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Étude de l'évolution du ''smart packaging'' alimentaire et analyse des marchés des pays industrialisés : actualité et tendances / Smart packaging market evolution in the industrialized countries : today's and future trendsMonborren-Benabdillah, Linda 04 May 2015 (has links)
D’un simple outil de protection des aliments et de transport des objets, l’emballage est devenu une science qui évolue sans répit. Depuis peu, l’emballage franchit une nouvelle étape, d’un outil de vente, il devient un acteur qui prolonge la durée de conservation des aliments et les préserve, ainsi qu'un langage censé parler au producteur, au distributeur et même au consommateur. En contradiction avec la plupart des législations qui définissaient l’emballage comme inerte, les nouveaux emballages sont des éléments actifs ou intelligents. Cependant, ce qu’en Europe et aux Etats-Unis on considère être de nouvelles technologies d’emballage, existe au Japon depuis plusieurs décennies déjà. Tout l’enjeu est donc de comprendre pourquoi et comment, sur un marché mondialisé où la course vers l’innovation et les nouvelles technologies est permanente, le Smart Packaging arrive en Europe avec quarante ans de retard. Cette étude a pour objectif de donner un aperçu sur les technologies, les applications existantes et les enjeux du Smart Packaging, ainsi que sur les perspectives des innovations. Il est par ailleurs essentiel d'analyser la pérennité et la viabilité des nouvelles technologies de l’emballage dans le secteur agroalimentaire des pays industrialisés, en apportant un éclairage sur l’actualité du marché ainsi que sur sa dynamique et sur les tendances majeures de son évolution à court et à long termes. Le projet a de même pour but de développer les stratégies de marketing, d’export et de gestion des risques à appliquer à un marché international, et de définir les cadres réglementaires des principaux pays industrialisés et les risques pour l’environnement et le consommateur. / Packaging used to be a very common, unnoticed, everyday life object for food protection and transportation. It is now a whole scientific subject that evolves on a daily basis. Recently packaging has crossed a new threshold: it is no more a simple marketing tool. Today packaging acts as a food protector that prolongs the shelf life and provides information to manufacturers, distributors, and even consumers. In complete contradiction with all the legislation that defined it as an inert object, new packaging technologies are active and intelligent devices. However, what is called in Europe and the United States a new technology, has been marketed in Japan for decades. The challenge is to understand how and why Smart Packaging was so late to enter Europe and the US at a time when globalization in trade and communication are stronger than ever, and the race for innovation and new technologies is permanent. The main objective of this report is to give insights into today’s market stakes, its opportunities, major trends and short and long term evolution, as well as its growth potential and the major factors that influence it on one hand. On the other hand it provides analysis for the future and the viability of the new technologies in food and drink sectors on developed countries markets. To achieve these purposes, it is essential to give an overview of the existing technologies and applications and explain the stakes of using Smart Packaging, as well as innovation perspectives. Moreover, this projects highlights how the companies meet the challenge of developing marketing, exportation and risk strategies on a global market, whithin the boundaries of the regulatory frameworks and risks for the environment and the consumer.
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Adoption of Smart Packaging : Case Study Analysis from retailer’s perspectiveVenkatesh, Uma Devi, Alsamuraaiy, Omar Ali Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
This paper presents the challenges faced by the retailers during the adoption of smart packaging in food packaging industry. The paper introduces three largest food retailers in Sweden, and the problems they faced during the introduction of the adoption of smart packaging technologies packaging. Introduction- The authors present the paper with complete background of the food packaging industry in general, as well as each types of smart packaging techniques. In addition, the paper introduces the adoption process for the smart packaging. The research question of this paper is: What are the hinders of adopting smart packaging technology in food packaging industry and why? • What challenges do they face during the adoption process? • What are the hinders in this adoption process? • What are the new hinders in this adoption process? Purpose- The main purpose of this paper is to find the challenges that occur during the adoption of smart packaging in food packaging industry faced by the retailers. Knowing the basic knowledge of the food packaging industry and giving importance to the challenges may lead to achieve our aim. Methodology- This research paper uses the research onion model as a methodology to analyse the gathered data. The authors performed interviews with retailers and end-users of food packaging industry to analyse their challenges during the adoption of smart packaging. The collected data are further discussed in the analysis and discussion part. Conclusion- This paper concludes the adoption in the new technology and concentrates on how each retailer has their own perspective to see the quality and use it to overcome the adoption process. This paper describes the common and unique challenges faced by the retailers during the adoption process. The main common challenges faced by all the retailers in common was to create awareness and to make end-user understand the adoption process but also the benefits of adoption. The most important challenges faced by the retailers of ICA is they consider that adopting to new technology in smart packaging is a challenge for them, because they must create an understanding about the new technology to the end-users which requires a lot of time for the adoption process. According to Coop the open to new smart packaging technologies because since they use only localize products and resources, the overall cost of the product increases which again becomes a barrier for end-user adoption. The interviewee from Willys state that they offer affordable smart packaging technologies without creating barrier for customer adoption, at the same time they are not willing to adopt new technologies without testing its feasibility with the customers. Omar, Uma Thesis in Industrial Innovation Management (IN7001) iii Limitation- The aim of this study is focused on only one element of smart packaging i.e. “Adoption”. Moreover, this study is limited to adoption of smart packaging done in three companies (Coop, Willys & ICA Maxi) in the retail sector in Halmstad, Sweden. This study is conducted from the retailer perspective, by analysing the challenges faced by the retailers during the adoption process.
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Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold ChainCHALCO SANDOVAL, WILSON 01 January 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The use of latent heat storage materials containing phase change materials (PCM's) is an effective way of buffering thermal fluctuations and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. The aim of this work was to develop novel heat management materials based on the encapsulation of PCM's for different applications of interest in refrigerated foods. To this end, the electro-hydrodynamic processing was used to encapsulate commercial PCM's with transition temperatures of interest in refrigeration and superchilling within different polymer and biopolymer matrices.
Initially, materials with heat management capacity to be used in refrigeration equipment and packaging applications were designed. To this end, thick slabs, multilayer heat storage structures and polystyrene foam trays containing ultrathin fiber-structured polystyrene/PCM coatings were fabricated through the encapsulation of commercial phase change materials (specifically paraffin's) within different polymeric matrices. The morphology, thermal properties, encapsulation efficiency and temperature profile of the just prepared structures and after three months of storage at 4 and 25ºC were evaluated.
However, the developed electrospun heat management materials showed a multiple crystallization profile, increased supercooling degree (difference between the melting and crystallization temperatures), low encapsulation efficiency and partial diffusion out of the PCM from the electrospun structures during ageing. Therefore, different strategies were been carried out to counteract these drawbacks. One the one hand, thermal energy storage systems including a PCM which crystallize at -1.5ºC were optimized by adjusting the solvent composition in order to obtain hybrid electrospun fibers with thermal properties similar to those of the neat PCM. On the other hand, a hydrophilic shell material based on polyvinylalcohol (PVOH) was used to encapsulate the PCM by using the emulsion electrospinning technique in order to improve the encapsulation efficiency. However, the hybrid structures thus prepared were highly soluble in water at high relative humidity conditions and an extra layer of a more hydrophobic material (polycaprolactone) through coaxial electrospinning was used to protect them from swelling. The use of the coaxial configuration was a good strategy to preserve the morphology of the electrospun structures when exposed to high relative humidity. / [ES] El uso de materiales de almacenamiento de calor latente que contienen materiales de cambio de fase (PCM's) es una manera eficiente de amortiguar las fluctuaciones de temperatura y presenta las ventajas de proveer alta densidad de almacenamiento de energía y la naturaleza isotérmica del proceso de almacenamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar nuevos materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor mediante la encapsulación de PCM's para diferentes aplicaciones de interés en alimentos refrigerados. Para ello, se utilizó el procesado electrohidrodinámico para encapsular PCM's comerciales con temperaturas de transición de fase de interés en refrigeración y superenfriamiento dentro de matrices poliméricas y biopoliméricas.
Inicialmente, se diseñaron materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor para ser utilizados en equipos de refrigeración y aplicaciones de envasado. Con este propósito, se fabricaron bloques, estructuras multicapa y bandejas de poliestireno que contenían un recubrimiento de fibras nanoestructuradas ultrafinas mediante la encapsulación de materiales de cambio de fase (especialmente parafinas) dentro de diferentes matrices poliméricas. Se evaluó la morfología, propiedades térmicas, eficiencia de encapsulación y perfil de temperatura de las estructuras recién preparadas y después de tres meses de almacenamiento a 4 y 25ºC.
No obstante, se observó que los materiales electroestirados con capacidad de gestión de calor presentaron un perfil de cristalización múltiple, un incremento en el grado de subenfriamiento (diferencia entre las temperaturas de fusión y de cristalización), baja eficiencia de encapsulación y una difusión parcial del PCM de las estructuras electroestiradas durante el periodo de almacenamiento. Para contrarrestar estos efectos, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias diferentes. Por un lado, se optimizaron los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía térmica incluyendo un PCM que cristaliza a -1.5ºC mediante el ajuste de la composición de los disolventes con el fin de obtener fibras hibridas electroestiradas con propiedades térmicas similares al PCM puro. Por otro lado, para mejorar la eficiencia de encapsulación se utilizó un material hidrófilo basado en polivinilalcohol (PVOH) como material de recubrimiento para encapsular el PCM usando la técnica de electroestirado a partir de una emulsión. Sin embargo, se observó que las estructuras hibridas preparadas fueron altamente solubles en agua y en condiciones de alta humedad relativa. Por tanto, para protegerlos se incorporó una capa adicional de un material más hidrofóbico (policaprolactona) mediante la técnica de electroestirado coaxial. El uso de la configuración coaxial fue la mejor estrategia para preservar la morfología de las estructuras electroestiradas cuando éstas fueron expuestas a condiciones de alta humedad relativa. / [CA] L'ús de materials d'emmagatzematge de calor latent que contenen materials de canvi de fase (PCM) és una manera eficaç d'esmorteir les fluctuacions tèrmiques. A més a més presenta els avantatges de posseir una alta densitat d'emmagatzematge energia així com la naturalesa isotèrmica del procés d'emmagatzematge. L'objectiu d'aquest treball va ser desenvolupar productes amb capacitat de gestió de calor mitjançat l' encapsulació de PCM per a diferents aplicacions d'interès en la conservació d'aliments refrigerats. Amb aquesta finalitat, es va utilitzar el processament electro-hidrodinàmic per encapsular PCM comercials dins de diferents matrius polimériques i biopolimériques, amb temperatures de transició d'interès en el procés de conservació d'aliments refrigerats.
Inicialment, es van dissenyar materials amb capacitat de gestió de calor per ser utilitzats en equips de refrigeració i en el envasat d'aliments refrigerats. Per a tal fi, es van dissenyar blocs, materials multicapa i safates de poliestirè que contenien un recobriment nanoestructurat i ultrafí amb encapsulats de materials de canvi de fase comercials (específicament parafines) dins de diverses matrius polimèriques. Es va caracteritzar la morfologia, les propietats tèrmiques, l'eficiència de encapsulació i la capacitat d'emmagatzematge d'energia just en el moment en el que es van preparar i després de tres mesos d'emmagatzematge a 4 y 25ºC.
No obstant això, els materials desenvolupats van mostrar un perfil de cristal·lització múltiple, un augment del grau de subrefredament (diferència entre les temperatures de fusió i de cristal·lització), una baixa eficiència d'encapsulació i una difusió parcial del PCM de les estructures electroestirades durant el període d'emmagatzematge. Per tant, diferents estratègies han estat portades a terme per contrarestar aquests inconvenients. D'una banda, amb la finalitat d'obtenir fibres híbrides electroestirades amb propietats tèrmiques similars a les de la PCM pur, es van optimitzar els sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica que incloïen un PCM que fon a -1,5 ºC variant la composició dels dissolvents. D'altra banda, es va utilitzar un material de la closca hidròfil basat en polivinílic alcohol (PVOH) per encapsular el PCM mitjançant l'ús de la tècnica d'electroestirat d'una emulsió per tal de millorar l'eficiència d'encapsulació. No obstant això, les estructures híbrides així preparades van ser altament soluble en aigua a altes condicions d'humitat relativa i va ser necessari utilitzar una capa addicional d'un material més hidròfob (policaprolactona) a través de la configuració coaxial de l'equip d'electroestirat. L'ús de la configuració coaxial va ser una bona estratègia per preservar la morfologia de les estructures electroestirades quan s'exposen a altes humitats relatives. / Chalco Sandoval, W. (2015). Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold Chain [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53349 / Compendio
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Low Cost Manufacturing of Wearable and Implantable Biomedical DevicesBehnam Sadri (8999030) 16 November 2020 (has links)
Traditional fabrication methods used to manufacture biosensors for physiological, therapeutics, or health monitoring purposes are complex and rely on costly materials, which has hindered their adoption as single-use medical devices. The development of a new kind of wearable and implantable electronics relying on inexpensive materials for their manufacturing will pave the way towards the ubiquitous adoption of sticker-like health tracking devices.<div>One of growing and most promising applications for biosensors is the continuous health monitoring using mechanically soft, stretchable sensors. While these healthcare devices showed an excellent compatibility with human tissues, they still need highly trained personnel to perform multi-step, prolonged fabrication for several functioning layers of the device. In this dissertation, I propose low-cost, scalable, simple, and rapid manufacturing techniques to fabricate multifunctional epidermal and implantable sensors to monitor a range of biosignals including heart, muscle, or eye activity to characterizing of biofuids such as sweat. I have also used these devices as an implant to provide heat therapy for muscle regeneration and optical stimulation of neurons using optogenetics. These devices have also combined with those of triboelectric<br>nanogenerators to realize self-powered sensors for monitoring imperceptible mechanical biosignals such as respiratory and pulse rate.</div><div>Food health and safety has also emerged as another important frontier to develop biosensors and improve the human health and quality of life. The recent progresses on detecting microbial activity inside foods or their packages rely on development of highly functional materials. The existing materials for fabrication of food sensors, however,<br>are often costly and toxic for human health or the environment. In this dissertation, I proposed biocompatible food sensors using protein/PCL microfibers to reinforce the protein microfibrous structure in humid conditions and exploit their excellent hygroscopic properties to sense biogenic gas, as an indicator for early detection of food spoilage. Finally, my battery-free food sensors are capable of monitoring food safety with no need of extra measurement devices. Collectively, this dissertation proposes cost-effective solutions to solve human health issues, enabled by developing low-cost, functional materials and exploiting simple fabrication techniques.<br></div>
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