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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the Effect of Elastic Foundation on the Accelerated Durability Testing of Ground Vehicles

Rahman, Ebadur 28 July 2016 (has links)
Accelerated durability testing of automotive components has become a major interest as it may predict the life characteristics of the vehicle by testing fatigue failure at higher stress level within a shorter period of time. In this work, a specially designed sub-scaled experimental testing bed with the rigid and elastic supports of a simply supported beam was designed and built to compare the effects of the elastic foundation on the change of modal parameters of the tested structure which was later used to tune the FE model. Afterwards, the accelerated loading profiles of both sine sweep and random vibration were applied on the FE model to compare the deviation of the cumulative fatigue damage between the elastic and rigid supports. This work reveals a significant amount of inaccuracy in the current laboratory testing system where the dynamic properties of the tested structure are not maintained close to the real situation. / October 2016

Experimental Determination Of Transfer Functions For A Car Body-in-white

Senturk, Sabri 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Vibration generated from various sources (engine, road surface, tires, exhaust, etc.) should be considered in the design of a car body. These vibrations travel through transfer systems (drivetrain, suspension, body, etc.) to the steering wheel, seats and other areas where it is detected by the passengers of the vehicle. Transmission routes must be studied and efforts made to keep transfer systems from amplifying vibration and to absorb it instead. Since the superior vibration transfer system is the car body, finite element analysis and experimental vibration analysis are performed on car body-in-white. Body vibration analysis entails understanding and improving the body&rsquo / s dynamic characteristics that act as vibration transfer channels. In the previous study, a finite element model has been created for a car body-in-white available in Automotive Laboratory (Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara) and its natural frequencies and mode shapes have been determined using finite element analysis software. In this study, vibration tests have been performed on actual car body-in-white. Frequency response functions between 34 response locations and force application point have been measured. Using these frequency response functions, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the body-in-white have been determined. Finite element analysis and experimental results have been compared to evaluate the finite element model reliability.

Environmental Testing of Large Components / Miljötestning av stora komponenter

Güler, Kenan, Tenace, Myriam January 2023 (has links)
As the industry is being reshaped concentrically around sustainability, the consumption of fossil fuels is targeted to decrease day by day. As a consequence of that, a righteous rise of electricity as energy source prevails in different branches of industry. It results for electric vehicle components to increase in size and weight which in fact were relatively smaller on conventional fossil fuel driven vehicles e.g. trucks. Every component weighing more than two kilograms is classified as a large component by Scania and these large electric components uncovers the need of evaluation of established testing methods in terms of their validity. This thesis project was carried out at Scania, Södertälje, and deals with the investigation on vibration testing methods that are currently used in different fields of engineering and identification of potentially applicable ones at Scania in testing large components. A case study on the stiffness of an individual component is performed to assess its impact on alteration of eigenfrequencies. Few case studies based on empirical tests as well as finite element method simulations on certain large components, i.e. high voltage junction box and battery packs, are performed with respect to their vibration behaviours while undergoing Scania’s established vibration testing spectra. Investigation into the vibration behaviour on dependence on measurement locations were performed. Additionally, rudimentary case studies are conducted on thermal loads during vibration testing, thermal dwell time, and required energy to oscillate large components at certain levels. How thermal features of the component are affected due to its size is noted. / Den senaste tekniska paradigmen inom fordonsindustrin är fokus på minskning av beroende på fossila bränslen, högre energisnålhet och en ökad hållbarhet och effektivitet i produktionsprocessens alla delar. Detta och de stora genombrotten i batteritekniken hade som påföljd att utvecklingen av fordon riktades mot elektrifiering av alla fordon. Elmotorer har sedan tidigare funnit sin tillämpning på mindre maskiner i inomhusmiljöer som t.ex. palldragare och lasttruckar. För tyngre applikationer som t.ex. personbilar och lastbilar ställs det helt nya krav på komponenternas storlek och prestanda, vilket leder till de elektriska komponenternas högre vikt. Scania, som vill vara ledande inom denna omställning, klassificerar alla komponenter med större vikt än 2 kg som stora komponenter. De stora elektriska komponenterna skapar ett behov att utvärdera de aktuella testmetoderna och verifiera deras validitet. Det här magisterexamensarbetet har genomförts på Scania i Södertälje och handlar om undersökning av vibrationstestningsmetoderna som nuförtiden används i olika teknikområden samt identifiering av de eventuellt applicerbara metoderna för provning av stora elektriska komponenter. En fallstudie genomfördes gällande en individuell komponent och påverkan på dess egenfrekvenser med varierande styvhetskonstanter. Dessutom genomfördes några andra fallstudier utgående från empiriska tester samt simuleringar med hjälp av finita elementmetoden på vissa stora komponenter såsom högspänningsförgreningsdosa och batteripacken. Vibrationsprov genomfördes genom att utsätta komponenterna för Scanias nuvarande vibrationstestningsspektrum. Även vibrationsbeteendet beroende på positionen av mättningspunkterna har undersökts. Utöver det utfördes fallstudier angående termiska belastningar under vibrationstestning, tid för värmeöverföring samt energibehovet för att oscillera stora komponenter på förbestämda accelerationsnivåer. Inverkan av komponenternas storlek på deras värmeöverföringsegenskaper noterades.

Approach for frequency response-calibration for microphone arrays / Metod för kalibrering av frekvenssvar för mikrofonarrayer

Drotz, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Matched frequency responses are a fundamental starting point for a variety ofimplementations for microphone arrays. In this report, two methods for frequencyresponse-calibration of a pre-assembled microphone array are presented andevaluated. This is done by extracting the deviation in frequency responses of themicrophones in relation to a selected reference microphone, using a swept sine asa stimulus signal and an inverse filter. The swept sine includes all frequencieswithin the bandwidth of human speech. This allows for a full frequency responsemeasurements from all microphones using a single recording.Using the swept sine, the deviation in frequency response between the microphonescan be obtained. This deviation represents the scaling factor that all microphonesmust be calibrated with to match the reference microphone. Applying the scalingfactors on the recorded stimulus signal shows an improvement for both implementedmethods, and where one method matches the frequency response of the microphoneswith high accuracy.Once the scaling factors of the various microphones is obtained, it can be usedto calibrate other recorded signals. This leads to an minor improvement formatching the frequency responses, as it has been shown that the differencesin frequency response between the microphones is signal-dependent and variesbetween recordings. The response differences between the microphones dependson the design of the array, speaker, room and the acoustic frequency dispersionthat occurs with sound waves. This makes it difficult to calibrate the frequencyresponses of the microphones without appropriate equipment because the responseof the microphones is noticeably affected by these other factors. Proposals to addressthese problems are discussed in the report as future work. / Matchade frekvenssvar är en grundläggande utgångspunkt för ett flertal implementationer för mikrofonarrayer. I denna rapport presenteras och utvärderas tvåmetoder för frekvenssvarskalibrering för en förmonterad mikrofonarray. Detta görsgenom att extrahera avvikelsen i frekvenssvar hos alla mikrofoner i förhållandetill en vald referensmikrofon. Frekvenssvaren tas fram med hjälp av ettsinussvep som stimulanssignal och ett inverterat filter. Sinussvepet inkluderar helafrekvensbredden för mänskligt tal och möjliggör att mikrofonernas fulla frekvenssvarkan analyseras från en enda inspelning.Med hjälp av sinussvepet kan avvikelsen i frekvenssvar mellan mikrofonerna erhållas.Denna avvikelse representerar den skalningsfaktor alla mikrofoner måste kalibrerasefter för att matcha referensmikrofonen. Genom att applicera faktorerna på deninspelade stimulussignalen ses en förbättring för båda implementerade metoderna,där en metod matchar mikrofonernas frekvenssvar med hög noggrannhet.När skalningsfaktorn för de olika mikrofonerna har erhållits kan den användas föratt kalibrera andra inspelade signaler. Detta leder till en liten förbättring i att matchafrekvenssvaren, då det har visat sig att skillnader mellan mikrofonernas frekvenssvarär signalberoende och varierar mellan inspelningar. Skillnader i frekvenssvar mellanmikrofonerna beror på ljudets utbredning i rummet, utformningen av arrayen,högtalaren och den akustiska frekvensspridningen som uppstår hos ljudvågor. Dettagör det svårt att kalibrera frekvenssvaren hos mikrofonerna utan lämplig utrustningeftersom mikrofonernas respons märkbart påverkas av dessa andra faktorer. Förslagför att kringgå dessa problem diskuteras i rapporten och tas upp som framtidaarbete.

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