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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'amélioration des performances d'une chaîne de mesure de la fréquence cardiaque en milieu bruité / Contribution to the improvement of the performance of a heart rate detector in noisy environment

Benjelloun, Zineb 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les activités liées au développement d’objets connectés munis d’intelligence embarquée ont connu un essor considérable ces dernières années, en particulier pour les applications médicales. Dans ce contexte, une course effrénée s’est engagée entre les pionniers de l’IoT afin d’offrir des produits toujours plus performants. Smartphones, bracelets ou textile intelligent, tous intègrent un panel de capteurs multifonctionnels. Il est envisageable alors d’implémenter dans ces produits des solutions permettant de mesurer les signaux physiologiques en continu. En effet, ces signaux émis par le corps humain représentent une source riche d’informations que peut exploiter le corps médical pour le diagnostic ou la prévention d’une pathologie. Les maladies cardiovasculaires, étant la première cause de mortalité dans le monde, le diagnostic précoce de ces maladies est important et des solutions peuvent être apportées par les nouvelles technologies. Ainsi, les pathologies liées aux troubles du rythme cardiaque peuvent être décelées par une analyse inter-battements cardiaques en continu. En effet, l’analyse de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque représente un indicateur pertinent sur le fonctionnement cardiovasculaire. Or, cette pertinence dépend en grande partie de l’intelligibilité de l’information mesurée. La pertinence des algorithmes utilisés n’ayant pas été étudiée dans la littérature en fonction du niveau de bruit, la détection des battements cardiaques constitue donc un défi de taille lorsque celle-ci est effectuée en environnement non-maitrisé à partir de dispositifs embarqués et ce travail de thèse a essayé d’apporter des réponses concrètes à cette problématique. / Activities related to the development of connected objects with on-board intelligence have undergone considerable growth in recent years, especially for medical applications. In this context, a frantic race has begun between the pioneers of the IoT in order to offer ever moreefficient and intelligent products. Smartphones, wristbands or smart textiles all incorporate a panel of multifunctional sensors. According to the predictions of the Allied Market Research, the annual growth rate for sensors will reach 11.3% by 2022. The vital signs emitted by thehuman body represent a rich source of information that can be exploited by the medical corps for the diagnosis or prevention of a pathology of interest. Cardiovascular disease, being the second cause of death in the world, reminds us of the importance of a rigorous diagnosis.Pathologies related to heart rhythm disorders are generally detected by cardiac cross-heartbeat analysis. The detection of these beats is one of the most important axes of research in the field of electrocardiogram treatment. Indeed, the analysis of heart rate variability is a relevantindicator of cardiovascular functioning. This relevance depends, in large part, on the intelligibility of the measured information and the signal-to-noise ratio of the parameter of interest. The detection of heartbeats is a daunting challenge when it is carried out from onboarddevices especially in noisy environments.

Studies of the influence of magnetospheric pulsar winds on the pulsar surroundings / Étude de l'influence des vents magnétosphériques des pulsars sur leur environnement

Zajczyk, Anna 26 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le travail réalisé par l'auteur consacréà l'étude de l'influence des vents magnétosphériques des pulsars sur leur environnement. Le problème du vent magnétosphérique des pulsars est étudié dans le contexte des pulsars classiques, qui forment des nébuleuses de pulsar. L'observation de ces nébuleuses fournit des informations importantes sur leurs conditions physiques et dynamiques. Le vent magnétosphérique des pulsars milliseconde est également étudié. La contribution des pulsars millisecondeà l'émission gamma des amas globulaires est étudiée par des simulations numériques.Dans la première partie, les résultats des observations infrarouge du vestige de supernova G21.5-0.9 sont présentées. Les données utilisées comprennent des observations du Very Large Telescope de l'ESO, du télescope Canada-France-Hawaï (CFHT) et du télescope spatial Spitzer. La détection de la nébuleuse compacte autour du pulsar PSR J1833-1034, avec l'instrument CFHT/AOB-KIR (bande K') et la caméra IRAC/Spitzer (toutes les bandes), est présentée. La valeur moyenne de la fraction de polarisation linéaire de l'émission détectée est estiméeà $P_{rm L}^{avg} simeq 0.47$. Une oscillation du vecteur champ électrique dans la nébuleuse compacte peut être observée. Le spectre infrarouge de la nébuleuse compacte est bien décrit par une loi de puissance d'indice $alpha_{rm IR} = 0.7 pm 0.3$, et suggère un aplatissement spectral entre les domaines infrarouge et X. La détection de la raie d'émission [Fe II] à 1.64 $mu$m est présentée. La spectroscopieà moyenne résolution permet d'estimer l'extinction par le milieu interstellaire de l'émission infrarouge de l'objet, ainsi que la vitesse d'expansion de la matière émettant la raie du [Fe II], ce qui conduità une estimation de la distanceà G21.5-0.9 de $3.9 pm 1.2$ kpc.La deuxième partie présente une étude de l'activité magnétosphérique des pulsars milliseconde dans le contexte de l'émission gamma des amas globulaires. Une base de données des caractéristiques d'émission des pulsars milliseconde et des spectres d'éjection des électrons est créée sur la base du modèle pair starved polar cap de la magnétosphère des pulsars. Le concept de facteur de biais est introduit et étudié. Des spectres synthétiques d'amas globulaires sont simulés dans la gamme d'énergie allant du GeV au TeV. Ils consistent en une composante d'émission magnétosphérique des pulsars milliseconde résidant dans l'amas, et une composante Compton inverse résultant de la diffusion des photons ambiants (le champ stellaire des photons provenant des étoiles de l'amas, et le fond diffus cosmologique) par les leptons relativistes diffusant dans l'amas. Enfin, les spectres synthétiques des amas globulaires sont comparés et contrastés avec les observationsà haute et très haute énergie des amas globulaires sélectionnés: Terzan 5 et 47 Tucanae. / This PhD thesis presents the results of the studies on the influence of magnetospheric pulsar winds on the surroundings of these objects. The problem of the magnetospheric pulsar wind is studied in the context of classical pulsars, which power prominent pulsar wind nebulae. Observations of these nebulae yield important information on their physical and dynamical conditions. The magnetospheric winds of millisecond pulsars are also investigated. The contribution of millisecond pulsars to the gamma-ray emission of globular clusters is studied through numerical simulations. In the first part of the thesis, the results of infrared observations of the supernova remnant G21.5-0.9 are presented. The observational material includes data obtained with the ESO Very Large Telescope, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Spitzer Space telescope. The detection of the compact nebula around the pulsar PSR J1833-1034, through imaging with both the CFHT/AOB-KIR instrument (K' band) and the IRAC/Spitzer camera (all bands), is reported. The average value of the linear polarisation fraction $P_{rm L}^{avg} simeq 0.47$ of the detected emission is estimated. A swing of the electric field vector across the compact nebula is observed. The infrared spectrum of the compact nebula is best described as a power law of index $alpha_{rm IR} = 0.7 pm 0.3$, and suggests its flattening between the infrared and X-ray bands. The detection of [Fe II] 1.64 $mu$m line emitting material is reported. Through medium resolution spectroscopy the infrared interstellar extinction to the object is estimated, and also the expansion velocity of the iron-line emitting material is determined, which in turn leads to estimating the distance of $d = 3.9 pm 1.2$ kpc to G21.5-0.9. The second part presents a study of the magnetospheric activity of millisecond pulsars in the context of the gamma-ray emission of globular clusters. Based on the pair starved polar cap model of the pulsar magnetosphere the database of the millisecond pulsar emission characteristics and the electron ejection spectra is created. The modelled electron ejection spectra are single-peaked for mildly inclined and fast rotating pulsars, while double-peaked for slowly rotating pulsars. The concept of the bias factor is introduced and studied. Synthetic spectra of globular clusters, stretching from MeV up to TeV energies, are simulated. They consist of the magnetospheric contribution from the millisecond pulsar population residing in the cluster, and an inverse Compton scattering (ICS) component resulting from up-scattering of the ambient photon fields (cosmic microwave background and optical photons from stellar population in the cluster) on the relativistic electrons diffusing through the cluster. The spectral characteristics of the ICS component depends on the composition of the ambient photon fields and also on the magnitude of the cluster magnetic field $B_{rm GC}$. For low $B_{rm GC} sim 1 mu$G the spectra are double-peaked. For the high $B_{rm GC} gtrsim 10 mu$G the ICS spectra are single-peaked. The level of ICS emission increases with the increase of $B_{rm GC}$, but it saturates for $B_{rm GC} sim 10 ~mu$G. Finally, the simulated synthetic spectra of globular clusters are confronted with the existing gamma-ray data for selected clusters: Terzan 5 and 47 Tucanae.

Automatické rozpoznání kvality signálů EKG / Automatic ECG signal quality assesment

Malý, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues of automatic quality estimation of ECG signals. The main aim of this thesis is to implement own algorithm for classifying ECG signals into three classes of quality. Theoretical part of the thesis contains mostly description of recording electrical activity of the heart, anatomy and physiology of the heart, electrocardiography, different types of ECG signals interference and two of the chosen methods for quality estimation. Implementation of the chosen methods is presented in the practical part. Result of this thesis are two implemented algorithms, which are based on methods described in the theoretical part. The first of two is based on detection of R-waves, validation of physiological assumptions and the subsequent calculation of the correlation coefficient between adaptive template and interfered signal. Second is based on calculation of a continuous SNR value over time, which is then thresholded. The robustness of the methods was verified on the three specified real ECG signals, which are all available on UBMI including annotation of specific signal parts. Those 24-hour long signals were recorded by Holter monitor, which is described in the theoretical part of the thesis. Achieved results of individual methods, including their comparison with annotation and statistical evaluation are presented in the conclusion of this thesis.

Kombinované vícepásmové adaptivní zvýraznění řeči / Composite Subband Adaptive Speech Enhancement

Hovorka, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with single channel and multiple channel algorithms for speech enhancement. The goal of this work is to perform the deep analysis of both single channel and multiple channel algorithms in sense of their behaviour in noisy environment of combat vehicles and platforms. Based on this analysis a new composite speech enhancement algorithm will be designed. This new approach is expected to increase quality of the processed speech in military communications systems. These systems are characterised by their operation under very noisy conditions where background noise is very high and signal-to-noise ratio extremely low. These noisy conditions are typical for the range of military and combat platforms and vehicles.

Radiodiffusion avec CSIT retardée : analyse de SNR fini et voie de retour hétérogène / Broadcasting with delayed CSIT : finite SNR analysis and heterogeneous feedback

He, Chao 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse explore, sous certains paramètres réalistes, l’une des techniques clés pour les réseaux sans fil de demain, i.e., la réduction des interférences permis par la voie de retour (feedback). Nous nous concentrons sur la voie de retour du type d’état, également connu sous le nom de CSIT retardé, qui aide les récepteurs à profiter des observations indésirables par créer des dimensions de signaux supplémentaires. Afin de vérifier l’utilité de la CSIT retardé dans des situations sévères, nous l’étudions avec SNR fini et / ou avec la hétérogénéité de la voie de retour dans une configuration de communication de diffusion, qui est largement utilisé pour modéliser la transmission de liaison descendante dans les systèmes cellulaires. Tout au long de la thèse, nous utilisons des outils de théorie information, par exemple, le codage lossy distribué, bloc Markov codage, la technique de compression (Wyner-Ziv), etc.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous sommes surtout intéressés par la performance de CSIT retardée avec SNR fini et l’uniformité à travers les résultats dans le canal Gaussien et dans le canal d’effacement. Plusieurs schémas relativement simples sont proposés pour des canaux de diffusion multiutilisateur (sans mémoire) dans le cas où les états sont supposés être entièrement connus à la destination, mais causalement à l’émetteur. Lors de l’analyse des régions correspondantes les cas Gaussien/ d’effacement, nous avons caractérisé des améliorations en termes de débits symétriques plus élevés et plus d’options de l’alphabet d’entré.Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, les algorithmes adaptés aux hétérogénéités différentes de la voie de retour sont ciblés, c’est-à-dire, seulement une partie des nœuds de communication sont impliqués dans le processus de feedback. En particulier, nous nous concentrons sur le canal de 1) diffusion supporté par les voies de retour des récepteurs partiels, 2) diffusion avec relais et voie de retour au relais. Étant donné que (tous /partiel) états retardés sont accessibles à des émetteurs (tous/partiels), les approches proposées, bien qu’ils emploient les méthodes de codages visant à réduire les interférences à tous les récepteurs, doivent soit donner la priorité aux utilisateurs qui fournissent les états et compter sur un gain de codage opportuniste pour les autres, soit forcer chaque source à prendre la responsabilité partielle de transmission. Les améliorations sur les débits réalisables sont justifiées dans des cas avec analyse et quelques exemples. Les résultats et les évaluations de cette thèse, qui donnent quelques indications sur comment le retour d’état peut être exploité dans la transmission de liaison descendante, montrent qu’une bonne performance de débit pourrait être atteinte avec le CSIT retardé même lorsque la puissance de transmission est limitée et lorsque le retour d’état est disponible de façon hétérogène. / This dissertation explores one of the key techniques for future wireless networks, namely feedback enabled interference mitigation, under some realistic settings. We focus on the state-type feedback, also known as delayed CSIT, which helps leverage receivers’ overheard observations to create extra signal dimensions. In order to verify the usefulness of delayed CSIT in harsh situations, we investigate it with finite SNR and/or feedback heterogeneity in a broadcast communication setup, which is widely utilized to model downlink transmission in cellular systems. Throughout the thesis, we use some information theoretical tools, e.g., distributed lossy source coding, block Markov coding, Wyner-Ziv compression technique, e.t.c.In the first part of this dissertation, we are mainly interested in the finite SNR performance of delayed CSIT and the uniformity across the results in the Gaussian broadcast channel and in the erasure channel. Several relatively simple schemes are proposed in multi-user memoryless broadcast channels when states are assumed to be fully known at the destinations but only strictly causally at the transmitter. Enhancements in terms of higher symmetric rates and more input alphabet options are then characterized when analyzing the corresponding regions in Gaussian/erasure cases.In the second part of this dissertation, algorithms adapted to distinct feedback heterogeneities are targeted as only part of the communication nodes are involved in the feedback process. In particular, we concentrate on 1) broadcast channel with feedback from part of all receivers; and 2) broadcast relay channel with feedback at the relay. Given that (partial) delayed states are accessible at (partial) transmitters, the proposed approaches, though employ coding methods aiming at mitigating interference at all receivers, have to either give priority to the users who feedback and rely on opportunistic coding gain for the others or force each source to take limited responsibility in the transmission. Improvements on achievable rates are justified in either cases with analysis and some examples.The results and their evaluations in this thesis, which give some insights on how to exploit the state feedback in downlink transmission, show that good rate performance can be achieved with delayed CSIT even when transmission power is limited and when the state feedback is heterogeneous.

On the Impact of Channel and Channel Quality Estimation on Adaptive Modulation

Jain, Payal 20 December 2002 (has links)
The rapid growth in wireless communications has given rise to an increasing demand for channel capacity using limited bandwidth. Wireless channels vary over time due to fading and changing interference conditions. Typical wireless systems are designed by choosing a modulation scheme to meet worst case conditions and thus rely on power control to adapt to changing channel conditions. Adaptive modulation, however, exploits these channel variations to improve the spectral efficiency of wireless communications by intelligently changing the modulation scheme based on channel conditions. Necessarily, among the modulation schemes used are spectrally efficient modulation schemes such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. QAM yields the high spectral efficiency due to its use of amplitude as well as phase modulation and therefore is an effective technique for achieving high channel capacity. The main drawbacks of QAM modulation are its reduced energy efficiency (as compared to standard QPSK) and its sensitivity to channel amplitude variations. Adaptive modulation attempts to address the first drawback by using more energy efficient schemes in low SNR conditions are reserving the use of QAM for high SNR conditions. The second drawback leads to a requirement of high quality channel estimation. Many researchers have studied pilot symbol assisted modulation for compensating the effects of fading at the receiver. A main contribution of this thesis is the investigation of different channel estimation techniques (along with the effect of pilot symbol spacing and Doppler spread) on the performance of adaptive modulation. Another important parameter affecting adaptive modulation is the signal-to-noise ratio. In order to adapt modulation efficiently, it is essential to have accurate knowledge of the channel signal-to-noise ratio. The performance of adaptive modulation depends directly on how well the channel SNR is estimated. The more accurate the estimation of the channel SNR is, the better the choice of modulation scheme becomes, and the better the ability to exploit the variations in the wireless channel is. The second main contribution of this thesis is the investigation of the impact of SNR estimation techniques on the performance and spectral efficiency of adaptive modulation. Further, we investigate the impact of various channel conditions on SNR estimation and the resulting impact on the performance of adaptive modulation. Finally, we investigate long term SNR estimation, its use in adaptive modulation and present a comparison between the two approaches / Master of Science

A Study of Impulse Response System Identification

Paluri, Suraj, Patluri, Sandeep January 2007 (has links)
In system identification, different methods are often classified as parametric or non-parametric methods. For parametric methods, a parametric model of a system is considered and the model parameters are estimated. For non-parametric methods, no parametric model is used and the result of the identification is given as a curve or a function. One of the non-parametric methods is the impulse response analysis. This approach is dynamic simulation. This thesis introduces a new paradigm for dynamic simulation, called impulse-based simulation. This approach is based on choosing a Dirac function as input, and as a result, the output will be equal to the impulse response. However, a Dirac function cannot be realized in practice, and an approximation has to be used. As a consequence, the output will deviate from the impulse response. Once the impulse response is estimated, a parametric model can be fitted to the estimation. This thesis aims to determine the parameters in a parametric model from an estimated impulse response. The process of investigating the models is a critical aspect of the project. Correlation analysis is used to obtain the weighting function from the estimates of covariance functions. Later, a relation formed between the parameters and the estimates (obtained by correlation analysis) in the form of a linear system of equations. Furthermore, simulations are carried out using Monte Carlo for investigating the properties of the two step approach, which involves in correlation analysis to find h-parameters and least squares and total least squares methods to solve for the parameters of the model. In order to evaluate the complete capability of the approach to the noise variation a study of signal to noise ratio and mean, mean square error and variances of the estimated parameters is carried out. The results of the Monte Carlo study indicate that two-step approach can give rather accurate parameter estimates. In addition, the least squares and total least squares methods give similar results.

FM, PM and NPR Calculations

Gallupe, Gary 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / System performance can be ascertained via a number of parameters; one of which is Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR). SNR is the ratio of the value of the signal to the value of the noise. It is generally expressed in decibels and usually a function of the system bandwidth. Another measure of performance is the Noise-Power ratio (NPR). NPR is the ratio of the noise level within a specific measurement channel when noise is applied to all channels, to the level that is measured within the specific channel with noise applied to all of the channels but not the specific channel.

Dual energy mammography : X-ray spectra optimization using lanthanide and non filters / Μαστογραφία διπλής ενέργειας : Ανάπτυξη αλγορίθμου για την επιλογή κατάλληλου φάσματος από λυχνία ακτίνων-Χ με χρήση συμβατικών φίλτρων και φίλτρων σπανίων γαιών

Κούκου, Βάια 11 October 2013 (has links)
Breast cancer screening and diagnosis in X-ray mammography rely on the detection and visualization of microcalcifications (μCs) and soft tissue masses. The early detection of breast cancer has been shown to decrease breast cancer mortality. The μCs are composed mainly of calcium with attenuation coefficients greater than that of soft tissue. The detection and visualization of μCs are relatively easy over a uniform tissue background, but limited by the ‘‘clutter’’ due to overlapping tissue background present on the mammogram. The clutter in tissue background arises from the structures of glandular tissue, vessels, and soft tissue masses in the breast. However, depending upon their size and location, the visualization of calcifications in mammograms may be limited by the superimposed anatomical structures even when the calcifications have adequate contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Dual-energy subtraction imaging techniques offer an alternative approach to the detection and visualization of μCs. With this technique, high- and low-energy images are separately acquired and ‘‘subtracted’’ from each other in a weighted fashion to cancel out the cluttered tissue structure so as to decrease the obscurity from overlapping tissue structures. In this study, computer simulations were developed in order to compute SNR as a function of various imaging parameters (X-ray spectra, μC size, breast thickness, and total exposure- 2 different cases) in Dual Energy Calcification images. Emphasis was placed on the monochromatization of the X-ray spectra with the use of K-edge filtering technique. Also, simulations provided values for various quality parameters of the spectra. Optimization was based on maximization of SNRtc while reducing total entrance exposure of the breast or Coefficient of Variation of the incident photons (CVIinc). / Ο καρκίνος του μαστού, ο οποίος είναι μια κοινή αιτία θανάτου μεταξύ των γυναικών του πληθυσμού, μπορεί να εκδηλωθεί μέσω μικροαποτιτανώσεων. Στη μαστογραφία, η ιατρική διάγνωση (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τεχνικών ελέγχου) βασίζεται στην ανίχνευση και απεικόνιση αυτών των μικροαποτιτανώσεων (μCs) ή/ και της μάζας των μαλακών ιστών. Η έγκαιρη ανίχνευση του καρκίνου έχει αποδειχθεί ότι μειώνει τη θνησιμότητα λόγω καρκίνου του μαστού. Οι μCs αποτελούνται κυρίως από ασβέστιο (Ca), με αποτέλεσμα τη μεγαλύτερη εξασθένηση της ακτινοβολίας σε σχέση με τον μαλακό ιστό. Η ανίχνευση και η απεικόνιση των μικροαποτιτανώσεων είναι σχετικά εύκολη για έναν ομοιόμορφο μαστό. Ωστόσο, η απεικόνιση περιορίζεται από την ανομοιομορφία του υγιούς επικείμενου ιστού, που προκύπτει από τον αδενώδη ιστό, τις φλέβες και τους μαλακούς ιστούς στο μαστό. Ανάλογα με το βαθμό της ανομοιομορφίας, την αντίθεση των μCs, και τον τρόπο της επικάλυψης του ιστού, μπορεί να είναι δύσκολο να εντοπιστεί μια μικροαποτιτάνωση, παρόλο που ενδέχεται να υπάρχει επαρκής λόγος αντίθεσης προς θόρυβο (CNR). Η απεικόνιση με αφαιρετική τεχνική διπλής ενέργειας προσφέρει μια εναλλακτική προσέγγιση για την ανίχνευση και απεικόνιση των μCs. Με την τεχνική αυτή, αποκτώνται ξεχωριστά εικόνες υψηλής και χαμηλής ενέργειας και στη συνέχεια αφαιρείται η μια από την άλλη, με σκοπό να μειωθεί η ασάφεια από τις επικαλυπτόμενες δομές του ιστού. Στη παρούσα μελέτη, αναπτύχθηκε αλγόριθμος προσομοίωσης για τον υπολογισμό του SNR για διάφορους παράγοντες απεικόνισης (φάσματα ακτίνων-Χ, μέγεθος αποτιτάνωσης, πάχος μαστού και συνθήκες έκθεσης). Έμφαση δόθηκε στη τροποποίηση των φασμάτων ακτίνων-Χ ώστε να αποκτηθούν όσο το δυνατόν πιο «μονοχρωματικά» φάσματα με τη χρήση της τεχνικής K-edge. Η επιλογή των βέλτιστων φασμάτων υψηλής και χαμηλής ενέργειας βασίστηκε στην αύξηση του SNRtc με ταυτόχρονη μείωση της έκθεσης εισόδου στην επιφάνεια του μαστού ή τη μείωση του συντελεστή διακύμανσης των προσπιπτόντων φωτονίων στην είσοδο του μαστού (CVIinc).

Nature of the Diffuse Source and Its Central Point-like Source in SNR 0509-67.5

Litke, Katrina C., Chu, You-Hua, Holmes, Abigail, Santucci, Robert, Blindauer, Terrence, Gruendl, Robert A., Li, Chuan-Jui, Pan, Kuo-Chuan, Ricker, Paul M., Weisz, Daniel R. 08 March 2017 (has links)
We examine a diffuse emission region near the center of SNR 0509-67.5 to determine its nature. Within this diffuse region we observe a point-like source that is bright in the near-IR, but is not visible in the B and V bands. We consider an emission line observed at 6766 angstrom and the possibilities that it is Ly alpha, H alpha, and [O II] lambda 3727. We examine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the source, comprised of Hubble Space Telescope B, V, I, J, and H bands in addition to Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 mu m bands. The peak of the SED is consistent with a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.8 +/- 0.2 and a possible Balmer jump places the galaxy at z approximate to 0.9 +/- 0.3. These SED considerations support the emission line's identification as [O II] lambda 3727. We conclude that the diffuse source in SNR 0509-67.5 is a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.82. Furthermore, we identify the point-like source superposed near the center of the galaxy as its central bulge. Finally, we find no evidence for a surviving companion star, indicating a double-degenerate origin for SNR 0509-67.5.

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