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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A survey of some small firms in the rural areas of England : their structure and functions, with special reference to factors that affect their development

Jali, Mohamad Tajuddin bin January 1973 (has links)
This study was concerned with the structure, functions and development, especially the performance, of some rural small firms associated with the Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas (C?SIRA) of England. Forty firms were used as the main basis of analysis. For some aspects of the investigation, however, data from another 54 firms, obtained indirectly through nine CoSIRA Organisers, were also used. For performance-analysis, the 40 firms were firstly ranked according to their growth and profitability rates which were calculated from their financial data. Then each of the variables hypothesised to be related to performance was tested to ascertain its relationship with performance, using the Spearman's Rank Correlation technique. The analysis indicated that each of the four factors - the principal, the firm itself, its management, and the environment - had a bearing upon the performance of the firm. Within the first factor, the owner-manager's background and attitudes were found to be most important; in the second, the firm's size, age and scope of activities were also found to be correlated with performance; with respect to the third, it was revealed that firms which practised some forms of systems in planning, control and costing performed better than those which did not and, finally with respect to the fourth factor, it was found that some of the services provided by CoSIRA, especially credit finance, were facilitative to the firm's performance. Another significant facet of the firms highlighted by the study was their multifarious roles. These, meeting economic, psychological, sociological and political needs, were considered to be most useful to man and his society. Finally, the study has added light to the structural characteristics of the sampled firms, including various aspects of their development, orientation and organisation, as well as their various structural strengths and weakness.

Capital, class and enterprise in Kenya

Lone, H. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

As pequenas indústrias de Ribeirão Preto/SP (1870 a 1930) / The small industries of Ribeirão Preto-SP (1870 to 1930)

Marques, Leandro Maia 03 July 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi explicitar a relevância relativa das pequenas indústrias de Ribeirão Preto de 1870 a 1930 em seu desenvolvimento econômico e crescimento urbano. Dentro da metodologia de pesquisa foi feita uma divisão em três períodos de 20 anos cada um (1870 a 1890, 1891 a 1910 e 1911 a 1930). Os dados levantados foram tabulados em tabelas, subdivididas em cinco colunas: Nome da Empresa, Classe de Produto Fabricado, Duração Aproximada, Endereço e Nacionalidade(s) do(s) Empresário(s) e para as Tabelas de 1911 a 1930 foram acrescidas duas colunas - Quantidade de Operários e Valores de Capital. Devido à diversidade de 68 classes de empresas fabricantes de 114 produtos diferentes entre a amostragem de 551 pequenas indústrias, foi feita uma divisão em 10 novas tabelas, dos seguintes ramos industriais: (Móveis, Roupas e Calçados, Alimentos, Materiais Ferrosos, Bebidas, Minerais Não Metálicos, Químicos, Gráficas, Carroças e Acessórios e Produtos Diversos). As pequenas indústrias foram caracterizadas pelo uso de matérias-primas obtidas localmente, o predomínio de bens de consumo não duráveis, sua instalação em locais não separados, mas anexos às casas dos empresários, de usos limitados de tecnologia e de máquinas complexas e muito dependente de ferramentas rústicas e da habilidade técnica e manual do operário, uso de fontes de energia a base de lenha, hidráulicas e elétrica e meios de transportes movidos por animais. No segundo, terceiro e quarto capítulos, cada um referente a um dos três períodos, foram feitas análises específicas das 30 tabelas iniciadas por contextualizações históricas e econômicas e, depois, foram construídas tabelas de fases comparativas entre dois períodos (de 1890 a 1910 sobre 1870 a 1890 e de 1911 a 1930 sobre 1891 a 1910) das classes de produtos fabricados com maior quantidade numérica de empresas. E com as tabelas de 1911 a 1930 foram acrescentadas análises sobre a quantidade numérica individual e média de operários, valor de capital e de valor de capital por operário. Os resultados encontrados estão na análise geral do quinto e último capítulo: como a ocorrência das empresas comerciais fabricantes de produtos e que comercializavam mercadorias não produzidas por elas e das pequenas indústrias e prestadoras de serviços, oferta produtiva com ênfase na encomenda prévia do consumidor, (duração de 7,35 anos, valor de capital de 41:032$477 (em mil réis), mão de obra de 8,74 operários, ambos em média), nacionalidade dos empresários (com predomínio na sequência de italianos, brasileiros e portugueses), alheamento do consumo das classes econômicas média e alta ribeirão-pretanas preterida pelos produtos importados, pequena concorrência externa e interna, exceto com a produção doméstica de subsistência e nas classes de produtos fabricados com maior quantidade de empresas. E com a distribuição geográfica dessa produção nos espaços rural e urbano, nas três regiões do município (Centro, subúrbio e periferia), em especial para a efetivação do urbano na segunda, e também concretizada no predomínio de 40 gêneros industriais de origem urbana sobre as 28 de início rural, mas com adaptações para seus usos urbanos. Essa situação possibilitou a configuração do disperso distrito urbano de pequenas indústrias do Centro, Campos Elíseos, Vila Tibério e Barracão. / In this work, the objective was to explain the relative relevance of the small industries of Ribeirão Preto from 1870 to 1930 in their economic development and urban growth. Within the research methodology was divided into three periods of 20 years each (1870 to 1890, 1891 to 1910 and 1911 to 1930). The data collected were tabulated in tables, subdivided into five columns: Company Name, Manufactured Product Class, Approximate Duration, Address and Nationality (s) of the Entrepreneur (s) and Tables from 1911 to 1930 were added two Columns - Quantity of Workers and Capital Values. Due to the diversity of 68 classes of manufacturing companies of 114 different products among the sample of 551 small industries, a division was made in 10 new tables of the following industrial branches: (Furniture, Clothing, Food, Ferrous Materials, Beverages, Nonmetallic Minerals, Chemicals, Graphics, Carts and Accessories and Miscellaneous Products). The small industries were characterized by the use of raw materials obtained locally, the predominance of non-durable consumer goods, their installation in places not separate, but attached to the houses of entrepreneurs, limited uses of technology and complex machines and very dependent on Rustic tools and the technical and manual skill of the worker, use of power sources based on firewood, hydraulic and electric and animal transport means. In the second, third, and fourth chapters, each relating to one of the three periods, specific analyzes of the 30 tables initiated by historical and economic contextualizations were made, and then tables of comparative phases were constructed between two periods (from 1890 to 1910 on 1870 To 1890 and from 1911 to 1930 from 1891 to 1910) of the classes of products manufactured with the greatest number of companies. And with the tables from 1911 to 1930 were added analyzes on the individual and average number of workers, capital value and capital value per worker. The results are found in the general analysis of the fifth and final chapter: such as the occurrence of commercial companies that produce products and that commercialized goods not produced by them and small industries and service providers, productive supply with emphasis on the previous ordering of the consumer, Duration of 7.35 years, capital value of 41: 032 $ 477 (in milreis), labor of 8.74 workers, both on average), nationality of entrepreneurs (predominantly following Italians, Brazilians and Portuguese) , A shift away from the consumption of the middle and upper middle-income classes, which is neglected by imported products, and external and internal competition, with the exception of domestic subsistence production and product classes with a larger number of companies. And with the geographic distribution of this production in rural and urban spaces, in the three regions of the municipality (Center, suburb and periphery), especially for the urbanization in the second, and also materialized in the predominance of 40 industrial genera of urban origin over 28 of rural beginning, but with adaptations for its urban uses. This situation made possible the configuration of the dispersed urban district of small industries of the Center, Campos Elíseos, Vila Tiberio and Barracão.

Gestão socioambiental em micro e pequenas indústrias de Pau dos Ferros-RN / Environmental management in micro and small industries in the city of Pau dos Ferros – RN

Paiva, Francisco Cleiton da 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-02-07T14:23:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoCSP_DISSERT.pdf: 1619582 bytes, checksum: 50b9d0a1b7e7d11624b92a429c12f091 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-07T14:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoCSP_DISSERT.pdf: 1619582 bytes, checksum: 50b9d0a1b7e7d11624b92a429c12f091 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / This study aimed to analyze the manager‟s perception of micro and small industries companies regarding to social and environmental practices in the city of Pau dos Ferros-RN. It sought to verify whether these companies make use of social and environmental management, while identifying its practices and pointing out the motivations, barriers and opportunities for its implementation. Beside it, the study also aimed to describe the negative and positive consequences perceived by some managers from the existing social and environmental practices, and therefore identify their knowledge on the subject. The study presents a theoretical approach to Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Environmental and Social Responsibility Management based on authors like Boff (2012), Elkington (2012), Barbieri (2011), Dias (2011), Donaire (2013), Aligleri et. al. (2009), Nascimento, Lemos and Mello (2008), Tachizawa and Andrade (2012) and Sachs (2009), among others, with a view to questioning the aspects relating to environmental management practices in object of research companies. It was also discussed theoretical aspects about the Micro and Small Enterprises, specific aspects related to industrial activity and environmental management related to this business segment, from authors such as Resnik (1990), Ferronato (2011), Farias and Teixeira (2002) , Andrade (2002), as well as works published by institutions like Sebrae, FIRJAN and IPEA, which supported that part of the job. From this perspective, this study is classified as to its nature as qualitative research; about the objectives of the research, defined as descriptive; and, as to the object, a field survey is considered. As data collection instrument interviews were conducted with managers of micro and small industries companies Pau dos Ferros-RN, addressing the Environmental Management at their companies from their perceptions, and then an interpretative analysis, based on data obtained. Research has shown all respondents have the notion of the importance of the environment and that most of them develop some environmental practices, mainly focused on the energy and water savings, some performing reuse of materials. Social-oriented stocks are scarce and are not directly related to the environmental strategy of the company. Largely not considered difficult to invest or develop environmental initiatives, although I realize that this requires incentives from governments, which does not occur with any of the companies interviewed. Managers, mostly understand that environmental actions result in positive impacts for companies, such as cost reduction, image enhancement on the market, increasing competitiveness and their sales, hardly noticing the negative aspects of these practices. In addition, respondents felt that their companies even being micro or small, have an importance for the community, mainly due to the generation of employment and income is vital to the development of the city and region / O presente estudo teve o objetivo de analisar a percepção de gestores de micro e pequenas indústrias da cidade de Pau dos Ferros-RN acerca de práticas socioambientais. Para tanto, buscou-se verificar se essas empresas fazem uso de gestão socioambienta, e, ao mesmo tempo, identificar suas práticas e apontar as motivações, entraves e oportunidades para sua implantação. Pretende-se também descrever as consequências negativas e positivas percebidas por alguns gestores a partir das práticas socioambientais existentes, bem como identificar seus conhecimentos a respeito do tema. O trabalho traz uma abordagem teórica sobre Sustentabilidade e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Gestão Ambiental e Responsabilidade Socioambiental a partir de autores como Boff (2012), Elkington (2012), Barbieri (2011), Dias (2011), Donaire (2013), Aligleri et. al. (2009), Nascimento, Lemos e Mello (2008),Tachizawa e Andrade (2012) e Sachs (2009), dentre outros, tendo em vista a problematização dos aspectos relativos às práticas de gestão socioambiental nas empresas objeto da pesquisa. Também foram abordados aspectos teóricos a respeito das Micro e Pequenas Empresas, aspectos específicos relacionados à atividade industrial e à gestão socioambiental ligada a esse segmento empresarial, a partir de autores como Resnik (1990), Ferronato (2011), Farias e Teixeira (2002), Andrade (2002), além de obras publicadas por instituições como Sebrae, Firjan e IPEA, que subsidiaram essa parte do trabalho. Nessa perspectiva, este estudo está classificado quanto à sua natureza como pesquisa qualitativa; quanto aos objetivos da pesquisa, definida como descritiva; e, quanto ao objeto, é considerada uma pesquisa de campo. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas com vinte e quatro (24) gestores das micro e pequenas indústrias de Pau dos Ferros-RN, abordando a Gestão Socioambiental em suas empresas a partir de suas percepções, e, em seguida, uma análise interpretativa, com base nos dados obtidos. A pesquisa mostrou que todos os entrevistados têm a noção sobre a importância do meio ambiente e que a maioria deles desenvolvem algumas práticas ambientais, principalmente voltados à de economia de energia e água, alguns realizando reaproveitamento de materiais. As ações voltadas sociais são escassas, não estando relacionadas diretamente à estratégia socioambiental da empresa. Grande parte não considera difícil investir ou desenvolver ações socioambientais, embora compreenda que isso requer incentivos dos Governos, o que não ocorre com nenhuma das empresas entrevistadas. Os gestores, em sua maioria, entendem que ações socioambientais resultam em impactos positivos para as empresas, como redução de custos, melhoria de imagem diante do mercado, aumento da competitividade e das suas vendas, quase não percebendo aspectos negativos dessas práticas. Além disso, os entrevistados consideraram que suas empresas, mesmo sendo micro ou pequenas, possuem uma importância para a comunidade, principalmente em virtude da geração de emprego e renda, fundamental para o desenvolvimento da cidade e região / 2017-02-07

Women entrepreneurship development and empowerment in Tanzania: the case of SIDO/UNIDO-supported women microentrepreneurs in the food processing sector

Makombe, Iddi Adam Mwatima 10 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to explore and to describe the extent to which the SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme had empowered participating women microentrepreneurs in the food-processing sector in Tanzania. The research question was: To what extent have SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme-supported women microentrepreneurs in the food-processing sector been empowered? The justification for the study was that most studies on women's empowerment have been on micro credit-based microenterprises and almost none on entrepreneurship-based ones. Furthermore, there is a very scanty coverage of Africa in women's empowerment research. Theoretical perspectives in gender and gender relations in accordance with the feminist empowerment paradigm as it is influenced by the international women's movement and empowerment guided the study. The study used a cross-sectional and causal-comparative research design. The sample comprised 78 women microentrepreneurs: 39 programme-supported and 39 others constituted a control group. Participation in the SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme was the independent variable. Women's empowerment was the outcome of interest with the following indicators as dependent variables: freedom to use own income; contribution to household income; ownership of assets; involvement in business associations; participation in trade fairs; freedom of movement and awareness of injustice. Measurement of women's empowerment was on three dimensions: economic, socio-cultural and psychological in two arenas: individual/household and community. Qualitative and quantitative primary data were collected using in-depth interviews and questionnaires. A constant comparative approach in qualitative data analysis and discussion was adopted. At first level of quantitative data analysis, descriptive statistical procedures involving cross tabulations and frequency distributions were used.Then chi-square tests and bivariate correlation analysis were performed. The findings indicated that WED Programme-supported women had become empowered in almost all indicators. However, they lacked control over their assets like their counterparts in the control group. The findings on women's freedom of movement show that it is an area where traditional ideologies, as structural factors, are resistant to changes normally influenced by women's income. The majority of interviewees from both categories were of the view that husbands and wives should have equal say in decision making and division of labour between husbands and wives should also be equal. / Development Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Development Studies)

Levantamento qualitativo dos resíduos sólidos industriais nas micro e pequenas indústrias do município de São Carlos (SP) e panorama atual dos inventários estaduais / A qualitative survey of industrial solid waste produced by micro and small industries at the São Carlos County, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and an overview of the Brazilian state inventories

Martins, Guilherme Duarte 26 March 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar qualitativamente os resíduos sólidos industriais gerados pelas diversas atividades industriais no município de São Carlos - SP, aplicando um questionário, e propor diretrizes para futuros inventários. Para tanto realizamos um levantamento das indústrias de transformação do município, usando a lista das indústrias cadastradas na Prefeitura Municipal. Estas indústrias foram classificadas segundo a CNAE (Classificação das Atividades Econômicas), de acordo com sua atividade. Revisamos a bibliografia para avaliar a situação atual, internacional e do Brasil, em relação a índices de geração de resíduos sólidos industriais e o panorama dos inventários estaduais realizado em conjunto com o Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Foram visitadas 112 unidades industriais, sendo que apenas 36 atenderam prontamente, destas apenas 17 empresas apresentaram dados adequados para análise. Outras 21 eram endereços residenciais, 11 estavam fechadas ou mudaram de endereço e 44 não atenderam, apesar das várias tentativas, que em alguns casos chegaram a 15 visitas na mesma empresa. Os resultados obtidos com a avaliação do questionário mostram que os resíduos sólidos industriais nas micro e pequenas empresas, nos aspectos qualitativos, são semelhantes aos das médias e grandes indústrias, porém, alguns resíduos como lodo de estação de tratamento de efluentes não foram encontrados nas empresas visitadas. Pode-se concluir que em relação aos dados obtidos nas indústrias, apesar da amostra de tipologias ser pequena, é importante incluir as micro e pequenas indústrias em futuros inventários. / The purpose of this work is to carry out a qualitative survey of solid waste generated by several industries at the São Carlos County, São Paulo, by using a questionnaire, as well as to propose directives for future inventories. To address this issue, we first carried out a survey of industries at São Carlos County using the official listing of industries that has been given to us by the local authority. These industries were then classified according to their activities using the National Classification of Economic Activities (Classificação das Atividades Econômicas, CNAE). We have done a literature survey to evaluate both the brazilian and the international current rates of industrial solid waste generation. In addition, we have carried out an overview of brazilian state inventories, which is the result of a collaborative effort between each state and the ministry of environment. Only 36 out of the 112 industries listed by the local authority agreed to participate in this research. Seventeen out of these 36 industries fulfilled the questionnaire properly. A check of the addresses of all industries on the list showed that 17 addresses were residential, and that 11 companies have stopped their industrial activity. It was striking that 44 industries refused to collaborate or have not received the researcher because the staff of the environment section was out or did not have the time for that (15 occurrences). The evaluation of the questionnaires indicated that the generation of solid waste by micro and small industries was qualitatively similar to that by medium and big industries. However, some residues, such as the slurry from effluent treatment units, were not found in any of the industries inspected. The sample size of this study was small. However, a comparison of the data obtained here with those on the literature clearly indicates that the inclusion of micro and small industries in future inventories is required to define solid waste policies.

Women entrepreneurship development and empowerment in Tanzania: the case of SIDO/UNIDO-supported women microentrepreneurs in the food processing sector

Makombe, Iddi Adam Mwatima 10 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to explore and to describe the extent to which the SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme had empowered participating women microentrepreneurs in the food-processing sector in Tanzania. The research question was: To what extent have SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme-supported women microentrepreneurs in the food-processing sector been empowered? The justification for the study was that most studies on women's empowerment have been on micro credit-based microenterprises and almost none on entrepreneurship-based ones. Furthermore, there is a very scanty coverage of Africa in women's empowerment research. Theoretical perspectives in gender and gender relations in accordance with the feminist empowerment paradigm as it is influenced by the international women's movement and empowerment guided the study. The study used a cross-sectional and causal-comparative research design. The sample comprised 78 women microentrepreneurs: 39 programme-supported and 39 others constituted a control group. Participation in the SIDO/UNIDO WED Programme was the independent variable. Women's empowerment was the outcome of interest with the following indicators as dependent variables: freedom to use own income; contribution to household income; ownership of assets; involvement in business associations; participation in trade fairs; freedom of movement and awareness of injustice. Measurement of women's empowerment was on three dimensions: economic, socio-cultural and psychological in two arenas: individual/household and community. Qualitative and quantitative primary data were collected using in-depth interviews and questionnaires. A constant comparative approach in qualitative data analysis and discussion was adopted. At first level of quantitative data analysis, descriptive statistical procedures involving cross tabulations and frequency distributions were used.Then chi-square tests and bivariate correlation analysis were performed. The findings indicated that WED Programme-supported women had become empowered in almost all indicators. However, they lacked control over their assets like their counterparts in the control group. The findings on women's freedom of movement show that it is an area where traditional ideologies, as structural factors, are resistant to changes normally influenced by women's income. The majority of interviewees from both categories were of the view that husbands and wives should have equal say in decision making and division of labour between husbands and wives should also be equal. / Development Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Development Studies)

Levantamento qualitativo dos resíduos sólidos industriais nas micro e pequenas indústrias do município de São Carlos (SP) e panorama atual dos inventários estaduais / A qualitative survey of industrial solid waste produced by micro and small industries at the São Carlos County, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and an overview of the Brazilian state inventories

Guilherme Duarte Martins 26 March 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar qualitativamente os resíduos sólidos industriais gerados pelas diversas atividades industriais no município de São Carlos - SP, aplicando um questionário, e propor diretrizes para futuros inventários. Para tanto realizamos um levantamento das indústrias de transformação do município, usando a lista das indústrias cadastradas na Prefeitura Municipal. Estas indústrias foram classificadas segundo a CNAE (Classificação das Atividades Econômicas), de acordo com sua atividade. Revisamos a bibliografia para avaliar a situação atual, internacional e do Brasil, em relação a índices de geração de resíduos sólidos industriais e o panorama dos inventários estaduais realizado em conjunto com o Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Foram visitadas 112 unidades industriais, sendo que apenas 36 atenderam prontamente, destas apenas 17 empresas apresentaram dados adequados para análise. Outras 21 eram endereços residenciais, 11 estavam fechadas ou mudaram de endereço e 44 não atenderam, apesar das várias tentativas, que em alguns casos chegaram a 15 visitas na mesma empresa. Os resultados obtidos com a avaliação do questionário mostram que os resíduos sólidos industriais nas micro e pequenas empresas, nos aspectos qualitativos, são semelhantes aos das médias e grandes indústrias, porém, alguns resíduos como lodo de estação de tratamento de efluentes não foram encontrados nas empresas visitadas. Pode-se concluir que em relação aos dados obtidos nas indústrias, apesar da amostra de tipologias ser pequena, é importante incluir as micro e pequenas indústrias em futuros inventários. / The purpose of this work is to carry out a qualitative survey of solid waste generated by several industries at the São Carlos County, São Paulo, by using a questionnaire, as well as to propose directives for future inventories. To address this issue, we first carried out a survey of industries at São Carlos County using the official listing of industries that has been given to us by the local authority. These industries were then classified according to their activities using the National Classification of Economic Activities (Classificação das Atividades Econômicas, CNAE). We have done a literature survey to evaluate both the brazilian and the international current rates of industrial solid waste generation. In addition, we have carried out an overview of brazilian state inventories, which is the result of a collaborative effort between each state and the ministry of environment. Only 36 out of the 112 industries listed by the local authority agreed to participate in this research. Seventeen out of these 36 industries fulfilled the questionnaire properly. A check of the addresses of all industries on the list showed that 17 addresses were residential, and that 11 companies have stopped their industrial activity. It was striking that 44 industries refused to collaborate or have not received the researcher because the staff of the environment section was out or did not have the time for that (15 occurrences). The evaluation of the questionnaires indicated that the generation of solid waste by micro and small industries was qualitatively similar to that by medium and big industries. However, some residues, such as the slurry from effluent treatment units, were not found in any of the industries inspected. The sample size of this study was small. However, a comparison of the data obtained here with those on the literature clearly indicates that the inclusion of micro and small industries in future inventories is required to define solid waste policies.

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