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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výtvarná výchova jako předmět spojující a rozvíjející / Art education as a connecting and developing subject.

Filcíková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The theoretical part deals with the development of children's drawing as a basic understanding of the developmental stages of the child to better determine the workflow in creating a curriculum or project connecting art education and other subjects. It also deals with the embedding of art education in the framework educational program and cross-sectional topics. Various art exercises are proposed for presented topics. The didactic part is devoted to organizational forms of teaching and the definition of the concept of interdisciplinary teaching. In the practical part, two authorial and one adopted project are then analyzed - art education is used in those projects as a connecting element of teaching. In the Kafkomix project, art education is connected with the Czech language, specifically with work The Transformation by Franz Kafka. In the project The Road to Freedom, students are introduced to the history of communism in our country and to the events related to the Velvet Revolution through visual documentation. Part of this project is also an analysis of a questionnaire survey, which was done to determine the level of memorized material by students. ZE MĚ MY project, presents how the project can works across schools. KEY WORDS Interdisciplinary teaching, project teaching, interconnection of...

Interpersonální vztahy a sociální sítě za pobytu v cizí kultuře / Interpersonal relationships and social network in terms of stay in foreign culture

Malá, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The main subject of this Diploma Thesis is a description of psychological aspects of staying in foreign culture with focus on interpersonal and group processes and their influence and importance for the stay in foreign culture. Central theme of interpersonal relationships and social networks formation is discussed in terms of stay in foreign culture with regards to new forms of electronic communication and its characteristics. This Diploma Thesis focuses on social networks formation and its process and dynamics in electronic communication environment in contrast to real environment. Furthermore, it applies to interpersonal relationship changes, maintaining original far-distant relationships and formation new ones through electronic communication when being in foreign culture. Empirical part of thesis concerns a study of a degree of psychological and sociocultural adaptation with emphasis on electronic communication and its influence of interpersonal relationships and social networks when being abroad. Empirical part of thesis consists of quantitative data analysis. Data obtained from questionnaire, that was filled by international university degree students, who are just experiencing international study sojourn, were analyzed in terms of sociocultural and psychological adaptation. These two areas...

Zahálení a trest: psychologická studie lenosti / Loafing and punishment: psychological study of laziness

Polák, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Contrary to our intuitive expectations about a positive group influence on human performance behaviour, there is a vast body of literature proving the opposite. All the research is based on findings of Max Ringelmann who more than 120 years ago proved in the oldest social psychological experiment ever known that people cooperating on a common task tend to exert less effort than what would be their potential. This performance decrement is caused by coordination losses which relate to the very principles of a team work as well as motivation losses. Because of the tendency of people to limit their effort in collective settings the newly discovered phenomenon has been called social loafing. A group influence on individual's performance became also a main subject of this diploma thesis. Compared to a majority of research dealing with the same topic the present one employs a completely new type of interactive task which involves an intensive cooperation of all group members. We have used in our experiment an original simulation where players are in a role of top management in one movie production company and their goal is to make a strategic decision based on the information distributed among all the team members that will bring them the biggest profit. Consequently we have directly analysed behaviour of...

Sebepojetí žáků se specifickou poruchou učení ve skupinové a individuální integraci / Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration

Pauková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" AUTHOR: Bc. Barbora Paukova DEPARTMENT: Special education department THESIS SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lenka Felcmanova ABSTRACT: The major topic of the diploma thesis named "Self-concept of pupils with specific learning disability in group and individual integration" is the different self-concept of success rate of older school age pupils with specific learning disability who are educated in a form of individual integration and in a form of group integration. The theoretical foundation of the thesis deals with the term of specific learning disability, with its terminology, definition, causes, classification and reeducation. It further focuses on the education of pupils with specific learning disability, on the term of self-concept and on the older school age period. Practical part of the thesis includes the quantitative research made using the standardized SPAS questionnaire. Methodology of the research, research preconditions, targets of the research, analysis of the collected data and evaluation of the research results are described in the thesis. KEY WORDS: Specific learning disability, older school age, self-concept, individual integration, group integration

Návrh skupinové logopedické terapie osob s Parkinsonovou nemocí / Proposal for group logopaedic therapy for people with Parkinson's disease

Kochová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
OF THE THESIS This Master's thesis is dedicated to providing a complete account and analysis of activities designed to tackle specific logopaedic difficulties associated with Parkinson's disease. The principal theoretical sections of this thesis are concerned with an in-depth overview of Parkinson's disease and hypokinetic dysarthia (a speech disorder associated with Parkinson's disease), the dynamics of working with a group of senior participants, the Parkinson Society, the place of logopaedic therapy in Society and of specific components of logopaedic therapy aimed at persons with Parkinson's disease. The practical section which follows then proposes and carefully outlines specific activities suitable for such therapy. Activities are classified by their objectives - areas they intend to exercise improve. Designs of two model lessons comprising a combination of the activities proposed in the preceding chapters are included in the final section of the thesis.

Využití psychoterapeutických technik při změně postojů a vztahu pracovníků denního stacionáře ke klientům s těžkým kombinovaným postižením / Use of psychotherapeutic techniques for changing the attitudes and the relationship of day care centre staff to clients with severe multiple disabilities

Trojánková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the subjectively perceived problematical relationship between the employees of a day care centre (who are either professional caregivers or teachers) and clients or pupils with severe multiple disabilities. Examining this relationship and other selected problematical situations took place as part of short-term group work project using psychotherapeutic techniques. The group work facilitated a change in the relationship of the day care centre's employees with the clients. The research was conducted with a small group of probands from the Zahrada Integration Centre and from the Zahrádka Elementary School in Prague 3. The following professional methods have been used in the preparation of this thesis: an analysis of the relevant scientific literature, group work with a small group of probands using some elements of psychotherapy, a questionnaire survey, an analysis of records concerning the progression of problematical situations and data analysis of case studies. The findings of this thesis are that group sessions comprising elements of psychotherapy represented a supportive factor in regard to the perception of the problematical relationships of individual probands with their clients. Changes that occurred in these relationships were recorded either in the individual plans of social...

Způsoby a motivace užívání sociálních sítí Facebook a Nyx a identita jejich uživatelů: kvalitativní komparativní studie / Motivation and individual use of social networks, namely Facebook and Nyx and the identity of thein users: Qualitative comparative study

Šimáková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Lenka Šimáková Způsoby a motivace užívání sociálních sítí Facebook a Nyx a identita jejich uživatelů: Kvalitativní komparativní studie Mediální studia, IKSŽ, FSV UK, 2012 Abstract The key goal of this thesis is to find correlations between motivation and usage of social network(ing) sites and how they influence self-presentation of the users as a process of defining their own identity. A qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with five active users of both researched sites was used to describe the impact of the social and technological environment on the way they present themselves towards others. I therefore focus mainly on the social identity of the users: why and how they interact, how they perceive the sites and their role within their groups and how it influences their administration of their personal profiles. I also focus on other relevant subjects of within-line social communication: I describe various aspects of computer mediated communication, user perception of public and private sphere on-line and other issues such as group dynamics or users' approach to the social network(ing) sites as tools for managing their social capital. The resulting set of hypothesis is based on my analysis of the conducted interviews. This thesis brings an insight into user reflection of researched platforms,...

Třídnická hodina jako specifická náplň práce třídního učitele na 2. stupni základní školy v České republice / Lesson with a form teacher as a specific part of the form teacher work for the lower secondary education in the Czech Republic

Bureš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
V diplomové práci je řešena problematika třídnické hodiny jako specifické náplně práce třídního učitele na 2. stupni základní školy v České republice. Cílem práce je objasnit, jakým způsobem vnímají a přistupují třídní učitelé k třídnické hodině jako ke specifické náplni své práce. Teoretická část se zabývá třídním učitelem, jeho činnostmi a kompetencemi, analyzuje třídu jako sociální skupinu a vymezuje třídnickou hodinu i s jejími specifiky. Popisu přípravy výzkumného šetření a jeho výsledků se věnuje praktická část. Šetření bylo realizováno metodou dotazníku na vybraných základních školách v České republice a respondenti byli třídní učitelé. Zjištění jsou porovnávána s údaji v odborné literatuře a ze získaných dat jsou vyvozovány závěry pro praxi. Klíčová slova Třídní učitel, školní třída, skupinová dynamika, třídnická hodina, sociální dovednosti.

Vliv aktivit v přírodě na interpersonální vztahy ve vrstevnické skupině v prostředí ústavní výchovy / Influence of outdoor activities on interpersonal relationships in a peer group from institutional care

Nováková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Title: Influence of outdoor activities on interpersonal relationships in a peer group in the environment ofinstitutional care. Aim of the thesis: The aim of this work is to find out whether outdoor activities have an effect on relationships in the group of the youth who live in the conditions of institutional care. Research methodology: We have used the Sociometric questionnaire B3-U. In the experimental group there are 11 adolescents from the orphanege in Jablonec nad Nisou. In the control group there are 10 children and adolescents from the orphanege in Semily. Children's age ranged from 8 to 15. Results and conclusions: The results of the research showed that the most excluded person in the group found new relationship in the group. Results regarding the most exluded people in the group were very positive. After our intervention the least favorite person recieved about half less of the negative voices. In the group hierarchy the distance among members of the group grew smaller. Only results of feelings friendship and confidence in the group were after the intervention lower. That is suprising in relation to other results which were positive. Keywords: Outdoor activities, outdoor sports, institutional care, group dynamics, interpersonal relationships.

Marketingová komunikace Fakulty tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlovy / Marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague

Jindrová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague and based on the obtained data to create proposals for the improvement of current marketing communication or suggest new instruments that will help to streamline existing marketing communication. Methods: To analyze the current marketing mix of the faculty is used a qualitative research in the form of group discussions with current students of the faculty and pre-prepared written questioning for the staff of the Marketing department of the faculty. Results: The main outcome of this thesis is the evaluation of current marketing communication and creation of its improvement for example by adding new communication instruments, streamlining of the current marketing communication instruments. Keywords: Marketing, marketing communication, communication mix, non-profit organization, marketing of school, group discussion

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