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Parametric analysis of turbulent shearing flow over stationary solid waves – a RANS studySherikar, Akshay January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Analysis of Sinusoidal, Random and Shock Vibration according to Launch Environment for Small Spacecraft Development to Asteroid 2016-HO3Anandito, Akhsanto January 2019 (has links)
The investment of space commerce is skyrocketing and it is predicted to be a nascent business in the future. The spacecraft demand has been growing not only for NASA and other space agency’s mission but also collaboration business between small space industries, academia, and scientific community. This glimpse brought an interest to a new investor, government, military, and manufacturing company to deliver their objectives efficiently. Nowadays, many startups compete embracing innovation and pioneering the novelty of space project beyond prodigious vision in an unprecedented way. Many players foresee that decreasing size of the rocket is an important key to survive and succeed in the space business. One of the efficient acts is lowering the launch cost. This can be achieved by designing a small size, lightweight and affordable spacecraft. Within this context, a Beyond Atlas Spacecraft which will be sent to Asteroid 2016-HO3, has achieved a wet mass of 20.85 kg with the size of 24.7 x 42.2 x 40.8 cm in stowed mode and 84 x 399 x 40.8 cm in unstowed mode. However, the drawback being light and small may lead to catastrophic failure due to resonance frequency events. According to past experience, the gyro of the Swedish national satellite was damaged during ground testing and it was suspected due to high amplification when the natural frequency coincides to the main structure resonance. Therefore, this work is focusing on a spacecraft development and a non-destructive structural analysis. The coupled-load analysis of a preliminary spacecraft design including sinusoidal, random vibration and shock analysis are calculated using FEM. This effort can reduce the risk of component destruction before laboratory testing as well as understand better the dynamic behavior of the spacecraft. The critical frequency in each orthogonal axis with base input from launch environment of the LM-3A Launch Vehicle was devised. The maximum stress, amplitude, and acceleration in accordance of qualification test criteria were evaluated and discussed. / Investeringen av rymdhandeln är skyrocketing och det förväntas bli en växande verksamhet i framtiden. Efterfrågan på rymdfarkoster har ökat inte bara för NASA och andra rymdorganisationens uppdrag utan även samarbete mellan små rymdindustrier, akademin och det vetenskapliga samfundet. Denna glimt väckte intresse för en ny investerare, regering, militär och tillverkningsföretag för att effektivt kunna leverera sina mål. Idag konkurrerar många startups om att omfatta innovation och banbrytande rymdprojektets nyhet bortom en fördärvad vision på ett aldrig tidigare skådat sätt. Många spelare förutser att minskad storlek på raketen är en viktig nyckel för att överleva och lyckas i rymdverksamheten. En av de effektiva handlingarna sänker lanseringskostnaden. Detta kan uppnås genom att utforma en liten storlek, lätt och prisvärd rymdfarkost. Inom detta sammanhang har en Beyond Atlas Spacecraft som skickas till Asteroid 2016-HO3, uppnått en våt massa på 20,85 kg med storleken 24,7 x 42,2 x 40,8 cm i stuvningsläge och 84 x 399 x 40,8 cm i ostoppat läge. Nackdelen som är ljus och liten kan emellertid leda till katastrofalt fel på grund av resonansfrekvenshändelser. Enligt tidigare erfarenhet skadades gyroen i den svenska nationella satelliten under marktestning och det misstänktes på grund av hög förstärkning när den naturliga frekvensen sammanföll med huvudstrukturen resonans. Därför fokuserar detta arbete på rymdskeppsutveckling och en icke-destruktiv strukturanalys. Den kombinerade belastningsanalysen av en preliminär rymdfarkostkonstruktion inklusive sinusformad, slumpvibration och chockanalys beräknas med användning av FEM. Denna insats kan minska risken för komponent förstörelse före laboratorietestning samt förstå bättre rymdskeppets dynamiska beteende. Den kritiska frekvensen i varje ortogonal axel med basinmatning från startmiljön för LM-3A-startkärlet utformades. Den maximala spänningen, amplituden och accelerationen i enlighet med kvalifikationstestkriterierna utvärderades och diskuterades.
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Statistical quality assurance of IGUM : Statistical quality assurance and validation of IGUM in a steady and dynamic gas flow prior to proof of conceptKornsäter, Elin, Kallenberg, Dagmar January 2022 (has links)
To further support and optimise the production of diving tables for the Armed Forces of Sweden, a research team has developed a new machine called IGUM (Inert Gas UndersökningsMaskin) which aims to measure how inert gas is taken up and exhaled. Due to the new design of machine, the goal of this thesis was to statistically validate its accuracy and verify its reliability. In the first stage, a quality assurance of the linear position conversion key of IGUM in a steady and known gas flow was conducted. This was done by collecting and analysing data in 29 experiments followed by examination with ordinary least squares, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, bootstrapping and Bayesian hierarchical modelling. Autocorrelation among the residuals were detected but concluded to not have an impact on the results due to the bootstrap analysis. The results showed an estimated conversion key equal to 1.276 ml/linear position which was statistically significant for all 29 experiments. In the second stage, it was examined if and how well IGUM could detect small additions of gas in a dynamic flow. The breathing machine ANSTI was used to simulate the sinus pattern of a breathing human in 24 experiments where 3 additions of 30 ml of gas manually was added into the system. The results were analysed through sinusoidal regression where three dummy variables represented the three additions of gas in each experiment. To examine if IGUM detects 30 ml for each input, the previously statistically proven conversion key at 1.276ml/linear position was used. An attempt was made to remove the seasonal trend in the data, something that was not completely successful which could influence the estimations. The results showed that IGUM indeed can detect these small gas additions, where the amount detected showed some differences between dummies and experiments. This is most likely since not enough trend has been removed, rather than IGUM not working properly.
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Modelo de optimización del consumo energético en trenes mediante el diseño geométrico vertical sinusoidal y su impacto en el coste de la construcción de la infraestructuraPineda Jaramillo, Juan Diego 06 November 2017 (has links)
Railways are generally much more efficient than road transport in terms of energy consumption for both freight and passengers. Despite this, it is still necessary to reduce their energy consumption in order to improve their competitiveness and contribute to a global sustainability.
This thesis presents the training of an artificial neural network using energy consumption data measured in the underground network of Valencia (Spain), with the objective of estimating the energy consumption of the systems. The section studied was line 5 of MetroValencia between Marítim-Serrería and Alameda stations.
After calibration and validation of the artificial neural network using part of the consumption data gathered, the results obtained show that the neural network can predict power consumption with high accuracy (just an error of 2.42%). The advantages of this method lie in its adjustment speed and simulation, and, specially, in the fact that the artificial neural network may function as a virtual laboratory where it is possible to test hypothetical scenarios to reduce the train energy consumption.
Once fully trained, the artificial neural network was used to model several scenarios of hypothetical vertical track layouts between two stations of a metro system, testing the energy consumption and infrastructure investment costs of the track layouts considered. The results show the fact that a symmetrical sinusoidal vertical layout is much more efficient than a flat layout, in terms of energy consumption, with reductions up to 18.41%, and the return period of the extra investment is 9.66 years for an example presented.
Therefore, this thesis provides a useful tool to develop optimum vertical layouts in terms of energy consumption and, in addition, to determine a set of actions to reduce the energy consumption of a metro network. / Los ferrocarriles son generalmente mucho más eficientes que el transporte carretero en términos de eficiencia energética para transporte de mercancías y pasajeros. Sin embargo, aún existe la necesidad de reducir su consumo energético para mejorar su competitividad y contribuir a un mundo más sostenible.
Esta tesis presenta el entrenamiento de una red neuronal artificial usando información del consumo medido en la red de metro de Valencia (España), con el objetivo de estimar el consumo energético de los sistemas. El tramo estudiado fue la línea 5 de la red de Metro de Valencia entre las estaciones Marítim-Serrería y Alameda.
Después de la calibración y la validación de la red neuronal artificial usando parte de los datos de consumo recogidos, los resultados obtenidos muestran que la red neuronal puede predecir el consumo energético con alta precisión (solo un error del 2.42%). Las ventajas de este método yacen en su velocidad de ajuste y simulación, y, especialmente, en el hecho de que la red neuronal artificial puede funcionar como un laboratorio virtual donde es posible evaluar escenarios hipotéticos para reducir el consumo energético del tren.
Una vez completamente entrenada, la red neuronal artificial se utilizó para modelar varios escenarios de trazados verticales hipotéticos entre dos estaciones de un sistema metro evaluando el consumo energético y los costes de inversión en infraestructura de los trazados verticales considerados. Los resultados muestran el hecho de que un trazado vertical sinusoidal simétrico es mucho más eficiente que un trazado plano, en términos de consumo energético, con reducciones hasta del 18.41%, y el período de retorno de la inversión extra es de 9.66 años para un ejemplo presentado.
De este modo, esta tesis proporciona una útil herramienta para desarrollar trazados verticales óptimos en términos de consumo energético y, además, para determinar acciones que reduzcan el consumo energético de una red de metro. / Els ferrocarrils són generalment molt més eficients que el transport viari en termes d'eficiència energètica per tal de transportar mercaderies i passatgers. No obstant, encara existeix la necessitat de reduir el seu consum energètic per tal de millorar la seua competitivitat i contribuir a abastar un món més sostenible.
Aquesta tesis presenta l'entrenament d'una xarxa neuronal artificial utilitzant informació del consum mesurat a la xarxa de metro de València (Espanya), amb l'objectiu d'estimar el consum energètic dels sistemes. El tram estudiat fou la línia 5 de la xarxa de Metro de València entre les estacions de Marítim-Serrería i Alameda.
Després de la calibració i la validació de la xarxa neuronal artificial utilitzant part de les dades de consum recollides, els resultats obtinguts mostren que la xarxa neuronal pot predir el consum energètic amb una alta precisió (només un error del 2.42%). Els avantatges d'aquest mètode recauen en la seua velocitat d'ajust i simulació i, especialment, en el fet que la xarxa neuronal artificial pot funcionar com a laboratori virtual on es possible avaluar escenaris hipotètics per reduir el consum energètic del tren.
Una volta completament entrenada, la xarxa neuronal artificial s'utilitzà per a modelitzar diferents escenaris de traçats verticals hipotètics entre dos estacions d'un sistema de metro avaluant el consum energètic i els costos d'inversió en infraestructura dels traçats verticals considerats. Els resultats mostren el fet que un traçat vertical sinusoïdal simètric es molt més eficient que un traçat pla, en termes de consum energètic, amb reduccions fins al 18.41% i el període de retorn de la inversió extra es de 9.66 anys per a un exemple presentat.
D'aquest mode, aquesta tesis proporciona una ferramenta útil per desenvolupar traçats verticals òptims en termes de consum energètic i, a més a més, per a determinar accions que redueixen el consum energètic d'una xarxa de metro. / Pineda Jaramillo, JD. (2017). Modelo de optimización del consumo energético en trenes mediante el diseño geométrico vertical sinusoidal y su impacto en el coste de la construcción de la infraestructura [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90546
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Complete Surface Current Surface Distribution in a Normal-Mode Helical Antenna using a Galerkin Solution with Sinusoidal Basis FunctionsAbd-Alhameed, Raed, Excell, Peter S. January 2002 (has links)
No / An investigation of the surface current distribution in a normal-mode helical antenna (NMHA) is reported. This enables precise prediction of the performance of NMHAs, since traditional wire-antenna simulations ignore important details, such as non-uniform and transverse current distributions. A moment-method formulation is developed, using two-dimensional basis functions to represent the total non-uniform surface current distribution over the surface of the wire of the helix. Piecewise-sinusoidal basis functions are employed in two normal directions, with an exact kernel formulation and application of Galerkin's solution method. The numerical solution of the singular integrals associated with self-impedance terms was computed with a very low relative error. The surface current distribution was computed for different helix geometries. It was found that the axially-directed component of the current distribution around the surface of the wire was highly non-uniform and that there was also a significant circumferential current flow due to inter-turn capacitance, both effects that are overlooked by standard filamentary current representations.
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Auto-assemblage de copolymères à blocs à haute force de ségrégation dans une configuration de film mince / High segregation strength block copolymer self-assembly in thin filmReboul, Chrystilla 16 December 2013 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse porte sur la formation de masques de réseaux denses de nanopiliers ou nanotrous à partir de l’auto-assemblage de copolymères à blocs (CPB) à haute force de ségrégation, pour des applications dans la micro-électronique. Des copolymères à blocs, de type ABA, constitués d’un bloc central de polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) et de deux blocs terminaux de polylactide (PLA) ont été synthétisés par polymérisation par ouverture de cycle. Les caractérisations de deux CPB d’intérêt en masse et sous forme de film mince montrent une mesostructure hexagonale sphérique et cylindrique de PLA dans la matrice de PDMS,avec des périodes de 14,3 et 15,5 nm respectivement. Afin de contrôler l’organisation des domaines, les autoassemblages des films minces des deux CPB ont été étudiés en fonction de plusieurs facteurs : paramètres de dépôt et post-traitements (exposition à des vapeurs de solvant et recuit thermique). Dans le cas du réseau hexagonal cylindrique, le contrôle des énergies interfaciales entre le film et le substrat de silicium a été obtenu grâce au greffage d’une couche de copolymères statistique ayant des blocs chimiquement différent des blocs contenus dans le CPB. Par ailleurs, à des fins industrielles, les mesostructures doivent montrer une organisation à grande échelle (plusieurs micromètres) dépourvue de défauts. Dans cette perspective, l’auto-assemblage des CPB a aussi été étudié sur des surfaces à topographie contrôlée (graphoépitaxie) montrant un relief sinusoïdal. / This manuscript is related to the formation of high density masks of nanoholes or nanodotsmade from high segregation strength block copolymer (BCP) for applications in the microelectronicindustry. Two block copolymers, ABA type with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) center block and twoterminal polylactide (PLA) blocks, where synthetized by a ring opening polymerization. BCP characterizations inbulk and in thin film show a hexagonal array of PLA spheres and cylinders in a PDMS matrix, with 14,3 and 15,5nm pitches respectively. In order to control the domain organization, thin film BCP self-assembly were studiedin function of several parameters : spin coating process and post-treatments (vapour and thermal annealing). Inthe case of the hexagonal array of cylinders, the control of the interfacial energy between the film and thesilicon wafer has been obtained by grafting a random copolymer layer. Due to their microelectronicapplications, the mesostructures need to be defectless at a large scale (several micrometres). In this way, theself-assembly of one of the two BCP has also been studied by graphoexpitaxy on a sinusoidal surface-reliefgratings.
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Projeto em tempo discreto de controladores ressonantes aplicados a fontes ininterruptas de energiaKeiel, Guilherme January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da discretização de controladores ressonantes aplicados a fontes ininterruptas de energia (UPSs, do termo em inglês, Uninterruptible Power Suppllies). Primeiramente, diferentes métodos de discretização serão considerados na obtenção de um modelo em tempo discreto da UPS. Além disso, estes métodos serão comparados do ponto de vista frequencial para a definição da formulação do controlador ressonante a ser utilizado. Então, uma metodologia de projeto robusto do controlador ressonante em tempo discreto é proposta a partir de uma representação em espaço de estados do sistema em malha fechada e os parâmetros do controlador são obtidos através da solução de um problema de otimização convexa sujeito a restrições na forma de Desigualdades Matriciais Lineares (do inglês, Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMIs). A estratégia proposta foi validada por meio de resultados de simulação e experimentais obtidos com um inversor comercial de 3,5 kVA considerando os critérios estabelecidos na norma IEC 62040-3. Nestas condições, demonstrara-se um desempenho melhor do que os obtidos com a discretização do controlador projetado em tempo contínuo, sobretudo quando consideradas frequências de amostragem menores. / This work presents a study about discrete-time resonant controllers applied to uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). First, different discretization methods are considered to obtain an equivalent UPS discrete-time model. Moreover, these methods are compared in the frequency domain in order to define the resonant controller structure to be employed. Then, a robust design methodology to the discrete-time resonant controller is proposed using a state-space representation of the closed-loop system and the controller parameters are obtained by solving a convex optimization problem subject to constraints in the form of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The proposed strategy was validated by means of simulation and experimental results obtained with a 3.5 kVA commercial inverter taking into account the IEC 62040-3 norm requirements. In this conditions, a better performance was achieved than those obtained through discretization of a continuous-time controller, especially when considering smaller sampling frequencies.
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O Ciclo diÃrio de precipitaÃÃes pluviais no municÃpio de Fortaleza, em intervalos de cinco minutos / The Daily cycle of rainfall in the city of Fortaleza, in five-minute intervalsFrancisco Edson Pinheiro Pessoa 23 April 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa trata da distribuiÃÃo infradiÃria de precipitaÃÃes intensas no MunicÃpio de Fortaleza, Estado do CearÃ. Foram utilizados 30 anos de observaÃÃes pluviogrÃficas, digitalizadas, da estaÃÃo climatolÃgica da Universidade Federal do Cearà no Campus do Pici. Os estudos foram realizados com uma Ãnica sÃrie, com todos os valores para determinar o regime anual. Posteriormente, foram utilizadas as 12 sÃries mensais, cobrindo o perÃodo de 30 anos, para estudar a sazonalidade. Os dados anuais foram ajustados a curvas senoidais e a polinÃmios do terceiro grau, forÃados para manter a continuidade, denominados polinÃmios cÃclicos. Observou-se que o horÃrio de mÃxima pluviosidade ocorre no inÃcio do dia e o mÃnimo ocorre no inÃcio da noite, Estudou-se tambÃm, nas sÃries mensais, o tamanho do intervalo de tempo entre o mÃximo e o mÃnimo de pluviosidade. Esse intervalo de tempo foi correlacionado com a duraÃÃo do dia de insolaÃÃo. Conclui-se que hà uma forte correlaÃÃo entre a duraÃÃo do dia de insolaÃÃo e o intervalo de tempo entre o pico de mÃxima e de mÃnima pluviosidade. / The research deals with the daily distribution of intense rainfall in the city of
Fortaleza, CearÃ. Were used 30 years of pluvi
ograph observations of the
climatological station of the Federal University of CearÃ, in Campus do Pici. The
studies were conducted with a single series, with all the values
to determine an
annual basis. Later, were used 12 monthly series, covering the p
eriod from 30 years,
to study the seasonality. Annual data were adjusted to sinusoidal curves and
polynomials of the third degree, forced to maintain continuity, called cyclic
polynomials. It was observed that the maximum rainfall occurs in the early hours
the day and the minimum rainfall occurs in the early evening. It was also studied in
the monthly series the time interval size between the maximum and the minimum
rainfall. This time interval was correlated with the duration of insolation. It
that there is a strong correlation between duration of insolation and the
time interval between the maximum and the minimum rainfall
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Design d’un système d’une tomographie par cohérence optique sensible à la polarisation.Jerbi, Ghada 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Cardiovascular complications associated with elevated levels of glucose in the blood (Hyperglycemia, HG) is a growing health concern. HG is known to be associated with a variety of cardiovascular morbidities including higher incidence of electrical disturbances. Although effects of chronic HG have been widely investigated, electrophysiological effects of acute hyperglycemia are relatively less known. Further, hyperglycemic effects on adrenergic response is not widely investigated. We used excised ventricular tissues from mice to record trans-membrane potentials during a variety of pacing protocols to investigate cellular/tissue level electrophysiological effects of acute hyperglycemia and adrenergic stimulation (1µM Isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic agonist). A custom program was used to compute action potential durations (APD), maximal rates of depolarization (dv/dtmax), and action potential amplitudes (APA) from the recorded trans-membrane potentials. From these computed measures, electrical restitution and alternans threshold were quantified. Restitution was quantified using the Standard Protocol (SP; basic cycle length BCL= 200ms), Dynamic Protocol (DP; 200-40ms or until blockade) and a novel diastolic interval (DI) control protocol with Sinusoidal Changes in DI. Results from 6 mice show that acute hyperglycemia causes prolongation of the APD. Effects of adrenergic stimulation during acute hyperglycemia were partially blunted compared with non-hyperglycemic state, i.e. hyperglycemia minimized the decrease in APD that was produced by adrenergic stimulation. Similar, but less consistent (across animals) effects were seen in other electrophysiological parameters such as alternans threshold. These results show that acute hyperglycemia may itself alter cellular level electrophysiology of myocytes and importantly, modify adrenergic response. These results suggest that in addition to long term re-modeling that occurs in diabetes, acute changes in glucose levels also affect electrical function and further may contribute to systemically observed changes in diabetes by blunting adrenergic response. Therefore, further investigation into the electrophysiological effects of acute changes in glucose levels are warranted.
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