Spelling suggestions: "subject:"skincolor"" "subject:"skincolour""
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Rozpoznání gest ruky v obrazu / Hand gesticulation recognition in imageMráz, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis is dealing with recognition of an easy static gestures in order to computer controlling. First part of this work is attended to the theoretical review of methods used to hand segmentation from the image. Next methods for hang gesture classification are described. The second part of this work is devoted to choice of suitable method for hand segmentation based on skin color and movement. Methods for hand gesture classification are described in next part. Last part of this work is devoted to description of proposed system.
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Propagation and quality assessment for the introduction of Greyia Radlkoferi into commercializationNogemane, Noluyolo 02 1900 (has links)
Greyia radlkoferi is a South African indigenous tree, which has recently been discovered to be a source of extracts that have a potential in the development of cosmeceutical herbal products having the ability to treat hyperpigmentation disorders. For product development however, G. radlkoferi would need to be available in a commercial scale. Greyia radlkoferi grows naturally in the wild and is often available for cultivation as an ornamental plant. In order to establish this plant into cultivation, suitable propagation techniques must be established for rapid multiplication of trees and thus a sustainable leaf production. For consistent and improved leaf supply to the market, agronomic practices that will enhance leaf production were investigated in the current study. Furthermore, in order to meet market demand in terms of good quality extracts with guaranteed therapeutic efficiency, pre-harvest and post-harvest factors that affect the chemical composition of the extracts were investigated. Recently developed biotechnology techniques such as metabolomics using 1H-NMR and multivariate data analysis offered a platform to study the chemical variation of extracts. Therefore, the current study was aimed at understanding the requirements for propagation and optimum leaf production as well as conditions that favour optimum production of secondary metabolite of G. radlkoferi plant material (at pre and post-harvest) and thus assess its commercial viability.
To understand the effects of temperature on seed germination of G. radlkoferi, seeds were exposed to five temperatures (10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C and 30°C) in the incubators in the laboratory. Germination of G. radlkoferi by seeds was discovered to be temperature dependent. The optimum germination temperature of 81% was obtained at 25°C. In the case of vegetative propagation by stem cuttings, the effect of cutting position (basal or apical), exogenous rooting hormone (Seradix1, Seradix 2, 0.1% IBA, 0.3% IBA and 0.8% IBA) and cutting position were investigated in the glasshouse. The cutting position had a significant effect on rooting of G. radlkoferi cuttings with basal cuttings exhibiting 35% rooting as compared to 6% rooting attained for the apical cuttings. A clear trend in rooting response to application of rooting hormones was observed, with 0.1% Indole butyric acid (IBA) showing the highest rooting percentage of 63%. Considering the outcomes of the propagation studies as well as the limited material for vegetative propagation, seed propagation appears to be the most suitable technique for large-scale multiplication of G. radlkoferi.
The effect of different pruning techniques as well as harvesting frequencies on fresh and dry weights of G. radlkoferi leaves were evaluated. Factors considered were four pruning treatments (‘pruned but not tipped’, ‘tipped but not pruned’, ‘not pruned nor tipped’ as well as ‘pruned and tipped’) and three harvesting periods (monthly, bimonthly and once–off). Bimonthly harvests highly increased leaf production compared to trees that were harvested monthly and once-off with higher leaf fresh weight yield of 238 g per tree or 2.38 tons/per hectare as well as dry weight yield of 83 g per tree or 0.830 tons/hectare. This outcomes of this study further suggested that a suitable pruning practice for G. radlkoferi would be to either ‘prune only’ or ‘cut back the main stem’ rather than a combination of the two treatments.
The influence of seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring) on the anti-tyrosinase activity and metabolomics profile of G. radlkoferi leaf extracts were investigated. Seasons significantly influenced the chemical composition and the efficacy of the plant extracts. Tyrosinase enzyme inhibition was investigated against monophenolase (tyrosine) with kojic acid as positive control. The highest tyrosinase inhibition concentration with IC50 (50% tyrosinase inhibition concentration) value of 30.3±1.8 μg/ml were obtained in winter harvested leaves compared to the other seasons. The lowest IC50 values were obtained in spring. Metabolomics analysis using orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) provided a clear class separation according to the harvest season. Extracts from winter harvested leaves contained sucrose, acetamide, alanine and a compound of the catechin group (gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin) as revealed by 1H-NMR metabolomics with assistance of LC-MS. Since compounds of the catechin group are well-known tyrosinase inhibitors, the high tyrosinase activity exhibited in extracts of winter harvested G. radlkoferi leaves could be ascribed to the presence of gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin. Based on the outcomes of the seasonal study, we suggest that in order to obtain extracts with high bioactivity, the best suitable time for harvesting leaf samples is in late autumn-early winter.
Processing leaf material using three different drying methods (sun, oven and air drying) significantly influenced chemical composition and the efficacy of the plant extracts. Extracts prepared from air-dried leaf material showed the highest tyrosinase inhibition with IC50 value of 17.80 μg/ml compared to extracts of the other drying methods. Extracts of leaves processed with air drying preserved most metabolites during processing while extracts of sun-dried and oven-dried leaves clearly depleted some metabolites especially amino acids and some aromatic compounds. 1H-NMR metabolomics approach with the assistance of LC-MS data successfully determined a positive association of alanine, acetamide, sucrose and gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin as the chemical constituents contributing to the variation in the air-dried leaves compared to the oven-dried leaves. A positive association of valine, alanine, leucine, isoleucine, gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin and glucose contributed to the variation in air-dried group, compared to the sun-dried group. The highest tyrosinase inhibitory activity exhibited in air-dried samples compared to the other drying methods was associated with the presence of gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin. Because air drying preserved most leaf metabolites compared to sun and oven drying, it was regarded as the most suitable method for processing G. radlkoferi leaf material.
This study is the first scientific account that provides guidelines and recommendations to (1) establish G. radlkoferi as a cultivated plant for commercialization, (2) optimize leaf production for sustainable supply to the commercial markets and (3) optimize medicinal content of G. radlkoferi related to harvesting time and post-harvest processing (drying), for enhanced quality of extracts and its products / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / Ph. D. (Agriculture)
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Vývoj algoritmů pro digitální zpracování obrazu v reálním čase v DSP procesoru / Development of algorithms for digital real time image processing on a DSP ProcessorKnapo, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Rozpoznávanie tvárí je komplexný proces, ktorého hlavným ciežom je rozpoznanie žudskej tváre v obrázku alebo vo video sekvencii. Najčastejšími aplikáciami sú sledovacie a identifikačné systémy. Taktiež je rozpoznávanie tvárí dôležité vo výskume počítačového videnia a umelej inteligencií. Systémy rozpoznávania tvárí sú často založené na analýze obrazu alebo na neurónových sieťach. Táto práca sa zaoberá implementáciou algoritmu založeného na takzvaných „Eigenfaces“ tvárach. „Eigenfaces“ tváre sú výsledkom Analýzy hlavných komponent (Principal Component Analysis - PCA), ktorá extrahuje najdôležitejšie tvárové črty z originálneho obrázku. Táto metóda je založená na riešení lineárnej maticovej rovnice, kde zo známej kovariančnej matice sa počítajú takzvané „eigenvalues“ a „eigenvectors“, v preklade vlastné hodnoty a vlastné vektory. Tvár, ktorá má byť rozpoznaná, sa premietne do takzvaného „eigenspace“ (priestor vlastných hodnôt). Vlastné rozpoznanie je na základe porovnania takýchto tvárí s existujúcou databázou tvárí, ktorá je premietnutá do rovnakého „eigenspace“. Pred procesom rozpoznávania tvárí, musí byť tvár lokalizovaná v obrázku a upravená (normalizácia, kompenzácia svetelných podmienok a odstránenie šumu). Existuje mnoho algoritmov na lokalizáciu tváre, ale v tejto práci je použitý algoritmus lokalizácie tváre na základe farby žudskej pokožky, ktorý je rýchly a postačujúci pre túto aplikáciu. Algoritmy rozpoznávania tváre a lokalizácie tváre sú implementované do DSP procesoru Blackfin ADSP-BF561 od Analog Devices.
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Problem of skin depigmentation in Rwanda: modulators of tyrosinase extracted from plants used in traditional medicine / Problématique de la dépigmentation cutanée au Rwanda: modulateurs de la tyrosinase extraits de plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle.Kamagaju, Léocadie 03 April 2014 (has links)
La dépigmentation volontaire est une pratique bien connue en Afrique sub-saharienne. Elle se définit comme une pratique par laquelle une personne, de sa propre initiative, tente de diminuer la pigmentation mélanique physiologique de sa propre peau. Les utilisateurs appliquent sur le corps, généralement sans surveillance médicale, de manière soutenue et prolongée, des produits ou des mélanges chimiques composés d’actifs dépigmentants souvent d’une grande nocivité.<p>Cette pratique est documentée dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne (Sénégal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Nigéria, ….), et sur d’autres continents. Face à l’absence de données chiffrées pour le Rwanda, nous avons réalisé une étude des pratiques de la dépigmentation volontaire dans la capitale du pays, Kigali. <p>Au Rwanda, certaines plantes étaient utilisées lors des grandes cérémonies comme le mariage, spécialement par les femmes et les jeunes filles, pour éclaircir la peau. Une peau claire semble en fait un critère de beauté dans certaines traditions africaines. Nous avons donc réalisé une enquête ethnobotanique auprès de 61 tradipraticiens rwandais, afin de connaître les plantes qui, avant l’arrivée de la cosmétique moderne, étaient utilisées pour « embellir » (éclaircir) la peau, afin de vérifier si ces plantes pourraient interférer avec la production de la mélanine. <p>Notre enquête nous a permis de documenter 28 espèces, dont cinq [Brillantaisia cicatricosa LINDAU; Chenopodium ugandae (Aellen) Aellen ;Dolichopentas longiflora Oliv. Protea madiensis Oliv. subsp. Madiensis et Sesamum angolense Welw.] se sont distinguées par leur pourcentage de citation par les tradipraticiens. Ces dernières ont fait objet de notre étude de laboratoire. <p>Des extraits de polarité croissante, préparés à partir de ces cinq plantes, ont été testés pour leur modulation de la mélanogénèse et de la tyrosinase (enzyme clé de la mélanogenèse) sur une série de modèles: (i) sur la tyrosinase humaine dans les extraits totaux de mélanocytes normaux; (ii) sur des mélanocytes malins en culture (pour évaluer l’effet global des extraits de plante sur la mélanogenèse); (iii) sur la tyrosinase de champignon en solution et sur chromatoplaque de silice; et enfin (iv) sur l’activité tyrosine hydroxylase de l'enzyme. <p>Deux extraits à l’acétate d’éthyle de Protea madiensis Oliv. et de Sesamum angolense Welw. ont été sélectionnés pour leur activité, respectivement inhibitrice et activatrice de la tyrosinase de champignon. Ces deux extraits ont été soumis à une série de fractionnements dans le but d’isoler et d’identifier des composés actifs. Trois composés ont été isolés de Protea madiensis (2-tridécanone, acide oléique et β-sitostérol). La 2-tridécanone et l’acide oléique ont montré une inhibition de la tyrosinase de champignon sur chromatoplaque et de la tyrosinase humaine dans les extraits cellulaires. De plus, la 2-tridécanone a montré une inhibition de l’activité tyrosine hydroxylase. Le β-sitostérol n’a pas montré d’effet sur nos modèles mais il a déjà été isolé dans d’autres études en tant qu'inhibiteur de la tyrosinase. De l’extrait à l’acétate d’éthyle de Sesamum angolense Welw. nous avons isolé l’acide ursolique qui a montré une augmentation de l’activité de la tyrosinase de champignon sur chromatoplaque.<p>L’enquête ethnobotanique nous a permis de constater que la flore rwandaise regorge de plantes aux vertus cosmétiques intéressantes; celles-ci pourraient représenter une alternative aux actifs dépigmentants connus pour leurs nombreux effets secondaires mais néanmoins largement disponibles sur le marché rwandais. <p>L’enquête réalisée dans la ville de Kigali, nous a permis de constater que 27 % de notre population d’étude sont des utilisateurs conscients de produits dépigmentants. Ce pourcentage nous semble fort élevé et des mesures devraient être prises pour la sensibilisation et la conscientisation de la population quant aux risques encourus et à l’existence de médecines traditionnelles à visée dépigmentante. Ces mesures devraient être combinées avec la recherche de composés naturels dans l'espoir d'identifier des molécules actives et faiblement toxiques, voire atoxiques. <p>L’étude de la modulation de la pigmentation par les extraits des cinq plantes sélectionnées, nous a permis de confirmer l’information reçue des tradipraticiens. Cette étude nous a également montré que ces extraits de plantes renferment des activateurs de la mélanogenèse, qui pourraient être exploités pour le bronzage recherché par les sujets de peau claire.<p>L’isolement et identification de molécules à partir des extraits de deux plantes, nous a permis de constater que notre méthode de bioguidage fonctionne correctement; des mesures de déréplications devraient cependant être prises pour éviter autant que possible de retomber sur des molécules déjà connues./<p><p><p>Voluntary depigmentation, well-known in sub-Saharan Africa, is defined as a practice by which a person, by his/her own initiative, attempts to reduce his/her skin physiological melanin pigmentation. Users apply on the body, usually without medical supervision, in a sustained and prolonged manner, depigmenting compounds, single or in mixtures.<p>This quite harmful practice is documented in several sub-Saharan African countries (Senegal, Mali, Togo, Nigeria…) and in other continents. The absence of Rwandese data prompted us to conduct a study of the practices of voluntary depigmentation in the capital, Kigali.<p>In Rwanda, some plants were used during important ceremonies like wedding (marriage) especially by women and girls to lighten their skin. Fair skin is actually considered as a beauty criterion in some African traditions.<p>We conducted an ethnobotanical survey of 61 Rwandan traditional healers to identify the plants that were used before the introduction of modern cosmetics to "beautify" (lighten) the skin in order to check wether these plants could interfere with the production of melanin.<p>Our survey allowed us to identify and collect 28 species, of which 5 were selected (retained) for their higher percentage of citation by traditional healers [Brillantaisia cicatricosa LINDAU; Chenopodium ugandae (Aellen) Aellen ;Dolichopentas longiflora Oliv. Protea madiensis Oliv. subsp. madiensis and Sesamum angolense Welw.]. These five species have been used for our laboratory study.<p><p>Extracts of increasing polarities were prepared from the five plants and tested for their ability to modulate melanogenesis and tyrosinase (the key enzyme of melanogenesis) in a series of models: (i) human tyrosinase in total extracts from normal melanocytes; (ii) malignant melanocytes in culture (in order to assess the global effect of plant extracts on melanogenesis); (iii) mushroom tyrosinase in solution and on TLC plate; and finally (iv) tyrosine hydroxylase activity of the enzyme.<p>Two ethyl acetate extracts of Protea madiensis Oliv. and of Sesamum angolense Welw have been selected according to their respective inhibitory and activating effect on mushroom tyrosinase. These two extracts were fractionated to isolate and identify active compounds. Three compounds have been isolated from Protea madiensis (2-tridecanone, oleic acid and β-sitosterol). The 2-tridecanone and the oleic acid showed an inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase on TLC and human tyrosinase in cellular extracts. In addition, 2-tridecanone showed an inhibition of the tyrosine hydroxylase activity. β-sitostérol showed no effect on our models but has been identified, in other studies, as a tyrosinase inhibitor. From the ethyl acetate extract of Sesamum angolense, we isolated ursolic acid which increases the mushroom tyrosinase activity on TLC.<p>The ethnobotanical survey allowed us to (state) notice that Rwandan flora contains plants that have interesting cosmetic properties and could be an alternative to the use of harmful depigmenting products which are sold on Rwandese markets.<p>The survey conducted in Kigali city indicates that 27 % of surveyed persons are conscious users of depigmenting products. This percentage seems very high so that measures should be taken to raise awareness about the involved risks and of the existence of traditional medicines with such depigmenting effects. These measures should be accompanied (combined) with the search for natural compounds with depigmenting effect in the hope to identify actives that would be weakly or even non toxic at all.<p>The study of the pigmentation modulation by five selected plant extracts allowed to confirm the information obtained from traditional healers. It also indicates that, apart from an inhibitory effect, some of our plant extracts also contain melanogenesis activators that could be further exploited for tanning, an aspiration of fair-skinned individuals.<p>The isolation and identification of molecules from two plants extracts led us to conclude that our “bioguidance” method performs adequately. Nevertheless, some dereplication measures should be implemented to avoid spending time on isolating already known molecules. <p><p> <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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