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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


VIVIANE GODINHO VAZ 31 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A iluminância do ambiente apresenta impacto fisiológico, emocional e de produtividade, em função das atividades que os indivíduos estejam desempenhando. Normas técnicas internacionais, que são adotadas no Brasil pela ABNT, apresentam requisitos necessários para os níveis de iluminância existentes em ambientes indoor de forma a garantir segurança, conforto e eficiência em tarefas visuais durante todo um período de trabalho. Instrumentos de medição, como luxímetros, em geral, não são utilizados no quotidiano. No entanto, a possibilidade de que os sensores já existentes em dispositivos móveis possam realizar essas medições de iluminância tornará viável sua aplicação no quotidiano do usuário, permitindo avaliar a adequação dessa grandeza durante suas atividades diárias. Resultados preliminares disponíveis na literatura, comparando o desempenho de dispositivos móveis associados a diferentes aplicativos comparados aos resultados de medição fornecidos por um luxímetro, apontam para a inadequação da resposta dos dispositivos móveis. Por outro lado, há possibilidade de que o uso de uma cúpula difusora acoplada ao dispositivo móvel possa impactar em seu desempenho de forma a viabilizar a aplicação na medição de iluminância. Assim, neste trabalho são realizados estudos para análise da confiabilidade dos resultados de medição da iluminância obtidos pelos sensores já existentes em smartphones e tablets, utilizando ou não uma cúpula difusora. As medições foram feitas utilizando um luxímetro digital, e um conjunto de dispositivos de telefonia móvel ou tablet associados a diferentes aplicativos, com e sem cúpula difusora anexada. Dois arranjos experimentais foram desenvolvidos: um para medições utilizando uma lâmpada LED, e outra montagem utilizando uma lâmpada de xenônio. Com a análise comparativa evidenciou-se o impacto da utilização da cúpula difusora, a qual possibilitou que algumas das combinações dispositivo/aplicativo alcançassem desempenho adequado para sua aplicação na avaliação quotidiana de iluminância. / [en] The illuminance of the environment has a physiological, emotional and productivity impact, depending on the activities that individuals are performing. International technical standards, such as ISO 8995-1: 2002 (CIE S 008 / E: 2001), also adopted in Brazil by ABNT, present requirements for the levels of illuminance existing in indoor environments in order to guarantee safety, comfort and efficiency in visual tasks throughout a work period. Measuring instruments such as luxmeters, are not used in everyday life. However, the possibility that the existing sensors in mobile devices can perform these measurements of illuminance will make its application viable in the daily life of the user, allowing to evaluate the adequacy of this greatness during his daily activities. Preliminary results available in the literature, comparing the performance of mobile devices associated with different applications in relation to the measurement results provided by a luxmeter, point to the inadequacy of the response of the mobile devices. On the other hand, it is possible that the use of a diffuser dome coupled to the mobile device may impact its performance to enable the application in the illuminance measurement. Thus, in this work are carried out studies to analyze the reliability of the illuminance values obtained by sensors already existing in smartphones and tablets, using or not a dome diffuser. The measurements were made using as reference, a digital luxmeter, and a set of mobile or tablet devices associated with different applications, in situations with and without diffuser dome attached. Two experimental arrangements were developed: one for measurements using a LED lamp, and another assembly using a xenon lamp. With the comparative analysis, the impact of the use of the diffusion dome was evidenced. The attachment of the dome enabled some of the device/application combinations to achieve adequate performance for application in the daily assessment of illuminance.

Mobilní technologie v ERP / Mobile devices in ERP

Hrubeš, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with support employee's mobility in ERP systems. In the opening it describes contemporary trends in the use of mobile devices in companies, followed by overview of basic functionality, which is essential for deploying those devices in the enterprise environment. Next part is focused on the integration of mobile devices into enterprise architecture. It consists of description, how the information from identified ERP modules is made available for mobile devices. New activities are connected with mobile device integration, especially security and management. Therefore several options covering these activities are mentioned in this thesis. Last part provides study of company Diskus spol. s r.o., where two problems are being discussed - low support for field workers and missing security policies for mobile devices. Last contribution is the comparison of support for mobile devices in ERP systems from the selected Czech providers (ABRA Gx, Byznys ERP, Helios Orange, K2, Karat and Premier System).

Nákupní chování v oblasti m-Commerce / Buying Behaviour in m-Commerce

FEDORKOVÁ, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis concerns the buyer behavior of costumers in m-Commerce. The first half of my work is devoted to literature review. On the basis of studying literature, I described the basis theoretical knowledge in issues of buying behavior. The next step was the introduction of the term of m-Commerce. I also focused on current trends in this area and I predicted changes in the near future. On the basis of secondary data, I described the current state of m-Commerce and analyzed Czech and international surveys. The second half of my work is devoted to the research of buying behavior in m-Commerce. As a way to obtain primary data, I chose one of the quantitative methods of marketing research - a questionnaire survey.

Návrh metodiky pro zavedení systému správy mobilních zařízení v prostředí BYOD / Design of methodology for implementation of mobile device management in a BYOD environment

Andraščík, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on topic of using mobile devices in work environment of enterprises, specifically on using mobile devices owned by employees. The thesis is divided into two parts. First part of the thesis describes benefits and risks of using mobile devices in enterprises while allowing usage of mobile devices owned by employees and compares individual mobile platforms in terms of security. Also there is a comparison of individual mobile devices management solutions in terms of security in this part of the thesis. Second part of the thesis is focused on methodology of mobile devices implementation in enterprises and their security. Methodology describes activities required for implementation of mobile devices in enterprises. At the end of this part there are security recommendations which are suitable to apply to mobile devices in enterprises.

Akzeptanz digitaler Medien bei Personen im Ruhestand im ländlichen Raum: Der Einfluss des subjektiven Alterserlebens, sozioökologischen Kontextes und technikspezifischer Faktoren

Barczik, Kristina 20 August 2019 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertationsschrift ist die Erforschung der Akzeptanz digitaler Medien durch Personen im Ruhestand, die im ländlichen Raum leben. Es galt insbesondere Faktoren aufzudecken, die sich förderlich oder hinderlich auf die Nutzung von Smartphones und Tablet-PCs auswirken. Basierend auf den Ergeb-nissen lassen sich Hinweise darauf gewinnen, wie die betroffene Personengruppe in der Nutzung der Medien unterstützt werden kann. Theoretische Grundlagen für die Ermittlung von Einflussfaktoren stellen das klas-sische Technologieakzeptanzmodell von Davis (1989) und dessen Folgemodelle (2000, 2008), das Seniorakzeptanzmodells von Renaud und Biljon (2008) und der Uses-and-Gratification-Ansatzes von Blumler und Katz (1974) dar. Weiterhin wer-den Faktoren, die den ländlichen Raum charakterisieren, berücksichtigt. Spezifika des Ruhestands werden über das kalendarische Alter und das subjektive Alterser-lebens einbezogen. Die aus den Theorien herausgearbeiteten Einflussfaktoren wurden mit drei explo-rativen Vorstudien, auf ihre Relevanz für die Zielgruppe hin geprüft. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Experteninterview (n = 5), eine teilstandardisierte Befragung (n = 39) und ein Leitfadeninterview (n = 10). Die daraus gewonnenen Einflussfak-toren wurden anschließend in einer Fragebogenstudie von Personen im Ruhe-stand (n = 203) in den Landkreisen Bautzen und Zwickau beurteilt. Die Daten wurden statistisch mit Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen sowie der einfakto-riellen Anova analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass insbesondere der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Leichtigkeit des Lernens und Leichtigkeit der Bedienung die Technikakzeptanz der befragten Personen beeinflussen. Diese Faktoren werden ihrerseits direkt durch die Selbstwirksamkeit sowie indirekt durch Vorerfahrungen mit Computer und Internet aber auch die Angst vor Bedienfehlern oder Sicherheitsbedenken geleitet. Eine wichtige Rolle kommt lernunterstützenden Maßnahmen zu. Der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Einstellung und auch die Verhaltensabsicht unterscheiden sich signifikant in Abhängigkeit vom bereichsspezifischen Alterser-leben. Relevanz besitzen zudem personenbezogene und soziodemographische Faktoren wie z.B. der Gesundheitszustand, der Bildungsabschluss und das Haus-haltseinkommen. In Abhängigkeit vom Wohnort wirkt sich das soziale Engage-ment signifikant auf die Verhaltensabsicht aus. Weiterhin lassen sich Zusammen-hänge zwischen der Wohnentfernung zu den Kindern, dem wahrgenommenen Nutzen und den sozialen Motiven nachweisen. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertationsschrift sind vor allem interessant für Wissen-schaftler und Lehrende, die ältere Menschen bei der Bedienung digitaler Medien unterstützen. Daneben bieten sie Anhaltspunkte für Kommunen, die sich mit ge-sellschaftlicher Teilhabe von Älteren befassen.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Themenrelevanz 1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit 1.3 Vorgehensweise 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“ 2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum 2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung 2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung 2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen 3 Methodisches Vorgehen 3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung 3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung 3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews 3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung 3.5 Hypothesen 4 Hauptstudie 4.1 Studiendesign 4.2 Feldphase 4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse 4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung 4.5 Statistische Analysen 4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren 4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen 4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen 5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung 5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 5.2 Diskussion der Methoden 5.3 Fazit und Ausblick / The dissertation investigates smartphone and tablet acceptance by elderly users and non-users in rural areas in Germany, especially in federal provinces in Saxo-ny (Bautzen and Zwickau). Following a mixed-methods design, both qualitative and quantitative studies were used. The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Acceptance Models by Davis (1989) and Venkatesh (2000, 2008), the Senior Technology Acceptance and Adoption Model by Renaud and Biljon (2008), and the Uses-and-Gratification Approach by Blumler and Katz (1974). The models served to identify influence factors on technology acceptance. Those factors were validated empirically for the specific group of (potential) elderly users by three qualitative studies: 1. Expert interviews (n = 5), 2. Interviews using a partly standardised guideline (n = 39) and 3. Structured-interviews with elderly people (n = 10). The influencing factors gained were then analysed in a questionnaire study completed by elderly persons, who live in rural areas (n = 203). Data was analysed by means of correlation analysis, regression analysis and uni-variate ANOVA. Findings show that for elderly users perceived usefulness, per-ceived ease of use and learning (as main factors of TAM) significantly affect atti-tude, behavioral intention to use and acceptance. Self-efficacy is a strong predic-tor for ease of use and learning. Moreover, prior experiences with computers and the Internet as well as fear of operating errors and security concerns are of inter-est. Measures to support learning are also important. Users and non-user’s differ in acceptance of smartphones and tablets. Users’ motives for digital media use and perceived ubiquity of new media influence perceived usefulness, whereas non-users have more sense of fear with regard to operating errors and safety concerns. Furthermore, age affects perceived usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and behavioral intention to use whereas attitude towards ageing significantly affects perceived usefulness, attitude towards use and behavioral attention to use. Due to the characteristics of rural areas social commitment is relevant for behavioral intention, and the geographical distance to children influences perceived useful-ness as well as social motives for usage. This dissertation should be of interest for researchers, lecturers, politicians, and technology designers, especially with regard to mobile devices.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Themenrelevanz 1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit 1.3 Vorgehensweise 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“ 2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum 2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung 2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung 2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen 3 Methodisches Vorgehen 3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung 3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung 3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews 3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung 3.5 Hypothesen 4 Hauptstudie 4.1 Studiendesign 4.2 Feldphase 4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse 4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung 4.5 Statistische Analysen 4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren 4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen 4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen 5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung 5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 5.2 Diskussion der Methoden 5.3 Fazit und Ausblick

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