Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pinus"" "subject:"minus""
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Maxillary sinus floor augmentation with different bone grafting materials for dental implant treatment: A systematic reviewBanihashem, Tina, Zulfijaj, Florida January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturöversikt var att testa hypotesen att det inte är någon skillnad rörande lyckandefrekvensen gällande implantatbehandling vid sinuslyft med olika bentransplantatmaterial Material och metod: Studien baseras på sökningar i PubMed, Cochrane Library och Web of Science i kombination med en manuell granskning av relevanta publikationer. Inkluderade publikationer var prospektiva studier av ≥ 10 patienter och med en uppföljningstid på ≥ 1 år. Autologt bentransplantat från mandibel/maxilla, oorganiskt ben (Bio-Oss), en kombination av dessa två samt sinuslyft utan insättning av bentransplant utvärderades. Kvaliteten på varje publikation bedömas enligt kriterier baserade på en modifiering av STROBE-statment. Resultat: Sökningen resulterade i 818 titlar och 15 inkluderade publikationer relevanta enligt förutbestämda inklusionskriterier. En studie var en randomiserad kontrollerad studie (RCT) och en var en kontrollerad klinisk studie (CCT). De återstående 13 studierna var observationsstudier. Uppföljningen varierade mellan ett och nio år, och antalet patienter mellan 10 och 191. Sinuslyft utan insättning av bentransplantat hade en implantatöverlevnad på 97,7% -100% och studier rörande autologt bentransplantat 98,8%. Bio-Oss resulterade i 86,3% -98,1% överlevnad och en kombination av Bio-Oss och autologt ben resulterade i en överlevnad på 90,7%. Slutsats: Enligt denna undersökning fanns ingen skillnad i implantat överlevnad mellan de olika bentransplantaten. Beroende på studiernas karaktär behövs fler RCT och CCT studier, som analyserar implantatutfallet, involverar sinuslyft och olika bentransplantat rörande implantatöverlevnad och lyckandefrekvens. / AbstractAims: The objective was to test the hypothesis that there is no difference in implant treatment outcome using different bone graft material for sinus floor augmentation.Material and methods: This systematic review is based on searches in PubMed, the Cochrane Library and the Web of Science and a hand search of relevant publications. Autologous bone, anorganic bovine bone (Bio-Oss), a combination of these two and elevation of the Schneiderian membrane with no graft material was evaluated. The quality of each publication was assessed according to criteria based on the STROBE-statements.Results: The search provided 818 titles and 15 were found relevant according to the predetermined inclusion criteria. One study was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and one was a controlled clinical trial (CCT). The remaining 13 studies were observation studies. The follow-up time varied between one and nine years and the number of patients between 10 and 191. Studies on elevation of the Schneiderian membrane with no bone graft material reported an implant survival rate between 97.7% and100% and studies on only autologous bone graft material 98.8%. Bio-Oss as bone graft material resulted in 86.3%-98.1% survival rate and a combination of Bio-Oss and autologous bone graft resulted in a survival rate of 90.7%.Conclusion: There was no difference in implant outcome of the different bone graft material. More studies designed as RCT and CCT, which analyze the implant outcome involving sinus floor augmentation and different bone graft material are needed to improve evidence on survival and success rate.
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Studies of the quality of the intraosseous dental implant bed and of thermal effects in implant pathologyWong, Kevan January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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The effects of alpha and beta adrenergic blockade on the pressor response to carotid occlusion in unanesthetized dogsDrury, Colin Jordan, January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1970. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.
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Speech outcome and velopharyngeal function in Cantonese cleft patients comparison of le fort I maxillary osteotomy and distraction osteogenesis: a pilot study /Chanchareonsook, Nattharee. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.D.S.)--University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Also available in print.
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Testing the Longitudinal, Bidirectional Relation Between Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia and Perceived Emotion RegulationDas, Akanksha 29 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Objective: Applications of Cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) have increased dramatically in dentistry. Incidental findings (IFs) beyond the area of interest may be encountered. The maxillary sinus incidental findings in CBCT were considered the highest in the literature. This systematic review aims to analyze present literature on IFs in the maxillary sinus using CBCT
Methods: Electronic databases was searched for studies on the maxillary sinus incidental findings in CBCT to assess the prevalence and significance of the incidental findings.
Results: The initial search retrieved 239 abstracts, of which only 9 studies met the inclusion criteria. The sample size ranged from 34-1029 participants with a mean age of 35.4. The prevalence of incidental findings in the maxillary sinus was between 27 to 62.4%. Such findings in the maxillary sinus vary in importance and the need for intervention. The most common incidental findings were the thickening of the mucosal membrane followed by the polypoid lesion. / Oral Biology
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ABSTRACT Objectives: Cone beam computerized tomography use is becoming more common in preparation for surgical planning and treatment diagnosis by clinicians. The scanning result gives clinicians a more accurate understanding of each patients’ anatomy, which aids in designing better treatment plan, avoidance of vital anatomy, etc. Modern treatments involving extraction of teeth has become more sophisticated due to advent of dental implant treatment. Along with the procedure, more sophisticated treatment techniques involving manipulation of sinus has flourished. Traditional periapical and panoramic radiograph are not as adapt at identifying sinus pathologies. As patients age, proximity of sinus floor and apex of teeth may become closely related where possibility of one affecting another is observed. This study aims to study the prevalence of odontogenic related pathologies in relation to maxillary sinus in the population who had CBCT images taken at Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. The study also looks in detail the relationship of such pathology in relation to teeth status, age, gender, and ethnicity. Methods: 821 CBCT scans completed at Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry Department of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology from January 1st, 2009 to July 31, 2013 were evaluated with iCAT computer imaging software. Patients under 18, no posterior dentition, or complete edentulous were excluded from the study. A total of four hundred fourty four (444) CBCT scans were included in the study. Patients with odontogenic related maxillary sinus pathology were selected and teeth status, age, gender and ethnicity recorded. Individual scans had sinus pathology identified and examined for proximity and relationship to respective tooth/teeth. Each individual tooth’s status were also recorded. Chi-square test was conducted to verify validity Results: After reviewing 680 scans, only 444 were included in the study due to exclusions. Scans were subdivided by age (18-35: 77, 36-53: 113, 54-71: 188, 72> : 46), gender (280 male and 164 female), ethnicity (African American 86, Asian 45, Caucasian 291, Hispanic 22), tooth status (caries, 26, crown 87, healthy 31, impacted 11, root canal 88, restoration 58), tooth position ( 3rd molar 9, 2nd molar 86, 1st molar 138, 2nd premolar 20, 1st premolar 6, canine 3). Overall 63.06% of scans were classified as healthy, and 36.04% were classified as presenting odontogenic related maxillary sinus pathology. None of the parameters showed significant predilection to odontogenic related pathology, however, 1st molar has the highest risk of exhibiting pathology in the maxillary sinus with 2nd molar second. The pathology incidence rates are slightly higher in male patients 41% vs 34%. Age is not a significant factor as all age groups demonstrates similar incidence rate except 72> group. Dentition status showed root canal and crown being the most commonly associated with pathology at 29% each. In Caucasian population, crown and root canal was most commonly related. African American was restoration and healthy teeth. Asian population had the most link with large restorations. Conclusions: Maxillary 1st molar is the most commonly involved tooth with maxillary sinus pathologies with 2nd molar as second most common. Caucasian individuals had the most odontogenic related pathologies. In general, crown and root canal are associated with a significant number of pathologies found in the sinus and should be evaluated prior to any surgical evaluation prior to any sinus manipulative surgery or odontogenic treatment. / Oral Biology
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Piezoelectric and high speed rotary instrumentation have proven to be viable methods of preparing osteotomies during lateral sinus wall surgery. Piezoelectric units have been suggested to have superior access and control as well as the ability to discern between soft and hard tissue. The major disadvantage of the piezoelectric technology is the reduced speed at which osteotomies are prepared. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference in operator perception, speed and membrane damage between the two modalities. Seven different operators prepared 4 osteotomies in 2 mm thick polyurethane sheets backed by 0.2 mm thick plastic wrap. The preparation speed and incidence of membrane damage were recorded after each osteotomy. The operator perception of each modality was recorded at the end of the preparations. Several questions were asked to evaluate the accuracy, visibility, vibration, comfort and ease of use of both modalities. Results showed that rotary instrumentation was 160% faster than piezo (p<0.001), but resulted in 370% more damage and 130% more perforations (p<0.01). Surveys of operator preference showed piezo units with higher scores for accuracy and visibility (p<0.05). This study showed that in vitro a piezo unit compared to a rotary unit results in less membrane perforation and damage, higher perception of accuracy and visibility, but longer osteotomy preparation time. / Oral Biology
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Bradyarrhythmias: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Management.Wung, Shu-Fen 09 1900 (has links)
Bradyarrhythmias are common clinical findings consisting of physiologic and pathologic conditions (sinus node dysfunction and atrioventricular [AV] conduction disturbances). Bradyarrhythmias can be benign, requiring no treatment; however, acute unstable bradycardia can lead to cardiac arrest. In patients with confirmed or suspected bradycardia, a thorough history and physical examination should include possible causes of sinoatrial node dysfunction or AV block. Management of bradycardia is based on the severity of symptoms, the underlying causes, presence of potentially reversible causes, presence of adverse signs, and risk of progression to asystole. Pharmacologic therapy and/or pacing are used to manage unstable or symptomatic bradyarrhythmias.
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Eficácia da radiografia panorâmica na detecção de sinusites maxilares: estudo comparativo com tomografia computadorizada / Panoramic radiography efficacy at detecting maxillary sinusitis: comparative study with computed tomographyFinkelsztain, Renata Abramovicz 22 October 2008 (has links)
O aumento da freqüência de cirurgias de sinus lift para reabilitação com implantes proporcionou uma maior preocupação com a fisiologia do seio maxilar. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia da radiografia panorâmica na detecção de sinusites maxilares. Para o estudo foram utilizados exames pareados (panorâmica + Tomografia Computadorizada) de pacientes encaminhados ao centro de radiologia para planejamento imaginologico para implantes. As 100 radiografias panorâmicas foram avaliadas por três examinadores distintos quanto a quatro padrões radiográficos: (A) padrão compatível com a normalidade, (B) presença de velamento parcial ou total opacificação do seio maxilar, (C) presença de fenômeno de retenção de muco e (D) presença de comunicação buco sinusal. Os diagnósticos obtidos pelos examinadores foram comparados com os achados radiográficos das TCs (padrão ouro). Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de concordânica de Kappa. Concluímos que a sensibilidade diagnóstica deste exame é diretamente proporcional à experência do examinador. Concluímos também que a radiografia panorâmica utilizada isoladamente não oferece recursos diagnósticos suficientes para a detecção de sinusites maxilares. / Due to the higher frequency of sinus lift surgeries for oral rehabilitation with implants, there is more concern to the physiology of the maxillary sinus. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the panoramic x-ray efficacy at detecting maxillary sinusitis. For this study, one hundred paired exams (panoramic xray + Computed Tomography) from patients referred to a radiodiagnostic centre for dental implant placement planning were used. All panoramic x-rays were evaluated by three different observers and diagnosed for four radiographic findings: (A) healthy sinus, (B) mucosal swelling or total opacification of the maxillary sinus, (C) presence of mucosal cysts and (D) presence of buco antral communication. The diagnoses obtained by the three observers were compared to the CT findings (gold standard). We the used Kappa analysis to determine the agreement between the observers and the gold standard. We concluded that the more experience the observer has, the higher his agreement with the CT is. We also concluded that used by itself, the panoramic x-ray does not provide enough resources to detect maxillary sinusitis.
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