à des endroits stratégiques de leurs articulations. Il a été démontré que la perception, ou reconnaissance, du mouvement biologique joue un rôle déterminant dans des activités cruciales pour la survie et la vie sociale des humains et des primates. Par conséquent, l’étude de l’analyse visuelle de l’action chez l’Homme a retenu l’attention des scientifiques pendant plusieurs décennies. Ces études sont essentiellement axées sur informations cinématiques en provenance de différents mouvements (comme le type d’activité ou les états émotionnels), le rôle moteur dans la perception des actions ainsi que les mécanismes sous-jacents et les substrats neurobiologiques associés. Ces derniers constituent le principal centre d’intérêt de la présente étude, dans laquelle nous proposons un nouveau modèle descriptif de simulation bayésienne avec minimisation du risque. Ce modèle est capable de distinguer la direction d’un ballon à partir d’un mouvement biologique complexe correspondant à un tir de soccer. Ce modèle de simulation est inspiré de précédents modèles, neurophysiologiquement possibles, de la perception du mouvement biologique ainsi que de récentes études. De ce fait, le modèle présenté ici ne s’intéresse qu’à la voie dorsale qui traite les informations visuelles relatives au mouvement, conformément à la théorie des deux voies visuelles. Les stimuli visuels utilisés, quant à eux, proviennent d’une précédente étude psychophysique menée dans notre laboratoire chez des athlètes. En utilisant les données psychophysiques de cette étude antérieure 3 et en ajustant une série de paramètres, le modèle proposé a été capable de simuler la fonction psychométrique ainsi que le temps de réaction moyen mesurés expérimentalement chez les athlètes. Bien qu’il ait été établi que le système visuel intègre de manière optimale l’ensemble des indices visuels pendant le processus de prise de décision, les résultats obtenus sont en lien avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle les indices de mouvement sont plus importants que la forme dynamique dans le traitement des informations relatives au mouvement. Les simulations étant concluantes, le présent modèle permet non seulement de mieux comprendre le sujet en question, mais s’avère également prometteur pour le secteur de l’industrie. Il permettrait, par exemple, de prédire l’impact des distorsions optiques, induites par la conception de verres progressifs, sur la prise de décision chez l’Homme. Mots-clés : Mouvement biologique, Bayésien, Voie dorsale, Modèle de simulation hiérarchique, Fonction psychométrique, Temps de réaction / The ability to recover information (e.g., identity or type of activity) about a moving living object from a sparse input is known as Biological Motion perception. This sparse input has been created and introduced by Johansson in 1973, using only light points placed on an individual's strategic joints. Biological motion perception/recognition proves to play a significant role in activities that are critical to the survival and social life of humans and primates. In this regard, the study of visual analysis of human action had the attention of scientists for decades. These studies are mainly focused on: kinematics information of the different movements (such as type of activity, emotional states), motor role in the perception of actions and underlying mechanisms, and associated neurobiological substrates. The latter being the main focus of the present study, a new descriptive risk-averse Bayesian simulation model, capable of discerning the ball’s direction from a set of complex biological motion soccer-kick stimuli is proposed. Inspired by the previous, neurophysiologically plausible, biological motion perception models and recent studies, the simulation model only represents the dorsal pathway as a motion information processing section of the visual system according to the two-stream theory, while the stimuli used have been obtained from a previous psychophysical study on athletes. Moreover, using the psychophysical data from the same study and tuning a set of parameters, the model could successfully simulate the psychometric function and average reaction time of the athlete participants of the aforementioned study. 5 Although it is established that the visual system optimally integrates all available visual cues in the decision-making process, the results conform to the speculations favouring motion cue importance over dynamic form by only depending on motion information processing. As a functioning simulator, the present simulation model not only introduces some insight into the subject at hand but also shows promise for industry use. For example, predicting the impact of the lens-induced distortions, caused by various lens designs, on human decision-making. Keywords: Biological motion, Bayesian, Dorsal pathway, Hierarchical simulation model, Psychometric function, Reaction time

Časové posouzení využití zdvihacích mechanismů v pozemním stavitelství / Time Assessment of Lifting Mechanisms Efficiency in Civil Engineering

Štěrba, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the time assessment of designed lifting mechanisms in monolithic constructions in Civil Engineering. The main reason for choosing this subject matter is a current trend in construction that in terms of administrative and housing construction tends to build monolithic buildings. Lifting mechanisms are crucial in such buildings nowadays. The efficiency of lifting mechanisms is often neglected in the preparatory phase of construction time schedules, which leads to inefficient capacity utilization of the machine. Nevertheless, this is directly related to meeting the agreed deadlines, which in turn leads to complications that often result in a considerable financial loss for the contractor. In order to solve this subject matter it was necessary to perform monitoring on an appropriate sample of constructions. In the case of this work it was a total of six buildings, four of which were further analysed. Furthermore, individual partial construction processes requiring tower crane operation were analysed. A time assessment methodology including a proposal of possible prioritization of selected activities has been developed. Based on the knowledge gained from the monitoring of the buildings as well as from the analysis of individual items, a simulation model was developed. This model mathematically and graphically evaluates the ability of the designed tower crane to serve a given number of partial construction processes within a specified evaluation section in which the smallest evaluated section equals to one work shift. The benefit of this work is to enable efficient deployment of the tower crane in the preparatory phase of construction. Another benefit is also a prompt operative assessment of the load of the tower crane by a works foreman within a given shift. This should lead to a more efficient deployment of tower cranes during construction and as a consequence it should result in keeping the agreed terms. This is closely associated

Energetická a environmentální analýza budovy / Energy and environmental analysis of the building

Dobrá, Zdena January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is to bring knowledge from the field of energy and simulation evaluation of buildings. Further, there is an introduction to the issue of energy and environmental assessment, legislative documents. A brief procedure for creating an energy model in a simulation program, then setting the model. Evaluated results from DesignBuilder that are in the form of charts. And also the evaluation of the measured data in the form of graphs from Libuše object in Karlova Studánka.

Návrh pracoviště s průmyslovým robotem / Design of a Robotic Cell

Sobotka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Design of robotic cell for welding operations at specific production part including unchangeable process technology. Design of subsystems provides required functions and abilities. Risk management of entire model and its transformation into Siemens Process Simulate simulation software including creation task-cycle simulation.

Návrh robotické buňky pro manipulační operace / Design of a Robotic Cell for Manipulation Operations

Hoplíček, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the design of a robotic cell for manipulation operations. By two robots are performed manipulation operations with a product between turntable, station with a pulsed fiber laser, label printer with applicator and conveyor belt. Further, the thesis describes the selection process of each device of the robotic cell, the design of an end effector and a fixture. The robotic cell is designed in compliance with the safety standards. The aim of this thesis is to design the robotic cell, which meets the requirement for a given cycle time. The cycle time is determined using a simulation model of the robotic cell created in PLM software Siemens Process Simulate.

Návrh pravidel pro řízení hydroenergetické funkce vodní nádrže / The Design of a Rules for the Hydropower Control of a Dam Reservoir

Bednář, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to create an algorithm by which it will be possible to devise management rules. These management rules will be able to advise a more efficient use of the hydroenergetic potential of reservoirs with run-of-river small hydro. The actual algorithm will be created with a view to maximizing the profit from the operation of the hydropower plant and using the time course of electricity prices on the market. The rules designed by algorithm will be tested in a simplified way in selected period using simulation model.

Odstraňování CO2 z bioplynu / CO2 removing from biogas

Kovář, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Research the Selexol, Rectisol, Fluor and Purisol technologies for the treatment of biogas to natural gas quality is the main job. The purified biogas must meet quality requirements, which sets out legislation Czech Republic. An important point is to build models of technology in the ChemCad software. Methods are analyzed with these models for the same output requirements. The result is to determine whether the technologies are suitable for biogas purification and implement, through research, simplified technical and economic evaluation.

Analýza nejistot hydrologických a provozních parametrů na vodohospodářské řešení zásobní funkce nádrže / Uncertainty Analysis of Hydrological and Operating Parameters on Water Management Analysis of Reservoir Storage Capacity

Paseka, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the concept of Monte Carlo method for incorporating the uncertainties into the all hydrological and operational data inputs, which are needed to design and operation of large open water reservoir. Incorporating uncertainties into data inputs during calculation of reservoir storage capacity, then the consequent active conservation storage capacity is loaded by uncertainties. In the same way the values of outflow water from reservoir and hydrological reliability are affected by these uncertainties as well. For these kind of calculations the reservoir simulation model has been used, which simulate behavior operation of reservoir and is able to evaluate the results of simulations and help to reduction risk of storage capacity failure, respectively reduction of water shortages during reservoirs operation during low water and dry periods.

Метода мерења електроокулографског сигнала на интервалу са преклапањем временских прозора / Metoda merenja elektrookulografskog signala na intervalu sa preklapanjem vremenskih prozora / EOG signal measurement method over an interval using overlapping timewindows

Đorđević-Kozarov Jelena 14 March 2018 (has links)
<p>У тези је предложена метода мерења ЕОГ сигнала на интервалу са<br />преклапањем временских прозора, која представља модификацију<br />дигиталне стохастичке методе мерења (ДСММ). Хардвер којим се<br />предложена метода може имплементирати заснован је на рачунарској<br />платформи и микроконтролерској структури. Метода је испитана бројним<br />симулацијама и експериментима. Хипотеза ове тезе &ndash; да модел мерења<br />ЕОГ сигнала на интервалу са преклапањем временских прозора<br />омогућава пројектовање ЕОГ мерног уређаја који је отпорнији на утицај<br />шума него ЕОГ мерни уређаји засновани на класичном дигиталном<br />мерењу &ndash; потпуно је потврђена.</p> / <p>U tezi je predložena metoda merenja EOG signala na intervalu sa<br />preklapanjem vremenskih prozora, koja predstavlja modifikaciju<br />digitalne stohastičke metode merenja (DSMM). Hardver kojim se<br />predložena metoda može implementirati zasnovan je na računarskoj<br />platformi i mikrokontrolerskoj strukturi. Metoda je ispitana brojnim<br />simulacijama i eksperimentima. Hipoteza ove teze &ndash; da model merenja<br />EOG signala na intervalu sa preklapanjem vremenskih prozora<br />omogućava projektovanje EOG mernog uređaja koji je otporniji na uticaj<br />šuma nego EOG merni uređaji zasnovani na klasičnom digitalnom<br />merenju &ndash; potpuno je potvrđena.</p> / <p>EOG signal measurement method over an interval using overlapping time<br />windows, which represents the modification of the digital stochastic<br />measurement method (DSMM), has been proposed in this thesis. The<br />hardware that can implement the proposed method is based on a computer<br />platform and a microcontroller structure. The method has been tested with<br />numerous simulations and experiments. Hypothesis of this thesis - the model<br />of EOG signal measurement over an interval using overlapping time windows<br />allows a design of EOG measuring device more resistant to the noise impact<br />than the EOG measuring devices based on classical digital measurement -<br />has been fully confirmed.</p>

New Dynamic Approach of a Safety Barrier Wall for a Civil Transport Aircraft: New Dynamic Approach of a Safety Barrier Wallfor a Civil Transport Aircraft

Merz, Ludger 21 October 2010 (has links)
One of the challenges for Airbus preparing a new freighter development process was the design of a solid freighter barrier, which separates the courier area from the cargo compartment. The major task of such a barrier is to protect the passengers against all risks caused due to cargo impact by a justifiable design. These risks may result from all kind of survivable incident and accident scenarios. Real aircraft crashes were analyzed to get away from a static book-case and come to a more realistic dynamic crash scenario. A reduced-order simulation model was built up to investigate and simulate the dynamic effects during crash. The simulation model considers the highly nonlinear stiffness and damping characteristics of all critical cargo types and also includes their energy absorption potentials. A series of full scale container crash tests have been performed at accredited car crash facilities. The test campaigns were complemented by numerous component tests to study also general crash principles. The critical simulation parameters were identified and implemented into the simulation model. The subsequent validation process showed a close agreement between simulation and test. The simulation environment has turned out to be a reliable basis to simulate all critical barrier loads with respect to the specific aircraft loading distributions. The essence of this investigation is an adequate understanding of the real crash effects. The proposed dynamic crash approach is more realistic than the static condition and results in an optimized safety barrier wall concept. This dynamic approach provides equivalent safety compared to the existing devices and is accepted by FAA and EASA.:Contents 1 Scope of the Work 1 1.1 State-of-the-Art Barrier Design 1 1.2 General Crash Justification Requirement 2 1.3 Barrier Protection Criterion 3 1.4 Proposed Dynamic Approach for an Optimized Safety Barrier Design 4 2 Simulation 6 2.1 About this Chapter 6 2.2 Simulation environment Matlab/Simulink 7 2.3 Simulation Model 7 2.4 Differential Equation 11 2.5 Stiffness and Damping 14 2.6 Crash Pulses 17 2.7 Dynamic Latch Behavior 21 2.8 Model Implementation 21 2.8.1 Derivation of the Equation Set Up for One Cargo Unit 22 2.9 Simulation Environment 25 3 Full Scale ULD Crash Tests 33 3.1 About this Chapter 33 3.2 Objectives 33 3.3 Test Setup 34 3.3.1 Cargo Configuration 34 3.3.2 Test Configuration 38 3.3.3 Test Equipment 39 4 Analysis of ULD Crash Tests 41 4.1 Test Results 41 4.1.1 Test with frangible Cargo 41 4.1.2 Test with rigid Cargo 45 4.2 Measurement Quality 47 4.3 Load Principles 50 4.4 Load Propagation on Barrier 52 5 Parameter Identification and Results 53 5.1 About this Chapter 53 5.2 Identification Process 53 5.3 Stiffness and Damping Identification 56 5.3.1 Identification of first ULD characteristic 57 5.3.2 Identification of second and aft ULDs 58 5.3.3 Identified Load-De ection Characteristics 59 5.4 Model Validation 60 6 Barrier Protection against Rigid Cargo Impact 63 6.1 About this Chapter 63 6.2 Excitation Pulse 64 6.3 State-of-the-Art Consideration 65 VIII CONTENTS 6.4 Simulation Model based on Energy Method 67 6.5 Reduced Crushable Cargo owing to Rigid Cargo Tests 70 7 Full Scale Latch Rupture Test 74 7.1 About this Chapter 74 7.2 Objectives 75 7.3 Test Setup 76 7.3.1 Tested Cargo 78 7.3.2 Test Measurement 80 8 Analysis of Latch Rupture Test 82 8.1 About this Chapter 82 8.2 Results and Physical Effects 83 8.2.1 Energy Flow Consideration 83 8.2.2 Pulse Consideration 86 8.2.3 Load and Velocity Consideration 86 8.2.4 Summary 91 9 Consolidation of the Two Crash Requirements 92 9.1 Integration of Frangible and Rigid Simulation Model 92 9.2 Linked Simulation Results 92 9.3 Dynamic Impact Loads on Safety Barrier Wall 93 9.4 Minimal Barrier Loads for Safety Barrier Wall Protection 96 9.5 Safety Barrier Wall Design Loads 99 10 Summary and Outlook 101

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