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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Fatherhood isn't easy like motherhood' : representing fatherhood and the nuclear family on popular television

Burton, Jack David January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the way in which tensions between the discursive dominance of the nuclear model and an acknowledgement of the plurality of family forms has been embodied in popular representations of fatherhood. Based on assumptions of gendered spheres of experience that define the domestic sphere as primarily ‘feminine’, fathers occupy an uncertain position within the discourse of the nuclear family. It is this ambiguous position, when contrasted with an assumption of their ultimate dominance, which creates confusion between the symbolic figure of the absent patriarch and the literal presence of the father within family life. Television, in particular, has regularly been forced to confront this dynamic between discursive absence and literal presence, due to the centrality of the nuclear family in both the commissioning and scheduling of programmes. Television’s representation of fatherhood regularly re-asserts or undermines patriarchal privilege by representing the father as a threat to the coherence of the family unit or as an overgrown adolescent who ultimately acquiesces to the ‘natural’ domestic authority of the female. In this way, popular television is able to continue restating a model of the patriarchal nuclear family, while simultaneously acknowledging its contested status as a norm of family life. As highly negotiated attempts to move beyond these common models have proven, however, this approach threatens to replicate a limited discourse of family life through incorporating variation into a single model, rather than broadening available representations. Through an analysis of the representation of fatherhood in the domestic comedy, this thesis begins by investigating the genre’s ability to invert traditional power relationships, allowing it to explore the limits of representing a coherent model of the nuclear family. Progressing to an analysis of the representation of fatherhood in television advertising, it goes on to examine the relationship between an acknowledgement of these limitations and idealised representations of family life within consumer culture. Incorporating a close reading of the ‘Adam’ series of adverts for British Telecom, their representation of a non-nuclear family unit and the role of the father within this unit, this work also considers the potential challenges and rewards of representing alternative models. Exploring both popular and academic discourses of family life throughout, this thesis concludes with a discussion of the possibility of imagining new forms of family that successfully include the father, and the threat to this process posed by their current incorporation into pre-existing representational models.

Ensemble(s) pour affronter le risque pyrotechnique : étude sociologique de l’application des dispositifs de prévention des risques des établissements DGA en France / Ensemble(s) to face pyrotechnic risk : a sociological study of implementation of risk management devices in French military armament testing centers

Rossignol, Karen 21 September 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche part de l'hypothèse générale que le concept de risque présente une grande portée heuristique pour analyser les comportements et les discours des individus dans les sociétés modernes. Elle s’appuie sur un travail de caractérisation des contextes institutionnels où le risque est présent, le terme "institution" étant défini comme une structure stabilisée de croyances, de représentations et de modes de conduites juridiquement ou culturellement institués et réglées par la collectivité. Ce travail a permis de poser deux hypothèses opératoires : - le risque est à la fois réel et construit : il faut prendre en compte la crainte du risque et la réalité du danger - le risque révèle les visions du monde à l'œuvre dans la Modernité : la signification du risque n’est pas seulement indigène à un groupe social mais s’inscrit dans un contexte social qui en fait un objet sociologique d’ordre général. La confrontation des hypothèses à l’expérience du terrain s’appuie sur une étude de l’application des dispositifs de gestion du risque au sein de l’Etablissement Technique de Bourges (ETBS), un centre d’essais de matériels d’armement du Ministère de la Défense. L’analyse des matériaux empiriques (40 entretiens, observation in situ, documents) rend complémentaires l'étude des aspects formels des institutions et l’étude du social comme vécu et expose les relations entre aspects objectifs et subjectifs du risque. Elle montre que le rapport au(x) risque(s) des acteurs des essais pyrotechniques de l’ETBS créé une attitude de responsabilisation à la fois individuelle et collective dans la gestion des risques, chacun, maillon dans une chaîne, contribuant à produire et à reproduire une "chaîne de responsabilité dans les essais pyrotechniques". / This research is based on the general hypothesis that the concept of risk is very useful for analyzing and understanding behavior and discourses in modern societies. It draws on a work that characterizes the institutional contexts where risk appears, the term institution meaning a stabilized structure of beliefs, representations and behavior juridically or culturally constituted and established by the community. This work made it possible to propose two operational hypotheses: - Risk is both real and socially constructed : we must take into account the fear of risk and the reality of danger; - Risk is revealing of modern visions of the world in action: the significance of risk is not only indigenous to a social group but also part of a social context that makes risk a general sociological issue. The confrontation of these hypotheses with field experiences relies on a study of the implementation of risk management devices in the Etablissement Technique de Bourges (ETBS), a French military armament testing center. The analysis of empirical materials (field observations, interviews, and documents) combines the study of formal aspects of institutions and the study of the actors' point of view and exposes the relationship between objective and subjective aspects of risk. It shows that the staff involved in pyrotechnic tests at ETBS assume a collective and individual responsibility in the management of risk where each of the staff members is aware of his responsibilities to the others that contribute to produce and reproduce a "chain of responsibility in the pyrotechnic tests".

Using Augmented Reality to Increase a Heavy Vehicle Operator's Situational Awareness

Päivärinne, Kim January 2018 (has links)
While operating a vehicle it is important to pay close attention to things such asdriving environment, other vehicles and your own vehicle. Developing a high level ofsituational awareness can be very beneficial for driving safety as it helps with makingdecisions.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and explore how we can use augmentedreality to increase the situational awareness of a heavy vehicle operator. Our approachto solving this problem is to use the double diamond design method along with aliterary investigation in order to solve the correct problem, in the best way possible.For evaluation we did user testing and questionnaires to measure mental workloadand situational awareness. In this work we produced a prototype augmented realityapplication which we used in our tests. User feedback were almost entirely positive.

Les expériences des enfants en situation de rue à Djibouti : Analyse d’une marginalité

Omar Hassan, Fathia January 2015 (has links)
A l’instar d’autres villes africaines et d’ailleurs, le phénomène des enfants en situation de rue prend de l’ampleur et est de plus en plus visible à Djibouti. La majorité alterne entre le foyer, la rue et un programme d’assistance (en l'occurrence celui de Caritas). Ces enfants investissent les rues, les espaces publics, où ils organisent astucieusement leur nouveau mode de vie, en fonction des contraintes qui leur sont imposées. Une vie qui demande une certaine maîtrise des lieux, un esprit de débrouillardise pour pouvoir survivre et éviter le danger. Grâce à la réalisation d'entretiens semi-dirigés avec 5 filles et 5 garçons (entre 9 et 14 ans), avec des intervenants et des bénévoles à Caritas et plusieurs observations directes et participatives, en plus d'une connaissance du terrain, cette thèse de maîtrise circonscrit plusieurs variables de leur expérience : des contraintes socio-économiques, socio-politiques, l’immigration, l’exode rural, la pauvreté, la structure familiale et sa précarité, sans oublier la violence. Comment vivent-ils ? Comment négocient-ils leur place dans les lieux publics ? Comment les parcourent-ils quand ils sont des garçons ? Quand elles sont des filles ? Malgré les efforts déployés par Caritas Djibouti pour les accueillir et les réintégrer dans leur famille et dans la société, l'écart entre leur quotidien et les principes de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant est immense.

Finanční situace juniorů a seniorů v ČR a v dalších zemích EU / The Financial Situation of Juniors and Seniors in the Czech Republic and other EU Countries

Kolaříková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The thesis defines main terms connected with problems of household financial situations in the Czech republic. The aim was to focus on the most important terms that are related to financial situation such as income, unemployment, indebtedness and poverty. The thesis includes an analysis of financial situations of juniors and seniors at the head of households. The results of this analysis helps to identify risk factors typical for households situated under the poverty-line and positive (favourable) factors typical for households in a better financial situation.

Breaching the perimeter: Designing for more economically feasible, durable, and sustainable construction within the United States military

January 2018 (has links)
As Americans witness the slow dissociation of the military from the civilian public, the need for a strong design initiative within military installations proves as applicable and necessary as it has always been. The role of the designer within the military is a longstanding and vigorously debated duty; the superficially disparate natures of the professions separate themselves on the premise of individual superiority, and isolate their fields of expertise from one another. However, the two microcosms retain an identity that may serve traditionally different clientele, but their purposes reflect and complement one another. This notion is best exemplified by the pedagogy often associated with architecture and the military: a community working tirelessly to construct a system best adapted to the public, regularly working with a client who does not have a clear vision of the resolution, but instead relies on the services of both occupations to not only visualize the outcome but to design the process as well. The all contingency of accredited designers within a typical military hierarchy have been tasked with creating a conducive living environment centralized around "the mission". While they have toiled endlessly to produce such a product, the unfortunate reality demonstrates that the weight of schematics has been typically relegated to grandsons of civil engineers and civilians with unrelated degrees and very little experience in a headquarter building hundreds of miles away. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to discover the greater organization of a military base, and to standardize it not according to chance doctrine, but soundly informed and localized knowledge of the surrounding environment. Such a design must be informed by a few key aspects; principally, the macro intention of such a layout must be centralized around "the mission", which in the case of most military bases, resembles a training and living environment conducive to deployment and combat effectiveness. Similarly, the determination of design must be within the scope of economic feasibility, which although quite gratuitous at first glance, is meagerly distributed throughout the separate branches and therein the country. Lastly, the design must have tenacity, as the ebb and flow of active duty populations produce an arbitrary fluctuation, but the life expectancy of such buildings is often projected within the fifty- to sixty-year time frame. Through careful research, and the benefit of personal interviews with clients who have spent collective centuries in the modern military, a design solution for the improved daily lives and increased combat effectiveness of the American military will serve to discuss the ways in which we can inform the macroevolution of military installations through dissecting the micro. / 0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu

Embracing the other: Affect, self, and the stranger

January 2018 (has links)
In the year 2016, 65.6 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes. A third of these people are now refugees (UNHCR 2017). As these people seek refuge in other countries, the citizens of the host countries are pushing back with fear of the unknown. In this instance it does not matter to those who fear the other from what the refugees are escaping, nor what it took to get where they are now. An architectural movement is expanding beyond its traditional skills in order to empower those outside of the field to engage with the spatial environments. This opens up the possibility of giving those who have been classified as "other" a voice through a spatial construction. Architectural affect offers an opportunity to create a social commentary through architecture. These sensations are created through the unconscious adaptation of perspective, without the use of cultural symbols (Lavin 2011). In architecture, affect can be fostered with the participation of space and intensified with the interaction between one or more mediums. Through the examination of the experience of refugees who have encountered the fear of "otherness", this thesis looks to translate these memories into an architectural construction that will examine the concept of vocalization through affect and mitigate the fear felt by the host countries. / 0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku / The Evaluation of the Financial Situation’s Company

Nejezchleba, Radek January 2008 (has links)
The financial situation and financial economy are to be controlled by a whole complex of indicators and their values looked on in the time progress and context so that the evaluation outcome may reflect the whole economic state of the company and enable to point out causes of the actual situation. If the firm shall be economically flourishing, the financial analysis has to be a part of the complex of the company´s financial management because it provides a feedback between the expected effect of managing decisions and experience. The elaborated analysis is focussed on detection of weak and strong points of the firm. All the data used in this work are drawn from the provided firm documemtation. The goal of my diploma thesis was to elaborate a financial analysis containing my theoretical experience. I have gained by my study at the College with the relevant data in the present company. A particularly substantial task of my work was to bring running of the existing company´s businesses to light. Despite of the fact that the financial analysis does not bring a complete answer to all question the company have been asking themselves, i tis a great constribution to the evaluation of the past development, detection of problematical areas and prediction of the future development.

Qui sont les premières figures d’attachement et d’activation dans les familles biparentales? : des configurations familiales multiples

Langevin, Mylène 07 1900 (has links)
Dans cette étude exploratoire descriptive sur la théorie de l’attachement et la théorie de l’activation, le premier objectif était de déterminer quels types de configurations familiales en fonction de l’identité de la figure d’attachement et de l’identité de la figure d’activation se retrouvaient dans les familles biparentales hétérosexuelles et dans quelles proportions elles étaient représentées. Le second objectif était de vérifier les liens présents entre les configurations familiales et la qualité de l’attachement et la qualité de l’activation pour les deux parents. La situation risquée (RS) et la situation étrangère (SSP) ont été conduites auprès de 175 dyades père-enfant et dyades mère-enfant lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 12 à 20 mois. Les résultats démontrent la présence de neuf types de configurations familiales dans l’échantillon. Il ressort également de cette étude que seul l’attachement au père dépend du type de configurations familiales. La qualité de l’attachement à la mère ainsi que la qualité de la relation d’activation aux deux parents sont indépendantes des configurations familiales. / The first goal, in this exploratory-descriptive study on attachment theory and activation relationship theory, was to define the different varieties of family configurations in two-parent heterosexual families, based on the identity of the attachment figure and the identity of the activation figure, and also to determine what proportions they represented. The second goal was to identify the links between family configurations and quality of attachment and activation with regards to both parents. The Risky Situation (RS) and the Strange Situation (SS) were conducted with 175 father-child and mother-child dyads for children between the ages of 12 to 20 months. Results indicated there were 9 types of family configurations within our sample. Our findings also indicate that only father attachment was dependant on the type of family configuration. The quality of attachment to the mother and the quality of relationship activation to the two parents were independent of family configuration.

Le raisonnement à base de cas dans la planification financière

Boudina, Kamel January 1998 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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