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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktory ovlivňující trvání březosti u skotu

Rozehnalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to analyze the effect of selected factors on the length of pregnancy in Holstein breed. The length of pregnancy was significantly influenced by the year and month of conception. Also, the parity, sex of the born calf and the birth of live or dead calf had a significant impact. In addition, the year and month of birth of calves and twins were significant. The results show that the length of pregnancy in pregnancy can be affected by a number of factors.

Vliv plemenné příslušnosti skotu na reprodukční a produkční ukazatele

Jurka, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis Influence of the breed of cattle on reproduction and production indicators presents a comparison of these two indicators in two breeds, the Czech Spotted cattle and Holstein cattle. Comparison of indicators is processed in order to confirm the accuracy of intent of the farm in Jevíčko, which is called. Holštýnizace of herd. In the field of production indicators Holstein cattle show six days prolonged lactation, which positively affects milk production, the annual production of milk is increased by 1827 kg (farm in Jevíčko), in republic this difference is even higher (2,389 kg). The content of milk components, ie. fat and protein, a farm in Jevíčko has values above average across the republic. In the field of of reproductive performance the percentage of successful pregnancy of both Leeds is comparable, about 5% below referring to the boundaries of good pregnancy. Service period is shorter in Czech Pied cattle. Period is long 103,5 days. With respect to milk production two breeds are within normal limits. Insemination index is at the Holstein breed for the whole period of watching 0.04 higher than in the Czech Pied, however, with respect on last year of watching, the evolution turns and Holstein cattle show the value of this index for 2015 at the level of 1.85, while the Czech Spotted cattle in the same period a value of 1.96. Age at first calving of Holsteins is lower about 31 days, interval between births (meantime) at the Holsteins is higher about 18 days than in Czech Pied of cattle. Meanwhile it takes 381.39 days, due to the length of the service period. Especially individual productivity indicators clearly demonstrate the correctness of intent, reproductive performance seems to be comparable in both breeds. Orientation of the farm in Jevíčko on milk production confirms the correctness of the choice of breed.

Biologické a technologické aspekty chovu kombinovaného a mléčného plemene skotu

Veselý, Marek January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Vyhodnocení reprodukčních ukazatelů v chovu skotu zaměřeného na produkci mléka

Klimešová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis an analysis of the reproductive indicators was performed in dairy cows of Holstein cattle and dairy cows of Czech fleckvieh on the four different farms located in the Vysočina region. In the thesis were evaluated average values of reproductive performance – service period, interval, insemination index, interim and pregnancy percentage. All values were compared between individual stock and between breeds. In addition, the success rate of slaughter in individual seasons was evaluated. A total of 772 inseminations were performed at ZOD Habry in the monitored pe-riod, the service period averaged 84.6 days, interval 59.6 days, insemination index 2.04, interim 375 days and 47.3 % pregnancy percentage. The highest pregnancy was in De-cember, January and February, while the lowest was in August, September and October. The second breeding of Czech fleckvieh was KLAS a.s. In this period, 510 inseminations were performed. The pregnancy percentage was 42.1 %, interim 387 days, the insemination index was 2.6, the interval of 63.8 days and the service period was 102.6 days. The lowest pregnancy values were in June, July, August and September. Highest in the months of March, April and October. The third agricultural enterprise was Osiva Přibyslav a.s., which bred Holstein cattle. In the meantime they reached values of 392 days, pregnancy percentage 43.3 %, interval 72.7 days, service period 120.3 days and insemination index 2.44. In total 702 inseminations was performed for the given year and the most pregnant dairy cows were in November, December and October, on the contrary in the summer months. The last breeding company was AGRO Posázaví a.s. breeding Holstein cattle. The lowest values of pregnant dairy cows were in the summer months and the most pregnant dairy cows were in the winter months. Interval values reached 70.3 days, insemination index 3.2, pregnancy percentage 33.8 %, interim 408 days and service period 125.8 days. A total of 1546 inseminations were performed.

Sociální vztahy a synchronizace ve stádech přežvýkavců - vliv na pastevní chování / Sociální vztahy a synchronizace ve stádech přežvýkavců - vliv na pastevní chování

Šárová, Radka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the relationships between beef cattle (Bos taurus) group behaviour on pasture, social dominance and individual characteristics such as body weight and age. The thesis is based on three studies performed in a herd of female beef cattle. In the first two studies, GPS collars were used as the main data-collection method, while the third study relied on an extensive dataset of cow dominance relationships. The first study focused on activity synchronization. We assessed whether cows similar to each other in body weight or in reproductive status were more synchronized and whether the timing of activity switches was determined by specific leading animals. We found that the body weight difference in a dyad of animals had a negative influence on their mutual synchronization. There were no leading animal initiating switches in activity. The second study focused on the role of dominant animals in group movements of the herd. There were positive correlations between dominance status of an individual and several measures of leadership during movements, namely the position of the animal at the front of the herd, more direct and shorter trajectories and higher alignment with nearest neighbours and with the whole herd. These results show that herd movements on pasture behaviour were...

Polymorfismus v genu DGAT1 ve vztahu k marblingu u skotu

Kučírek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Intramuscular fat occurring in the muscle of cattle is supposed to be prerequisite for high-quality beef. Marbling has effect on juiciness, tenderness and flavor of the meat. Selection of cattle at higher marbling score brings increased meat tenderness. It is influenced by many factors, among which we classify genetic background, age of animal, nutrition, sex and pedigree of animal. The aim is to perform association analysis beetween dinucleotide polymorphism in the gene DGAT1 (diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1) and the marbling score. Part of thesis is elaboration of literature, present state of the problem, genes affecting metabolism of intramuscular fat in cattle, the role of the enzyme DGAT1 in the biosynthesis of triacylglycerols and its physiological function (energy metabolism, glucose metabolism, relation to fat accumulation and obesity). In this study a singificant difference of allelic contribution to intermuscular fat content in tested samples was found. Nevertheless, effect of Q allele was reverse than observed in similar studies.

Hodnocení welfare v ekologických chovech skotu / Welfare assessment of organically farmed cattle

Slavíková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Ethical issues in livestock breeding have been in focus of public interest recently. A strong attention is paid to living space, ability to express natural behaviour, and good care of animals known as welfare. Presented thesis aims in evaluation of animal welfare indicators on 20 farms with organic dairy production using the methodology of Welfare Quality (WQ). The following criteria were assessed: absence of prolonged hunger and thirst, comfort around resting, ease of movement, absence of injuries, disease, and pain induced by management procedures, expression of social and other behaviours, human-animal relationship, and emotional state. These criteria are combined into four basic principles: good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behaviour. Principal attention is paid to the relationship between animal welfare and health. Most farms showed high scoring of good feeding including the proportion of very lean cows and sufficient water supply. Good housing got also high evaluation, because the organic farming standards require loose housing and majority of time spent grazing on pastures. Lower scoring of good health was caused by dehorning on a part of farms, which decreases the absence of injuries evaluation. Farms had mostly low proportion of lame cows, cows with lesions and hairless patches, and cows with discharges and diarrhoea; no cow had mastitis. No expression of agonistic behaviour was recorded, the scoring of human-animal relationship and positive emotional state was fairly good, too. Obtained scores were generally higher compared to results from conventional farms published in literature. All farms were evaluated as enhanced or excellent. Larger herds had generally lower scoring of human-animal relationship, but higher scoring of positive emotional state. Farms with dehorned animals exhibited lower proportion of very lean cows and nasal discharge. A higher percentage of lame cows was found on farms with worse cleanliness compared to farms with cleaner conditions. Proportion of lame cows correlated with the proportion of very lean cows, and together with the proportion of cows with integument alterations it was influenced by the comfort around resting. It was confirmed that good conditions of cow breeding and good welfare lead to better health and behaviour of animals. Organic farming creates favourable conditions for good animal health and welfare. The output of the thesis provides farmers an evaluation of animal welfare on their farms and a comparison with other farms.

Hodnocení welfare ve vybraných chovech skotu / Welfare assessment of cattle on the farms

Chárová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on evaluation of welfare quality in dairy cows at 10 farms (factory farming) in the Czech Republic. Studies concerned with this topic are showing that the quality of welfare and the farm environment has a significant influence on their efficiency. Welfare evaluation in this thesis was done in accordance to European project Welfare Quality. In processing of this thesis was evaluated ten of totally twelve criterions; absence of prolonged hunger and thirst, comfort around resting, ease of movement, absence of injuries, diseases and painful procedures, expression social and other behaviours, and good human animal relationship. From four principles based on criterions above, i.e. good feeding, good housing, good health and appropriate behaviour, were only three evaluated. Most of the farms had a low scoring of good feeding including part of very lean cows and bad access to the water. Favourable was evaluation of good housing, because 60% of farms had above-standard results. Lower evaluation was in the principle of good health due to dehorning on all monitored farms. Czech farms had significantly higher percent of very lean cows comparing to foreign breeds. Lameness in the Czech Republic was different in comparison with foreign studies. Small part of cows suffering of discharge, cough, or hampered respiration was detected. Number of animals suffering from diarrhoea is comparable to foreign studies. Expression of agonistic behaviour was minimal in monitored farms. That is displayed in excellent evaluation of criteria expression of social behaviour. Almost all farms had acceptable evaluation of good human animal relationship. Hypothesis, that in farms with lower quality of environment is higher percentage of cows that hobble, than in farms with better quality of environment, was not confirmed. Another hypothesis was partly confirmed. The farms with higher percentage of cows with health issues struggle with problems during the rest time, than the farm with lower percentage of cows with health issues. Part of cows that lameness correlate with part of cows with patches and part of very lean cows is affiliated to part of cows with diarrhoea. Welfare quality in monitored herds, were at an acceptable level. Most need to improve the area of good feeding, but for accurate results it would be appropriate to evaluate a greater number of farms.

Vyhodnocení reprodukčních ukazatelů u dojnic holštýnského plemene

Pokorná, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
In this Master´s thesis with name Evaluation of reproductive performance in dairy cows of the Holstein breed was an analysis of the reproductive indicators in heifers and cows of Holstein breed on the farm in the Vysočina. In the thesis was evaluated in cows and heifers level first inseminations, all inseminations, number of reinseminations, pregnancy after the first insemination, pregnancy after all inseminations and index pregnancy. Furthermore, cows were evaluated reproduction indicators: interval, service period (SP), calving indterval, insemination index and the number of insemination doses. In 2014, it was in dairy cows in the barn 1 average monthly done 26,58 first insemination, 57,50 all inseminations, 6,75 reinseminations and index pregnancy was 1,96. The barn 2 this year was average monthly done 26,33 first insemination, 59,75 all inseminations, 16,33 reinseminations and index pregnancy was 2,09. In 2015, it was in dairy cows in the barn 1 average monthly done 23,33 first insemination, 56,58 all inseminations, 8,83 reinseminations and index pregnancy was 2,15. The barn 2 this year was average monthly done 22,25 first insemination, 57,25 all inseminations, 16,25 reinseminations and index preganancy was 2,28. In dairy cows pregnancy after the first insemination after all inseminations were both barns in 2014 and 2015 below 40 %, and the both barns average in 2014 38,94 % and in 2015 37,53 %. In 2014, in heifers was average monthly done 16,17 first insemination, 32,58 all inseminations, 1,58 reinseminations and index pregnancy was 2,01. In 2015, in heifers was average monthly done 23,25 first insemination, 46,42 všech inseminations, 2,75 reinseminations and index pregnancy was 1,93. In 2014, pregnancy after first insemination in heifers was average 48,08 % and in 2015 39,92 %. Pregnancy after all inseminations in heifers was average in 2014 47,36 % and in 2015 45,85 %. In 2014, in dairy cows was insemination index 3,61 and number of insemination doses was 5,26 pieces. Interval value in both years on average around 68 days. SP in 2014 was average 109,81 days and in 2015 was average 111,33 days. Calving interval in 2014 was average 405,46 days and in 2015 was average 391,5 days.

Analýza reprodukčního procesu u dojnic ve vztahu k jejich metabolickému profilu

Abu Ras, Nidal January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

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