Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spot"" "subject:"swot""
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Variabilita markeru TG5 a asociace k obsahu intramuskulárního tuku a marblingu u skotuGrosová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The variability of the marker TG5 TG gene and its association with the intramuscular fat and marbling of meat in cattle was studied. Randomly selected population, composed of 237 individuals (bulls) of the Czech Pied cattle breed from four farms in the Czech Republic, waschosen for testing polymorphisms. Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify a fragment of TG 545 bp in size. After amplification, the fragments digestion was performed using the restriction endonuclease BstYI. To verify the presence of the PCR product and to identify the sizes of digested frag-ments the horizontal agarose electrophoresis was performed. The population's absolute and relative frequencies of alleles and genotypes were calculated. The calculations reve-aled a high frequency of the T allele (25.98 %). In conclusion, statisticalanalysis was performed. As a result, the influence of C422T polymorphism in the 5'promoter region of the gene on the TG and on the IMT marblinghave not been proven, but on the contra-ry there was detected significant effect (p<0.05) of polymorphism content on the region of Lauric acid (C12:0). The results also reveal some evidence of polymorphism having influence on Timnodonic acid and meat pH.
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Vliv změny prostředí na dlouhověkost a produkci mléka krav českého strakatého skotu ve vybraném chovuPoláková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of environmental changes on longevity and milk production of cows Czech Fleckvieh cattle in selected breeding. The work focused on the comparison parameters milk production, longevity reasons decommissioning cows and lactation on which the cows were excluded. Within one company were monitored two groups of cows. The first group of cows was monitored in the original stabling. The second group consisted of pregnant heifers whose milk production have been monitored in subsequent years. They were removed to new stabling among cows of Holstein cattle. Each of the groups had different environmental conditions, treatment and different feed ration. Milk production and longevity of cows were evaluated in six years. In the framework of the obtained results it can be concluded that the change in the environment, treatment and feed ration were the main reason leading to the increase in the milk production of cows in the new location. Cows in the new stabling were mostly eliminated because of the reproductive disorder, milk production and other reasons (mortality, high age, diarrhea, poorly developed teats, bad condition).
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Vliv vybraných faktorů na produkci mléka a reprodukci krav / The effect of reproduction traits on milk production and qualityNovotná, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate fertility indicators and milk production on a selected farm. I have anticipated lower milk utility and less frequent pregnancy rate during summer time in comparison to other seasons.
The selected stable in Bílý Újezd is a part of ZEAS Podorlicko a.s. corporation. In this stable the dairy cattle of Holstein breed was studied. The breed was mixed with ayshir and red holstein, not exceeding 15% of blood mixture. Milk utility of 511 milkers was evaluated from October 1, 2013 to October 31, 2015. The data was gained from Milk Profi Data program and then statistically evaluated in SAS version 9.3. The analysis focused on the influence of lactation sequence, year influence, season influence and the influence of lactation period on daily milk production, percentage ingredient volume and the amount of somatic cells in milk.
The average count of lactations in a herd was 2.34 in the examined period and the average day of lactation was 169.32. A positive influence of lactation sequence on daily milk production was discovered (r = 0.056; P < 0.001). The highest daily milk production was detected within fourth lactation milkers (30.72 kg). Daily milk production was increasing year-on-year, the highest was in 2015 (32.09 kg). The influence of seasons on daily milk production was noticeable. Milkers had statistically the highest volumes of milk production in autumn (30.32 kg; P < 0.001). The lactation period had a negative influence on daily milk production (r = -0.548; P < 0.001). Till 60th day of lactation the daily volume of milk production was increasing, and then since 61st day till the end of lactation it was decreasing. The days of lactation had positive influence on fat content (r = 0.078; P < 0.001).
The influence of lactation sequence on a fat percentage could not be statistically proven. In 2013 the fat content was higher (3.84%) then in 2014 (3.64%). Compared to 2014, the fat content increased on 3.80% in 2015. The lowest fat content in milk was during summer (3.58%). In autumn the fat content reached 3.79% and it was the highest in winter (3.92%). The fat content decreased in spring, falling to 3.75%. A positive influence of lactation period on fat content was proven (r = 0.078; P < 0.001).
Any influence of lactation sequence on protein content was not statistically proven. The highest protein content was noted in 2013 (3.58%), then it decreased in 2014 on 3.52% and 3.48% in 2015. The highest protein content was reached in winter (3.62%). The protein content decresed in spring on 3.51% and the lowest level was in summer (3.38%). The protein content increased again in autumn reaching 3.60%. The influence of season was proven to be positive on lactation period and protein content (r = 0.451; P < 0.001).
A negative influence of lactation sequence on a lactose content was proven (r = -0.375 ; P < 0,001). A positive infuence in lactose content (r = 0.283; P < 0.001) was discovered throught seasons. The lowest lactose content was measured in winter (4.74%), it rose in spring reaching to 4.79% and in summer to 4.80%. The highest lactose content was in autumn (4.84%). Also a negative influcence of lactation period on lactose content was proven (r = -0.221; P < 0.001).
A positive influence of lactation sequence on the amount of somatic cells in ths/mL (r = 0.197; P < 0.001) was discovered. On the contrary the seasons had negative influence on the amount of somatic cells in ths/mL (r = -0.060; P < 0.001). A statistically noticeable difference was revealed between the amount of somatic cells measured in autumn (807.92 ths/mL) and in winter (968.58 ths/mL). The influence of lactation period on the amount of somatic cells was not proven.
Altogether 544 milkers were assesed for reproduction capability in the period from October 1, 2012 to October 31, 2015. The data was obtained from WebSkot program and statistically evaluated by SAS program version 9.3. The analysis focused on the influence of lactation sequence, insemination sequence and the month of insemination pregnancy rates, servis period and the interval of insemination.
The influence of lactation and the insemination sequence on pregnancy rate could not be proven. The analysis showed that the pregnancy rate was lower in August (23.69%) than in December (46.50%).
The influence of insemination on servis period could not be proven. A positive influence of insemination sequence on servis period was discovered (r = 0.802; P < 0.001). The influence of the month of the insemination on servis period was not proven as well.
The influence of lactation sequence nor insemination sequence on insemination interval was not proven. It was discovered that the insemination interval was shorter in December (70.01 days) then in July (90.15 days; P < 0.005).
Hypothesis, which presupposed lower milk utility in summer in comarison to winter was disproved. Hypothesis about lower pregnacy rates in summer months was proved.
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Ekonomické zhodnocení chovu masného skotu / The economic evaluation of beef cattle breedingŘíhová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is the evaluation of economic indicators of beef cattle farming on a specific family farm in the time period from 2013 to 2015 in Bukovina u Čisté village, Semily District. The family focuses on a crop and livestock production. The farming takes place on 110 hectares of land, the fertile ground makes 54 ha. The livestock production concentrates on breeding cows without any milk production and the bulls fattening. The amount of cows was 23 pieces to 27 pieces in the period from 2013 to 2015. Because of the crossbreeding the cows following breeds are represented: Czech Pied cattle (20 %), Limousin (72 %) and Charolais (8 %). In the bulls fattening area were more breeds represented caused by the purchased bulls. Breeds represented: Limousin (32 %), Czech Pied cattle (42 %), Blonde d Aquitaine (1 %), Aberdeen Angus (23 %) and Holstein cattle (3 %).
The processing and evaluation of economic results was prevented by factors affecting the economics of farming. In the reproduction part are the factors - the calving interval, the age structure of the cows and the scatter of births during the year. The bulls fattening part contains the research of the bulls breeds representation, age structure and carcass weight. The economic indicators consist of the evaluation of the costs, revenues, profit and the level of profitability. The breeding was evaluated in the conclusion of this dissertation and the suggestions for improvement was recommended.
The calving interval of the cows in 2013 lasted on average of 408 days, in 2014 decreased by 9 % to 373 days, and in 2015 decreased by further 9 % up to 337 days. Heifers reached 3 years of age at birthing. The oldest cows were 11 years old. The biggest group of cows was at the age of 7 years with a 27 % share. The Breeders preference is the calving during the winter to spring time period. In 2013 the birthing period lasted from February to July, in 2014 from March, except June and August, until October and in 2015 from February to August. For the entire period was 76 % of births in the barn and 24 % of births on pasture. In the entire period 76 % of births happened in the barn and 24 % of births on pasture.
The bulls fattening contained 42 % of own breeding and the next part consist of purchased bulls. The largest group of bulls are Czech Pied cattle constituting of 42 %. Limousin Bulls breeds and Aberdeen Angus breeds created 21 % and 79 % out of that are owned by the breeder. The best average of hot carcass weight (HCW) was 399kg at Aberdeen Angus breed. The value of the carcass at Limousin bulls was 8 % lower and the bulls of the Czech Pied cattle was more than 20 % lower. The slaughter bulls were sold at an average age of 23 months and HCW 344 kg in 2013, in 2014 at the average age of 24 months and HCW 379 kg, in 2015 at the average age of 22 months and HCW 330 kg. The highest variability was recorded in the year 2015 with a value of 34,63 % and the lowest in 2013 with 8,80 %.
During the time period the highest cost entry has not changed. Just the share was different. The feed entry share was at 61,7 % in 2013, at 68,89 % in 2014 and at 52,30 % in 2015. 95,7 % of the total cost was assigned to the own feeding. The expenses in 2013 were 912 919 CZK, in 2014 dropped to 845 368 CZK and in 2015 increased to 1 213 190 CZK. The cost of one feeding day per cattle in 2013 was 28,10 CZK, in 2014 decreased to 26,02 CZK and in 2015 increased to 37,35 CZK.
The revenues were affected by the sale of cattle for slaughter. In 2013 was sold 21 pieces of cattle for a total amount of 545 040 CZK, in 2014 was sold 32 pieces of bulls in the total value of 977 643 CZK and in 2015 36 pieces of bulls in the total amount of 867 885,60 CZK. The sales of slaughter units in the total amount of revenue in 2013 did the share of 68,61 %, in 2014 increased to 72,25 % and in 2015 decreased to 59,20 %. In 2015 was the receipt share from slaughter bulls of 30 % based on the sale of alive bulls to Austria. Total revenues in 2013 were 823 517 CZK, in 2014 increased by 39 % to 1 353 080 CZK and in 2015 increased by 7 % to 1 466 062 CZK.
The Profit was calculated in 2013 as a loss in the value of 89 402 CZK. In the subsequent years there was a profit. In 2014 profit in the amount of 507 712 CZK and in 2015 the profit decreased to 252 872 CZK. The profit ratio in 2013 amounted to a negative value - 10 %, in 2014 increased to 60 % and in 2015 dropped to 21 %.
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Hodnocení ekonomiky chovu krav bez tržní produkce mléka / Economy evaluation of suckler cows breedingRondevaldová, Linda January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to elaborate economic models for estimate the
economic indicators and optimization of process for breeding of suckler cows herd in
selected farm. The hypotesis of diploma thesis was the assumption that the determination of
material and relevance of impact for production indicators of breed will allow to model
economic effectiveness of the selected breed farm. Concurrently it can be assumed that is
possible to model the influence and impact of market prices for the final profitability of
farming, respectively the level of cost per kilogram of live weight gain of animals.
Aplications of created models will help to determine the economic turning point and create
different models of market situations.
The practical part was solved in a company named Ptenínský mlýn, which is located
in village Ptenín in district of Plzeň - jih. The company is family character and is involved in
an ecological system of agriculture. The company produces cattle for subsequent breeding as
well as for fattening and slaughtering.
Informations about the company were collected by forms, which were based on 79
asking points. Identified informations were about basic data of the breed and of his expansion
in the years. All metods of calculation were created in Program Microsoft Excell 2010.
In diploma thesis were determinated the results of the profitability selected breed farm,
model s of turning point of cost and revenues, the change of profitability of breed when the
parametrs of entrance are changed. On the basis of the calculations was discover negative
profitability of breed in the case of absence of subsidies. The margin of profitability confirms
this fact. The turning point of sold calves rates actually situation without subsidies. It was
discover that for profitability on the based of available documents of company for year 2014
of zero is necessary to sale the calves must to have weight about 1065 kg, which is not
possible in real situation. The profit of zero is able to have from to sale of 33 cattles. Without
subvences is necessary to reduce of total cost 332 400 CZK, for to have total cost amount
601 600 CZK for to have economy of profitability on level zero. From this situation is clear
that subvence allow activity of business and other investments in expansions.
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Welfare v chovech skotu / Welfare of cattleTajzichová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Welfare of cattle is focused on well-being of the dairy cattle, specifically from the professional expert perspective, representing these days one of the very actual quality of cattle breeding factor. The objective of the thesis was to summarise the newest expert findings in the area of dairy cattle welfare and to find out Czech Republic breeders opinion on the dairy cattle welfare assessment and on the suitability of criteria for such assessment.
Cattle breeding represents one of the main sectors of the animal production, which serves as the primary source of milk, cheese and meat products. The quality of these products is directly dependant on the well-being of the cattle, which is at the same time essentially important for its complex good health condition, both physical and mental. In my thesis,
I have focused on the animal welfare as such, and I analyse it in detail from different perspectives. The thesis also addresses the important evaluation project Welfare Quality, whose methodology could become a foundation for standardization of cattle well-being assessment and its certification by means of passporting products quality and origin. Further, the thesis elaborates on the alternatives of such products welfare passportisation, which could also provide for authentication of products quality and welfare of animals in the studs.
I have used questionnaires for the empirical research, by means of which the dairy cattle breeders were interviewed. The questionnaires were composed of questions pertaining to basic information on concrete breeder and the stud, health condition of the animals, opinion of the breeder on animal welfare and suitable criteria for dairy cattle welfare assessment, and also questions addressing management and production characteristics of the stud. The thesis confirms the necessity of improvement of the awareness and knowledgeability of the breeders about the animals welfare, but also the need of animals life conditions improvement, and consequently the benefits of the introduction of welfare standardization and evaluation by means of all interested parties participation, and possibly also introduction of some form of certification of the quality and origin of the product, with respect to welfare.
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Vztah genů pro imunitní systém k funkčním vlastnostem (reprodukce a zdraví) u skotu / Relationship between genes for the immune system and functional traits (reproduction and health) in cattleJečmínková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
In cattle, we observe a decrease trend in the level of reproduction and animal health. This decline is associated with an increase in milk yield. This situation has a negative impact on the farm economy, animal welfare and safety of product. The traditional selection program is in these so-called functional traits ineffective and there is need to find a new ways of animal breeding. In this problematic traits marker assisted selection and the related genomic animal selection is proposed to be a good tool for animal breeding. The present work summarizes the problems of selected functional traits in cattle and provides an overview on genetic markers and possibilities for their use. Further attention is paid to the studied genes and their associations to functional features which have been published in the scientific literature. At the end, the first results are presented describing the genotype frequencies for the first four studied polymorphic regions in Czech Fleckvieh cattle.
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Analýza ekologické farmy s chovem zvířatMartyninková, Dajana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was to analyze an ecological farm in South Bohemia region with the system of beef farming with the exclusion of market milk production, and evaluation of selected reproductive and meat production parameters. Meat hybrids of aberdeen angus, galloway, charolais and hereford breed were kept on this farm. Years from 2010 to 2015 were analyzed and then following parameters were evaluated: number of births during the year and in individual months, length of gestation and calving interval, service period, insemination index and calf losses. Meat production indicators were evaluated including the resulting class of carcase classification in SEUOP system, carcase weight and the age of animals at the time of slaughtering. Subsequently, comparison with neighboring organic farm and conventional farms were made. Although it is a small farm the results of the analysis shows that the reproductive parameters are above the average compared to the conventional aberdeen angus farms. Comparing conventional farms meat production results are relatively the same.
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Analýza poruch chodivosti a její vliv na mléčnou užitkovost dojnic českého strakatého skotu ve vybraném chovuŘepová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze locomotive score of dairy cows with movement disorder and its influence on milk production. For the experiment were chosen Czech fleckvieh dairy cows in company GenAgro Říčany a. s. in season from June to December 2015. The monitoring was conducted a day after the milk recording. Analyzed parameters of milk recording were milk yield (kg of milk), protein content (%), fat (%) amount of somatic cells (thousands/ml), lactose (%) and content of urea (%). Cows were evaluated according to the locomotive rating scale from 1 (cow with no movement disorder) to 5 (cow with a certain degree of lameness). According to the results we can observe that hoof diseases have effect on reducing of the amount of produced milk, especially in movement score 3 and 4 (P < 0.01), increase of protein content, fat, lactose (P < 0.05) and somatic cells (P < 0.01). It can be concluded that increasing of lameness of dairy cows significantly affect the reduction of milk production by 1.8 kg/cow/day. Due to current low prices of milk, it could have more negative impact on the economy of the dairy cattle breeding.
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Vliv věku telat na stravitelnost živinVrzalová, Dana January 2001 (has links)
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